Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Feb 28, 2025
§ 301.6851-1 - Termination of taxable year.

For regulations under section 6851, see §§ 1.6851-1 to 1.6851-3, inclusive, of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations).

§ 301.6852-1 - Termination assessments of tax in the case of flagrant political expenditures of section 501(c)(3) organizations.

(a) Authority for making. Any assessment under section 6852 as a result of a flagrant violation by a section 501(c)(3) organization of the prohibition against making political expenditures must be authorized by the District Director.

(b) Determination of income tax. An organization shall be subject to an assessment of income tax under section 6852 only if the flagrant violation of the prohibition against making political expenditures results in revocation of the organization's tax exemption under section 501(a) because it is not described in section 501(c)(3). An organization subject to such an assessment is not liable for income taxes for any period prior to the effective date of the revocation of the organization's tax exemption.

(c) Payment. Where a District Director has made a determination of income tax under paragraph (b) of this section or of section 4955 excise tax, notwithstanding any other provision of law, any tax will become immediately due and payable. The taxpayer is required to pay the amount of the assessment within 10 days after the District Director sends the notice and demand for immediate payment regardless of the filing of an administrative appeal or of a court petition. Regardless of filing an administrative appeal or of petitioning a court, enforced collection action may proceed after the 10-day payment period unless the taxpayer posts the bond described in section 6863. For purposes of collection procedures such as section 6331 (regarding levy), assessments under the authority of paragraph (a) of this section do not constitute situations in which the collection of such tax is in jeopardy and, therefore, do not suspend normal collection procedures.

(d) Effective date. This section is effective December 5, 1995.

[T.D. 8628, 60 FR 62212, Dec. 5, 1995] jeopardy assessments
§ 301.6861-1 - Jeopardy assessments of income, estate, gift, and certain excise taxes.

(a) Authority for making. If a district director or director of a service center believes that the assessment or collection of a deficiency in income, estate, gift, or chapter 41, 42, 43, or 44 tax will be jeopardized by delay, then the director is required to assess such deficiency immediately, together with the interest, additional amounts, and additions to the tax provided by law. A district director will make an assessment under this section if collection is determined to be in jeopardy because at least one of the conditions described in § 1.6851-1(a)(1) (i), (ii), or (iii) (relating to termination assessments) exists. A jeopardy assessment may be made before or after the mailing of the notice of deficiency provided by section 6212. However, a jeopardy assessment for a taxable year under section 6861 cannot be made after a decision of the Tax Court with respect to such taxable year has become final (see section 7481) or after the taxpayer has filed a petition for review of the decision of the Tax Court with respect to such taxable year. In the case of a deficiency determined by a decision of the Tax Court which has become final or with respect to which the taxpayer has filed a petition for review and has not filed a bond as provided in section 7485, assessment may be made in accordance with the provisions of section 6215, without regard to section 6861.

(b) Amount of jeopardy assessment. If a notice of a deficiency is mailed to the taxpayer before it is discovered that delay would jeopardize the assessment or collection of the tax, a jeopardy assessment may be made in an amount greater or less than that included in the deficiency notice. If a deficiency is assessed on account of jeopardy after the decision of the Tax Court is rendered, the jeopardy assessment may be made only with respect to the deficiency determined by the Tax Court.

(c) Jurisdiction of Tax Court. If the jeopardy assessment is made before the notice in respect of the tax to which the jeopardy assessment relates has been mailed pursuant to section 6212(a), the district director shall, within 60 days after the making of the assessment, send the taxpayer a notice of deficiency pursuant to such subsection. The taxpayer may file a petition with the Tax Court for a redetermination of the amount of the deficiency within the time prescribed in section 6213(a). If the petition of the taxpayer is filed with the Tax Court, either before or after the making of the jeopardy assessment, the Commissioner, through his counsel, is required to notify the Tax Court of such assessment or of any abatement thereof, and the Tax Court has jurisdiction to redetermine the amount of the deficiency, together with all other amounts assessed at the same time in connection therewith.

(d) Payment and collection of jeopardy assessment. After a jeopardy assessment has been made, the district director is required to send notice and demand to the taxpayer for the amount of the jeopardy assessment. Regardless of whether the taxpayer has filed a petition with the Tax Court, he is required to make payment of the amount of such assessment (to the extent that it has not been abated) within 10 days after the sending of notice and demand by the district director, unless before the expiration of such 10-day period he files with the district director a bond as provided in section 6863. Section 6331 provides that, if the district director makes a finding that the collection of the tax is in jeopardy, he may make demand for immediate payment of the amount of the jeopardy assessment and, in such case, the taxpayer shall immediately pay such amount or shall immediately file the bond provided in section 6863. If a petition is not filed with the Tax Court within the period prescribed in section 6213(a), the district director will be so advised, and, if collection of the deficiency has been stayed by the timely filing of a bond as provided in section 6863, he should then give notice and make demand for payment of the amount assessed plus interest. After the Tax Court has rendered its decision and such decision has become final, the district director will be notified of the action taken. He will then send notice and demand for payment of the unpaid portion of the amount determined by the Tax Court, the collection of which has been stayed by the bond. If the amount of the jeopardy assessment is less than the amount determined by the Tax Court, the difference will be assessed and collected as part of the tax upon the issuance of a notice and demand therefor. If the amount of the jeopardy assessment is in excess of the amount determined by the Tax Court, the unpaid portion of such excess will be abated. If any part of the excess amount has been paid, it will be credited or refunded to the taxpayer as provided in section 6402, without the filing of claim therefor.

(e) Abatement of excessive assessment. The district director or the director of the regional service center may, at any time before the decision of the Tax Court is rendered, abate a jeopardy assessment in whole or in part if the district director believes that such assessment is excessive in amount.

(f) Abatement if jeopardy does not exist. (1) The district director or the director of the regional service center may abate a jeopardy assessment in whole or in part, if it is shown to the satisfaction of the district director that jeopardy does not exist. An abatement may not be made under this paragraph after a decision of the Tax Court in respect of the deficiency has been rendered or, if no petition is filed with such court, after the expiration of the period for filing such petition.

(2) After abatement of a jeopardy assessment in whole or in part, a deficiency may be assessed and collected in the manner authorized by law as if the jeopardy assessment or part thereof so abated had not existed. If a notice of deficiency has been sent to the taxpayer before the abatement of the jeopardy assessment in whole or in part, whether such notice was sent before or after the making of the assessment, such abatement will not affect the validity of the notice or of any proceedings for redetermination based thereon. The period of limitation on the making of assessments and the beginning of levy or a proceeding in court for collection in respect of any deficiency shall be determined as if the jeopardy assessment so abated had not been made, except that the running of such period shall in any event be suspended for the period from the date of such jeopardy assessment until the expiration of the tenth day after the date on which such jeopardy assessment is abated in whole or in part. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following example:

Example.On March 18, 1958, 28 days before the last day of the 3-year period of limitations on assessment, a jeopardy assessment is made in respect of a proposed deficiency. On May 2, 1958, before the mailing of the notice of deficiency provided by section 6861(b), this assessment is abated. By virtue of this subparagraph, the last day of the period of limitations for the making of an assessment is June 9, 1958, that is, the 38th day after the date of the abatement. If the notice of deficiency provided for in section 6861(b) has been sent before the abatement, the running of the period of limitations on assessment would have been suspended pursuant to the provisions of the section 6503(a).

(3) See section 7429 with respect to requesting the district director to review the making of the jeopardy assessment.

(g) Special rules for chapters 42 and 43 taxes. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, the amount of a deficiency with respect to any tax imposed by section 4941(a), 4942(a), 4943(a), 4944(a), 4945(a), 4951(a), 4952(a), 4955(a), 4971(a) or 4975(a) shall include the amount of additional tax imposed by section 4941(b), 4942(b), 4943(b), 4944(b), 4945(b), 4951(b), 4952(b), 4955(b), 4971(b) or 4975(b) for failure to correct the act (or failure to act) which gave rise to liability for the initial tax.

[32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, as amended by T.D. 7575, 43 FR 58817, Dec. 18, 1978; T.D. 7838, 47 FR 44253, Oct. 7, 1982; T.D. 8084, 51 FR 16305, May 2, 1986; T.D. 8628, 60 FR 62213, Dec. 5, 1995]
§ 301.6862-1 - Jeopardy assessment of taxes other than income, estate, gift, and certain excise taxes.

(a) If the district director believes that the collection of any tax (other than income, estate, gift, chapter 41, 42, 43, or 44 tax) will be jeopardized by delay, the director shall, whether or not the time otherwise prescribed by law for filing the return or paying such tax has expired, immediately assess such tax, together with all interest, additional amounts and additions to the tax provided by law. A district director will make an assessment under this section if collection is determined to be in jeopardy because at least one of the conditions described in § 1.6851-1(a)(1)(i), (ii), or (iii) (relating to termination assessments) exists. For example, assume that a taxpayer incurs on January 18, 1977, liability for tax imposed by section 4061, that the last day on which return and payment of such tax is required to be made is May 2, 1977, and that on January 18, 1977, the district director determines that collection of such tax would be jeopardized by delay. In such case, the district director shall immediately assess the tax.

(b) The tax, interest, additional amounts, and additions to the tax will, upon assessment, become immediately due and payable, and the district director shall, without delay, issue a notice and demand for payment thereof in full. Upon failure or refusal to pay the amount demanded, collection thereof by levy shall be lawful without regard to the 10-day period provided in section 6331 (a). However, the collection of the whole or any part of the amount of the jeopardy assessment may be stayed by timely filing with the district director a bond as provided in section 6863.

(c) See section 7429 with respect to requesting the district director to review the making of the jeopardy assessment.

[32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, as amended by T.D. 7575, 43 FR 58817, Dec. 18, 1978; T.D. 7838, 47 FR 44253, Oct. 7, 1982]
§ 301.6863-1 - Stay of collection of jeopardy assessments; bond to stay collection.

(a) General rule. (1) The collection of an assessment under section 6851, 6861, or 6862 (referred to as a “jeopardy assessment” for purposes of this section), or under section 6852 (referred to as a political assessment for purposes of this section) of any tax may be stayed by filing with the district director a bond on the form to be furnished by the district director upon request.

(2) The bond may be filed—

(i) At any time before the time collection by levy is authorized under section 6331(a), or

(ii) After collection by levy is authorized and before levy is made on any property or rights to property, or

(iii) In the discretion of the district director, after any such levy has been made and before the expiration of the period of limitations on collection.

(3) The bond must be in an amount equal to the portion (including interest thereon to the date of payment as calculated by the district director) of the jeopardy assessment or political assessment collection of which is sought to be stayed. See section 7101 and § 301.7101-1, relating to the form of bond and the sureties thereon. The bond shall be conditioned upon the payment of the amount (together with interest thereon), the collection of which is stayed, at the time at which, but for the making of the jeopardy assessment, such amount would be due.

(4) Upon the filing of a bond in accordance with this section, the collection of so much of the assessment as is covered by the bond will be stayed. The taxpayer may at any time waive the stay of collection of the whole or any part of the amount covered by the bond. If as a result of such waiver any part of the amount covered by the bond is paid, or if any portion of the jeopardy assessment or political assessment is abated by the district director, then the bond shall be at the request of the taxpayer be proportionately reduced.

(b) Additional conditions applicable to income, estate, gift, and chapter 41, 42, 43 and 44 tax assessments. In the case of jeopardy assessment or political assessment of income, estate, gift, chapter 41, 42, 43, or 44 tax, the bond must be conditioned upon the payment of so much of the amount included therein as is not abated by a decision of the Tax Court which has become final, together with the interest on such amount. If the Tax Court determines that the amount assessed is greater than the correct amount of the tax, the bond will be proportionately reduced at the request of the taxpayer after the Tax Court renders its decision. If the bond is given before the taxpayer has filed his petition with the Tax Court, it must contain a further condition that if a petition is not filed before the expiration of the period provided in section 6213(a) for the filing of such petition the amount stayed by the bond will be paid upon notice and demand at any time after the expiration of such period, together with interest thereon at the annual rate referred to in the regulations under section 6621 from the date of the jeopardy (or political assessment) notice and demand to the date of the notice and demand made after the expiration of the period for filing petition with the Tax Court.

[32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, as amended by T.D. 7384, 40 FR 49325, Oct. 22, 1975; T.D. 7575, 43 FR 58817, Dec. 18, 1978; T.D. 7838, 47 FR 44253, Oct. 7, 1982; T.D. 8628, 60 FR 62213, Dec. 5, 1995]
§ 301.6863-2 - Collection of jeopardy assessment; stay of sale of seized property pending Tax Court decision.

(a) General rule. In the case of an assessment under section 6851, 6852, 6861, or 6862, any property seized for the collection of such assessment shall not (except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section) be sold until the latest of the following occurs:

(1) The period provided in section 7429(a)(2) to request the district director to review the action taken expires.

(2) The period provided in section 7429(b)(1) to file an action in U.S. District Court expires if a request for a redetermination is made to the district director.

(3) The U.S. District Court judgment in such action becomes final, if a civil action is begun in accordance with section 7429(b).

(4) In addition to the occurrences described in paragraphs (a), (1), (2), and (3) of this section, in the case of an assessment of income, estate, gift, chapter 41, 42, 43, or 44 excise taxes, until the latest of the following occurs:

(i) The expiration of the period provided in section 6213(a) within which the taxpayer may file a petition with the Tax Court; or

(ii) The decision of the Tax Court becomes final, if a petition for redetermination is filed with the Tax Court (whether before or after the making of the assessment).

However, notwithstanding paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section, in the case of a termination assessment under section 6851, property seized may be sold after the due date (determined with extensions) of the taxpayer's return if the taxpayer does not file a return by such date. Furthermore, for the purposes of paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section, a petition will not operate as a further stay of the sale of the seized property unless the taxpayer files a bond as provided in section 7485.

(b) Exceptions. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, any property seized may be sold—

(1) If the taxpayer files with the district director a written consent to the sale, or

(2) If the district director determines that the expenses of conservation and maintenance of the property will greatly reduce the net proceeds from the sale of such property, or

(3) If the property is of a type to which section 6336 (relating to sale of perishable goods) is applicable.

[32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, as amended by T.D. 7575, 43 FR 58817, Dec. 18, 1978; T.D. 8628, 60 FR 62213, Dec. 5, 1995]
§ 301.6867-1 - Presumptions where owner of large amount of cash is not identified.

(a) General rule. For purposes of section 6851 (relating to termination assessments) and section 6861 (relating to jeopardy assessments), if cash in excess of $10,000 is found in the physical possession of an individual who does not claim either ownership of that cash or ownership by some other person whose identity the Commissioner can readily ascertain and who acknowledges ownership of that cash as of the date the cash was found, then, it shall be presumed that—

(1) The cash represents gross income of an unknown single individual; and

(2) That the collection of tax on that income will be jeopardized by delay.

(b) Rules for assessment. The Commissioner may make an assessment pursuant to section 6851 or section 6861, as appropriate, using the rules for assessment specified in this paragraph. In the case of any assessment resulting from the application of paragraph (a) of this section—

(1) The entire amount of cash is treated as taxable income for the taxable year in which the cash is found;

(2) The income is treated as taxable at the highest rate of tax specified in section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code; and

(3) Except as provided in paragraph (c), the possessor of the cash is treated (solely with respect to that cash) as the taxpayer for purposes of chapters 63 and 64 and section 7429(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(c) Effect of later substitution of true owner—(1) In general. If an assessment resulting from the application of paragraph (a) of this section is later abated and replaced by an assessment against the true owner of the cash, the later assessment is treated for purposes of all laws relating to lien, levy, and collection as relating back to the date of the original assessment. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, any notice and review provided for by section 7429 and the notice of deficiency issued to the true owner relative to the later assessment are to be made within the prescribed time limits, using the actual date of the later assessment against the true owner.

(2) Example. The provisions of paragraph (c)(1) of this section may be illustrated by the following example:

Example.On June 5, 1994, A is found in possession of a bag, containing $200,000, which A claims he was holding for a friend whose name A cannot remember. Because A does not claim ownership of the cash and does not provide the name of the true owner so that the Commissioner can identify the true owner and have that person acknowledge ownership of the cash, it is presumed that the cash represents gross income of an individual for calendar year 1994, and that the collection of tax on that gross income will be jeopardized by delay. Accordingly, on June 17, 1994, a termination assessment under section 6851 is made against A, in his capacity as possessor of the cash. On June 21, 1994, the written statement of information provided for by section 7429(a)(1) is given to A. No request for review under section 7429(a)(2) is made by the true owner within 30 days after the day on which A was furnished the written statement provided for in section 7429(a)(1). Subsequently, individual B comes to the Service and states that he is the owner of the cash. On September 2, 1994, the Service determines that B was the true owner of the cash on June 5, 1994. On September 9, 1994, the Service abates the termination assessment made against A solely as possessor of cash and, after determining that jeopardy exists, replaces it with a termination assessment under section 6851 against B. The lien against B that arises under section 6321 is treated as arising on June 17, 1994. However, within 5 days after September 9, 1994, the Service must give B the written statement of information required by section 7429(a)(1) so that B can make a request for review under section 7429(a)(2). In addition, a notice of deficiency must be sent to B within 60 days after the later of the due date or the actual filing of B's tax return for 1994, as required by section 6851(b).

(d) Rights of possessor of cash—(1) Action permitted. Section 6867 provides that the possessor of cash is treated as the taxpayer for purposes of chapter 63 (relating to assessment) and chapter 64 (relating to collection) of the Internal Revenue Code. Accordingly, the possessor of cash may file a petition with the United States Tax Court, within the applicable time limits, challenging the notice of deficiency issued to the possessor solely in that person's capacity as possessor of cash.

(2) Actions not permitted. Section 6867 provides that the possessor of cash is treated as the taxpayer solely for purposes of section 7429(a)(1), and is entitled to the written statement of information provided for by that section. The possessor of cash is not treated as the taxpayer for purposes of sections 7429(a)(2) and 7429(b), relating to administrative and judicial review of termination and jeopardy assessments, and may not maintain an action under section 7429 for such review. The possessor of cash is not treated as the taxpayer for purposes of section 7422, relating to civil actions for refund, or chapter 65 of the Internal Revenue Code, relating to abatements, credits, and refunds, and may not institute a suit for refund in district court after the deficiency has been collected.

(e) Rights of true owner of cash—(1) Actions permitted. The true owner of cash may request administrative review under section 7429(a)(2) and may maintain a civil action under section 7429(b) for judicial review of an assessment under section 6851 or section 6861 made against the possessor solely in that person's capacity as possessor of cash. Such an action, however, must be preceded by a request for review under section 7429(a)(2) made by the true owner within 30 days after the day on which the possessor is furnished the written statement provided for in section 7429(a)(1). In addition, after the deficiency asserted against the possessor of cash has been levied upon, the true owner of cash may bring an action in federal district court to recover the cash, as provided in section 7426, relating to civil actions by persons other than taxpayers. See, however, section 6532(c), relating to the 9-month statute of limitations for suits under section 7426. In addition, the true owner of cash, with the permission of the court, may appear before the United States Tax Court in any proceeding that may be filed by the possessor of the cash challenging the notice of deficiency issued to the possessor solely in that person's capacity as possessor of the cash.

(2) Actions not permitted. The true owner of cash may not file a petition with the United States Tax Court challenging the notice of deficiency issued to the possessor solely in that person's capacity as possessor of cash. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the true owner of cash may file a petition with the United States Tax Court challenging any notice of deficiency issued to the true owner following the abatement of the assessment made against the possessor of cash.

(f) Definitions. For the purposes of this section and section 6867—

(1) Cash. The term cash includes any cash equivalents.

(2) Cash equivalent—(i) In general. The term cash equivalent includes foreign currency, any bearer obligation, and any medium of exchange that is of a type that has been frequently used in illegal activities, as listed in paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this section.

(ii) Specific cash equivalents. For purposes of paragraph (f)(2)(i), the following are also cash equivalents—

(A) Coins;

(B) Precious metals;

(C) Jewelry;

(D) Precious stones;

(E) Postage stamps;

(F) Traveler's checks in any form;

(G) Negotiable instruments (including personal checks, business checks, official bank checks, cashier's checks, notes, and money orders) that are either in bearer form, endorsed without restriction, made out to a fictitious payee, or otherwise in such form that title thereto passes upon delivery;

(H) Incomplete instruments (including personal checks, business checks, official bank checks, cashier's checks, notes, and money orders) signed but with the payee's name omitted; and

(I) Securities or stock in bearer form or otherwise in such form that title thereto passes upon delivery.

(iii) Value of cash equivalents. A cash equivalent is taken into account at its fair market value except in the case of a bearer obligation, in which case it is taken into account at its face value.

(3) Possessor of cash. An individual is considered to be the possessor of cash if the cash is found on that individual's person or in that individual's possession or is found in any object, container, vehicle, or area under that individual's custody or control.

(4) True owner of the cash. The true owner of cash is the individual who beneficially owns the cash on the date such cash is found in the physical possession of the individual described in paragraph (f)(3) of this section. An agent, bailee, or other custodian of the cash is not the true owner of cash. A true owner of cash does not include an individual who, subsequent to the date on which the cash is found in the physical possession of the individual described in paragraph (f)(3) of this section, obtains ownership of the cash by purchase, subrogation, descent, or other means.

(g) Effective date. This section is effective with respect to cash found in the physical possession of an individual on or after August 3, 1995.

[T.D. 8605, 60 FR 39654, Aug. 3, 1995] Bankruptcy and Receiverships
§ 301.6871(a)-1 - Immediate assessment of claims for income, estate, and gift taxes in bankruptcy and receivership proceedings.

(a) Upon (1) the adjudication of bankruptcy of any taxpayer in any liquidating proceeding, (2) the filing with a court of competent jurisdiction or (where approval is required by the Bankruptcy Act, 11 U.S.C. Chapters 1-14) the approval of a petition of, or the approval of a petition against, any taxpayer in any other proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act, or (3) the appointment of any receiver for any taxpayer in a receivership proceeding before any court of the United States or of any State or Territory or of the District of Columbia, the district director shall immediately assess any deficiency of income, estate, or gift tax (together with all interest, additional amounts, or additions to the tax provided by law), determined by him, if such deficiency has not heretofore been assessed in accordance with law. Such assessment shall be made immediately, whether or not a notice of deficiency has been issued, and without regard to the restrictions upon assessment under section 6213.

(b) As used in this section and §§ 301.6871(a)-2 to 301.6873-1, inclusive, the term “proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act” includes a proceeding under chapters I to VII, inclusive, of the Bankruptcy Act, or under section 75 or 77 (11 U.S.C. 203,205,or,inclusive,of,or.

§ 301.6871(a)-2 - Collection of assessed taxes in bankruptcy and receivership proceedings.

(a) During a proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. chapters 1-14) or a receivership proceeding in either a Federal or State court, generally the assets of the taxpayer are under the control of the court in which such proceeding is pending, and the collection of taxes cannot be made by levying upon such assets. However, any assets which under applicable provisions of law are not under the control of the court may be subject to levy. See paragraph (b) of this section and § 301.6871(b)-1 with respect to claims for such taxes. See section 6873 with respect to collection of unpaid claims.

(b) District directors should, promptly after ascertaining the existence of any outstanding liability against a taxpayer in any proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act or in any receivership proceeding, and in any event within the time limited by the appropriate provisions of the Bankruptcy Act, or by the appropriate orders of the court in which such proceeding is pending, file proof of claim covering such liability in the court in which such proceeding is pending. Such proof of claim should be filed whether the unpaid taxes involved have been assessed or not, except in cases where the instructions of the Commissioner direct otherwise; for example, where the payment of the taxes is secured by a sufficient bond. At the same time proof of claim is filed with the bankruptcy or receivership court, the district director will send notice and demand for payment to the taxpayer, together with a copy of such proof of claim.

(c) Under sections 3466 and 3467 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 191,192.S.C. 104), taxes are entitled to the priority over other claims therein specified, and the trustee, receiver, debtor in possession, or other person designated as in control of the assets of the debtor by the court in which the proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act or receivership proceeding is pending, may be held personally liable for failure on his part to protect the priority of the Government respecting taxes of which he has notice. Sections 75(l), 77(e), 199, 337(2), 455, and 659(6) of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 203(l), 205(e), 599, 737(2), 855, and 1059(6)) also contain provisions with respect to the rights of the United States relative to priority of payment. For the filing of returns by a trustee in bankruptcy or by a receiver, see section 6012(b)(3) and 28 U.S.C. 960. Bankruptcy courts have jurisdiction under the Bankruptcy Act to determine all disputes regarding the amount and validity of taxes claimed in a proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act. A proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act or a receivership proceeding does not discharge any portion of a claim of the United States for taxes except in the case of a proceeding under section 77 or chapter X of the Bankruptcy Act. However, the claim may be settled or compromised as in other cases in court.

(d) For the requirement that a receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, or other like fiduciary give notice as to his qualification as such, see section 6036 and the regulations thereunder.

§ 301.6871(b)-1 - Claims for income, estate, and gift taxes in proceedings under the Bankruptcy Act and receivership proceedings; claim filed despite pendency of Tax Court proceedings.

(a) If it is determined that a deficiency is due in respect of income, estate, or gift tax and the taxpayer has filed a petition with the Tax Court before (1) the adjudication of bankruptcy in any liquidating proceeding, (2) the filing with a court of competent jurisdiction or (where approval is required by the Bankruptcy Act, 11 U.S.C. chapters 1-14) the approval of a petition of, or the approval of a petition against, any taxpayer in any other proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act, or (3) the appointment of a receiver, the trustee, receiver, debtor in possession, or other like fiduciary, may, upon his own motion, be made a party to the Tax Court proceeding and thereafter may prosecute the appeal before the Tax Court as to that particular determination. No petition shall be filed with the Tax Court for a redetermination of the deficiency after the adjudication of bankruptcy, the filing or (where approval is required by the Bankruptcy Act) the approval of a petition of, or the approval of a petition against, any taxpayer in any other bankruptcy proceeding, or the appointment of the receiver.

(b) Even though the determination of a deficiency is pending before the Tax Court for redetermination, proof of claim for the amount of such deficiency may be filed with the court in which the proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act or receivership proceeding is pending without awaiting final decision of the Tax Court. In case of a final decision of the Tax Court before the payment or the disallowance of the claim in the proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act or receivership proceeding, a copy of the Tax Court's decision may be filed by the district director with the court in which such proceeding is pending.

(c) While a district director is required by section 6871(a) and paragraph (a) of § 301.6871(a)-1 to make immediate assessment of any deficiency, such assessment is not made as a jeopardy assessment within the meaning of section 6861, and consequently the provisions of that section do not apply to any assessment made under section 6871. Therefore, the notice of deficiency provided in section 6861(b) will not be mailed. Although such notice will not be issued, a letter will be sent to the taxpayer or to the trustee, receiver, debtor in possession, or other like fiduciary, notifying him in detail how the deficiency was computed, that he may furnish evidence showing wherein the deficiency is incorrect, and that upon request he will be granted a conference by the district director with respect to such deficiency. However, such letter will not provide for such a conference where a petition was filed with the Tax Court before (1) the adjudication of bankruptcy in a liquidating proceeding, (2) the filing with a court of competent jurisdiction or (where approval is required by the Bankruptcy Act), the approval of a petition of, or the approval of a petition against, any taxpayer in any other proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act, or (3) the appointment of a receiver.

§ 301.6872-1 - Suspension of running of period of limitations on assessment.

If any fiduciary in any proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. chapters 1-14), including a trustee, receiver, or debtor in possession, or a receiver in any other court proceeding is required, pursuant to section 6036, to give notice in writing to the district director of his qualification as such, then the running of the period of limitations on assessment shall be suspended from the date the proceeding is instituted to the date such notice is received by the district director, and for an additional 30 days thereafter. However, the suspension under this section of the running of the period of limitation on assessment shall in no case exceed 2 years.

§ 301.6873-1 - Unpaid claims in bankruptcy or receivership proceedings.

(a) If any portion of the claim allowed by the court in a receivership proceeding, or in any proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. chs. 1-14) remains unpaid after the termination of such proceeding, the district director will send notice and demand for payment thereof to the taxpayer. Such unpaid portion with interest as provided in section 6601 may be collected from the taxpayer by levy or proceeding in court within the period of limitation for collection after assessment. For the general rule as to such period of limitation, see section 6502, and for suspension of the running of the period provided in section 6502, see, for example, section 6503. For suspensions under other provisions of law, see, for example, section 11f of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 29(f)). Extension of time for the payment of such unpaid amount may be granted in the same manner and subject to the same provisions and limitations as provided in section 6161(c).

(b) Section 6873 is applicable only where a claim for taxes is allowed in a receivership proceeding or in a proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act. Claims for taxes, interest, additional amounts, or additions to the tax may be collectible in equity or under other provisions of law although no claim was allowed in the proceeding because, for example, such items were not included in a proof of claim filed in the proceeding or no proof of claim was filed. Except in the case of a proceeding under section 77 or chapter X of the Bankruptcy Act, a tax or a liability in respect thereof is not discharged by a proceeding under such act, whether or not a claim is filed in such proceeding, and provisions suspending the running of the period of limitation on the collection of taxes are applicable, whether or not a claim is filed in such proceeding.

authority: Section 301.1474-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 1474(f)
source: 32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 26 CFR 301.6871