Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 25 - Indians last revised: Mar 22, 2024
§ 166.900 - How are the Indian agriculture education programs operated?

(a) The purpose of the Indian agriculture education programs is to recruit and develop promising Indian and Alaska Natives who are enrolled in secondary schools, tribal or Alaska Native community colleges, and other post-secondary schools for employment as professional resource managers and other agriculture-related professionals by approved organizations.

(b) We will operate the student educational employment program as part of our Indian agriculture education programs in accordance with the provisions of 5 CFR 213.3202(a) and (b).

(c) We will establish an education committee to coordinate and carry out the agriculture education assistance programs and to select participants for all agriculture education assistance programs. The committee will include at least one Indian professional educator in the field of natural resources or agriculture, a personnel specialist, a representative of the Intertribal Agriculture Council, and a natural resources or agriculture professional from the BIA and a representative from American Indian Higher Education Consortium. The committee's duties will include the writing of a manual for the Indian and Alaska Native Agriculture Education and Assistance Programs.

(d) We will monitor and evaluate the agriculture education assistance programs to ensure that there are adequate Indian and Alaska Native natural resources and agriculture-related professionals to manage Indian natural resources and agriculture programs by or for tribes and Alaska Native Corporations. We will identify the number of participants in the intern, student educational employment program, scholarship, and outreach programs; the number of participants who completed the requirements to become a natural resources or agriculture-related professional; and the number of participants completing advanced degree requirements.

§ 166.901 - How will the BIA select an agriculture intern?

(a) The purpose of the agriculture intern program is to ensure the future participation of trained, professional Indians and Alaska Natives in the management of Indian and Alaska Native agricultural land. In keeping with this purpose, we will work with tribes and Alaska Natives:

(1) To obtain the maximum degree of participation from Indians and Alaska Natives in the agriculture intern program;

(2) To encourage agriculture interns to complete an undergraduate degree program in natural resources or agriculture-related field; and

(3) To create an opportunity for the advancement of natural resources and agriculture-related technicians to professional resource management positions with the BIA, other federal agencies providing an agriculture service to their respective tribe, a tribe, or tribal agriculture enterprise.

(b) Subject to restrictions imposed by agency budgets, we will establish and maintain in the BIA at least 20 positions for the agriculture intern program. All Indians and Alaska Natives who satisfy the qualification criteria may compete for positions.

(c) Applicants for intern positions must meet the following criteria:

(1) Be eligible for Indian preference as defined in 25 CFR part 5;

(2) Possess a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent;

(3) Be able to successfully complete the intern program within a three-year period; and

(4) Possess a letter of acceptance to an accredited post-secondary school or demonstrate that one will be sent within 90 days.

(d) We will advertise vacancies for agriculture intern positions semi-annually, no later than the first day of April and October, to accommodate entry into school.

(e) In selecting agriculture interns, we will seek to identify candidates who:

(1) Have the greatest potential for success in the program;

(2) Will take the shortest time period to complete the intern program; and

(3) Provide the letter of acceptance required by paragraph (c)(4) of this section.

(f) Agriculture interns must:

(1) Maintain full-time status in an agriculture-related curriculum at an accredited post-secondary school;

(2) Maintain good academic standing;

(3) Enter into an obligated service agreement to serve as a professional resource manager or agriculture-related professional with an approved organization for one year in exchange for each year in the program; and

(4) Report for service with the approved organization during any break in attendance at school of more than three weeks.

(g) The education committee will evaluate annually the performance of the agriculture intern program participants against requirements to ensure that they are satisfactorily progressing toward completion of program requirements.

(h) We will pay all costs for tuition, books, fees, and living expenses incurred by an agriculture intern while attending an accredited post-secondary school.

§ 166.902 - How can I become an agriculture educational employment student?

(a) To be considered for selection, applicants for the student educational employment program must:

(1) Meet the eligibility requirements in 5 CFR part 308; and

(2) Be accepted into or enrolled in a course of study at an accredited post-secondary institution which grants degrees in natural resources or agriculture-related curricula.

(b) Student educational employment steering committees established at the field level will select program participants based on eligibility requirements without regard to applicants' financial needs.

(c) A recipient of assistance under the student educational employment program will be required to enter into an obligated service agreement to serve as a natural resources or agriculture-related professional with an approved organization for one year in exchange for each year in the program.

(d) We will pay all costs of tuition, books, fees, and transportation to and from the job site to school, for an Indian or Alaska Native student who is selected for the cooperative education program.

§ 166.903 - How can I get an agriculture scholarship?

(a) We may grant agriculture scholarships to Indians and Alaska Natives enrolled as full-time students in accredited post-secondary and graduate programs of study in natural resources and agriculture-related curricula.

(b) The education committee established in § 166.900(c) of this subpart will select program participants based on eligibility requirements stipulated in paragraphs (e) through (g) of this section without regard to applicants' financial needs or past scholastic achievements.

(c) Recipients of scholarships must reapply annually to continue to receive funding beyond the initial award period. Students who have received scholarships in past years, are in good academic standing, and have been recommended for continuation by their academic institution will be given priority over new applicants for scholarship assistance.

(d) The amount of scholarship funds an individual is awarded each year will be contingent upon the availability of funds appropriated each fiscal year and is subject to yearly change.

(e) Preparatory scholarships may be available for a maximum of three academic years of general, undergraduate course work leading to a degree in natural resources or agriculture-related curricula and may be awarded to individuals who:

(1) Possess a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent; and

(2) Are enrolled and in good academic standing at an acceptable post-secondary school.

(f) Undergraduate scholarships are available for a maximum of three academic years and may be awarded to individuals who:

(1) Have completed a minimum of 55 semester hours toward a bachelor's degree in a natural resources or agriculture-related curriculum; and

(2) Have been accepted into a natural resource or agriculture-related degree-granting program at an accredited college or university.

(g) Graduate scholarships are available for a maximum of five academic years for individuals selected into the graduate program of an accredited college or university that grants advanced degrees in natural resources or agriculture-related fields.

(h) A recipient of assistance under the scholarship program must enter into an obligated service agreement to serve as a natural resources or agriculture-related professional with the BIA, other federal agency providing assistance to their respective tribe, a tribe, tribal agriculture enterprise, or an ANCSA Corporation for one year for each year in the program.

(i) We will pay all scholarships approved by the education committee established in § 166.900 of this subpart for which funding is available.

§ 166.904 - What is agriculture education outreach?

(a) We will establish and maintain an agriculture education outreach program for Indian and Alaska Native youth that will:

(1) Encourage students to acquire academic skills needed to succeed in post-secondary mathematics and science courses;

(2) Promote agriculture career awareness;

(3) Involve students in projects and activities oriented to agriculture related professions early so students realize the need to complete required pre-college courses; and

(4) Integrate Indian and Alaska Native agriculture program activities into the education of Indian and Alaska Native students.

(b) We will develop and carry out the program in consultation with appropriate community education organizations, tribes, ANCSA Corporations, Alaska Native organizations, and other federal agencies providing agriculture services to Indians.

(c) The education committee established under § 166.900(c) of this subpart will coordinate and implement the program nationally.

§ 166.905 - Who can get assistance for postgraduate studies?

(a) The purpose of the postgraduate studies program is to enhance the professional and technical knowledge of Indian and Alaska Native natural resource and agriculture-related professionals working for an approved organization so that the best possible service is provided to Indian and Alaska Natives.

(b) We may pay the cost of tuition, fees, books, and salary of Alaska Natives and Indians who are employed by an approved organization and who wish to pursue advanced levels of education in natural resource or agriculture-related fields.

(c) The goal of the advanced study program is to encourage participants to obtain additional academic credentials such as a degree or diploma in a natural resources or agriculture-related field. Requirements of the postgraduate study program are:

(1) The duration of course work cannot be less than one semester or more than three years; and

(2) Students in the postgraduate studies program must meet performance standards as required by the graduate school offering the study program.

(d) Program applicants must submit application packages to the education committee. At a minimum, such packages must contain a resume and an endorsement signed by the applicant's supervisor clearly stating the need for and benefits of the desired training.

(e) The education committee must use the following criteria to select participants:

(1) Need for the expertise sought at both the local and national levels;

(2) Expected benefits, both locally and nationally; and

(3) Years of experience and the service record of the employee.

(f) Program participants will enter into an obligated service agreement to serve as a natural resources or agriculture-related professional with an approved organization for one year for each year in the program. We may reduce the obligated service requirement if the employee receives supplemental funding such as research grants, scholarships, or graduate stipends and, as a result, reduces the need for financial assistance under this part. If the obligated service agreement is breached, we will collect the amount owed us in accordance with § 166.910 of this subpart.

§ 166.906 - What can happen if we recruit you after graduation?

(a) The purpose of the post graduation recruitment program is to recruit Indian and Alaska Native natural resource and trained agriculture technicians into the agriculture programs of approved organizations.

(b) We may assume outstanding student loans from established lending institutions of Indian and Alaska Native natural resources and agriculture technicians who have successfully completed a post-secondary natural resources or agriculture-related curriculum at an accredited institution.

(c) Indian and Alaska Natives receiving benefits under this program will enter into an obligated service agreement in accordance with § 166.901 of this subpart. Obligated service required under this program will be one year for every $5,000 of student loan debt repaid.

(d) If the obligated service agreement is breached, we will collect student loan(s) in accordance with § 166.910 of this subpart.

§ 166.907 - Who can be an intern?

(a) Natural resources or agriculture personnel working for an approved organization may apply for an internship within agriculture-related programs of agencies of the Department of the Interior or other federal agencies providing an agriculture service to their respective reservations.

(b) Natural resources or agriculture-related personnel from other Department of the Interior agencies may apply through proper channels for “internships” within the BIA's agriculture programs. With the consent of a tribe or Alaska Native organization, the BIA can arrange for an Intergovernmental Personnel Act assignment in tribal or Alaska Native agriculture programs.

(c) Natural resources and agriculture personnel from agencies not within the Department of the Interior may apply, through proper agency channels and pursuant to an interagency agreement, for an “internship” within the BIA and, with the consent of a tribe or Alaska Native organization, we can facilitate an Intergovernmental Personnel Act assignment in a tribe, tribal agriculture enterprise, or Alaska Native Corporation.

(d) Natural resources or agriculture personnel from a tribe, tribal agriculture enterprise, or Alaska Native Corporation may apply, through proper channels and pursuant to a cooperative agreement, for an internship within another tribe, tribal forest enterprise, or ANCSA Corporation agriculture program.

(e) The employing agency of participating federal employees will provide for the continuation of salary and benefits.

(f) The host agency for participating tribal, tribal agriculture enterprise, or Alaska Native Corporation agriculture employees will provide for salaries and benefits.

(g) A bonus pay incentive, up to 25 percent (%) of the intern's base salary, may be provided to intergovernmental interns at the conclusion of the internship period. Bonus pay incentives will be at the discretion of and funded by the host organization and must be conditioned upon the host agency's documentation of the intern's superior performance, in accordance with the agency's performance standards, during the internship period.

§ 166.908 - Who can participate in continuing education and training?

(a) The purpose of continuing education and training is to establish a program to provide for the ongoing education and training of natural resources and agriculture personnel employed by approved organizations. This program will emphasize continuing education and training in three areas:

(1) Orientation training including tribal-federal relations and responsibilities;

(2) Technical agriculture education; and

(3) Developmental training in agriculture-based enterprises and marketing.

(b) We will maintain an orientation program to increase awareness and understanding of Indian culture and its effect on natural resources management and agriculture practices and on federal laws that effect natural resources management and agriculture operations and administration in the Indian agriculture program.

(c) We will maintain a continuing technical natural resources and agriculture education program to assist natural resources managers and agriculture-related professionals to perform natural resources and agriculture management on Indian land.

(d) We will maintain an agriculture land-based enterprise and marketing training program to assist with the development and use of Indian and Alaska Native agriculture resources.

§ 166.909 - What are my obligations to the BIA after I participate in an agriculture education program?

(a) Individuals completing agriculture education programs with an obligated service requirement may be offered full time permanent employment with an approved organization to fulfill their obligated service within 90 days of the date all program education requirements have been completed. If employment is not offered within the 90-day period, the student will be relieved of obligated service requirements. Not less than 30 days before the start of employment, the employer must notify the participant of the work assignment, its location and the date work must begin. If the employer is other than the BIA, the employer must also notify us.

(b) Employment time that can be credited toward obligated service requirement will begin the day after all program education requirements have been completed, with the exception of the agriculture intern program which includes the special provisions outlined in § 166.901(f)(4) of this subpart. The minimum service obligation period will be one year of full time employment.

(c) The employer has the right to designate the location of employment for fulfilling the service obligation.

(d) A participant in any of the agriculture education programs with an obligated service requirement may, within 30 days of completing all program education requirements, request a deferment of obligated service to pursue postgraduate or post-doctoral studies. In such cases, we will issue a decision within 30 days of receipt of the request for deferral. We may grant such a request; however, deferments granted in no way waive or otherwise affect obligated service requirements.

(e) A participant in any of the agriculture education programs with an obligated service requirement may, within 30 days of completing all program education requirements, request a waiver of obligated service based on personal or family hardship. We may grant a full or partial waiver or deny the request for wavier. In such cases, we will issue a decision within 30 days of receiving the request for waiver.

§ 166.910 - What happens if I do not fulfill my obligation to the BIA?

(a) Any individual who accepts financial support under agriculture education programs with an obligated service requirement, and who does not accept employment or unreasonably terminates employment must repay us in accordance with the following table:

If you are... Then the costs that you must repay are... And then the costs that you do not need to repay are...
(1) Agriculture internLiving allowance, tuition, books, and fees received while occupying position plus interestSalary paid during school breaks or when recipient was employed by an approved organization.
(2) Cooperative educationTuition, books, and fees plus interest
(3) ScholarshipCosts of scholarship plus interest
(4) Post graduation recruitmentAll student loans assumed by us under the program plus interest
(5) Postgraduate studiesLiving allowance, tuition, books, and fees received while in the program plus interestSalary paid during school breaks or when recipient was employed by an approved organization.

(b) For agriculture education programs with an obligated service requirement, we will adjust the amount required for repayment by crediting toward the final amount of debt any obligated service performed before breach of contract.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; R.S. 463, 25 U.S.C. 2; R.S. 465, 25 U.S.C. 9; Sec. 6, 96 Stat. 986, 25 U.S.C. 466. Interpret or apply R.S. 2078, 25 U.S.C. 68; R.S. 2117, 25 U.S.C. 179; Sec. 3, 26 Stat. 795, 25 U.S.C. 397; Sec. 1, 28 Stat. 305, 25 U.S.C. 402; Sec. 4, 36 Stat. 856, 25 U.S.C. 403; Sec. 1, 39 Stat. 128, 25 U.S.C. 394; Sec. 1, 41 Stat. 1232, 25 U.S.C. 393; Sec. 16, 17, 48 Stat. 987, 988, 25 U.S.C. 476,477; Sec. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 69 Stat. 539, 540, 25 U.S.C. 415,415a,415b,415c,415d,25.S.C. 3701, 3702, 3703, 3711, 3712, 3713, 3714, 3731, 3732, 3733, 3734, 3741, 3742, 3743, 3744, 3745, 107 Stat. 2011; 44 U.S.C. § 3101,
source: 66 FR 7126, Jan. 22, 2001, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 25 CFR 166.902