Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 983.201 - Applicability.

Subpart E applies to all PBV assistance under part 983 (including assistance for existing, newly constructed, or rehabilitated housing).

§ 983.202 - Purpose of HAP contract.

(a) Requirement. The PHA must enter into a HAP contract with the owner. Except as provided in this paragraph, a HAP contract shall cover a single project. If multiple projects exist, each project shall be covered by a separate HAP contract. However, a PHA and owner may agree to place multiple projects, each consisting of a single-family building, under one HAP contract. The HAP contract must be in such form as may be prescribed by HUD.

(b) Purpose of HAP contract. (1) The purpose of the HAP contract is to provide housing assistance payments for eligible families.

(2) The PHA makes housing assistance payments to the owner in accordance with the HAP contract. Housing assistance is paid for contract units leased and occupied by eligible families during the HAP contract term.

[70 FR 59913, Oct. 13, 2005, as amended at 79 FR 36167, June 25, 2014; 89 FR 38324, May 7, 2024]
§ 983.203 - HAP contract information.

The HAP contract must specify:

(a) The total number of contract units by number of bedrooms;

(b) Information needed to identify the site and the building or buildings where the contract units are located. The information must include the project's name, street address, city or county, state and zip code, block and lot number (if known), and any other information necessary to clearly identify the site and the building;

(c) Information needed to identity the specific contract units in each building. The information must include the number of contract units in the building, the location of each contract unit, the area of each contract unit, and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in each contract unit;

(d) Services, maintenance, and equipment to be supplied by the owner without charges in addition to the rent to owner;

(e) Utilities available to the contract units, including a specification of utility services to be paid by the owner (without charges in addition to rent) and utility services to be paid by the tenant;

(f) Features provided to comply with program accessibility requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8, the Fair Housing Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, as applicable;

(g) The HAP contract term;

(h) The number of contract units under the increased program cap (as described in § 983.6(d)) or excepted from the project cap (as described in § 983.54(c)) which will be set aside for occupancy by families who qualify for such a unit;

(i) The initial rent to owner (for the first 12 months of the HAP contract term); and

(j) Whether the PHA has elected not to reduce rents below the initial rent to owner in accordance with 24 CFR 983.302(c)(2).

[70 FR 59913, Oct. 13, 2005, as amended at 79 FR 36167, June 25, 2014; 89 FR 38324, May 7, 2024]
§ 983.204 - Execution of HAP Contract or PHA-owned Certification.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 38325, May 7, 2024.

(a) PHA inspection of housing. Before execution of the HAP contract, the PHA must determine that applicable pre-HAP contract HQS requirements have been met in accordance with § 983.103(b) or (c) as applicable. The PHA may not execute the HAP contract for any contract unit that does not meet the pre-HAP contract HQS requirements, except as provided in paragraph (c).

(b) Existing housing. For existing housing, the HAP contract must be executed and effective promptly after PHA selection of the owner proposal and PHA determination that the applicable pre-HAP contract HQS requirements have been met.

(c) Newly constructed or rehabilitated housing. For newly constructed or rehabilitated housing developed pursuant to § 983.152(a)(1) which will not undergo development activity after HAP contract execution per § 983.157, the HAP contract must be executed and effective promptly after the PHA determines that the housing was completed in accordance with the applicable requirements, HUD's HQS, and any additional design, architecture, or quality requirements specified by the PHA, in accordance with § 983.156(b)(1) or (c). For rehabilitated housing that will undergo development activity after HAP contract execution per § 983.157, the HAP contract must be executed and effective promptly after the requirements of § 983.157(c) are met (all proposed PBV units are added to the contract at this time, including units that do not comply with HQS or that will undergo development activity).

(d) Effective date of the PBV HAP contract. The effective date of the HAP contract must be on or after the date the HAP contract is executed. The HAP contract must be effective before the effective date of the first lease covering a contract unit occupied by an assisted family, and the PHA may not pay any housing assistance payment to the owner until the HAP contract is effective.

[89 FR 38324, May 7, 2024]
§ 983.205 - Term of HAP contract.

(a) Initial term. The PHA may enter into a HAP contract with an owner for an initial term of up to 20 years for each contract unit. The length of the term of the HAP contract for any contract unit may not be less than one year, nor more than 20 years.

(b) Extension of term. The PHA and owner may agree at any time before expiration of the HAP contract to execute one or more extensions of the HAP contract term. The following conditions apply:

(1) Each extension executed must have a term that does not exceed 20 years;

(2) At no time may the total remaining term of the HAP contract, with extensions, exceed 40 years;

(3) Before agreeing to an extension, the PHA must determine that the extension is appropriate to continue providing affordable housing for low-income families or to expand housing opportunities; and

(4) Each extension must be on the form and subject to the conditions prescribed by HUD at the time of the extension.

[89 FR 38325, May 7, 2024]
§ 983.206 - Contract termination or expiration and statutory notice requirements.

(a) Nonextension by owner—notice requirements. (1) Notices required in accordance with this section must be provided in the form prescribed by HUD.

(2) Not less than one year before termination of a PBV HAP contract, the owner must notify the PHA and assisted tenants of the termination.

(3) The term “termination” for applicability of this notice requirement means the expiration of the HAP contract, termination of the HAP contract by agreement of PHA and owner per paragraph (e) of this section, or an owner's refusal to renew the HAP contract.

(4) If an owner fails to provide the required notice, the owner must permit the tenants in assisted units to remain in their units for the required notice period with no increase in the tenant portion of their rent, and with no eviction as a result of an owner's inability to collect an increased tenant portion of rent.

(5) An owner and PHA may agree to extend the terminating contract for a period of time sufficient to provide tenants with the required notice, under such terms as HUD may require.

(b) Termination or expiration without extension—required provision of tenant-based assistance. Unless a termination or expiration without extension occurs due to a determination of insufficient funding pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section or other extraordinary circumstances determined by HUD, the PHA shall issue each family occupying a contract unit a tenant-based voucher based on the termination or expiration of the contract no fewer than 60 calendar days prior to the planned termination or expiration of the PBV HAP contract. However, the PHA is not required to issue the family a voucher if the PHA has offered the family an alternative housing option (e.g., an assisted unit in another PBV project), and the family chooses to accept the alternative housing option instead of the voucher. Such a family is not a new admission to the tenant-based program and shall not count toward the PHA's income-targeting requirements at 24 CFR 982.201(b)(2)(i). The voucher issued to the family is the voucher attached to its unit under the expiring or terminating PBV contract. Consequently, if the family vacates the contract unit following the issuance of the tenant-based voucher and prior to the contract termination or expiration date, the PHA must remove the unit from the PBV HAP contract at the time the family vacates the unit. The PBV HAP contract must provide that, if the units continue to be used for rental housing upon termination or expiration without extension of a PBV HAP contract, each assisted family may elect to use its tenant-based assistance to remain in the same project, subject to the following:

(1) The unit must comply with HUD's HQS;

(2) The PHA must determine or have determined that the rent for the unit is reasonable;

(3) The family must pay its required share of the rent and the amount, if any, by which the unit rent (including the amount allowed for tenant-based utilities) exceeds the applicable payment standard (the limitation at 24 CFR 982.508 regarding maximum family share at initial occupancy shall not apply); and

(4) The owner may not refuse to initially lease a unit in the project to a family that elects to use their tenant-based assistance to remain in the same project, except where the owner will use the unit for a purpose other than a residential rental unit. The owner may not later terminate the tenancy of such a family, except for the following grounds:

(i) The grounds in 24 CFR 982.310 of this title, except paragraphs 24 CFR 982.310(d)(1)(iii) and (iv);

(ii) The owner's desire to use the unit for a purpose other than a residential rental unit; and

(iii) The owner's desire to renovate the unit, subject to the following:

(A) The owner must consider whether a reasonable alternative to terminating the lease exists. If a reasonable alternative exists, the owner must not terminate the lease. The owner must consider the following alternatives:

(1) Completing renovations without the family vacating the unit, if the renovations can be completed in a manner that does not result in life-threatening conditions, does not result in deficiencies under HQS that are not corrected within 30 days, and is mutually agreeable to the owner and the family; and

(2) Temporarily relocating the family to complete the renovations, if the relocation and renovations can be completed within a single calendar month (beginning no sooner than the first day of a month and ending no later than the last day of the same month) and the family can be relocated to a location and in a manner mutually agreeable to the owner and the family;

(B) If the owner terminates the lease for renovation, the owner must make every reasonable effort to make available and lease the family another unit within the project that meets the tenant-based voucher program requirements; and

(C) If no other unit within the project is available for the family to lease during the renovation period or the family chooses to move from the project during the renovation period, the owner must make every reasonable effort to make available and lease the family a unit within the project upon completion of renovations.

(c) Termination by PHA. (1) The HAP contract must provide that the PHA may terminate the contract for insufficient funding, subject to HUD requirements.

(i) Consistent with the policies in the PHA's Administrative Plan, the PHA has the option of terminating a PBV HAP contract based on “insufficient funding” only if:

(A) The PHA determines in accordance with HUD requirements that it lacks sufficient HAP funding (including HAP reserves) to continue to make housing assistance payments for all voucher units currently under a HAP contract;

(B) The PHA has taken cost-saving measures specified by HUD;

(C) The PHA notifies HUD of its determination and provides the information required by HUD; and

(D) HUD determines that the PHA lacks sufficient funding and notifies the PHA it may terminate HAP contracts as a result.

(2) If the PHA determines that the owner has breached the HAP contract, the PHA may exercise any of its rights or remedies under the HAP contract, including but not limited to contract termination. The provisions of § 983.208 apply for HAP contract breaches involving failure to comply with HQS. For any other contract termination due to breach, paragraph (b) of this section on provision of tenant-based assistance applies.

(d) Termination by owner—reduction below initial rent. If the amount of the rent to owner for any contract unit, as adjusted in accordance with § 983.302, is reduced below the amount of the initial rent to owner, the owner may terminate the HAP contract, upon notice to the PHA no fewer than 90 calendar days prior to the planned termination, and families must be provided tenant-based assistance and may elect to remain in the project in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. The owner is not required to provide the one-year notice of the termination of the HAP contract to the family and the PHA, as described in paragraph (a) of this section, when terminating the HAP contract due to rent reduction below the initial rent to owner.

(e) Termination by agreement of PHA and owner. The PHA and owner may agree to terminate the HAP contract prior to the end of the term. The owner's notice in paragraph (a) of this section is required prior to termination, and the families must be provided tenant-based assistance and may elect to remain in the project in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

[89 FR 38325, May 7, 2024]
§ 983.207 - HAP contract amendments (to add or substitute contract units).

(a) Amendment to substitute contract units. At the discretion of the PHA, the PHA and owner may execute an amendment to the HAP contract to substitute a different unit with the same number of bedrooms in the same project for a previously covered contract unit. Prior to such substitution, the PHA must inspect the proposed substitute unit (the unit must comply with HQS to be substituted) and must determine the reasonable rent for such unit (the rent to owner must be reasonable for the unit to be substituted). The proposed substituted unit may be vacant or, subject to the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section, it may be occupied. The proposed substituted unit may undergo repairs or renovation prior to amending the PBV HAP contract to substitute the unit, as provided in paragraph (d) of this section. The proposed substituted unit must have existed at the time described in paragraph (e) of this section.

(b) Amendment to add contract units. At the discretion of the PHA, and provided that the total number of units in a project that will receive PBV assistance will not exceed the limitations in § 983.6 or § 983.54, the PHA and owner may execute an amendment to the HAP contract to add PBV units in the same project to the contract, without a new proposal selection. Prior to such addition, the PHA must inspect the proposed added unit (the unit must comply with HQS to be added) and must determine the reasonable rent for such unit (the rent to owner must be reasonable for the unit to be added).

(1) Added units that qualify for an exclusion from the program cap (as described in § 983.59) or an exception to or exclusion from the project cap (as described in § 983.54(c) and § 983.59, respectively) will not count toward such cap(s).

(2) The anniversary and expiration dates of the HAP contract for the additional units must be the same as the anniversary and expiration dates of the HAP contract term for the PBV units originally placed under HAP contract.

(3) The added unit may be vacant or, subject to the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section, it may be occupied.

(4) The unit may undergo repairs or renovation prior to amending the PBV HAP contract to add the unit, as provided in paragraph (d) of this section.

(5) The added unit must have existed at the time described in paragraph (e) of this section.

(c) Substituting or adding occupied units. The PHA may place occupied units on the HAP contract under paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section, subject to the following:

(1) The family occupying the unit must be eligible for assistance per §§ 983.53(a)(3) and 983.251(a);

(2) The unit must be appropriate for the size of the family occupying the unit under the PHA's subsidy standards;

(3) The family must be selected from the waiting list in accordance with the applicable selection policies; and

(4) The unit may be occupied by a family who was assisted with a tenant-based voucher immediately prior to the unit being placed on the PBV HAP contract. The tenant-based HAP contract for the unit must terminate before the unit may be placed under the PBV HAP contract. The family occupying the unit is not a new admission to the voucher program. The option described in this paragraph (c)(4) is subject to the following conditions:

(i) If the family is in the initial term of the tenant-based lease, the family agreed to mutually terminate the tenant-based lease with the owner and enter into a PBV lease.

(ii) If the initial term of the tenant-based lease has passed or the end of that term coincides with the time at which the unit will be placed on the PBV HAP contract, upon the owner's decision not to renew the tenant-based lease or to terminate the tenant-based lease in accordance with 24 CFR 982.308 or 982.310, respectively, the family agreed to relinquish the tenant-based voucher and enter into a PBV lease.

(d) Substituting or adding units that underwent repairs or renovation. A unit that is not under a HAP contract but is in a project with other units that are under a HAP contract may undergo repairs or renovation prior to amending the PBV HAP contract to add or substitute the unit, except in the case of a contract subject to a rider under the rehabilitated housing option for development activity after HAP contract execution in accordance with § 983.157. If such repairs or renovation constitute substantial improvement as defined in § 983.3, then:

(1) The substantial improvement must not proceed prior to the first two years of the effective date of the HAP contract, except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., the units were damaged by fire, natural disaster, etc.).

(2) The substantial improvement is subject to the Federal equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive Orders 11246 as amended (3 CFR, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339), 11625 (3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 616), 12432 (3 CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 198), and 12138 (3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 393).

(3) As applicable, the design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act and implementing regulations at 24 CFR 100.205; the accessibility requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8, including 8.22 and 8.23; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12131-12134) and implementing regulations at 28 CFR part 35, including §§ 35.150 and 35.151, apply to substantial improvement.

(4) Any substantial improvement that constitutes substantial rehabilitation as defined by 24 CFR 5.100 of a building with more than four rental units and where the proposal or project selection date or the start of the substantial improvement while under a HAP contract is after January 19, 2017, must include installation of broadband infrastructure, as this term is defined in 24 CFR 5.100, except where the owner determines and documents the determination that:

(i) The location of the substantial rehabilitation makes installation of broadband infrastructure infeasible;

(ii) The cost of installing broadband infrastructure would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of its program or activity or in an undue financial burden; or

(iii) The structure of the housing to be substantially rehabilitated makes installation of broadband infrastructure infeasible.

(5) An owner or project principal who is on the U.S. General Services Administration list of parties excluded from Federal procurement and non-procurement programs, or who is debarred, suspended subject to a limited denial of participation, or otherwise excluded under 2 CFR part 2424, may not participate in substantial improvement. The HAP contract must include a certification by the owner that the owner and other project principals (including the officers and principal members, shareholders, investors, and other parties having a substantial interest in the project) are not on such list and are not debarred, suspended subject to a limited denial of participation, or otherwise excluded under 2 CFR part 2424.

(6) An owner must disclose any possible conflict of interest that would be a violation of the HAP contract or HUD regulations, in accordance with § 982.161 of this title.

(7) The requirements for additional assistance after HAP contract at § 983.11(d) apply.

(8) Section 983.155, Completion of work, applies.

(9) Paragraphs (a), (b)(4), and (d) of § 983.156, PHA acceptance of completed units, apply.

(e) Restriction on substituting or adding newly built units. Units may only be added to the HAP contract or substituted for a previously covered contract unit if one of the following conditions applies:

(1) The units to be added or substituted existed at the time of HAP contract execution;

(2) In the case of a project completed in stages, the units to be added or substituted existed at the time of PHA acceptance of the last completed unit(s) per § 983.156(c); or

(3) A unit, office space, or common area within the interior of a building containing contract units existed at the time described in paragraph (e)(1) or (2) of this section, as applicable, and is reconfigured without impacting the building envelope, subject to paragraph (d) of this section, into one or more units to be added or substituted.

(f) Administrative Plan requirement. The PHA must describe in the Administrative Plan the circumstances under which it will add or substitute contract units, and how those circumstances support the goals of the PBV program.

(g) Staged completion of contract units. Even if contract units are placed under the HAP contract in stages commencing on different dates, there is a single annual anniversary for all contract units under the HAP contract. The annual anniversary for all contract units is the annual anniversary date for the first contract units placed under the HAP contract. The expiration of the HAP contract for all the contract units completed in stages must be concurrent with the end of the HAP contract term for the units originally placed under HAP contract.

(h) Amendment to merge or bifurcate HAP contracts. HUD may establish a process allowing the PHA and owner to agree to merge two or more HAP contracts for PBV assistance on the same project, or to bifurcate a HAP contract, by Federal Register notice subject to public comment.

[89 FR 38326, May 7, 2024]
§ 983.208 - Condition of contract units.

(a) Owner maintenance and operation. (1) The owner must maintain and operate the contract units and premises in accordance with the HQS, including performance of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.

(2) The owner must provide all the services, maintenance, equipment, and utilities specified in the HAP contract with the PHA and in the lease with each assisted family.

(3) At the discretion of the PHA, the HAP contract may also require continuing owner compliance during the HAP contract term with additional housing quality requirements specified by the PHA (in addition to, but not in place of, compliance with HUD's HQS). Such additional requirements may be designed to assure continued compliance with any design, architecture, or quality requirement specified by the PHA (§ 983.204(c)). The PHA must specify the conditions under which it will require additional housing quality requirements in the Administrative Plan.

(b) Enforcement of HQS. (1) The PHA must vigorously enforce the owner's obligation to maintain contract units in accordance with HUD's HQS. If the owner fails to maintain the dwelling unit in accordance with HQS, the PHA must take enforcement action in accordance with this section.

(2) The unit is in noncompliance with HQS if:

(i) The PHA or other inspector authorized by the State or local government determines the unit has HQS deficiencies based upon an inspection;

(ii) The agency or inspector notifies the owner in writing of the unit HQS deficiencies; and

(iii) The unit HQS deficiencies are not remedied within the following timeframes:

(A) For life-threatening deficiencies, the owner must correct the deficiency within 24 hours of notification.

(B) For other deficiencies, the owner must correct the deficiency within 30 calendar days of notification (or any reasonable PHA-approved extension).

(3) In the case of an HQS deficiency that the PHA determines is caused by the tenant, any member of the household, or any guest or other person under the tenant's control, other than any damage resulting from ordinary use, the PHA may waive the owner's responsibility to remedy the violation. Housing assistance payments to the owner may not be withheld or abated if the owner responsibility has been waived. However, the PHA may terminate assistance to a family because of an HQS breach beyond damage resulting from ordinary use caused by any member of the household or any guest or other person under the tenant's control, which may result in removing the unit from the HAP contract.

(4) In the case of an HQS deficiency that is caused by fire, natural disaster, or similar extraordinary circumstances, the PHA may permit the owner to undertake substantial improvement in accordance with § 983.212. However, so long as the contract unit with deficiencies is occupied, the PHA must withhold or abate housing assistance payments and remove units from or terminate the HAP contract as described in this section.

(5) In the case of a project that is undergoing development activity after HAP contract execution per § 983.157, the remedies of paragraph (d) of this section do not apply to units designated as unavailable for occupancy during the period of development activity in accordance with the rider. However, in the case of any contract unit with deficiencies that is occupied, the PHA must withhold or abate housing assistance payments and remove units from or terminate the HAP contract as described in this section.

(c) Family obligation. (1) The family may be held responsible for a breach of the HQS that is caused by any of the following:

(i) The family fails to pay for any utilities that the owner is not required to pay for, but which are to be paid by the tenant;

(ii) The family fails to provide and maintain any appliances that the owner is not required to provide, but which are to be provided by the tenant; or

(iii) Any member of the household or guest damages the dwelling unit or premises (damages beyond ordinary wear and tear).

(2) If the PHA has waived the owner's responsibility to remedy the violation in accordance with paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the following applies:

(i) If the HQS breach caused by the family is life-threatening, the family must take all steps permissible under the lease and State and local law to ensure the deficiency is corrected within 24 hours of notification.

(ii) For other family-caused deficiencies, the family must take all steps permissible under the lease and State and local law to ensure the deficiency is corrected within 30 calendar days of notification (or any PHA-approved extension).

(3) If the family has caused a breach of the HQS, the PHA must take prompt and vigorous action to enforce the family obligations. The PHA may terminate assistance for the family in accordance with 24 CFR 982.552.

(d) PHA remedies. These remedies apply when HQS deficiencies are identified as the result of an inspection other than a pre-selection, initial, or turnover inspection. (See § 983.103 generally, and see § 983.103(c) in particular for PHA enforcement actions related to the initial HQS inspection for existing housing). The PHA must identify in its Administrative Plan the conditions under which it will withhold HAP and the conditions under which it will abate HAP or terminate the HAP contract for units other than the unit with HQS deficiencies.

(1) A PHA may withhold HAP for an individual unit that has HQS deficiencies once the PHA has notified the owner in writing of the deficiencies. If the unit is brought into compliance during the applicable cure period (within 24 hours from notification for life-threatening deficiencies and within 30 days from notification (or other reasonable period established by the PHA for non-life-threatening deficiencies), the PHA:

(i) Must resume assistance payments; and

(ii) Must provide assistance payments to cover the time period for which the assistance payments were withheld.

(2)(i) The PHA must abate the HAP, including amounts that had been withheld, for the PBV unit with deficiencies if the owner fails to make the repairs within the applicable cure period (within 24 hours from notification for life-threatening deficiencies and within 30 days from notification (or other reasonable period established by the PHA) for non-life-threatening deficiencies).

(ii) The PHA may choose to abate payments for all units covered by the HAP contract due to a contract unit's noncompliance with the HQS, even if some of the contract units continue to meet HQS.

(iii) If a PHA abates the HAP for a unit, the PHA must notify the family and the owner that it is abating payments and that if the unit with deficiencies does not meet HQS within 60 days after the determination of noncompliance (or a reasonable longer period established by the PHA), the PHA will either terminate the HAP contract or remove the unit with deficiencies from the HAP contract, and any family residing in a unit that does not comply with HQS will have to move if the family wishes to receive continued assistance.

(3) An owner may not terminate the tenancy of any family due to the withholding or abatement of assistance. During the period that assistance is abated, the family may terminate the tenancy by notifying the owner. The PHA must promptly issue the family a tenant-based voucher to move.

(4) If the owner makes the repairs and the unit complies with HQS within 60 days (or a reasonable longer period established by the PHA) of the notice of abatement, the PHA must recommence payments to the owner if the unit is still occupied by an assisted family. The PHA does not make any payments for the unit to the owner for the period of time that the payments were abated.

(5) If the owner fails to make the repairs within 60 days (or a reasonable longer period established by the PHA) of the notice of abatement, the PHA must either remove the unit from the HAP contract or terminate the HAP contract in its entirety. The PHA must issue the family whose unit will be removed or all families residing in contract units, if the PHA is terminating the HAP contract, a tenant-based voucher to move at least 30 days prior to the removal of the unit from the HAP contract or termination of the HAP contract. A family may elect to remain in the project in accordance with § 983.206(b) if the project contains a unit that meets the requirements of that section, with priority given to families who will remain in the same unit if there are insufficient units available to accommodate all families that wish to remain.

(6)(i) The PHA must give any family residing in a unit that is either removed from the HAP contract or for which the HAP contract is terminated under this paragraph (d) due to a failure to correct HQS deficiencies at least 90 days or a longer period as the PHA determines is reasonably necessary following the termination of the HAP contract or removal of the unit from the HAP contract to lease a unit with tenant-based assistance.

(ii) If the family is unable to lease a new unit within the period provided by the PHA under paragraph (d)(6)(i) of this section and the PHA owns or operates public housing, the PHA must offer, and, if accepted, provide the family a selection preference for an appropriate-size public housing unit that first becomes available for occupancy after the time period expires.

(iii) PHAs may assist families relocating under this paragraph (d) in finding a new unit, including using up to 2 months of the withheld and abated assistance payments for costs directly associated with relocating to a new unit, including security deposits, temporary housing costs, or other reasonable moving costs as determined by the PHA based on their locality. PHAs must assist families with disabilities in locating available accessible units in accordance with 24 CFR 8.28(a)(3). If the PHA uses the withheld and abated assistance payments to assist with the family's relocation costs, the PHA must provide security deposit assistance to the family as necessary. If the family receives security deposit assistance from the PHA for the new unit, the PHA may require the family to remit the security deposit returned by the owner of the new unit at such time that the lease is terminated, up to the amount of the security deposit assistance provided by the PHA for that unit. The PHA must include in its Administrative Plan the policies it will implement for this provision.

(e) Maintenance and replacement—Owner's standard practice. Maintenance and replacement (including redecoration) must be in accordance with the standard practice for the building concerned as established by the owner.

(f) Applicability. This section is applicable to HAP contracts executed on or after or extended on or after June 6, 2024. For purposes of this paragraph, a HAP contract is extended the earlier of the effective date of the next extension period or the date the PHA and owner agree to the next extension. For all other HAP contracts, § 983.208 as in effect on June 5, 2024 remains applicable. However, the PHA and owner may agree to apply this section to a HAP contract executed before June 6, 2024 prior to extension.

[89 FR 38328, May 7, 2024]
§ 983.209 - Owner responsibilities.

The owner is responsible for performing all of the owner responsibilities under the Agreement and the HAP contract. 24 CFR 982.452 (Owner responsibilities) applies.

[70 FR 59913, Oct. 13, 2005. Redesignated at 79 FR 36168, June 25, 2014]
§ 983.210 - Owner certification.

By execution of the HAP contract, the owner certifies that at such execution and at all times during the term of the HAP contract:

(a) The owner is maintaining the premises and all contract units in accordance with HUD's HQS under the requirements of this part 983.

(b) The owner is providing all the services, maintenance, equipment, and utilities as agreed to under the HAP contract and the leases with assisted families.

(c) Each contract unit for which the owner is receiving housing assistance payments is leased to an eligible family referred by the PHA or selected from the owner-maintained waiting list in accordance with § 983.251, and the lease is in accordance with the HAP contract and HUD requirements.

(d) To the best of the owner's knowledge, the members of the family reside in each contract unit for which the owner is receiving housing assistance payments, and the unit is the family's only residence, except as provided in §§ 983.157(g)(6)(ii) and 983.212(a)(3)(ii).

(e) The owner (including a principal or other interested party) is not the spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister, or brother of any member of a family residing in a contract unit unless needed as a reasonable accommodation under Section 504, the Fair Housing Act, or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), for a household member who is a person with disabilities.

(f) The amount of the housing assistance payment is the correct amount due under the HAP contract.

(g) The rent to owner for each contract unit does not exceed rents charged by the owner for other comparable unassisted units.

(h) Except for the housing assistance payment and the tenant rent as provided under the HAP contract, the owner has not received and will not receive any payment or other consideration (from the family, the PHA, HUD, or any other public or private source) for rental of the contract unit.

(i) The family does not own or have any interest in the contract unit. The certification required by this section does not apply in the case of an assisted family's membership in a cooperative.

[70 FR 59913, Oct. 13, 2005. Redesignated and amended at 79 FR 36168, June 25, 2014; 89 FR 38329, May 7, 2024]
§ 983.211 - Removal of unit from HAP contract based on a family's increased income.

(a) Removal of a unit based on a family's increased income. Units occupied by families whose income has increased during their tenancy resulting in the total tenant payment equaling the gross rent shall be removed from the HAP contract 180 days following the last housing assistance payment on behalf of the family.

(b) Reinstatement or substitution of HAP contracts. If the project is fully assisted, a PHA may reinstate the unit removed under paragraph (a) of this section to the HAP contract after the ineligible family vacates the property. If the project is partially assisted, a PHA may substitute a different unit for the unit removed under paragraph (a) of this section to the HAP contract when the first eligible substitute becomes available. A reinstatement or substitution of units under the HAP contract, in accordance with this paragraph, must be permissible under § 983.207(b) or (a), respectively.

(c) Additional requirements. The anniversary and expirations dates of the reinstated or substituted unit must be the same as all other units under the HAP contract (i.e., the annual anniversary and expiration dates for the first contract units placed under the HAP contract). Families must be selected in accordance with program requirements under § 983.251 of this part.

[89 FR 38329, May 7, 2024]
§ 983.212 - Substantial improvement to units under a HAP contract.

(a) Substantial improvement to units under a HAP contract. The owner may undertake substantial improvement on a unit currently under a HAP contract, except a contract subject to a rider under the rehabilitated housing option for development activity after HAP contract execution in accordance with § 983.157, if approved to do so by the PHA. The owner may request PHA approval no earlier than the effective date of the HAP contract. The following conditions apply:

(1) The PHA may approve the substantial improvement only if one of the following conditions apply:

(i) The unit has been damaged by fire or natural disaster, or other extraordinary circumstances exist which require a unit previously compliant with HQS to urgently undergo substantial improvement. For this purpose, “extraordinary circumstances” are unforeseen events that are not the fault of the owner. The PHA may provide approval for substantial improvement resulting from the damage or extraordinary circumstances described in this paragraph (a)(1)(i) after the owner submits the request.

(ii) The owner requests to engage in substantial improvement that will commence following the first two years of the effective date of the HAP contract. The PHA may provide approval for substantial improvement occurring as described in this paragraph (a)(1)(ii) after the owner submits the request, but no earlier than twenty-one months after the effective date of the HAP contract.

(2) The owner's request must include a description of the substantial improvement proposed to be undertaken and the length of time, if any, the owner anticipates that the unit, including items and components within the primary and secondary means of egress, common features, and systems equipment as described by 24 CFR 5.703(a)(2), will not meet HQS. The PHA must not approve as substantial improvement, under this section, an owner's request to demolish a building containing contract units and newly construct replacement units (see requirements for contract termination at § 983.206 and requirements for newly constructed housing in this part 983).

(3) If the unit is occupied and will not meet HQS during any part of the period of the substantial improvement, the owner's request must include a description of the owner's plan to house the family during the period the unit will not meet HQS. The PHA must not approve the substantial improvement unless the owner's plan complies with one of the following requirements:

(i) The owner must complete the substantial improvement without the family vacating the unit if the PHA reasonably expects that the owner can complete the substantial improvement in a manner that:

(A) Does not result in life-threatening deficiencies;

(B) Does not result in any other deficiencies under the HQS that are not corrected within 30 days; and

(C) Is mutually agreeable to the owner and the family;

(ii) If the conditions for in-place substantial improvement in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section cannot be achieved, the owner must temporarily relocate the family to complete the substantial improvement if:

(A) The PHA reasonably expects that the owner can complete the relocation and substantial improvement within a single calendar month (beginning no sooner than the first day of a month and ending no later than the last day of the same month); and

(B) The family can be relocated to a location and in a manner mutually agreeable to the owner and the family; and

(iii) If the conditions for in-place substantial improvement in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section and temporary relocation in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section cannot be achieved, the following protocol for lease termination and relocation applies:

(A) If there are contract units within the project will meet HQS during the period of substantial improvement and that are vacant or expected to become vacant at the time of the planned lease termination, the PHA must refer the family to the owner for occupancy of an appropriate-size contract unit. If the family accepts the offered unit, the owner must provide the family with a reasonable time to move to the offered unit, must pay the family's reasonable moving expenses, must execute a lease with the family for the offered unit to be effective at the time of the family's move, and must terminate the lease for the family's original unit at the time of the family's move. The owner must terminate the family's lease if the family rejects the offered unit; however, the PHA must first offer the family a different unit or tenant-based assistance under paragraph (a)(3)(iii)(B) of this section if needed as a reasonable accommodation under Section 504, the Fair Housing Act, or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), for a household member who is a person with disabilities. The PHA must consider other family requests for a different unit or tenant-based assistance under paragraph (a)(3)(iii)(B) of this section;

(B) If no other contract unit within the project is available for the family to lease during the period of substantial improvement, the PHA must issue the family a tenant-based voucher. However, the PHA is not required to issue the family a voucher if the PHA has offered the family an alternative housing option (e.g., an assisted unit in another PBV project), and the family chooses to accept the alternative housing option instead of the voucher. The PHA may also issue the family a tenant-based voucher to accommodate the family's need or request as provided in paragraph (a)(3)(iii)(A) of this section. The PHA must issue the voucher no fewer than 90 calendar days prior to the planned lease termination in the case of substantial improvement pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section. The PHA must issue the voucher as soon as practicable in the case of substantial improvement pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section. If the family is eligible and willing to request a voucher to move in accordance with § 983.261, the PHA must issue the family the voucher to move under that section. If the family is not eligible or is unwilling to request a voucher to move under § 983.261, the PHA must remove the family's unit from the PBV HAP contract and issue the family its voucher to move with tenant-based assistance and subsequently add a unit back to the PBV HAP contract at such time that the unit is ready for occupancy. The PHA must extend the voucher term until the family either leases a unit with the tenant-based voucher or accepts a contract unit, whichever occurs first; and

(C) If the family moves from the project during the period of substantial improvement, the PHA must offer the family the option to return to the project with PBV assistance, if the family is eligible for PBV assistance, following completion of substantial improvement at the project. The PHA, or owner in the case of an absolute selection preference for occupancy in the project.

(4) The PHA must abate housing assistance payments for a unit beginning at the time the unit has any deficiency under HUD's HQS during the period of substantial improvement. The timing for the PHA to begin withholding and abatement specified in § 983.208(d) does not apply to deficiencies occurring during the period of substantial improvement. When all deficiencies in the unit are corrected, the PHA must recommence payments to the owner if the unit is still occupied by an assisted family, subject to paragraphs (a)(5) and (b)(1) of this section. Additionally, the PHA must not pay vacancy payments during the period of substantial improvement.

(5) The terms of the PHA approval must be recorded in an addendum to the HAP contract. The PHA may choose to temporarily remove vacant units from the PBV HAP contract during the time the units will not meet HQS during the substantial improvement. If the PHA temporarily removes a unit, the PHA reinstates the unit in accordance with § 983.207(b). Owner failure to complete the substantial improvement as approved shall be a breach of the HAP contract and the PHA may exercise any of its rights or remedies under the HAP contract, including but not limited to contract termination pursuant to § 983.206(c)(2).

(b) Applicable requirements. (1) Substantial improvement undertaken on units that are currently under a HAP contract is subject to the Federal equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive Orders 11246 as amended (3 CFR, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339), 11625 (3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 616), 12432 (3 CFR, 1983 Comp., p. 198), and 12138 (3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 393).

(2) As applicable, the design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act and implementing regulations at 24 CFR 100.205; the accessibility requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8, including 8.22 and 8.23; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12131-12134) and implementing regulations at 28 CFR part 35, including §§ 35.150 and 35.151, apply to substantial improvement undertaken on units that are currently under a HAP contract.

(3) Any substantial improvement undertaken on units that are currently under a HAP contract that constitutes substantial rehabilitation as defined by 24 CFR 5.100 of a building with more than four rental units and where the proposal or project selection date or the start of the substantial improvement while under a HAP contract is after January 19, 2017, must include installation of broadband infrastructure, as this term is defined in 24 CFR 5.100, except where the owner determines and documents the determination that:

(i) The location of the substantial rehabilitation makes installation of broadband infrastructure infeasible;

(ii) The cost of installing broadband infrastructure would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of its program or activity or in an undue financial burden; or

(iii) The structure of the housing to be substantially rehabilitated makes installation of broadband infrastructure infeasible.

(4) An owner or project principal who is on the U.S. General Services Administration list of parties excluded from Federal procurement and non-procurement programs, or who is debarred, suspended subject to a limited denial of participation, or otherwise excluded under 2 CFR part 2424, may not participate in substantial improvement undertaken on units subject to a HAP contract. The HAP contract must include a certification by the owner that the owner and other project principals (including the officers and principal members, shareholders, investors, and other parties having a substantial interest in the project) are not on such list and are not debarred, suspended subject to a limited denial of participation, or otherwise excluded under 2 CFR part 2424.

(5) An owner must disclose any possible conflict of interest that would be a violation of the HAP contract or HUD regulations, in accordance with § 982.161 of this title.

(6) The requirements for additional assistance after HAP contract at § 983.11(d) apply to substantial improvement undertaken on units that are currently under a HAP contract.

(7) Section 983.155, Completion of work, applies to substantial improvement undertaken on units that are currently under a HAP contract.

(8) Section 983.156(a), Inspection of units, and (d), PHA-owned units, apply to substantial improvement undertaken on units that are currently under a HAP contract.

(c) PHA-owned units. For PHA-owned units, the independent entity must determine whether to approve the PHA proposal to undertake substantial improvement as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, including making the determinations in paragraphs (a)(3)(i) and (a)(3)(ii)(A) when the owner will undertake substantial improvement in a unit currently occupied by an assisted family, as applicable (see § 983.57(b)(4)). The independent entity must approve the proposal if:

(1) The proposed substantial improvement meets one of the conditions of paragraph (a)(1) of this section;

(2) The description of the substantial improvement does not include plans to demolish a building containing contract units and newly construct replacement units; and

(3) The plan to house each family during the period that family's unit will not meet HQS complies with the requirements of paragraph (a)(3).

[89 FR 38329, May 7, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 1437f and 3535(d)
source: 70 FR 59913, Oct. 13, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 983.210