Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 25, 2025
Title 25 - Indians last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 1000.101 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
This subpart describes the selection process and eligibility criteria that the Secretary uses to decide that Indian Tribes may participate in Tribal self-governance as authorized by 25 U.S.C. 5362.
§ 1000.105 - What is a “signatory”?
A signatory is a Tribe or Consortium that meets the eligibility criteria in §§ 1000.115 and 1000.125 and directly signs the agreements. A signatory may exercise all of the rights and responsibilities outlined in the compact and funding agreement and is legally responsible for all financial and administrative decisions made by the signatory.
§ 1000.110 - What is a “nonsignatory Tribe”?
(a) A nonsignatory Tribe is a Tribe that either:
(1) Does not meet the eligibility criteria in §§ 1000.115 and 1000.125 and, by resolution of its governing body, authorizes a Consortium to participate in self-governance on its behalf; or
(2) Meets the eligibility criteria in §§ 1000.115 and 1000.125 but chooses to be a member of a Consortium and have a representative of the Consortium sign the compact and funding agreement on its behalf.
(b) A non-signatory Tribe under paragraph (a)(1) of this section:
(1) May not sign the compact and funding agreement. A representative of the Consortium must sign both documents on behalf of the Tribe.
(2) May only become a “signatory Tribe” if it independently meets the eligibility criteria in §§ 1000.115 and 1000.125.
§ 1000.115 - Who may participate in Tribal self-governance?
There are two types of entities who may participate in Tribal self-governance:
(a) Indian Tribes; and
(b) Consortia of Indian Tribes.
§ 1000.120 - How many additional Tribes/Consortia may participate in self-governance per year?
(a) The Secretary, acting through the Director of the OSG, may select not more than 50 new Indian Tribes per year from those Tribes eligible under 25 U.S.C. 5362(c) to participate in self-governance. A Consortium of Indian Tribes counts as one Tribe for purposes of calculating the 50 additional Tribes per year.
(b) The limitation of not more than 50 new Tribes per year does not preclude a signatory Tribe from negotiating a new or amended compact or funding agreement. Such new or amended compacts or funding agreements do not count against the limitation of not more than 50 new Tribes per year.
§ 1000.125 - What must a Tribe/Consortium submit to be selected to participate in Self-Governance?
The Tribe/Consortium must submit to OSG documentation that demonstrates the following:
(a) Successful completion of a planning phase as described in § 1000.140. A Consortium's planning activities satisfy this requirement for all its member Tribes for the purpose of the Consortium meeting this requirement.
(b) A request for participation in self-governance by a Tribal resolution and/or a final official action by the Tribal governing body. For a Consortium, the governing body of each Tribe must authorize its participation by a Tribal resolution and/or a final official action by the Tribal governing body that specifies the scope of the Consortium's authority to act on behalf of the Tribe.
(c) For a Tribe/Consortium required to perform an annual audit under the Single Audit Act and subpart F of 2 CFR part 200, financial stability and financial management capability as evidenced by the Tribe (or participating Tribes in a Consortium) having no uncorrected significant and material audit exceptions in the required annual audit of its self-determination or self-governance agreements with any Federal agency for the three fiscal years preceding the date on which the Tribe/Consortium requests participation, provided that documentation demonstrating the correction of any significant and material audit exceptions may include, but is not limited to, Agency Management Decision Letters issued in accordance with 2 CFR 200.521, Summary Schedule of Prior Audit Findings included in subsequent audit reports in accordance with 2 CFR 200.511, or any documentation provided by the Tribe/Consortium.
§ 1000.130 - What additional information may be submitted to the Secretary to facilitate negotiations?
At the option of the Tribe/Consortium, a Tribe/Consortium may identify BIA and non-BIA programs that the Tribe/Consortium may wish to subsequently negotiate for inclusion in a funding agreement. The inclusion of PSFAs in a funding agreement is not limited by the provision of this additional information.
§ 1000.135 - May a Consortium member Tribe withdraw from the Consortium and be selected to participate in Self-Governance?
In accordance with the expressed terms of the compact or written agreement of the Consortium, a Consortium member Tribe (either a signatory or nonsignatory Tribe) may fully or partially withdraw from a participating Consortium its share of any program included in a compact or funding agreement to directly negotiate a compact and funding agreement. The withdrawing Tribe must do the following:
(a) Independently meet all of the eligibility criteria in §§ 1000.115 through 1000.140. If a Consortium's planning activities specifically consider self-governance activities for a member Tribe, that planning activity may be used to satisfy the planning requirements for the member Tribe if it applies for self-governance status on its own.
(b) Submit a notice of withdrawal to OSG and the Consortium as evidenced by a resolution of the Tribal governing body.
§ 1000.140 - What is required during the “planning phase”?
The planning phase must be conducted to the satisfaction of the Tribe/Consortium and must include:
(a) Legal and budgetary research; and
(b) Internal Tribal government, planning, training, and organizational preparation related to the operation of PSFAs contemplated by the Tribe/Consortium.
§ 1000.145 - When does a Tribe/Consortium have an uncorrected “significant and material audit exception”?
A Tribe/Consortium has an uncorrected significant and material audit exceptions if any of the audits that it submitted under § 1000.125(c) identifies:
(a) Significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in internal control over major programs and significant instances of abuse relating to major programs which the Tribe/Consortium has not corrected;
(b) Material noncompliance with the provisions of Federal statutes, regulations, or the terms and conditions of Federal awards related to a major program which the Tribe/Consortium has not corrected; or
(c) A single finding of known questioned costs subsequently disallowed by a contracting officer or awarding official that exceeds $25,000 (or such higher amount as may be established in 2 CFR 200.516).
§ 1000.150 - What are the consequences of having an uncorrected significant and material audit exception?
If a Tribe/Consortium has an uncorrected significant and material audit exception, the Tribe/Consortium is ineligible to be selected to participate in self-governance until the Tribe/Consortium meets the documentation requirements in § 1000.125.
§ 1000.155 - Is the Secretary required to provide technical assistance to improve a Tribe's/Consortium's internal controls?
Yes. In considering proposals by a Tribe/Consortium for participation in Self-Governance, if the Secretary determines that the Tribe/Consortium lacks adequate internal controls necessary to manage PSFAs proposed for inclusion in a compact or funding agreement under this part, the Secretary shall, as soon as practicable, provide the necessary technical assistance to assist the Tribe/Consortium in developing adequate internal controls in accordance with 25 U.S.C. 5324(q)(1).
§ 1000.160 - How is a Tribe/Consortium selected to participate in Self-Governance?
(a) For a Tribe not presently participating in Self Governance to be selected, the Tribe/Consortium may submit a request to the Director at any time, but no later than 180 days before the proposed effective date of the funding agreement (e.g., October 1, January 1, or such other date as the parties agree). The request must contain the documentation required in § 1000.125.
(b) OSG shall select a Tribe/Consortium to participate in self-governance upon a determination that the Tribe/Consortium has provided the required documentation in § 1000.125, consistent with 25 U.S.C. 5362(b)(1)(A).
(c) OSG shall notify the Tribe/Consortium no later than 45-days after receipt of the Tribe's/Consortium's request that the Tribe/Consortium has been selected to participate in self-governance or does not have a complete request under § 1000.185.
§ 1000.165 - When does OSG accept requests to participate in Self-Governance?
OSG accepts requests at any time. A Tribe/Consortium may request a meeting or other informal discussion with the OSG before submitting its request to participate.
§ 1000.170 - Are there any time frames to negotiate an initial compact or funding agreement for a Tribe not presently participating in self-governance?
(a) Once selected to participate in self-governance, the parties should begin negotiations at least 180 days before the proposed effective date of the initial funding agreement and compact (e.g., October 1, January 1, or such other date as the parties agree in the initial funding agreement or compact).
(b) A Tribe/Consortium may be selected to participate during one year but negotiate a compact and funding agreement in a subsequent year. In this case, the Tribe/Consortium must, before the applicable period established in § 1000.160, submit to OSG documentation demonstrating continued eligibility under 25 U.S.C. 5362(c).
§ 1000.175 - How does a Tribe/Consortium withdraw its request to participate in Self-Governance?
A Tribe/Consortium may withdraw its request to participate in Self Governance by submitting a Tribal resolution or official action by the Tribal governing body to the Director of OSG.
§ 1000.180 - What if more than 50 Tribes/Consortium apply to participate in Self-Governance?
The first 50 Tribes/Consortium who apply and are determined to be eligible under § 1000.160 shall have the option to begin to participate in self-governance. Any Tribe/Consortium denied participation due to the limitation in number of Tribes/Consortium is entitled to participate in the next fiscal year, provided the Tribe/Consortium remains eligible under 25 U.S.C. 5362(c).
§ 1000.185 - What happens if a request is not complete?
If OSG determines that a Tribe's/Consortium's request is not complete, OSG will notify the Tribe/Consortium that the request is not complete under § 1000.125 by electronic mail and by letter, certified mail, return receipt requested no later than 45-days after receipt of the Tribe's/Consortium's request. The email and letter will explain what the Tribe/Consortium must do to complete the request.
§ 1000.190 - What happens if a Tribe/Consortium is selected to participate but does not execute a compact and a funding agreement?
(a) The Tribe/Consortium remains eligible to negotiate a compact and funding agreement at any time unless:
(1) It does not satisfy the eligibility requirements under 25 U.S.C. 5362(c); or
(2) Submits a Tribal resolution or official action by the Tribal governing body to the Director, OSG requesting to withdraw its request to participate in Self Governance.
(b) Whether or not a Tribe/Consortium executes an agreement has no effect on the selection of up to 50 new Tribes/Consortia in a subsequent year.
§ 1000.195 - May a Tribe/Consortium be selected to negotiate a funding agreement under section 403(b)(2) of the Act without having or negotiating a funding agreement under 25 U.S.C. 5363(b)(1)?
Yes, a Tribe/Consortium may be selected to negotiate a funding agreement under 25 U.S.C. 5363(b)(2) without having or negotiating a funding agreement under 25 U.S.C. 5363(b)(1).
§ 1000.200 - May a Tribe/Consortium be selected to negotiate a funding agreement under section 403(c) (25 U.S.C. 5363(c)) without negotiating a funding agreement under 25 U.S.C. 5363(b)(1) and/or section 403(b)(2) (25 U.S.C. 5363(b)(2))?
No, 25 U.S.C. 5363(c) of the Act states that any programs of special geographic, cultural, or historical significance to the Tribe/Consortium must be included in funding agreements negotiated under 25 U.S.C. 5363(a) and/or 25 U.S.C. 5363(b). A Tribe may be selected to negotiate a funding agreement under 25 U.S.C. 5363(c) at the same time that it negotiates a funding agreement under 25 U.S.C. 5363(b)(1) and/or 25 U.S.C. 5363(b)(2).
§ 1000.205 - What happens when a Tribe wishes to withdraw from a Consortium funding agreement?
(a) A Tribe wishing to withdraw from all or a part of a Consortium's funding agreement must notify the parties to the compact and funding agreement. The notice must:
(1) Be in the form of a Tribal resolution or other official action by the Tribal governing body; and
(2) Be received no later than 180 days before the effective date of the next Consortium funding agreement, unless the parties agree to another date.
(b) The resolution referred to in paragraph (a) of this section must indicate whether the Tribe wishes the withdrawn programs to be administered under a title IV funding agreement, title I contract, or directly by the bureau.
(c) The effective date of the withdrawal will be the date specified in the Tribal resolution and mutually agreed upon by the parties that signed the compact and funding agreement. In the absence of a specific time set forth in the resolution, such withdrawal becomes effective on:
(1) The earlier of one year after the date of submission of the request, or the date on which the funding agreement expires; or
(2) Such date as may be mutually agreed upon by the withdrawing Tribe and the parties that signed the compact and funding agreement.
§ 1000.210 - How are funds redistributed when a withdrawing Tribe fully or partially withdraws from a compact and funding agreement and enters a new contract or compact?
When a Tribe eligible to enter into a contract under title I or a compact or funding agreement under title IV fully or partially withdraws from a participating Consortium, and has proposed to enter into a contract or compact and funding agreement covering the withdrawn funds:
(a) The withdrawing Tribe is entitled to its Tribal share of funds supporting those programs that the Tribe will be carrying out under its own contract or compact and funding agreement (calculated on the same basis or methodology upon which the funds were included in the Consortium's funding agreement); and
(b) The funds referred to in paragraph (a) of this section must be transferred from the Consortium's funding agreement, on the condition that the provisions of 25 U.S.C. 5321 and 5324(i), as appropriate, apply to the withdrawing Tribe.
§ 1000.215 - If the withdrawing Tribe elects to operate a program carried out under a compact and funding agreement under title IV through a contract under title I, is the resulting contract considered a mature contract under 25 U.S.C. 5304(h)?
If a Tribe withdrawing from a Consortium's funding agreement elects to operate a program carried out under a compact and funding agreement under title IV through a contract under title I, at the option of the Tribe, the resulting contract is considered a mature contract as long as the Tribe meets the requirements set forth in 25 U.S.C. 5304(h).
§ 1000.220 - How are funds distributed when a withdrawing Tribe fully or partially withdraws from a Consortium's compact and funding agreement and the withdrawing Tribe does not enter a new contract or compact?
All funds not obligated by the Consortium associated with the withdrawing Tribe's returned Tribal share of funds, less close out costs, shall be returned by the Consortium to DOI for operation of the programs included in the withdrawal.
§ 1000.225 - What amount of funding is to be removed from the Consortium's funding agreement for the withdrawing Tribe?
When a Tribe withdraws from a Consortium, the Consortium's funding agreement must be reduced by the portion of funds attributable to the withdrawing Tribe. The Consortium must reduce the funding agreement on the same basis or methodology upon which the funds were included in the Consortium's funding agreement.
(a) If there is not a clear identifiable methodology upon which to base the reduction for a particular program, the parties to the compact and funding agreement must negotiate an appropriate amount on a case-by-case basis.
(b) If a Tribe withdraws in the middle of a funding year, the Consortium agreement must be amended to reflect:
(1) A reduction based on the amount of funds passed directly to the Tribe, or already spent or obligated by the Consortium on behalf of the Tribe; and
(2) That the Consortium is no longer providing those programs associated with the withdrawn funds.
(c) Unexpended funds from a previous fiscal year may be factored into the amount by which the Consortium agreement is reduced if:
(1) The parties to the compact and funding agreement and the withdrawing Tribe agree it is appropriate; and
(2) The funds are clearly identifiable.
§ 1000.230 - What happens if there is a dispute between the Consortium and the withdrawing Tribe?
(a) The withdrawing Tribe and the parties to the compact and funding agreement must reach an agreement on the amount of funding and other issues associated with the program(s) involved.
(b) If agreement is not reached:
(1) For BIA Programs, the Director of OSG must make a decision on the funding or other issues involved within 45-days of the Tribe's or Consortium's written submittal of the dispute to the Director of OSG with a copy to the other party.
(2) For non-BIA Programs, the bureau head will make a decision on the funding or other issues involved.
(c) A copy of the decision made under paragraph (b) of this section must be distributed in accordance with the following table:
If the program is administered through . . .
| then a copy of the decision must be sent to . . .
(1) The BIA | The BIA Regional Director, the BIA Director, the withdrawing Tribe, and the Consortium.
(2) The BIE | The BIE Associate Deputy Director, the BIE Director, the withdrawing Tribe, and the Consortium.
(3) The BTFA | The BTFA Director, the withdrawing Tribe, and the Consortium.
(4) The Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs | The Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, the withdrawing Tribe, and the Consortium. |
(d) Any decision made under paragraph (b) of this section is appealable under subpart R of this part.
§ 1000.235 - When a Tribe withdraws from a Consortium, is the Secretary required to award to the withdrawing Tribe a portion of funds associated with a construction project if the withdrawing Tribe so requests?
Under § 1000.205, a Tribe may withdraw from a Consortium and request that the Secretary award the Tribe its portion of a construction project's funds. The Secretary may decide not to award these funds if the Secretary determines that the award of the withdrawing Tribe's portion of funds would affect the ability of the remaining members of the Consortium to complete a severable or non-severable phase of the project within available funding.
(a) An example of a non-severable phase of a project would be the construction of a single building to serve all members of a Consortium.
(b) An example of a severable phase of a project would be the funding of a road in one village where the Consortium would be able to complete the roads in other villages that were part of the project approved initially in the funding agreement.
(c) The Secretary's decision under this section may be appealed under subpart R of this part.
source: 89 FR 100245, Dec. 11, 2024, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 25 CFR 1000.195