Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 23 - Highways last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 230.301 - Purpose.

The purpose of the regulations in this subpart is to set forth Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Federal-aid policy and FHWA and State responsibilities relative to a State highway agency's internal equal employment opportunity program and for assuring compliance with the equal employment opportunity requirements of federally-assisted highway construction contracts.

§ 230.303 - Applicability.

The provisions of this subpart are applicable to all States that receive Federal financial assistance in connection with the Federal-aid highway program.

§ 230.305 - Definitions.

As used in this subpart, the following definitions apply:

(a) Affirmative Action Plan means:

(1) With regard to State highway agency work forces, a written document detailing the positive action steps the State highway agency will take to assure internal equal employment opportunity (internal plan).

(2) With regard to Federal-aid construction contract work forces, the Federal equal employment opportunity bid conditions, to be enforced by a State highway agency in the plan areas established by the Secretary of Labor and FHWA special provisions in nonplan areas (external plan).

(b) Equal employment opportunity program means the total State highway agency program, including the affirmative action plans, for ensuring compliance with Federal requirements both in State highway agency internal employment and in employment on Federal-aid construction projects.

(c) Minority groups. An employee may be included in the minority group to which he or she appears to belong, or is regarded in the community as belonging. As defined by U.S. Federal agencies for employment purposes, minority group persons in the U.S. are identified as Blacks (not of Hispanic origin), Hispanics, Asian or Pacific Islanders, and American Indians or Alaskan Natives.

(d) Racial/ethnic identification. For the purpose of this regulation and any accompanying report requirements, an employee may be included in the group to which he or she appears to belong, identifies with, or is regarded in the community as belonging. However, no person should be counted in more than one racial/ethnic category. The following group categories will be used:

(1) The category White (not of Hispanic origin): All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, or the Indian Subcontinent.

(2) The category Black (not of Hispanic origin): All persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups.

(3) The category Hispanic: All persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

(4) The category Asian or Pacific Islanders: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands, and Samoa.

(5) The category American Indian or Alaskan Native: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America.

(e) State means any of the 50 States of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands.

(f) State highway agency means that department, commission, board, or official of any State charged by its laws with the responsibility for highway construction. The term State should be considered equivalent to State highway agency if the context so implies.

[41 FR 28270, July 9, 1976, as amended at 41 FR 46293, Oct. 20, 1976]
§ 230.307 - Policy.

Every employee and representative of State highway agencies shall perform all official equal employment opportunity actions in an affirmative manner, and in full accord with applicable statutes, executive orders, regulations, and policies enunciated thereunder, to assure the equality of employment opportunity, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin both in its own work force and in the work forces of contractors, subcontractors, and material suppliers engaged in the performance of Federal-aid highway construction contracts.

§ 230.309 - Program format.

It is essential that a standardized Federal approach be taken in assisting the States in development and implementation of EEO programs. The format set forth in appendix A provides that standardized approach. State equal employment opportunity programs that meet or exceed the prescribed standards will comply with basic FHWA requirements.

§ 230.311 - State responsibilities.

(a) Each State highway agency shall prepare and submit an updated equal employment opportunity program, one year from the date of approval of the preceding program by the Federal Highway Administrator, over the signature of the head of the State highway agency, to the Federal Highway Administrator through the FHWA Division Administrator. The program shall consist of the following elements:

(1) The collection and analysis of internal employment data for its entire work force in the manner prescribed in part II, paragraph III of appendix A; and

(2) The equal employment opportunity program, including the internal affirmative action plan, in the format and manner set forth in appendix A.

(b) In preparation of the program required by § 230.311(a), the State highway agency shall consider and respond to written comments from FHWA regarding the preceding program.

§ 230.313 - Approval procedure.

After reviewing the State highway agency equal employment opportunity program and the summary analysis and recommendations from the FHWA regional office, the Washington Headquarters Office of Civil Rights staff will recommend approval or disapproval of the program to the Federal Highway Administrator. The State highway agency will be advised of the Administrator's decision. Each program approval is effective for a period of one year from date of approval.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 230—State Highway Agency Equal Employment Opportunity Programs

Each State highway agency's (SHA) equal employment opportunity (EEO) program shall be in the format set forth herein and shall address Contractor Compliance (part I) and SHA Internal Employment (part II), including the organizational structure of the SHA total EEO Program (internal and external).

part i—contractor compliance

I. Organization and structure. A. Statehighway agency EEO Coordinator (External) and staff support. 1. Describe the organizational location and responsibilities of the State highway agency EEO Coordinator. (Provided organization charts of the State highway agency and of the EEO staff.)

2. Indicate whether full or part-time; if part-time, indicate percentage of time devoted to EEO.

3. Indicate length of time in position, civil rights experience and training, and supervision.

4. Indicate whether compliance program is centralized or decentralized.

5. Identify EEO Coordinator's staff support (full- and part-time) by job title and indicate areas of their responsibilities.

6. Identify any other individuals in the central office having a responsibility for the implementation of this program and describe their respective roles and training received in program area.

B. District or division personnel. 1. Describe the responsibilities and duties of any district EEO personnel. Identify to whom they report.

2. Explain whether district EEO personnel are full-time or have other responsibilities such as labor compliance or engineering.

3. Describe training provided for personnel having EEO compliance responsibility.

C. Project personnel. Describe the EEO role of project personnel.

II. Compliance procedures. A. Applicable directives. 1. FHWA Contract Compliance Procedures.

2. EEO Special Provisions (FHWA Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual, vol. 6, chap. 4, sec. 1, subsec. 2, Attachment 1) 1

1 The Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual is available for inspection and copying at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, or at FHWA offices listed in 49 CFR part 7, appendix D.

3. Training Special Provisions (FHWA Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual, vol. 6, chap. 4, sec. 1, subsec. 2, Attachment 2) 1

4. FHWA Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual, vol. 6, chap. 4, sec. 1, subsec. 6 (Contract Procedures), and subsec. 8 (Minority Business Enterprise). 1

B. Implementation. 1. Describe process (methods) of incorporating the above FHWA directives into the SHA compliance program.

2. Describe the methods used by the State to familiarize State compliance personnel with all FHWA contract compliance directives. Indicate frequency of work shops, training sessions, etc.

3. Describe the procedure for advising the contractor of the EEO contract requirements at any preconstruction conference held in connection with a Federal-aid contract.

III. Accomplishments. Describe accomplishments in the construction EEO compliance program during the past fiscal year.

A. Regular project compliance review program. This number should include at least all of the following items:

1. Number of compliance reviews conducted.

2. Number of contractors reviewed.

3. Number of contractors found in compliance.

4. Number of contractors found in noncompliance.

5. Number of show cause notices issued.

6. Number of show cause notices rescinded.

7. Number of show cause actions still under conciliation and unresolved.

8. Number of followup reviews conducted.


In addition to information requested in items 4-8 above, include a brief summary of total show cause and followup activities—findings and achievements.)

B. Consolidated compliance reviews. 1. Identify the target areas that have been reviewed since the inception of the consolidated compliance program. Briefly summarize total findings.

2. Identify any significant impact or effect of this program on contractor compliance.

C. Home office reviews. If the State conducts home office reviews, describe briefly the procedures followed by State.

D. Major problems encountered. Describe major problems encountered in connection with any review activities during the past fiscal year.

E. Major breakthroughs. Comment briefly on any major breakthrough or other accomplishment significant to the compliance review program.

IV. Areawide plans/Hometown and Imposed (if applicable). A. Provide overall analysis of the effectiveness of each areawide plan in the State.

B. Indicate by job titles the number of State personnel involved in the collection, consolidation, preparation, copying, reviewing, analysis, and transmittal of area plan reports (Contracting Activity and Post Contract Implementation). Estimate the amount of time (number of hours) spent collectively on this activity each month. How does the State use the plan report data?

C. Identify Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) area plan audits or compliance checks in which State personnel participated during the last fiscal year. On the average, how many hours have been spent on these audits and/or checks during the past fiscal year?

D. Describe the working relationship of State EEO compliance personnel with representatives of plan administrative committee(s).

E. Provide recommendations for improving the areawide plan program and the reporting system.

V. Contract sanctions. A. Describe the procedures used by the State to impose contract sanctions or institute legal proceedings.

B. Indicate the State or Federal laws which are applicable.

C. Does the State withhold a contractor's progress payments for failure to comply with EEO requirements? If so, identify contractors involved in such actions during the past fiscal year. If not, identify other actions taken.

VI. Complaints. A. Describe the State's procedures for handling discrimination complaints against contractors.

B. If complaints are referred to a State fair employment agency or similar agency, describe the referral procedure.

C. Identify the Federal-aid highway contractors that have had discrimination complaints filed against them during the past fiscal year and provide current status.

VII. External training programs, including supportive services. A. Describe the State's process for reviewing the work classifications of trainees to determine that there is a proper and reasonable distribution among appropriate craft.

B. Describe the State's procedures for identifying the number of minorities and women who have completed training programs.

C. Describe the extent of participation by women in construction training programs.

D. Describe the efforts made by the State to locate and use the services of qualified minority and female supportive service consultants. Indicate if the State's supportive service contractor is a minority or female owned enterprise.

E. Describe the extent to which reports from the supportive service contractors provide sufficient data to evaluate the status of training programs, with particular reference to minorities and women.

VIII. Minority business enterprise program. FHPM 6-4-1-8 sets forth the FHWA policy regarding the minority business enterprise program. The implementation of this program should be explained by responding to the following:

A. Describe the method used for listing of minority contractors capable of, or interested in, highway construction contracting or subcontracting. Describe the process used to circulate names of appropriate minority firms and associations to contractors obtaining contract proposals.

B. Describe the State's procedure for insuring that contractors take action to affirmatively solicit the interest, capability, and prices of potential minority subcontractors.

C. Describe the State's procedure for insuring that contractors have designated liaison officers to administer the minority business enterprise program in an effective manner. Specify resource material, including contracts, which the State provides to liaison officers.

D. Describe the action the State has taken to meet its goals for prequalification or licensing of minority business. Include dollar goals established for the year, and describe what criteria or formula the State has adopted for setting such goals. If it is different from the previous year, describe in detail.

E. Outline the State's procedure for evaluating its prequalification/licensing requirements.

F. Identify instances where the State has waived prequalification for subcontractors on Federal-aid construction work or for prime contractors on Federal-aid contracts with an estimated dollar value lower than $100,000.

G. Describe the State's methods of monitoring the progress and results of its minority business enterprise efforts.

IX. Liaison. Describe the liaison established by the State between public (State, county, and municpal) agencies and private organizations involved in EEO programs. How is the liaison maintained on a continuing basis?

X. Innovative programs. Identify any innovative EEO programs or management procedures initiated by the State and not previously covered.

part ii—state highway agency employment

I. General. The State highway agency's (SHA) internal program is an integral part of the agency's total activities. It should include the involvement, commitment and support of executives, managers, supervisors and all other employees. For effective administration and implementation of the EEO Program, an affirmative action plan (AAP) is required. The scope of an EEO program and an AAP must be comprehensive, covering all elements of the agency's personnel management policies and practices. The major part of an AAP must be recognition and removal of any barriers to equal employment opportunity, identification of problem areas and of persons unfairly excluded or held back and action enabling them to compete for jobs on an equal basis. An effective AAP not only benefits those who have been denied equal employment opportunity but will also greatly benefit the organization which often has overlooked, screened out or underutilized the great reservoir of untapped human resources and skills, especially among women and minority groups.

Set forth are general guidelines designed to assist the State highway agencies in implementing internal programs, including the development and implementation of AAP's to ensure fair and equal treatment for all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in all employment practices.

II. Administration and implementation. The head of each State highway agency is responsible for the overall administration of the internal EEO program, including the total integration of equal opportunity into all facets of personnel management. However, specific program responsibilities should be assigned for carrying out the program at all management levels.

To ensure effectiveness in the implementation of the internal EEO program, a specific and realistic AAP should be developed. It should include both short and long-range objectives, with priorities and target dates for achieving goals and measuring progress, according to the agency's individual need to overcome existing problems.

A. State Highway Agency Affirmative Action Officer (internal). 1. Appointment of Affirmative Action Officer. The head of the SHA should appoint a qualified Affirmative Action (AA) Officer (Internal EEO Officer) with responsibility and authority to implement the internal EEO program. In making the selection, the following factors should be considered:

a. The person appointed should have proven ability to accomplish major program goals.

b. Managing the internal EEO program requires a major time commitment; it cannot be added on to an existing full-time job.

c. Appointing qualified minority and/or female employees to head or staff the program may offer good role models for present and potential employees and add credibility to the programs involved. However, the most essential requirements for such position(s) are sensitivity to varied ways in which discrimination limits job opportunities, commitment to program goals and sufficient status and ability to work with others in the agency to achieve them.

2. Responsibilities of the Affirmative Action Officer. The responsibilities of the AA Officer should include, but not necessarily be limited to:

a. Developing the written AAP.

b. Publicizing its content internally and externally.

c. Assisting managers and supervisors in collecting and analyzing employment data, identifying problem areas, setting goals and timetables and developing programs to achieve goals. Programs should include specific remedies to eliminate any discriminatory practices discovered in the employment system.

d. Handling and processing formal discrimination complaints.

e. Designing, implementing and monitoring internal audit and reporting systems to measure program effectiveness and to determine where progress has been made and where further action is needed.

f. Reporting, at least quarterly, to the head of the SHA on progress and deficiencies of each unit in relation to agency goals.

g. In addition, consider the creation of:

(1) An EEO Advisory Committee, whose membership would include top management officials,

(2) An EEO Employee Committee, whose membership would include rank and file employees, with minority and female representatives from various job levels and departments to meet regularly with the AA officer, and

(3) An EEO Counseling Program to attempt informal resolution of discrimination complaints.

B. Contents of an affirmative action plan. The Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) is an integral part of the SHA's EEO program. Although the style and format of AAP's may vary from one SHA to another, the basic substance will generally be the same. The essence of the AAP should include, but not necessarily be limited to:

1. Inclusion of a strong agency policy statement of commitment to EEO.

2. Assignment of responsibility and authority for program to a qualified individual.

3. A survey of the labor market area in terms of population makeup, skills, and availability for employment.

4. Analyzing the present work force to identify jobs, departments and units where minorities and females are underutilized.

5. Setting specific, measurable, attainable hiring and promotion goals, with target dates, in each area of underutilization.

6. Making every manager and supervisor responsible and accountable for meeting these goals.

7. Reevaluating job descriptions and hiring criteria to assure that they reflect actual job needs.

8. Finding minorities and females who are qualified or qualifiable to fill jobs.

9. Getting minorities and females into upward mobility and relevant training programs where they have not had previous access.

10. Developing systems to monitor and measure progress regularly. If results are not satisfactory to meet goals, determine the reasons and make necessary changes.

11. Developing a procedure whereby employees and applicants may process allegations of discrimination to an impartial body without fear of reprisal.

C. Implementation of an affirmative action plan. The written AAP is the framework and management tool to be used at all organizational levels to actively implement, measure and evaluate program progress on the specific action items which represent EEO program problems or deficiencies. The presence of a written plan alone does not constitute an EEO program, nor is it, in itself, evidence of an ongoing program. As a minimum, the following specific actions should be taken.

1. Issue written equal employment opportunity policy statement and affirmative action commitment. To be effective, EEO policy provisions must be enforced by top management, and all employees must be made aware that EEO is basic agency policy. The head of the SHA (1) should issue a firm statement of personal commitment, legal obligation and the importance of EEO as an agency goal, and (2) assign specific responsibility and accountability to each executive, manager and supervisor.

The statement should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following elements:

a. EEO for all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex or national origin as a fundamental agency policy.

b. Personal commitment to and support of EEO by the head of the SHA.

c. The requirement that special affirmative action be taken throughout the agency to overcome the effects of past discrimination.

d. The requirement that the EEO program be a goal setting program with measurement and evaluation factors similar to other major agency programs.

e. Equal opportunity in all employment practices, including (but not limited to) recruiting, hiring, transfers, promotions, training, compensation, benefits, recognition (awards), layoffs, and other terminations.

f. Responsibility for positive affirmative action in the discharge of EEO programs, including performance evaluations of managers and supervisors in such functions, will be expected of and shared by all management personnel.

g. Accountability for action or inaction in the area of EEO by management personnel.

2. Publicize the affirmative action plan. a. Internally: (1) Distribute written communications from the head of the SHA.

(2) Include the AAP and the EEO policy statement in agency operations manual.

(3) Hold individual meetings with managers and supervisors to discuss the program, their individual responsibilities and to review progress.

(4) Place Federal and State EEO posters on bulletin boards, near time clocks and in personnel offices.

(5) Publicize the AAP in the agency newsletters and other publications.

(6) Present and discuss the AAP as a part of employee orientation and all training programs.

(7) Invite employee organization representatives to cooperate and assist in developing and implementing the AAP.

b. Externally: Distribute the AAP to minority groups and women's organizations, community action groups, appropriate State agencies, professional organizations, etc.

3. Develop and implement specific programs to eliminate discriminatory barriers and achieve goals. a. Job structuring and upward mobility: The AAP should include specific provisions for:

(1) Periodic classification plan reviews to correct inaccurate position descriptions and to ensure that positions are allocated to the appropriate classification.

(2) Plans to ensure that all qualification requirements are closely job related.

(3) Efforts to restructure jobs and establish entry level and trainee positions to facilitate progression within occupational areas.

(4) Career counseling and guidance to employees.

(5) Creating career development plans for lower grade employees who are underutilized or who demonstrate potential for advancement.

(6) Widely publicizing upward mobility programs and opportunities within each work unit and within the total organizational structure.

b. Recruitment and placement. The AAP should include specific provisions for, but not necessarily limited to:

(1) Active recruitment efforts to support and supplement those of the central personnel agency or department, reaching all appropriate sources to obtain qualified employees on a nondiscriminatory basis.

(2) Maintaining contracts with organizations representing minority groups, women, professional societies, and other sources of candidates for technical, professional and management level positions.

(3) Ensuring that recruitment literature is relevant to all employees, including minority groups and women.

(4) Reviewing and monitoring recruitment and placement procedures so as to assure that no discriminatory practices exist.

(5) Cooperating with management and the central personnel agency on the review and validation of written tests and other selection devices.

(6) Analyzing the flow of applicants through the selection and appointment process, including an analytical review of reasons for rejections.

(7) Monitoring the placement of employees to ensure the assignment of work and workplace on a nondiscriminatory basis.

c. Promotions. The AAP should include specific provisions for, but not necessarily limited to:

1. Establishing an agency-wide merit promotion program, including a merit promotion plan, to provide equal opportunity for all persons based on merit and without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

2. Monitoring the operation of the merit promotion program, including a review of promotion actions, to assure that requirements procedures and practices support EEO program objectives and do not have a discriminatory impact in actual operation.

3. Establishing skills banks to match employee skills with available job advancement opportunities.

4. Evaluating promotion criteria (supervisory evaluations, oral interviews, written tests, qualification standards, etc.) and their use by selecting officials to identify and eliminate factors which may lead to improper “selection out” of employees or applicants, particularly minorities and women, who traditionally have not had access to better jobs. It may be appropriate to require selecting officials to submit a written justification when well qualified persons are passed over for upgrading or promotion.

5. Assuring that all job vacancies are posted conspicuously and that all employees are encouraged to bid on all jobs for which they feel they are qualified.

6. Publicizing the agency merit promotion program by highlighting breakthrough promotions, i.e., advancement of minorities and women to key jobs, new career heights, etc.

d. Training. The AAP should include specific provisions for, but not necessarily limited to:

(1) Requiring managers and supervisors to participate in EEO seminars covering the AAP, the overall EEO program and the administration of the policies and procedures incorporated therein, and on Federal, State and local laws relating to EEO.

(2) Training in proper interviewing techniques of employees who conduct employment selection interviews.

(3) Training and education programs designed to provide opportunities for employees to advance in relation to the present and projected manpower needs of the agency and the employees' career goals.

(4) The review of profiles of training course participants to ensure that training opportunities are being offered to all eligible employees on an equal basis and to correct any inequities discovered.

e. Layoffs, recalls, discharges, demotions, and disciplinary actions. The standards for deciding when a person shall be terminated, demoted, disciplined, laid off or recalled should be the same for all employees, including minorities and females. Seemingly neutral practices should be reexamined to see if they have a disparate effect on such groups. For example, if more minorities and females are being laid off because they were the last hired, then, adjustments should be made to assure that the minority and female ratios do not decrease because of these actions.

(1) When employees, particularly minorities and females, are disciplined, laid off, discharged or downgraded, it is advisable that the actions be reviewed by the AA Officer before they become final.

(2) Any punitive action (i.e., harassment, terminations, demotions), taken as a result of employees filing discrimination complaints, is illegal.

(3) The following records should be kept to monitor this area of the internal EEO program:

On all terminations, including layoffs and discharges: indicate total number, name, (home address and phone number), employment date, termination date, recall rights, sex, racial/ethnic identification (by job category), type of termination and reason for termination.

On all demotions: indicate total number, name, (home address and phone number), demotion date, sex, racial/ethnic identification (by job category), and reason for demotion.

On all recalls: indicate total number, name, (home address and phone number) recall date, sex, and racial/ethnic identification (by job category).

Exit interviews should be conducted with employees who leave the employment of the SHA.

f. Other personnel actions. The AAP should include specific provisions for, but not necessarily limited to:

(1) Assuring that information on EEO counseling and grievance procedures is easily available to all employees.

(2) A system for processing complaints alleging discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin to an impartial body.

(3) A system for processing grievances and appeals (i.e., disciplinary actions, adverse actions, adverse action appeals, etc).

(4) Including in the performance appraisal system a factor to rate manager's and supervisors' performance in discharging the EEO program responsibilities assigned to them.

(5) Reviewing and monitoring the performance appraisal program periodically to determine its objectivity and effectiveness.

(6) Ensuring the equal availability of employee benefits to all employees.

4. Program evaluation. An internal reporting system to continually audit, monitor and evaluate programs is essential for a successful AAP. Therefore, a system providing for EEO goals, timetables, and periodic evaluations needs to be established and implemented. Consideration should be given to the following actions:

a. Defining the major objectives of EEO program evaluation.

b. The evaluation should be directed toward results accomplished, not only at efforts made.

c. The evaluation should focus attention on assessing the adequacy of problem identification in the AAP and the extent to which the specific action steps in the plan provide solutions.

d. The AAP should be reviewed and evaluated at least annually. The review and evaluation procedures should include, but not be limited to, the following:

(1) Each bureau, division or other major component of the agency should make annual and such other periodic reports as are needed to provide an accurate review of the operations of the AAP in that component.

(2) The AA Officer should make an annual report to the head of the SHA, containing the overall status of the program, results achieved toward established objectives, identity of any particular problems encountered and recommendations for corrective actions needed.

e. Specific, numerical goals and objectives should be established for the ensuing year. Goals should be developed for the SHA as a whole, as well as for each unit and each job category.

III. Employment statistical data. A. As a minimum, furnish the most recent data on the following:

1. The total population in the State,

2. The total labor market in State, with a breakdown by racial/ethnic identification and sex, and

3. An analysis of (1) and (2) above, in connection with the availability of personnel and jobs within SHA's.

B. State highway agencies shall use the EEO-4 Form in providing current work force data. This data shall reflect only State department of transportation/State highway department employment.

[41 FR 28270, July 9, 1976, as amended at 41 FR 46294, Oct. 20, 1976; 74 FR 28442, June 16, 2009]
source: 40 FR 28053, July 3, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 23 CFR 230.313