Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 982.151 - Annual contributions contract.

(a) Nature of ACC. (1) An annual contributions contract (ACC) is a written contract between HUD and a PHA. Under the ACC, HUD agrees to make payments to the PHA, over a specified term, for housing assistance payments to owners and for the PHA administrative fee. The ACC specifies the maximum payment over the ACC term. The PHA agrees to administer the program in accordance with HUD regulations and requirements.

(2) HUD's commitment to make payments for each funding increment in the PHA program constitutes a separate ACC. However, commitments for all the funding increments in a PHA program are listed in one consolidated contractual document called the consolidated annual contributions contract (consolidated ACC). A single consolidated ACC covers funding for the PHA's HCV program.

(b) Budget authority. (1) Budget authority is the maximum amount that may be paid by HUD to a PHA over the ACC term of a funding increment. Before adding a funding increment to the consolidated ACC for a PHA program, HUD reserves budget authority from amounts authorized and appropriated by the Congress for the program.

(2) For each funding increment, the ACC specifies the term over which HUD will make payments for the PHA program, and the amount of available budget authority for each funding increment. The amount to be paid to the PHA during each PHA fiscal year (including payment from the ACC reserve account described in § 982.154) must be approved by HUD.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169) [60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995; 64 FR 26642, May 14, 1999; 80 FR 8246, Feb. 17, 2015]
§ 982.152 - Administrative fee.

(a) Purposes of administrative fee. (1) HUD may approve administrative fees to the PHA for any of the following purposes:

(i) Ongoing administrative fee;

(ii) Costs to help families who experience difficulty finding or renting appropriate housing under the program;

(iii) The following types of extraordinary costs approved by HUD:

(A) Costs to cover necessary additional expenses incurred by the PHA to provide reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities in accordance with part 8 of this title (e.g., additional counselling costs), where the PHA is unable to cover such additional expenses from ongoing administrative fee income or the PHA administrative fee reserve;

(B) Costs of audit by an independent public accountant;

(C) Other extraordinary costs determined necessary by HUD Headquarters;

(iv) Preliminary fee (in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section);

(v) Costs to coordinate supportive services for families participating in the family self-sufficiency (FSS) program.

(2) For each PHA fiscal year, administrative fees are specified in the PHA budget. The budget is submitted for HUD approval. Fees are paid in the amounts approved by HUD. Administrative fees may only be approved or paid from amounts appropriated by the Congress.

(3) PHA administrative fees may only be used to cover costs incurred to perform PHA administrative responsibilities for the program in accordance with HUD regulations and requirements.

(b) Ongoing administrative fee. (1) The PHA ongoing administrative fee is paid for each program unit under HAP contract on the first day of the month. The amount of the ongoing fee is determined by HUD in accordance with Section 8(q)(1) of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437f(q)(1)).

(2) If appropriations are available, HUD may pay a higher ongoing administrative fee for a small program or a program operating over a large geographic area. This higher fee level will not be approved unless the PHA demonstrates that it is efficiently administering its HCV program, and that the higher ongoing administrative fee is reasonable and necessary for administration of the program in accordance with HUD requirements.

(3) HUD may pay a lower ongoing administrative fee for PHA-owned units.

(c) Preliminary fee. (1) If the PHA was not administering a program of Section 8 tenant-based assistance prior to the merger date, HUD will pay a one-time fee in the amount of $500 in the first year the PHA administers a program. The fee is paid for each new unit added to the PHA program by the initial funding increment under the consolidated ACC.

(2) The preliminary fee is used to cover expenses the PHA incurs to help families who inquire about or apply for the program, and to lease up new program units.

(d) Reducing PHA administrative fee. HUD may reduce or offset any administrative fee to the PHA, in the amount determined by HUD, if the PHA fails to perform PHA administrative responsibilities correctly or adequately under the program (for example, PHA failure to enforce HQS requirements; or to reimburse a receiving PHA promptly under portability procedures).

[60 FR 23695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 63 FR 23860, Apr. 30, 1998; 64 FR 26642, May 14, 1999; 80 FR 8246, Feb. 17, 2015]
§ 982.153 - PHA responsibilities.

The PHA must comply with the consolidated ACC, the application, HUD regulations and other requirements, and the PHA Administrative Plan.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169) [60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995; 61 FR 13627, Mar. 27, 1996; 63 FR 23860, Apr. 30, 1998]
§ 982.154 - ACC reserve account.

(a) HUD may establish and maintain an unfunded reserve account for the PHA program from available budget authority under the consolidated ACC. This reserve is called the “ACC reserve account” (formerly “project reserve”). There is a single ACC reserve account for the PHA program.

(b) The amount in the ACC reserve account is determined by HUD. HUD may approve payments for the PHA program, in accordance with the PHA's HUD-approved budget, from available amounts in the ACC reserve account.

[64 FR 26642, May 14, 1999]
§ 982.155 - Administrative fee reserve.

(a) The PHA must maintain an administrative fee reserve (formerly “operating reserve”) for the program. There is a single administrative fee reserve for the PHA program. The PHA must credit to the administrative fee reserve the total of:

(1) The amount by which program administrative fees paid by HUD for a PHA fiscal year exceed the PHA program administrative expenses for the fiscal year; plus

(2) Interest earned on the administrative fee reserve.

(b)(1) The PHA must use funds in the administrative fee reserve to pay program administrative expenses in excess of administrative fees paid by HUD for a PHA fiscal year. If funds in the administrative fee reserve are not needed to cover PHA administrative expenses (to the end of the last expiring funding increment under the consolidated ACC), the PHA may use these funds for other housing purposes permitted by State and local law. However, HUD may prohibit use of the funds for certain purposes.

(2) The PHA Board of Commissioners or other authorized officials must establish the maximum amount that may be charged against the administrative fee reserve without specific approval.

(3) If the PHA has not adequately administered any Section 8 program, HUD may prohibit use of funds in the administrative fee reserve, and may direct the PHA to use funds in the reserve to improve administration of the program or to reimburse ineligible expenses.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169) [60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995; 64 FR 26642, May 14, 1999]
§ 982.156 - Depositary for program funds.

(a) Unless otherwise required or permitted by HUD, all program receipts must be promptly deposited with a financial institution selected as depositary by the PHA in accordance with HUD requirements.

(b) The PHA may only withdraw deposited program receipts for use in connection with the program in accordance with HUD requirements.

(c) The PHA must enter into an agreement with the depositary in the form required by HUD.

(d)(1) If required under a written freeze notice from HUD to the depositary:

(i) The depositary may not permit any withdrawal by the PHA of funds held under the depositary agreement unless expressly authorized by written notice from HUD to the depositary; and

(ii) The depositary must permit withdrawals of such funds by HUD.

(2) HUD must send the PHA a copy of the freeze notice from HUD to the depositary.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169) [60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995]
§ 982.157 - Budget and expenditure.

(a) Budget submission. Each PHA fiscal year, the PHA must submit its proposed budget for the program to HUD for approval at such time and in such form as required by HUD.

(b) PHA use of program receipts. (1) Program receipts must be used in accordance with the PHA's HUD-approved budget. Such program receipts may only be used for:

(i) Housing assistance payments; and

(ii) PHA administrative fees.

(2) The PHA must maintain a system to ensure that the PHA will be able to make housing assistance payments for all participants within the amounts contracted under the consolidated ACC.

(c) Intellectual property rights. Program receipts may not be used to indemnify contractors or subcontractors of the PHA against costs associated with any judgment of infringement of intellectual property rights.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169) [60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995; 64 FR 26642, May 14, 1999]
§ 982.158 - Program accounts and records.

(a) The PHA must maintain complete and accurate accounts and other records for the program in accordance with HUD requirements, in a manner that permits a speedy and effective audit. The records must be in the form required by HUD, including requirements governing computerized or electronic forms of record-keeping. The PHA must comply with the financial reporting requirements in 24 CFR part 5, subpart H.

(b) The PHA must furnish to HUD accounts and other records, reports, documents and information, as required by HUD. For provisions on electronic transmission of required family data, see 24 CFR part 908.

(c) HUD and the Comptroller General of the United States shall have full and free access to all PHA offices and facilities, and to all accounts and other records of the PHA that are pertinent to administration of the program, including the right to examine or audit the records, and to make copies. The PHA must grant such access to computerized or other electronic records, and to any computers, equipment or facilities containing such records, and shall provide any information or assistance needed to access the records.

(d) The PHA must prepare a unit inspection report.

(e) During the term of each assisted lease, and for at least three years thereafter, the PHA must keep:

(1) A copy of the executed lease;

(2) The HAP contract; and

(3) The application from the family.

(f) The PHA must keep the following records for at least three years:

(1) Records that provide income, racial, ethnic, gender, and disability status data on program applicants and participants;

(2) An application from each ineligible family and notice that the applicant is not eligible;

(3) HUD-required reports;

(4) Unit inspection reports;

(5) Lead-based paint records as required by part 35, subpart B of this title.

(6) Accounts and other records supporting PHA budget and financial statements for the program;

(7) Records to document the basis for PHA determination that rent to owner is a reasonable rent (initially and during the term of a HAP contract); and

(8) Other records specified by HUD.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169) [60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995; 61 FR 27163, May 30, 1996; 63 FR 23860, Apr. 30, 1998; 63 FR 46593, Sept. 1, 1998; 64 FR 50229, Sept. 15, 1999; 80 FR 8246, Feb. 17, 2015]
§ 982.159 - Audit requirements.

(a) The PHA must engage and pay an independent public accountant to conduct audits in accordance with HUD requirements.

(b) The PHA is subject to the audit requirements in 2 CFR part 200, subpart F.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169) [60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995; 80 FR 75943, Dec. 7, 2015]
§ 982.160 - HUD determination to administer a local program.

If the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing determines that there is no PHA organized, or that there is no PHA able and willing to implement the provisions of this part for an area, HUD (or an entity acting on behalf of HUD) may enter into HAP contracts with owners and perform the functions otherwise assigned to PHAs under this part with respect to the area.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169) [60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995]
§ 982.161 - Conflict of interest.

(a) Neither the PHA nor any of its contractors or subcontractors may enter into any contract or arrangement in connection with the HCV program in which any of the following classes of persons has any interest, direct or indirect, during tenure or for one year thereafter:

(1) Any present or former member or officer of the PHA (except a participant commissioner);

(2) Any employee of the PHA, or any contractor, subcontractor or agent of the PHA, who formulates policy or who influences decisions with respect to the programs;

(3) Any public official, member of a governing body, or State or local legislator, who exercises functions or responsibilities with respect to the programs; or

(4) Any member of the Congress of the United States.

(b) Any member of the classes described in paragraph (a) of this section must disclose their interest or prospective interest to the PHA and HUD.

(c) The conflict of interest prohibition under this section may be waived by the HUD field office for good cause.

[60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 80 FR 8246, Feb. 17, 2015]
§ 982.162 - Use of HUD-required contracts and other forms.

(a) The PHA must use program contracts and other forms required by HUD headquarters, including:

(1) The consolidated ACC between HUD and the PHA;

(2) The HAP contract between the PHA and the owner; and

(3) The tenancy addendum required by HUD (which is included both in the HAP contract and in the lease between the owner and the tenant).

(b) Required program contracts and other forms must be word-for-word in the form required by HUD headquarters. Any additions to or modifications of required program contracts or other forms must be approved by HUD headquarters.

[60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 26642, May 14, 1999]
§ 982.163 - Fraud recoveries.

Under 24 CFR part 792, the PHA may retain a portion of program fraud losses that the PHA recovers from a family or owner by litigation, court-order or a repayment agreement.

[60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995; 60 FR 43840, Aug. 23, 1995]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 1437f and 3535(d)
source: 59 FR 36682, July 18, 1994, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 982.162