Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 401.400 - Required elements of a Restructuring Plan.

§ 401.401 - Consolidated Restructuring Plans.

§ 401.402 - Cooperation with owner and qualified mortgagee in Restructuring Plan development.

§ 401.403 - Rejection of a request for a Restructuring Plan because of actions or omissions of owner or affiliate or project condition.

§ 401.404 - Proposed Restructuring Commitment.

§ 401.405 - Restructuring Commitment review and approval by HUD.

§ 401.406 - Execution of Restructuring Commitment.

§ 401.407 - Closing conducted by PAE.

§ 401.408 - Affordability and use restrictions required.

§ 401.410 - Standards for determining comparable market rents.

§ 401.411 - Guidelines for determining exception rents.

§ 401.412 - Adjustment of rents based on operating cost adjustment factor (OCAF) or budget.

§ 401.420 - When must the Restructuring Plan require project-based assistance?

§ 401.421 - Rental Assistance Assessment Plan.

§ 401.450 - Owner evaluation of physical condition.

§ 401.451 - PAE Physical Condition Analysis (PCA).

§ 401.452 - Property standards for rehabilitation.

§ 401.453 - Reserves.

§ 401.460 - Modification or refinancing of first mortgage.

§ 401.461 - HUD-held second mortgage.

§ 401.471 - HUD payment of a section 541(b) claim.

§ 401.472 - Rehabilitation funding.

§ 401.473 - HUD grants for rehabilitation under section 236(s) of NA.

§ 401.474 - Project accounts.

§ 401.480 - Sale or transfer of project.

§ 401.481 - Subsidy layering limitations on HUD funds.

§ 401.500 - Required notices to third parties and meeting with third parties.

§ 401.501 - Delivery of notices and recipients of notices.

§ 401.502 - Notice requirement when debt restructuring will not occur.

§ 401.503 - Access to information.

§ 401.400 - Required elements of a Restructuring Plan.

(a) General. A PAE is responsible for the development of a Restructuring Plan for each project included in its PRA.

(b) Required elements. The Restructuring Plan must contain a narrative that fully describes the restructuring transaction. The Restructuring Plan must include the elements required by section 514(e) of MAHRA. The Restructuring Plan must describe the use of any restructuring tools listed at sections 517(a) and (b) of MAHRA, and must contain other requirements as determined by HUD.

§ 401.401 - Consolidated Restructuring Plans.

A PAE may request HUD to approve a Consolidated Restructuring Plan that presents an overall strategy for more than one project included in the PRA. HUD will consider approval of a Consolidated Restructuring Plan for projects having common ownership, geographic proximity, common mortgagee or servicer, or other factors that contribute to more efficient use of the PAE's resources. Notwithstanding the more efficient use of a PAE's resources, HUD will not approve any Consolidated Restructuring Plans that have a detrimental effect on tenants or the community, or a higher cost to the Federal Government. HUD's decision to approve or disapprove a Consolidated Restructuring Plan will be made on a case-by-case basis.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 72 FR 66038, Nov. 26, 2007]
§ 401.402 - Cooperation with owner and qualified mortgagee in Restructuring Plan development.

A PAE must comply with section 514(a)(2) of MAHRA by using its best efforts to seek the cooperation of the owner and qualified mortgagee or its designee in the development of the Restructuring Plan. If the owner fails to cooperate (as demonstrated by reasonable progress in development of a Restructuring Plan) to the satisfaction of the PAE and HUD agrees, the PAE must notify the owner that the PAE will not develop a Restructuring Plan. This notice will be subject to dispute and administrative appeal under subpart F of this part. If the qualified mortgagee does not cooperate in modifying the mortgage, the PAE and owner may continue to develop a Restructuring Plan to restructure the loan using alternative financing.

§ 401.403 - Rejection of a request for a Restructuring Plan because of actions or omissions of owner or affiliate or project condition.

(a) Ongoing determination of owner and project eligibility. Notwithstanding an initial determination to accept the owner's request for a Restructuring Plan, the PAE is responsible for a further more complete and ongoing assessment of the eligibility of the owner and project while the Restructuring Plan is developed. The PAE must advise HUD if at any time any of the grounds for rejection listed in paragraph (b) of this section exist.

(b) Grounds for rejection—(1) Suspension or debarment. Neither a PAE nor HUD will continue to develop or consider a Restructuring Plan if, at any time before a closing under § 401.407, the owner is debarred or suspended under 2 CFR part 2424.

(2) Other grounds. HUD may elect not to permit continued consideration of the Restructuring Plan at any time before closing under § 401.407, if:

(i) An affiliate is debarred or suspended under 2 CFR part 2424;

(ii) HUD or the PAE determines that the owner or an affiliate has engaged in material adverse financial or managerial actions or omissions as described in section 516(a) of MAHRA, including any outstanding violations of civil rights laws in connection with any project of the owner or affiliate; or

(iii) HUD or the PAE determines (under § 401.451(c) or otherwise) that the project does not meet the housing quality standards in § 401.558 and that the poor condition of the project is not likely to be remedied in a cost-effective manner through the Restructuring Plan.

(3) Exception for sale. This paragraph does not apply (except (2)(iii)) if a sale or transfer is proposed under § 401.480.

(c) Dispute and appeal. An owner may dispute a rejection under this section and seek administrative review under the procedures in subpart F of this part.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 72 FR 73496, Dec. 27, 2007]
§ 401.404 - Proposed Restructuring Commitment.

A PAE must submit a Restructuring Plan and a proposed Restructuring Commitment to HUD for approval, prior to submitting the Commitment to the owner for execution. The submission may not occur earlier than 10 days after the public meeting required by § 401.500(d). The proposed Restructuring Commitment must be in a form approved by HUD, incorporate the Restructuring Plan, and include the following:

(a) The lender, loan amount, interest rate, and term of any mortgages or unsecured financing for the mortgage restructuring and rehabilitation, and any credit enhancement;

(b) The amount of any payment of a section 541(b) claim;

(c) The type of section 8 assistance and the section 8 restructured rents;

(d) The rehabilitation required, the source of the owner contribution, and escrow arrangements;

(e) The uses for project accounts;

(f) The terms of any sale or transfer of the project;

(g) A schedule setting forth all sources and uses of funds to implement the Restructuring Plan, including setting forth the balances of project accounts before and after restructuring;

(h) All consideration, direct or indirect, received or to be received by the PAE or a related party, if known, in connection with any matter addressed in the Restructuring Commitment, except amounts paid or to be paid by HUD; and

(i) Other terms and conditions prescribed by HUD.

§ 401.405 - Restructuring Commitment review and approval by HUD.

HUD will either approve the Restructuring Commitment as submitted, require changes as a condition for approval, or reject the Plan. If the Plan is rejected, HUD will inform the PAE of the reasons for rejection, and the PAE will inform the owner. HUD's rejection of the Plan is subject to the dispute and administrative appeal provisions of subpart F of this part.

§ 401.406 - Execution of Restructuring Commitment.

When HUD approves the Restructuring Commitment, the PAE will deliver the Restructuring Commitment to the owner for execution. The Restructuring Commitment becomes binding upon execution by the owner. An owner who does not execute the Restructuring Commitment may appeal its terms and seek modification under subpart F of this part.

§ 401.407 - Closing conducted by PAE.

After the owner has executed the Restructuring Commitment, the PAE must arrange for a closing to execute all documents necessary for implementation of the Restructuring Plan. The PAE must use standard documents approved by HUD, with modifications only as necessary to comply with applicable State or local laws, or such other modifications as are approved in writing by HUD.

§ 401.408 - Affordability and use restrictions required.

(a) General. The Restructuring Plan must provide that the project will be subject to affordability and use restrictions in a Use Agreement acceptable to HUD. The Use Agreement must be recorded and in effect for at least 30 years. It must include at least the provisions required by paragraphs (b) through (j) of this section.

(b) Use restriction. The project must continue to be used for residential use with no reduction in the number of residential units without prior HUD approval.

(c) Affordability restrictions. Except during a period when at least 20 percent of the units in a project receive project-based assistance:

(1) At least 20 percent of the units in the project must be leased to families whose adjusted income does not exceed 50 percent of the area median income as determined by HUD, with adjustments for household size, at rents no greater than 30 percent of 50 percent of the area median income; or

(2) At least 40 percent of the units in the project must be leased to families whose adjusted income does not exceed 60 percent of the area median income as determined by HUD, with adjustments for household size, at rents no greater than 30 percent of 60 percent of the area median income.

(d) Comparable configuration. The type and size of the units that satisfy the affordability restrictions of paragraph (c) of this section must be comparable to the type and size of the units for the project as a whole.

(e) Nondiscrimination against voucher holders. An owner must comply with the nondiscrimination provisions of § 401.556.

(f) Enforcement. The Use Agreement must contain remedies for breach of the Use Agreement, including monetary damages for non-compliance with paragraphs (c) and (g) of this section.

(g) Compliance with physical condition standards. The Use Agreement must require that the property be maintained in compliance with the requirements of § 401.558.

(h) Reporting. The Use Agreement must contain appropriate financial and other reporting requirements for the owner. These reports must comply with the Real Estate Assessment Center protocol or subsequent standards required by HUD.

(i) Enforcement and amendment. The Use Agreement will be enforceable by interested parties to be specified in the Agreement, which will include HUD, the PAE, project tenants, organizations representing project tenants, and the unit of local government. The Use Agreement must require the party bringing enforcement action to give the owner notice and a reasonable opportunity to cure any violations.

(j) Modifications. HUD will retain the right to approve modifications of the Use Agreement agreed to by the owner without the consent of any other party, including those having the right of enforcement. The owner must post prominently on project property notice of any modifications approved by HUD.

(k) Owner obligation to accept project-based assistance. Subject to the availability of appropriated funds, the owner of the project must accept any offer of renewal of project-based assistance if the offer is in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the Restructuring Plan.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 65 FR 53900, Sept. 6, 2000]
§ 401.410 - Standards for determining comparable market rents.

(a) When are comparable market rents required? The Restructuring Plan must establish restructured rents for project-based assistance at comparable market rents unless the PAE finds that exception rents are necessary under § 401.411.

(b) Comparable market rents defined. Comparable market rents are the rents charged for properties that the PAE determines to be comparable properties (as defined in section 512(1) of MAHRA, but also excluding section 202 or section 811 projects assisted under part 891 of this title). For purposes of section 512(1), other relevant characteristics include any applicable rent control and other characteristics determined by the PAE. The PAE may make appropriate adjustments when needed to ensure comparability of properties.

(c) Methodology for determining comparable market rents. If the PAE is unable to identify at least three comparable properties within the local market, the PAE may:

(1) Use non-comparable housing stock within that market from which adjustments can be made; or

(2) If necessary to go outside the market, use comparable properties as far outside the local market as it finds reasonable, from which adjustments can be made.

(d) Using FMR as last resort. If the PAE is unable to identify enough properties under paragraph (c) of this section, comparable market rents must be set at 90 percent of the Fair Market Rents for the relevant market area.

§ 401.411 - Guidelines for determining exception rents.

(a) When do exception rents apply? (1) The Restructuring Plan may provide for exception rents established under section 514(g)(2) of MAHRA for project-based assistance if the PAE determines that project income under the rent levels established under § 401.410 would be inadequate to meet the costs of operating the project as described in paragraph (b) of this section and that the housing needs of the tenants and the community could not be adequately addressed.

(2) In any fiscal year, the PAE may not request HUD to approve Restructuring Plans with exception rents for more than 20 percent of all units covered by the PRA, except that HUD may approve a waiver of this 20 percent limitation based on the PAE's narrative explanation of special need.

(b) How are exception rents calculated? (1) Exception rents must be set at a level sufficient to support the costs of operating the project. The PAE must take into account the following cost items:

(i) Debt service on the second mortgage under § 401.461(a) or a rehabilitation loan included in the Restructuring Plan;

(ii) The operating expenses of the project, as determined by the PAE, including:

(A) Contributions to adequate reserves for replacement;

(B) The costs of maintenance and necessary rehabilitation;

(C) Other eligible costs permitted under the section 8 program;

(iii) An adequate allowance for potential operating losses due to vacancies and failure to collect rents, as determined by the PAE;

(iv) A return to the owner to the extent permitted by § 401.461(b)(3)(ii)(A); and

(v) Other expenses determined by the PAE to be necessary for the operation of the project.

(2) The exception rent must not exceed 120 percent of the Fair Market Rent for the market area, except that HUD may approve an exception rent greater than 120 percent of Fair Market Rent, based on a narrative explanation of special need submitted by the PAE, subject to the 5 percent limitation in section 514(g)(2)(A) of MAHRA.

§ 401.412 - Adjustment of rents based on operating cost adjustment factor (OCAF) or budget.

(a) OCAF. (1) The Restructuring Plan must provide for annual adjustment of the restructured rents for project-based assistance by an OCAF determined by HUD.

(2) Application of OCAF. HUD will apply the OCAF to the previous year's contract rent less the portion of that rent paid for debt service. This paragraph applies to renewals of contracts that receive restructured rents under either section 514(g)(1) or (2) of MAHRA.

(b) Budget-based. Rents will be adjusted to the lesser of budget-based rents or the comparable market rents for the market area instead of OCAF not more often than once every ten years upon request of an owner or purchaser who

(1) Demonstrates that:

(i) Project income is insufficient to operate and maintain the project, and no rehabilitation is currently needed, as determined by the Secretary; or

(ii) The rent adjustment or renewal contract is necessary to support commercially reasonable financing (including any required debt service coverage and replacement reserve) for rehabilitation necessary to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project, as determined by the Secretary, and in the event the owner or purchaser fails to implement the rehabilitation as required by the Secretary, the Secretary may take such action against the owner or purchaser as allowed by law; and

(2) Agrees to:

(i) Extend the affordability and use restrictions required under 514(e)(6) for an additional twenty years; and

(ii) Enter into a binding commitment to continue to renew such contract for and during such extended term, provided that after the affordability and use restrictions required under 514(e)(6) have been maintained for a term of 30 years:

(A) An owner with a contract for which rent levels were set at the time of its initial renewal under section 514(g)(2) shall request that the Secretary renew such contract under section 524 for and during such extended term; and

(B) An owner with a contract for which rent levels were set at the time of its initial renewal under section 514(g)(1) may request that the Secretary renew such contract under section 524 for and during such extended term.

[89 FR 14590, Feb. 28, 2024]
§ 401.420 - When must the Restructuring Plan require project-based assistance?

The Restructuring Plan must provide for the section 8 contract to be renewed as project-based assistance, subject to the availability of funds for this purpose, if:

(a) The PAE determines there is a market-wide vacancy rate of 6 percent or less;

(b) At least 50 percent of the units in the project are occupied by elderly families, disabled families, or elderly and disabled families; or

(c) The project is held by a nonprofit cooperative ownership housing corporation or nonprofit cooperative housing trust.

§ 401.421 - Rental Assistance Assessment Plan.

(a) Plan required. For any project not subject to mandatory project-based assistance under § 401.420, the PAE must develop a Rental Assistance Assessment Plan in accordance with section 515(c)(2) of MAHRA to determine whether assistance should be renewed as project-based assistance or whether some or all of the assisted units should be converted to tenant-based assistance.

(b) Matters to be assessed. The PAE must include an assessment of the impact of converting to tenant-based assistance and the impact of renewing project-based assistance on:

(1) The ability of the tenants to find adequate, available, decent, comparable, and affordable housing in the local market;

(2) The types of tenants residing in the project (such as elderly families, disabled families, large families, and cooperative homeowners);

(3) The local housing needs identified in the applicable Consolidated Plan developed under part 91 of this title;

(4) The cost of providing assistance, comparing the applicable payment standard to the rent levels permitted by §§ 401.410 and 401.411;

(5) The long-term financial stability of the project;

(6) The ability of residents to make reasonable choices about their individual living situations;

(7) The quality of the neighborhood in which the tenants would reside; and

(8) The project's ability to compete in the marketplace.

(c) Conversion may be phased in. Any conversion from project-based assistance to tenant-based assistance may occur over a period of not more than 5 years if the PAE decides the transition period is needed for the financial viability of the project.

(d) Reports to HUD. The PAE must report to HUD on the matters specified in section 515(c)(2)(C) of MAHRA at least semi-annually.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 65 FR 53900, Sept. 6, 2000]
§ 401.450 - Owner evaluation of physical condition.

(a) Initial evaluation. The owner must evaluate the physical condition of the project and provide the following information to the PAE in a form acceptable to the PAE:

(1) All work items required to bring the project to the standard in § 401.452, including any work items needed to ensure compliance with applicable requirements of part 8 of this title concerning accessibility to persons with disabilities;

(2) The capital repair or replacement items that will be necessary to maintain the long-term physical integrity of the property;

(3) A plan for funding the rehabilitation work included in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, which work must be completed in a timely manner after closing the restructuring transaction, that identifies the source of the required owner contribution of non-project funds; and

(4) An estimate of the initial deposit, if any, and the estimated monthly deposit to the reserve for replacement account for the next 20 years.

(b) Use of CNA. An owner may comply with paragraph (a) of this section by submitting a comprehensive needs assessment in accordance with title IV of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 1715z-1a note) if the CNA:

(1) Was completed or updated within 1 year; and

(2) Contains all of the matters required by paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Reconsideration and modification of evaluation. If the PAE, after its independent review under § 401.451, determines that the owner's evaluation either fails to address specific necessary work items or fails to propose a cost-effective approach to rehabilitation, the owner may modify its evaluation to satisfy the concerns of the PAE.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 65 FR 53900, Sept. 6, 2000]
§ 401.451 - PAE Physical Condition Analysis (PCA).

(a) Review and certification of owner evaluation. (1) The PAE must independently evaluate the physical condition of the project by means of a PCA. If the PAE finds any immediate threats to health and safety, the owner must complete those work items immediately, or the PAE must evaluate the project's eligibility in accordance with § 401.403(b)(2)(iii).

(2) After consultation with the owner and an opportunity for the owner to modify its evaluation performed under § 401.450, the PAE must either certify to the accuracy and completeness of the owner's evaluation performed under § 401.450 for each project covered by the PRA, or state that the evaluation fails to address certain items or does not propose a cost effective approach.

(b) Rejection due to inaccurate or incomplete owner evaluation. If the PAE cannot certify to the accuracy and completeness of the owner's evaluation due to its failure to address specific work items or because it does not propose a cost effective approach, the PAE must notify HUD. If HUD agrees with the PAE's determination, the PAE must notify the owner that the request for a Restructuring Plan is rejected.

(c) Rejection due to poor condition of the project. Based on the completed PCA, the PAE must determine whether proceeding with a Restructuring Plan with necessary rehabilitation is more cost-effective in terms of Federal resources than rejecting the Request for a Restructuring Plan under § 401.403(b)(2)(iii) and providing tenant-based assistance for displaced tenants under § 401.602. HUD will provide guidance to PAEs for making the determination. If the PAE concludes that a request for a Restructuring Plan should be rejected because of lack of cost-effectiveness due to poor condition of the project, it must also consider the effect on tenants and the community and advise HUD of the effect. HUD will make the final decision after considering the PAE's recommendation.

(d) Dispute and appeal of rejection. The dispute and appeal provisions of subpart F of this part apply to rejections under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

§ 401.452 - Property standards for rehabilitation.

The restructuring plan must provide for the level of rehabilitation needed to restore the property to the non-luxury standard adequate for the rental market for which the project was originally approved. If the standard has changed over time, the rehabilitation may include improvements to meet the current standards. The rehabilitation also may include the addition of significant features, in accordance with § 401.472. The result of the rehabilitation should be a project that can attract non-subsidized tenants, but competes on rent rather than on amenities. When a range of options exists for satisfying the rehabilitation standard, the PAE must choose the least costly option considering both capital and operating costs and taking into account the marketability of the property and the remaining useful life of all building systems. Nothing in this part exempts rehabilitation from the requirements of part 8 of this title concerning accessibility to persons with disabilities.

[72 FR 66038, Nov. 26, 2007]
§ 401.453 - Reserves.

The Restructuring Plan must provide for reserves for capital replacement sufficient to ensure the property's long-term structural integrity so that the property can be maintained as affordable housing in decent, safe, and sanitary condition meeting the standards of § 401.558.

§ 401.460 - Modification or refinancing of first mortgage.

(a) Principal amount. As part of the Restructuring Plan, the PAE will determine the size of the restructured first mortgage that will result from the modification or refinancing of the existing FHA-insured or HUD-held first mortgage. The restructured first mortgage must be in the amount that can be supported by net operating income based on the lower of the restructured section 8 rents or the rents allowed by the Use Agreement under § 401.408. Neither the outstanding principal balance of the existing first mortgage, nor the monthly principal and interest payments on that debt, may be increased through modification under the Restructuring Plan. The debt service coverage used by the PAE must be adequate for purposes of the Restructuring Plan and for the requirements of any refinancing.

(b) Fully amortizing. The modified or refinanced first mortgage must be fully amortizing through level monthly payments.

(c) Rates and other terms. Interest rates and other terms of the modified or refinanced first mortgage must be competitive in the market.

(d) Fees. Any fees or costs associated with mortgage modification or refinancing determined by the PAE to be above normal processing fees must be paid by the owner from non-project funds and must not be included in the modified or refinanced first mortgage.

(e) Refinancing. (1) The owner must contact the mortgagee to determine the mortgagee's willingness to consider a modification and re-amortization of the existing first mortgage through a Restructuring Plan before considering any other source of first mortgage financing. If the mortgagee does not agree to modify and re-amortize in accordance with the Restructuring Plan, the loan must be refinanced.

(2) The refinancing may be either without credit enhancement or with credit enhancement under one of the following:

(i) FHA mortgage insurance. If the Restructuring Plan provides for FHA mortgage insurance for the refinanced first mortgage, the insurance will be provided in accordance with all usually applicable FHA legal requirements except that insurance will be documented as provided in section 517(b)(2) of MAHRA. HUD will issue the commitment for mortgage insurance but may adapt its procedures as necessary to facilitate development and implementation of a Restructuring Plan.

(ii) Other FHA credit enhancement. If FHA credit enhancement, including risk-sharing, is provided under part 266 of this title, the credit enhancement will be provided in accordance with all usually-applicable FHA legal requirements under part 266 of this title, except that special approval from HUD will be required before the PAE engages in risk-sharing with FHA under part 266 of this title. HUD will approve risk-sharing financing that complies with part 266 whenever required by section 517(b)(3) of MAHRA.

(iii) Credit enhancement from non-FHA sources. If credit enhancement is to be provided by a non-FHA source under section 517(b)(4) of MAHRA, HUD will consider waiver of any non-statutory provision in this part only if the waiver will not materially impair achievement of the purposes of MAHRA and if the waiver is essential to meet the legitimate business or legal requirements of the provider of credit enhancement.

§ 401.461 - HUD-held second mortgage.

(a) Amount. (1) The Restructuring Plan must provide for a second mortgage to HUD whenever the Plan provides for either payment of a claim under section 541(b) of the National Housing Act (541(b) claim) or the modification or refinancing of a HUD-held first mortgage that results in a first mortgage with a lower principal amount. The term “second mortgage” in this section also includes a new HUD-held first mortgage (not a refinancing mortgage), if a full payment of claim is made under § 401.471 or if a full payment of claim is unnecessary because surplus project accounts are available to facilitate the Restructuring Plan, pursuant to section 517(b)(6) of MAHRA, or if § 401.460(a) does not permit a restructured first mortgage in any amount.

(2) The second mortgage must be in a principal amount that does not exceed the lesser of:

(i) The amount the PAE reasonably expects to be repaid based on objective criteria such as the amount of anticipated net cash flow, trending assumptions, amortization provisions, and expected residual value of the property; and

(ii) The greater of:

(A) The section 541(b) claim (or the difference between the unpaid principal balance on HUD-held mortgage debt immediately before and after the restructuring), plus surplus project accounts from residual receipts accumulated pursuant to 24 CFR 880.205(e), 881.205(e), or 883.306(e) and derived from an expiring Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments contract and not otherwise distributed to the owner and made available to facilitate the Restructuring Plan pursuant to section 517(b)(6) of MAHRA, and

(B) The difference between the unpaid balance on the first mortgage immediately before and after the restructuring.

(b) Terms and conditions. (1) The second mortgage must have an interest rate of at least one percent, but not more than the applicable Federal rate.

(2) The second mortgage must have a term concurrent with the modified or refinanced first mortgage, if any. HUD may provide that if there is no first mortgage, the second mortgage may continue for a term established by HUD.

(3)(i) Principal and interest on the second mortgage is payable only out of net cash flow during its term. “Net cash flow” means that portion of project income that remains after the payment of all required debt service payments on the modified or refinanced first mortgage, if any, including payment of any past due principal or interest, and payment of all reasonable and necessary operating expenses (including deposits to the reserve for replacement account) and any other expenditure approved by HUD.

(ii) The priority and distribution of net cash flow is as follows:

(A) HUD or the PAE may approve the payment to the owner of up to 25 percent of net cash flow based on consideration of relevant conditions and circumstances including, but not limited to, compliance with the management standards prescribed in § 401.560 and the physical condition standards prescribed in § 401.558; and

(B) All remaining net cash flow will be applied to the principal and interest on the second mortgage, until paid in full, and then to any additional subordinate mortgage under § 401.461(c).

(4) HUD may cause the second mortgage to be immediately due and payable on the grounds provided in section 517(a)(4) of MAHRA, including an assumption of the mortgage in violation of HUD standards for approval of transfers of physical assets (if applicable), or if the owner materially fails to comply with other material HUD requirements after a reasonable opportunity for the owner to cure such failure. A decision by HUD in this regard is subject to the administrative appeals procedure in subpart F of this part, unless HUD acts on the basis of the grounds specified in sections 517(a)(4)(A) or (B) of MAHRA.

(5) HUD will consider modification, assignment to the acquiring entity, or forgiveness of all or part of the second mortgage, if: The Secretary holds the second mortgage; and if the project has been sold or transferred to a tenant organization or tenant-endorsed community-based nonprofit or public agency that meets eligibility guidelines determined by HUD; accepts additional affordability requirements acceptable to HUD; and requests such modification, assignment, or forgiveness. A community-based nonprofit group or public agency demonstrates that it is tenant-endorsed in accordance with § 401.480(e).

(c) Additional mortgage to HUD. (1) A Restructuring Plan shall require the owner to give an additional mortgage on the project to HUD in an amount that:

(i) For the restructuring of a mortgage insured by HUD, does not exceed the difference between:

(A) The amount of a section 541(b) claim paid under § 401.471 increased by any residual receipts, pursuant to 24 CFR 880.205(e), 881.205(e), or 883.306(e); and

(B) The principal amount of the second mortgage; or

(ii) For the restructuring of a mortgage held by HUD, does not exceed the difference between:

(A) The principal amount of a restructured HUD-held mortgage and the sum of, as applicable, a restructured HUD-held first mortgage at reduced principal amount, new mortgage funds paid to HUD at closing, and surplus project accounts other than residual receipts, pursuant to 24 CFR 880.205(e), 881.205(e), or 883.306(e); and

(B) The principal amount of the second mortgage.

(2) HUD may approve a Plan that does not require an additional mortgage, or provides for less than the full difference to be payable under the additional mortgage, or allows for subsequent modification, assignment, or forgiveness of the additional mortgage under any of the following circumstances:

(i) The anticipated recovery on the additional mortgage is less than the servicing costs; or

(ii) HUD has approved modification, assignment, or forgiveness of the second mortgage, pursuant to paragraph (b)(5) of this section.

(3) With respect to the second mortgage required by paragraph (a) of this section, any additional mortgage must:

(i) Be junior in priority;

(ii) Bear interest at the same rate; and

(iii) Require no payment until the second mortgage is satisfied, at which time it will be payable upon demand of HUD or as otherwise agreed by HUD.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 72 FR 66038, Nov. 26, 2007]
§ 401.471 - HUD payment of a section 541(b) claim.

HUD will pay a section 541(b) claim from the appropriate insurance fund to the insured mortgagee on behalf of the mortgagor. The mortgagee must use the claim payment to prepay the principal balance of the insured mortgage, in whole or in part, as provided in the Restructuring Plan. All section 541(b) claims will be paid in cash. Part 207 of this title and sections 207(g) and 541(a) of the NA do not apply to a section 541(b) claim.

§ 401.472 - Rehabilitation funding.

(a) Sources of funds—(1) Project accounts. The Restructuring Plan for funding rehabilitation must include funds from the project's residual receipts account, surplus cash account, replacement reserve account, and other project accounts, to the extent the PAE determines that those accounts will not be needed for the initial deposit to the reserves.

(2) Debt restructuring. The Restructuring Plan may provide for funding of rehabilitation through a new first mortgage in conjunction with a payment of a section 541(b) claim. The payment of claim may be in an amount necessary to facilitate the funding of the rehabilitation, by reducing the existing first mortgage debt to make refinancing proceeds available to fund rehabilitation.

(3) Section 236(s) rehabilitation grant. The Restructuring Plan may include a direct grant from HUD under section 236(s) of the NA made in accordance with § 401.473, to the extent that HUD has determined that funding is available for such a grant.

(4) Section 8 budget authority increase. The Restructuring Plan may include funding of rehabilitation from budget authority provided to HUD for increases in section 8 contracts, to the extent that HUD has determined that funding from this source is available.

(b) Statutory restrictions. Any rehabilitation funded from the sources described in paragraph (a) of this section is subject to the requirements in section 517(c) of MAHRA for an owner contribution.

(1) Addition of significant features. With respect to significant added features, the required owner contribution will be as proposed by the PAE and approved by HUD, and not to exceed 20 percent of the total cost. Significant added features include the addition of air conditioning (including conversions from window air conditioning to central air conditioning), an elevator, or additional community space.

(2) Cap on owner contribution. If a restructuring plan includes additions other than those specified, and the PAE considers the additions significant, the PAE may propose to make those additions subject to the cap on owner contribution. In general, the owner will contribute 3 percent toward the cost of each significant addition. The PAE may propose a lower or higher owner contribution, not to exceed 20 percent, with respect to significant additions.

(3) Other rehabilitation. With respect to other rehabilitation, the required owner contribution will be calculated as 20 percent of the total cost of rehabilitation, unless HUD or the PAE determines that a higher percentage is required. The owner contribution must include a reasonable proportion (as determined by HUD) of the total cost of rehabilitation from nongovernmental resources.

(4) Cooperatives. The PAE may exempt housing cooperatives from the owner contribution requirement.

(c) Escrow agent. The Restructuring Plan must provide for progress payments for rehabilitation, which must be disbursed by an acceptable escrow agent subject to PAE oversight or as otherwise provided by HUD.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 72 FR 66039, Nov. 26, 2007]
§ 401.473 - HUD grants for rehabilitation under section 236(s) of NA.

HUD will consider a direct grant for rehabilitation under section 236(s) of the NA only if the owner provides an acceptable work schedule and cost-analysis that is consistent with the owner's evaluation of physical condition under § 401.450, as certified by the PAE. The owner must execute a grant agreement with terms and conditions acceptable to HUD. If the PAE is a State or local government, or an agency or instrumentality of such a government, the PAE and HUD may agree that the PAE will be delegated the responsibility for the administration of any grant made under this section. HUD may make grant funding available for the cost of administration if HUD has determined that such funding is available.

§ 401.474 - Project accounts.

(a) Accounts from other projects. The accounts listed in § 401.472(a)(1) may be used for other eligible projects only if:

(1) The projects are included in a Consolidated Restructuring Plan under § 401.401; and

(2) The funds are used for rehabilitation or to reduce a section 541(b) claim paid by HUD under § 401.471.

(b) Distribution to owner. The Restructuring Plan may provide for a one-time distribution to the owner, not to exceed 10 percent of the excess funds in project accounts, to be released after completion of the rehabilitation required by the Restructuring Plan.

§ 401.480 - Sale or transfer of project.

(a) May the owner request a Restructuring Plan that includes a sale or transfer of the property? The owner may request a Restructuring Plan that includes a condition that the property be sold or transferred to a purchaser acceptable to HUD in a reasonable period needed to consummate the transaction. The failure to consummate a sale or transfer of the property requested under paragraph (a) of this section will neither adversely affect an owner's eligibility for a Restructuring Plan nor exempt the owner from the requirements of § 401.600. There are no priority purchaser requirements for a voluntary sale or transfer by an owner that is eligible for a Restructuring Plan.

(b) When must the restructuring plan include sale or transfer of the property? If the owner is determined to be ineligible pursuant to § 401.101 or § 401.403, or if the property is subject to an approved plan of action under the Emergency Low Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987 or the Low Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990, as described in section 524(e)(3) of MAHRA, the property must be sold or transferred as a condition of implementation of a restructuring plan, which must include a condition that the owner sell or transfer the property to a purchaser acceptable to HUD, in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. Such sale or transfer shall be a condition to the implementation of the Restructuring Plan.

(c) Owner's notice of intent to sell or transfer. (1) The owner must provide notice to the PAE affirming the owner's intent to sell or transfer the property. This notice must be received by the PAE no later than 30 days after a notice of rejection under § 401.101 or § 401.403 has become a final determination under subpart F of this part.

(2) The owner must cooperate in selling or transferring the property. Failure to do so will result in the PAE's determination to reject the owner's request for a Restructuring Plan. The owner must distribute and publish, in an appropriate publication, a notice to potential purchasers that describes the property, proposed terms of sale, and procedures for submitting a purchase offer. The notice in form and substance must be acceptable to HUD, and must inform potential offerors of a preference for priority purchasers.

(3) During a period to be determined by HUD that begins when the owner gives notice of intent to sell or transfer, an owner may accept an offer only from a priority purchaser.

(4) No sale or transfer to a non-priority purchaser will be approved without evidence of tenant support.

(d) Informing PAE; approval required. The owner must inform the PAE of any offer to purchase the property and the owner must advise the PAE of the substance and on-going status of the owner's discussions with any prospective purchaser. The owner's acceptance of the offer must be subject to PAE approval, and HUD approval of the Restructuring Plan.

(e) Tenant endorsement procedure for priority purchaser status—(1) Required meeting. (i) A community-based nonprofit or public agency purchaser requesting tenant endorsement to obtain priority purchaser status must conduct an informational meeting with the tenants of the project to disseminate information about both the endorsement request and the purchaser's plans for the project.

(ii) If the purchaser is acting contemporaneously with the Restructuring Plan, the informational meeting must occur at the second meeting of tenants convened by the PAE to discuss the restructuring plan pursuant to § 401.500(d).

(iii) A representative of the purchasing entity must attend the informational meeting to present its plans for the acquisition and improvement of the project and to respond to questions about the purchaser's plans for the property.

(iv) Tenants shall have the opportunity, but are not to be required, to vote for or against the acquisition at the informational meeting.

(v) For the purpose of obtaining tenant endorsement, a purchaser may conduct additional meetings with tenants in accordance with the notice requirements of paragraphs (e)(2) and (e)(3) of this section.

(2) Parties who must receive notice. The purchaser must deliver notice of the informational meeting, and any subsequent meeting, to each tenant household in the project and any tenant organization for the project, and post notices of the meeting in the project.

(3) Notice contents. The notice must identify the place, date, and time of the informational meeting, and any subsequent meeting. Include a brief description of the purpose of the meeting and provide a narrative outlining the purchaser's plans for the project, including any request made to HUD for debt relief under § 401.461(b)(5) of the second and any additional mortgage.

(4) Tenant endorsement. (i) A purchaser may demonstrate that it is tenant endorsed by submitting documentation to HUD that a majority (51 percent) of the tenant heads of household have given their endorsement in writing. Such documentation may include, but is not limited to, ballots, letters of support, or petitions. The endorsement of tenants who did not attend, or vote at, the informational meeting, or any subsequent meeting, may be sought directly from each of these tenants subsequent to the meeting.

(ii)(A) If the purchaser has made a reasonable effort to obtain the endorsement of a majority (51 percent) of the tenants and the necessary percentage of votes was not obtained, the purchaser may seek HUD approval to obtain endorsement based on a lower percentage of endorsing tenants.

(B) The purchaser must deliver notice to each tenant household that the purchaser is seeking HUD approval of a tenant endorsement based on less than 51 percent of tenant approval and provide tenants with at least 10 days from the date of the notice to submit comments to the purchaser on the approval of endorsement.

(C) The purchaser and/or seller must submit, in writing, to HUD an account of the efforts taken to secure tenant endorsement, the number and percentage of tenants voting for and against endorsement, and any comments received from tenants regarding the approval of endorsement.

(D) HUD will determine whether or not to approve endorsement on the basis of all the information available to HUD and will promptly notify the purchaser of HUD's determination.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 72 FR 66039, Nov. 26, 2007]
§ 401.481 - Subsidy layering limitations on HUD funds.

(a) PAE subsidy layering certification required for Restructuring Plan. The PAE must certify to HUD that any Restructuring Plan for which it submits a proposed Restructuring Commitment meets the requirements of either paragraph (d) or (e) of this section.

(b) Purpose of subsidy layering certification. The purpose of the subsidy layering certification is to ensure that any HUD assistance provided to the owner of a project pursuant to a Restructuring Plan is no more than is necessary to permit the project to continue to house tenants with an income mix comparable to the income mix of the project before the Restructuring Plan is implemented, after taking into account other Government assistance described in section 102(b)(1) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3545(b)(1)). This section does not limit a PAE from presenting for approval a Restructuring Plan that includes project reconfiguration (e.g., conversion of efficiency units to one-bedroom units) where necessary to meet the needs of the community, provided the conditions of § 401.452 are also met.

(c) Relationship to section 102(d) of HUD Reform Act. HUD is not required to perform a separate subsidy layering analysis under section 102(d) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3545(d)), section 911 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 3545 note), or § 4.13 of this title for any HUD assistance that is included in the Restructuring Plan. HUD will adopt the PAE certification under this section if a HUD certification otherwise would be required under section 102(d).

(d) Certification under existing HUD guidelines. If the PAE has delegated authority from HUD to make section 102(d) subsidy layering certifications in accordance with section 911 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, the PAE may comply with this section by using a procedure substantially similar to the procedure described in the Administrative Guidelines published on December 15, 1994 (59 FR 64748), or any subsequent procedure adopted by HUD to implement section 911.

(e) Other procedures. If the PAE does not have the delegated authority described in paragraph (d) of this section, the PAE must submit to HUD for approval proposed procedures for making the subsidy layering certification under this section. Any procedures must conform to the procedures described in paragraph (d) of this section to the extent feasible and appropriate.

§ 401.500 - Required notices to third parties and meeting with third parties.

(a) General. The PAE must solicit, and document the consideration of, tenant and local community comments. As a minimum, the notices described in paragraphs (b), (c) and (f) of this section, in form and substance acceptable to HUD, must be provided. The PAE may require the owner to give the notices if permitted by HUD.

(b) Notice of intent to restructure and consultation meeting. (1) This notice must include at a minimum:

(i) The project, including its name and FHA Project Number;

(ii) The responsible PAE and contact person, including the address and telephone number;

(iii) The owner's notice of intent to restructure through the Mark-to-Market Program; and

(iv) The date of expiration of the project-based assistance.

(2) This notice must state how comments may be provided to the PAE regarding any of the following: the physical condition of the property, whether the rental assistance should be tenant-based or project-based, any proposed sale or transfer of the property, and other matters regarding the property and its management. The notice must establish the date, time, and place for a public meeting to be held no sooner than 20 days and no later than 40 days following the date of this notice. The public may provide written comments up to the date of the meeting.

(c) Access to Restructuring Plan. (1) The PAE must make the Restructuring Plan available to the parties identified in § 401.501 at least 20 days before the PAE submits the Restructuring Plan to HUD (subject to any Federal, State, or local laws restricting access to any information in the Plan or related documents).

(2) As soon as the PAE determines that the Restructuring Plan is substantively complete and ready for submission to HUD, notice of the following must be provided:

(i) The location of the Plan for inspection and copying; and

(ii) The date, time, and place of a public meeting to be held at least 10 days before the PAE submits the Plan to HUD.

(3) When the PAE gives notice under this section, it must make the Plan available during normal business hours at the management office of the project, or if there is no such office, at another location specified by the PAE that is convenient to the tenants.

(d) Meeting to discuss the Restructuring Plan. After the PAE has given notice under this section and at least 10 days before the PAE submits the Plan to HUD, the PAE must conduct a public meeting to obtain comments on the substantively completed Plan. The PAE must accept written comments through the date of the meeting.

(e) Disposition of comments. The PAE must document and provide to HUD with the Restructuring Plan a summary of the disposition of all public comments.

(f) Notice of completion of Restructuring Plan. (1) Within 10 days after the owner executes the Restructuring Commitment, notice must be provided that describes the completed Restructuring Plan and Restructuring Commitment. The PAE must make the completed Restructuring Plan and Restructuring Commitment available during normal business hours to the public at a place described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, subject to Federal, State, or local laws restricting access to any information in any of these documents.

(2) Within 10 days after a determination that the Restructuring Plan will not move forward for any reason, HUD or the PAE shall provide notice to affected tenants that describes the reasons for the failure of the Plan to move forward and the availability of tenant-based assistance under § 401.602(c).

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 72 FR 66040, Nov. 26, 2007]
§ 401.501 - Delivery of notices and recipients of notices.

(a) Whom must the owner or PAE notify? The PAE must notify, or ensure that the owner notifies, each tenant and any tenant organization for the project, and post a notice in the project, for all notices required by §§ 401.500 and 401.502.

(b) Whom must the PAE notify? The PAE must notify:

(1) The Chief Executive Officer of the unit of local government and the Executive Director of the Public Housing Authority with jurisdiction over the project location;

(2) The recipient of any Outreach and Training Grant (OTAG) or Intermediary Technical Assistance Grant (ITAG) for the project location; and

(3) Other appropriate neighborhood representatives and other affected parties.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 65 FR 53900, Sept. 6, 2000]
§ 401.502 - Notice requirement when debt restructuring will not occur.

(a) PAE responsibility. If an owner of an eligible project requests a renewal of a section 8 contract without a Restructuring Plan under § 402.4 of this chapter, HUD or the PAE must notify, or ensure that the owner notifies, all parties identified in § 401.501 of the request and of:

(1) The availability (as provided in § 401.500(c)(3)) of the following information:

(i) The owner evaluation of physical condition (OEPC), or a comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) if used instead of an OEPC, as required by § 401.450 and § 402.6(a)(3) of this chapter;

(ii) The market analysis required by § 402.6(a)(2) of this chapter, but without addresses (or other specific information indicating location) for comparable properties; and

(iii) The items identified in § 401.500(b)(1)(i), (ii), and (iv); and

(2) A procedure for submitting public comments regarding this information.

(b) Expense and profit/loss information. The PAE should remove project expense, property valuation, and profit and loss information before disclosing any information obtained by the PAE directly from an owner or project manager, unless the owner has given written consent to disclosure with that information included.

(c) Consideration of comments. The PAE must consider written public comments on the information listed in paragraph (a) of this section, if the comments are submitted within 30 days after giving notice under paragraph (a), and document the consideration for HUD. No public meeting is required.

[65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, as amended at 65 FR 53900, Sept. 6, 2000]
§ 401.503 - Access to information.

(a) PAE responsibilities. The PAE must provide to parties entitled to notice under § 401.501 access to information obtained by the PAE about the project and its management if the PAE determines that such information is reasonably likely to contribute to effective participation by those parties in the restructuring process, or if HUD requires the PAE to provide access to the information. The PAE is not required to make public any information received from the owner or manager that the PAE reasonably characterizes as confidential or proprietary information that would not ordinarily be made public, except:

(1) Owner evaluation of physical condition (OEPC), or a comprehensive needs assessment (CA) if used instead of an OEPC, as required by § 401.450;

(2) Owner-prepared 1-year project rent analysis; and

(3) As directed by HUD.

(b) Information on expenses and profit/loss. Before disclosing any information, the PAE must remove any information obtained by the PAE directly from the owner or project manager that is related to project expenses, property valuation, or profit and loss, unless the owner gives written consent to disclosure with that information.

authority: 12 U.S.C. 1715z-1 and 1735f-19(b); 42 U.S.C. 1437(c)(8), 1437f(t), 1437f note, and 3535(d)
source: 65 FR 15485, Mar. 22, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 401.410