Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 20, 2024

Title 25 - Indians last revised: Mar 22, 2024
§ 211.40 - Manner of payments.

Unless otherwise specifically provided for in a lease, once production has been established, all payments shall be made to the MMS or such other party as may be designated, and shall be made at such time as provided in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and C. Prior to production, all bonus and rental payments, shall be made to the superintendent or area director.

§ 211.41 - Rentals and production royalty on oil and gas leases.

(a) A lessee shall pay, in advance, beginning with the effective date of the lease, an annual rental of $2.00 per acre or fraction of an acre or such other greater amount as prescribed in the lease. This rental shall not be credited against production royalty nor shall the rental be prorated or refunded because of surrender or cancellation.

(b) The Secretary shall not approve leases with a royalty rate less than 16- 2/3 percent of the amount or value of production produced and sold from the lease unless a lower royalty rate is agreed to by the Indian mineral owner and is found to be in the best interest of the Indian mineral owner. Such approval may only be granted by the area director if the approving official is the superintendent and by the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs if the approving official is the area director.

(c) Value of lease production for royalty purposes shall be determined in accordance with applicable lease provisions and regulations in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and C. If the valuation provisions in the lease are inconsistent with the regulations in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and C, the lease provisions shall govern.

(d) If the leased premises produce gas in excess of the lessee's requirements for the development and operation of said premises, then the lessor may use sufficient gas, free of charge, for any desired school or other buildings belonging to the tribe, by making his own connections to a regulator installed, connected to the well and maintained by the lessee, and the lessee shall not be required to pay royalty on gas so used. The use of such gas shall be at the lessor's risk at all times.

§ 211.42 - Annual rentals and expenditures for development on leases other than oil and gas, and geothermal resources.

(a) Unless otherwise authorized by the Secretary, a lease for minerals other than oil, gas and geothermal resources shall provide for a yearly development expenditure of not less than $20 per acre. All such leases shall provide for a rental payment of not less than $2.00 for each acre or fraction of an acre payable on or before the first day of each lease year.

(b) Within twenty (20) days after the lease year, an itemized statement, in duplicate, of the expenditure for development under a lease for minerals other than oil and gas shall be filed with the superintendent or area director. The lessee must certify the statement under oath.

§ 211.43 - Royalty rates for minerals other than oil and gas.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the minimum rates for leases of minerals other than oil and gas shall be as follows:

(1) For substances other than coal, the royalty rate shall be 10 percent of the value of production produced and sold from the lease at the nearest shipping point.

(2) For coal to be strip or open pit mined the royalty rate shall be 12 1/2 percent of the value of production produced and sold from the lease, and for coal removed from an underground mine, the royalty rate shall be 8 percent of the value of production produced and sold from the lease.

(3) For geothermal resources, the royalty rate shall be 10 percent of the amount or value of steam, or any other form of heat or energy derived from production of geothermal resources under the lease and sold or utilized by the lessee. In addition, the royalty rate shall be 5 percent of the value of any byproduct derived from production of geothermal resources under the lease and sold or utilized or reasonably susceptible of sale or utilization by the lessee, except that the royalty for any mineral byproduct shall be governed by the appropriate paragraph of this section.

(b) A lower royalty rate shall be allowed if it is determined to be in the best interest of the Indian mineral owner. Approval of a lower rate may only be granted by the area director if the approving official is the superintendent or by the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, if the approving official is the area director.

§ 211.44 - Suspension of operations.

(a) After the expiration of the primary term of the lease the Secretary may approve suspension of operations for remedial purposes which are necessary for continued production, to protect the resource, the environment, or for other good reasons. Provided, that such remedial operations are conducted in accordance with 43 CFR part 3160, subpart 3165 and under such stipulations and conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary and are conducted with reasonable diligence. Any suspension shall not relieve the lessee from liability for the payment of rental and other payments as required by lease provisions.

(b) An application for permission to suspend operations or production for economic or marketing reasons on a lease capable of production after the expiration of the primary term of lease duration must be accompanied by the written consent of the Indian mineral owner, an economic analysis, and an executed amendment by the parties to the lease setting forth the provisions pertaining to the suspension of operations and production. Such application shall be treated as a negotiated change to lease provisions, and as such, shall be subject to review and approval by the Secretary.

§ 211.45 - [Reserved]
§ 211.46 - Inspection of premises, books and accounts.

Lessees shall allow the Indian mineral owner, the Indian mineral owner's representatives, or any authorized representative of the Secretary to enter all parts of the leased premises for the purpose of inspection and audit. Lessees shall keep a full and correct account of all operations and submit all related reports required by the lease and applicable regulations. Books and records shall be available for inspection during regular business hours.

§ 211.47 - Diligence, drainage and prevention of waste.

The lessee shall:

(a) Exercise diligence in mining, drilling and operating wells on the leased lands while minerals production can be secured in paying quantities;

(b) Protect the lease from drainage (if oil and gas or geothermal resources are being drained from the lease premises by a well or wells located on lands not included in the lease, the Secretary reserves the right to impose reasonable and equitable terms and conditions to protect the interest of the Indian mineral owner of the lands, such as payment of compensatory royalty for the drainage);

(c) Carry on operations in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with approved methods and practices;

(d) Have due regard for the prevention of waste of oil or gas or other minerals, the entrance of water through wells drilled by the lessee to other strata, to the destruction or injury of the oil or gas, other mineral deposits, or fresh water aquifers, the preservation and conservation of the property for future productive operations, and the health and safety of workmen and employees;

(e) Securely plug all wells and effectively shut off all water from the oil or gas-bearing strata before abandoning them;

(f) Not construct any well pad location within 200 feet of any structures or improvements without the Indian surface owner's written consent;

(g) Carry out, at the lessee's expense, all reasonable orders and requirements of the authorized officer relative to prevention of waste;

(h) Bury all pipelines crossing tillable lands below plow depth unless other arrangements are made with the Indian surface owner; and

(i) Pay the Indian surface owner all damages, including damages to crops, buildings, and other improvements of the Indian surface owner occasioned by the lessee's operations as determined by the superintendent.

§ 211.48 - Permission to start operations.

(a) No exploration, drilling, or mining operations are permitted on any Indian lands before the Secretary has granted written approval of a mineral lease or permit pursuant to the regulations in this part.

(b) After a lease or permit is approved, written permission must be secured from the Secretary before any operations are started on the leased premises, in accordance with applicable rules and regulations in 25 CFR part 216; 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and C; 30 CFR part 750 (Requirements for Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations on Indian Lands), 43 CFR parts 3160, 3260, 3480, 3590, and Orders or Notices to Lessees (NTLs) issued thereunder.

§ 211.49 - Restrictions on operations.

Leases issued under the provisions of the regulations in this part shall be subject to such restrictions as to time or times for well operations and production from any leased premises as the Secretary judges may be necessary or proper for the protection of the natural resources of the leased land and in the interest of the lessor.

§ 211.50 - [Reserved]
§ 211.51 - Surrender of leases.

A lessee may, with the approval of the Secretary, surrender a lease or any part of it, on the following conditions:

(a) All royalties and rentals due on the date the request for surrender is received must be paid;

(b) The superintendent, after consultation with the authorized officer, must be satisfied that proper provisions have been made for the conservation and protection of the property, and that all operations on the portion of the lease surrendered have been properly reclaimed, abandoned, or conditioned, as required;

(c) If a lease has been recorded, the lessee must submit a release along with the recording information of the original lease so that, after acceptance of the release, it may be recorded;

(d) If a lessee requests to surrender an entire lease or an entire undivided portion of a lease document, the lessee must deliver to the superintendent or area director the original lease documents; Provided, that where the request is made by an assignee to whom no copy of the lease was delivered, the assignee must deliver to the superintendent or area director only its copy of the assignment;

(e) If the lease (or a portion thereof being surrendered) is owned in undivided interests, all lessees owning undivided interests in the lease must join in the request for surrender;

(f) No part of any advance rental shall be refunded to the lessee, nor shall any subsequent surrender or termination of a lease relieve the lessee of the obligation to pay advance rental if advance rental became due prior to the date the request for surrender was received by the superintendent or area director;

(g) If oil, gas, or geothermal resources are being drained from the leased premises by a well or wells located on lands not included in the lease, the Secretary reserves the right, prior to acceptance of the surrender, to impose reasonable and equitable terms and conditions to protect the interests of the Indian mineral owners of the lands surrendered. Such terms and conditions may include payment of compensatory royalty for any drainage; and

(h) Upon expiration or surrender of a solid mineral lease the lessee shall deliver the leased premises in a condition conforming to the approved reclamation plan. Unless otherwise provided in the lease, the machinery necessary to operate the mine is the property of the lessee. However, the machinery may not be removed from the leased premises without the written permission of the Secretary.

§ 211.52 - Fees.

Unless otherwise authorized by the Secretary, each permit, lease, sublease, or other contract, or assignment, thereof shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $75.00 at the time of filing.

§ 211.53 - Assignments, overriding royalties, and operating agreements.

(a) Approved leases or any interest therein may be assigned or transferred only with the approval of the Secretary. The Indian mineral owner must also consent if approval of the Indian mineral owner is required in the lease. If consent is not required, then the Secretary shall notify the Indian mineral owner of the proposed assignment. To obtain the approval of the Secretary the assignee must be qualified to hold the lease under existing rules and regulations and shall furnish a satisfactory bond conditioned for the faithful performance of the covenants and conditions of the lease.

(b) No lease or interest therein or the use of such lease shall be assigned, sublet, or transferred, directly or indirectly, by working or drilling contract, or otherwise, without the consent of the Secretary.

(c) Assignments of leases, and stipulations modifying the provisions of existing leases, which stipulations are also subject to the approval of the Secretary, shall be filed with the superintendent within five (5) working days after the date of execution. Upon execution of satisfactory bonds by the assignee the Secretary may permit the release of any bonds executed by the assignor. Upon execution of satisfactory bonds the assignee accepts all the assignor's responsibilities and prior obligations and liabilities of the assignor (including but not limited to any underpaid royalties and rentals) under the lease.

(d) Agreements creating overriding royalties or payments out of production shall not be considered as interests in the leases as such provision is used in this section. Agreements creating overriding royalties or payments out of production, or agreements designating operators are hereby authorized and the approval of the Secretary shall not be required with respect thereto, but such agreements shall be subject to the condition that nothing in such agreements shall be construed as modifying any of the obligations of the lessee, including, but not limited to, obligations imposed by requirements of the MMS for reporting, accounting, and auditing; obligations for diligent development and operation, protection against drainage and mining in trespass, compliance with oil and gas, geothermal, and mining regulations (25 CFR part 216; 43 CFR parts 3160, 3260, 3480, and 3590; and those applicable rules found in 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and C) and the requirements for Secretarial approval before abandonment of any oil and gas or geothermal well or mining operation. All such obligations are to remain in full force and effect, the same as if free of any such overriding royalties or payments. The existence of agreements creating overriding royalties or payments out of production, whether or not actually paid, shall not be considered as justification for the approval of abandonment of any oil and gas or geothermal well or mining operation. Nothing in this paragraph revokes the requirement for approval of assignments and other instruments which is required in this section, but any overriding royalties or payments out of production created by the provisions of such assignments or instruments shall be subject to the condition stated in this section. Agreements creating overriding royalties or payments out of production, or agreements designating operators shall be filed with the superintendent unless incorporated in assignments or instruments required to be filed pursuant to this section.

§ 211.54 - Lease or permit cancellation; Bureau of Indian Affairs notice of noncompliance.

(a) If the Secretary determines that a permittee or lessee has failed to comply with the terms of the permit or lease; the regulations in this part; or other applicable laws or regulations; the Secretary may:

(1) Serve a notice of noncompliance specifying in what respect the permittee or lessee has failed to comply with the requirements referenced in this paragraph, and specifying what actions, if any, must be taken to correct the noncompliance; or

(2) Serve a notice of proposed cancellation of the lease or permit. The notice of proposed cancellation shall set forth the reasons why lease or permit cancellation is proposed and shall specify what actions, if any, must be taken to avoid cancellation.

(b) The notice of noncompliance or proposed cancellation shall specify in what respect the permittee or lessee has failed to comply with the requirements referenced in paragraph (a), and shall specify what actions, if any, must be taken to correct the noncompliance.

(c) The notice shall be served upon the permittee or lessee by delivery in person or by certified mail to the permittee or lessee at the permittee's or lessee's last known address. When certified mail is used, the date of service shall be deemed to be when the notice is received or five (5) working days after the date it is mailed, whichever is earlier.

(d) The lessee or permittee shall have thirty (30) days (or such longer time as specified in the notice) from the date that the notice is served to respond, in writing, to the official or the Bureau of Indian Affairs office that issued the notice.

(e) If a permittee or lessee fails to take any action that is prescribed in the notice of proposed cancellation, fails to file a timely written response to the notice, or files a written response that does not, in the discretion of the Secretary, adequately justify the permittee's or lessee's actions, then the Secretary may cancel the lease or permit, specifying the basis for the cancellation.

(f) If a permittee or lessee fails to take corrective action or to file a timely written response adequately justifying the permittee's or lessee's actions pursuant to a notice of noncompliance, the Secretary may issue an order of cessation of operations. If the permittee or lessee fails to comply with the order of cessation, or fails to timely file an appeal of the order of cessation pursuant to paragraph (h), the Secretary may issue an order of lease or permit cancellation.

(g) Cancellation of a lease or permit shall not relieve the lessee or permittee of any continuing obligations under the lease or permit.

(h) Orders of cessation or of lease or permit cancellation issued pursuant to this section may be appealed under 25 CFR part 2.

(i) This section does not limit any other remedies of the Indian mineral owner as set forth in the lease or permit.

(j) Nothing in this section is intended to limit the authority of the authorized officer or the MMS official to take any enforcement action authorized pursuant to statute or regulation.

(k) The authorized officer, MMS official, and the superintendent and/or area director should consult with one another before taking any enforcement actions.

§ 211.55 - Penalties.

(a) In addition to or in lieu of cancellation under § 211.54, violations of the terms and conditions of any lease, or the regulations in this part, or failure to comply with a notice of noncompliance or a cessation order issued by the Secretary, or, in the case of solid minerals the authorized officer, may subject a lessee or permittee to a penalty of not more than $1,943 per day for each day that such a violation or noncompliance continues beyond the time limits prescribed for corrective action.

(b) A notice of a proposed penalty shall be served on the lessee or permittee either personally or by certified mail to the lessee or permittee at the lessee's or permittee's last known address. The date of service by certified mail shall be deemed to be the date when received or five (5) working days after the date mailed, whichever is earlier.

(c) The notice shall specify the nature of the violation and the proposed penalty, and shall specifically advise the lessee or permittee of the lessee's or permittee's right to either request a hearing within thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice or pay the proposed penalty. Hearings shall be held before the superintendent and/or area director whose findings shall be conclusive, unless an appeal is taken pursuant to 25 CFR part 2.

(d) If the lessee or permittee served with a notice of proposed penalty requests a hearing, penalties shall accrue each day the violations or noncompliance set forth in the notice continue beyond the time limits prescribed for corrective action. The Secretary may issue a written suspension of the requirement to correct the violations pending completion of the hearings provided by this section only upon a determination, at the discretion of the Secretary, that such a suspension will not be detrimental to the lessor and upon submission and acceptance of a bond deemed adequate to indemnify the lessor from loss or damage. The amount of the bond must be sufficient to cover the cost of correcting the violations set forth in the notice or any disputed amounts plus accrued penalties and interest.

(e) Payment in full of penalties more than ten (10) days after a final decision imposing a penalty shall subject the lessee or permittee to late payment charges. Late payment charges shall be calculated on the basis of a percentage assessment rate of the amount unpaid per month for each month or fraction thereof until payment is received by the Secretary. In the absence of a specific lease provision prescribing a different rate, the interest rate on late payments and underpayments shall be a rate applicable under § 6621(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Interest shall be charged only on the amount of payment not received and only for the number of days the payment is late.

(f) None of the provisions of this section shall be interpreted as:

(1) Replacing or superseding the independent authority of the authorized officer, the director's representative or the MMS official to impose penalties for violations of applicable regulations pursuant to 43 CFR part 3160, and 43 CFR Groups 3400 and 3500, 30 CFR part 750, or 30 CFR chapter II, subchapters A and C;

(2) Replacing or superseding any penalty provision in the terms and conditions of a lease or permit approved by the Secretary pursuant to this part; or

(3) Authorizing the imposition of a penalty for violations of lease or permit terms for which the authorized officer, director's representative or MMS official, have either statutory or regulatory authority to assess a penalty.

[61 FR 35653, July 8, 1996, as amended at 81 FR 42481, June 30, 2016; 82 FR 7652, Jan. 23, 2017; 83 FR 5195, Feb. 6, 2018; 84 FR 15101, Apr. 15, 2019; 85 FR 9369, Feb. 19, 2020; 86 FR 7347, Jan. 28, 2021; 87 FR 13156, Mar. 9, 2022; 88 FR 13022, Mar. 2, 2023; 89 FR 18363, Mar. 13, 2024]
§ 211.56 - Geological and geophysical permits.

Permits to conduct geological and geophysical operations on Indian lands which do not conflict with any mineral leases entered into pursuant to this part, may be approved by the Secretary with the consent of the Indian mineral owner under the following conditions:

(a) The permit must describe the area to be explored, the duration, and the consideration to be paid the Indian owner;

(b) The permit will not grant the permittee any option or preference rights to a lease or other development contract, or authorize the production of, or removal of oil and gas, geothermal resources, or other minerals, except samples for assay and experimental purposes, unless specifically so stated in the permit; and

(c) Copies of all data collected pursuant to operations conducted under the permit shall be forwarded to the Secretary and the Indian mineral owner, unless otherwise provided in the permit. Data collected under a permit may be held by the Secretary as privileged and proprietary information for the time prescribed in the permit. Where no time period is prescribed in the permit, the Secretary may release such information after six (6) years, with the consent of the Indian mineral owner.

§ 211.57 - Forms.

Leases, bonds, permits, assignments, and other instruments relating to mineral leasing shall be on forms, prescribed by the Secretary, that may be obtained from the superintendent or area director. The provisions of a standard lease or permit may be changed, deleted, or added to by written agreement of all parties with the approval of the Secretary.

§ 211.58 - Appeals.

Appeals from decisions of Bureau of Indian Affairs officers under this part may be taken pursuant to 25 CFR part 2.

authority: Sec. 4, Act of May 11, 1938 (52 Stat. 347); Act of August 1, 1956 (70 Stat. 744); 25 U.S.C. 396a-g; 25 U.S.C. 2 and 9; and Sec. 701, Pub. L. 114-74, 129 Stat. 599, unless otherwise noted
source: 61 FR 35653, July 8, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 25 CFR 211.41