Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 06, 2025

Title 25 - Indians last revised: Feb 13, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 1000.2101 - How can a Tribe/Consortium hire a Federal employee to help implement a funding agreement?

§ 1000.2105 - Can a Tribe/Consortium employee be detailed to a Federal service position?

§ 1000.2110 - How does the Freedom of Information Act apply?

§ 1000.2115 - How does the Privacy Act apply?

§ 1000.2120 - What audit requirements must a Tribe/Consortium follow?

§ 1000.2125 - How do OMB circulars and the Act apply to funding agreements?

§ 1000.2130 - How much time does the Federal Government have to make a claim against a Tribe/Consortium relating to any disallowance of costs, based on an audit?

§ 1000.2135 - Does a Tribe/Consortium have additional ongoing requirements to maintain minimum standards for Tribe/Consortium management systems?

§ 1000.2140 - Are there any restrictions on how funds awarded to a Tribe/Consortium under a funding agreement may be spent?

§ 1000.2145 - What standard applies to a Tribe's/Consortium's management of funds awarded under a funding agreement?

§ 1000.2150 - How may interest or investment income that accrues on funds awarded under a funding agreement be used?

§ 1000.2155 - Can a Tribe/Consortium retain savings from programs?

§ 1000.2160 - Can a Tribe/Consortium carry over funds not spent during the term of the funding agreement?

§ 1000.2165 - After a non-BIA funding agreement has been executed and the funds transferred to a Tribe/Consortium, can a bureau request the return of unexpended funds?

§ 1000.2170 - How can a person or group appeal a decision or contest an action related to a program operated by a Tribe/Consortium under a funding agreement?

§ 1000.2175 - Must Tribes/Consortia comply with the Secretarial approval requirements of 25 U.S.C. 81; 82a; and 476 regarding professional and attorney contracts?

§ 1000.2180 - Are funds awarded under a funding agreement non-Federal funds for the purpose of meeting matching or cost participation requirements?

§ 1000.2185 - Does Indian preference apply to services, activities, programs, and functions performed under a funding agreement?

§ 1000.2190 - Do the wage and labor standards in the Davis-Bacon Act apply to Tribes and Tribal Consortia?

§ 1000.2195 - Can a Tribe/Consortium use Federal supply sources in the performance of a funding agreement?

§ 1000.2200 - Does the Prompt Payment Act (31 U.S.C. 3901) apply to a BIA funding Agreement?

§ 1000.2205 - Does the Prompt Payment Act (31 U.S.C. 3901) apply to a non-BIA program funding agreement?

§ 1000.2210 - Is a Tribe/Consortium obligated to continue performance under a compact or funding agreement if the Secretary does not transfer sufficient funds?

§ 1000.2101 - How can a Tribe/Consortium hire a Federal employee to help implement a funding agreement?

If a Tribe/Consortium chooses to hire a Federal employee, it can use, in addition to any other available options, one of the arrangements listed in this section:

(a) The Tribe/Consortium can use its own personnel hiring procedures. Federal employees hired by the Tribe/Consortium are separated from Federal service.

(b) The Tribe/Consortium can “direct hire” a Federal employee as a Tribal/Consortium employee. The employee will be separated from Federal service and work for the Tribe/Consortium, but maintain a negotiated Federal benefit package that is paid for by the Tribe/Consortium out of funding agreement program funds; or

(c) The Tribe/Consortium can negotiate an agreement under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act, 5 U.S.C. 3371 through 3375, 25 U.S.C. 323,25.S.C. 48, or other applicable Federal law. The employee will remain a Federal employee during the term of the agreement.

§ 1000.2105 - Can a Tribe/Consortium employee be detailed to a Federal service position?

Yes, under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act, 5 U.S.C. 3371 through 3375, 25 U.S.C. 323,25.S.C. 48, or other applicable law, when permitted by the Secretary.

§ 1000.2110 - How does the Freedom of Information Act apply?

(a) Access to records maintained by the Secretary is governed by the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and other applicable Federal law.

(b) Unless the Tribe/Consortium specifies otherwise in a funding agreement, records of the Tribe/Consortium shall not be considered Federal records for the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act.

(c) The Freedom of Information Act does not apply to records maintained solely by Tribes/Consortia.

§ 1000.2115 - How does the Privacy Act apply?

Unless the Tribe/Consortium specifies otherwise, records of the Tribe/Consortium shall not be considered Federal records for the purposes of the Privacy Act.

§ 1000.2120 - What audit requirements must a Tribe/Consortium follow?

The Single Agency Audit Act, 31 U.S.C. 7501 et seq., and subparts E and F of 2 CFR part 200 apply to a funding agreement under this part. The Tribe/Consortium must provide to the designated official an annual single audit as prescribed by 31 U.S.C. 7501, et seq.

§ 1000.2125 - How do OMB circulars and the Act apply to funding agreements?

(a) A Tribe/Consortium shall apply cost principles under the applicable OMB circular, except as modified by:

(1) Any provision of law, including 25 U.S.C. 5325; or

(2) Any exemptions or exceptions granted by OMB.

(b) In any circumstances where the provisions of Federal statutes or this part differ from the provisions of 2 CFR part 200, the provisions of the Federal statutes or this part govern. This includes the provisions of Public Law 93-638, including 25 U.S.C. 5325 and 5365(c).

§ 1000.2130 - How much time does the Federal Government have to make a claim against a Tribe/Consortium relating to any disallowance of costs, based on an audit?

Any claim by the Federal Government against a Tribe/Consortium relating to the disallowance of costs for funds received under a funding agreement based on any audit under title IV (other than those relating to a criminal offense) shall be subject to the 365-day period set forth in 25 U.S.C. 5325(f), as prescribed by 25 U.S.C. 5365(c)(3).

§ 1000.2135 - Does a Tribe/Consortium have additional ongoing requirements to maintain minimum standards for Tribe/Consortium management systems?

(a) Yes, for a Tribe/Consortium required to perform an annual audit under the Single Audit Act and subparts E and F of 2 CFR part 200, the Tribe/Consortium must maintain management systems that are determined to be adequate by an independent audit.

(b) For a Tribe/Consortium that is not required to perform an annual audit under the Single Audit Act, the financial management systems, including records documenting compliance with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the funding agreement, must be sufficient to permit the preparation of reports required by general and program-specific terms and conditions; and the tracing of funds to a level of expenditures adequate to establish that such funds have been used according to the Federal statutes, regulations, and the requirements of the funding agreement.

(c) As prescribed by subparts E and F of 2 CFR part 200, every Tribe/Consortium must establish and maintain effective internal controls over funds included in a funding agreement that provide reasonable assurances that the Tribe/Consortium is managing the funds in compliance with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the funding agreement.

§ 1000.2140 - Are there any restrictions on how funds awarded to a Tribe/Consortium under a funding agreement may be spent?

Yes, funds awarded to a Tribe/Consortium under a funding agreement may be spent only for costs associated with PSFAs subject to the funding agreement.

§ 1000.2145 - What standard applies to a Tribe's/Consortium's management of funds awarded under a funding agreement?

Funds awarded a Tribe/Consortium under a funding agreement, including advance payments, shall be managed by the Tribe/Consortium using the prudent investment standard, provided that the Secretary shall not be liable for any investment losses of funds managed by the Tribe/Consortium that are not otherwise guaranteed or insured by the Federal Government. The prudent investment standard requires the exercise of reasonable care, skill, and caution, and is to be applied to investments not in isolation but in the context of the investment portfolio and as part of an overall investment strategy, which should incorporate risk and return objectives reasonably suitable to the Tribe/Consortium. In making and implementing investment decisions, the Tribe/Consortium has a duty to diversify the investment, unless, under the circumstances, it is prudent not to do so. In addition, the Tribe/Consortium must:

(a) Conform to fundamental fiduciary duties of loyalty and impartiality;

(b) Act with prudence in deciding whether and how to delegate authority and in the selection and supervision of agents; and

(c) Incur only costs that are reasonable in amount and appropriate to the investment responsibilities of the Tribe/Consortium.

§ 1000.2150 - How may interest or investment income that accrues on funds awarded under a funding agreement be used?

(a) Interest or income earned on investments or deposits of awards made under a funding agreement may be:

(1) Used for any governmental purpose approved by the Tribe/Consortium; or

(2) Used to provide expanded services under the funding agreement and to support some or all of the costs of investment services.

(b) The retention of interest or investment income under paragraph (a) of this section shall not diminish the amount of funds a Tribe/Consortium is entitled to receive under a funding agreement in the year the interest or income is earned or in a subsequent fiscal year.

§ 1000.2155 - Can a Tribe/Consortium retain savings from programs?

Yes, notwithstanding any provision of an appropriations Act, the Tribe/Consortium may retain savings for each fiscal year during which a funding agreement is in effect. A Tribe/Consortium must use any savings that it realizes under a funding agreement, including a construction contract:

(a) To provide additional services or benefits under the funding agreement; or

(b) As carryover; and

(c) For purposes of this subpart only, programs administered by BIA using appropriations made to other Federal agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Transportation, will be treated in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

§ 1000.2160 - Can a Tribe/Consortium carry over funds not spent during the term of the funding agreement?

(a) Yes. Notwithstanding any provision of an appropriations Act, all funds paid to a Tribe/Consortium in accordance with a compact or funding agreement shall remain available until expended.

(b) If a Tribe/Consortium elects to carry over funding from one year to the next, the carryover shall not diminish the amount of funds the Tribe/Consortium is entitled to receive under a funding agreement in that fiscal year or any subsequent fiscal year.

(c) A Tribe/Consortium may elect to carry over funding from one year to the next without any additional justification or document necessary for expenditure.

§ 1000.2165 - After a non-BIA funding agreement has been executed and the funds transferred to a Tribe/Consortium, can a bureau request the return of unexpended funds?

The non-BIA bureau may request the return of unexpended funds already transferred to a Tribe/Consortium only under the following circumstances:

(a) Retrocession;

(b) Reassumption;

(c) Construction, when there are special legal requirements; or

(d) As otherwise provided for in the funding agreement.

§ 1000.2170 - How can a person or group appeal a decision or contest an action related to a program operated by a Tribe/Consortium under a funding agreement?

(a) BIA Programs. A person or group who is aggrieved by an action of a Tribe/Consortium with respect to programs that are provided by the Tribe/Consortium under a funding agreement must follow Tribal administrative procedures.

(b) Non-BIA Programs. Procedures will vary depending on the program. Aggrieved parties should initially contact the local program administrator (the Indian program contact). Thereafter, appeals will follow the relevant bureau's appeal procedures.

§ 1000.2175 - Must Tribes/Consortia comply with the Secretarial approval requirements of 25 U.S.C. 81; 82a; and 476 regarding professional and attorney contracts?

No, for the period that an agreement entered into under this part is in effect, the provisions of 25 U.S.C. 81,82a,and,do.

§ 1000.2180 - Are funds awarded under a funding agreement non-Federal funds for the purpose of meeting matching or cost participation requirements?

(a) Yes, in accordance with 25 U.S.C. 5363(j), all funds provided under funding agreements shall be treated as non-Federal funds for purposes of meeting matching requirements under any other Federal law.

(b) Alternatively, a Tribe/Consortium may elect under 25 U.S.C. 5363(l) to incorporate 25 U.S.C. 5325(j) in their funding agreement for the purpose of meeting matching or cost participating requirements under other Federal and non-Federal programs.

§ 1000.2185 - Does Indian preference apply to services, activities, programs, and functions performed under a funding agreement?

Yes, in accordance with section 25 U.S.C. 5307(b) and (c), as amended, Tribal law governs Indian preference in employment in contracting and subcontracting in performance of a funding agreement.

§ 1000.2190 - Do the wage and labor standards in the Davis-Bacon Act apply to Tribes and Tribal Consortia?

No, wage and labor standards of the Davis-Bacon Act, 40 U.S.C. 3141 through 3144, 3146 and 3147, do not apply to employees of Tribes and Tribal Consortia. Davis-Bacon wage and labor standards do apply to all other laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors of a Tribe/Consortium in the construction, alteration, and repair (including painting or redecorating) of buildings or other facilities in connection with a funding agreement.

§ 1000.2195 - Can a Tribe/Consortium use Federal supply sources in the performance of a funding agreement?

Yes. A Tribe/Consortium and its employees may use Federal supply sources (including lodging, airline, interagency motor pool vehicles, and other means of transportation) or other Federal resources (including supplies, services and resources available to the Secretary under any procurement contracts in which the Department is eligible to participate), to the same extent as if the Tribe/Consortium were a Federal agency. While implementation of this provision is the responsibility of the General Services Administration, the Department shall assist the Tribes/Consortia to resolve any barriers to full implementation that may arise to the fullest extent possible.

§ 1000.2200 - Does the Prompt Payment Act (31 U.S.C. 3901) apply to a BIA funding Agreement?

Yes. The Prompt Payment Act (31 U.S.C. 3901) applies to a BIA funding agreement.

§ 1000.2205 - Does the Prompt Payment Act (31 U.S.C. 3901) apply to a non-BIA program funding agreement?

Yes, unless restricted by a funding agreement, the Prompt Payment Act shall apply to a non-BIA funding agreement.

§ 1000.2210 - Is a Tribe/Consortium obligated to continue performance under a compact or funding agreement if the Secretary does not transfer sufficient funds?

A Tribe/Consortium shall not be obligated to continue performance that requires an expenditure of funds in excess of the amount of funds transferred under a compact or funding agreement. If at any time the Tribe/Consortium has reason to believe that the total amount provided for a specific activity under a compact or funding agreement is insufficient, the Tribe/Consortium shall provide reasonable notice of such insufficiency to the Secretary. If, after notice, the Secretary does not increase the amount of funds transferred under the funding agreement, the Tribe/Consortium may suspend performance of the activity until such time as additional funds are transferred. Nothing in 25 U.S.C. 5368(l) reduces any programs, services, or funds of, or provided to, another Tribe/Consortium.

authority: 25 U.S.C. 5373
source: 89 FR 100245, Dec. 11, 2024, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 25 CFR 1000.2130