Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 983.151 - Applicability.

This subpart applies to development activity, as defined in § 983.3, under the PBV program.

§ 983.152 - Nature of development activity.

(a) Purpose of development activity. An owner may undertake development activity, as defined at § 983.3, for the purpose of:

(1) Placing a newly constructed or rehabilitated project under a HAP contract; or

(2) For a rehabilitated project that will undergo development activity after HAP contract execution, completing the requirements of the rider in accordance with § 983.157.

(b) Development requirements. Development activity must comply with the requirements of §§ 983.153 through 983.157.

§ 983.153 - Development requirements.

(a) Environmental review requirements. The development activity must comply with any applicable environmental review requirements at § 983.56.

(b) Subsidy layering review. (1) The PHA may provide PBV assistance only in accordance with the HUD subsidy layering regulations (24 CFR 4.13) and other requirements. A subsidy layering review is required when an owner undertakes development activity and housing assistance payment subsidy under the PBV program is combined with other governmental housing assistance from Federal, State, or local agencies, including assistance such as tax concessions or tax credits. The subsidy layering review is intended to prevent excessive public assistance for the housing by combining (layering) housing assistance payment subsidy under the PBV program with other governmental housing assistance from Federal, State, or local agencies, including assistance such as tax concessions or tax credits.

(2) When a subsidy layering review is required, it must occur before a PHA attaches assistance to a project. Specifically, the PHA may not execute an Agreement or HAP contract with an owner until HUD or a housing credit agency approved by HUD has conducted any required subsidy layering review and determined that the PBV assistance is in accordance with HUD subsidy layering requirements.

(3) A further subsidy layering review is not required if HUD's designee has conducted a review in accordance with HUD's PBV subsidy layering review guidelines and that review included a review of PBV assistance.

(4) The owner must disclose to the PHA any change to the information provided for purposes of the subsidy layering review, including the amount of assistance or number of units to be developed, that occurs after the subsidy layering review has been conducted and before all contract units are placed under the HAP contract, in accordance with HUD requirements. A subsidy layering review may be required to determine if such a change would result in excess public assistance to the project, as required by HUD through notification in the Federal Register.

(5) The HAP contract must contain the owner's certification that the project has not received and will not receive (before or during the term of the HAP contract) any public assistance for acquisition, development, or operation of the housing other than assistance disclosed in the subsidy layering review in accordance with HUD requirements, unless the owner discloses additional assistance in accordance with HUD requirements. A subsidy layering review is required for newly constructed or rehabilitated housing under a HAP contract that receives additional assistance, as described in § 983.11(d).

(6) Existing housing is exempt from subsidy layering requirements.

(c) Labor standards. (1) Labor standards as described in paragraphs (c)(2) of this section apply to development activity. When the PHA exercises its discretion at §§ 983.154(f) or 983.157(a) to allow the owner to conduct some or all development activity while the proposed PBV units are not under an Agreement or HAP contract, the applicable parties must comply with the labor standards in paragraph (c)(2) of this section from the date of proposal submission (for housing subject to competitive selection) or from the date of the PHA's board resolution approving the project-basing of assistance at the project (for housing excepted from competitive selection).

(2) In the case of development involving nine or more contract units (whether or not completed in stages):

(i) The owner and the owner's contractors and subcontractors must pay Davis-Bacon wages to laborers and mechanics employed in development of the housing; and

(ii) The owner and the owner's contractors and subcontractors must comply with the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, Department of Labor regulations in 29 CFR part 5, and other applicable Federal labor relations laws and regulations. The PHA must monitor compliance with labor standards.

(3) For any project to which labor standards apply, the PHA's written notice to the party that submitted the selected proposal or board resolution approving project-basing of assistance at the specific project, as applicable per § 983.51(f), must state that any construction contracts must incorporate a Davis-Bacon contract clause and the current applicable prevailing wage determination.

(d) Equal employment opportunity. Development activity is subject to the Federal equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive Orders 11246 as amended (3 CFR, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339), 11625 (3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 616), 12432 (3 CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 198), and 12138 (3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 393).

(e) Accessibility. As applicable, the design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act and implementing regulations at 24 CFR 100.205; the accessibility requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8, including 8.22 and 8.23; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12131-12134) and implementing regulations at 28 CFR part 35, including §§ 35.150 and 35.151, apply to development activity. A description of any required work item resulting from these requirements must be included in the Agreement (if applicable), as specified in § 983.154(e)(6) or HAP contract (if applicable), as specified in § 983.157(e)(1).

(f) Broadband infrastructure. (1) Any development activity that constitutes substantial rehabilitation as defined by 24 CFR 5.100 of a building with more than four rental units and where the proposal or project selection date or the start of the development activity while under a HAP contract is after January 19, 2017, must include installation of broadband infrastructure, as this term is defined in 24 CFR 5.100, except where the owner determines and documents the determination that:

(i) The location of the new construction or substantial rehabilitation makes installation of broadband infrastructure infeasible;

(ii) The cost of installing broadband infrastructure would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of its program or activity or in an undue financial burden; or

(iii) The structure of the housing to be substantially rehabilitated makes installation of broadband infrastructure infeasible.

(2) A description of any required work item resulting from this requirement must be included in the Agreement (if applicable), as specified in § 983.154(e)(7) or HAP contract (if applicable), as specified in § 983.157(e)(2).

(g) Eligibility to participate in Federal programs and activities. (1) An owner or project principal who is on the U.S. General Services Administration list of parties excluded from Federal procurement and non-procurement programs, or who is debarred, suspended subject to a limited denial of participation, or otherwise excluded under 2 CFR part 2424, may not participate in development activity or the rehabilitation of units subject to a HAP contract. Both the Agreement (if applicable) and the HAP contract must include a certification by the owner that the owner and other project principals (including the officers and principal members, shareholders, investors, and other parties having a substantial interest in the project) are not on such list and are not debarred, suspended subject to a limited denial of participation, or otherwise excluded under 2 CFR part 2424.

(2) An owner must disclose any possible conflict of interest that would be a violation of the Agreement (if applicable), the HAP contract, or HUD regulations, in accordance with § 982.161 of this title.

§ 983.154 - Development agreement.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 38321, May 7, 2024.

(a) Agreement to enter into HAP contract (Agreement). Except as specified in paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section, the PHA and owner must enter into an Agreement that will govern development activity. In the Agreement, the owner agrees to develop the contract units to comply with HQS, and the PHA agrees that, upon timely completion of such development activity in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, the PHA will enter into an initial HAP contract with the owner for the contract units. The Agreement must cover a single project, except one Agreement may cover multiple projects that each consist of a single-family building.

(b) Timing of Agreement. The effective date of the Agreement must be on or after the date the Agreement is executed. The Agreement must be executed and effective prior to the commencement of development activity as described in paragraph (d) of this section, except as provided in paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section, and must be in the form required by HUD (see 24 CFR 982.162(b)).

(c) Agreement amendment. The PHA and owner may agree to amend the contents of the Agreement described in paragraph (e) of this section by executing an addendum to the Agreement, so long as such amendments are consistent with all requirements of this part 983. The PHA and owner may only execute an addendum affecting a unit prior to the PHA accepting the completed unit.

(d) Commencement of development activity. Development activity must not commence after the date of proposal submission (for housing subject to competitive selection) or the date of the PHA's board resolution approving the project-basing of assistance at the project (for housing excepted from competitive selection) and before the effective date of the Agreement, except as provided in paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section.

(1) In the case of new construction, development activity begins with excavation or site preparation (including clearing of the land).

(2) In the case of rehabilitation, development activity begins with the physical commencement of rehabilitation activity on the housing.

(e) Contents of Agreement. At a minimum, the Agreement must describe the following features of the housing to be developed and assisted under the PBV program and development activity to be performed:

(1) The site;

(2) The location of contract units on site;

(3) The number of contract units by area (square footage) and number of bedrooms and bathrooms;

(4) The services, maintenance, or equipment to be supplied by the owner without charges in addition to the rent to owner;

(5) The utilities available to the contract units, including a specification of utility services to be paid by the owner (without charges in addition to rent) and utility services to be paid by the tenant;

(6) A description of any required work item necessary to comply with the accessibility requirements of § 983.153(e);

(7) A description of any required work item if the requirement at § 983.153(f) to install broadband infrastructure applies;

(8) Estimated initial rents to owner for the contract units;

(9) A description of the work to be performed under the Agreement:

(i) For rehabilitation, the work description must include the rehabilitation work write-up and, where determined necessary by the PHA, specifications and plans (see paragraph (g) of this section for additional requirements that apply under the option for development activity after HAP contract at 983.157); and

(ii) For new construction, the work description must include the working drawings and specifications;

(10) The deadline for completion of the work to be performed under the Agreement; and

(11) Any requirements the PHA elects to establish in addition to HQS for design, architecture, or quality. The PHA must specify the conditions under which it will require additional housing quality requirements in the Administrative Plan.

(f) PHA discretion. With respect to development activity, the PHA may decide not to use an Agreement or may choose to execute an Agreement after construction or rehabilitation that complied with applicable requirements of § 983.153 has commenced.

(1) In its Administrative Plan, the PHA must explain the circumstances (if any) under which the PHA will enter a PBV HAP contract for newly constructed or rehabilitated housing without first entering into an Agreement and under which the PHA will enter into an Agreement after construction or rehabilitation that complied with applicable requirements of § 983.153 has commenced.

(2) The following conditions apply:

(i) The owner of the project must be able to document its compliance with all applicable requirements of § 983.153 from the date of proposal submission (for housing subject to competitive selection) or from the date of the PHA's board resolution approving the project-basing of assistance at the project (for housing excepted from competitive selection);

(ii) For housing subject to competitive selection, the PHA must confirm prior to the proposal selection date that the owner has complied with all applicable requirements of § 983.153 from the date of proposal submission. For housing excepted from competitive selection, the PHA must confirm prior to executing the Agreement (if applicable) or HAP contract that the owner has complied with all applicable requirements of § 983.153 from the date of the PHA's board resolution approving the project-basing of assistance at the project; and

(iii) The PHA must comply with the notice requirement of § 983.153(c)(3).

§ 983.155 - Completion of work.

(a) General requirement. The owner must submit evidence and certify to the PHA, in the form and manner required by the PHA's Administrative Plan, that development activity under § 983.152 or substantial improvement under §§ 983.207(d) or 983.212 has been completed, and that all such work was completed in accordance with the applicable requirements. The PHA must review the evidence to determine whether the development activity or substantial improvement was completed in accordance with the applicable requirements.

(b) PHA-owned units. In the case of PHA-owned units, the owner must submit evidence and certify to the independent entity (see § 983.57(b)(3)), in the form and manner required by the PHA's Administrative Plan, that development activity under § 983.152 or substantial improvement under §§ 983.207(d) or 983.212 has been completed, and that all such work was completed in accordance with the applicable requirements. The independent entity must review the evidence to determine whether the development activity or substantial improvement was completed in accordance with the applicable requirements.

§ 983.156 - PHA acceptance of completed units.

(a) Inspection of units. After the PHA has received all required evidence of completion and the owner's certification that all work was completed in accordance with the applicable requirements, the PHA must inspect the completed units to determine whether they comply with HUD's HQS (see § 983.103(b)) and any additional design, architecture, or quality requirements specified by the PHA.

(b) Execution or amendment of the HAP contract. If the PHA determines that the development activity or substantial improvement was completed in accordance with the applicable requirements at § 983.155 and the completed units meet HUD's HQS and any additional design, architecture, or quality requirements specified by the PHA per paragraph (a) of this section, then the PHA must:

(1) For units developed pursuant to § 983.152(a)(1) which will not undergo development activity after HAP contract execution per § 983.157, submit the HAP contract for execution by the owner and execute the HAP contract;

(2) For rehabilitated housing projects for which development activity has commenced prior to HAP contract execution, but which will undergo development activity after HAP contract execution under § 983.157(b), submit the HAP contract for execution by the owner and execute the HAP contract;

(3) For development activity conducted after HAP contract execution, amend the HAP contract rider to designate the completed units as available for occupancy (§ 983.157(f)(1)(ii)) or, if the owner has completed all development activity as provided in the rider, amend the HAP contract to terminate the rider (§ 983.157(d)); or

(4) For units that underwent substantial improvement in order to be added to the HAP contract, amend the HAP contract to add the units to the HAP contract (§ 983.207(d)).

(c) Staged completion of contract units. Contract units developed pursuant to § 983.152(a)(1) which will not undergo development activity after HAP contract execution per § 983.157 may be placed under the HAP contract in stages commencing on different dates. In such a case, the PHA must determine separately for each stage whether the development activity was completed in accordance with the applicable requirements per § 983.155 and that the units meet HUD's HQS and any additional design, architecture, or quality requirements specified by the PHA per paragraph (a) of this section. If the first stage is determined compliant, then the PHA must submit the HAP contract for execution by the owner and must execute the HAP contract for PBV rehabilitated housing and newly constructed housing projects. As each subsequent stage is determined compliant, the PHA and owner must amend the HAP contract to add the units to the HAP contract (see § 983.207(g)).

(d) PHA-owned units. The independent entity must perform the inspection required in paragraph (a) of this section and make the determination(s) required in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section in the case of PHA-owned units (see § 983.57(b)(3)).

§ 983.157 - xxx
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 38321, May 7, 2024.
authority: 42 U.S.C. 1437f and 3535(d)
source: 70 FR 59913, Oct. 13, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 983.153