Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 1000.301 - What is the purpose of the IHBG formula?

§ 1000.302 - What are the definitions applicable for the IHBG formula?

§ 1000.304 - May the IHBG formula be modified?

§ 1000.306 - How can the IHBG formula be modified?

§ 1000.308 - Who can make modifications to the IHBG formula?

§ 1000.310 - What are the components of the IHBG formula?

§ 1000.312 - What is current assisted stock?

§ 1000.314 - What is formula current assisted stock?

§ 1000.315 - Is a recipient required to report changes to the Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) on the Formula Response Form?

§ 1000.316 - How is the Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) Component developed?

§ 1000.317 - Who is the recipient for funds for current assisted stock which is owned by state-created Regional Native Housing Authorities in Alaska?

§ 1000.318 - When do units under Formula Current Assisted Stock cease to be counted or expire from the inventory used for the formula?

§ 1000.319 - What would happen if a recipient misreports or fails to correct Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) information on the Formula Response Form?

§ 1000.320 - How is Formula Current Assisted Stock adjusted for local area costs?

§ 1000.322 - Are IHA financed units included in the determination of Formula Current Assisted Stock?

§ 1000.324 - How is the need component developed?

§ 1000.325 - How is the need component adjusted for local area costs?

§ 1000.326 - What if a formula area is served by more than one Indian tribe?

§ 1000.327 - What is the order of preference for allocating the IHBG formula needs data for Indian tribes in Alaska not located on reservations due to the unique circumstances in Alaska?

§ 1000.328 - What is the minimum amount that an Indian tribe may receive under the need component of the formula?

§ 1000.329 - What is the minimum total grant allocated to a tribe if there is carryover funds available?

§ 1000.330 - What are the data sources for the need variables?

§ 1000.331 - How will the impacts from adoption of a new data source be minimized as the new data source is implemented?

§ 1000.332 - Will data used by HUD to determine an Indian tribe's or TDHE's formula allocation be provided to the Indian tribe or TDHE before the allocation?

§ 1000.334 - May Indian tribes, TDHEs, or HUD challenge the data from the U.S. Decennial Census or provide an alternative source of data?

§ 1000.336 - How may an Indian tribe, TDHE, or HUD challenge data or appeal HUD formula determinations?

§ 1000.340 - What if an Indian tribe is allocated less funding under the IHBG Formula than it received in Fiscal Year (FY) 1996 for operating subsidy and modernization?

§ 1000.342 - Are undisbursed IHBG funds a factor in the grant formula?

§ 1000.301 - What is the purpose of the IHBG formula?

The IHBG formula is used to allocate equitably and fairly funds made available through NAHASDA among eligible Indian tribes. A TDHE may be a recipient on behalf of an Indian tribe.

§ 1000.302 - What are the definitions applicable for the IHBG formula?

Allowable Expense Level (AEL) factor. In rental projects, AEL is the per-unit per-month dollar amount of expenses which was used to compute the amount of operating subsidy used prior to October 1, 1997 for the Low Rent units developed under the 1937 Act. The “AEL factor” is the relative difference between a local area AEL and the national weighted average for AEL.

Date of Full Availability (DOFA) means the last day of the month in which substantially all the units in a housing development are available for occupancy.

Fair Market Rent (FMR) factors are gross rent estimates; they include shelter rent plus the cost of all utilities, except telephones. HUD estimates FMRs on an annual basis for 354 metropolitan FMR areas and 2,355 non-metropolitan county FMR areas. The “FMR factor” is the relative difference between a local area FMR and the national weighted average for FMR.

Formula Annual Income. For purposes of the IHBG formula, annual income is a household's total income as currently defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Formula area. (1) Formula areas are:

(i) Reservations for federally recognized Indian tribes, as defined by the U.S. Census;

(ii) Trust lands;

(iii) Department of the Interior Near-Reservation Service Areas;

(iv) Former Indian Reservation Areas in Oklahoma Indian Areas, as defined by the U.S. Census as Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Areas (OTSAs);

(v) Congressionally Mandated Service Areas;

(vi) State Tribal Areas as defined by the U.S. Census as State Designated American Indian Statistical Areas (SDAISAs);

(vii) Tribal Designated Statistical Areas (TDSAs);

(viii) California Tribal Jurisdictional Areas established or reestablished by federal court judgment; and

(ix) Alaska formula areas described in paragraph (4) of this definition.

(2)(i) For a geographic area not identified in paragraph (1) of this definition, and for expansion or re-definition of a geographic area from the prior year, including those identified in paragraph (1) of this definition, the Indian tribe must submit, on a form agreed to by HUD, information about the geographic area it wishes to include in its Formula Area, including proof that the Indian tribe, where applicable, has agreed to provide housing services pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the tribal and public governing entity or entities of the area, or has attempted to establish such an MOA, and is providing substantial housing services and will continue to expend or obligate funds for substantial housing services, as reflected in its Indian Housing Plan and Annual Performance Report for this purpose.

(ii) Upon receiving a request for recognition of a geographic area not identified in paragraph (1) of this definition, HUD shall make a preliminary determination. HUD shall notify all potentially affected Indian tribes of the basis for its preliminary determination by certified mail and provide the Indian tribes with the opportunity to comment for a period of not less than 90 days. After consideration of the comments, HUD shall announce its final determination through Federal Register notice.

(iii) No Indian tribe may expand or redefine its Formula Area without complying with the requirements of paragraphs (2)(i) and (ii) of this definition, notwithstanding any changes recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau.

(iv) The geographic area into which an Indian tribe may expand under this paragraph (2) shall be the smallest U.S. Census unit or units encompassing the physical location where substantial housing services have been provided by the Indian tribe.

(3) Subject to a challenge by an Indian tribe with a Formula Area described under paragraph (1)(iv) of this definition, any federally recognized Indian tribe assigned Formula Area geography in Fiscal Year 2003 not identified in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this definition, shall continue to be assigned such Formula Area in subsequent fiscal years, provided that the Indian tribe continues to provide an appropriate level of housing services within the Formula Area as monitored by HUD using the definition of substantial housing services contained in this section as a guideline but not as a requirement.

(4) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this definition, Alaska needs data shall be credited as set forth in § 1000.327 to the Alaska Native Village (ANV), the regional Indian tribe, or to the regional corporation established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (33 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (ANCSA). For purposes of § 1000.327 and this definition:

(i) The formula area of the ANV shall be the geographic area of the village or that area delineated by the TDSA established for the ANV for purposes of the 1990 U.S. Census or the Alaska Native Village Statistical Area (ANVSA) established for the ANV. To the extent that the area encompassed by such designation may substantially exceed the actual geographic area of the village, such designation is subject to challenge pursuant to § 1000.336. If the ANVSA or the TDSA is determined pursuant to such challenge to substantially exceed the actual area of the village, then the geographic formula area of the ANV for purposes of § 1000.327 shall be such U.S. Census designation as most closely approximates the actual geographic area of the village.

(ii) The geographic formula area of the regional corporation shall be the area established for the corporation by the ANCSA.

(iii) An Indian tribe may seek to expand its Alaska formula area within its ANCSA region pursuant to the procedures set out in paragraph (2) of this definition. Formula Area added in this way shall be treated as overlapping pursuant to § 1000.326, unless the Indian tribe's members in the expanded area are less than 50 percent of the AIAN population. In cases where the Indian tribe is not treated as overlapping, the Indian tribe shall be credited with population and housing data only for its own tribal member residents within the new or added area. All other population and housing data for the area shall remain with the Indian tribe or tribes previously credited with such data.

(5) In some cases the population data for an Indian tribe within its Formula Area is greater than its tribal enrollment. In general, to maintain fairness for all Indian tribes, the tribe's population data will not be allowed to exceed twice an Indian tribe's enrolled population. However, an Indian tribe subject to this cap may receive an allocation based on more than twice its total enrollment if it can show that it is providing housing assistance to substantially more non-member Indians and Alaska Natives who are members of another federally recognized Indian tribe than it is to members. For state-recognized Indian tribes, the population data and formula allocation shall be limited to their tribal enrollment figures as determined under enrollment criteria in effect in 1996.

(6) In cases where an Indian tribe is seeking to receive an allocation more than twice its total enrollment, the tribal enrollment multiplier will be determined by the total number of Indians and Alaska Natives to whom the Indian tribe is providing housing assistance (on July 30 of the year before funding is sought) divided by the number of members to whom the Indian tribe is providing housing assistance. For example, an Indian tribe that provides housing to 300 Indians and Alaska Natives, of which 100 are members, the Indian tribe would then be able to receive an allocation for up to three times its tribal enrollment if the Indian and Alaska Native population in the area is three or more times the tribal enrollment.

Formula Median Income. For purposes of the formula median income is determined in accordance with section 567 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 (42 U.S.C. 1437a note).

Formula Response Form is the form recipients use to report changes to their Formula Current Assisted stock, formula area, and other formula related information before each year's formula allocation.

Indian Housing Authority (IHA) financed means a homeownership program where title rests with the homebuyer and a security interest rests with the IHA.

Mutual Help Occupancy Agreement (MHOA) means a lease with option to purchase contract between an IHA and a homebuyer under the 1937 Act.

National per unit subsidy is the Fiscal Year 1996 national per unit subsidy (adjusted to full funding level) multiplied by an adjustment factor for inflation.

Overcrowded means households with more than 1.01 persons per room as defined by the U.S. Decennial Census.

Section 8 means the making of housing assistance payments to eligible families leasing existing housing pursuant to the provisions of the 1937 Act.

Section 8 unit means the contract annualized housing assistance payments (vouchers, and project based) under the Section 8 program.

Substantial housing services are:

(1) Affordable housing activities funded from any source provided to AIAN households with incomes 80 percent of the median income as defined in NAHASDA (25 U.S.C. 4103 (14)) or lower, equivalent to 100 percent or more of the increase in the IHBG formula allocation that the Indian tribe would receive as a result of adding the proposed geography; or

(2) Affordable housing activities funded with IHBG funds provided to AIAN households with incomes 80 percent of the median income as defined in NAHASDA (25 U.S.C. 4104(14)) or lower, equivalent to 51 percent or more of the Indian tribe's current total IHBG grant; and either:

(i) Fifty-one percent or more of the Indian tribe's official enrollment resides within the geographic area; or

(ii) The Indian tribe's official enrollment constitutes 51 percent or more of the total AIAN persons within the geography.

(3) HUD shall require that the Indian tribe annually provide written verification, in its Indian Housing Plan and Annual Performance Report, that the affordable housing activities it is providing meet the definition of substantial housing services.

Total Development Cost (TDC) is the sum of all costs for a project including all undertakings necessary for administration, planning, site acquisition, demolition, construction or equipment and financing (including payment of carrying charges) and for otherwise carrying out the development of the project, excluding off site water and sewer. Total Development Cost amounts will be based on a moderately designed house and will be determined by averaging the current construction costs as listed in not less than two nationally recognized residential construction cost indices.

Without kitchen or plumbing means, as defined by the U.S. Decennial Census, an occupied house without one or more of the following items:

(1) Hot and cold piped water;

(2) A flush toilet;

(3) A bathtub or shower;

(4) A sink with piped water;

(5) A range or cookstove; or

(6) A refrigerator.

[63 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 72 FR 20023, Apr. 20, 2007; 77 FR 71527, Dec. 3, 2012; 81 FR 83680, Nov. 22, 2016; 89 FR 38339, May 7, 2024]
§ 1000.304 - May the IHBG formula be modified?

Yes, as long as any modification does not conflict with the requirements of NAHASDA.

§ 1000.306 - How can the IHBG formula be modified?

(a) The IHBG formula can be modified upon development of a set of measurable and verifiable data directly related to Indian and Alaska Native housing need. Any data set developed shall be compiled with the consultation and involvement of Indian tribes and examined and/or implemented not later than 5 years from the date of issuance of these regulations and periodically thereafter.

(b) The IHBG Formula shall be reviewed not later than May 21, 2012 to determine if a subsidy is needed to operate and maintain NAHASDA units or if any other changes are needed in respect to funding under the Formula Current Assisted Stock component of the formula.

[63 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 72 FR 20024, Apr. 20, 2007; 81 FR 83680, Nov. 22, 2016]
§ 1000.308 - Who can make modifications to the IHBG formula?

HUD can make modifications in accordance with § 1000.304 and § 1000.306 provided that any changes proposed by HUD are published and made available for public comment in accordance with applicable law before their implementation.

§ 1000.310 - What are the components of the IHBG formula?

The IHBG formula consists of four components:

(a) Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) (§ 1000.316);

(b) Need (§ 1000.324);

(c) 1996 Minimum (§ 1000.340); and

(d) Undisbursed IHBG funds factor (§ 1000.342).

[81 FR 83680, Nov. 22, 2016]
§ 1000.312 - What is current assisted stock?

Current assisted stock consists of housing units owned or operated pursuant to an ACC. This includes all low rent, Mutual Help, and Turnkey III housing units under management as of September 30, 1997, as indicated in the Formula Response Form.

§ 1000.314 - What is formula current assisted stock?

Formula current assisted stock is current assisted stock as described in § 1000.312 plus 1937 Act units in the development pipeline when they become owned or operated by the recipient and are under management as indicated in the Formula Response Form. Formula current assisted stock also includes Section 8 units when their current contract expires and the Indian tribe continues to manage the assistance in a manner similar to the Section 8 program, as reported on the Formula Response Form.

§ 1000.315 - Is a recipient required to report changes to the Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) on the Formula Response Form?

(a) A recipient shall report changes to information related to the IHBG formula on the Formula Response Form, including corrections to the number of Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS), during the time period required by HUD. This time period shall be not less than 60 days from the date of the HUD letter transmitting the form to the recipient.

(b) The Formula Response Form is the only mechanism that a recipient shall use to report changes to the number of FCAS.

[72 FR 20025, Apr. 20, 2007]
§ 1000.316 - How is the Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) Component developed?

The Formula Current Assisted Stock component consists of two elements. They are:

(a) Operating subsidy. The operating subsidy consists of three variables which are:

(1) The number of low-rent FCAS units multiplied by the national per unit subsidy;

(2) The number of Section 8 units whose contract has expired but had been under contract on September 30, 1997, multiplied by the FY 1996 national per unit subsidy; and

(3) The number of Mutual Help and Turnkey III FCAS units multiplied by the national per unit subsidy.

(b) Modernization allocation. (1) For Indian tribes with an Indian Housing Authority that owned or operated 250 or more public housing units on October 1, 1997, the modernization allocation equals the number of Low Rent, Mutual Help, and Turnkey III FCAS units multiplied by the national per-unit amount of allocation for FY 1996 modernization multiplied by an adjustment factor for inflation.

(2) For Indian tribes with an Indian Housing Authority that owned or operated fewer than 250 public housing units on October 1, 1997, the modernization allocation equals the average amount of funds received under the assistance program authorized by section 14 of the 1937 Act (not including funds provided as emergency assistance) for FYs 1992 through 1997.

(c) Conversion. Conversion of FCAS units from homeownership (Mutual Help or Turnkey III) to low-rent or from low-rent to a home ownership program.

(1) If units were converted before October 1, 1997, as evidenced by an amended ACC, then those units will be counted for formula funding and eligibility purposes as the type of unit to which they were converted.

(2) If units were converted on or after October 1, 1997, the following applies:

(i) Funding type. Units that converted after October 1, 1997 will be funded as the type of unit specified on the original ACC in effect on September 30, 1997.

(ii) Continued FCAS eligibility. Whether or not it is the first conversion, a unit converted after October 1, 1997, will be considered as the type converted to when determining continuing FCAS eligibility. A unit that is converted to low-rent will be treated as a low-rent unit for purposes of determining continuing FCAS eligibility. A unit that is converted to homeownership will be treated as a homeownership unit for purposes of determining continuing FCAS eligibility.

(3) The Indian tribe, TDHE, or IHA shall report conversions on the Formula Response Form.

[63 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 72 FR 20025, Apr. 20, 2007; 81 FR 83680, Nov. 22, 2016]
§ 1000.317 - Who is the recipient for funds for current assisted stock which is owned by state-created Regional Native Housing Authorities in Alaska?

If housing units developed under the 1937 Act are owned by a state-created Regional Native Housing Authority in Alaska, and are not located on an Indian reservation, then the recipient for funds allocated for the current assisted stock portion of NAHASDA funds for the units is the regional Indian tribe.

§ 1000.318 - When do units under Formula Current Assisted Stock cease to be counted or expire from the inventory used for the formula?

(a) Mutual Help and Turnkey III units shall no longer be considered Formula Current Assisted Stock when the Indian tribe, TDHE, or IHA no longer has the legal right to own, operate, or maintain the unit, whether such right is lost by conveyance, demolition, or otherwise, provided that:

(1) Conveyance of each Mutual Help or Turnkey III unit occurs as soon as practicable after a unit becomes eligible for conveyance by the terms of the MHOA; and

(2) The Indian tribe, TDHE, or IHA actively enforce strict compliance by the homebuyer with the terms and conditions of the MHOA, including the requirements for full and timely payment.

(b)(1) A Mutual Help or Turnkey III unit not conveyed after the unit becomes eligible for conveyance by the terms of the MHOA may continue to be considered Formula Current Assisted Stock only if a legal impediment prevented conveyance; the legal impediment continues to exist; the tribe, TDHE, or IHA has taken all other steps necessary for conveyance and all that remains for conveyance is a resolution of the legal impediment; and the tribe, TDHE, or IHA made the following reasonable efforts to overcome the impediments:

(i) No later than four months after the unit becomes eligible for conveyance, the tribe, TDHE, or IHA creates a written plan of action, which includes a description of specific legal impediments as well as specific, ongoing, and appropriate actions for each applicable unit that have been taken and will be taken to resolve the legal impediments within a 24-month period; and

(ii) The tribe, TDHE, or IHA has carried out or is carrying out the written plan of action; and

(iii) The tribe, TDHE, or IHA has documented undertaking the plan of action.

(2) No Mutual Help or Turnkey III unit will be considered FCAS 24 months after the date the unit became eligible for conveyance, unless the tribe, TDHE, or IHA provides evidence from a third party, such as a court or state or federal government agency, documenting that a legal impediment continues to prevent conveyance. FCAS units that have not been conveyed due to legal impediments on December 22, 2016 shall be treated as having become eligible for conveyance on December 22, 2016.

(c) Rental units shall continue to be included for formula purposes as long as they continue to be operated as low income rental units by the Indian tribe, TDHE, or IHA.

(d) Expired contract Section 8 units shall continue as rental units and be included in the formula as long as they are operated as low income rental units as included in the Indian tribe's or TDHE's Formula Response Form.

(e) A unit that is demolished pursuant to a planned demolition may be considered eligible as a FCAS unit if, after demolition is completed, the unit is rebuilt within one year. Demolition is completed when the site of the demolished unit is ready for rebuilding. If the unit cannot be rebuilt within one year because of relative administrative capacities and other challenges faced by the recipient, including, but not limited to geographic distribution within the Indian area and technical capacity, the Indian tribe, TDHE or IHA may request approval for a one-time, one-year extension. Requests must be submitted in writing and include a justification for the request.

[63 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 83680, Nov. 22, 2016]
§ 1000.319 - What would happen if a recipient misreports or fails to correct Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) information on the Formula Response Form?

(a) A recipient is responsible for verifying and reporting changes to their Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) on the Formula Response Form to ensure that data used for the IHBG Formula are accurate (see § 1000.315). Reporting shall be completed in accordance with requirements in this Subpart D and the Formula Response Form.

(b) If a recipient receives an overpayment of funds because it failed to report such changes on the Formula Response Form in a timely manner, the recipient shall be required to repay the funds within 5 fiscal years. HUD shall subsequently distribute the funds to all Indian tribes in accordance with the next IHBG Formula allocation.

(c) A recipient will not be provided back funding for any units that the recipient failed to report on the Formula Response Form in a timely manner.

(d) HUD shall have 3 years from the date a Formula Response Form is sent out to take action against any recipient that fails to correct or make appropriate changes on that Formula Response Form. Review of FCAS will be accomplished by HUD as a component of A-133 audits, routine monitoring, FCAS target monitoring, or other reviews.

[72 FR 20025, Apr. 20, 2007]
§ 1000.320 - How is Formula Current Assisted Stock adjusted for local area costs?

There are two adjustment factors that are used to adjust the allocation of funds for the Current Assisted Stock portion of the formula. They are:

(a) Operating Subsidy as adjusted by the greater of the AEL factor or FMR factor (AELFMR); and

(b) Modernization as adjusted by TDC.

§ 1000.322 - Are IHA financed units included in the determination of Formula Current Assisted Stock?

No. If these units are not owned or operated at the time (September 30, 1997) pursuant to an ACC then they are not included in the determination of Formula Current Assisted Stock.

§ 1000.324 - How is the need component developed?

After determining the FCAS allocation, remaining funds are allocated by need component. The need component consists of seven criteria. They are:

(a) American Indian and Alaskan Native (AIAN) Households with housing cost burden greater than 50 percent of formula annual income weighted at 22 percent;

(b) AIAN Households which are overcrowded or without kitchen or plumbing weighted at 25 percent;

(c) Housing Shortage which is the number of AIAN households with an annual income less than or equal to 80 percent of formula median income reduced by the combination of current assisted stock and units developed under NAHASDA weighted at 15 percent;

(d) AIAN households with annual income less than or equal to 30 percent of formula median income weighted at 13 percent;

(e) AIAN households with annual income between 30 percent and 50 percent of formula median income weighted at 7 percent;

(f) AIAN households with annual income between 50 percent and 80 percent of formula median income weighted at 7 percent;

(g) AIAN persons weighted at 11 percent.

§ 1000.325 - How is the need component adjusted for local area costs?

The need component is adjusted by the TDC.

§ 1000.326 - What if a formula area is served by more than one Indian tribe?

(a) If an Indian tribe's formula area overlaps with the formula area of one or more other Indian tribes, the funds allocated to that Indian tribe for the geographic area in which the formula areas overlap will be divided based on:

(1) The Indian tribe's proportional share of the population in the overlapping geographic area; and

(2) The Indian tribe's commitment to serve that proportional share of the population in such geographic area.

(3) In cases where a State recognized tribe's formula area overlaps with the formula area of a Federally recognized Indian tribe, the Federally recognized Indian tribe receives the allocation for the formula area up to its population cap, and the State recognized tribe receives the balance of the overlapping area (if any) up to its population cap.

(b) Tribal membership in the geographic area (not to include dually enrolled tribal members) will be based on data that all Indian tribes involved agree to use. Suggested data sources include tribal enrollment lists, the U.S. Census, Indian Health Service User Data, and Bureau of Indian Affairs data.

(c) Upon receiving a request for expansion or redefinition of a tribe's formula area, if approving the request would create an overlap, HUD shall follow the notice and comment procedures set forth in paragraph (2)(ii) of the definition of “Formula area” in § 1000.302.

(d) If the Indian tribes involved cannot agree on what data source to use, HUD will make the decision on what data will be used to divide the funds between the Indian tribes by August 1.

[63 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 72 FR 20025, Apr. 20, 2007; 81 FR 83681, Nov. 22, 2016]
§ 1000.327 - What is the order of preference for allocating the IHBG formula needs data for Indian tribes in Alaska not located on reservations due to the unique circumstances in Alaska?

(a) Data in areas without reservations. The data on population and housing within an Alaska Native Village is credited to the Alaska Native Village. Accordingly, the village corporation for the Alaska Native Village has no needs data and no formula allocation. The data on population and housing outside the Alaska Native Village is credited to the regional Indian tribe, and if there is no regional Indian tribe, the data will be credited to the regional corporation.

(b) Deadline for notification on whether an IHP will be submitted. By September 15 of each year, each Indian tribe in Alaska not located on a reservation, including each Alaska Native village, regional Indian tribe, and regional corporation, or its TDHE must notify HUD in writing whether it or its TDHE intends to submit an IHP. If an Alaska Native village notifies HUD that it does not intend either to submit an IHP or to designate a TDHE to do so, or if HUD receives no response from the Alaska Native village or its TDHE, the formula data which would have been credited to the Alaska Native village will be credited to the regional Indian tribe, or if there is no regional Indian tribe, to the regional corporation.

§ 1000.328 - What is the minimum amount that an Indian tribe may receive under the need component of the formula?

(a) Subject to the eligibility criteria described in paragraph (b) of this section, the minimum allocation in any fiscal year to an Indian tribe under the need component of the IHBG Formula shall equal 0.007826 percent of the available appropriations for that fiscal year after set asides.

(b) To be eligible for the minimum allocation described in paragraph (a) of this section, an Indian tribe must:

(1) Receive less than $200,000 under the FCAS component of the IHBG Formula for the fiscal year; and

(2) Certify in its Indian Housing Plan the presence of any households at or below 80 percent of median income.

[72 FR 20025, Apr. 20, 2007, as amended at 77 FR 71527, Dec. 3, 2012]
§ 1000.329 - What is the minimum total grant allocated to a tribe if there is carryover funds available?

(a) If in any given year there are carryover funds, then HUD will hold the lesser amount of $3 million or available carryover funds for additional allocations to tribes with grant allocations of less than 0.011547 percent of that year's appropriations. All tribes eligible under this section shall receive a grant allocation equal to 0.011547 percent of that year's appropriations.

(b)(1) If the set-aside carryover funds are insufficient to fund all eligible tribes at 0.011547 percent of that year's appropriations, the minimum total grant shall be reduced to an amount which can be fully funded with the available set-aside carryover funds.

(2) If less than $3 million is necessary to fully fund tribes under paragraph (a) of this section, any remaining carryover amounts of the set aside shall be carried forward to the next year's formula.

(c) To be eligible, an Indian tribe must certify in its Indian Housing Plan the presence of any households at or below 80 percent of median income.

(d) For purposes of this section, carryover funds means grant funds voluntarily returned to the formula or not accepted by tribes in a fiscal year.

[81 FR 83681, Nov. 22, 2016]
§ 1000.330 - What are the data sources for the need variables?

(a) The sources of data for the need variables shall be data that are available and collected in a uniform manner that can be confirmed and verified for all AIAN households and persons living in an identified area. Until fiscal year 2018, the data used are 2000 U.S. Decennial Census data and any HUD-accepted Census challenges. The 2000 U.S. Decennial Census data shall be adjusted annually using IHS projections based upon birth and death rate data provided by the National Center for Health Statistics.

(b)(1) Beginning fiscal year 2018, the data source used to determine the AIAN persons variable described in § 1000.324(g) shall be the most recent U.S. Decennial Census data adjusted for any statistically significant undercount for AIAN population confirmed by the U.S. Census Bureau and updated annually using the U.S. Census Bureau county level Population Estimates for Native Americans. For Remote Alaska as designated by the U.S. Census Bureau, Alaska Formula Areas in Remote Alaska shall be treated as Reservation and Trust Lands, unless the U.S. Census Bureau includes Remote Alaska in their Census Coverage Measurement or comparable study. The data under this paragraph (b) shall be updated annually using the U.S. Census Bureau county level Population Estimates for Native Americans.

(2) Beginning fiscal year 2018, the data source used to determine the variables described in paragraphs (a) through (f) of § 1000.324 shall initially be the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year Estimates.

(c) Indian tribes may challenge the data described in this section pursuant to § 1000.336.

[81 FR 83681, Nov. 22, 2016]
§ 1000.331 - How will the impacts from adoption of a new data source be minimized as the new data source is implemented?

(a) To minimize the impact of funding changes based on the introduction of a new data source under § 1000.330, in fiscal year 2018 and each year thereafter, if, solely as a direct result of the introduction of a new data source, an Indian tribe's allocation under the need component of the formula is less than 90 percent of the amount it received under the need component in the immediate previous fiscal year, the Indian tribe's need allocation shall be adjusted up to an amount equal to 90 percent of the previous year's need allocation.

(b) Nothing in this section shall impact other adjustments under this part, including minimum funding, census challenges, formula area changes, or an increase in the total amount of funds available under the need component.

(c) In the event of a decrease in the total amount of funds available under the need component, an Indian tribe's adjusted allocation under paragraph (a) of this section shall be reduced by an amount proportionate to the reduced amount available for distribution under the need component of the formula.

(d) Adjustments under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section shall be made to a tribe's need allocation after adjusting that allocation under paragraph (a) of this section.

[81 FR 83681, Nov. 22, 2016]
§ 1000.332 - Will data used by HUD to determine an Indian tribe's or TDHE's formula allocation be provided to the Indian tribe or TDHE before the allocation?

Yes. HUD shall provide the Indian tribe or TDHE notice of the data to be used for the formula and projected allocation amount by June 1.

[77 FR 71528, Dec. 3, 2012]
§ 1000.334 - May Indian tribes, TDHEs, or HUD challenge the data from the U.S. Decennial Census or provide an alternative source of data?

Yes. Provided that the data are gathered, evaluated, and presented in a manner acceptable to HUD and that the standards for acceptability are consistently applied throughout the Country.

§ 1000.336 - How may an Indian tribe, TDHE, or HUD challenge data or appeal HUD formula determinations?

(a) An Indian tribe, TDHE, or HUD may challenge data used in the IHBG Formula and HUD formula determinations regarding:

(1) U.S. Census data;

(2) Tribal enrollment;

(3) Formula area;

(4) Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS);

(5) Total Development Cost (TDC);

(6) Fair Market Rents (FMRs);

(7) Indian Health Service projections based upon birth and death rate data provided by the National Center for Health Statistics; and

(8) The undisbursed funds factor.

(b) An Indian tribe or TDHE may not challenge data or HUD formula determinations regarding Allowable Expense Level (AEL) and the inflation factor.

(c) The challenge and the collection of data and the appeal of HUD formula determinations is an allowable cost for IHBG funds.

(d) An Indian tribe or TDHE that seeks to appeal data or a HUD formula determination, and has data in its possession that are acceptable to HUD, shall submit the challenge or appeal in writing with data and proper documentation to HUD. An Indian tribe or TDHE may appeal the undisbursed funds factor no later than 30 days after the receipt of the formula determination. Data used to challenge data contained in the U.S. Census must meet the requirements described in § 1000.330(a). Further, in order for a census challenge to be considered for the upcoming fiscal year allocation, documentation must be submitted by March 30th.

(e) HUD shall respond to all challenges or appeals no later than 45 days after receipt and either approve or deny the appeal in writing, setting forth the reasons for its decision.

(1) If HUD challenges the validity of the submitted data HUD and the Indian tribe or TDHE shall attempt in good faith to resolve any discrepancies so that such data may be included in the formula allocation.

(2) If HUD denies a challenge or appeal, the Indian tribe or TDHE may request reconsideration of HUD's denial within 30 calendar days of receipt of HUD's denial. The request shall be in writing and set forth justification for reconsideration.

(3) HUD shall in writing affirm or deny the Indian tribe's or TDHE's request for reconsideration, setting forth HUD's reasons for the decision, within 20 calendar days of receiving the request. HUD's denial of a request for reconsideration shall constitute final agency action.

(4) If HUD approves the Indian tribe or TDHE's appeal, HUD will adjust to the Indian tribe's or TDHE's subsequent fiscal year allocation to include only the disputed fiscal year(s).

(f) In the event HUD questions whether the data contained in the formula accurately represents the Indian tribe's need, HUD shall request the Indian tribe to submit supporting documentation to justify the data and, if applicable, to provide a commitment to serve the population indicated in the geographic area.

[72 FR 20025, Apr. 20, 2007, as amended at 81 FR 83681, Nov. 22, 2016]
§ 1000.340 - What if an Indian tribe is allocated less funding under the IHBG Formula than it received in Fiscal Year (FY) 1996 for operating subsidy and modernization?

(a) If an Indian tribe is allocated less funding under the modernization allocation of the formula pursuant to § 1000.316(b)(2) than the calculation of the number of Low Rent, Mutual Help, and Turnkey III FCAS units multiplied by the national per-unit amount of allocation for FY 1996 modernization multiplied by an adjustment factor for inflation, the Indian tribe's modernization allocation is calculated under § 1000.316(b)(1). The remaining grants are adjusted to keep the allocation within available appropriations.

(b) If an Indian tribe is allocated less funding under the formula than an IHA received on its behalf in FY 1996 for operating subsidy and modernization, its grant is increased to the amount received in FY 1996 for operating subsidy and modernization. The remaining grants are adjusted to keep the allocation within available appropriations.

[72 FR 20026, Apr. 20, 2007]
§ 1000.342 - Are undisbursed IHBG funds a factor in the grant formula?

Yes, beginning fiscal year 2018. After calculating the initial allocation calculation for the current fiscal year by calculating FCAS, need, the 1996 Minimum, and repayments or additions for past over- or under-funding for each Indian tribe, the undisbursed funds factor shall be applied as follows:

(a) The undisbursed funds factor applies if an Indian tribe's initial allocation calculation is $5 million or more and the Indian tribe has undisbursed IHBG funds in an amount that is greater than the sum of the prior 3 years' initial allocation calculations.

(b) If subject to paragraph (a) of this section, the Indian tribe's grant allocation shall be the greater of the initial allocation calculation minus the amount of undisbursed IHBG funds that exceed the sum of the prior 3 years' initial allocation calculations, or its 1996 Minimum.

(c) For purposes of this section, “undisbursed IHBG funds” means the amount of IHBG funds allocated to an Indian tribe in HUD's line of credit control system on October 1 of the fiscal year for which the allocation is made. For Indian tribes under an umbrella TDHE (a recipient that has been designated to receive grant amounts by more than one Indian tribe), if the Indian tribe's initial allocation calculation is $5 million or more, its undisbursed IHBG funds is the amount calculated by multiplying the umbrella TDHE's total balance in HUD's line of credit control system on October 1 of the fiscal year for which the allocation is made by a percentage based on the Indian tribe's proportional share of the initial allocation calculation of all tribes under the umbrella.

(d) Amounts subtracted from an initial allocation calculation under this section shall be redistributed under the need component among all Indian tribes not subject to paragraph (a) of this section (while also retaining the 1996 Minimum).

[81 FR 83682, Nov. 22, 2016]
authority: 25 U.S.C. 4101
source: 63 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 1000.340