Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 06, 2025

Title 25 - Indians last revised: Feb 13, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 1000.2320 - How does a Tribe/Consortium request an informal conference?

§ 1000.2325 - How is an informal conference held?

§ 1000.2330 - What happens after the informal conference?

§ 1000.2301 - What is the purpose of this subpart?

§ 1000.2305 - How must disputes be handled?

§ 1000.2310 - Does a Tribe/Consortium have any options besides an appeal?

§ 1000.2315 - What is the Secretary's burden of proof for appeals in this subpart?


§ 1000.2335 - How may a Tribe/Consortium appeal a decision made after the funding agreement or compact or an amendment to a funding agreement or compact has been signed?

§ 1000.2340 - What statutes and regulations govern resolution of disputes concerning signed funding agreements or compacts (and any signed amendments) that are appealed to the CBCA?


§ 1000.2345 - What decisions may a Tribe/Consortium appeal under §through 1000.2395?

§ 1000.2350 - What decisions may not be appealed under §through 1000.2395?

§ 1000.2351 - To Whom may a Tribe/Consortia appeal a decision under § 1000.2345?

§ 1000.2355 - How does a Tribe/Consortium know where and when to file an appeal?

§ 1000.2357 - Which officials is the appropriate bureau head or Assistant Secretary for purposes of subpart R?


§ 1000.2360 - When and how must a Tribe/Consortium appeal an adverse pre-award decision to the bureau head/Assistant Secretary?

§ 1000.2365 -

§ 1000.2370 - When and how will the Assistant Secretary respond to an appeal by a Tribe/Consortium?


§ 1000.2375 - When and how must a Tribe/Consortium appeal an adverse pre-award decision to the IBIA?

§ 1000.2380 - What happens after a Tribe/Consortium files an appeal?

§ 1000.2385 - What procedures apply to Interior Board of Indian Appeals (IBIA) proceedings?

§ 1000.2386 - What regulations govern resolution of disputes that are appealed to the IBIA?

§ 1000.2390 - Will an appeal adversely affect the Tribe's/Consortium's rights in other compact, funding negotiations, or construction project agreement?

§ 1000.2395 - Will the decision on appeal be available for the public to review?


§ 1000.2405 - What happens in the case of an immediate reassumption under 25 U.S.C. 5366(b)?

§ 1000.2410 - Will there be a hearing?

§ 1000.2415 - What happens after the hearing?

§ 1000.2420 - Is the recommended decision always final?

§ 1000.2425 - If a Tribe/Consortium objects to the recommended decision, what action will the IBIA take?

§ 1000.2430 - Will an immediate reassumption appeal adversely affect the Tribe's/Consortium's rights in other self-governance negotiations?


§ 1000.2435 - Does the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) apply to appeals under this subpart?

§ 1000.2320 - How does a Tribe/Consortium request an informal conference?

The Tribe/Consortium shall file its request for an informal conference with the office of the person whose decision it is appealing, within 30 days of the day it receives the decision.

(a) The Tribe/Consortium may either hand-deliver the request for an informal conference to that person's office, email the request, or mail it by certified mail, return receipt requested.

(b) If the Tribe/Consortium mails the request, it will be considered filed on the date the Tribe/Consortium mailed it by certified mail. If the Tribe/Consortium emails the request, it will be presumed received on the next business day following transmission from the Tribe/Consortium.

(c) The document should be clearly identified as “Request for Informal Conference”.

§ 1000.2325 - How is an informal conference held?

For all purposes relating to these informal conference procedures, the parties are the designated representatives of the Tribe/Consortium and the bureau.

(a) The informal conference shall be held within 30 days of the date the request was received, unless the parties agree on another date.

(b) If possible, at the option of the Tribe/Consortium, the informal conference will be held at the Tribe's/Consortium's office. If the meeting cannot be held at the Tribe's/Consortium's office, the parties must agree on an alternative meeting place or forum, including but not limited to telephonic or virtual meeting forums. If the alternative meeting place is more than fifty miles from the Tribe's/Consortium's office, the Secretary must arrange to pay transportation costs and per diem for incidental expenses to allow for adequate representation of the Tribe/Consortium.

(c) The informal conference shall be conducted by a designated representative of the Secretary.

(d) Only the parties may make presentations at the informal conference.

(e) The informal conference is not a hearing on the record. Nothing said during an informal conference may be used by either party in litigation.

§ 1000.2330 - What happens after the informal conference?

(a) Within 10 business days of the informal conference, the person who conducted the informal conference shall prepare and mail to the Tribe/Consortium a brief summary of the informal conference. The summary must include any agreements reached or changes from the initial position of the bureau or the Tribe/Consortium.

(b) Every summary of an informal conference must contain the following language:

Within 30 days of the receipt of the summary from the informal conference, you may file an appeal of the initial decision of the Department of the Interior agency in accordance with subpart R of 25 CFR part 1000. Alternatively, you may file an action in Federal court pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 5331.

(c) If in its judgment no agreement was reached, the Tribe/Consortium may choose to appeal the initial decision, as modified by any changes made as a result of the informal conference, under this subpart.

§ 1000.2301 - What is the purpose of this subpart?

This subpart prescribes the process Tribes/Consortia may use to resolve disputes with the Department arising before or after execution of a funding agreement or compact and certain other disputes related to self-governance.

§ 1000.2305 - How must disputes be handled?

(a) The Department encourages its bureaus to seek all means of dispute resolution before the Tribe/Consortium files a formal appeal(s).

(b) Disputes shall be addressed through government-to-government discourse. This discourse must be respectful of government-to-government relationships and relevant Federal-Tribal agreements, treaties, judicial decisions, and policies pertaining to Indian Tribes, including, but not limited to, such applicable principles described in subpart I.

(c) All disputes arising under this rule, including, but not limited to, disputes related to decisions described in § 1000.2345, may use non-binding informal alternative dispute resolution, such as an informal conference or assistance of the Department's Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution (CADR), at the option of the Tribe/Consortium. The Tribe/Consortium may ask for this alternative dispute resolution any time before the issuance of an initial decision of a formal appeal. The appeals timetable will be suspended while alternative dispute resolution is pending.

§ 1000.2310 - Does a Tribe/Consortium have any options besides an appeal?

Yes, the Tribe/Consortium may request a non-binding alternative dispute resolution process—without the need for a formal appeal. Or, the Tribe/Consortium may, in lieu of filing an administrative appeal under this subpart, file an action in an appropriate Federal court under 25 U.S.C. 5331,or.

§ 1000.2315 - What is the Secretary's burden of proof for appeals in this subpart?

As required by sections 25 U.S.C. 5366(d) and 5375, in any administrative action, appeal, or civil action for judicial review of any decision made by the Secretary under this title, the Secretary shall have the burden of proof:

(a) To demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence the validity of the grounds for a reassumption under 25 U.S.C. 5366(b);

(b) To clearly demonstrate the validity of the grounds for rejecting a final offer made under 25 U.S.C. 5366(c); and

(c) Except as provided in 25 U.S.C. 5366(d), to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence the validity of the grounds for a decision made and the consistency of the decision with the requirements and policies of the Act.

§ 1000.2335 - How may a Tribe/Consortium appeal a decision made after the funding agreement or compact or an amendment to a funding agreement or compact has been signed?

With the exception of certain decisions concerning immediate reassumption (see §§ 1000.2405 through 1000.2430), the Tribe/Consortium may appeal post-award administrative decisions to the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA).

§ 1000.2340 - What statutes and regulations govern resolution of disputes concerning signed funding agreements or compacts (and any signed amendments) that are appealed to the CBCA?

25 U.S.C. 5331 and the regulations at 25 CFR 900.216 through 900.230 apply to disputes concerning signed funding agreements and compacts (and any signed amendments), that are appealed to the CBCA, except that any references to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services are inapplicable. For purposes of such appeals:

(a) The terms “contract” and “self-determination contract” mean compacts and funding agreements entered into under the Act; and

(b) The term “Tribe” means “Tribe/Consortium”.

§ 1000.2345 - What decisions may a Tribe/Consortium appeal under §through 1000.2395?

Decisions that a Tribe/Consortium may appeal include, but are not limited to:

(a) A decision to reject a final offer, or a portion thereof, under 25 U.S.C. 5366(c);

(b) A decision to reject a proposed amendment to a compact or funding agreement, or a portion thereof, under 25 U.S.C. 5366(c);

(c) A decision that provisions in a retained funding agreement and/or compact are directly contrary to any express provision of the Act;

(d) A decision to reassume a compact or funding agreement, in whole or in part, under 25 U.S.C. 5366(b), except for immediate reassumptions under 25 U.S.C. 5366(b)(3);

(e) A decision to reject a final construction project proposal, or a portion thereof, under 25 U.S.C. 5367(g) and subpart K of this part; and

(f) For construction project agreements carried out under 25 U.S.C. 5367,a,design,or.S.C. 5367(h)(1) and subpart K of this part.

§ 1000.2350 - What decisions may not be appealed under §through 1000.2395?

Decisions that may not appealed under §§ 1000.2345 through 1000.2395 shall be limited to:

(a) Disputes arising under the terms of a compact, funding agreement, or construction project agreement that has been awarded;

(b) Disputes arising from immediate reassumptions under 25 U.S.C. 5366(b)(3) and § 1000.1750 which are covered under §§ 1000.2405 through 1000.2430;

(c) Decisions relating to planning and negotiation grants (subparts C and D of this part) and certain discretionary grants not awarded under title IV (25 CFR part 2);

(d) Decisions regarding requests for waivers of regulations (subpart J of this part);

(e) Decisions regarding construction (subpart K of this part) addressed in § 1000.1455; and

(f) Decisions under any other statute, such as the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act (see 43 CFR part 2).

§ 1000.2351 - To Whom may a Tribe/Consortia appeal a decision under § 1000.2345?

(a) Filing an appeal. A Tribe/Consortium may elect to file a dispute under § 1000.2345 with either the bureau head/Assistant Secretary or IBIA in accordance with this subpart. However, the Tribe/Consortium may not avail itself to both paths for the same dispute.

(b) Bureau head/Assistant Secretary appeal. Unless the initial decision being appealed is one that was made by the bureau head (those appeals are forwarded to the appropriate Assistant Secretary—see § 1000.2360(c), of this subpart), the bureau head will decide initial appeals relating to these pre-award matters, that include but are not limited to disputes regarding:

(1) Eligibility to participate in self-governance;

(2) Decisions declining to provide requested information as addressed in subpart H;

(3) Allocations of program funds when a dispute arises between a Consortium and a withdrawing Tribe; and

(4) Inherently Federal functions and associated funding.

(c) IBIA. The Tribe/Consortium may choose to forego the administrative appeal through the bureau or the Assistant Secretary, as described in paragraph (b) of this section, and instead appeal directly to IBIA.

§ 1000.2355 - How does a Tribe/Consortium know where and when to file an appeal?

Every decision in any of the areas listed in § 1000.2345 must contain information which shall tell the Tribe/Consortium where and when to file the Tribe's/Consortium's appeal. Each decision shall include the following statement:

Within 30 days of the receipt of this decision, you may request non-binding informal alternative dispute resolution, such as an informal conference under § 1000.2320, or file an appeal of the initial decision of the Department in accordance with subpart R of this part. Alternatively, you may file an action in Federal court pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 5331.

§ 1000.2357 - Which officials is the appropriate bureau head or Assistant Secretary for purposes of subpart R?

(a) Table 1 to this paragraph (a) indicates the appropriate bureau head, for purposes of subpart R, to whom a Tribe/Consortium may file its initial request for appeal when exercising its appeal rights to the bureau head/Assistant Secretary under § 1000.2351 for any BIA program:

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)

Bureau whose initial decision is being
Appropriate bureau head
BIADirector, BIA.
BIEDirector, BIE.
BTFADirector, BTFA.
The Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs or OSGThe Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs.

(b) The appropriate Assistant Secretary for any BIA Program, for purposes of § 1000.2370, shall be the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs.

(c) If a Tribe/Consortium elects to exercise its appeal rights to the bureau head/Assistant Secretary under § 1000.2351 for any non-BIA Programs then:

(1) The appropriate bureau head, for purposes of this subpart R, shall be the director of the appropriate bureau which issued the initial adverse decision, including the commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation.

(2) The appropriate Assistant Secretary, for purposes of this subpart R, shall be the Assistant Secretary who oversees the appropriate non-BIA bureau which issued the initial adverse decision.

§ 1000.2360 - When and how must a Tribe/Consortium appeal an adverse pre-award decision to the bureau head/Assistant Secretary?

(a) If a Tribe/Consortium wishes to exercise its appeal rights to the bureau head/Assistant Secretary under § 1000.2351, it must make a written request for review to the appropriate bureau head within 30 days of receiving the initial adverse decision or the conclusion of any non-binding informal alternative dispute resolution process. In addition, the Tribe/Consortium may request the opportunity to have a meeting with appropriate bureau personnel in an effort to clarify the matter under dispute before a formal decision by the bureau head.

(b) The written request for review should include a statement describing its reasons for a review, with any supporting documentation, or indicate that such a statement or documentation will be submitted within 30 days. A copy of the request must also be sent to the Director of the OSG.

(c) If the initial decision was made by the bureau head, any appeal shall be directed to the appropriate Assistant Secretary. If a Tribe does not request a review within 30 days of receipt of the decision, the initial decision will be final for the Department.

§ 1000.2365 -

Within 30 days of receiving the request for review and the statement of reasons described in § 1000.2360, the bureau head or, where applicable, the appropriate Assistant Secretary must:

(a) Issue a written final decision stating the reasons for the decision; and

(b) Send the decision to the Tribe/Consortium.

§ 1000.2370 - When and how will the Assistant Secretary respond to an appeal by a Tribe/Consortium?

The appropriate Assistant Secretary will decide an appeal of any initial decision made by a bureau head (see § 1000.2360). If the Tribe/Consortium has appealed the bureau's initial adverse decision of the bureau to the bureau head and the bureau head's decision on initial appeal is contrary to the Tribe's/Consortium's request for relief, or the bureau head fails to make a decision within 30 days of receipt by the bureau of the Tribe's/Consortium's initial request for review and any accompanying statement and documentation, the Tribe's/Consortium's appeal will be sent automatically to the appropriate Assistant Secretary for decision. The Assistant Secretary must either concur with the bureau head's decision or issue a separate decision within 60 days of receipt by the bureau of the Tribe's/Consortium's initial request for review and any accompanying statement and documentation. The decision of the Assistant Secretary is final for the Department.

§ 1000.2375 - When and how must a Tribe/Consortium appeal an adverse pre-award decision to the IBIA?

(a) If a Tribe/Consortium wishes to exercise its appeal rights to the IBIA under § 1000.2351, it must file a notice of appeal to the IBIA within 30 days of receiving the initial decision or the conclusion of any non-binding informal alternative dispute resolution process.

(b) The Tribe/Consortium may either hand-deliver the notice of appeal to the IBIA, or mail it by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the Tribe/Consortium mails the Notice of Appeal it will be considered filed on the date the Tribe/Consortium mailed it by certified mail. The Tribe/Consortium should mail the notice of appeal to: Interior Board of Indian Appeals, Office of Hearings and Appeals, U.S. Department of the Interior, 801 N Quincy Street, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22203.

(c) The Notice of Appeal must include:

(1) A statement describing the Tribe's/Consortium's reasons for a review (including why the Tribe/Consortium thinks the initial decision is wrong and briefly identify the issues involved in the appeal);

(2) Any supporting documentation;

(3) If the Tribe/Consortium's Notice of Appeal does not include the items in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section, an indication that such a statement or documentation will be submitted within 30 days; and

(4) A statement whether the Tribe/Consortium wants a hearing on the record, or whether the Tribe/Consortium wants to waive its right to a hearing.

(d) The Tribe/Consortium must serve a copy of the notice of appeal upon the official whose decision it is appealing. A copy of the notice of appeal must also be sent to the Director of the OSG. The Tribe/Consortium must certify to the IBIA that it has done so.

(e) The authorized representative of the Secretary will be considered a party to all appeals filed with the IBIA under the Act.

§ 1000.2380 - What happens after a Tribe/Consortium files an appeal?

(a) Within 5 days of receiving the Tribe's/Consortium's notice of appeal, the IBIA will decide whether the appeal falls under § 1000.2345. If so, the Tribe/Consortium is entitled to a hearing.

(b) If the IBIA cannot make that decision based on the information included in the notice of appeal, the IBIA may ask for additional statements from the Tribe/Consortium, or from the appropriate Federal agency. If the IBIA asks for more statements, it will make its decision within 5 days of receiving those statements.

(c) If the IBIA decides that the Tribe/Consortium is not entitled to a hearing or if the Tribe/Consortium has waived its right to a hearing on the record, the IBIA will dismiss the appeal and inform the Tribe/Consortium that it is not entitled to a hearing or has waived its right to a hearing.

§ 1000.2385 - What procedures apply to Interior Board of Indian Appeals (IBIA) proceedings?

The IBIA may use the procedures set forth in 43 CFR 4.22 through 4.27 as a guide.

§ 1000.2386 - What regulations govern resolution of disputes that are appealed to the IBIA?

To the extent not inconsistent with this subpart, the regulations at §§ 900.159 through 900.169 of this title apply to disputes that are appealed to the IBIA, except that any references to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services are inapplicable. For purposes of such appeals:

(a) The terms “contract” and “self-determination contract” mean compacts and funding agreements entered into under the Act; and

(b) The term “Tribe” means “Tribe/Consortium.”

§ 1000.2390 - Will an appeal adversely affect the Tribe's/Consortium's rights in other compact, funding negotiations, or construction project agreement?

No, a pending appeal will not adversely affect or prevent the negotiation or award of another compact, funding agreement, or construction project agreement.

§ 1000.2395 - Will the decision on appeal be available for the public to review?

Yes, the Secretary shall publish all final decisions from the Administrative Law Judge (ALJs) and IBIA under this subpart. Decisions can be found on the Department's website.

§ 1000.2405 - What happens in the case of an immediate reassumption under 25 U.S.C. 5366(b)?

If the Secretary immediately reassumes a program under § 1000.1750, the Secretary must comply with §§ 1000.2410 through 1000.2430.

§ 1000.2410 - Will there be a hearing?

Yes, unless the Tribe/Consortium waives its right to a hearing in writing. The Deputy Director of the Office of Hearings and Appeals must appoint an ALJ to hold a hearing.

(a) The hearing must be held within 10 days of the date of the notice referred to in § 1000.1750 unless the Tribe/Consortium agrees to a later date.

(b) If possible, the hearing will be held at the office of the Tribe/Consortium. The parties may agree to an alternative meeting place or forum, including but not limited to telephonic or virtual meeting forums. If the hearing is held more than 50 miles from the office of the Tribe/Consortium, the Secretary must arrange to pay transportation costs and per diem for incidental expenses. This will allow for adequate representation of the Tribe/Consortium.

§ 1000.2415 - What happens after the hearing?

(a) Within 30 days after the end of the hearing or any post-hearing briefing schedule established by the ALJ, the ALJ must send all parties a recommended decision by certified mail, return receipt requested. The recommended decision shall contain the ALJ's findings of fact and conclusions of law on all the issues. The recommended decision must also state that the Tribe/Consortium has the right to object to the recommended decision.

(b) The recommended decision must contain the following statement:

Within 15 days of the receipt of this recommended decision, you may file an objection to the recommended decision with the IBIA under 25 CFR 1000.2420. An appeal to the IBIA under shall be filed at the following address: Interior Board of Indian Appeals, Office of Hearings and Appeals, U.S. Department of the Interior, 801 N Quincy Street, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22203. You shall serve copies of your notice of appeal on the Secretary of the Interior, and on the official whose decision is being appealed. You shall certify to the IBIA that you have served these copies. If neither party files an objection to the recommended decision within 15 days, the recommended decision will become final.

§ 1000.2420 - Is the recommended decision always final?

No, any party to the appeal may file precise and specific written objections to the recommended decision, or any other comments, within 15 days of receiving the recommended decision. The objecting party must serve a copy of its objections on the other party. The recommended decision will become final 15 days after the Tribe/Consortium receives the ALJ's recommended decision, unless a written statement of objection is filed with the IBIA during the 15-day period. If no party files a written statement of objections within 15 days, the recommended decision will become final.

§ 1000.2425 - If a Tribe/Consortium objects to the recommended decision, what action will the IBIA take?

(a) The IBIA has 15 days from the date the Secretary receives timely written objections to modify, adopt, or reverse the recommended decision. If the IBIA does not modify or reverse the recommended decision during that time, the recommended decision automatically becomes final.

(b) When reviewing the recommended decision, the IBIA may consider and decide all issues properly raised by any party to the appeal, based on the record.

(c) The decision of the IBIA must:

(1) Be in writing;

(2) Specify the findings of fact or conclusions of law that are modified or reversed;

(3) Give reasons for the decision, based on the record; and

(4) State that the decision is final for the Department.

§ 1000.2430 - Will an immediate reassumption appeal adversely affect the Tribe's/Consortium's rights in other self-governance negotiations?

No, a pending appeal will not adversely affect or prevent the negotiation or award of another compact, funding agreement, or construction project agreement.

§ 1000.2435 - Does the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) apply to appeals under this subpart?

Yes. EAJA claims against the Department will be heard under 48 CFR 6101.30, 6101.31 (CBCA) and 43 CFR 4.602, 4.604 through 4.628 (Department) and under the Equal Access to Justice Act, 5 U.S.C. 504 and 28 U.S.C. 2412.

authority: 25 U.S.C. 5373
source: 89 FR 100245, Dec. 11, 2024, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 25 CFR 1000.2355