Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 30.70 - Prepenalty notice.
(a) Prior to determining whether to issue a complaint under § 30.85, the official designated in subpart B of this part, or his or her designee (or the chairperson of the Mortgagee Review Board, or his or her designee, in actions under § 30.35), shall issue a written notice to the respondent. This prepenalty notice shall include the following:
(1) That HUD is considering seeking a civil money penalty;
(2) The specific violations alleged;
(3) The maximum civil money penalty that may be imposed;
(4) The opportunity to reply in writing to the designated program official within 30 days after receipt of the notice;
(5) That failure to respond within the 30-day period may result in issuance of a complaint under § 30.85 without consideration of any information that the respondent may wish to provide; and
(6) That if a complaint is issued under § 30.85, the respondent may request a hearing before an administrative law judge in accordance with § 30.95.
(b) Obligation to preserve documents. Upon receipt of the prepenalty notice, the respondent is required to preserve and maintain all documents or data, including electronically stored data, within his or her possession or control that may relate to the violations alleged in the prepenalty notice. The Department shall also preserve such documents or data upon the issuance of the prepenalty notice.
[74 FR 2751, Jan. 15, 2009]
§ 30.75 - Response to prepenalty notice.
(a) The response shall be in a format prescribed in the prepenalty notice. The response shall address the factors set forth in § 30.80 and include any arguments opposing the imposition of a civil money penalty that the respondent may wish to present.
(b) In any case where respondent seeks to raise ability to pay as an affirmative defense or argument in mitigation, the respondent shall provide documentary evidence as part of its response.
[74 FR 2751, Jan. 15, 2009]
§ 30.80 - Factors in determining amount of civil money penalty.
After determining that a respondent has committed a violation as described in subpart B of this part that subjects the respondent to liability under this part, the officials designated in subpart B of this part shall consider the following factors to determine the amount of penalty to seek against a respondent, if any:
(a) The gravity of the offense;
(b) Any history of prior offenses;
(c) The ability to pay the penalty, which ability shall be presumed unless specifically raised as an affirmative defense or mitigating factor by the respondent;
(d) The injury to the public;
(e) Any benefits received by the violator;
(f) The extent of potential benefit to other persons;
(g) Deterrence of future violations;
(h) The degree of the violator's culpability; and
(i) Such other matters as justice may require.
(j) In addition to the above factors, with respect to violations under §§ 30.45, 30.55, 30.60, and 30.68, the Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, or his or her designee, or the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, or his or her designee, shall also consider:
(1) Any injury to tenants; and/or
(2) Any injury to lot owners.
(k) HUD may consider the factors listed in paragraphs (a) through (k) of this section to determine the appropriateness of imposing a penalty under § 30.35(c)(2); however, HUD cannot change the amount of the penalty under § 30.35(c)(2).
[74 FR 2751, Jan. 15, 2009, as amended at 82 FR 24525, May 30, 2017]
§ 30.85 - Complaint.
(a) General. Upon the expiration of the period for the respondent to submit a response to the prepenalty notice, the official designated in subpart B of this part, or his or her designee (or the Mortgagee Review Board in actions under § 30.35) shall determine whether to seek a civil money penalty. Such determination shall be based upon a review of the prepenalty notice, the response, if any, and the factors listed at § 30.80. A determination by the Mortgagee Review Board to seek a civil money penalty shall be by a majority vote of the Board.
(b) If a determination is made to seek a civil money penalty, government counsel shall issue a complaint to the respondent on behalf of the officials listed at subpart B of this part or the Mortgagee Review Board for violations under § 30.35. The complaint shall be served upon respondent and simultaneously filed with the Office of Hearings and Appeals, and shall state the following:
(1) The factual basis for the decision to seek a penalty;
(2) The applicable civil money penalty statute;
(3) The amount of penalty sought;
(4) The right to submit a response in writing, within 15 days of receipt of the complaint, requesting a hearing on any material fact in the complaint, or on the appropriateness of the penalty sought;
(5) The address to which a response must be sent;
(6) That the failure to submit a response may result in the imposition of the penalty in the amount sought.
(c) A copy of this part and of 24 CFR part 26, subpart B, shall be included with the complaint.
(d) Service of the complaint. The complaint shall be served on the respondent by first class mail, personal delivery, or other means.
(e) Before taking an action under §§ 30.35 for violation of 12 U.S.C. § 1735f-14(b)(1)(D) or (F), 30.36, or 30.50 for violation of 12 U.S.C. 1723i(b)(1)(G) or (I), the Secretary shall inform the Attorney General of the United States, which may be accomplished by providing a copy of the complaint. The Secretary shall include in the body of the complaint a statement confirming that this action was taken.
[61 FR 50215, Sept. 24, 1996, as amended at 74 FR 2752, Jan. 15, 2009]
§ 30.90 - Response to the complaint.
(a) Request for a hearing. If the respondent desires a hearing before an administrative law judge, the respondent shall submit a request for a hearing to HUD and the Office of Hearings and Appeals no later than 15 days following receipt of the complaint, as required by statute. This mandated period cannot be extended.
(b) Answer. In any case in which the respondent has requested a hearing, the respondent shall serve upon HUD and file with the Office of Hearings and Appeals a written answer to the complaint within 30 days of receipt of the complaint, unless such time is extended by the administrative law judge for good cause. The answer shall include the admission or denial of each allegation of liability made in the complaint; any defense on which the respondent intends to rely; any reasons why the civil money penalty should be less than the amount sought in the complaint, based on the factors listed at § 30.80; and the name, address, and telephone number of the person who will act as the respondent's representative, if any.
(c) Filing with the administrative law judges. HUD shall file the complaint and response with the Docket Clerk, Office of Hearings and Appeals, in accordance with § 26.38 of this chapter. If no response is submitted, then HUD may file a motion for default judgment, together with a copy of the complaint, in accordance with § 26.41 of this title.
[61 FR 50215, Sept. 24, 1996, as amended at 74 FR 2752, Jan. 15, 2009; 74 FR 7313, Feb. 17, 2009; 74 FR 4635, Jan. 26, 2009; 78 FR 4060, Jan. 18, 2013]
§ 30.95 - Hearings.
Hearings under this part shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures applicable to hearings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, set forth in 24 CFR part 26.
[74 FR 2752, Jan. 15, 2009]
§ 30.100 - Settlement of a civil money penalty action.
The officials listed at subpart B of this part, or their designees (or the Mortgagee Review Board, or designee, for violations under § 30.35), are authorized to enter into settlement agreements resolving civil money penalty actions that may be brought under part 30.
[74 FR 2752, Jan. 15, 2009]
source: 61 FR 50215, Sept. 24, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 30.70