Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 984.301 - Program implementation.

(a) Voluntary program implementation. Unless otherwise required under a funding notice, there is no deadline for implementation of a voluntary program. A voluntary program, however, may not be implemented before the requirements of § 984.201 have been satisfied.

(b) Program administration. A PHA may employ appropriate staff, including a service coordinator or FSS Program Coordinator to administer its FSS program, and may contract with an appropriate organization to establish and administer all or part of the FSS program, including the FSS escrow account, as provided by § 984.305.

§ 984.302 - FSS funds.

(a) Public housing program. Subject to 42 U.S.C. 1437g,24,and,PHAs.S.C. 1437g to cover reasonable and eligible administrative costs incurred by PHAs in carrying out the FSS program.

(b) Section 8 program. Subject to 42 U.S.C. 1437f,24,and,PHAs.

(c) FSS funds. FSS funds associated with operation of an FSS program are established by the Congress and subject to appropriations. FSS appropriated funds will be awarded to and used by PHAs or owners for costs associated with families who are enrolled in an FSS program under this part, including when an owner operates an FSS program through a Cooperative Agreement or on its own.

§ 984.303 - Contract of Participation (CoP).

(a) General. Each eligible family that is selected to participate in an FSS program must enter into a CoP with the PHA or owner that operates the FSS program in which the family will participate. There will be no more than one CoP at any time for each family. There may be an ITSP for as many members of the family as wish to participate. The CoP shall be signed by a representative of the PHA or the owner and the head of FSS family, as designated by the family. This head of FSS family does not have to be the same as the official head of household for rental assistance purposes.

(b) Form and content of contract—(1) General. The CoP, which incorporates the ITSP(s), shall set forth the principal terms and conditions governing participation in the FSS program. These include the rights and responsibilities of the FSS family and of the PHA or owner, the services to be provided to, and the activities to be completed by, each adult member of the FSS family who elects to participate in the program.

(2) FSS family goals. The ITSP, incorporated in the CoP, shall establish specific interim and final goals by which the PHA or owner, and the family, measures the FSS family's progress towards fulfilling its obligations under the CoP and becoming self-sufficient. For any FSS family that is a recipient of welfare assistance at the outset of the CoP or that receives welfare assistance while in the FSS program, the PHA or owner must establish as a final goal for each FSS participant that every member of the family become independent from welfare assistance before the expiration of the term of the CoP, including any extension thereof. Also, see the employment obligation described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section. Aside from the goals specifically required in this section, PHAs or owners must work with each participant to establish realistic and individualized goals and may not include additional mandatory goals or mandatory modifications of the two mandatory goals.

(3) Compliance with lease terms. The CoP shall provide that one of the obligations of the FSS family is to comply with the terms and conditions of the respective public housing or Section 8 lease. However, all considerations allowed for other assisted residents for repayment agreements, etc., shall also be allowed for FSS participants.

(4) Employment obligation—(i) Minimum requirement. Although all members of the FSS family may seek and maintain suitable employment during the term of the contract, only the head of FSS family shall be required under the CoP to seek and maintain suitable employment during the term of the contract and any extension thereof.

(ii) Seek employment. The obligation to seek employment means searching for jobs, applying for employment, attending job interviews, and otherwise following through on employment opportunities.

(iii) Determination of suitable employment. A determination of suitable employment shall be made by the PHA or owner, with the agreement of the affected participant, based on the skills, education, job training, and receipt of other benefits of the household member, and based on the available job opportunities within the jurisdiction served by the PHA or in the community where the PBRA property is located.

(5) Consequences of noncompliance with the contract. The CoP shall specify the consequences of noncompliance with the CoP as described in paragraph (i) of this section.

(c) Contract of Participation term. The CoP shall state that each FSS family will be required to fulfill CoP obligations no later than 5 years after the first re-examination of income after the execution date of the CoP.

(d) Contract of Participation extension. The PHA or owner shall, in writing, extend the term of the CoP for a period not to exceed two (2) years for any FSS family that requests, in writing, an extension of the contract, provided that the PHA or owner finds that good cause exists for granting the extension. The family's written request for an extension must include a description of the need for the extension. Extension of the CoP will entitle the FSS family to continue to have amounts credited to the family's FSS escrow account in accordance with § 984.304. As used in this paragraph (d), good cause means:

(1) Circumstances beyond the control of the FSS family that impede the family's ability to complete the CoP obligations, as determined by the PHA or owner, such as a serious illness or involuntary loss of employment;

(2) Active pursuit of a current or additional goal that will result in furtherance of self-sufficiency during the period of the extension (e.g., completion of a college degree during which the participant is unemployed or under-employed, credit repair towards being homeownership ready, etc.) as determined by the PHA or owner; or

(3) Any other circumstance that the PHA or owner determines warrants an extension, as long as the PHA or owner is consistent in its determination as to which circumstances warrant an extension.

(e) Unavailability of supportive services—(1) Good-faith effort to replace unavailable services. If a social service agency fails to deliver the supportive services identified in an FSS family member's ITSP, the PHA or owner shall make a good faith effort to obtain these services from another agency.

(2) Assessment of necessity of services. If the PHA or owner is unable to obtain the services from another agency, the PHA or owner shall reassess the family member's needs and determine whether other available services would achieve the same purpose. If other available services would not achieve the same purpose, the PHA or owner and the family shall determine whether the unavailable services are integral to the FSS family's advancement or progress toward self-sufficiency. If the unavailable services are:

(i) Determined not to be integral to the FSS family's advancement toward self-sufficiency, the PHA or owner shall revise the ITSP to delete these services, and modify the CoP to remove any obligation on the part of the FSS family to accept the unavailable services, in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section; or,

(ii) Determined to be integral to the FSS family's advancement toward self-sufficiency, the PHA or owner shall terminate the CoP and follow the requirements in paragraph (k) of this section regarding FSS escrow disbursement.

(f) Modification. The PHA or owner and the FSS family may mutually agree to modify the CoP with respect to the ITSP and/or the contract term in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, and/or designation of the head of FSS family. Modifications must be in writing.

(g) Completion of the contract. The CoP is considered to be completed, and a family's participation in the FSS program is considered to be concluded when the FSS family has fulfilled all of its obligations under the CoP, including all family members' ITSPs, on or before the expiration of the contract term, including any extension thereof.

(h) Termination of the contract. The CoP shall be terminated if the family's housing assistance is terminated in accordance with HUD requirements. The CoP may be terminated before the expiration of the contract term, and any extension thereof, by:

(1) Mutual consent of the parties;

(2) The failure of the FSS family to meet its obligations under the CoP without good cause. This includes an FSS family who has moved out of multifamily assisted housing and families receiving tenant-based assistance under section 8(o) of the 1937 Act who fail to comply with the contract requirements because the family has moved outside the jurisdiction of the PHA, and the PHA has not determined that there is good cause terminate the CoP with FSS escrow disbursement in accordance with paragraph (k)(1)(iii) of this section;

(3) The family's withdrawal from the FSS program;

(4) Such other act as is deemed inconsistent with the purpose of the FSS program; or

(5) Operation of law.

(i) Option to terminate FSS participation or withhold the coordination of supportive service assistance. The PHA or owner may withhold the coordination of supportive services or terminate the FSS family's participation in the FSS program, if the PHA or owner determines, in accordance with the FSS Action Plan hearing procedures, that the FSS family has failed to comply without good cause with the requirements of the CoP in accordance with this section.

(j) Transitional supportive service assistance. A PHA or owner may continue to offer to a former FSS family that has completed its CoP, appropriate coordination of those FSS supportive services needed to become self-sufficient if the family still resides in public housing or Section 8 housing. If the family no longer resides in public housing, Section 8, or other assisted housing, then a PHA or owner may continue to coordinate supportive services for a former FSS family that completed its CoP using only funding sources that are not HUD funds or HUD-restricted funds.

(k) Termination with FSS escrow disbursement. (1) The CoP is will be terminated with FSS disbursement when:

(i) Services that the PHA or owner and the FSS family have agreed are integral to the FSS family's advancement towards self-sufficiency are unavailable, as described in paragraph (e) of this section;

(ii) The head of the FSS family becomes permanently disabled and unable to work during the period of the contract, unless the PHA or owner and the FSS family determine that it is possible to modify the contract to designate a new head of the FSS family; or

(iii) An FSS family in good standing moves outside the jurisdiction of the PHA (in accordance with portability requirements at § 982.353 of this chapter) for good cause, as determined by the PHA, and continuation of the CoP after the move, or completion of the CoP prior to the move, is not possible. PHAs must be consistent in their determinations of whether a family has good cause for a termination with FSS escrow disbursement under this paragraph (k).

(2) Upon termination of a CoP pursuant to paragraph (k)(1) of this section, escrow funds must be handled consistent with § 984.305.

§ 984.304 - Amount of rent paid by FSS family and increases in family income.

(a) Amount of rent paid by FSS family. The amount of rent paid by an FSS family is determined in accordance with the requirements of the applicable housing assistance program as specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) Public housing program: Calculation of total tenant payment. Total tenant payment for an FSS family participating in the FSS program is determined in accordance with the regulations set forth in 24 CFR part 5, subpart F.

(2) Section 8 programs: Calculation of rent. (i) For the HCV program, rent is determined in accordance with 24 CFR part 982, subpart K; and

(ii) For the PBV program, rent is determined in accordance with 24 CFR part 983, subpart G.

(b) Increases in FSS family income. Any increase in the earned income of an FSS family during its participation in an FSS program may not be considered as income or an asset for purposes of eligibility of the FSS family under any other program administered by HUD.

§ 984.305 - FSS escrow account.

(a) Establishment of FSS escrow account—(1) General. The PHA or owner shall deposit the FSS escrow account funds of all families participating in an FSS program into a single interest-bearing depository account. The PHA or owner must deposit the FSS escrow account funds in one or more of the HUD-approved investments. The depository account may be part of the PHA's or owner's overall accounts or a separate account, as long as it is in compliance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section. During the term of the CoP, the FSS escrow account credit amount shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section at each re-examination of income occurring after the effective date of the CoP. Such escrow credit amount must be deposited each month by the PHA or owner to each family's FSS escrow account within the PHA's or owner's depository account.

(2) Accounting for FSS escrow account funds—(i) Accounting records. The total of the combined FSS escrow account funds will be supported in the accounting records by a subsidiary ledger showing the balance applicable to each FSS family.

(ii) Proration of investment income. The investment income for funds in the FSS escrow account must be prorated and credited to each family's FSS escrow account based on the balance in each family's FSS escrow account at the end of the period for which the investment income is credited.

(iii) Reduction of amounts due by FSS family. If the FSS family has not paid the family contribution towards rent, or other amounts, if any, due under the public housing or Section 8-assisted lease, the balance in the family's FSS account shall be reduced by that amount (as determined by the owner or reported by the owner to the PHA in the Section 8(o) programs) at the time of final disbursement of FSS escrow funds in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. If the FSS family has been found to have under-reported income after the baseline annual earned income was set, the amount credited to the FSS escrow account will be based on the income amounts originally reported by the FSS family. If the FSS family is found to have under-reported income in the re-examination used to set the baseline, the escrow for the entire period of the CoP will be re-calculated using the correct income to set the baseline and then calculate subsequent escrow amounts.

(3) Reporting on FSS escrow account. Each PHA or owner will be required to make a report, at least once annually, to each FSS family on the status of the family's FSS escrow account. At a minimum, the report will include:

(i) The balance at the beginning of the reporting period;

(ii) The amount of the family's rent payment that was credited to the FSS escrow account, during the reporting period;

(iii) Any deductions made from the account at the time of final disbursement of FSS escrow funds (see paragraphs (a)(2)(iii) and (c) of this section) for amounts due the PHA or owner;

(iv) The amount of interest earned on the account during the year; and

(v) The total in the account at the end of the reporting period.

(b) FSS credit—(1) Determining the family's baseline information. When determining the family's baseline annual earned income and the baseline monthly rent amounts for purposes of computing the FSS escrow credit, the PHA or owner must use the amounts on the family's last income re-examination.

(2) Computation of amount. The FSS credit amount shall be the lower of:

(i) Thirty (30) percent of one-twelfth ( 1/12) (i.e., two and a half (2.5) percent) of the amount by which the family's current annual earned income exceeds the family's baseline annual earned income; or

(ii) The increase in the family's monthly rent. The increase in the family's monthly rent shall be the lower of:

(A) The amount by which the family's current monthly rent exceeds the family's baseline monthly rent;

(B) For HCV families, the difference between the baseline monthly rent and the current gross rent (i.e., rent to owner plus any utility allowance) or the payment standard, whichever is lower; or

(C) For PBV, Mod Rehab, including Mod Rehab SRO, and PBRA families, the difference between the baseline monthly rent and the current gross rent (i.e., rent to owner or contract rent, as applicable, plus any utility allowance).

(3) Ineligibility for FSS credit. FSS families who are not low-income families (i.e., whose adjusted annual income exceeds eighty (80) percent of the area median income) shall not be entitled to any FSS credit.

(4) Cessation of FSS credit. The PHA or owner shall not make additional credits to the FSS family's FSS escrow account:

(i) When the FSS family has completed the CoP, as described in § 984.303(g);

(ii) When the CoP is terminated; or

(iii) During the time an HCV family is in the process of moving to a new unit, in accordance with HCV program requirements in part 982 of this title, and is not under a lease.

(c) Disbursement of FSS escrow account funds—(1) General. The amount in an FSS escrow account in excess of any amount owed to the PHA or owner by the FSS family, as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, shall be paid to the head of FSS family when the CoP has been completed as provided in § 984.303(g), and if, at the time of contract completion, the head of FSS family submits to the PHA or owner a certification, as defined in § 984.103, that to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, no member of the FSS family is a recipient of welfare assistance.

(2) Disbursement before expiration of contract term. (i) If the PHA or owner determines that the FSS family has fulfilled its obligations under the CoP before the expiration of the contract term, and the head of FSS family submits a certification that, to the best of his or her knowledge, no member of the FSS family is a recipient of welfare assistance, the amount in the family's FSS escrow account, in excess of any amount owed to the PHA or owner by the FSS family, as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, shall be paid to the head of FSS family.

(ii) If the PHA or owner determines that the FSS family has fulfilled certain interim goals established in the CoP and needs a portion of the FSS escrow account funds for purposes consistent with or in support of the CoP, such as completion of higher education (i.e., college, graduate school), job training, or to meet start-up expenses involved in creation of a small business, the PHA or owner may, at the PHA's or owner's sole discretion, disburse a portion of the funds from the family's FSS escrow account to assist the family in paying those expenses. Unless the interim disbursement was made based on fraudulent information from the family, the family is not required to repay such interim disbursements if the family does not complete the CoP.

(3) Disbursement in cases of termination of the CoP with disbursement of escrow. The PHA or owner must disburse to the family its FSS escrow account funds in excess of any amount owed to the PHA or owner by the FSS family, as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, under circumstances in which HUD has determined good cause is warranted. HUD determines that there is good cause when a CoP is terminated in accordance with § 984.303(k). Therefore, if the CoP is terminated in accordance with § 984.303(k), the PHA or owner must disburse to the family its FSS escrow account funds in excess of any amount owed to the PHA or owner by the FSS family, as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, as of the effective date of the termination of the contract.

(4) Verification of family certification. Before disbursement of the FSS escrow account funds to the family, the PHA or owner may verify that the FSS family is no longer a recipient of welfare assistance by requesting copies of any documents which may indicate whether the family is receiving any welfare assistance and by contacting welfare agencies.

(d) Succession of FSS escrow account. If the head of FSS family ceases to reside with other family members in the public housing or the Section 8-assisted unit, the remaining members of the FSS family, after consultation with the PHA or owner, shall have the right to take over the CoP or designate another family member to receive the funds in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(e) Use of FSS escrow account funds for homeownership. An FSS family may use disbursed FSS escrow account funds, in accordance with § 984.305(c), after final disbursement for the purchase of a home, including the purchase of a home under one of HUD's homeownership programs, or other Federal, State, or local homeownership programs, unless such use is prohibited by the statute or regulations governing the particular homeownership program.

(f) Forfeiture of FSS escrow account funds—(1) Conditions for forfeiture. Amounts in the FSS escrow account shall be forfeited upon the occurrence of the following:

(i) The CoP is terminated, as provided in § 984.303(h); or,

(ii) The CoP is completed by the family, as provided in § 984.303(g), but the FSS family is receiving welfare assistance at the time the CoP term expires, including any extension thereof.

(2) Treatment of forfeited FSS escrow account funds. FSS escrow account funds forfeited by the FSS family must be used by the PHA or owner for the benefit of the FSS participants.

(i) Specifically, such funds may be used for the following eligible activities:

(A) Support for FSS participants in good standing, including, but not limited to, transportation, child care, training, testing fees, employment preparation costs, and other costs related to achieving obligations outlined in the CoP;

(B) Training for FSS Program Coordinator(s); or

(C) Other eligible activities as determined by the Secretary.

(ii) Such funds may not be used for salary and fringe benefits of FSS Program Coordinators; general administrative costs of the FSS program, for housing assistance payments (HAP) expenses or public housing operating funds; or any other activity determined ineligible by the Secretary.

§ 984.306 - HCV portability requirements for FSS participants.

(a) Initial period of CoP—(1) First 12 months. During the first 12 months after the effective date of the FSS CoP, an FSS family may not move outside the jurisdiction of the PHA that first enrolled the family in the FSS program. However, the PHA may approve an FSS family's request to move outside of its jurisdiction under portability (in accordance with § 982.353 of this chapter) during this period. This paragraph (a)(1) applies to a former PBV family who received tenant-based rental assistance in accordance with § 983.261 of this chapter and exercised their right to move.

(2) After the first 12 months. After the first 12 months of the FSS CoP, the FSS family with a tenant-based voucher may move outside the initial PHA jurisdiction under portability regulations (in accordance with § 982.353 of this chapter). This paragraph (a)(2) applies to former PBV families who received tenant-based rental assistance in accordance with § 983.261 of this chapter and exercised their right to move.

(b) An FSS family moves to the jurisdiction of a receiving PHA that administers an FSS program. (1) Whether the receiving PHA bills the initial PHA or absorbs the FSS family into its HCV program, the receiving PHA must enroll an FSS family in good standing in its FSS program; unless

(i) The receiving PHA is already serving the number of FSS families identified in its FSS Action Plan and determines that it does not have the resources to manage the FSS contract; or

(ii) The receiving PHA and the initial PHA agree to the FSS family's continued participation in the initial PHA's FSS program. Prior to the PHAs agreeing to the continued participation, the initial PHA must determine that the relocating FSS family has demonstrated that, notwithstanding the move, it will be able to fulfill its responsibilities under the initial or a modified CoP at its new place of residence. For example, the FSS family may be able to commute to the supportive services specified in the CoP, or the family may move to obtain employment as specified in the contract.

(2) Where continued FSS participation is not possible in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the initial PHA must clearly discuss the options that may be available to the family, depending on the family's specific circumstances, which may include, but are not limited to, modification of the FSS contract, termination of the FSS contract and forfeiture of escrow, termination with FSS escrow disbursement in accordance with § 984.303(k)(1)(iii), or locating a receiving PHA that has the capacity to enroll the family into its FSS program.

(c) An FSS family moves to the jurisdiction of a receiving PHA that does not administer an FSS program. If the receiving PHA does not administer an FSS program, the FSS family may not continue participation in the FSS program. The initial PHA must clearly discuss the options that may be available to the family, depending on the family's specific circumstances, which may include, but are not limited to, modification of the FSS contract, termination with FSS escrow disbursement in accordance with § 984.303(k)(1)(iii), termination of the FSS contract and forfeiture of escrow, or locating a receiving PHA that administers an FSS program.

(d) Single FSS escrow account. Regardless of whether the FSS family remains in the FSS program of the initial PHA or is enrolled in the FSS program of the receiving PHA, the family will have only one FSS escrow account. If the receiving PHA is billing the initial PHA, the account will be maintained by the initial PHA. If an FSS family will be absorbed by the receiving PHA, the initial PHA will transfer the family's FSS escrow account funds to the receiving PHA and the receiving PHA will maintain the funds in its FSS account.

(e) FSS program termination; loss of FSS escrow account. (1) If an FSS family relocates to another jurisdiction, as provided under this section, and is unable to fulfill its obligations under the CoP (or any modifications thereto), the PHA, which is a party to the CoP, must terminate the FSS family from the FSS program, and the family's FSS escrow account will be forfeited. Termination of FSS program participation and forfeiture of FSS escrow must be used only as a last resort, after the PHA determines, in consultation with the family, that the family would be unable to fulfill its obligations under the CoP after the move, that the current CoP cannot be modified to allow for graduation prior to porting, and that the current CoP cannot be terminated with FSS escrow disbursement in accordance with § 984.303(k)(1)(iii). When termination is the only option, the PHA must clearly notify the family that the move will result in the loss of escrow funds.

(2) In the event of forfeiture of the family's FSS escrow account funds, the FSS escrow account funds will revert to the PHA maintaining the FSS escrow account for the family.

(f) Contract of Participation (CoP). (1) If the FSS family enrolls in the receiving PHA's FSS program pursuant to this section, the receiving PHA will enter into a new CoP with the FSS family for the term remaining on the contract with the initial PHA. The initial PHA will terminate its CoP with the family.

(2) If the FSS family remains in the FSS program of the initial PHA, pursuant to this section, the CoP executed by the initial PHA will remain as the contract in place.

(g) New FSS enrollment into the receiving PHA's FSS program—(1) Billing. If the receiving PHA bills the initial PHA, the receiving PHA may, consistent with the receiving PHA's FSS enrollment policies, enroll a family that was not an FSS participant at the initial PHA into its FSS program, provided that the initial PHA manages an FSS program and agrees to such enrollment. If the receiving PHA bills the initial PHA, but the initial PHA does not manage an FSS program, the family may not enroll in the receiving PHA's FSS program.

(2) Absorption. If the receiving PHA absorbs the family into its HCV program, the receiving PHA may, consistent with the receiving PHA's FSS enrollment policies, enroll a family that was not an FSS participant at the initial PHA into its FSS program.

source: 87 FR 30047, May 17, 2022, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 984.302