The purpose of this subpart is to prescribe procedures for advancing the construction of Federal-aid highway projects without obligating Federal funds apportioned or allocated to the State.
(a) The State Department of Transportation (DOT) may proceed with a project authorized in accordance with title 23, United States Code:
(1) Without the use of Federal funds; and
(2) In accordance with all procedures and requirements applicable to the project other than those procedures and requirements that limit the State to implementation of a project—
(i) With the aid of Federal funds previously apportioned or allocated to the State; or
(ii) With obligation authority previously allocated to the State.
(b) The FHWA, on the request of a State and execution of a project agreement, may obligate all or a portion of the Federal share of a project authorized to proceed under this section from any category of funds for which the project is eligible.
[73 FR 50196, Aug. 26, 2008]
(a) An advance construction project shall meet the same requirements and be processed in the same manner as a regular Federal-aid project, except,
(1) The FHWA authorization does not constitute any commitment of Federal funds on the project, and
(2) The FHWA shall not reimburse the State until the project is converted under § 630.709.
(b) Project numbers shall be identified by the letters “AC” preceding the regular project number prefix.
[60 FR 36993, July 19, 1995, as amended at 68 FR 60033, Oct. 21, 2003]
(a) The State Department of Transportation may submit a written request to the FHWA that a project be converted to a regular Federal-aid project at any time provided that sufficient Federal-aid funds and obligation authority are available.
(b) Subsequent to FHWA approval the State Department of Transportation may claim reimbursement for the Federal share of project costs incurred, provided the project agreement has been executed. If the State Department of Transportation has previously submitted a final voucher, the FHWA will process the voucher for payment.
[60 FR 36993, July 19, 1995, as amended at 73 FR 50196, Aug. 26, 2008]
authority: 23 U.S.C. 106,
and; Sec. 1110, 1501, and 1503 of Pub. L. 109-59, 119 Stat. 1144; Pub. L. 105-178, 112 Stat. 193; Pub. L. 104-59, 109 Stat. 582; Pub. L. 97-424, 96 Stat. 2106; Pub. L. 90-495, 82 Stat. 828; Pub. L. 85-767, 72 Stat. 896; Pub. L. 84-627, 70 Stat. 380;
23 CFR 1.32 and
49 CFR 1.81 and 1.85, and Pub. L. 112-141, 126 Stat. 405, sections 1303 and 1405
cite as: 23 CFR 630.703