Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 984.201 - Action Plan.

(a) Requirement for Action Plan. A PHA or owner must have a HUD-approved Action Plan that complies with the requirements of this section before the PHA or owner operates an FSS program, whether the FSS program is a mandatory or voluntary program.

(b) Development of Action Plan. The Action Plan shall be developed by the PHA or owner in consultation with the chief executive officer of the applicable unit of general local government and the Program Coordinating Committee. Consultation for the Action Plan by the PHA or owner shall also include representatives of current and prospective FSS program participants, any local agencies responsible for programs under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3111 et seq.), other appropriate organizations (such as other local welfare and employment or training institutions, child care providers, financial empowerment providers, nonprofit service providers, and private businesses), and any other public and private service providers affected by the operation of the PHA's or owner's program.

(c) Plan submission—(1) Voluntary program. The PHA or owner must submit its Action Plan and obtain HUD approval of the plan before the PHA or owner carries out a voluntary FSS program, including a program that exceeds the minimum size for a mandatory program, regardless of whether the voluntary program receives HUD funding.

(2) Revision. Following HUD's initial approval of the Action Plan, no further approval of the Action Plan is required unless the PHA or owner proposes to make policy changes to the Action Plan or increase the size of a voluntary program; or HUD requires other changes. In such cases, the PHA or owner must submit such changes to the Action Plan to HUD for approval.

(d) Contents of Plan. The Action Plan shall describe the policies and procedures for the operation of a PHA's or owner's FSS program, and shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:

(1) Family demographics. A description of the number, size, characteristics, and other demographics (including racial and ethnic data), and the supportive service needs of the families expected to participate in the FSS program;

(2) Estimate of participating families. A description of the number of eligible FSS families who can reasonably be expected to receive supportive services under the FSS program, based on available and anticipated Federal, tribal, State, local, and private resources;

(3) Eligible families from other self-sufficiency programs. If applicable, the number of families, by program type, who are participating in other local self-sufficiency programs and are expected to agree to execute an FSS CoP;

(4) FSS family selection procedures. A statement indicating the procedures to be utilized to select families for participation in the FSS program, subject to the requirements governing the selection of FSS families, set forth in § 984.203. This statement must include a description of how the selection procedures ensure that families will be selected without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including actual or perceived gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin;

(5) Incentives to encourage participation. A description of the incentives that will be offered to eligible families to encourage their participation in the FSS program (incentives plan). The incentives plan shall provide for the establishment of the FSS escrow account in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 984.305, and other incentives, if any. The incentives plan shall be part of the Action Plan;

(6) Outreach efforts. A description of:

(i) The efforts, including notification and outreach efforts, to recruit FSS participants from among eligible families; and,

(ii) The actions to be taken to assure that both minority and non-minority groups are informed about the FSS program, and how this information will be made available;

(7) FSS activities and supportive services. A description of the activities and supportive services to be coordinated on behalf of participating FSS families and identification of the public and private resources which are expected to provide the supportive services;

(8) Method for identification of family support needs. A description of how the FSS program will identify the needs and coordinate the services and activities according to the needs of the FSS families;

(9) Program termination; withholding of services; and available grievance procedures. A description of all policies concerning termination of participation in the FSS program, or withholding of coordination of supportive services, on the basis of a family's failure to comply with the requirements of the CoP; and the grievance and hearing procedures available for FSS families;

(10) Assurances of non-interference with rights of non-participating families. An assurance that a family's election not to participate in the FSS program will not affect the family's admission to public housing or to the Section 8 program or the family's right to occupancy in accordance with its lease;

(11) Timetable for program implementation. A timetable for implementation of the FSS program, as provided in § 984.301(a)(1), including the schedule for filling FSS slots with eligible FSS families, as provided in § 984.301;

(12) Certification of coordination. A certification that development of the services and activities under the FSS program has been coordinated with programs under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3111 et seq.), and other relevant employment, child care, transportation, training, education, and financial empowerment programs in the area, and that implementation will continue to be coordinated, in order to avoid duplication of services and activities; and

(13) Optional additional information. Such other information that would help HUD determine the soundness of the proposed FSS program. This may include, and is not limited to:

(i) Policies related to the modification of goals in the ITSP;

(ii) The circumstances in which an extension of the Contract of Participation may be granted;

(iii) Policies on the interim disbursement of escrow, including limitations on the use of the funds (if any);

(iv) Policies regarding eligible uses of forfeited escrow funds by families in good standing;

(v) Policies regarding the re-enrollment of previous FSS participants, including graduates and those who exited the program without graduating;

(vi) Policies on requirements for documentation for goal completion;

(vii) Policies on documentation of the household's designation of the “head of FSS family;” and

(viii) Policies for providing an FSS selection preference for porting families (if the PHA elects to offer such a preference).

(e) Eligibility of a combined program. A PHA or owner that wishes to operate a joint FSS program with a PHA or owner may combine its resources with one or more PHAs or owners to deliver supportive services under a joint Action Plan that will provide for the coordination of a combined FSS program that meets the requirements of this part.

(f) Single Action Plan. A PHA or owner may submit one Action Plan that covers all applicable rental assistance programs (Section 8 vouchers, PBRA, Mod Rehab, and public housing) served by the FSS program.

§ 984.202 - Program Coordinating Committee (PCC).

(a) General. Each participating PHA (or joint FSS program) must establish a PCC whose functions will be to assist the PHA in securing commitments of public and private resources for the operation of the FSS program within the PHA's jurisdiction, including assistance in developing the Action Plan and in operating the program.

(b) Membership—(1) Required membership. The PCC must include representatives of the PHA, including one or more FSS Program Coordinators, and one or more participants from each HUD rental assistance program served by the PHA's FSS program. The PHA may seek assistance from the following groups in identifying potential PCC members:

(i) An area-wide or city-wide resident council, if one exists;

(ii) If the PHA operates in a specific public housing development, the resident council or resident management corporation, if one exists, of the public housing development where the public housing FSS program is to be carried out; or

(iii) Any other resident group, which the PHA believes is interested in the FSS program and would contribute to the development and coordination of the FSS program (such as the Resident Advisory Board or tenant association, as applicable).

(2) Recommended membership. Membership on the PCC may include representatives of the unit of general local government served by the PHA, local agencies (if any) responsible for carrying out programs under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3111 et seq.), and other organizations, such as other State, local, or tribal welfare and employment agencies, public and private primary, secondary, and post-secondary education or training institutions, child care providers, financial empowerment organizations, nonprofit service providers, private businesses, and any other public and private service providers with resources to assist the FSS program.

(c) Alternative committee. The PHA may, in consultation with the chief executive officer of the unit of general local government served by the PHA and one or more residents of each HUD-assisted program served by the FSS program, utilize an existing entity as the PCC if the membership of the existing entity consists, or will consist of, the individuals identified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, and it may also include individuals from the same or similar organizations identified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

§ 984.203 - FSS family selection procedures.

(a) Preference in the FSS selection process. A PHA has the option of selecting eligible families for up to fifty (50) percent of its FSS slots in accordance with a written policy, provided in the PHA's FSS Action Plan, who have one or more family members currently enrolled in an FSS related service program or on the waiting list for such a program. The PHA may limit the selection preference given to participants in, and applicants for, FSS related service programs to one or more eligible FSS related service programs. A PHA that chooses to exercise the selection preference option must include the following information in its Action Plan:

(1) The percentage of FSS slots, not to exceed fifty (50) percent of the total number of FSS slots, for which it will give a selection preference;

(2) The FSS related service programs to which it will give a selection preference to the programs' participants and applicants; and

(3) The method of outreach to, and selection of, families with one or more members participating in the identified programs.

(b) Selection among families with preference. The PHA may use either of the following to select among applicants on the FSS waiting list with the same preference status:

(1) Date and time of application to the FSS program; or,

(2) A drawing or other random choice technique.

(c) FSS selection without preference. For those FSS slots for which a selection preference is not applicable, the FSS slots must be filled with eligible families in accordance with an objective selection system, such as a lottery, the length of time living in subsidized housing, or the date the family expressed an interest in participating in the FSS program. The objective system to be used by the PHA must be described in the PHA's Action Plan.

(d) Motivation as a selection factor—(1) General. A PHA may screen families for interest, and motivation to participate in the FSS program, provided that the factors utilized by the PHA are those which solely measure the family's interest and motivation to participate in the FSS program.

(2) Permissible motivational screening factors. Permitted motivational factors include requiring attendance at FSS orientation sessions or preselection interviews and assigning certain tasks which indicate the family's willingness to undertake the obligations which may be imposed by the FSS CoP. Any tasks assigned shall be those which may be readily accomplishable by the family, based on the family members' educational level, capabilities, and disabilities, if any. Reasonable accommodations and modifications must be made for individuals with disabilities, including, e.g., mobility, manual, sensory, speech, mental, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, consistent with applicable Federal civil rights and nondiscrimination laws.

(3) Prohibited motivational screening factors. Prohibited motivational screening factors include the family's educational level, educational or standardized motivational test results, previous job history or job performance, credit rating, marital status, number of children, or other factors, such as sensory or manual skills, and any factors which may result in the exclusion, application of different eligibility requirements, or other discriminatory treatment or effect on the basis of race, color, national original, sex (including actual or perceived gender identity and sexual orientation), religion, familial status, or disability.

§ 984.204 - On-site facilities.

Each PHA or owner may, subject to the approval of HUD, make available and utilize common areas or unoccupied dwelling units in properties owned by the entity to provide or coordinate supportive services under any FSS program.

source: 87 FR 30047, May 17, 2022, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 984.203