Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 23 - Highways last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 620.201 - Purpose.

To prescribe Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) procedures relating to relinquishment of highway facilities.

§ 620.202 - Applicability.

The provisions of this subpart apply to highway facilities where Federal-aid funds have participated in either right-of-way or physical construction costs of a project. The provisions of this subpart apply only to relinquishment of facilities for continued highway purposes. Other real property disposals and modifications or disposal of access rights are governed by the requirements of 23 CFR part 710.

[64 FR 71289, Dec. 21, 1999]
§ 620.203 - Procedures.

(a) After final acceptance of a project on the Federal-aid primary, urban, or secondary system or after the date that the plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for the physical construction on the right-of-way for a Federal-aid Interstate project have been approved by the FHWA, relinquishment of the right-of-way or any change made in control of access shall be in accordance with the provisions of this section. For the purposes of this section, final acceptance for a project involving physical construction is the date of the acceptance of the physical construction by the FHWA and for right-of-way projects, the date the division engineer determines to be the date of the completion of the acquisition of the right-of-way shown on the final plans.

(b) Other than a conveyance made as part of a concession agreement as defined in section 710.703, for purposes of this section, relinquishment is defined as the conveyance of a portion of a highway right-of-way or facility by a State highway agency (SHA) to another Government agency for highway use.

(c) The following facilities may be relinquished in accordance with paragraph 203(f):

(1) Sections of a State highway which have been superseded by construction on new location and removed from the Federal-aid system and the replaced section thereof is approved by the FHWA as the new location of the Federal-aid route. Federal-aid funds may not participate in rehabilitation work performed for the purpose of placing the superseded section of the highway in a condition acceptable to the local authority. The relinquishment of any Interstate mileage shall be submitted to the Federal Highway Administrator as a special case for prior approval.

(2) Sections of reconstructed local facilities that are located outside the control of access lines, such as turn-arounds of severed local roads or streets adjacent to the Federal-aid project's right-of-way, and local roads and streets crossing over or under said project that have been adjusted in grade and/or alignment, including new right-of-way required for adjustments. Eligibility for Federal-aid participation in the costs of the foregoing adjustments is as determined at the time of PS&E approval under policies of the FHWA.

(3) Frontage roads or portions thereof that are constructed generally parallel to and outside the control of access lines of a Federal-aid project for the purpose of permitting access to private properties rather than to serve as extensions of ramps to connect said Federal-aid project with the nearest crossroad or street.

(d) The following facilities may be relinquished only with the approval of the Federal Highway Administrator in accordance with paragraph 203(g).

(1) Frontage roads or portions thereof located outside the access control lines of a Federal-aid project that are constructed to service (in lieu of or in addition to the purposes outlined under paragraph (c)(3) of this section) as connections between ramps to or from the Federal-aid project and existing public roads or streets.

(2) Ramps constructed to serve as connections for interchange of traffic between the Federal-aid project and local roads or streets.

(e) Where a frontage road is not on an approved Federal-aid system title to the right-of-way may be acquired initially in the name of the political subdivision which is to assume control thus eliminating the necessity of a formal transfer later. Such procedure would be subject to prior FHWA approval and would be limited to those facilities which meet the criteria set forth in paragraphs (c) (2) and (3) of this section.

(f) Upon presentation by a State that it intends to relinquish facilities such as described in paragraph (c) (1), (2) or (3) of this section to local authorities, the division engineer of the FHWA shall have appropriate field and office examination made thereof to assure that such relinquishments are in accordance with the provisions of the cited paragraphs. Relinquishments of the types described in paragraph (c) (1), (2) or (3) of this section may be made on an individual basis or on a project or route basis subject to the following conditions and understandings:

(1) Immediately following action by the State in approving a relinquishment, it shall furnish to the Division Administrator for record purposes a copy of a suitable map or maps identified by the Federal-aid project number, with the facilities to be relinquished and the date of such relinquishment action clearly delineated thereon.

(2) If it is found at any time after relinquishment that a relinquished facility is in fact required for the safe and proper operation of the Federal-aid highway, the State shall take immediate action to restore such facility to its jurisdiction without cost to Federal-aid highway funds.

(3) If it is found at any time that a relinquished frontage road or portion thereof or any part of the right-of-way therefor has been abandoned by local governmental authority and a showing cannot be made that such abandoned facility is no longer required as a public road, it is to be understood that the Federal Highway Administrator may cause to be withheld from Federal-aid highway funds due to the State an amount equal to the Federal-aid participation in the abandoned facility.

(4) In no case shall any relinquishment include any portion of the right-of-way within the access control lines as shown on the plans for a Federal-aid project approved by the FHWA, without the prior approval of the Federal Highway Administrator.

(5) There cannot be additional Federal-aid participation in future construction or reconstruction on any relinquished “off the Federal-aid system” facility unless the underlying reason for such future work is caused by future improvement of the associated Federal-aid highway.

(g) In the event that a State desires to apply for approval by the Federal Highway Administrator for the relinquishment of a facility such as described in paragraph (d) (1) and (2) of this section, the facts pertinent to such proposal are to be presented to the division engineer of the FHWA. The division engineer shall have appropriate review made of such presentation and forward the material presented by the State together with his findings thereon through the Regional Federal Highway Administrator for consideration by the Federal Highway Administrator and determination of action to be taken.

(h) No change may be made in control of access, without the joint determination and approval of the SHA and FHWA. This would not prevent the relinquishment of title, without prior approval of the FHWA, of a segment of the right-of-way provided there is an abandonment of a section of highway inclusive of such segment.

(i) Relinquishments must be justified by the State's finding concurred in by the FHWA, that:

(1) The subject land will not be needed for Federal-aid highway purposes in the foreseeable future;

(2) That the right-of-way being retained is adequate under present day standards for the facility involved;

(3) That the release will not adversely affect the Federal-aid highway facility or the traffic thereon;

(4) That the lands to be relinquished are not suitable for retention in order to restore, preserve, or improve the scenic beauty adjacent to the highway consonant with the intent of 23 U.S.C. 319 and Pub. L. 89-285, Title III, sections 302-305 (Highway Beautification Act of 1965).

(j) If a relinquishment is to a Federal, State, or local government agency for highway purposes, there need not be a charge to the said agency, nor in such event any credit to Federal funds. If for any reason there is a charge, the STD may retain the Federal share of the proceeds if used for projects eligible under title 23 of the United States Code.

[39 FR 33311, Sept. 17, 1974, as amended at 64 FR 71289, Dec. 21, 1999; 73 FR 77502, Dec. 19, 2008]
authority: 23 U.S.C. 315 and 318; 49 CFR 1.48, 23 CFR 1.32
source: 39 FR 33311, Sept. 17, 1974, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 23 CFR 620.201