Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 401.200 - Who may be a PAE?

A PAE must qualify under the definition in section 512(10) of MAHRA. It must not have any outstanding violations of civil rights laws, determined in accordance with criteria in use by HUD. If the PAE is a private entity, whether nonprofit or for-profit, it must enter into a partnership with a public purpose entity, which may include HUD. A PAE may delegate responsibilities only as agreed in the PRA.

§ 401.201 - How does HUD select PAEs?

(a) Selection of PAE. HUD will select qualified PAEs in accordance with the criteria established in 513(b) of MAHRA and criteria established by HUD. The selection method is within HUD's discretion, including but not limited to a request for qualifications.

(b) Priority for public agencies. HUD will provide a one-time priority period for State housing finance agencies and local housing agencies to qualify as the PAEs for their jurisdictions. If more than one agency qualifies for the same jurisdiction, HUD will provide an opportunity for the agencies to allocate responsibility for projects in the jurisdiction. If the agencies are unable to agree, HUD will choose a PAE in accordance with section 513(b)(2) of MAHRA.

(c) Qualification for PAE by nonprofit and for-profit entities. After the priority period expires, HUD will consider other eligible entities as PAEs for jurisdictions in which no public agency has qualified as the PAE, or for projects that have not been assigned to a qualified public agency.

(d) No PAE for project. If HUD does not select a PAE for a project, HUD may perform the functions of the PAE, or contract with other qualified entities to perform those functions.

§ 401.300 - What is a PRA?

A PRA is an agreement between HUD and a PAE that delineates rights and responsibilities in connection with development and implementation of a Restructuring Plan. The PRA must contain or incorporate by reference the matters required by section 513(a)(2) of MAHRA and §§ 401.301 through 401.314, as well as other terms and conditions required by HUD.

§ 401.301 - Partnership arrangements.

If the PAE is in a partnership, the PRA must specify the following:

(a) The responsibilities of each partner regarding the Restructuring Plan;

(b) The resources each partner will provide to accomplish its designated responsibilities; and

(c) All compensation to each partner, whether direct or indirect.

§ 401.302 - PRA administrative requirements.

(a) Inapplicability of certain requirements. Part 200 of 2 CFR and contract procurement requirements do not apply to a PRA.

(b) Recordkeeping. The PAE must keep complete and accurate records of all activities related to the PAE's performance under the PRA. The PAE must retain the records for at least 3 years after the PRA terminates.

(c) Inspection of records and audit. Upon reasonable notice, the PAE must permit the Comptroller General of the United States and HUD (including representatives of the HUD Office of Inspector General) to inspect, audit, and copy any records required to be retained under this section.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 80 FR 75936, Dec. 7, 2015]
§ 401.303 - PRA indemnity provisions for SHFAs and HAs.

When a PRA requires HUD to indemnify a PAE in accordance with section 513(a)(2)(G) of MAHRA, any payment under this indemnity is contingent upon the availability of funds that are permitted by law to be used for this purpose.

§ 401.304 - PRA provisions on PAE compensation.

(a) Base fee. (1) The PRA will provide for base fees to be paid by HUD.

(2) HUD will establish a substantially uniform baseline for base fees for public entities. The base fee for a PAE will be adjusted, if necessary, after the first term of the PRA.

(3) Private PAEs will be compensated based on the results of a competitive bid process which evaluates bidders' capability, timeliness, ability to work with tenant and community groups, and cost.

(b) Incentives. The PRA may provide for incentives to be paid by HUD. While individual components may vary between PAEs (both public and private), the total amount potentially payable under the incentive package will be uniform. Objectives may include maximizing savings to the Federal Government, timely performance, tenant satisfaction with the PAE's performance, the infusion of public funds from non-HUD sources, and other benchmarks that HUD considers appropriate.

(c) Expenses. The PRA will identify expenses incurred by the PAE that will qualify for reimbursement by HUD. Limits on these expenses will be established annually by HUD, but HUD may waive the limits for high-cost areas.

(d) Other matters. HUD will retain the right of final approval of any fee schedule. HUD will publish the standard form of PRA and the compensation package annually on its Internet Web site.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 72 FR 66038, Nov. 26, 2007]
§ 401.309 - PRA term and termination provisions; other provisions.

(a) 1-year term with renewals. The PRA will have a term of 1 year, to be renewed for successive terms of 1 year with the mutual agreement of both parties. The PRA will provide for HUD to pay final compensation to the PAE and to assign responsibility for continuing activities if the PRA is not renewed.

(b) Termination for cause or convenience of Federal Government—(1) Termination for cause. HUD may terminate a PRA at any time for cause, with payment required by HUD as provided in the PRA only for matters authorized by the PRA and performed by the PAE to the date of termination. HUD will retain the right of set-off against any payments due as well as such other rights afforded at law and in equity.

(2) Termination for convenience of Federal Government. HUD may terminate a PRA, and may remove an eligible property from a PRA, at any time in accordance with the PRA or applicable law, regardless of whether the PAE is in default of any of its obligations under the PRA, if such termination is in the best interests of the Federal Government. The PRA will provide for payment to the PAE of a specified percentage of the base fee authorized by § 401.304(a) and amounts for reimbursement of third-party vendors to the PAE authorized by § 401.304(c).

(3) Transfer to another PAE; temporary waiver of rights. If a PRA is terminated:

(i) HUD may order an immediate transfer of some or all of the PAE's duties to another PAE designated by HUD; and

(ii) HUD may temporarily waive its right of immediate termination in order to allow an orderly transfer of duties and responsibilities under a PRA, without waiving the right of termination after the transfer has been completed to HUD's satisfaction.

(c) Liability for damages. During the term of a PRA, and notwithstanding any termination of a PRA, HUD may seek its actual, direct, and consequential damages from any PAE for failure to comply with its obligations under PRA.

(d) Cumulative remedies. The remedies under this section are cumulative and in addition to any other remedies or rights HUD may have under the terms of the PRA, at law, or otherwise.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 72 FR 66038, Nov. 26, 2007]
§ 401.310 - Conflicts of interest.

(a) Definitions. (1) Conflict of interest means a situation in which a PAE or other restricted person:

(i) Has a financial interest, direct or indirect, that prevents or may prevent the PAE or other restricted person from acting at all times in the best interests of HUD;

(ii) Has one or more personal, business, or financial interests or relationships that would cause a reasonable person with knowledge of the relevant facts to question the integrity or impartiality of those who are or will be acting under the PRA; or

(iii) Is taking an adverse position to HUD or to an owner whose project is covered by a PRA in a lawsuit, administrative proceeding, or other contested matter.

(2) Control means the power to vote, directly or indirectly, 25 percent or more of any class of the voting stock of a company; the ability to direct in any manner the election of a majority of a company (or other entity's) directors or trustees; or the ability to exercise a controlling influence over the company or entity's management and policies. For purposes of this definition, a general partner of a limited partnership is presumed to be in control of that partnership.

(3) Restricted person means a PAE; any management official of the PAE; any legal entity that is under the control of the PAE, is in control of the PAE, or is under common control with the PAE; or any employee, agent or contractor of the PAE, or employee of such agent or contractor, who will perform or has performed services under a PRA with HUD.

(b) General prohibitions. (1) The PAE may not permit conflicts of interest to exist without obtaining a waiver in accordance with this section.

(2) The PAE must establish procedures to identify conflicts of interest and to ensure that conflicts of interest do not arise or continue, subject to waiver under paragraph (c) of this section.

(3) HUD will not enter into PRAs with potential PAEs who have conflicts of interest associated with a particular project, or permit PAEs to continue performance under existing PRAs when such PAEs have conflicts of interest, unless such conflicts have been eliminated to HUD's satisfaction by the PAE or potential PAE or are waived by HUD.

(4) The PAE has a continuing obligation to take all action necessary to identify whether it or any other restricted person has a conflict of interest.

(c) Waivers. HUD will waive conflicts of interest only when, in light of all relevant circumstances, the interests of HUD in the PAE's or another restricted persons's participation outweigh the concern that a reasonable person may question the integrity of HUD's operations.

(d) Conflicts of interest arising prior to PAE selection—(1) Request for review of conflicts of interest. (i) A potential PAE, with its request to HUD for consideration for selection as a PAE, must identify existing conflicts of interest and may make a written request for a determination as to the existence of a conflict of interest, may request that the conflict of interest, if any, be waived, or may propose how it could eliminate the conflict.

(ii) If, after submitting a request but prior to selection, a potential PAE discovers that it has a conflict, it must notify HUD in writing within 10 days of submitting the request or prior to selection, whichever is earlier. Such notification must contain a detailed description of the conflict. The potential PAE may, with its notification, request that the conflict be waived or may propose how it may eliminate the conflict. The potential PAE may also request a determination as to the existence of the conflict. The potential PAE may also request a determination as to the existence of the conflict.

(2) Review by HUD. Subject to the restrictions set forth in this section, HUD in its sole discretion may determine whether a conflict of interest exists, may waive the conflict of interest, or may approve in writing a PAE's proposal to eliminate a conflict of interest.

(e) Conflicts of interest that arise or are discovered after PAE selection. (1) A PAE must notify HUD in writing within 10 days after discovering that it or another restricted person has a conflict of interest. Such notification must contain a detailed description of the conflict of interest and state how the PAE intends to eliminate the conflict. The PAE may also request a determination as to the existence of a conflict.

(2) HUD will, after receipt of such notification or other discovery of the PAE's conflict or potential conflict of interest, take such action as it determines is in its best interests, which may involve proceeding under § 401.313 or as provided in the following sentences. HUD may notify the PAE in writing of its findings as to whether a conflict of interest exists and the basis for such determination, whether or not a waiver will be granted, or whether corrective actions may be taken in order to eliminate the conflict of interest. Corrective action must be completed by the PAE not later than 30 days after notification is mailed by HUD unless HUD, at its sole discretion, determines that it is in its best interests to grant the PAE an extension in which to complete the corrective action.

(f) Reconsideration of decisions. Decisions issued pursuant to this section may be reconsidered by HUD upon application by the PAE. Such requests must be in writing and must contain the basis for the request. HUD may, at its discretion and after determining that it is in its best interests, stay any corrective or other actions previously ordered pending reconsideration of a decision.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 65 FR 53900, Sept. 6, 2000]
§ 401.311 - Standards of conduct.

(a) Minimum ethical standards for PAEs. In connection with the performance of any PRA and during the term of such PRA, a PAE or other restricted person (as defined in § 401.310) may not:

(1) Solicit for itself or others favors, gifts, or other items of monetary value from any person who is seeking official action from HUD or the PAE in connection with the PRA or has interests that may be substantially affected by the restricted person's performance or nonperformance of duties to HUD;

(2) Use improperly (or allow the improper use of) HUD property or property over which the restricted person has supervision or charge by reason of the PRA;

(3) Use its status as PAE for its own benefit, or the financial or business benefit of a third party, except as contemplated by the PRA; or

(4) Make any unauthorized promise or commitment on behalf of HUD.

(b) 18 U.S.C. 201. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 201,whoever. Public officials are prohibited from soliciting or accepting anything of value in return for being influenced in the performance of official actions. Violators are subject to criminal sanctions.

(c) 18 U.S.C. 1001. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1001,whoever,makes. Other Federal civil statutes also apply to making false statements to the United States.

(d) 18 U.S.C. 207. Former Federal Government employees are subject to the prohibitions in 18 U.S.C. 207.

§ 401.312 - Confidentiality of information.

A PAE and every other restricted person (as defined in § 401.310) has a duty to protect confidential information, except as provided in §§ 401.500 through 401.503, and to prevent its use to further a private interest other than as contemplated by the PRA. As used in this section, confidential information means information that a PAE or other restricted person obtains from or on behalf of HUD or a third party in connection with a PRA but does not include information generally available to the public unless the information becomes available to the public as a result of unauthorized disclosure by the PAE or another restricted person.

§ 401.313 - Consequences of PAE violations; finality of HUD determination.

(a) Effect on PRA. If a PAE, potential PAE or other restricted person (as defined in § 401.310) violates §§ 401.310, 410.311, or 401.312, HUD may:

(1) Find the potential PAE unqualified to enter into a PRA;

(2) Find the PAE unqualified to receive additional projects for restructuring under an existing PRA;

(3) Find the PAE in default under an existing PRA with the right of termination for cause under § 401.309; or

(4) Seek from a PAE or other restricted person HUD's actual, direct, and consequential damages resulting from the violation.

(b) Cumulative remedies. The remedies under this section are cumulative and in addition to any other remedies or rights HUD may have under the terms of the PRA, at law, or otherwise.

(c) Finality of determination. Any determination made by HUD pursuant to this section is at HUD's sole discretion and is not subject to further administrative review.

§ 401.314 - Environmental review responsibilities.

HUD will retain all responsibility for environmental review under part 50 of this title. Compliance with part 50 of this title will be completed before any HUD approval of the Restructuring Commitment under § 401.405.

authority: 12 U.S.C. 1715z-1 and 1735f-19(b); 42 U.S.C. 1437(c)(8), 1437f(t), 1437f note, and 3535(d)
source: 65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 401.303