Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Feb 28, 2025
§ 41.6001-1 - Records.
(a) Records to be kept. Every person in whose name a highway motor vehicle having a taxable gross weight of at least 55,000 pounds is registered or required to be registered at any time during the taxable period shall keep records sufficient to enable the Commissioner to determine whether such person is liable for the tax and, if so, the amount thereof. See § 41.4482(b)-1 for the definition of taxable gross weight. Such records shall show with respect to each such vehicle:
(1) A description of the vehicle (including serial number or manufacturer's number) in sufficient detail to permit positive identification of the vehicle.
(2) The weight of the loads carried by the vehicle in such form as is required under the laws of any State in which the vehicle is registered or required to be registered, in order to permit verification of such vehicle's taxable gross weight.
(3) The date on which such person acquired such vehicle and the name and address of the person from whom the vehicle was acquired.
(4) The first month of each taxable period in which occurred a taxable use of each such vehicle while the vehicle was registered in the name of such person; information showing whether such vehicle was operated, while registered in the name of such person, in any prior month in such taxable period; and if such vehicle was so operated, evidence establishing that such operation was not a taxable use.
(5) The date of sale or other transfer to another of any such vehicle, together with the name and address of the person to whom transferred.
(6) In the case of any such vehicle disposed of otherwise than by sale or other transfer (including disposition by theft or destruction), the date and method of disposition of the vehicle.
(7) In the case of a secondhand highway motor vehicle acquired at any time in the taxable period, evidence showing whether there was a prior taxable use in such taxable period of the highway motor vehicle (see paragraph (b) of § 41.4481-2) or whether there was a suspension of tax in effect (see § 41.4483-3).
(8) A copy of each return, schedule, statement, or other document filed, pursuant to the regulations in this part or in accordance with the instructions applicable to any form prescribed thereunder, by the person required to keep such records.
(b) Transit systems. Every person engaged in the operation of a transit system who claims exemption from tax with respect to a transit-type bus shall keep records sufficient to show, with respect to each taxable period, whether it meets the 60-percent passenger fare revenue test (see paragraph (e) of § 41.4483-2) for the period prescribed as the test period (see paragraph (c) of § 41.4483-2) for such system for such taxable period.
(c) Exemption for vehicles used 5,000 miles or less. The owner of a highway motor vehicle who reasonably expects the vehicle to be exempt from the tax under section 4481(a) by reason of § 41.4483-3(c) for a given taxable period shall keep records which indicate the reason that the use of the vehicle is not expected to exceed 5,000 miles on public highways.
(d) Records of claimants. Any person claiming refund, credit, or abatement of the tax, interest, additional amount, addition to the tax, or assessable penalty, shall keep a complete and detailed record with respect to the claim.
(e) Place and period for keeping records. (1) All records required by the regulations in this part shall be kept, by the person required to keep them, at a convenient and safe location within the United States which is accessible to internal revenue officers. Such records shall at all times be available for inspection by such officers. If such person has a principal place of business in the United States, the records shall be kept at such place of business.
(2) Records required by paragraph (a) of this section shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years after the date the tax becomes due or the date the tax is paid, whichever is the later. Records required by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years after the end of the taxable period for which such exemption applies. Records required by paragraph (d) of this section (including any record required by paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of this section which relates to a claim) shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years after the date the claim is filed.
[T.D. 6216, 21 FR 9645, Dec. 6, 1956, as amended by T.D. 6743, 29 FR 7932, June 23, 1964; T.D. 8027, 50 FR 21250, May 23, 1985; T.D. 8879, 65 FR 17154, Mar. 31, 2000; T.D. 9698, 79 FR 64316, Oct. 29, 2014]
§ 41.6001-2 - Proof of payment for State registration purposes.
(a) In general. This section sets forth the circumstances under which a State must require proof of payment of the tax imposed by section 4481(a), and the required manner in which such proof of payment is to be received by the State as a condition of issuing a registration for a highway motor vehicle. A State must either comply with the provisions of this section or, in the alternative, comply with such other rules regarding the satisfaction of this proof of payment requirement as may be prescribed by the Commissioner (by Revenue Procedure or otherwise), in order to avoid a reduction of Federal-aid highway funds apportioned under 23 U.S.C. 104(b)(4). For purposes of this section, the rules of section 7502 and § 301.7502-1 of this chapter (relating to timely mailing treated as timely filing) determine when an application for registration is considered to be received by a State.
(b) Proof of payment required—(1) In general.— A State to which an application is made to register a highway motor vehicle must receive from the registrant proof of payment of the tax imposed by section 4481(a) (or proof of suspension of such tax under § 41.4483-3) unless otherwise provided in this paragraph (b)(1), or paragraph (b)(2) or (5) of this section. See paragraph (c) of this section for the meaning of “proof of payment”. Such proof of payment must be received by the State before the State issues a registration for such vehicle unless the State is using a system of registration provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section. The term “proof of payment”, when used in this section, shall be considered to refer in appropriate cases to proof of suspension of the tax imposed by section 4481(a). Except as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, any proof of payment presented to a State must relate to tax paid (or suspended under § 41.4483-3) for the taxable period which includes the date that the State receives the application for registration. A “base state” must be presented proof of payment when issuing an “apportioned plate” under the International Registration Plan (IRP) (or similar agreement) for a highway motor vehicle, but no proof of payment of the tax imposed by section 4481(a) is required to be presented to the other states for which the vehicle is proportionally registered and which are listed on the IRP cab card issued by the base state. Further, a State is not required to receive proof of payment in order to issue special temporary travel permits which allow a vehicle to, (i) operate in a State in which the vehicle is not registered (including proportional or prorate registration), (ii) operate at more than the State's maximum statutory weight limit, or (iii) operate at more than the weight that the vehicle is registered in a State. Further, a State may register a highway motor vehicle without proof of payment if the person registering the vehicle presents the original or a photocopy of a bill of sale (or other document evidencing transfer) indicating that the vehicle was purchased by the owner either as a new or used vehicle during the preceding 60 days before the date that the State receives the application for registration of such vehicle.
(2) States required to receive proof of payment with respect to vehicles subject to tax—(i) Registration in States that register vehicles on the basis of gross weight. A State that registers vehicles on the basis of gross weight must require proof of payment with respect to any highway motor vehicle that has a declared gross weight in that State of 55,000 pounds or more. If no declaration of a specific gross weight is made with respect to a highway motor vehicle registered on the basis of gross weight, then the State must require proof of payment with respect to such vehicle if the minimum weight of the registered weight category for such vehicle is 55,000 pounds or more. No such proof of payment is required for any vehicle that does not have a declared gross weight in that State of 55,000 pounds or more.
(ii) Registration in States that register vehicles other than on the basis of gross weight. A State that registers vehicles other than on the basis of gross weight must require proof of payment in order to register a highway motor vehicle unless the State receives a written statement stating that during the taxable period which includes the date on which the State receives the application for registration, such vehicle had a taxable gross weight of less than 55,000 pounds. The written statement must state the number of vehicles being registered that have a taxable gross weight of less than 55,000 pounds and must be signed by the person registering the vehicles. A State may register a highway motor vehicle without receiving either proof of payment or a written statement as described above if such vehicle has an unladen weight of 8,000 pounds or less. However, the State must require proof of payment when issuing a “base plate” registration for a vehicle if a gross weight declaration of 55,000 pounds or more is made to the State with respect to such vehicle in order to proportionally register the vehicle in another State under the IRP.
(iii) State may require additional proof. Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit a State from refusing to register a highway motor vehicle without additional proof that the vehicle is not subject to tax under section 4481(a) even though the person registering the vehicle submits a written statement declaring that the taxable gross weight of such vehicle is less than 55,000 pounds.
(3) Suspension registration system. A State may issue a registration with respect to any or all highway motor vehicles subject to tax under section 4481(a) without receiving proof of payment if such vehicles are registered under a “suspension” registration system. Registration of a vehicle subject to tax under a suspension system must be on the condition that, (i) the State receive proof of payment with respect to such vehicle no later than 4 months (or any lesser time to be determined by the State) after the beginning of the vehicle's registration period, and (ii) the State's system provides for the automatic suspension (e.g. through the use of computer-generated notices) of such vehicle's registration if no proof of payment is received within the required time. Following such a suspension of registration, the State must not allow the vehicle to be registered until valid proof of payment is received. A State may either register all vehicles subject to tax under section 4481(a) in the manner described in this paragraph (b)(3) or adopt this manner of registration only in situations which the State deems appropriate. A State that registers vehicles other than on the basis of gross weight may also register vehicles not subject to tax under a suspension registration system for purposes of receiving the written statement described in paragraph (b)(2)(ii).
(4) Registration during certain months. In the case of a highway motor vehicle subject to tax under section 4481(a) for which a State receives an application for registration during the months of July, August or September, proof of payment for the immediately preceding taxable period may be used to verify payment of the tax imposed by section 4481(a).
(5) Registration in a State several times during the taxable period. A State is required to receive proof of payment with respect to a highway motor vehicle subject to tax under section 4481(a) only once during a taxable period. Thus, in the case of a State that allows a highway motor vehicle to be registered on a quarterly basis, rather than annually, proof of payment will be required to be presented to the State only once during the taxable period. The State may designate any one of the four quarterly registration periods as the time for submitting proof of payment.
(6) Proof of payment records. See 23 CFR part 669 for a description of the supporting documentation and records that will be required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in order to allow the FHWA to verify that the State is in compliance with the rules of this section.
(c) Proof of payment—(1) In general. The proof of payment required in paragraph (b) of this section consists of a receipted Schedule 1 (Form 2290 “Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return”) that is returned by the Internal Revenue Service, by mail or electronically, to a taxpayer that files a return of tax under section 4481(a), meets the requirements of § 41.6011(a)-1, and pays the amount of tax due with such return. A photocopy of such receipted Schedule 1 also serves as proof of payment. Such Schedule 1 serves as proof of suspension of such tax under § 41.4483-3 for the number of vehicles entered in that part of the Schedule 1 designated for vehicles for which tax has been suspended. The vehicle identification number of the vehicle being registered must appear on the Schedule 1 (or an attached page) in order for the Schedule 1 to be a valid proof of payment for such vehicle.
(2) Acceptable substitute for receipted Schedule 1. For purposes of this section, a State must accept as proof of payment a photocopy of the Form 2290 (with the Schedule 1 attached) that was filed with the Internal Revenue Service for the vehicle being registered with sufficient documentation of payment of tax due at the time the Form 2290 was filed (such as a photocopy of both sides of a cancelled check). This substitute proof of payment may be used to register a vehicle when, for example, the receipted Schedule 1 has been lost, or when at the time required for registration of a vehicle, a receipted Schedule 1 has not been received by a taxpayer who has filed a Form 2290 with respect to such vehicle.
(d) Examples. The application of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example (1).A applies to register a 3-axle single unit truck in State R, a member of the International Registration Plan, on November 1, 1985. State R registers vehicles based on unladen weight. At the same time, A applies for a proportional registration under the IRP to use the truck in State S. State S does not register vehicles on the basis of unladen weight. For purposes of the proportional registration in State S, A declares the gross weight of his truck at 50,000 pounds. A does not register the truck in any other states. A's truck has a taxable gross weight, as determined under § 41.4482(b)-1, of less than 55,000 pounds and therefore is not subject to tax under section 4481(a). A submits a written statement along with his application for registration in State R. The written statement states that A's vehicle has a taxable gross weight of less than 55,000 pounds and is signed by A. State R may register A's truck and issue a proportional registration for A to use his truck in State S without receiving proof of payment.
Example (2).Assume the same facts as in example (1) except that A applies for proportional registration under the IRP in State S and declares the truck to have a gross weight of 60,000 pounds. The taxable gross weight of A's truck, as determined under § 41.4482(b)-1 is 60,000 pounds. State R may not register A's truck unless it receives proof of payment within the meaning of paragraph (c) of this section.
Example (3).On October 10, 1985, C applies to register 9 vehicles in State U and declares the gross weight of each vehicle to be 70,000 pounds. C has not applied for registration in any other states. At the time of applying for registration, C presents a photocopy of a receipted Schedule 1 (Form 2290) that shows a total of 9 vehicles which are subject to tax under section 4481(a) and for which tax is not suspended under § 41.4483-3(a). The vehicle identification numbers of the vehicles that C is seeking to register must be listed on the Schedule 1 in order for State U to register the vehicles.
(e) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (c) of this section applies to registrations of highway motor vehicles pursuant to applications that are received by a State on or after July 1, 2015. The rules of section 7502 and § 301.7502-1 of this chapter (relating to timely mailing treated as timely filing) determine when an application for registration is considered to be received by a State. For rules applicable to applications before that date, see 26 CFR 41.6001-2 (revised as of April 1, 2014).
[T.D. 8027, 50 FR 21251, May 23, 1985, as amended by T.D. 8879, 65 FR 17154, Mar. 31, 2000; T.D. 9537, 76 FR 43122, July 20, 2011; T.D. 9698, 79 FR 64316, Oct. 29, 2014]
§ 41.6001-3 - Proof of payment for entry into the United States.
(a) In general. (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, proof of payment of the tax imposed by section 4481(a) must be presented to United States Customs officials with respect to any highway motor vehicle subject to the tax imposed by section 4481(a) that has a base for registration purposes in a contiguous foreign country upon entry of such vehicle into the United States during any taxable period to which this section applies. Such proof of payment must relate to tax paid (or suspended under § 41.4483-3) for the taxable period that includes the date of entry into the United States. See paragraph (c) of this section for the definition of the term “proof of payment.”
(2) No proof of payment is required upon entry of a highway motor vehicle described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section into the United States if, as of the date of such entry, the period of time for filing a return of the tax imposed on such vehicle by section 4481(a) for the taxable period that includes the date of such entry has not expired and a written declaration is presented to United States Customs officials. Such declaration must state that, as of the date of such entry, the period of time for filing a return of the tax imposed on such vehicle by section 4481(a) for the taxable period that includes the date of such entry has not expired. The written declaration must include (i) the name, address, and taxpayer identification number of the person liable under § 41.4481-2 for the tax imposed on such vehicle; (ii) the vehicle identification number of such vehicle; (iii) the date on which such vehicle was first used on the public highways in the United States during the taxable period (or a statement that the current entry is the first use on the public highways in the United States during the taxable period); (iv) an acknowledgment by the person liable for the tax imposed on such vehicle that the willful use of the declaration to evade or defeat the tax otherwise applicable under section 4481(a) will subject such person to a fine or imprisonment or both; and (v) the signature of the person liable for the tax imposed on such vehicle. A copy of the written declaration shall be retained in the records of the person liable for the tax imposed on such vehicle under the rules of § 41.6001-1. See § 41.6071(a)-1 for rules regarding the time for filing a return of the tax imposed by section 4481(a).
(b) Failure to provide proof of payment. If, upon attempting to enter the United States, the operator of a highway motor vehicle described in paragraph (a) of this section is unable to present proof of payment of the tax imposed by section 4481(a), or documentation described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, with respect to such vehicle, then such vehicle may be denied entry into the United States.
(c) Proof of payment—(1) In general. For purposes of this section, the proof of payment required in paragraph (a) of this section shall consist of a receipted Schedule 1 (Form 2290) that is returned by the Internal Revenue Service to a taxpayer that files a return of tax under section 4481(a) and pays the amount of tax (or installment thereof) due with such return. A photocopy of such receipted Schedule 1 shall also serve as proof of payment. Such proof of payment shall also serve as proof or suspension of the tax under § 41.4483-3 for the number of vehicles entered in that part of the Schedule 1 designated for vehicles for which tax has been suspended. The vehicle identification number of any vehicle for which a return is being filed, whether tax is being paid with respect to such vehicle or tax is suspended on such vehicle, must appear on the Schedule 1 (or an attached page) in order for the Schedule 1 to be a valid proof of payment for such vehicle.
(2) Acceptable substitute for receipted Schedule 1. For purposes of this section, a photocopy of the Form 2290 (with the Schedule 1 attached) that is filed with the Internal Revenue Service for a vehicle being entered into the United States with sufficient documentation of payment of tax due at the time the Form 2290 is filed (such as a photocopy of both sides of a cancelled check) shall be accepted as proof of payment. No documentation of payment of tax is required with the substitute proof of payment if at the time the Form 2290 is filed the tax imposed by section 4481(a) is suspended under § 41.4483-3 with respect to the vehicle entering the United States. This substitute proof of payment may be used to enter a vehicle into the United States when, for example, the receipted Schedule 1 has been lost, or if the taxpayer that filed a Form 2290 with respect to such vehicle has not received a receipted Schedule 1 at the time such vehicle enters the United States.
(d) Taxable periods to which this section applies. This section shall apply to any taxable period beginning on or after July 1, 1987.
[T.D. 8159, 52 FR 33585, Sept. 4, 1987, as amended by T.D. 8177, 53 FR 6626, Mar. 2, 1988]
§ 41.6011(a)-1 - Returns.
(a) In general. (1) A person that is liable for tax under § 41.4481-2(a)(1)(i)(A), (B), or (C) must file a return for the taxable period with respect to the tax imposed by section 4481.
(2) A person that is liable for tax under § 41.4481-2(a)(1)(i)(D) must file a return for a taxable period with respect to the tax imposed by section 4481 if the Commissioner notifies the person that the tax for the taxable period has not been paid in full.
(3) A transferee of a vehicle that receives a statement described in the first sentence of § 41.4483-3(f) must file a return with the statement attached.
(4) A person that is liable for tax under § 41.4481-2(a)(1)(i)(A), (B), (C), or (D), after taking into account the modification required under § 41.4481-2(a)(2), is treated as liable for tax by the same provision of § 41.4481-2(a)(1)(i) for purposes of this section and must file a return.
(b) Form 2290. The return required under paragraph (a) of this section is Form 2290, “Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return,” or such other return as the Commissioner may prescribe. The return is made in accordance with the instructions applicable to the form.
(c) Required use of electronic filing—(1) In general. A person that files any return reporting 25 or more vehicles must file the return electronically, as prescribed by the Commissioner. For this purpose, the number of vehicles reported on a return is the total number of vehicles for which tax is reported and does not include vehicles for which a suspension of tax is claimed.
(2) Examples. The application of this paragraph (c) may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1.A has 100 vehicles registered in its name, all of which have a taxable gross weight in excess of 55,000 pounds. Seventy-five of the vehicles are in use on July 1. Twenty-five are in dead storage as described in § 41.4482(c)-1(c). The vehicles in dead storage are not in use and they are not listed on the Schedule 1. A files Form 2290 electronically for the 75 vehicles in use on July 1 and receives a receipted Schedule 1. On August 23 of the same calendar year, A uses the remaining 25 vehicles. A does not file Form 2290 electronically but uses a paper Form 2290. A has failed to meet the requirements of section 4481(e) for the remaining 25 vehicles.
Example 2.Assume the same facts as in Example 1 except that on August 23, A uses 15 of the vehicles that were not used in July. The remaining 10 vehicles are not used in August. A does not file Form 2290 electronically but uses a paper Form 2290. A has correctly filed a return as required by section 4481(e).
(d) Effective/applicability date. Paragraphs (a)(4) and (c) of this section apply to returns filed on and after July 1, 2015. For rules applicable before that date, see 26 CFR 41.6011(a)-1 (revised as of April 1, 2014).
[T.D. 8879, 65 FR 17154, Mar. 31, 2000, as amended by T.D. 9698, 79 FR 64317, Oct. 29, 2014]
§ 41.6060-1 - Reporting requirements for tax return preparers.
(a) In general. A person that employs one or more tax return preparers to prepare a return or claim for refund of excise tax under section 4481, other than for the person, at any time during a return period, shall satisfy the record keeping and inspection requirements in the manner stated in § 1.6060-1 of this chapter.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable for returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78455, Dec. 22, 2008]
§ 41.6071(a)-1 - Time for filing returns.
(a) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a return described in § 41.6011(a)-1 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month in which—
(1) A person becomes liable for tax under § 41.4481-2(a)(1)(i)(A), (B), or (C);
(2) A person that is liable for tax under § 41.4481-2(a)(1)(i)(D) is notified by the Commissioner that the tax has not been paid in full; or
(3) A transferee described in § 41.4483-3(f) acquires the vehicle.
(b) Certain transit-type buses. In the case of any bus of the transit type, the first taxable use of which in any taxable period occurs prior to the close of the test period (see paragraph (c) of § 41.4483-2) with reference to which liability for the tax on the use of such transit-type bus for such taxable period is determined, the person in whose name the bus is registered at the time of such use shall, after such test period and on or before the last day of the following month make a return of such tax for such taxable period on the use of such transit-type bus.
(c) Effect of sale during taxable period. A person that is liable for tax under § 41.4481-2(a)(1)(i)(A), (B), (C), or (D) after taking into account the modification required under § 41.4481-2(a)(2) is treated as liable for tax under the same provision of § 41.4481-2(a)(1)(i) for purposes of this section.
(d) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (c) of this section applies on and after July 1, 2015. For rules applicable before that date, see 26 CFR 41.6071(a)-1 (revised as of April 1, 2014).
[T.D. 6216, 21 FR 9645, Dec. 6, 1956, as amended by T.D. 6743, 29 FR 7932, June 23, 1964; T.D. 8879, 65 FR 17155, Mar. 31, 2000; T.D. 9537, 76 FR 43123, July 20, 2011; T.D. 9698, 79 FR 64317, Oct. 29, 2014]
§ 41.6091-1 - Place for filing returns.
(a) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, returns must be filed in accordance with the instructions applicable to the form on which the return is made.
(b) Hand-carried returns—(1) Persons other than corporations. Returns of persons other than corporations that are filed by hand carrying must be filed with any person assigned the responsibility to receive hand-carried returns in the local Internal Revenue Service office that serves the principal place of business or legal residence of the person.
(2) Corporations. Returns of corporations that are filed by hand carrying must be filed with any person assigned the responsibility to receive hand-carried returns in the local Internal Revenue Service office that servesthe principal place of business or principal office or agency of the corporation.
[T.D. 8879, 65 FR 17155, Mar. 31, 2000, as amended by T.D. 9156, 69 FR 55746, Sept. 16, 2004]
§ 41.6101-1 - Period covered by returns.
Each return is for a taxable period as defined in section 4482.
[T.D. 8879, 65 FR 17155, Mar. 31, 2000]
§ 41.6107-1 - Tax return preparer must furnish copy of return to taxpayer and must retain a copy or record.
(a) In general. A person who is a signing tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of excise tax under section 4481 shall furnish a completed copy of the return or claim for refund to the taxpayer and retain a completed copy or record in the manner stated in § 1.6107-1 of this chapter.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable for returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78455, Dec. 22, 2008]
§ 41.6109-1 - Identifying numbers.
Every person required under § 41.6011(a)-1 to make a return must provide the identifying number required by the instructions to the form on which the return is made.
[T.D. 8879, 65 FR 17155, Mar. 31, 2000]
§ 41.6109-2 - Tax return preparers furnishing identifying numbers for returns or claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
(a) In general. Each excise tax return or claim for refund under section 4481 prepared by one or more signing tax return preparers must include the identifying number of the preparer required by § 1.6695-1(b) of this chapter to sign the return or claim for refund in the manner stated in § 1.6109-2 of this chapter.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable for returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78455, Dec. 22, 2008]
§ 41.6151(a)-1 - Time and place for paying tax.
(a) In general. The tax must be paid at the time prescribed in § 41.6071(a)-1 for filing the return and at the place prescribed in § 41.6091-1 for filing the return.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section applies on and after July 1, 2015. For rules applicable before that date, see 26 CFR 41.6151(a)-1 and 41.6151(a)-1T (revised as of April 1, 2014).
[T.D. 9698, 79 FR 64317, Oct. 29, 2014]
§ 41.6694-1 - Section 6694 penalties applicable to tax return preparer.
(a) In general. For general definitions regarding section 6694 penalties applicable to preparers of tax returns or claims for refund, see § 1.6694-1 of this chapter.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78455, Dec. 22, 2008]
§ 41.6694-2 - Penalties for understatement due to an unreasonable position.
(a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of excise tax under section 4481 shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(a) in the manner stated in § 1.6694-2 of this chapter.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78456, Dec. 22, 2008]
§ 41.6694-3 - Penalty for understatement due to willful, reckless, or intentional conduct.
(a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of excise tax under section 4481 shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(b) in the manner stated in § 1.6694-3 of this chapter.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78456, Dec. 22, 2008]
§ 41.6694-4 - Extension of period of collection when preparer pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayer's liability and certain other procedural matters.
(a) In general. For rules relating to the extension of period of collection when a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for excise tax under section 4481 pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayer's liability, and procedural matters relating to the investigation, assessment and collection of the penalties under section 6694(a) and (b), the rules under § 1.6694-4 of this chapter will apply.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78456, Dec. 22, 2008]
§ 41.6695-1 - Other assessable penalties with respect to the preparation of tax returns for other persons.
(a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of excise tax under section 4481 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties for failure to furnish a copy to the taxpayer under section 6695(a) of the Code, failure to sign a return under section 6695(b) of the Code, failure to furnish an identification number under section 6695(c) of the Code, failure to retain a copy or list under section 6695(d) of the Code, failure to file a correct information return under section 6695(e) of the Code, and negotiation of a check under section 6695(f) of the Code, in the manner stated in § 6695-1 of this chapter.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78456, Dec. 22, 2008; 74 FR 5106, Jan. 29, 2009]
§ 41.6696-1 - Claims for credit or refund by tax return preparers.
(a) In general. For rules for claims for credit or refund by a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for excise tax under section 4481, the rules under § 1.6696-1 of this chapter will apply.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78456, Dec. 22, 2008]
§ 41.7701-1 - Tax return preparer.
(a) In general. For the definition of a tax return preparer, see § 301.7701-15 of this chapter.
(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78456, Dec. 22, 2008]
source: T.D. 6216, 21 FR 9645, Dec. 6, 1956; 25 FR 14021, Dec. 31, 1960, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 26 CFR 41.6151