Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 7.48-1 - Election to have investment credit for movie and television films determined in accordance with previous litigation.

(a) Generally. Under section 804(c)(3) of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 (Pub. L. 94-455, 90 Stat. 1595), any taxpayer who filed an action in any court of competent jurisdiction before January 1, 1976, for a determination of such taxpayer's rights to investment credit under section 38 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 with respect to any film placed in service in any taxable year beginning before January 1, 1975, may elect to have investment credit on all films placed in service in taxable years beginning before January 1, 1975, (except those subject to an election under section 804(e)(2) of the Act), determined as though section 804 of the Act (except section 804(c)(3) of the Act) had not been enacted.

(b) Manner of making the election. The election allowed by section 804(c)(3) of the Act may be made by a notification in the form of a letter signed by the taxpayer or an authorized representative of the taxpayer stating:

(1) The taxpayer's name, address, and identification number;

(2) The taxable years in which the films were placed in service with respect to which the election shall apply; and

(3) The court in which the litigation was commenced and information adequate to identify the particular litigation, for example, the names of the litigants, the date the suit was commenced, and the court case or docket number of the litigation.

The letter should be sent to the Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Attention: CC:RL:Br2, Room 4617, 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20224.

(c) Time for making the election. The election under section 804(c)(3) of the Act must be made not later than January 3, 1977. If mailed, the cover containing the notification of such election must be postmarked not later than January 3, 1977.

(d) Revocation of election. An election under section 804(c)(3) of the Act, once made, shall be irrevocable.

[T.D. 7449, 41 FR 56629, Dec. 29, 1976]
§ 7.48-2 - Election of forty-percent method of determining investment credit for movie and television films placed in service in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 1975.

(a) General rule. Under section 804(c)(2) of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 (90 Stat. 1595), taxpayers who placed movie or television films (here- inafter referred to as films and tapes) in service during taxable years beginning before January 1, 1975, may elect to have their investment credit on all such films and tapes determined under section 46(c) of the Code using an amount equal to 40 percent of aggregate production costs in lieu of the basis of such property. If the election is made, 100 percent is the applicable percentage used in determining qualified investment under section 46(c) of the Code regardless of actual useful life. The election can be made only with respect to qualified films and tapes that are new section 38 property and the investment credit is allowed only to the extent that a taxpayer has an ownership interest in the film or tape. No investment credit is allowed under section 804(c)(2) of the Act on any film or tape that is not section 38 property or that was produced and shown exclusively outside of the United States. Thus, no election may be made under this section with respect to a film or tape which is suspension period property to which section 48(h) applies or to a film or tape which is termination period property to which section 49(a) applies. Any investment credit taken on any film or tape subject to the election is not subject to recapture because of an early disposition or because a film or tape otherwise ceases to be section 38 property under section 47(a) of the Code. Thus, there will be no recapture because a film or tape is used outside the United States under section 48(a)(2) of the Code or section 804(c)(1)(C) of the Act, or because of any disposition under section 47(a)(7)(B) of the Code.

(b) Time and manner of making an election—(1) Time for making the election. The election under section 804(c)(2) of the Act must be made not later than April 25, 1977.

(2) Manner of making the election. An election under this section must be made by filing amended income tax returns for each taxable year beginning before January 1, 1975, in which films and tapes subject to the election were placed in service, together with a statement signed by the taxpayer containing the information described below. The amended returns and the statement must be filed with the district director having audit jurisdiction over the last return filed to which the election relates. Each amended return shall contain a schedule listing by name all films and tapes placed in service during the year to which the amended return relates and setting forth all computations necessary to determine the aggregate production costs of each such film or tape listed and the ownership interest of the taxpayer in each film or tape listed. In the case of a taxpayer which is a partner, shareholder of an electing small business corporation, or beneficiary of a trust or estate, such computations must be adequate to determine the ownership interest of the partnership, electing small business corporation, or trust or estate in each such film or tape, (a taxpayer which is a partner, shareholder, or beneficiary may satisfy the requirements of the preceding sentence by attaching to his amended return a copy of an amended return, if one is filed, of the partnership, electing small business corporation, or trust or estate which sets forth computations necessary to determine the ownership interest of the entity in each such film or tape.) No amended return need be filed for a taxable year if application of the election to films and tapes placed in service during that year would not affect tax liability for any taxable year.

The statement shall contain the following information:

(i) The taxpayer's name and taxpayer identification number (under section 6109 of the Code).

(ii) A statement that the taxpayer is making the election under section 804(c)(2) of the Act.

(iii) A statement that the taxpayer agrees that the period for assessment and collection under section 6501 of the Code will remain open until December 31, 1978, solely with respect to adjustments of tax liability attributable to investment credit allowed on films and tapes placed in service in each year covered by the election. Unless the district director notifies the taxpayer within 7 days of receipt of the statement that such extension is denied, it will be presumed that the district director consents to such extension. Of course, the period covered by this statement may be extended beyond December 31, 1978 by mutual agreement. This statement does not shorten the regular statutory period for any year or take precedence over a previous or subsequent agreement with the Internal Revenue Service extending the statutory period for any year.

(iv) A list of the addresses used by the taxpayer on each return filed during each taxable year subject to the election.

(v) A statement that the taxpayer consents to join in judicial proceedings to determine the investment credit allowable and entitlement to investment credit on any film or tape subject to the election, which meets all of the requirements set forth in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.

(vi) A statement as to whether an election has been made by the taxpayer under section 804(e)(2) of the Act for films and tapes which are property described in section 50(a) of the Code which were placed in service in taxable years beginning before January 1, 1975.

(vii) A list by name of all films or tapes placed in service during the years to which the election relates.

(viii) With respect to each film or tape listed in paragraph (b)(2)(vii) of this section, a list of all producers, distributors, and persons with a participation interest (with addresses where available).

(ix) In the case of an election made by a partner, shareholder of an electing small business corporation (as defined in section 1371(b) of the Code), or beneficiary, a statement indicating the name, taxpayer identification number, and address for tax return purposes of the respective partnership, electing small business corporation, or trust or estate.

(3) Consent to join in judicial proceedings. No election may be made by any taxpayer unless the statement made under paragraph (b)(2)(v) of this section provides that the taxpayer shall:

(i) Treat the determination of the investment credit allowable on each film or tape subject to an election as a separate cause of action;

(ii) Make all reasonable efforts necessary to join in or intervene in any judicial proceeding in any court for determining the person entitled to, and the amount of, the investment credit allowable with respect to any film or tape covered by the election after receiving notice from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or his delegate indicating that a conflicting claim to the investment credit for such film or tape is being asserted in such court by another person; and

(iii) Consent to revocation of the election by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or his delegate with respect to all films and tapes placed in service in taxable years for which the election applies, if the taxpayer fails to make all reasonable efforts necessary to join in or intervene in any judicial proceeding under paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section.

(4) Who makes the election. The election must be made separately by each person who has an ownership interest. However, where a film or tape is owned by a partnership, electing small business corporation (as defined in section 1371(b) of the Code), or trust or estate, the election must be made separately by each partner, shareholder or beneficiary. The election is not to be made by a partnership or electing small business corporation, and is to be made by a trust or estate only if the trust or estate in determining its tax liability would be allowed investment credit on a film or tape subject to the election. The election of any partner, shareholder, beneficiary or trust or estate shall be effective regardless of whether any related partner, shareholder, beneficiary, or trust or estate makes the election.

(5) Additional time to perfect election. A taxpayer that by April 25, 1977, files a statement containing the information described in paragraph (b)(2) (i) through (v) of this section shall be deemed to have made a timely election under paragraph (b)(2) of this section if by July 5, 1977, the taxpayer has complied with all of the requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section. If a taxpayer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the district director that it is unable to meet the July 5, 1977, date even though it has made a good faith effort to do so, the district director may at his discretion extend that date to no later than October 4, 1977, for that taxpayer. Requests for extensions of the July 5, 1977, date should be addressed to the district director with whom the statement was filed.

(c) Revocation of election—(1) Revocation by taxpayer. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, an election made under section 804(c)(2) of the Act may not be revoked by a taxpayer unless consent to revoke the election is obtained from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or his delegate. Application for consent to revoke the election will be accepted only if permanent regulations are issued which contain rules which may not reasonably have been anticipated by taxpayers at the time the election was made. Any permanent regulations will provide a reasonable period of time within which taxpayers will be permitted to apply for consent to revoke the election and will allow revocation (where revocation is not barred by the limitations on credit or refund inspection 6511 of the Code) in the event of a determination by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or his delegate that such permanent regulations contain provisions that may not reasonably have been anticipated by taxpayers at the time of making such election.

(ii) An election properly made under section 804(e)(2) of the Act, to have sections 48(k) and 47 (a)(7) of the Code apply to films and tapes which are property described in section 50(a) of the Code and which were placed in service in taxable years beginning before January 1, 1975, shall automatically revoke any election under section 804(c)(2) of the Act with respect to such films and tapes. Such revocation does not require the consent of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or his delegate.

(2) Revocation by Commissioner. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue or his delegate shall revoke an election made under section 804(c)(2) of the Act if a taxpayer fails to make all reasonable efforts necessary to join in or intervene, in a judicial proceeding for determination of the person entitled to, and the amount of, the investment credit allowable with respect to any film or tape covered by the election after receiving notice from the Commissioner or his delegate which indicates that a conflicting claim to the investment credit for such film or tape is being asserted in court by another person.

(d) Furnishing of supplementary information required. If these regulations are revised to require the furnishing of information in addition to that which was furnished with the amended returns and statement of election filed pursuant to paragraph (b) (2) and (3) of this section, the taxpayer must furnish such additional information in a statement addressed to the district director with whom the amended return and statement of election were filed.

((68A Stat. 917; 26 U.S.C. 7804); sec. 804(c)(2) (C) and (D) of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 (90 Stat. 1595)) [T.D. 7474, 42 FR 17123, Mar. 31, 1977; T.D. 7480, 42 FR 19479, Apr. 14, 1977]
§ 7.48-3 - Election to apply the amendments made by sections 804 (a) and (b) of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 to property described in section 50(a) of the Code.

(a) General rule. Under section 804(e)(2) of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 (90 Stat. 1596), taxpayers may elect to apply the amendments made by section 804 (a) and (b) of the Act to movie and television films that are property described in section 50(a) of the Code and that were placed in service in taxable years beginning before January 1, 1975.

(b) Time for and manner of making election—(1) Time for making election. The election under section 804(e)(2) the Act must be made not later than October 4, 1977.

(2) Manner of making election. The election under section 804(e)(2) shall be made by applying the same rules applicable under section 804(c)(2) as described in § 7.48-2(b) (2), (3), and (4) except that § 7.48-2(b)(2)(ii) shall be read to require a statement that the taxpayer is making an election under section 804(e)(2) of the Act, and § 7.48-2(b)(2)(vi) shall not apply. An election properly made under section 804(e)(2) of the Act may not be revoked after October 4, 1977.

(Sec. 804(e)(2), Tax Reform Act of 1976 (90 Stat. 1596)) [T.D. 7509, 42 FR 47828, Sept. 22, 1977]
§ 7.57(d)-1 - Election with respect to straight line recovery of intangibles.

(a) Purpose. This section prescribes rules for making the election permitted under section 57(d)(2), as added by the Tax Reform Act of 1976. Under this election taxpayers may use cost depletion to compute straight line recovery of intangibles.

(b) Election. The election under section 57(d) is subject to the following rules:

(1) The election is made within the time prescribed by law (including extensions thereof) for filing the return for the taxable year in which the intangible drilling costs are paid or incurred or, if later, by July 25, 1978.

(2) The election is made separately for each well. Thus, a taxpayer may make the election for only some of his or her wells.

(3) The election is made by using, for the well or wells to which the election applies, cost depletion to compute straight line recovery of intangibles for purposes of determining the amount of the preference under section 57(a)(11).

(4) The election may be made whether or not the taxpayer uses cost depletion in computing taxable income.

(5) The election is made by a partnership rather than by each partner.

(c) Computation of cost depletion. For purposes of computing straight line recovery of intangibles through cost depletion, both depletable and depreciable intangible drilling and development costs for the taxable year are taken into account. They are treated as if capitalized, added to basis, and recovered under § 1.611-2(a). Costs paid or incurred in other taxable years are not taken into account.

(Secs. 57(d) and 7805 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (90 Stat. 1551; 68A Stat. 917; 26 U.S.C. 57(d), 7805)) [T.D. 7541, 43 FR 17816, Apr. 26, 1978; 43 FR 18993, May 3, 1978]
§ 7.465-1 - Amounts at risk with respect to activities begun prior to effective date; in general.

Section 465 provides that a taxpayer (other than a corporation which is not a subchapter S corporation or a personal holding company) engaged in certain activities may not deduct losses from such activity to the extent the losses exceed the amount the taxpayer is at risk with respect to the activity. For the types of activities to which section 465 applies and for determining what constitutes a separate activity, see section 465(c). Section 465 generally applies to losses attributable to amounts paid or incurred in taxable years beginning after December 31, 1975. For the purposes of applying the at risk limitation to activities begun before the effective date of the provision (and which were not excepted from application of the provision), it is necessary to determine the amount at risk as of the first day of the first taxable year beginning after December 31, 1975. The amount at risk in an activity as of the first day of the first taxable year of the taxpayer beginning after December 31, 1975, (for the purposes of § 7.465-1 through 7.465-5 such first day shall be referred to as the effective date) shall be determined according to the rules provided in §§ 7.465-2 through 7.465-5.

[T.D. 7504, 42 FR 42197, Aug. 22, 1977]
§ 7.465-2 - Determination of amount at risk.

(a) Initial amount. The amount a taxpayer is at risk on the effective date with respect to an activity to which section 465 applies shall be determined in accordance with this section. The initial amount the taxpayer is at risk in the activity shall be the taxpayer's initial basis in the activity as modified by disregarding amounts described in section 465(b) (3) or (4) (relating generally to amounts protected against loss or borrowed from related persons).

(b) Succeeding adjustments. For each taxable year ending before the effective date, the initial amount at risk shall be increased and decreased by the items which increased and decreased the taxpayer's basis in the activity in that year as modified by disregarding the amounts described in section 465(b) (3) or (4).

(c) Application of losses and withdrawals. (1) Losses described in section 465(d) which are incurred in taxable years beginning prior to January 1, 1976 and deducted in such taxable years, will be treated as reducing first that portion of the taxpayer's basis which is attributable to amounts not at risk. On the other hand, withdrawals made in taxable years beginning before January 1, 1976, will be treated as reducing the amount which the taxpayer is at risk.

(2) Therefore, if in a taxable year beginning prior to January 1, 1976 there is a loss described in section 465(d), it shall reduce the amount at risk only to the extent it exceeds the amount of the taxpayer's basis which is not at risk. For the purposes of this paragraph the taxpayer's basis which is not at risk is that portion of the taxpayer's basis in the activity (as of the close of the taxable year and prior to reduction for the loss) which is attributable to amounts described in section 465(b) (3) or (4).

(d) Amount at risk shall not be less than zero. If, after determining the amount described in paragraph (a), (b), and (c) of this section, the amount at risk (but for this paragraph) would be less than zero, the amount at risk on the effective date shall be zero.

[T.D. 7504, 42 FR 42197, Aug. 22, 1977]
§ 7.465-3 - Allocation of loss for different taxable years.

If the taxable year of the entity conducting the activity differs from that of the taxpayer, the loss attributable to the activity for the first taxable year of the entity ending after the beginning of the first taxable year of the taxpayer beginning after December 31, 1975, shall be allocated in the following manner. That portion of the loss from the activity for such taxable year of the entity which bears the same ratio as the number of days in such taxable year before January 1, 1976, divided by the total number of days in the taxable year, shall be attributable to taxable years of the taxpayer beginning before January 1, 1976. Consequently, that portion shall be treated in accordance with § 7.465-2.

[T.D. 7504, 42 FR 42198, Aug. 22, 1977]
§ 7.465-4 - Insufficient records.

If sufficient records do not exist to accurately determine under § 7.465-2 the amount which a taxpayer is at risk on the effective date, the amount at risk shall be the taxpayer's basis in the activity reduced (but not below zero) by the taxpayer's share of amounts described in section 465(b) (3) or (4) with respect to the activity on the day before the effective date.

[T.D. 7504, 42 FR 42198, Aug. 22, 1977]
§ 7.465-5 - Examples.

The provisions of § 7.465-1 and § 7.465-2 may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example (1).J and K, as equal partners, form partnership JK on January 1, 1975. Partnership JK is engaged solely in an activity described in section 465(c)(1). On January 1, 1975, each partner contributes $10,000 in cash from personal assets to JK. On July 1, 1975, JK borrows $40,000 (of which J's share is $20,000) from a bank under a nonrecourse financing arrangement secured only by the new equipment (for use in the activity) purchased with the $40,000. On September 1, 1975, JK reduces the amount due on the loan to $36,000 (of which J's share is $18,000). On October 1, 1975, JK distributes $3,000 to each partner. For taxable year 1975, JK has no income or loss. Although J's basis in the activity is $25,000 ($10,000 + $18,000—$3,000) J's amount at risk on the effective date is $7,000 determined as follows:
Initial amount at risk$10,000
Plus: Items which increased basis other than amounts described in sec. 465(b) (3) or (4)0
Less: Distribution3,000
J's amount at risk on effective date7,000
Example (2).Assume the same facts as in Example (1) except that JK has a loss (as described in section 465(d) for 1975 of which J's share is $12,000. Although J's basis in the activity is $13,000 ($10,000 + $18,000—($3,000 + $12,000)) J's amount at risk on the effective date is $7,000 determined as follows:
Initial amount at risk$10,000
Plus: Items which increased basis other than amounts described in sec. 465(b) (3) or (4)0
Less: Distribution3,000
Portion of loss ($12,000) in excess of portion of basis not at risk ($18,000)0
J's amount at risk on effective date7,000
Example (3).Assume the same facts as in Example (1) except that JK has a loss (as described in section 465(d) for 1975, and J's share is $23,000. J's basis in the activity is $2,000 ($10,000 + $18,000—($3,000 + $23,000)). The amount at risk on the effective date is determined as follows:
Initial amount at risk$10,000
Plus: Items which increased basis other than amounts described in sec. 465(b) (3) or (4)0
Less: Distribution3,000
Portion of loss ($23,000) in excess of portion of basis not at risk ($18,000)5,000
J's amount at risk on the effective date2,000
[T.D. 7504, 42 FR 42198, Aug. 22, 1977]
§ 7.936-1 - Qualified possession source investment income.

For purposes of this section, interest earned after September 30, 1976 (less applicable deductions), by a domestic corporation, engaged in the active conduct of a trade or business in Puerto Rico, which elects the application of section 936 with respect to deposits with certain Puerto Rican financial institutions will be treated as qualified possession source investment income within the meaning of section 936(d)(2) if (1) the interest qualifies for exemption from Puerto Rican income tax under regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, as in effect on September 28, 1976, under the authority of section 2(j) of the Puerto Rico Industrial Incentive Act of 1963, as amended, (2) the interest is from sources within Puerto Rico (within the meaning of section 936(d)(2)(A)), and (3) the funds with respect to which the interest is earned are derived from the active conduct of a trade or business in Puerto Rico or from investment of funds so derived.

[T.D. 7452, 41 FR 56794, Dec. 30, 1976]
§ 7.999-1 - Computation of the international boycott factor.

(a) In general. Sections 908(a), 952(a)(3), and 995(b)(1)(F) provide that certain benefits of the foreign tax credit, deferral of earnings of foreign corporations, and DISC are denied if a person or a member of a controlled group (within the meaning of section 993(a)(3)) that includes that person participates in or cooperates with an international boycott (within the meaning of section 999(b)(3)). The loss of tax benefits may be determined by multiplying the otherwise allowable tax benefits by the “international boycott factor.” Section 999(c)(1) provides that the international boycott factor is to be determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary. The method of computing the international boycott factor is set forth in paragraph (c) of this section. A special rule for computing the international boycott factor of a person that is a member of two or more controlled groups is set forth in paragraph (d). Transitional rules for making adjustments to the international boycott factor for years affected by the effective dates are set forth in paragraph (e). The definitions of the terms used in this section are set forth in paragraph (b).

(b) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(1) Boycotting country. In respect of a particular international boycott, the term “boycotting country” means any country described in section 999(a)(1) (A) or (B) that requires participation in or cooperation with that particular international boycott.

(2) Participation in or cooperation with an international boycott. For the definition of the term “participation in or cooperation with an international boycott”, see section 999(b)(3) and Parts H through M of the Treasury Department's International Boycott Guidelines.

(3) Operations in or related to a boycotting country. For the definitions of the terms “operations”, “operations in a boycotting country”, “operations related to a boycotting country”, and “operations with the government, a company, or a national of a boycotting country”, see Part B of the Treasury Department's International Boycott Guidelines.

(4) Clearly demonstrating clearly separate and identifiable operations. For the rules for “clearly demonstrating clearly separate and identifiable operations”, see Part D of the Treasury Department's International Boycott Guidelines.

(5) Purchase made from a country. The terms “purchase made from a boycotting country” and “purchases made from any country other than the United States” mean, in respect of any particular country, the gross amount paid in connection with the purchase of, the use of, or the right to use:

(i) Tangible personal property (including money) from a stock of goods located in that country,

(ii) Intangible property (other than securities) in that country,

(iii) Securities by a dealer to a beneficial owner that is a resident of that country (but only if the dealer knows or has reason to know the country of residence of the beneficial owner),

(iv) Real property located in that country, or

(v) Services performed in, and the end product of services performed in, that country (other than payroll paid to a person that is an officer or employee of the payor).

(6) Sales made to a country. The terms “sales made to a boycotting country” and “sales made to any country other than the United States” mean, in respect of any particular country, the gross receipts from the sale, exchange, other disposition, or use of:

(i) Tangible personal property (including money) for direct use, consumption, or disposition in that country,

(ii) Services performed in that country,

(iii) The end product of services (wherever performed) for direct use, consumption, or disposition in that country,

(iv) Intangible property (other than securities) in that country,

(v) Securities by a dealer to a beneficial owner that is a resident of that country (but only if the dealer knows or has reason to know the country of residence of the beneficial owner), or

(vi) Real property located in that country.

To determine the country of direct use, consumption, or disposition of tangible personal property and the end product of services, see paragraph (b)(10) of this section.

(7) Sales made from a country. The terms “sales made from a boycotting country” and “sales made from any country other than the United States” mean, in respect of a particular country, the gross receipts from the sale, exchange, other disposition, or use of:

(i) Tangible personal property (including money) from a stock of goods located in that country,

(ii) Intangible property (other than securities) in that country, or

(iii) Services performed in, and the end product of services performed in, that country.

However, gross receipts from any such sale, exchange, other disposition, or use by a person that are included in the numerator of that person's international boycott factor by reason of paragraph (b)(6) of this section shall not again be included in the numerator by reason of this subparagraph.

(8) Payroll paid or accrued for services performed in a country. The terms “payroll paid or accrued for services performed in a boycotting country” and “payroll paid or accrued for services performed in any country other than the United States” mean, in respect of a particular country, the total amount paid or accrued as compensation to officers and employees, including wages, salaries, commissions, and bonuses, for services performed in that country.

(9) Services performed partly within and partly without a country—(i) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(9)(ii) of this section, for purposes of allocating to a particular country:

(A) The gross amount paid in connection with the purchase or use of,

(B) The gross receipts from the sale, exchange, other disposition or use of, and

(C) The payroll paid or accrued for services performed, or the end product of services performed, partly within and partly without that country, the amount paid, received, or accrued to be allocated to that country, unless the facts and circumstances of a particular case warrant a different amount, will be that amount that bears the same relation to the total amount paid, received, or accrued as the number of days of performance of the services within that country bears to the total number of days of performance of services for which the total amount is paid, received, or accrued.

(ii) Transportation, telegraph, and cable services. Transportation, telegraph, and cable services performed partly within one country and partly within another country are allocated between the two countries as follows:

(A) In the case of a purchase of such services performed from Country A to Country B, fifty percent of the gross amount paid is deemed to be a purchase made from Country A and the remaining fifty percent is deemed to be a purchase made from Country B.

(B) In the case of a sale of such services performed from Country A to Country B, fifty percent of the gross receipts is deemed to be a sale made from Country R and the remaining fifty percent is deemed to be a sale made to Country B.

(10) Country of use, consumption, or disposition. As a general rule, the country of use, consumption, or disposition of tangible personal property (including money) and the end product of services (wherever performed) is deemed to be the country of destination of the tangible personal property or the end product of the services. (Thus, if legal services are performed in one country and an opinion is given for use by a client in a second country, the end product of the legal services is used, consumed, or disposed of in the second country.) The occurrence in a country of a temporary interruption in the shipment of the tangible personal property or the delivery of the end product of services shall not constitute such country the country of destination. However, if at the time of the transaction the person providing the tangible personal property or the end product of services knew, or should have known from the facts and circumstances surrounding the transaction, that the tangible personal property or the end product of services probably would not be used, consumed, or disposed of in the country of destination, that person must determine the country of ultimate use, consumption or disposition of the tangible personal property or the end product of services. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this subparagraph, a person that sells, exchanges, otherwise disposes of, or makes available for use, tangible personal property to any person all of whose business except for an insubstantial part consists of selling from inventory to retail customers at retail outlets all within one country may assume at the time of such sale to such person that the tangible personal property will be used, consumed, or disposed of within such country.

(11) Controlled group taxable year. The term “controlled group taxable year” means the taxable year of the controlled group's common parent corporation. In the event that no common parent corporation exists, the members of the group shall elect the taxable year of one of the members of the controlled group to serve as the controlled group taxable year. The taxable year election is a binding election to be changed only with the approval of the Secretary of his delegate. The election is to be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in the instructions to Form 5713, the International Boycott Report.

(c) Computation of international boycott factor—(1) In general. The method of computing the international boycott factor of a person that is not a member of a controlled group is set forth in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. The method of computing the international boycott factor of a person that is a member of a controlled group is set forth in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. For purposes of paragraphs (c) (2) and (3), purchases and sales made by, and payroll paid or accrued by, a partnership are deemed to be made or paid or accrued by a partner in that proportion that the partner's distributive share bears to the purchases and sales made by, and the payroll paid or accrued by, the partnership. Also for purposes of paragraphs (c) (2) and (3), purchases and sales made by, and payroll paid or accrued by, a trust referred to in section 671 are deemed to be made both by the trust (for purposes of determining the trust's international boycott factor), and by a person treated under section 671 as the owner of the trust (but only in that proportion that the portion of the trust that such person is considered as owning under sections 671 through 679 bears to the purchases and sales made by, and the payroll paid and accrued by, the trust).

(2) International boycott factor of a person that is not a member of a controlled group. The international boycott factor to be applied by a person that is not a member of a controlled group (within the meaning of section 993(a)(3)) is a fraction.

(i) The numerator of the fraction is the sum of the—

(A) Purchases made from all boycotting countries associated in carrying out a particular international boycott.

(B) Sales made to or from all boycotting countries associated in carrying out a particular international boycott, and

(C) Payroll paid or accrued for services performed in all boycotting countries associated in carrying out a particular international boycott by that person during that person's taxable year, minus the amount of such purchases, sales, and payroll that is clearly demonstrated to be attributable to clearly separate and identifiable operations in connection with which there was no participation in or cooperation with that international boycott.

(ii) The denominator of the fraction is the sum of the—

(A) Purchases made from any country other than the United States,

(B) Sales made to or from any country other than the United States, and

(C) Payroll paid or accrued for services performed in any country other than the United States by that person during that person's taxable year.

(3) International boycott factor of a person that is a member of a controlled group. The international boycott factor to be applied by a person that is a member of a controlled group (within the meaning of section 993(a)(3)) shall be computed in the manner described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, except that there shall be taken into account the purchases and sales made by, and the payroll paid or accrued by, each member of the controlled group during each member's own taxable year that ends with or within the controlled group taxable year that ends with or within that person's taxable year.

(d) Computation of the international boycott factor of a person that is a member of two or more controlled groups. The international boycott factor to be applied under sections 908(a), 952(a)(3), and 995(b)(1)(F) by a person that is a member of two or more controlled groups shall be determined in the manner described in paragraph (c)(3), except that the purchases, sales, and payroll included in the number and denominator shall include the purchases, sales, and payroll of that person and of all other members of the two or more controlled groups of which that person is a member.

(e) Transitional rules—(1) Pre-November 3, 1976 boycotting operations. The international boycott factor to be applied under sections 908(a), 952(a)(3), and 995(b)(1)(F) by a person that is not a member of a controlled group, for that person's taxable year that includes November 3, 1976, or a person that is a member of a controlled group, for the controlled group taxable year that includes November 3, 1976, shall be computed in the manner described in paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3), respectively, of this section. However, that the following adjustments shall be made:

(i) There shall be excluded from the numerators described in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (c)(3)(i) of this section purchases, sales, and payroll clearly demonstrated to be attributable to clearly separate and identifiable operations—

(A) That were completed on or before November 3, 1976, or

(B) In respect of which it is demonstrated that the agreements constituting participation in or cooperation with the international boycott were renounced, the renunciations were communicated on or before November 3, 1976, to the governments or persons with which the agreements were made and the agreements have not been reaffirmed after November 3, 1976, and

(ii) The international boycott factor resulting after the numerator has been modified in accordance with paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section shall be further modified by multiplying it by a fraction. The numerator of that fraction shall be the number of days in that person's taxable year (or, if applicable, in that person's controlled group taxable year) remaining after November 3, 1976, and the denominator shall be 366.

The principles of this subparagraph are illustrated in the following example: Example.Corporation A, a calendar year taxpayer, is not a member of a controlled group. During the 1976 calendar year, Corporation DA had three operations in a boycotting country under three separate contracts, each of which contained agreements constituting participation in or cooperation with an international boycott. Each contract was entered into on or after September 2, 1976. Operation (1) was completed on November 1, 1976. The sales made to a boycotting country in connection with Operation (1) amounted to $10. Operation (2) was not completed during the taxable year, but on November 1, 1976, Corporation A communicated a renunciation of the boycott agreement covering that operation to the government of the boycotting country. The sales made to a boycotting country in connection with Operation (2) amounted to $40. Operation (3) was not completed during the taxable year, nor was any renunciation of the boycott agreement made. The sales made to a boycotting country in connection with Operation (3) amounted to $25. Corporation A had no purchases made from, sales made from, or payroll paid or accrued for services performed in, a boycotting country. Corporation A had $500 of purchases made from, sales made from, sales made to, and payroll paid or accrued for services performed in, countries other than the United States. Company A's boycott factor for 1976, computed under paragraph (c)(2) of this section (before the application of this subparagraph) would be: However, the $10 is eliminated from the numerator by reason of paragraph (e)(1)(i)(A) of this section, and the $40 is eliminated from the numerator by reason of paragraph (e)(1)(i)(B) of this section. Thus, before the application of paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section, Corporation A's international boycott factor is $25/$500. After the application of paragraph (e)(1)(ii), Corporation A's international boycott factor is:

(2) Pre-December 31, 1977 boycotting operations. The international boycott factor to be applied under sections 908(a), 952(a)(3), and 995(b)(1)(F) by a person that is not a member of a controlled group, for that person's taxable year that includes December 31, 1977, or by a person that is a member of a controlled group, for the controlled group taxable year that includes December 31, 1977, shall be computed in the manner described in paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3), respectively, of this section. However, the following adjustments shall be made:

(i) There shall be excluded from the numerators described in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (c)(3)(i) of this section purchases, sales, and payroll clearly demonstrated to be attributable to clearly separate and identifiable operations that were carried out in accordance with the terms of binding contracts entered into before September 2, 1976, and—

(A) That were completed on or before December 31, 1977, or

(B) In respect of which it is demonstrated that the agreements constituting participation in or cooperation with the international boycott were renounced, the renunciations were communicated on or before December 31, 1977, to the governments or persons with which the agreements were made, and the agreements were not reaffirmed after December 31, 1977, and

(ii) In the case of clearly separate and identifiable operations that are carried out in accordance with the terms of binding contracts entered into before September 2, 1976, but that do not meet the requirements of paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section, the numerators described in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (c)(3)(i) of this section shall be adjusted by multiplying the purchases, sales, and payroll clearly demonstrated to be attributable to those operations by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days in such person's taxable year (or, if applicable, in such person's controlled group taxable year) remaining after December 31, 1977, and the denominator of which is 365.

The principles of this subparagraph are illustrated in the following example: Example.Corporation A is not a member of a controlled group and reports on the basis of a July 1-June 30 fiscal year. During the 1977-1978 fiscal year, Corporation A had 2 operations carried out pursuant to the terms of separate contracts, each of which had a clause that constituted participation in or cooperation with an international boycott. Neither operation was completed during the fiscal year, nor were either of the boycotting clauses renounced. Operation (1) was carried out in accordance with the terms of a contract entered into on November 15, 1976. Operation (2) was carried out in accordance with the terms of a binding contract entered into before September 2, 1976. Corporation A had sales made to a boycotting country in connection with Operation (1) in the amount of $50, and in connection with Operation (2) in the amount of $100. Corporation A had sales made to countries other than the United States in the amount of $500. Corporation A had no purchases made from, sales made from, or payroll paid or accrued for services performed in, any country other than the United States. In the absence of this subparagraph, Corporation A's international boycott factor would be However, by reason of the application of this subparagraph, Corporation A's international boycott factor is reduced to

(3) Incomplete controlled group taxable year. If, at the end of the taxable year of a person that is a member of a controlled group, the controlled group taxable year that includes November 3, 1976 has not ended, or the taxable year of one or more members of the controlled group that includes November 3, 1976 has not ended, then the international boycott factor to be applied under sections 908(a), 952(a)(3) and 995(b)(1)(F) by such person for the taxable year shall be computed in the manner described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. However, the numerator and the denominator in that paragraph shall include only the purchases, sales, and payroll of those members of the controlled group whose taxable years ending after November 3, 1976 have ended as the end of the taxable year of such person.

(f) Effective date. This section applies to participation in or cooperation with an international boycott after November 3, 1976. In the case of operations which constitute participation in or cooperation with an international boycott and which are carried out in accordance with the terms of a binding contract entered into before September 2, 1976, this section applies to such participation or cooperation after December 31, 1977.

[T.D. 7467, 42 FR 11833, Mar. 1, 1977]
§ 7.6039A-1 - Information regarding carryover basis property acquired from a decedent.

(a) Information for Internal Revenue Service. In the case of a decedent who dies after December 31, 1976, the executor (as defined in section 2203) shall furnish to the Internal Revenue Service the following information, as applicable—

(1) If an estate tax return is required to be filed under section 6018 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and if the return form contains questions relating to carryover basis property, the executor must answer those questions.

(2) If no estate tax return is required to be filed under section 6018 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or if a return is required to be filed but the return form used does not contain questions relating to carryover basis property, the executor must file the form prescribed by the Commissioner. This form may be attached to the estate tax return or the decedent's final individual income tax return. If this form is not attached to the estate tax return or the decedent's final individual income tax return, it must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service office where the decedent's final income tax return would be filed if one were required within 9 months after the date of the decedent's death or by December 31, 1978, whichever is later.

(b) Information to be furnished to beneficiaries. Any executor required under paragraph (a) of this section to furnish information to the Internal Revenue Service relating to carryover basis property must furnish in writing to the distributee of each piece of carryover basis property—

(1) A description of the property,

(2) The adjusted basis of the property as computed under section 1023 (a), (c), and (d),

(3) The amount of the increase in the basis of the property determined under section 1023(h),

(4) The value of the property for Federal estate tax purposes, and

(5) A notice that the beneficiary should keep this information as part of permanent records.

(c) Time for furnishing information to beneficiaries. The information which an executor is required to furnish to the beneficiaries under this paragraph must be furnished on or before the latest of—

(1) The date the property is distributed to the beneficiary,

(2)(i) In the case of an executor who is required to file an estate tax return, 6 months after the due date (including extensions) of such return,

(ii) In the case of an executor who is not required to file an estate tax return, 15 months from the date of death of the decedent, or

(3) December 31, 1978.

(d) Subsequent adjustments to carryover basis. In the event subsequent adjustments are made which relate to the carryover basis of any piece of property included in a decedent's gross estate, whether by reason of an adjustment resulting from an examination of the estate tax return or otherwise, any executor required under paragraph (a) of this section to furnish information to the Internal Revenue Service shall, within 3 months of a determination, as defined in section 1313 (a), of such adjustments, provide to the recipient of each item of carryover basis property the information set forth in paragraph (b) of this section recomputed as required by such adjustments.

(e) Effective date. This section is effective in respect of decedents dying after December 31, 1976.

(Secs. 7805 and 6039A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (68A Stat. 917, 90 Stat. 1878; 26 U.S.C. 7805,6039A.D. 7540, 43 FR 16735, Apr. 20, 1978, as amended by T.D. 7559, 43 FR 36244, Aug. 16, 1978]
authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805,unless
cite as: 26 CFR 7.48-2