Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 26 - Internal Revenue last revised: Oct 10, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 301.6301-1 - Collection authority.

§ 301.6302-1 - Manner or time of collection of taxes.

§ 301.6303-1 - Notice and demand for tax.

§ 301.6305-1 - Assessment and collection of certain liability.

§ 301.6311-1 - Payment by check or money order.

§ 301.6311-2 - Payment by credit card and debit card.

§ 301.6312-1 - Treasury certificates of indebtedness, Treasury notes, and Treasury bills acceptable in payment of internal revenue taxes or stamps.

§ 301.6312-2 - Certain Treasury savings notes acceptable in payment of certain internal revenue taxes.

§ 301.6313-1 - Fractional parts of a cent.

§ 301.6314-1 - Receipt for taxes.

§ 301.6315-1 - Payments of estimated income tax.

§ 301.6316-1 - Payment of income tax in foreign currency.

§ 301.6316-2 - Definitions.

§ 301.6316-3 - Allocation of tax attributable to foreign currency.

§ 301.6316-4 - Return requirements.

§ 301.6316-5 - Manner of paying tax by foreign currency.

§ 301.6316-6 - Declarations of estimated tax.

§ 301.6316-7 - Payment of Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes in foreign currency.

§ 301.6316-8 - Refunds and credits in foreign currency.

§ 301.6316-9 - Interest, additions to tax, etc.

§ 301.6320-1 - Notice and opportunity for hearing upon filing of notice of Federal tax lien.

§ 301.6321-1 - Lien for taxes.

§ 301.6323(a)-1 - Purchasers, holders of security interests, mechanic's lienors, and judgment lien creditors.

§ 301.6323(b)-1 - Protection for certain interests even though notice filed.

§ 301.6323(c)-1 - Protection for commercial transactions financing agreements.

§ 301.6323(c)-2 - Protection for real property construction or improvement financing agreements.

§ 301.6323(c)-3 - Protection for obligatory disbursement agreements.

§ 301.6323(d)-1 - 45-day period for making disbursements.

§ 301.6323(e)-1 - Priority of interest and expenses.

§ 301.6323(f)-1 - Place for filing notice; form.

§ 301.6323(g)-1 - Refiling of notice of tax lien.

§ 301.6323(h)-0 - Scope of definitions.

§ 301.6323(h)-1 - Definitions.

§ 301.6323(i)-1 - Special rules.

§ 301.6323(j)-1 - Withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien in certain circumstances.

§ 301.6324-1 - Special liens for estate and gift taxes; personal liability of transferees and others.

§ 301.6324A-1 - Election of and agreement to special lien for estate tax deferred under section 6166 or 6166A.

§ 301.6325-1 - Release of lien or discharge of property.

§ 301.6326-1 - Administrative appeal of the erroneous filing of notice of federal tax lien.

§ 301.6301-1 - Collection authority.

The taxes imposed by the internal revenue laws shall be collected by district directors of internal revenue. See, however, section 6304, relating to the collection of certain taxes under the provisions of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. ch. 4).

§ 301.6302-1 - Manner or time of collection of taxes.

(a) Employment and excise taxes. For provisions relating to the manner or time of collection of certain employment and excise taxes and deposits in connection with the payment thereof, see the regulations relating to the particular tax.

(b) Income taxes. (1) For provisions relating to the deposits of income and estimated income taxes of certain corporations, see § 1.6302-1 of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations).

(2) For provisions relating to the deposits of tax required to be withheld under chapter 3 of the Code on nonresident aliens and foreign corporations and tax-free covenant bonds, see § 1.6302-2 of this chapter.

(c) Effective/applicability date. This section applies to deposits and payments made after December 31, 2010.

[75 FR 75904, Dec. 7, 2010]
§ 301.6303-1 - Notice and demand for tax.

(a) General rule. Where it is not otherwise provided by the Code, the district director or the director of the regional service center shall, after the making of an assessment of a tax pursuant to section 6203, give notice to each person liable for the unpaid tax, stating the amount and demanding payment thereof. Such notice shall be given as soon as possible and within 60 days. However, the failure to give notice within 60 days does not invalidate the notice. Such notice shall be left at the dwelling or usual place of business of such person, or shall be sent by mail to such person's last known address. For further guidance regarding the definition of last known address, see § 301.6212-2.

(b) Assessment prior to last date for payment. If any tax is assessed prior to the last date prescribed for payment of such tax, demand that such tax be paid will not be made before such last date, except where it is believed collection would be jeopardized by delay.

[32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, as amended by T.D. 8939, 66 FR 2820, Jan. 12, 2001]
§ 301.6305-1 - Assessment and collection of certain liability.

(a) Scope. Section 6305(a) requires the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate to assess and collect amounts which have been certified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as the amount of a delinquency determined under a court order, or an order of an administrative process established under State law, for support and maintenance of a child or of a child and the parent with whom the child is living. These amounts, referred to as “child and spousal support”, are to be collected in the same manner and with the same powers exercised by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate in the collection of an employment tax which would be jeopardized by delay. However, where the assessment is the first assessment against an individual for a delinquency described in this paragraph for a particular individual or individuals, the collection is to be stayed for a period of 60 days following notice and demand. In addition, no interest or penalties (with the exception of the penalties imposed by sections 6332(c)(2) and 6657) shall be assessed or collected on the amounts, paragraphs (4), (6) and (8) of section 6334(a) (relating to property exempt from levy) shall not apply; and, there shall be exempt from levy so much of the salary, wages, or other income of the individual which is subject to garnishment pursuant to a judgment entered by a court for the support of his or her minor children. Section 6305(b) provides that sole jurisdiction for any action brought to restrain or review assessment and collection of the certified amounts shall be in a State court or a State administrative agency.

(b) Assessment and collection—(1) General rule. Upon receipt of a certification or recertification from the Secretary of Health and Human Services or his delegate under section 452(b) of title IV of the Social Security Act as amended (relating to collection of child and spousal support obligations with respect to an individual), the district director or his delegate shall assess and collect the certified amount (or recertified amount). Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, the amount so certified shall be assessed and collected in the same manner, with the same powers, and subject to the same limitations as if the amount were an employment tax the collection of which would be jeopardized by delay. However, the provisions of subtitle F with respect to assessment and collection of taxes shall not apply with respect to assessment and collection of a certified amount where such provisions are clearly inappropriate to, and incompatible with, the collection of certified amounts generally. For example, section 6861(g) which allows the Secretary or his delegate to abate a jeopardy assessment if he finds a jeopardy does not exist will not apply.

(2) Method of assessment. An assessment officer appointed by the district director pursuant to § 301.6203-1 to make assessments of tax shall also make assessments of certified amounts. The assessment of a certified amount shall be made by the assessment officer signing the summary record of assessment. The date of assessment is the date the summary record is signed by the assessment officer. The summary record, through supporting records as necessary, shall provide—

(i) The assessed amount;

(ii) The name, social security number, and last known address of the individual owing the assessed amount. For further guidance regarding the definition of last known address, see § 301.6212-2;

(iii) A designation of the assessed amount as a certified amount, together with the date on which the amount was certified and the name, position, and governmental address of the officer of the Department of Health and Human Services who certified the amount;

(iv) The period to which the child and spousal support obligation represented by the certified amount relates;

(v) The State in which was entered the court or administrative order giving rise to the child and spousal support obligation represented by the certified amount;

(vi) The name of the person or persons to whom the child and spousal support obligation represented by the certified amount is owed; and

(vii) The name of the child or children or the parent of the child or children for whose benefit the child and spousal support obligation exists.

Upon request, the individual assessed shall be furnished a copy of pertinent parts of this assessment which set forth the information listed in subdivision (i) through (vii) of this paragraph (b)(2).

(3) Supplemental assessments and abatements. If any assessment is incomplete or incorrect in any material respect, the district director or his delegate may make a supplemental assessment or abatement but only for the purpose of completing or correcting the original assessment. A supplemental assessment will not be used as a substitute for an additional assessment against an individual.

(4) Method of collection. (i) The district director or his delegate shall make notice and demand for immediate payment of certified amounts. Upon failure or refusal to pay such amounts, collection by levy shall be lawful without regard to the 10-day waiting period provided in section 6331(a). However, in the case of certain first assessments, paragraph (c)(4) of this section provides a rule for a stay of collection for 60 days. For purposes of collection, refunds of any internal revenue tax owed to the individual may be offset against a certified amount.

(ii) The district director or his delegate shall make diligent and reasonable efforts to collect certified amounts as if such amounts were taxes. He shall have no authority to compromise a proceeding by collection of only part of a certified amount in satisfaction of the full certified amount owing. However, he may arrange for payment of a certified amount by installments where advisable.

(iii) The district director or his delegate may offset the amount of any overpayment of any internal revenue tax (as described in section 301.6401-1) to be refunded to the person making the overpayment by the amount of any past-due support (as defined in the regulations under section 6402) owed by the person making the overpayment. The amounts offset under section 6402(c) may be amounts of child and spousal support certified (or recertified) for collection under section 6305 and this section or they may be amounts of past-due support of which the Secretary of the Treasury has been notified under section 6402(c) and the regulations under that section.

(5) Credits or refunds. In the case of any overpayment of a certified amount, the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate, within the period of limitations for credit or refund of employment taxes, may credit the amount of the overpayment against any liability in respect of an internal revenue tax on the part of the individual who made the overpayment and shall refund any balance to the individual. However, the full amount of any overpayment collected by levy upon property described in paragraph (c)(2) (i), (ii), or (iii) of this section shall be refunded to the individual. For purposes of applying this subparagraph, the rules of § 301.6402-2 apply where appropriate.

(6) Disposition of certified amounts collected. Any certified amount collected shall be deposited in the general fund of the United States, and the officer of the Department of Health and Human Services who certified the amount shall be promptly notified of its collection. There shall be established in the Treasury, pursuant to section 452 of title IV of the Social Security Act as amended, a revolving fund which shall be available to the Secretary of Health and Human Services or his delegate, without fiscal year limitation, for distribution to the States in accordance with the provisions of section 457 of the Act. Section 452(c)(2) of the Act appropriates to this revolving fund out of any monies not otherwise appropriated, amounts equal to the certified amounts collected under this paragraph reduced by the amounts credited or refunded as overpayments of the certified amounts so collected. The certified amounts deposited shall be transferred at least quarterly from the general fund of the Treasury to the revolving fund on the basis of estimates made by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate. Proper adjustments shall be made in the amounts subsequently transferred to the extent prior estimates were in excess of or less than the amounts required to be transferred. See, however, paragraph (c)(1) of this section for the special rule requiring retention in the general fund of certain penalties which may be collected.

(c) Additional limitations and conditions—(1) Interest and penalties. No interest, penalties or additional amounts, other than normal and reasonable collection costs, may be assessed or collected in addition to the certified amount, other than the penalty imposed by section 6332(c)(2) for failure to surrender property subject to levy and the penalty imposed by section 6657 for the tender of bad checks. Any such penalties and collection costs, if collected, will not be treated as part of the certified amount and will be retained by the United States as a part of its general fund. No interest shall be allowed or paid on any overpayment of a certified amount.

(2) Property not exempt from levy. In addition to property not exempt from levy under section 6334(c) and the regulations thereunder, the following property shall not be exempt from a levy to collect a certified amount:

(i) Unemployment benefits described in section 6334(a)(4);

(ii) Certain annuities and pension payments described in section 6334(a)(6); or

(iii) Salary, wages, or other income described in section 6334(a)(8).

(3) Property exempt from levy. In addition to property exempt from levy under section 6334(a) and the regulations thereunder, other than property described in paragraph (c)(2) (i), (ii), or (iii) of this section, there shall be exempt from levy to collect a certified amount so much of the salary, wages, or other income of an individual as is withheld therefrom in garnishment pursuant to judgment entered by a court of competent jurisdiction for the support of minor children of the individual.

(4) First assessment. In the case of a first assessment against an individual for a certified amount in whole or part for the benefit of a particular child or children or the child or children and their parent, the collection of the certified amount shall be stayed for the period of 60 days immediately following notice and demand as described in section 6303. However, no other stay of the collection of a certified amount may be granted. Thus, the provisions of section 6863(a), relating to bonds to stay collection of jeopardy assessments, shall not apply to the collection of certified amounts.

(5) Priority of liens. A lien for a certified amount shall be valid as against a lien for taxes imposed by section 6321 only if the date of assessment of the certified amount precedes the date of assessment of the taxes. However, no amount collected by levy upon property described in paragraph (c)(2) (i), (ii), or (iii) of this section may be applied other than in whole or partial satisfaction of certified amounts. In the case of two liens for certified amounts, the lien for the certified amount which is first assessed shall be valid as against the lien for the certified amount which is later assessed.

(6) Statute of limitations on collections. The periods of limitation on collection of taxes after assessment prescribed by section 6502 shall apply to the collection of certified (or recertified) amounts. Such periods of limitation with respect to a certified amount shall terminate upon recertification of the amount, and the period of limitation prescribed by section 6502 shall then apply and commence to run with respect to the recertified amount.

(d) Review of assessments and collections—(1) Federal courts. No court of the United States established under article I or article III of the Constitution has jurisdiction of any legal or equitable action to restrain or review the assessment or collection of certified amounts by the district director or his delegate. See, however, paragraph (d)(3) of this section for the rule that the prohibition of this paragraph (d)(1) does not preclude courts established for the District of Columbia from exercising jurisdiction over certain actions.

(2) Secretary of the Treasury. Neither the Secretary of the Treasury nor his delegate may subject to review the assessment or collection of certified amounts in any legal, equitable, or administrative proceeding.

(3) State courts. This paragraph (d) does not preclude a State court or appropriate State agency, as the case may be, from exercising jurisdiction over a legal, equitable, or administrative action against the State by an individual to determine his liability for any certified amount assessed against him and collected, or to recover any such certified amount collected, under section 6305 and this section. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term “State” includes the District of Columbia.

(e) Internal Revenue regional service centers. For purposes of this section, the terms “district director or his delegate” and “district director” include the director of the Internal Revenue service center or his delegate, as the case may be.

(Sec. 7805, Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (68A Stat. 917; 26 U.S.C. 7805); sec. 2332(a) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (95 Stat. 357), amending sec. 464(a) of the Social Security Act (88 Stat. 2351)) [T.D. 7576, 43 FR 59376, Dec. 20, 1978, as amended by T.D. 7808, 47 FR 5713, Feb. 8, 1982; T.D. 8939, 66 FR 2820, Jan. 12, 2001] Receipt of Payment
§ 301.6311-1 - Payment by check or money order.

(a) Authority to receive—(1) In general. (i) District directors, Service Center directors, and Compliance Center directors (director) may accept checks or drafts drawn on any financial institution incorporated under the laws of the United States or under the laws of any State, the District of Columbia, or any possession of the United States, or money orders in payment for internal revenue taxes, provided the checks, drafts, or money orders are collectible in United States currency at par, and subject to the further provisions contained in this section. The director may accept the checks, drafts, or money orders in payment for internal revenue stamps to the extent and under the conditions prescribed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. A check or money order in payment for internal revenue taxes or internal revenue stamps should be made payable to the United States Treasury. A check or money order is payable at par only if the full amount thereof is payable without any deduction for exchange or other charges. As used in this section, the term “money order” means: (a) U.S. postal, bank, express, or telegraph money order; (b) money order issued by a domestic building and loan association (as defined in section 7701(a)(19)) or by a similar association incorporated under the laws of a possession of the United States; (c) a money order issued by such other organization as the Commissioner may designate; and (d) a money order described in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph in cases therein described. However, the director may refuse to accept any personal check whenever he or she has good reason to believe that such check will not be honored upon presentment.

(ii) An American citizen residing in a country with which the United States maintains direct exchange of money orders on a domestic basis may pay his tax by postal money order of such country. For a list of such countries, see section 171.27 of the Postal Manual of the United States.

(iii) If one check or money order is remitted to cover two or more persons' taxes, the remittance should be accompanied by a letter of transmittal clearly identifying—

(a) Each person whose tax is to be paid by the remittance;

(b) The amount of the payment on account of each such person; and

(c) The kind of tax paid.

(2) Payment for internal revenue stamps. The director may accept checks, drafts, and money orders described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section in payment for internal revenue stamps. However, the director may refuse to accept any personal check whenever he or she has good reason to believe that such check will not be honored upon presentment.

(b) Checks or money orders not paid—(1) Ultimate liability. The person who tenders any check (whether certified or uncertified, cashier's, treasurer's, or other form of check or draft) or money order in payment for taxes or stamps is not released from his or her liability until the check, draft, or money order is paid; and, if the check, draft, or money order is not duly paid, the person shall also be liable for all legal penalties and additions, to the same extent as if such check, draft, or money order had not been tendered.

(2) Liability of financial institutions and others. If any certified, treasurer's, or cashier's check, or other guaranteed draft, or money order, is not duly paid, the United States shall have a lien for the amount of such check or draft upon all assets of the financial institution on which drawn, or for the amount of such money order upon the assets of the issuer thereof. The unpaid amount shall be paid out of such assets in preference to any other claims against such financial institution or issuer except the necessary costs and expenses of administration and the reimbursement of the United States for the amount expended in the redemption of the circulating notes of such financial institution. In addition, the Government has the right to exact payment from the person required to make the payment.

(c) Payment in nonconvertible foreign currency. For rules relating to payment of income taxes and taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act in nonconvertible foreign currency, see section 6316 and the regulations thereunder.

(d) Financial institution. For purposes of section 6311 and this section, financial institution includes but is not limited to—

(1) A bank or trust company (as defined in section 581);

(2) A domestic building and loan association (as defined in section 7701(a)(19));

(3) A mutual savings bank (including but not limited to a mutual savings bank as defined in section 591(b));

(4) A credit union (including both state and federal credit unions, and including but not limited to a credit union as defined in section 501(c)(14)); and

(5) A regulated investment company (as defined in section 851(a)).

[32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, as amended by T.D. 7188, 37 FR 12795, June 29, 1972; T.D. ATF-33, 41 FR 44038, Oct. 6, 1976; T.D. 8595, 60 FR 20899, Apr. 28, 1995; T.D. 8969, 66 FR 64743, Dec. 14, 2001]
§ 301.6311-2 - Payment by credit card and debit card.

(a) Authority to receive—(1) Payments by credit card and debit card. Internal revenue taxes may be paid by credit card or debit card as authorized by this section. Payment of taxes by credit card or debit card is voluntary on the part of the taxpayer. Only credit cards or debit cards approved by the Commissioner may be used for this purpose, only the types of tax liabilities specified by the Commissioner may be paid by credit card or debit card, and all such payments must be made in the manner and in accordance with the forms, instructions and procedures prescribed by the Commissioner. All references in this section to tax also include interest, penalties, additional amounts, and additions to tax.

(2) Payments by electronic funds transfer other than payments by credit card and debit card. Provisions relating to payments by electronic funds transfer other than payments by credit card and debit card are contained in section 6302 and the Treasury Regulations promulgated pursuant to section 6302.

(3) Definitions—(i) Credit card means any credit card as defined in section 103(k) of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1602(k)), including any credit card, charge card, or other credit device issued for the purpose of obtaining money, property, labor, or services on credit.

(ii) Debit card means any accepted card or other means of access as defined in section 903(1) of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (15 U.S.C. 1693a(1)), including any debit card or similar device or means of access to an account issued for the purpose of initiating electronic fund transfers to obtain money, property, labor, or services.

(b) When payment is deemed made. A payment of tax by credit card or debit card shall be deemed made when the issuer of the credit card or debit card properly authorizes the transaction, provided that the payment is actually received by the United States in the ordinary course of business and is not returned pursuant to paragraph (d)(3) of this section.

(c) Payment not made—(1) Continuing liability of taxpayer. A taxpayer who tenders payment of taxes by credit card or debit card is not relieved of liability for such taxes until the payment is actually received by the United States and is not required to be returned pursuant to paragraph (d)(3) of this section. This continuing liability of the taxpayer is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any liability of the issuer of the credit card or debit card or financial institution pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(2) Liability of financial institutions. If a taxpayer has tendered a payment of internal revenue taxes by credit card or debit card, the credit card or debit card transaction has been guaranteed expressly by a financial institution, and the United States is not duly paid, then the United States shall have a lien for the guaranteed amount of the transaction upon all the assets of the institution making such guarantee. The unpaid amount shall be paid out of such assets in preference to any other claims whatsoever against such guaranteeing institution, except the necessary costs and expenses of administration and the reimbursement of the United States for the amount expended in the redemption of the circulating notes of such institution.

(d) Resolution of errors relating to the credit card or debit card account—(1) In general. Payments of taxes by credit card or debit card shall be subject to the applicable error resolution procedures of section 161 of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1666), section 908 of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (15 U.S.C. 1693f), or any similar provisions of state or local law, for the purpose of resolving errors relating to the credit card or debit card account, but not for the purpose of resolving any errors, disputes or adjustments relating to the underlying tax liability.

(2) Matters covered by error resolution procedures. (i) The error resolution procedures of paragraph (d)(1) of this section apply to the following types of errors—

(A) An incorrect amount posted to the taxpayer's account as a result of a computational error, numerical transposition, or similar mistake;

(B) An amount posted to the wrong taxpayer's account;

(C) A transaction posted to the taxpayer's account without the taxpayer's authorization; and

(D) Other similar types of errors that would be subject to resolution under section 161 of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1666), section 908 of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (15 U.S.C. 1693f), or similar provisions of state or local law.

(ii) An error described in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section may be resolved only through the procedures referred to in paragraph (d)(1) of this section and cannot be a basis for any claim or defense in any administrative or court proceeding involving the Commissioner or the United States.

(3) Return of funds pursuant to error resolution procedures. Notwithstanding section 6402, if a taxpayer is entitled to a return of funds pursuant to the error resolution procedures of paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the Commissioner may, in the Commissioner's sole discretion, effect such return by arranging for a credit to the taxpayer's account with the issuer of the credit card or debit card or any other financial institution or person that participated in the transaction in which the error occurred.

(4) Matters not subject to error resolution procedures. The error resolution procedures of paragraph (d)(1) of this section do not apply to any error, question, or dispute concerning the amount of tax owed by any person for any year. For example, these error resolution procedures do not apply to determine a taxpayer's entitlement to a refund of tax for any year for any reason, nor may they be used to pay a refund. All such matters shall be resolved through administrative and judicial procedures established pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code and the rules and regulations thereunder.

(5) Section 170 of the Truth in Lending Act not applicable. Payments of taxes by credit card or debit card are not subject to section 170 of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1666i) or to any similar provision of state or local law.

(e) Fees or charges. The Internal Revenue Service may not impose any fee or charge on persons making payment of taxes by credit card or debit card. This section does not prohibit the imposition of fees or charges by issuers of credit cards or debit cards or by any other financial institution or person participating in the credit card or debit card transaction. The Internal Revenue Service may not receive any part of any fees that may be charged.

(f) Authority to enter into contracts. The Commissioner may enter into contracts related to receiving payments of tax by credit card or debit card if such contracts are cost beneficial to the Government. The determination of whether the contract is cost beneficial shall be based on an analysis appropriate for the contract at issue and at a level of detail appropriate to the size of the Government's investment or interest. The Commissioner may not pay any fee or charge or provide any other monetary consideration under such contracts for such payments.

(g) Use and disclosure of information relating to payment of taxes by credit card and debit card. Any information or data obtained directly or indirectly by any person other than the taxpayer in connection with payment of taxes by a credit card or debit card shall be treated as confidential, whether such information is received from the Internal Revenue Service or from any other person (including the taxpayer).

(1) No person other than the taxpayer shall use or disclose such information except as follows—

(i) Card issuers, financial institutions, or other persons participating in the credit card or debit card transaction may use or disclose such information for the purpose and in direct furtherance of servicing cardholder accounts, including the resolution of errors in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. This authority includes the following—

(A) Processing the credit card or debit card transaction, in all of its stages through and including the crediting of the amount charged on account of tax to the United States Treasury;

(B) Billing the taxpayer for the amount charged or debited with respect to payment of the tax liability;

(C) Collecting the amount charged or debited with respect to payment of the tax liability;

(D) Returning funds to the taxpayer in accordance with paragraph (d)(3) of this section;

(E) Sending receipts or confirmation of a transaction to the taxpayer, including secured electronic transmissions and facsimiles; and

(F) Providing information necessary to make a payment to state or local government agencies, as explicitly authorized by the taxpayer (e.g., name, address, taxpayer identification number).

(ii) Card issuers, financial institutions or other persons participating in the credit card or debit card transaction may use and disclose such information for the purpose and in direct furtherance of any of the following activities—

(A) Assessment of statistical risk and profitability;

(B) Transfer of receivables or accounts or any interest therein;

(C) Audit of account information;

(D) Compliance with federal, state, or local law; and

(E) Cooperation in properly authorized civil, criminal, or regulatory investigations by federal, state, or local authorities.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (g)(1) of this section, use or disclosure of information relating to credit card and debit card transactions for purposes related to any of the following is not authorized—

(i) Sale of such information (or transfer of such information for consideration) separate from a sale of the underlying account or receivable (or transfer of the underlying account or receivable for consideration);

(ii) Marketing for any purpose, such as, marketing tax-related products or services, or marketing any product or service that targets those who have used a credit card or debit card to pay taxes; and

(iii) Furnishing such information to any credit reporting agency or credit bureau, except with respect to the aggregate amount of a cardholder's account, with the amount attributable to payment of taxes not separately identified.

(3) Use and disclosure of information other than as authorized by this paragraph (g) may result in civil liability under sections 7431(a)(2) and (h).

(h) Effective date. This section applies to payments of taxes made on and after December 14, 2001.

[T.D. 8969, 66 FR 64743, Dec. 14, 2001; 67 FR 1416, Jan. 11, 2001]
§ 301.6312-1 - Treasury certificates of indebtedness, Treasury notes, and Treasury bills acceptable in payment of internal revenue taxes or stamps.

(a) Treasury certificates of indebtedness, Treasury notes, or Treasury bills of any series (not including interim receipts issued by Federal reserve banks in lieu of definitive certificates, notes, or bills) may be tendered at or before maturity in payment of internal revenue taxes due on the date (or in payment for stamps purchased on the date), on which the certificates, notes, or bills mature, or in payment of internal revenue taxes due on a specified prior date, but only if such certificates, notes, or bills, according to the express terms of their issue, are made acceptable in payment of such taxes or for the purchase of stamps. If the taxes for which the certificates, notes, or bills are tendered in payment become due, or the stamps are purchased, on the same date as that on which such certificates, notes, or bills mature, they will be accepted at par plus accrued interest, if any, payable with the principal (not represented by coupons attached) in payment of such taxes or stamps. If the taxes for which the certificates, notes, or bills are tendered in payment become due, or the stamps are purchased, on a date prior to that on which the certificates, notes, or bills mature, they will be accepted at the value specified in the terms under which such certificates, notes, or bills were issued. All interest coupons attached to Treasury certificates of indebtedness or Treasury notes shall be detached by the taxpayer before such certificates or notes are tendered in payment of taxes or stamps.

(b) Receipts given by a district director for Treasury certificates of indebtedness, Treasury notes, or Treasury bills received in payment of internal revenue taxes or for stamps as provided in this section shall contain an adequate description of such certificates, notes, or bills, and a statement of the value, including accrued interest, if any, payable with the principal (not represented by coupons attached), at which accepted, and shall show that the certificates, notes, or bills are tendered by the taxpayer and received by the district director, subject to no conditions, qualification, or reservation whatsoever, in payment of an amount of taxes or for stamps no greater than such value. Any certificate, note, or bill offered in payment of internal revenue taxes or for stamps subject to any condition, qualification, or reservation, or for any greater amount than the value at which acceptable in payment of taxes or stamps, as specified in the terms under which such certificate, note, or bill was issued, shall not be deemed to be duly tendered and shall be returned to the taxpayer.

(c) For the purpose of saving taxpayers the expense of transmitting Treasury certificates of indebtedness, Treasury notes, or Treasury bills to the office of the district director in whose district the taxes are payable, or stamps are to be purchased, taxpayers desiring to pay taxes, or purchase stamps, with such certificates, notes, or bills acceptable in payment of taxes or for the purchase of stamps may deposit such certificates, notes, or bills with a Federal reserve bank or branch, or with the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, Treasury Building, Washington, D.C. In such cases, the Federal reserve bank or branch, or the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, shall issue a receipt in the name of the district director, describing the certificates, notes, or bills by par or dollar face amount and stating on the face of the receipt that the certificates, notes, or bills represented thereby are held by the bank or branch, or the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, for redemption at the value specified in the terms under which the certificates, notes, or bills were issued, and for application of the proceeds in payment of taxes due or for the purchase of stamps on a specified date by the taxpayer named therein.

(d) In the case of payments of tax required to be deposited with Government depositaries by regulations under section 6302 of the Code, certificates, notes, or bills referred to in paragraph (a) of this section may be deposited with a Federal Reserve bank or branch, or with the Office of the Treasurer of the United States, in part or full satisfaction of such tax liability. As in the case of all remittances of amounts so required to be deposited, each such deposit of certificates, notes, or bills shall be accompanied by the appropriate deposit form in accordance with the regulations under section 6302. In such cases, notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, receipts for such certificates, notes or bills shall no longer be issued in the name of the district director.

§ 301.6312-2 - Certain Treasury savings notes acceptable in payment of certain internal revenue taxes.

According to the express terms of their issue, the following series of Treasury savings notes are presently acceptable in payment of income taxes (current and back, personal and corporation taxes, and excess profits taxes) and estate and gift taxes (current and back):

(a) Treasury Savings Notes, Series A,

(b) Treasury Savings Notes, Series B,

(c) Treasury Savings Notes, Series C.

§ 301.6313-1 - Fractional parts of a cent.

In the payment of any tax not payable by stamp, a fractional part of a cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half cent or more, in which case it shall be increased to one cent. Fractional parts of a cent shall not be disregarded in the computation of taxes.

§ 301.6314-1 - Receipt for taxes.

(a) In general. The district director or the director of a service center shall upon request, issue a receipt for each tax payment made (other than a payment for stamps sold and delivered). In addition, the district director or the director of a service center shall issue a receipt for each payment of 1 dollar or more made in cash, whether or not requested. In the case of payments made by check, the canceled check is usually a sufficient receipt. No receipt shall be issued in lieu of a stamp representing a tax, whether the payment is in cash or otherwise.

(b) Duplicate receipt for payment of estate taxes. Upon request, the district director or the director of a service center will issue duplicate receipts to the person paying the estate tax, either of which will be sufficient evidence of such payment and entitle the executor to be credited with the amount by any court having jurisdiction to audit or settle his accounts. For definition of the term “executor”, see section 2203.

[T.D. 7214, 37 FR 23176, Oct. 31, 1972]
§ 301.6315-1 - Payments of estimated income tax.

The payment of any installment of the estimated income tax (see sections 6015 and 6016) shall be considered payment on account of the income tax for the taxable year for which the estimate is made. The aggregate amount of the payments of estimated tax should be entered upon the income tax return for such taxable year as payments to be applied against the tax shown on such return.

§ 301.6316-1 - Payment of income tax in foreign currency.

Subject to the provisions of §§ 301.6316-3 to 301.6316-5, inclusive, that portion of the income tax which is attributable to amounts received by a citizen of the United States in nonconvertible foreign currency may be paid in such currency—

(a) For any taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 1955, and before January 1, 1964, if such amounts—

(1) Are disbursed from funds made available to a foundation or commission established in a foreign country pursuant to an agreement made under the authority of section 32(b) of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 1641(b)(2)), or reestablished under the authority of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2451);

(2) Constitute either a grant made for authorized purposes of the agreement or compensation for personal services performed in the employ of the foundation or commission;

(3) Are at least 75 percent of the entire amount of the grant or compensation; and

(4) Are treated as income from sources without the United States under the provisions of sections 861 to 864, inclusive, and §§ 1.861-1 to 1.864, inclusive, of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations); and

(b) For any taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 1964, if such amounts—

(1) Are disbursed from funds made available either to a foundation or commission, established pursuant to an agreement made under the authority of section 32(b) of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, or to a foundation or commission established or continued pursuant to an agreement made under the authority of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended; or are paid from grants made to such citizen, or to a foundation or an educational or other institution, under the authority of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended, or section 104 (h), (j), (k), (o), or (p) of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1704 (h), (j), (k), (o), (p));

(2) Constitute either a grant made for a purpose authorized under any such agreement or law, or compensation for personal services performed in the employ of any organization engaged in administering any program or activity pursuant to any such agreement or law;

(3) Are at least 70 percent of the entire amount of the grant or compensation; and

(4) Are treated as income from sources without the United States under the provisions of sections 861 to 864, inclusive, and §§ 1.861-1 to 1.864, inclusive, of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations).

§ 301.6316-2 - Definitions.

For purposes of §§ 301.6316-1 to 301.6316-9, inclusive:

(a) The term tax, as used in §§ 301.6316-1, 301.6316-3, 301.6316-4, 301.6316-5, and 301.6316-6 means the income tax imposed for the taxable year by chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and as used in § 301.6316-7 means the Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes imposed by chapter 21 of the Code (or by the corresponding provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939). The term “tax”, as used in §§ 301.6316-3 and 301.6316-9 shall relate to either of such taxes, whichever is appropriate.

(b) The term nonconvertible foreign currency means currency of the government of a foreign country which, owing to (1) monetary, exchange, or other restrictions imposed by the foreign country, (2) an agreement entered into with the United States of America, or (3) the terms and conditions of the U.S. Government grant, is not convertible into U.S. dollars or into other money which is convertible into U.S. dollars. The term shall not, however, include currency which, notwithstanding such restrictions, agreement, terms, or conditions, is in fact converted into U.S. dollars or into property which is readily disposable for U.S. dollars.

(c) If the taxpayer computes taxable income under the accrual method, then the term received shall be construed to mean “accrued.”

§ 301.6316-3 - Allocation of tax attributable to foreign currency.

(a) Adjusted gross income ratio. The portion of the tax which is attributable to amounts received in nonconvertible foreign currency shall, for purposes of applying § 301.6316-1 to the currency of each foreign country, be the amount by which:

(1) The amount which bears the same ratio to the entire tax for the taxable year as (i) the taxpayer's adjusted gross income received in that currency bears to (ii) the adjusted gross income determined under section 62 by taking into account the entire gross income and all deductions allowable under that section without distinction as to amounts received in foreign currency, exceeds

(2) The total of the allowable credits against tax, and payments on account of tax, which are properly allocable to the amount of that currency included in gross income.

(b) Example. (1) For the calendar year 1955 Mr. Jones and his wife filed a joint return on which the adjusted gross income is as follows, after amounts received in foreign currency had been properly translated into United States dollars for tax computation purposes:

Fulbright grant received by Mr. Jones in nonconvertible foreign currency$8,000
Dividends received by Mr. Jones entitled to dividends-received credit500
Compensation for personal services of Mrs. Jones3,000
Net profit from business carried on by Mrs. Jones2,500
Total adjusted gross income14,000

(2) The following amounts are allowable as properly deductible from adjusted gross income, no determination being made as to whether or not any part of them is properly allocable to the Fulbright grant:

Deduction for personal exemptions$3,000
Charitable contributions500
Interest expense400
Total allowable deductions4,200

(3) For the taxable year the following amounts are allowable as credits against the tax, or as payments on account of the tax:

Foreign tax credit for foreign taxes paid on Fulbright grant$300.00
Dividends-received credit20.00
Credit for income tax withheld upon compensation of Mrs. Jones304.80
Payments of estimated tax (see § 301.6316-6(b)(2) for determination of amounts):
U.S. dollars$426.32
Foreign currency893.881,320.20
Total allowable credits and payments1,945.00

(4) The portion of the tax which is attributable to amounts received in nonconvertible foreign currency is $33.49, determined as follows:

Adjusted gross income$14,000.00
Less: Allowable deductions4,200.00
Taxable income9,800.00
Tax computed under section 22,148.00
Ratio of adjusted gross income received in nonconvertible foreign currency to entire adjusted gross income ($8,000 ÷ $14,000) (percent)57.14
Portion of tax attributable to nonconvertible foreign currency ($2,148 × 57.14 percent)$1,227.37
Credit for foreign taxes paid on Fulbright grant$300.00
Payment in foreign currency of estimated tax893.881,193.88
Portion of tax attributable to amounts received in nonconvertible foreign currency83.49
§ 301.6316-4 - Return requirements.

(a) Place for filing. A return of income which includes amounts received in foreign currency on which the tax is paid in accordance with § 301.6316-1 shall be filed with the Director of International Operations, Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C. 20225. For the time for filing income tax returns, see sections 6072 and 6081 and §§ 1.6072-1, 1.6081-1, and 1.6081-2 of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations).

(b) Statements required. (1) A statement, prepared by the taxpayer, and certified by the foundation, commission, or other person having control of the payments made to the taxpayer in nonconvertible foreign currency, shall be attached to the return showing that for the taxable year involved the taxpayer is entitled to pay tax in foreign currency in accordance with section 6316 and the regulations thereunder. This statement shall disclose the total amount of grants or compensation received by the taxpayer during the taxable year under the authority of section 32(b) of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 1641(b)(2)), or of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2451), or section 104 (h), (j), (k), (o), or (p) of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1704 (h), (j), (k), (o), (p)), and the amount thereof paid in nonconvertible foreign currency. It shall also state that with respect to the grant or compensation the applicable percentage requirement of § 301.6316-1 is satisfied.

(2) The taxpayer shall also attach to the return a detailed statement showing (i) the computation, in the manner prescribed by § 301.6316-3, of the portion of the tax attributable to amounts received in nonconvertible foreign currency and (ii) the rates of exchange used in determining the tax liability in U.S. dollars. See paragraph (c) of § 301.6316-5.

§ 301.6316-5 - Manner of paying tax by foreign currency.

(a) Time and place to pay. The unpaid tax required to be shown on a return filed in accordance with § 301.6316-4, whether payable in whole or in part in foreign currency, is due and payable to the Director of International Operations, Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C. 20225, at the time the return is filed. However, see paragraph (d) of this section with respect to the depositing of the foreign currency with the disbursing officer of the Department of State.

(b) Certified statement. Every taxpayer who desires to pay tax in foreign currency under the provisions of § 301.6316-1 shall first obtain the certified statement referred to in paragraph (b)(1) of § 301.6316-4.

(c) Determination of the tax. In determining the tax payable for the taxable year in U.S. dollars, the taxpayer, with respect to amounts described in paragraph (a) of § 301.6316-1, or amounts described in paragraph (b) of § 301.6316-1 received before November 1, 1965, shall use the rates of exchange which most clearly reflect the correct tax liability in dollars, whether it be the official rate, the open market rate, or any other appropriate rate. With respect to amounts described in paragraph (b) of § 301.6316-1 received on or after November 1, 1965, the taxpayer shall use the official rate of exchange in determining the tax payable for the taxable year in U.S. dollars. After determining the correct tax liability in U.S. dollars the taxpayer shall then ascertain, in accordance with the principles of § 301.6316-3, the portion of the tax which is attributable to amounts received in nonconvertible foreign currency.

(d) Deposit of foreign currency with disbursing officer. (1) After the portion of the tax which is attributable to amounts received in nonconvertible foreign currency is determined in U.S. dollars, the amount so determined shall be deposited in the same nonconvertible foreign currency with the disbursing officer of the Department of State for the foreign country where the fund is located from which the payments in nonconvertible foreign currency are made to the taxpayer. The amount of foreign currency to be deposited shall be that amount which, when converted at the rate of exchange used on the date of deposit by that disbursing officer for the acquisition of such currency for his official disbursements, equals the portion of the tax so determined in U.S. dollars.

(2) The disbursing officer may rely upon the taxpayer for the determination of the amount of tax payable in foreign currency but may not accept any such currency for deposit until the taxpayer has presented for inspection the certified statement referred to in paragraph (b)(1) of § 301.6316-4. Upon acceptance of foreign currency for deposit the disbursing officer shall give the taxpayer a receipt in duplicate showing the name and address of the depositor, the date of the deposit, the amount of foreign currency deposited, and its equivalent in U.S. dollars on the date of deposit.

(3) Every taxpayer making a deposit of foreign currency in accordance with this paragraph shall attach to the return required to be filed in accordance with § 301.6316-4, in part or full payment of the taxes shown thereon, the original of the receipt given by the disbursing officer and shall pay to the Director of International Operations in U.S. dollars the balance, if any, of the tax shown to be due. Tender of such receipt to the Director of International Operations shall be considered as payment of tax in an amount equal to the U.S. dollars represented by the receipt.

(4) A taxpayer shall make the deposit required by this paragraph in ample time to permit him to attach the receipt to his return for filing within the time prescribed by section 6072 or 6081 and §§ 1.6072-1, 1.6081-1, and 1.6081-2 of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations).

§ 301.6316-6 - Declarations of estimated tax.

(a) Filing of declaration. A declaration of estimated tax in respect of amounts on which the tax is to be paid in foreign currency under the provisions of § 301.6316-1 shall be filed with the Director of International Operations, Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C. 20225, and shall have attached thereto the statements required by paragraph (b) (1) and (2)(i) of § 301.6316-4 in respect of the tax return except that the statement certified by the foundation, commission, or other person having control of the payments to the taxpayer in nonconvertible foreign currency may be based upon amounts expected to be received by the taxpayer during the taxable year if they are not in fact known at the time of certification. A copy of this certified statement shall be retained by the taxpayer for the purpose of exhibiting it to the disbursing officer when making installment deposits of foreign currency under the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section. For the time for filing declarations of estimated tax, see sections 6073 and 6081 and §§ 1.6073-1 to 1.6073-4, inclusive, and §§ 1.6081-1 and 1.6081-2 of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations).

(b) Determination of estimated tax—(1) Allocation of tax attributable to foreign currency. In determining the amount of estimated tax for purposes of this section, all items of income, deduction, and credit, whether or not attributable to amounts received in nonconvertible foreign currency, shall be taken into account. The portion of the estimated tax which is attributable to amounts to be received during the taxable year in nonconvertible foreign currency shall be determined consistently with the manner prescribed by § 301.6316-3.

(2) Example. (i) For the calendar year 1955 Mr. Jones and his wife filed a joint declaration of estimated tax in the determination of which the adjusted gross income was estimated to be as follows, after amounts to be received in foreign currency had been properly translated into U.S. dollars for tax computation purposes:

Fulbright grant to be received by Mr. Jones in nonconvertible foreign currency$8,000
Dividends to be received by Mr. Jones entitled to dividends-received credit875
Compensation to be received by Mrs. Jones for personal services3,000
Net profit to be derived from business carried on by Mrs. Jones1,625
Total estimated adjusted gross income13,000

(ii) The following amounts were determined to be allowable as properly deductible from estimated adjusted gross income, no determination being made as to whether or not any part of them was properly allocable to the Fulbright grant:

Deduction for personal exemptions$3,000
Charitable contributions300
Interest expense400
Total allowable deductions4,000

(iii) The following estimated amounts were determined to be allowable as credits against the tax for the taxable year:

Foreign tax credit for foreign taxes to be paid on Fulbright grant$300.00
Credit for income tax expected to be withheld upon compensation of Mrs. Jones304.80
Dividends-received credit15.00
Total allowable estimated credits619.80

(iv) The portion of the estimated tax which is attributable to amounts to be received during the taxable year in nonconvertible foreign currency is $893.88, determined as follows:

Estimated adjusted gross income$13,000.00
Less: Allowable deductions4,000.00
Estimated taxable income9,000.00
Tax computed under section 21,940.00
Ratio of estimated adjusted gross income to be received in nonconvertible foreign currency to entire estimated adjusted gross income ($8,000 ÷ $13,000) (percent)61.54
Portion of above tax attributable to nonconvertible foreign currency ($1,940 × 61.54 percent)1,193.88
Less: Credit for foreign taxes expected to be paid on Fulbright grant300.00
Portion of estimated tax which is attributable to amounts to be received during the taxable year in nonconvertible foreign currency893.88

(v) The portion of the estimated tax which is payable in U.S. dollars is $426.32, determined as follows:

Tax computed under section 2$1,940.00
Less: Total allowable estimated credits619.80
Total estimated tax1,320.20
Less: Portion of estimated tax payable in foreign currency893.88
Portion of estimated tax payable in U.S. dollars426.32

(c) Payment of estimated tax. (1) The provisions of § 301.6316-5 relating to the certified statement, determination of the tax, and the depositing of the foreign currency shall apply for purposes of this section. The full amount of estimated tax payable in foreign currency, as determined under paragraph (b) of this section, may be deposited before the date prescribed for the payment thereof.

(2) Every taxpayer making a deposit of foreign currency in accordance with this paragraph shall tender to the Director of International Operations, Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C. 20225, the original of the receipt from the disbursing officer as payment, to the extent of the amount represented thereby in U.S. dollars, of the estimated tax. For the dates prescribed for the payment of estimated tax, see sections 6153 and 6161 and §§ 1.6153-1 to 1.6153-4, inclusive, and § 1.6161-1 of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations). A taxpayer should make the deposit required by this paragraph in ample time to permit him to tender such receipt by the date prescribed for payment of the estimated tax.

(d) Credit on return for the taxable year. The receipt given by the disbursing officer of the Department of State and tendered in payment of estimated tax under this section shall, for purposes of paragraph (a)(2) of § 301.6316-3, be considered as payment on account of the tax for the taxable year. The amount so considered to be paid shall be the amount in U.S. dollars represented by the receipt.

§ 301.6316-7 - Payment of Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes in foreign currency.

(a) In general. The taxes imposed on employees and employers by sections 3101 and 3111, respectively, of chapter 21 of the Code (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) or the corresponding sections of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 may, with respect to wages (as defined in section 3121(a) of chapter 21 of the Code or the corresponding section of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939) paid in nonconvertible foreign currency (as defined in paragraph (b) of § 301.6316-2) for services performed on or after January 1, 1951, be paid in that currency if all such wages—

(1) Are paid from funds made available to a foundation or commission established in a foreign country pursuant to an agreement made under the authority of section 32(b) of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 1641(b)(2)), or established or continued pursuant to an agreement made under authority of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2451); and

(2) Are paid to a U.S. citizen for services performed in the employ of such foundation or commission.

(b) Return requirements—(1) Statements required. (i) A return on which payment of Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes is made in accordance with this section shall have attached thereto a statement, certified by the foundation or commission filing the return, stating that the foundation or commission is an organization established pursuant to an agreement made under authority of section 32(b) of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, or established or continued pursuant to an agreement made under authority of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended.

(ii) The taxpayer shall also attach to the return a statement showing the rates of exchange used in determining in United States dollars the wages reported on the return and the taxes due with respect thereto. See paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(2) Cross references. For the place for filing returns of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes, see § 31.6091-1(c) of this chapter (Employment Tax Regulations). For the time for filing returns of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes, see § 31.6071(a)-1 of this chapter (Employment Tax Regulations).

(c) Payment of tax—(1) Determination of the tax. In determining in U.S. dollars the wages required to be reported on the return and the taxes due with respect thereto, the taxpayer shall use the rate of exchange which most clearly reflects the correct equivalent in dollars, whether it be the official rate, the open market rate, or any other appropriate rate.

(2) Deposit of foreign currency with disbursing officer. (i) After determination is made in U.S. dollars of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes with respect to wages paid in nonconvertible foreign currency, the amount so determined shall be deposited in the same nonconvertible foreign currency with the disbursing officer of the Department of State for the foreign country where the fund is located from which such wages were paid. The amount of the foreign currency to be deposited shall be that amount which, when converted at the rate of exchange used on the date of deposit by the disbursing officer for the acquisition of such currency for his official disbursements, equals the taxes determined in U.S. dollars.

(ii) The disbursing officer may rely upon the taxpayer for the determination of the amount of tax payable in foreign currency but may not accept any such currency for deposit until the taxpayer has presented for inspection the certified statement referred to in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Upon acceptance of foreign currency for deposit the disbursing officer shall give the taxpayer a receipt in duplicate showing the name and address of the depositor, the date of the deposit, the amount of foreign currency deposited and its equivalent in U.S. dollars on the date of deposit, and the kind of tax for which the deposit is made.

(iii) Every taxpayer making a deposit of foreign currency in accordance with this paragraph shall attach to the return required to be filed in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section the original of the receipt given by the disbursing officer. Tender of such receipt to the Director of International Operations shall be considered as payment of tax in an amount equal to the U.S. dollars represented by the receipt.

(iv) A taxpayer shall make the deposit required by this paragraph in ample time to permit it to attach the receipt to its return for filing within the time prescribed by § 31.6071(a)-1 of this chapter (Employment Tax Regulations).

§ 301.6316-8 - Refunds and credits in foreign currency.

(a) Refunds. The refund of any overpayment of tax which has been paid under section 6316 in foreign currency may, in the discretion of the Commissioner, be made in the same foreign currency by which the tax was paid. The amount of any such refund made in foreign currency shall be the amount of the overpayment in U.S. dollars converted, on the date of the refund check, at the rate of exchange then used for his official disbursements by the disbursing officer of the Department of State in the country where the foreign currency was originally deposited.

(b) Credits. Unless otherwise in the best interest of the Internal Revenue Service, no credit of any overpayment of tax which has been paid under section 6316 in foreign currency shall be allowed against any outstanding liability of the person making the overpayment except in respect of that portion or the liability which, in accordance with § 301.6316-1 or § 301.6316-7, would otherwise be permitted to be paid in the same foreign currency.

§ 301.6316-9 - Interest, additions to tax, etc.

Any reference in §§ 301.6316-1 to 301.6316-8, inclusive, to “tax” shall be deemed also to refer to the interest, additions to the tax, additional amounts, and penalties attributable to the tax.

Lien for Taxes
§ 301.6320-1 - Notice and opportunity for hearing upon filing of notice of Federal tax lien.

(a) Notification—(1) In general. For a notice of Federal tax lien (NFTL) filed on or after January 19, 1999, the Commissioner, or his or her delegate (the Commissioner), will prescribe procedures to notify the person described in section 6321 of the filing of a NFTL not more than five business days after the date of any such filing. The Collection Due Process Hearing Notice (CDP Notice) and other notices given under section 6320 must be given in person, left at the dwelling or usual place of business of such person, or sent by certified or registered mail to such person's last known address, not more than five business days after the day the NFTL was filed. For further guidance regarding the definition of last known address, see Sec. 301.6212-2.

(2) Questions and answers. The questions and answers illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (a) as follows:

Q-A1. Who is the person entitled to notice under section 6320?

A-A1. Under section 6320(a)(1), notification of the filing of a NFTL on or after January 19, 1999, is required to be given only to the person described in section 6321 who is named on the NFTL that is filed. The person described in section 6321 is the person liable to pay the tax due after notice and demand who refuses or neglects to pay the tax due (hereinafter, referred to as the taxpayer).

Q-A2. When will the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provide the notice required under section 6320?

A-A2. The IRS will provide this notice within five business days after the filing of the NFTL.

Q-A3. Will the IRS give notification to the taxpayer for each tax period listed in a NFTL filed on or after January 19, 1999?

A-A3. Yes. A NFTL can be filed for more than one tax period. The notification of the filing of a NFTL will specify each unpaid tax and tax period listed in the NFTL.

Q-A4. Will the IRS give notification to the taxpayer of any filing of a NFTL for the same tax period or periods at another place of filing?

A-A4. Yes. The IRS will notify a taxpayer when a NFTL is filed on or after January 19, 1999, for a tax period or periods at any recording office.

Q-A5. Will the IRS give notification to the taxpayer if a NFTL is filed on or after January 19, 1999, for a tax period or periods for which a NFTL was filed in another recording office prior to that date?

A-A5. Yes. The IRS will notify a taxpayer when each NFTL is filed on or after January 19, 1999, for a tax period or periods at any recording office.

Q-A6. Will the IRS give notification to the taxpayer when a NFTL is refiled on or after January 19, 1999?

A-A6. No. Section 6320(a)(1) does not require the IRS to notify the taxpayer of the refiling of a NFTL. A taxpayer may, however, seek reconsideration by the IRS office that is collecting the tax or refiling the NFTL, an administrative hearing before the IRS Office of Appeals (Appeals), or assistance from the National Taxpayer Advocate.

Q-A7. Will the IRS give notification to a known nominee of, or a person holding property of, the taxpayer of the filing of the NFTL?

A-A7. No. Such person is not the person described in section 6321 and, therefore, is not entitled to notice, but such persons have other remedies. See A-B5 of paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

Q-A8. Will the IRS give notification to the taxpayer when a subsequent NFTL is filed for the same period or periods?

A-A8. Yes. If the IRS files an additional NFTL with respect to the same tax period or periods for which an original NFTL was filed, the IRS will notify the taxpayer when the subsequent NFTL is filed. Not all such notices will, however, give rise to a right to a CDP hearing (see paragraph (b) of this section).

Q-A9. How will notification under section 6320 be accomplished?

A-A9. The IRS will notify the taxpayer by letter. Included with this letter will be the additional information the IRS is required to provide taxpayers as well as, when appropriate, a Form 12153, Request for a Due Process Hearing. The IRS may effect delivery of the letter (and accompanying materials) in one of three ways: by delivering the notice personally to the taxpayer; by leaving the notice at the taxpayer's dwelling or usual place of business; or by mailing the notice to the taxpayer at his last known address by certified or registered mail.

Q-A10. What must a CDP Notice given under section 6320 include?

A-A10. These notices must include, in simple and nontechnical terms:

(i) The amount of the unpaid tax.

(ii) A statement concerning the taxpayer's right to request a CDP hearing during the 30-day period that commences the day after the end of the five business day period within which the IRS is required to provide the taxpayer with notice of the filing of the NFTL.

(iii) The administrative appeals available to the taxpayer with respect to the NFTL and the procedures relating to such appeals.

(iv) The statutory provisions and the procedures relating to the release of liens on property.

Q-A11. What are the consequences if the taxpayer does not receive or accept a CDP Notice that is properly left at the taxpayer's dwelling or usual place of business, or sent by certified or registered mail to the taxpayer's last known address?

A-A11. A CDP Notice properly sent by certified or registered mail to the taxpayer's last known address or left at the taxpayer's dwelling or usual place of business is sufficient to start the 30-day period, commencing the day after the end of the five business day notification period, within which the taxpayer may request a CDP hearing. Actual receipt is not a prerequisite to the validity of the CDP Notice.

Q-A12. What if the taxpayer does not receive the CDP Notice because the IRS did not send that notice by certified or registered mail to the taxpayer's last known address, or failed to leave it at the dwelling or usual place of business of the taxpayer, and the taxpayer fails to request a CDP hearing with Appeals within the 30-day period commencing the day after the end of the five business day notification period?

A-A12. A NFTL becomes effective upon filing. The validity and priority of a NFTL is not conditioned on notification to the taxpayer pursuant to section 6320. Therefore, the failure to notify the taxpayer concerning the filing of a NFTL does not affect the validity or priority of the NFTL. When the IRS determines that it failed properly to provide a taxpayer with a CDP Notice, it will promptly provide the taxpayer with a substitute CDP Notice and provide the taxpayer with an opportunity to request a CDP hearing. Substitute CDP Notices are discussed in Q&A-B3 of paragraph (b)(2) and Q&A-C8 of paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(3) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of this paragraph (a):

Example 1.H and W are jointly and severally liable with respect to a jointly filed income tax return for 1996. IRS files a NFTL with respect to H and W in County X on January 26, 1999. This is the first NFTL filed on or after January 19, 1999, for their 1996 liability. H and W will each be notified of the filing of the NFTL. Example 2.Employment taxes for 1997 are assessed against ABC Corporation. A NFTL is filed against ABC Corporation for the 1997 liability in County X on June 5, 1998. A NFTL is filed against ABC Corporation for the 1997 liability in County Y on June 17, 1999. The IRS will notify the ABC Corporation with respect to the filing of the NFTL in County Y. Example 3.Federal income tax liability for 1997 is assessed against individual D. D buys an asset and puts it in individual E's name. A NFTL is filed against D in County X on June 5, 1999, for D's federal income tax liability for 1997. On June 17, 1999, a NFTL for the same tax liability is filed in County Y against E, as nominee of D. The IRS will notify D of the filing of the NFTL in both County X and County Y. The IRS will not notify E of the NFTL filed in County X. The IRS is not required to notify E of the NFTL filed in County Y. Although E is named on the NFTL filed in County Y, E is not the person described in section 6321 (the taxpayer) who is named on the NFTL.

(b) Entitlement to a CDP hearing—(1) In general. A taxpayer is entitled to one CDP hearing with respect to the first filing of a NFTL (on or after January 19, 1999) for a given tax period or periods with respect to the unpaid tax shown on the NFTL if the taxpayer timely requests such a hearing. The taxpayer must request such a hearing during the 30-day period that commences the day after the end of the five business day period within which the IRS is required to provide the taxpayer with notice of the filing of the NFTL.

(2) Questions and answers. The questions and answers illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (b) as follows:

Q-B1. Is a taxpayer entitled to a CDP hearing with respect to the filing of a NFTL for a type of tax and tax periods previously subject to a CDP Notice with respect to a NFTL filed in a different location on or after January 19, 1999?

A-B1. No. Although the taxpayer will receive notice of each filing of a NFTL, under section 6320(b)(2), the taxpayer is entitled to only one CDP hearing under section 6320 for the type of tax and tax periods with respect to the first filing of a NFTL that occurs on or after January 19, 1999, with respect to that unpaid tax. Accordingly, if the taxpayer does not timely request a CDP hearing with respect to the first filing of a NFTL on or after January 19, 1999, for a given tax period or periods with respect to an unpaid tax, the taxpayer forgoes the right to a CDP hearing with Appeals and judicial review of the Appeals determination with respect to the NFTL. Under such circumstances, the taxpayer may request an equivalent hearing as described in paragraph (i) of this section.

Q-B2. Is the taxpayer entitled to a CDP hearing when a NFTL for an unpaid tax is filed on or after January 19, 1999, in one recording office and a NFTL was previously filed for the same unpaid tax in another recording office prior to that date?

A-B2. Yes. Under section 6320(b)(2), the taxpayer is entitled to a CDP hearing under section 6320 for each tax period with respect to the first filing of a NFTL on or after January 19, 1999, with respect to an unpaid tax, whether or not a NFTL was filed prior to January 19, 1999, for the same unpaid tax and tax period or periods.

Q-B3. When the IRS provides the taxpayer with a substitute CDP Notice and the taxpayer timely requests a CDP hearing, is the taxpayer entitled to a CDP hearing before Appeals?

A-B3. Yes. Unless the taxpayer provides the IRS a written withdrawal of the request that Appeals conduct a CDP hearing, the taxpayer is entitled to a CDP hearing before Appeals. Following the hearing, Appeals will issue a Notice of Determination, and the taxpayer is entitled to seek judicial review of that Notice of Determination.

Q-B4. If the IRS sends a second CDP Notice under section 6320 (other than a substitute CDP Notice) for a tax period and with respect to an unpaid tax for which a section 6320 CDP Notice was previously sent, is the taxpayer entitled to a section 6320 CDP hearing based on the second CDP Notice?

A-B4. No. The taxpayer is entitled to a CDP hearing under section 6320 for each tax period only with respect to the first filing of a NFTL on or after January 19, 1999, with respect to an unpaid tax.

Q-B5. Is a nominee of, or a person holding property of, the taxpayer entitled to a CDP hearing or an equivalent hearing?

A-B5. No. Such person is not the person described in section 6321 and is, therefore, not entitled to a CDP hearing or an equivalent hearing (as discussed in paragraph (i) of this section). Such person, however, may seek reconsideration by the IRS office collecting the tax or filing the NFTL, an administrative hearing before Appeals under its Collection Appeals Program, or assistance from the National Taxpayer Advocate. However, any such administrative hearing would not be a CDP hearing under section 6320 and any determination or decision resulting from the hearing would not be subject to judicial review under section 6320. Such person also may avail himself of the administrative procedure included in section 6325(b)(4) or of any other procedures to which he is entitled.

(3) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of this paragraph (b):

Example 1.H and W are jointly and severally liable with respect to a jointly filed income tax return for 1996. The IRS files a NFTL with respect to H and W in County X on January 26, 1999. This is the first NFTL filed on or after January 19, 1999, for their 1996 liability. H and W are each entitled to a CDP hearing with respect to the NFTL filed in County X. On June 17, 1999, a NFTL for the same tax liability is filed against H and W in County Y. The IRS will give H and W notification of the NFTL filed in County Y. H and W, however, are not entitled to a CDP hearing or an equivalent hearing with respect to the NFTL filed in County Y. Example 2.Federal income tax liability for 1997 is assessed against individual D. D buys an asset and puts it in individual E's name. A NFTL is filed against E, as nominee of D in County X on June 5, 1999, for D's federal income tax liability for 1997. The IRS will give D a CDP Notice with respect to the NFTL filed in County X. The IRS will not notify E of the NFTL filed in County X. The IRS is not required to notify E of the filing of the NFTL in County X. Although E is named on the NFTL filed in County X, E is not the person described in section 6321 (the taxpayer) who is named on the NFTL.

(c) Requesting a CDP hearing—(1) In general. When a taxpayer is entitled to a CDP hearing under section 6320, the CDP hearing must be requested during the 30-day period that commences the day after the end of the five business day period within which the IRS is required to provide the taxpayer with a CDP Notice with respect to the filing of the NFTL.

(2) Questions and answers. The questions and answers illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (c) as follows:

Q-C1. What must a taxpayer do to obtain a CDP hearing?

A-C1. (i) The taxpayer must make a request in writing for a CDP hearing. The request for a CDP hearing shall include the information and signature specified in A-C1(ii) of this paragraph (c)(2). See A-D7 and A-D8 of paragraph (d)(2).

(ii) The written request for a CDP hearing must be dated and must include the following:

(A) The taxpayer's name, address, daytime telephone number (if any), and taxpayer identification number (e.g., SSN, ITIN or EIN).

(B) The type of tax involved.

(C) The tax period at issue.

(D) A statement that the taxpayer requests a hearing with Appeals concerning the filing of the NFTL.

(E) The reason or reasons why the taxpayer disagrees with the filing of the NFTL.

(F) The signature of the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative.

(iii) If the IRS receives a timely written request for CDP hearing that does not satisfy the requirements set forth in A-C1(ii) of this paragraph (c)(2), the IRS will make a reasonable attempt to contact the taxpayer and request that the taxpayer comply with the unsatisfied requirements. The taxpayer must perfect any timely written request for a CDP hearing that does not satisfy the requirements set forth in A-C1(ii) of this paragraph (c)(2) within a reasonable period of time after a request from the IRS.

(iv) Taxpayers are encouraged to use Form 12153, “Request for a Collection Due Process Hearing,” in requesting a CDP hearing so that the request can be readily identified and forwarded to Appeals. Taxpayers may obtain a copy of Form 12153 by contacting the IRS office that issued the CDP Notice, by downloading a copy from the IRS Internet site,, or by calling, toll-free, 1-800-829-3676.

(v) The taxpayer must affirm any timely written request for a CDP hearing which is signed or alleged to have been signed on the taxpayer's behalf by the taxpayer's spouse or other unauthorized representative by filing, within a reasonable period of time after a request from the IRS, a signed, written affirmation that the request was originally submitted on the taxpayer's behalf. If the affirmation is filed within a reasonable period of time after a request, the timely CDP hearing request will be considered timely with respect to the non-signing taxpayer. If the affirmation is not filed within a reasonable period of time after a request, the CDP hearing request will be denied with respect to the non-signing taxpayer.

Q-C2. Must the request for the CDP hearing be in writing?

A-C2. Yes. There are several reasons why the request for a CDP hearing must be in writing. The filing of a timely request for a CDP hearing is the first step in what may result in a court proceeding. A written request will provide proof that the CDP hearing was requested and thus permit the court to verify that it has jurisdiction over any subsequent appeal of the Notice of Determination issued by Appeals. In addition, the receipt of the written request will establish the date on which the periods of limitation under section 6502 (relating to collection after assessment), section 6531 (relating to criminal prosecutions), and section 6532 (relating to suits) are suspended as a result of the CDP hearing and any judicial appeal. Moreover, because the IRS anticipates that taxpayers will contact the IRS office that issued the CDP Notice for further information or assistance in filling out Form 12153, or to attempt to resolve their liabilities prior to going through the CDP hearing process, the requirement of a written request should help prevent any misunderstanding as to whether a CDP hearing has been requested. If the information requested on Form 12153 is furnished by the taxpayer, the written request also will help to establish the issues for which the taxpayer seeks a determination by Appeals.

Q-C3. When must a taxpayer request a CDP hearing with respect to a CDP Notice issued under section 6320?

A-C3. A taxpayer must submit a written request for a CDP hearing within the 30-day period that commences the day after the end of the five business day period following the filing of the NFTL. Any request filed during the five business day period (before the beginning of the 30-day period) will be deemed to be filed on the first day of the 30-day period. The period for submitting a written request for a CDP hearing with respect to a CDP Notice issued under section 6320 is slightly different from the period for submitting a written request for a CDP hearing with respect to a CDP Notice issued under section 6330. For a CDP Notice issued under section 6330, the taxpayer must submit a written request for a CDP hearing within the 30-day period commencing the day after the date of the CDP Notice.

Q-C4. How will the timeliness of a taxpayer's written request for a CDP hearing be determined?

A-C4. The rules and regulations under section 7502 and section 7503 will apply to determine the timeliness of the taxpayer's request for a CDP hearing, if properly transmitted and addressed as provided in A-C6 of this paragraph (c)(2).

Q-C5. Is the 30-day period within which a taxpayer must make a request for a CDP hearing extended because the taxpayer resides outside the United States?

A-C5. No. Section 6320 does not make provision for such a circumstance. Accordingly, all taxpayers who want a CDP hearing under section 6320 must request such a hearing within the 30-day period that commences the day after the end of the five business day notification period.

Q-C6. Where must the written request for a CDP hearing be sent?

A-C6. The written request for a CDP hearing must be sent, or hand delivered (if permitted), to the IRS office and address as directed on the CDP Notice. If the address of that office does not appear on the CDP Notice, the taxpayer should obtain the address of the office to which the written request should be sent or hand delivered by calling, toll-free, 1-800-829-1040 and providing the taxpayer's identification number (e.g., SSN, ITIN or EIN).

Q-C7. What will happen if the taxpayer does not request a CDP hearing in writing within the 30-day period that commences the day after the end of the five business day notification period?

A-C7. If the taxpayer does not request a CDP hearing in writing within the 30-day period that commences on the day after the end of the five-business-day notification period, the taxpayer foregoes the right to a CDP hearing under section 6320 with respect to the unpaid tax and tax periods shown on the CDP Notice. A written request submitted within the 30-day period that does not satisfy the requirements set forth in A-C1(ii)(A), (B), (C), (D) or (F) of this paragraph (c)(2) is considered timely if the request is perfected within a reasonable period of time pursuant to A-C1(iii) of this paragraph (c)(2). If the request for CDP hearing is untimely, either because the request was not submitted within the 30-day period or not perfected within the reasonable period provided, the taxpayer will be notified of the untimeliness of the request and offered an equivalent hearing. In such cases, the taxpayer may obtain an equivalent hearing without submitting an additional request. See paragraph (i) of this section.

Q-C8. When must a taxpayer request a CDP hearing with respect to a substitute CDP Notice?

A-C8. A CDP hearing with respect to a substitute CDP Notice must be requested in writing by the taxpayer prior to the end of the 30-day period commencing the day after the date of the substitute CDP Notice.

Q-C9. Can taxpayers attempt to resolve the matter of the NFTL with an officer or employee of the IRS office collecting the tax or filing the NFTL either before or after requesting a CDP hearing?

A-C9. Yes. Taxpayers are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the IRS office collecting the tax or filing the NFTL, either before or after they request a CDP hearing. If such a discussion occurs before a request is made for a CDP hearing, the matter may be resolved without the need for Appeals consideration. However, these discussions do not suspend the running of the 30-day period, commencing the day after the end of the five business day notification period, within which the taxpayer is required to request a CDP hearing, nor do they extend that 30-day period. If discussions occur after the request for a CDP hearing is filed and the taxpayer resolves the matter with the IRS office collecting the tax or filing the NFTL, the taxpayer may withdraw in writing the request that a CDP hearing be conducted by Appeals. The taxpayer can also waive in writing some or all of the requirements regarding the contents of the Notice of Determination.

(3) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of this paragraph (c):

Example 1.A NFTL for a 1997 income tax liability assessed against individual A is filed in County X on June 17, 1999. The IRS mails a CDP Notice to individual A's last known address on June 18, 1999. Individual A has until July 26, 1999, a Monday, to request a CDP hearing. The five business day period within which the IRS is required to notify individual A of the filing of the NFTL in County X expires on June 24, 1999. The 30-day period within which individual A may request a CDP hearing begins on June 25, 1999. Because the 30-day period expires on July 24, 1999, a Saturday, individual A's written request for a CDP hearing will be considered timely if it is properly transmitted and addressed to the IRS in accordance with section 7502 and the regulations thereunder no later than July 26, 1999. Example 2.Same facts as in Example 1, except that individual A is on vacation, outside the United States, or otherwise does not receive or read the CDP Notice until July 19, 1999. As in Example 1, individual A has until July 26, 1999, to request a CDP hearing. If individual A does not request a CDP hearing, individual A may request an equivalent hearing as to the NFTL at a later time. The taxpayer should make a request for an equivalent hearing at the earliest possible time. Example 3.Same facts as in Example 2, except that individual A does not receive or read the CDP Notice until after July 26, 1999, and does not request a hearing by July 26, 1999. Individual A is not entitled to a CDP hearing. Individual A may request an equivalent hearing as to the NFTL at a later time. The taxpayer should make a request for an equivalent hearing at the earliest possible time. Example 4.Same facts as in Example 1, except the IRS determines that the CDP Notice mailed on June 18, 1999, was not mailed to individual A's last known address. As soon as practicable after making this determination, the IRS will mail a substitute CDP Notice to individual A at individual A's last known address, hand deliver the substitute CDP Notice to individual A, or leave the substitute CDP Notice at individual A's dwelling or usual place of business. Individual A will have 30 days commencing on the day after the date of the substitute CDP Notice within which to request a CDP hearing.

(d) Conduct of CDP hearing—(1) In general. If a taxpayer requests a CDP hearing under section 6320(a)(3)(B) (and does not withdraw that request), the CDP hearing will be held with Appeals. The taxpayer is entitled under section 6320 to a CDP hearing for the unpaid tax and tax periods set forth in a NFTL only with respect to the first filing of a NFTL on or after January 19, 1999. To the extent practicable, the CDP hearing requested under section 6320 will be held in conjunction with any CDP hearing the taxpayer requests under section 6330. A CDP hearing will be conducted by an employee or officer of Appeals who, prior to the first CDP hearing under section 6320 or section 6330, has had no involvement with respect to the unpaid tax for the tax periods to be covered by the hearing, unless the taxpayer waives this requirement.

(2) Questions and answers. The questions and answers illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (d) as follows:

Q-D1. Under what circumstances can a taxpayer receive more than one CDP hearing under section 6320 with respect to a tax period?

A-D1. The taxpayer may receive more than one CDP hearing under section 6320 with respect to a tax period where the tax involved is a different type of tax (for example, an employment tax liability, where the original CDP hearing for the tax period involved an income tax liability), or where the same type of tax for the same period is involved, but where the amount of the unpaid tax has changed as a result of an additional assessment of tax (not including interest or penalties) for that period or an additional accuracy-related or filing-delinquency penalty has been assessed. The taxpayer is not entitled to another CDP hearing under section 6320 if the additional assessment represents accruals of interest, accruals of penalties, or both.

Q-D2. Will a CDP hearing with respect to one tax period be combined with a CDP hearing with respect to another tax period?

A-D2. To the extent practicable, a CDP hearing with respect to one tax period shown on the NFTL will be combined with any and all other CDP hearings which the taxpayer has requested.

Q-D3. Will a CDP hearing under section 6320 be combined with a CDP hearing under section 6330?

A-D3. To the extent practicable, a CDP hearing under section 6320 will be held in conjunction with a CDP hearing under section 6330.

Q-D4. What is considered to be prior involvement by an employee or officer of Appeals with respect to the unpaid tax and tax period involved in the hearing?

A-D4. Prior involvement by an Appeals officer or employee includes participation or involvement in a matter (other than a CDP hearing held under either section 6320 or section 6330) that the taxpayer may have had with respect to the tax and tax period shown on the CDP Notice. Prior involvement exists only when the taxpayer, the tax and the tax period at issue in the CDP hearing also were at issue in the prior non-CDP matter, and the Appeals officer or employee actually participated in the prior matter.

Q-D5. How can a taxpayer waive the requirement that the officer or employee of Appeals have no prior involvement with respect to the tax and tax periods involved in the CDP hearing?

A-D5. The taxpayer must sign a written waiver.

Q-D6. How are CDP hearings conducted?

A-D6. The formal hearing procedures required under the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 551 et seq., do not apply to CDP hearings. CDP hearings are much like Collection Appeal Program (CAP) hearings in that they are informal in nature and do not require the Appeals officer or employee and the taxpayer, or the taxpayer's representative, to hold a face-to-face meeting. A CDP hearing may, but is not required to, consist of a face-to-face meeting, one or more written or oral communications between an Appeals officer or employee and the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative, or some combination thereof. A transcript or recording of any face-to-face meeting or conversation between an Appeals officer or employee and the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative is not required. The taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative does not have the right to subpoena and examine witnesses at a CDP hearing.

Q-D7. If a taxpayer wants a face-to-face CDP hearing, where will it be held?

A-D7. Except as provided in A-D8 of this paragraph (d)(2), a taxpayer who presents in the CDP hearing request relevant, non-frivolous reasons for disagreement with the NFTL filing will ordinarily be offered an opportunity for a face-to-face conference at the Appeals office closest to taxpayer's residence. A business taxpayer will ordinarily be offered an opportunity for a face-to-face conference at the Appeals office closest to the taxpayer's principal place of business. If that is not satisfactory to the taxpayer, the taxpayer will be given an opportunity for a hearing by telephone or by correspondence. In all cases, the Appeals officer or employee will review the case file, as described in A-F4 of paragraph (f)(2). If no face-to-face or telephonic conference is held, or other oral communication takes place, review of the documents in the case file, as described in A-F4 of paragraph (f)(2), will constitute the CDP hearing for purposes of section 6320(b).

Q-D8. In what circumstances will a face-to-face CDP conference not be granted?

A-D8. A taxpayer is not entitled to a face-to-face CDP conference at a location other than as provided in A-D7 of this paragraph (d)(2) and this A-D8. If all Appeals officers or employees at the location provided for in A-D7 of this paragraph (d)(2) have had prior involvement with the taxpayer as provided in A-D4 of this paragraph (d)(2), the taxpayer will not be offered a face-to-face conference at that location, unless the taxpayer elects to waive the requirement of section 6320(b)(3). The taxpayer will be offered a face-to-face conference at another Appeals office if Appeals would have offered the taxpayer a face-to-face conference at the location provided in A-D7 of this paragraph (d)(2), but for the disqualification of all Appeals officers or employees at that location. A face-to-face CDP conference concerning a taxpayer's underlying liability will not be granted if the request for a hearing or other taxpayer communication indicates that the taxpayer wishes only to raise irrelevant or frivolous issues concerning that liability. A face-to-face CDP conference concerning a collection alternative, such as an installment agreement or an offer to compromise liability, will not be granted unless other taxpayers would be eligible for the alternative in similar circumstances. For example, because the IRS does not consider offers to compromise from taxpayers who have not filed required returns or have not made certain required deposits of tax, as set forth in Form 656, “Offer in Compromise,” no face-to-face conference will be granted to a taxpayer who wishes to make an offer to compromise but has not fulfilled those obligations. Appeals in its discretion, however, may grant a face-to-face conference if Appeals determines that a face-to-face conference is appropriate to explain to the taxpayer the requirements for becoming eligible for a collection alternative. In all cases, a taxpayer will be given an opportunity to demonstrate eligibility for a collection alternative and to become eligible for a collection alternative, in order to obtain a face-to-face conference. For purposes of determining whether a face-to-face conference will be granted, the determination of a taxpayer's eligibility for a collection alternative is made without regard to the taxpayer's ability to pay the unpaid tax. A face-to-face conference need not be granted if the taxpayer does not provide the required information set forth in A-C1(ii)(E) of paragraph (c)(2). See also A-C1(iii) of paragraph (c)(2).

(3) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of this paragraph (d):

Example 1.Individual A timely requests a CDP hearing concerning a NFTL filed with respect to the 1998 income tax liability assessed against individual A. Appeals employee B previously conducted a CDP hearing regarding a proposed levy for individual A's 1998 income tax liability. Because employee B's only prior involvement with individual A's 1998 income tax liability was in connection with a section 6330 CDP hearing, employee B may conduct the CDP hearing under section 6320 involving the NFTL filed for the 1998 income tax liability. Example 2.Individual C timely requests a CDP hearing concerning a NFTL filed with respect to the 1998 income tax liability assessed against individual C. Appeals employee D previously conducted a Collection Appeals Program (CAP) hearing regarding a NFTL filed with respect to individual C's 1998 income tax liability. Because employee D's prior involvement with individual C's 1998 income tax liability was in connection with a non-CDP hearing, employee D may not conduct the CDP hearing under section 6320 unless individual C waives the requirement that the hearing will be conducted by an Appeals officer or employee who has had no prior involvement with respect to individual C's 1998 income tax liability. Example 3.Same facts as in Example 2, except that the prior CAP hearing only involved individual C's 1997 income tax liability and employment tax liabilities for 1998 reported on Form 941, “Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return.” Employee D would not be considered to have prior involvement because the prior CAP hearing in which she participated did not involve individual C's 1998 income tax liability. Example 4.Appeals employee F is assigned to a CDP hearing concerning a NFTL filed with respect to a trust fund recovery penalty (TFRP) assessed pursuant to section 6672 against individual E. Appeals employee F participated in a prior CAP hearing involving individual E's 1999 income tax liability, and participated in a CAP hearing involving the employment taxes of business entity X, which incurred the employment tax liability to which the TFRP assessed against individual E relates. Appeals employee F would not be considered to have prior involvement because the prior CAP hearings in which he participated did not directly involve the TFRP assessed against individual E. Example 5.Appeals employee G is assigned to a CDP hearing concerning a NFTL filed with respect to a TFRP assessed pursuant to section 6672 against individual H. In preparing for the CDP hearing, Appeals employee G reviews the Appeals case file concerning the prior CAP hearing involving the TFRP assessed pursuant to section 6672 against individual H. Appeals employee G is not deemed to have participated in the previous CAP hearing involving the TFRP assessed against individual H by such review.

(e) Matters considered at CDP hearing—(1) In general. Appeals will determine the timeliness of any request for a CDP hearing that is made by a taxpayer. Appeals has the authority to determine the validity, sufficiency, and timeliness of any CDP Notice given by the IRS and of any request for a CDP hearing that is made by a taxpayer. Prior to issuance of a determination, Appeals is required to obtain verification from the IRS office collecting the tax that the requirements of any applicable law or administrative procedure with respect to the filing of the NFTL have been met. The taxpayer may raise any relevant issue relating to the unpaid tax at the hearing, including appropriate spousal defenses, challenges to the appropriateness of the NFTL filing, and offers of collection alternatives. The taxpayer also may raise challenges to the existence or amount of the underlying liability, including a liability reported on a self-filed return, for any tax period specified on the CDP Notice if the taxpayer did not receive a statutory notice of deficiency for that tax liability or did not otherwise have an opportunity to dispute the tax liability. Finally, the taxpayer may not raise an issue that was raised and considered at a previous CDP hearing under section 6330 or in any other previous administrative or judicial proceeding if the taxpayer participated meaningfully in such hearing or proceeding. Taxpayers will be expected to provide all relevant information requested by Appeals, including financial statements, for its consideration of the facts and issues involved in the hearing.

(2) Spousal defenses. A taxpayer may raise any appropriate spousal defenses at a CDP hearing unless the Commissioner has already made a final determination as to spousal defenses in a statutory notice of deficiency or final determination letter. To claim a spousal defense under section 66 or section 6015, the taxpayer must do so in writing according to rules prescribed by the Commissioner or the Secretary. Spousal defenses raised under sections 66 and 6015 in a CDP hearing are governed in all respects by the provisions of sections 66 and section 6015 and the regulations and procedures thereunder.

(3) Questions and answers. The questions and answers illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (e) as follows:

Q-E1. What factors will Appeals consider in making its determination?

A-E1. Appeals will consider the following matters in making its determination:

(i) Whether the IRS met the requirements of any applicable law or administrative procedure.

(ii) Any issues appropriately raised by the taxpayer relating to the unpaid tax.

(iii) Any appropriate spousal defenses raised by the taxpayer.

(iv) Any challenges made by the taxpayer to the appropriateness of the NFTL filing.

(v) Any offers by the taxpayer for collection alternatives.

(vi) Whether the continued existence of the filed NFTL represents a balance between the need for the efficient collection of taxes and the legitimate concern of the taxpayer that any collection action be no more intrusive than necessary.

Q-E2. When is a taxpayer entitled to challenge the existence or amount of the tax liability specified in the CDP Notice?

A-E2. A taxpayer is entitled to challenge the existence or amount of the underlying liability for any tax period specified on the CDP Notice if the taxpayer did not receive a statutory notice of deficiency for such liability or did not otherwise have an opportunity to dispute such liability. Receipt of a statutory notice of deficiency for this purpose means receipt in time to petition the Tax Court for a redetermination of the deficiency determined in the notice of deficiency. An opportunity to dispute the underlying liability includes a prior opportunity for a conference with Appeals that was offered either before or after the assessment of the liability. An opportunity for a conference with Appeals prior to the assessment of a tax subject to deficiency procedures is not a prior opportunity for this purpose.

Q-E3. Are spousal defenses subject to the limitations imposed under section 6330(c)(2)(B) on a taxpayer's right to challenge the tax liability specified in the CDP Notice at a CDP hearing?

A-E3. The limitations imposed under section 6330(c)(2)(B) do not apply to spousal defenses. When a taxpayer asserts a spousal defense, the taxpayer is not disputing the amount or existence of the liability itself, but asserting a defense to the liability which may or may not be disputed. A spousal defense raised under section 66 or section 6015 is governed by section 66 or section 6015 and the regulations and procedures thereunder. Any limitation under those sections, regulations, and procedures therefore will apply.

Q-E4. May a taxpayer raise at a CDP hearing a spousal defense under section 66 or section 6015 if that defense was raised and considered administratively and the Commissioner has issued a statutory notice of deficiency or final determination letter addressing the spousal defense?

A-E4. No. A taxpayer is precluded from raising a spousal defense at a CDP hearing when the Commissioner has made a final determination under section 66 or section 6015 in a final determination letter or statutory notice of deficiency. However, a taxpayer may raise spousal defenses in a CDP hearing when the taxpayer has previously raised spousal defenses, but the Commissioner has not yet made a final determination regarding this issue.

Q-E5. May a taxpayer raise at a CDP hearing a spousal defense under section 66 or section 6015 if that defense was raised and considered in a prior judicial proceeding that has become final?

A-E5. No. A taxpayer is precluded by the doctrine of res judicata and by the specific limitations under section 66 or section 6015 from raising a spousal defense in a CDP hearing under these circumstances.

Q-E6. What collection alternatives are available to the taxpayer?

A-E6. Collection alternatives include, for example, a proposal to withdraw the NFTL in circumstances that will facilitate the collection of the tax liability, subordination of the NFTL, discharge of the NFTL from specific property, an installment agreement, an offer to compromise, the posting of a bond, or the substitution of other assets. A collection alternative is not available unless the alternative would be available to other taxpayers in similar circumstances. See A-D8 of paragraph (d)(2).

Q-E7. What issues may a taxpayer raise in a CDP hearing under section 6320 if the taxpayer previously received a notice under section 6330 with respect to the same tax and tax period and did not request a CDP hearing with respect to that notice?

A-E7. The taxpayer may raise appropriate spousal defenses, challenges to the appropriateness of the NFTL filing, and offers of collection alternatives. The existence or amount of the underlying liability for any tax period specified in the CDP Notice may be challenged only if the taxpayer did not have a prior opportunity to dispute the tax liability. If the taxpayer previously received a CDP Notice under section 6330 with respect to the same tax and tax period and did not request a CDP hearing with respect to that earlier CDP Notice, the taxpayer had a prior opportunity to dispute the existence or amount of the underlying tax liability.

Q-E8. How will Appeals issue its determination?

A-E8. (i) Taxpayers will be sent a dated Notice of Determination by certified or registered mail. The Notice of Determination will set forth Appeals' findings and decisions. It will state whether the IRS met the requirements of any applicable law or administrative procedure; it will resolve any issues appropriately raised by the taxpayer relating to the unpaid tax; it will include a decision on any appropriate spousal defenses raised by the taxpayer; it will include a decision on any challenges made by the taxpayer to the appropriateness of the NFTL filing; it will respond to any offers by the taxpayer for collection alternatives; and it will address whether the continued existence of the filed NFTL represents a balance between the need for the efficient collection of taxes and the legitimate concern of the taxpayer that any collection action be no more intrusive than necessary. The Notice of Determination will also set forth any agreements that Appeals reached with the taxpayer, any relief given the taxpayer, and any actions the taxpayer or the IRS are required to take. Lastly, the Notice of Determination will advise the taxpayer of the taxpayer's right to seek judicial review within 30 days of the date of the Notice of Determination.

(ii) Because taxpayers are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the IRS office collecting the tax or filing the NFTL, certain matters that might have been raised at a CDP hearing may be resolved without the need for Appeals consideration. Unless, as a result of these discussions, the taxpayer agrees in writing to withdraw the request that Appeals conduct a CDP hearing, Appeals will still issue a Notice of Determination. The taxpayer can, however, waive in writing Appeals' consideration of some or all of the matters it would otherwise consider in making its determination.

Q-E9. Is there a period of time within which Appeals must conduct a CDP hearing or issue a Notice of Determination?

A-E9. No. Appeals will, however, attempt to conduct a CDP hearing and issue a Notice of Determination as expeditiously as possible under the circumstances.

Q-E10. Why is the Notice of Determination and its date important?

A-E10. The Notice of Determination will set forth Appeals' findings and decisions with respect to the matters set forth in A-E1 of this paragraph (e)(3). The 30-day period within which the taxpayer is permitted to seek judicial review of Appeals' determination commences the day after the date of the Notice of Determination.

Q-E11. If an Appeals officer considers the merits of a taxpayer's liability in a CDP hearing when the taxpayer had previously received a statutory notice of deficiency or otherwise had an opportunity to dispute the liability prior to the NFTL, will the Appeals officer's determination regarding those liability issues be considered part of the Notice of Determination?

A-E11. No. An Appeals officer may consider the existence and amount of the underlying tax liability as a part of the CDP hearing only if the taxpayer did not receive a statutory notice of deficiency for the tax liability in question or otherwise have a prior opportunity to dispute the tax liability. Similarly, an Appeals officer may not consider any other issue if the issue was raised and considered at a previous hearing under section 6330 or in any other previous administrative or judicial proceeding in which the person seeking to raise the issue meaningfully participated. In the Appeals officer's sole discretion, however, the Appeals officer may consider the existence or amount of the underlying tax liability, or such other precluded issues, at the same time as the CDP hearing. Any determination, however, made by the Appeals officer with respect to such a precluded issue shall not be treated as part of the Notice of Determination issued by the Appeals officer and will not be subject to any judicial review. Because any decisions made by the Appeals officer on such precluded issues are not properly a part of the CDP hearing, such decisions are not required to appear in the Notice of Determination issued following the hearing. Even if a decision concerning such precluded issues is referred to in the Notice of Determination, it is not reviewable by the Tax Court because the precluded issue is not properly part of the CDP hearing.

(4) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of this paragraph (e):

Example 1.The IRS sends a statutory notice of deficiency to the taxpayer at his last known address asserting a deficiency for the tax year 1995. The taxpayer receives the notice of deficiency in time to petition the Tax Court for a redetermination of the asserted deficiency. The taxpayer does not timely file a petition with the Tax Court. The taxpayer is precluded from challenging the existence or amount of the tax liability in a subsequent CDP hearing. Example 2.Same facts as in Example 1, except the taxpayer does not receive the notice of deficiency in time to petition the Tax Court and did not have another prior opportunity to dispute the tax liability. The taxpayer is not precluded from challenging the existence or amount of the tax liability in a subsequent CDP hearing. Example 3.The IRS properly assesses a trust fund recovery penalty against the taxpayer. The IRS offers the taxpayer the opportunity for a conference with Appeals at which the taxpayer would have the opportunity to dispute the assessed liability. The taxpayer declines the opportunity to participate in such a conference. The taxpayer is precluded from challenging the existence or amount of the tax liability in a subsequent CDP hearing.

(f) Judicial review of Notice of Determination—(1) In general. Unless the taxpayer provides the IRS a written withdrawal of the request that Appeals conduct a CDP hearing, Appeals is required to issue a Notice of Determination in all cases where a taxpayer has timely requested a CDP hearing. The taxpayer may appeal such determinations made by Appeals within the 30-day period commencing the day after the date of the Notice of Determination to the Tax Court.

(2) Questions and answers. The questions and answers illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (f) as follows:

Q-F1. What must a taxpayer do to obtain judicial review of a Notice of Determination?

A-F1. Subject to the jurisdictional limitations described in A-F2 of this paragraph (f)(2), the taxpayer must, within the 30-day period commencing the day after the date of the Notice of Determination, appeal the determination by Appeals to the Tax Court.

Q-F2. With respect to the relief available to the taxpayer under section 6015, what is the time frame within which a taxpayer may seek Tax Court review of Appeals' determination following a CDP hearing?

A-F2. If the taxpayer seeks Tax Court review not only of Appeals' denial of relief under section 6015, but also of relief requested with respect to other issues raised in the CDP hearing, the taxpayer should request Tax Court review within the 30-day period commencing the day after the date of the Notice of Determination. If the taxpayer only seeks Tax Court review of Appeals' denial of relief under section 6015, then the taxpayer should request Tax Court review, as provided by section 6015(e), within 90 days of Appeals' determination. If a request for Tax Court review is filed after the 30-day period for seeking judicial review under section 6320, then only the taxpayer's section 6015 claims may be reviewable by the Tax Court.

Q-F3. What issue or issues may the taxpayer raise before the Tax Court if the taxpayer disagrees with the Notice of Determination?

A-F3. In seeking Tax Court review of a Notice of Determination, the taxpayer can only ask the court to consider an issue, including a challenge to the underlying tax liability, that was properly raised in the taxpayer's CDP hearing. An issue is not properly raised if the taxpayer fails to request consideration of the issue by Appeals, or if consideration is requested but the taxpayer fails to present to Appeals any evidence with respect to that issue after being given a reasonable opportunity to present such evidence.

Q-F4. What is the administrative record for purposes of Tax Court review?

A-F4. The case file, including the taxpayer's request for hearing, any other written communications and information from the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative submitted in connection with the CDP hearing, notes made by an Appeals officer or employee of any oral communications with the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative, memoranda created by the Appeals officer or employee in connection with the CDP hearing, and any other documents or materials relied upon by the Appeals officer or employee in making the determination under section 6330(c)(3), will constitute the record in the Tax Court review of the Notice of Determination issued by Appeals.

(g) Effect of request for CDP hearing and judicial review on periods of limitation and collection activity—(1) In general. The periods of limitation under section 6502 (relating to collection after assessment), section 6531 (relating to criminal prosecutions), and section 6532 (relating to suits) are suspended until the date the IRS receives the taxpayer's written withdrawal of the request for a CDP hearing by Appeals or the determination resulting from the CDP hearing becomes final by expiration of the time for seeking judicial review or the exhaustion of any rights to appeals following judicial review. In no event shall any of these periods of limitation expire before the 90th day after the date on which the IRS receives the taxpayer's written withdrawal of the request that Appeals conduct a CDP hearing or the determination with respect to such hearing becomes final upon either the expiration of the time for seeking judicial review or upon exhaustion of any rights to appeals following judicial review.

(2) Questions and answers. The questions and answers illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (g) as follows:

Q-G1. For what period of time will the periods of limitation under sections 6502, 6531, and 6532 remain suspended if the taxpayer timely requests a CDP hearing concerning the filing of a NFTL?

A-G1. The suspension period commences on the date the IRS receives the taxpayer's written request for a CDP hearing. The suspension period continues until the IRS receives a written withdrawal by the taxpayer of the request for a CDP hearing or the Notice of Determination resulting from the CDP hearing becomes final. In no event shall any of these periods of limitation expire before the 90th day after the day on which the IRS receives the taxpayer's written withdrawal of the request that Appeals conduct a CDP hearing or there is a final determination with respect to such hearing. The periods of limitation that are suspended under section 6320 are those which apply to the taxes and the tax period or periods to which the CDP Notice relates.

Q-G2. For what period of time will the periods of limitation under sections 6502, 6531, and 6532 be suspended if the taxpayer does not request a CDP hearing concerning the filing of a NFTL, or the taxpayer requests a CDP hearing, but his request is not timely?

A-G2. Under either of these circumstances, section 6320 does not provide for a suspension of the periods of limitation.

Q-G3. What, if any, enforcement actions can the IRS take during the suspension period?

A-G3. Section 6330(e), made applicable to section 6320 CDP hearings by section 6320(c), provides for the suspension of the periods of limitation discussed in paragraph (g)(1) of these regulations. Section 6330(e) also provides that levy actions that are the subject of the requested CDP hearing under that section shall be suspended during the same period. Levy actions, however, are not the subject of a CDP hearing under section 6320. The IRS may levy for tax periods and taxes covered by the CDP Notice under section 6320 and for other taxes and periods if the CDP requirements under section 6330 for those taxes and periods have been satisfied. The IRS also may file NFTLs for tax periods or taxes not covered by the CDP Notice, may file a NFTL for the same tax and tax period stated on the CDP Notice at another recording office, and may take other non-levy collection actions such as initiating judicial proceedings to collect the tax shown on the CDP Notice or offsetting overpayments from other periods, or of other taxes, against the tax shown on the CDP Notice. Moreover, the provisions in section 6330 do not apply when the IRS levies for the tax and tax period shown on the CDP Notice to collect a state tax refund due the taxpayer, or determines that collection of the tax is in jeopardy. Finally, section 6330 does not prohibit the IRS from accepting any voluntary payments made for the tax and tax period stated on the CDP Notice.

(3) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of this paragraph (g):

Example 1.The period of limitation under section 6502 with respect to the taxpayer's tax period listed in the NFTL will expire on August 1, 1999. The IRS sent a CDP Notice to the taxpayer on April 30, 1999. The taxpayer timely requested a CDP hearing. The IRS received this request on May 15, 1999. Appeals sends the taxpayer its determination on June 15, 1999. The taxpayer timely seeks judicial review of that determination. The period of limitation under section 6502 would be suspended from May 15, 1999, until the determination resulting from that hearing becomes final by expiration of the time for seeking review or reconsideration before the Tax Court, plus 90 days.

(h) Retained jurisdiction of Appeals—(1) In general. The Appeals office that makes a determination under section 6320 retains jurisdiction over that determination, including any subsequent administrative hearings that may be requested by the taxpayer regarding the NFTL and any collection actions taken or proposed with respect to Appeals' determination. Once a taxpayer has exhausted his other remedies, Appeals' retained jurisdiction permits it to consider whether a change in the taxpayer's circumstances affects its original determination. Where a taxpayer alleges a change in circumstances that affects Appeals' original determination, Appeals may consider whether changed circumstances warrant a change in its earlier determination.

(2) Questions and answers. The questions and answers illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (h) as follows:

Q-H1. Are the periods of limitation suspended during the course of any subsequent Appeals consideration of the matters raised by a taxpayer when the taxpayer invokes the retained jurisdiction of Appeals under section 6330(d)(2)(A) or (d)(2)(B)?

A-H1. No. Under section 6320(b)(2), a taxpayer is entitled to only one CDP hearing under section 6320 with respect to the tax and tax period or periods specified in the CDP Notice. Any subsequent consideration by Appeals pursuant to its retained jurisdiction is not a continuation of the original CDP hearing and does not suspend the periods of limitation.

Q-H2. Is a decision of Appeals resulting from a retained jurisdiction hearing appealable to the Tax Court?

A-H2. No. As discussed in A-H1, a taxpayer is entitled to only one CDP hearing under section 6320 with respect to the tax and tax period or periods specified in the CDP Notice. Only determinations resulting from CDP hearings are appealable to the Tax Court.

(i) Equivalent hearing—(1) In general. A taxpayer who fails to make a timely request for a CDP hearing is not entitled to a CDP hearing. Such a taxpayer may nevertheless request an administrative hearing with Appeals, which is referred to herein as an “equivalent hearing.” The equivalent hearing will be held by Appeals and generally will follow Appeals' procedures for a CDP hearing. Appeals will not, however, issue a Notice of Determination. Under such circumstances, Appeals will issue a Decision Letter.

(2) Questions and answers. The questions and answers illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (i) as follows:

Q-I1. What must a taxpayer do to obtain an equivalent hearing?

A-I1. (i) A request for an equivalent hearing must be made in writing. A written request in any form that requests an equivalent hearing will be acceptable if it includes the information and signature required in A-I1(ii) of this paragraph (i)(2).

(ii) The request must be dated and must include the following:

(A) The taxpayer's name, address, daytime telephone number (if any), and taxpayer identification number (e.g., SSN, ITIN or EIN).

(B) The type of tax involved.

(C) The tax period at issue.

(D) A statement that the taxpayer is requesting an equivalent hearing with Appeals concerning the filing of the NFTL.

(E) The reason or reasons why the taxpayer disagrees with the filing of the NFTL.

(F) The signature of the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative.

(iii) The taxpayer must perfect any timely written request for an equivalent hearing that does not satisfy the requirements set forth in A-I1(ii) of this paragraph (i)(2) within a reasonable period of time after a request from the IRS. If the requirements are not satisfied within a reasonable period of time, the taxpayer's equivalent hearing request will be denied.

(iv) The taxpayer must affirm any timely written request for an equivalent hearing that is signed or alleged to have been signed on the taxpayer's behalf by the taxpayer's spouse or other unauthorized representative, and that otherwise meets the requirements set forth in A-I1(ii) of this paragraph (i)(2), by filing, within a reasonable period of time after a request from the IRS, a signed written affirmation that the request was originally submitted on the taxpayer's behalf. If the affirmation is filed within a reasonable period of time after a request, the timely equivalent hearing request will be considered timely with respect to the non-signing taxpayer. If the affirmation is not filed within a reasonable period of time, the equivalent hearing request will be denied with respect to the non-signing taxpayer.

Q-I2. What issues will Appeals consider at an equivalent hearing?

A-I2. In an equivalent hearing, Appeals will consider the same issues that it would have considered at a CDP hearing on the same matter.

Q-I3. Are the periods of limitation under sections 6502, 6531, and 6532 suspended if the taxpayer does not timely request a CDP hearing and is subsequently given an equivalent hearing?

A-I3. No. The suspension period provided for in section 6330(e) relates only to hearings requested within the 30-day period that commences on the day after the end of the five business day period following the filing of the NFTL, that is, CDP hearings.

Q-I4. Will collection action, including the filing of additional NFTLs, be suspended if a taxpayer requests and receives an equivalent hearing?

A-I4. Collection action is not required to be suspended. Accordingly, the decision to take collection action during the pendency of an equivalent hearing will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Appeals may request the IRS office with responsibility for collecting the taxes to suspend all or some collection action or to take other appropriate action if it determines that such action is appropriate or necessary under the circumstances.

Q-I5. What will the Decision Letter state?

A-I5. The Decision Letter will generally contain the same information as a Notice of Determination.

Q-I6. Will a taxpayer be able to obtain Tax Court review of a decision made by Appeals with respect to an equivalent hearing?

A-I6. Section 6320 does not authorize a taxpayer to appeal the decision of Appeals with respect to an equivalent hearing. A taxpayer may under certain circumstances be able to seek Tax Court review of Appeals' denial of relief under section 6015. Such review must be sought within 90 days of the issuance of Appeals' determination on those issues, as provided by section 6015(e).

Q-I7. When must a taxpayer request an equivalent hearing with respect to a CDP Notice issued under section 6320?

A-I7. A taxpayer must submit a written request for an equivalent hearing within the one-year period commencing the day after the end of the five-business-day period following the filing of the NFTL. This period is slightly different from the period for submitting a written request for an equivalent hearing with respect to a CDP Notice issued under section 6330. For a CDP Notice issued under section 6330, a taxpayer must submit a written request for an equivalent hearing within the one-year period commencing the day after the date of the CDP Notice issued under section 6330.

Q-I8. How will the timeliness of a taxpayer's written request for an equivalent hearing be determined?

A-I8. The rules and regulations under section 7502 and section 7503 will apply to determine the timeliness of the taxpayer's request for an equivalent hearing, if properly transmitted and addressed as provided in A-I10 of this paragraph (i)(2).

Q-I9. Is the one-year period within which a taxpayer must make a request for an equivalent hearing extended because the taxpayer resides outside the United States?

A-I9. No. All taxpayers who want an equivalent hearing concerning the filing of the NFTL must request the hearing within the one-year period commencing the day after the end of the five-business-day period following the filing of the NFTL.

Q-I10. Where must the written request for an equivalent hearing be sent?

A-I10. The written request for an equivalent hearing must be sent, or hand delivered (if permitted), to the IRS office and address as directed on the CDP Notice. If the address of the issuing office does not appear on the CDP Notice, the taxpayer should obtain the address of the office to which the written request should be sent or hand delivered by calling, toll-free, 1-800-829-1040 and providing the taxpayer's identification number (e.g., SSN, ITIN or EIN).

QI11. What will happen if the taxpayer does not request an equivalent hearing in writing within the one-year period commencing the day after the end of the five-business-day period following the filing of the NFTL?

AI11. If the taxpayer does not request an equivalent hearing with Appeals within the one-year period commencing the day after the end of the five-business-day period following the filing of the NFTL, the taxpayer foregoes the right to an equivalent hearing with respect to the unpaid tax and tax periods shown on the CDP Notice. A written request submitted within the one-year period that does not satisfy the requirements set forth in A-I1(ii) of this paragraph (i)(2) is considered timely if the request is perfected within a reasonable period of time pursuant to A-I1(iii) of this paragraph (i)(2). If a request for equivalent hearing is untimely, either because the request was not submitted within the one-year period or not perfected within the reasonable period provided, the equivalent hearing request will be denied. The taxpayer, however, may seek reconsideration by the IRS office collecting the tax, assistance from the National Taxpayer Advocate, or an administrative hearing before Appeals under its Collection Appeals Program or any successor program.

(j) Effective date. This section is applicable on or after November 16, 2006, with respect to requests made for CDP hearings or equivalent hearings on or after November 16, 2006.

[T.D. 8979, 67 FR 2561, Jan. 18, 2002, as amended by T.D. 9290, 71 FR 60839, Oct. 17, 2006]
§ 301.6321-1 - Lien for taxes.

If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the same after demand, the amount (including any interest, additional amount, addition to tax, or assessable penalty, together with any costs that may accrue in addition thereto) shall be a lien in favor of the United States upon all property and rights to property, whether real or personal, tangible or intangible, belonging to such person. For purposes of section 6321 and this section, the term “any tax” shall include a State individual income tax which is a “qualified tax”, as defined in paragraph (b) of § 301.6361-4. The lien attaches to all property and rights to property belonging to such person at any time during the period of the lien, including any property or rights to property acquired by such person after the lien arises. Solely for purposes of sections 6321 and 6331, any interest in restricted land held in trust by the United States for an individual noncompetent Indian (and not for a tribe) shall not be deemed to be property, or a right to property, belonging to such Indian. For the method of allocating amounts collected pursuant to a lien between the Federal Government and a State or States imposing a qualified tax with respect to which the lien attached, see paragraph (f) of § 301.6361-1. For the special lien for estate and gift taxes, see section 6324 and § 301.6324-1

[T.D. 7577, 43 FR 59361, Dec. 20, 1978]
§ 301.6323(a)-1 - Purchasers, holders of security interests, mechanic's lienors, and judgment lien creditors.

(a) Invalidity of lien without notice. The lien imposed by section 6321 is not valid against any purchaser (as defined in paragraph (f) of § 301.6323(h)—1), holder of a security interest (as defined in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(h)—1), mechanic's lienor (as defined in paragraph (b) of § 301.6323(h)-1), or judgment lien creditor (as defined in paragraph (g) of § 301.6323(h)-1) until a notice of lien is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1). Except as provided by section 6323, if a person becomes a purchaser, holder of a security interest, mechanic's lienor, or judgment lien creditor after a notice of lien is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the interest acquired by such person is subject to the lien imposed by section 6321.

(b) Cross references. For provisions relating to the protection afforded a security interest arising after tax lien filing, which interest is covered by a commercial transactions financing agreement, real property construction or improvement financing agreement, or an obligatory disbursement agreement, see §§ 301.6323(c)-1, 301.6323(c)-2, and 301.6323(c)-3, respectively. For provisions relating to the protection afforded to a security interest coming into existence by virtue of disbursements, made before the 46th day after the date of tax lien filing, see § 301.6323(d)-1. For provisions relating to priority afforded to interest and certain other expenses with respect to a lien or security interest having priority over the lien imposed by section 6321, see § 301.6323(e)-1. For provisions relating to certain other interests arising after tax lien filing, see § 301.6323(b)-1.

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35498, Aug. 23, 1976]
§ 301.6323(b)-1 - Protection for certain interests even though notice filed.

(a) Securities—(1) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid with respect to a security (as defined in paragraph (d) of § 301.6323(h)-1) against—

(i) A purchaser (as defined in paragraph (f) of § 301.6323(h)-1) of the security who at the time of purchase did not have actual notice or knowledge (as defined in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(i)-1) of the existence of the lien;

(ii) A holder of a security interest (as defined in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(h)-1) in the security who did not have actual notice or knowledge (as defined in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(i)-1) of the existence of the lien at the time the security interest came into existence or at the time such security interest was acquired from a previous holder for a consideration in money or money's worth; or

(iii) A transferee of an interest protected under subdivision (i) or (ii) of this subparagraph to the same extent the lien is invalid against his transferor.

For purposes of subdivision (iii) of this subparagraph, no person can improve his position with respect to the lien by reacquiring the interest from an intervening purchaser or holder of a security interest against whom the lien is invalid.

(2) Examples. The application of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.On May 1, 1969, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed with respect to A's delinquent tax liability. On May 20, 1969. A sells 100 shares of common stock in X corporation to B, who, on the date of the sale, does not have actual notice or knowledge of the existence of the lien. Because B purchased the stock without actual notice or knowledge of the lien, under subdivision (i) of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, the stock purchased by B is not subject to the lien. Example 2.Assume the same facts as in example 1 except that on May 30, 1969, B sells the 100 shares of common stock in X corporation to C who on May 5, 1969, had actual notice of the existence of the tax lien against A. Because the X stock when purchased by B was not subject to the lien, under subdivision (iii) of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, the stock purchased by C is not subject to the lien. C succeeds to B's rights, even though C had actual notice of the lien before B's purchase. Example 3.On June 1, 1970, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed with respect to D's delinquent tax liability. D owns 20 $1,000 bonds issued by the Y company. On June 10, 1970, D obtains a loan from M bank for $5,000 using the Y company bonds as collateral. At the time the loan is made M bank does not have actual notice or knowledge of the existence of the tax lien. Because M bank did not have actual notice or knowledge of the lien when the security interest came into existence, under subdivision (ii) of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, the tax lien is not valid against M bank to the extent of its security interest. Example 4.Assume the same facts as in example 3 except that on June 19, 1970, M bank assigns the chose in action and its security interest to N, who had actual notice or knowledge of the existence of the lien on June 1, 1970. Because the security interest was not subject to the lien to the extent of M bank's security interest, the security interest held by N is to the same extent entitled to priority over the tax lien because N succeeds to M bank's rights. See subdivision (iii) of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph. Example 5.On July 1, 1970, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed with respect to E's delinquent tax liability. E owns ten $1,000 bonds issued by the Y company. On July 5, 1970, E borrows $4,000 from F and delivers the bonds to F as collateral for the loan. At the time the loan is made, F has actual knowledge of the existence of the tax lien and, therefore, holds the security interest subject to the lien on the bonds. On July 10, 1970, F sells the security interest to G for $4,000 and delivers the Y company bonds pledged as collateral. G does not have actual notice or knowledge of the existence of the lien on July 10, 1970. Because G did not have actual notice or knowledge of the lien at the time he purchased the security interest, under subdivision (ii) of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, the tax lien is not valid against G to the extent of his security interest. Example 6.Assume the same facts as in example 5 except that, instead of purchasing the security interest from F on July 10, 1970, G lends $4,000 to F and takes a security interest in F's security interest in the bonds on that date. Because G became the holder of a security interest in a security interest after notice of lien was filed and does not directly have a security interest in a security, the security interest held by G is not entitled to a priority over the tax lien under the provisions of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph.

(b) Motor vehicles—(1) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid against a purchaser (as defined in paragraph (f) of § 301.6323(h)-1) of a motor vehicle (as defined in paragraph (c) of § 301.6323(h)-1) if—

(i) At the time of the purchase, the purchaser did not have actual notice or knowledge (as defined in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(i)-1) of the existence of the lien, and

(ii) Before the purchaser obtains such notice or knowledge, he has acquired actual possession of the motor vehicle and has not thereafter relinquished actual possession to the seller or his agent.

(2) Examples. The application of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.A, a delinquent taxpayer against whom a notice of tax lien has been filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, sells his automobile (which qualifies as a motor vehicle under paragraph (c) of § 301.6323(h)-1) to B, an automobile dealer. B takes actual possession of the automobile and does not thereafter relinquish actual possession to the seller or his agent. Subsequent to his purchase, B learns of the existence of the tax lien against A. Even though notice of lien was filed before the purchase, the lien is not valid against B, because B did not know of the existence of the lien before the purchase and before acquiring actual possession of the vehicle. Example 2.C is a wholesaler of used automobiles. A notice of lien has been filed with respect to C's delinquent tax liability in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. Subsequent to such filing, D, a used automobile dealer, purchases and takes actual possession of 20 automobiles (which qualify as motor vehicles under the provisions of paragraph (c) of § 301.6323(h)-1) from C at an auction and places them on his lot for sale. C does not reacquire possession of any of the automobiles. At the time of his purchase, D does not have actual notice or knowledge of the existence of the lien against C. Even though notice of lien was filed before D's purchase, the lien was not valid against D because D did not know of the existence of the lien before the purchase and before acquiring actual possession of the vehicles.

(3) Cross reference. For provisions relating to additional circumstances in which the lien imposed by section 6321 may not be valid against the purchaser of tangible personal property (including a motor vehicle) purchased at retail, see paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) Personal property purchased at retail—(1) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid against a purchaser (as defined in paragraph (f) of § 301.6323(h)-1) of tangible personal property purchased at a retail sale (as defined in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (c)) unless at the time of purchase the purchaser intends the purchase to (or knows that the purchase will) hinder, evade, or defeat the collection of any tax imposed by the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

(2) Definition of retail sale. For purposes of this paragraph, the term “retail sale” means a sale, made in the ordinary course of the seller's trade or business, of tangible personal property of which the seller is the owner. Such term includes a sale in customary retail quantities by a seller who is going out of business, but does not include a bulk sale or an auction sale in which goods are offered in quantities substantially greater than are customary in the ordinary course of the seller's trade or business or an auction sale of goods the owner of which is not in the business of selling such goods.

(3) Example. The application of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:

Example.A purchases a refrigerator from the M company, a retail appliance dealer. Prior to such purchase, a notice of lien was filed with respect to M's delinquent tax liability in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. At the time of the purchase A knows of the existence of the lien. However, A does not intend the purchase to hinder, evade, or defeat the collection of any internal revenue tax, and A does not have any reason to believe that the purchase will affect the collection of any internal revenue tax. Even though notice of lien was filed before the purchase, the lien is not valid against A because A in good faith purchased the refrigerator at retail in the ordinary course of the M company's business.

(d) Personal property purchased in casual sale—(1) In general. Even though a notice of lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid against a purchaser (as defined in § 301.6323(h)-1(f)) of household goods, personal effects, or other tangible personal property of a type described in § 301.6334-1 (which includes wearing apparel, school books, fuel, provisions, furniture, arms for personal use, livestock, and poultry (whether or not the seller is the head of a family); and books and tools of a trade, business, or profession (whether or not the trade, business, or profession of the seller)), purchased, other than for resale, in a casual sale for less than $1,380, effective for 2010 and adjusted each year based on the rate of inflation (excluding interest and expenses described in § 301.6323(e)-1).

(2) Limitation. This paragraph applies only if the purchaser does not have actual notice or knowledge (as defined in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(i)-1)—

(i) Of the existence of the tax lien, or

(ii) That the sale is one of a series of sales.

For purposes of subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, a sale is one of a series of sales if the seller plans to dispose of, in separate transactions, substantially all of his household goods, personal effects, and other tangible personal property described in § 301.6334-1.

(3) Examples. The application of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.A, an attorney's widow, sells a set of law books for $200 to B, for B's own use. Prior to the sale a notice of lien was filed with respect to A's delinquent tax liability in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. B has no actual notice or knowledge of the tax lien. In addition, B does not know that the sale is one of a series of sales. Because the sale is a casual sale for less than $1,380 and involves books of a profession (tangible personal property of a type described in § 301.6334-1, irrespective of the fact that A has never engaged in the legal profession), the tax lien is not valid against B even though a notice of lien was filed prior to the time of B's purchase. Example 2.Assume the same facts as in example 1 except that B purchases the books for resale in his second-hand bookstore. Because B purchased the books for resale, he purchased the books subject to the lien. Example 3.In an advertisement appearing in a local newspaper, G indicates that he is offering for sale a lawn mower, a used television set, a desk, a refrigerator, and certain used dining room furniture. In response to the advertisement, H purchases the dining room furniture for $200. H does not receive any information which would impart notice of a lien, or that the sale is one of a series of sales, beyond the information contained in the advertisement. Prior to the sale a notice of lien was filed with respect to G's delinquent tax liability in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. Because H had no actual notice or knowledge that substantially all of G's household goods were being sold or that the sale is one of a series of sales, and because the sale is a casual sale for less than $1,380, H does not purchase the dining room furniture subject to the lien. The household goods are of a type described in § 301.6334-1(a)(2) irrespective of whether G is the head of a family or whether all such household goods offered for sale exceed $8,250 in value.

(e) Personal property subject to possessory liens. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid against a holder of a lien on tangible personal property which under local law secures the reasonable price of the repair or improvement of the property if the property is, and has been, continuously in the possession of the holder of the lien from the time the possessory lien arose. For example, if local law gives an automobile repairman the right to retain possession of an automobile he has repaired as security for payment of the repair bill and the repairman retains continuous possession of the automobile until his lien is satisfied, a tax lien filed in accordance with section 6323(f)(1) which has attached to the automobile will not be valid to the extent of the reasonable price of the repairs. It is immaterial that the notice of tax lien was filed before the repairman undertook his work or that he knew of the lien before undertaking the work.

(f) Real property tax and special assessment liens—(1) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid against the holder of another lien upon the real property (regardless of when such other lien arises), if such other lien is entitled under local law to priority over security interests in real property which are prior in time and if such other lien on real property secures payment of—

(i) A tax of general application levied by any taxing authority based upon the value of the property;

(ii) A special assessment imposed directly upon the property by any taxing authority, if the assessment is imposed for the purpose of defraying the cost of any public improvement; or

(iii) Charges for utilities or public services furnished to the property by the United States, a State or political subdivision thereof, or an instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing.

(2) Examples. The application of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.A owns Blackacre in the city of M. A notice of lien affecting Blackacre is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. Subsequent to the filing of the notice of lien, the city of M acquires a lien against Blackacre to secure payment of real estate taxes. Such taxes are levied against all property in the city in proportion to the value of the property. Under local law, the holder of a lien for real property taxes is entitled to priority over a security interest in real property even though the security interest is prior in time. Because the real property tax lien held by the city of M secures payment of a tax of general application and is entitled to priority over security interests which are prior in time, the lien held by the city of M is entitled to priority over the Federal tax lien with respect to Blackacre. Example 2.B owns Whiteacre in N county. A notice of lien affecting Whiteacre is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. Subsequent to the filing of the notice of lien, N county constructs a sidewalk, paves the street, and installs water and sewer lines adjacent to Whiteacre. In order to defray the cost of these improvements, N county imposes upon Whiteacre a special assessment which under local law results in a lien upon Whiteacre that is entitled to priority over security interests that are prior in time. Because the special assessment lien is (i) entitled under local law to priority over security interests which are prior in time, and (ii) imposed directly upon real property to defray the cost of a public improvement, the special assessment lien has priority over the Federal tax lien with respect to Whiteacre. Example 3.C owns Greenacre in town O. A notice of lien affecting Greenacre is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. Town O furnishes water and electricity to Greenacre and periodically collects a fee for these services. Subsequent to the filing of the notice of lien, town O supplies water and electricity to Greenacre, and C fails to pay the charges for these services. Under local law, town O acquires a lien to secure charges for the services, and this lien has priority over security interests which are prior in time. Because the lien of town O (i) is for services furnished to the real property and (ii) has priority over earlier security interests, town O's lien has priority over the Federal tax lien with respect to Greenacre.

(g) Residential property subject to a mechanic's lien for certain repairs and improvements—(1) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid against a mechanic's lienor (as defined in § 301.6323(h)-1(b)) who holds a lien for the repair or improvement of a personal residence if—

(i) The residence is occupied by the owner and contains no more than four dwelling units; and

(ii) The contract price on the prime contract with the owner for the repair or improvement (excluding interest and expenses described in § 301.6323(e)-1) is not more than $6,890, effective for 2010 and adjusted each year based on the rate of inflation.

(iii) For purposes of paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section, the amounts of subcontracts under the prime contract with the owner are not to be taken into consideration for purposes of computing the $6,890 prime contract price. It is immaterial that the notice of tax lien was filed before the contractor undertakes his work or that he knew of the lien before undertaking his work.

(2) Examples. The application of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.A owns a building containing four apartments, one of which he occupies as his personal residence. A notice of lien which affects the building is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. Thereafter, A enters into a contract with B in the amount of $800, which includes labor and materials, to repair the roof of the building. B purchases roofing shingles from C for $300. B completes the work and A fails to pay B the agreed amount. In turn, B fails to pay C for the shingles. Under local law, B and C acquire mechanic's liens on A's building. Because the contract price on the prime contract with A is not more than $6,890 and under local law B and C acquire mechanic's liens on A's building, the liens of B and C have priority over the Federal tax lien. Example 2.Assume the same facts as in Example 1, except that the amount of the prime contract between A and B is $7,100. Because the amount of the prime contract with the owner, A, is in excess of $6,890, the tax lien has priority over the entire amount of each of the mechanic's liens of B and C, even though the amount of the contract between B and C is $300. Example 3.Assume the same facts as in Example 1, except that A and B do not agree in advance upon the amount due under the prime contract but agree that B will perform the work for the cost of materials and labor plus 10 percent of such cost. When the work is completed, it is determined that the total amount due is $850. Because the prime contract price is not more than $6,890 and under local law B and C acquire mechanic's liens on A's residence, the liens of B and C have priority over the Federal tax lien.

(h) Attorney's liens—(1) In general. Even though notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid against an attorney who, under local law, holds a lien upon, or a contract enforceable against, a judgment or other amount in settlement of a claim or of a cause of action. The priority afforded an attorney's lien under this paragraph shall not exceed the amount of the attorney's reasonable compensation for obtaining the judgment or procuring the settlement. For purposes of this paragraph, reasonable compensation means the amount customarily allowed under local law for an attorney's services for litigating or settling a similar case or administrative claim. However, reasonable compensation shall be determined on the basis of the facts and circumstances of each individual case. It is immaterial that the notice of tax lien is filed before the attorney undertakes his work or that the attorney knows of the tax lien before undertaking his work. This paragraph does not apply to an attorney's lien which may arise from the defense of a claim or cause of action against a taxpayer except to the extent such lien is held upon a judgment or other amount arising from the adjudication or settlement of a counterclaim in favor of the taxpayer. In the case of suits against the taxpayer, see § 301.6325-1(d)(2) for rules relating to the subordination of the tax lien to facilitate tax collection.

(2) Claim or cause of action against the United States. Paragraph (h)(1) of this section does not apply to an attorney's lien with respect to—

(i) Any judgment or other fund resulting from the successful litigation or settlement of an administrative claim or cause of action against the United States to the extent that the United States, under any legal or equitable right, offsets its liability under the judgment or settlement against any liability of the taxpayer to the United States, or

(ii) Any amount credited against any liability of the taxpayer in accordance with section 6402.

(3) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.A notice of lien is filed against A in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. Subsequently, A is struck by an automobile and retains B, an attorney to institute suit on A's behalf against the operator of the automobile. B knows of the tax lien before he begins his work. Under local law, B is entitled to a lien upon any recovery in order to secure payment of his fee. A is awarded damages of $10,000. B charges a fee of $3,000 which is the fee customarly allowed under local law in similar cases and which is found to be reasonable under the circumstances of this particular case. Because, under local law, B holds a lien for the amount of his reasonable compensation for obtaining the judgment, B's lien has priority over the Federal tax lien. Example 2.Assume the same facts as in example 1, except that before suit is instituted A and the owner of the automobile settle out of court for $7,500. B charges a reasonable and customary fee of $1,800 for procuring the settlement and under local law holds a lien upon the settlement in order to secure payment of the fee. Because, under local law, B holds a lien for the amount of his reasonable compensation for obtaining the settlement, B has priority over the Federal tax lien. Example 3.In accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien in the amount of $8,000 is filed against C, a contractor. Subsequently C retains D, an attorney, to initiate legal proceedings to recover the amount allegedly due him for construction work he has performed for the United States. C and D enter into an agreement which provides that D will receive a reasonable and customary fee of $2,500 as compensation for his services. Under local law, the agreement will give rise to a lien which is enforceable by D against any amount recovered in the suit. C is successful in the suit and is awarded $10,000. D claims $2,500 of the proceeds as his fee. The United States, however, exercises its right of set-off and applies $8,000 of the $10,000 award to satisfy C's tax liability. Because the $10,000 award resulted from the successful litigation of a cause of action against the United States, B's contract for attorney's fees is not enforceable against the amount recovered to the extent the United States offsets its liability under the judgment against C's tax liability. It is immaterial that D had no notice or knowledge of the tax lien at the time he began work on the case.

(i) Certain insurance contracts—(1) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid with respect to a life insurance, endowment, or annuity contract, against an organization which is the insurer under the contract, at any time—

(i) Before the insuring organization has actual notice or knowledge (as defined in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(i)-1) of the existence of the tax lien,

(ii) After the insuring organization has actual notice or knowledge of the lien (as defined in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(i)-1), with respect to advances (including contractual interest thereon as provided in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(e)-1) required to be made automatically to maintain the contract in force under an agreement entered into before the insuring organization had such actual notice or knowledge, or

(iii) After the satisfaction of a levy pursuant to section 6332(b), unless and until the Internal Revenue Service delivers to the insuring organization a notice (for example, another notice of levy, a letter, etc.) executed after the date of such satisfaction, that the lien exists.

Delivery of the notice described in subdivision (iii) of this subparagraph may be made by any means, including regular mail, and delivery of the notice shall be effective only from the time of actual receipt of the notification by the insuring organization. The provisions of this paragraph are applicable to matured as well as unmatured insurance contracts.

(2) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.On May 1, 1964, the X insurance company issues a life insurance policy to A. On June 1, 1970, a tax assessment is made against A, and on June 2, 1970, a notice of lien with respect to the assessment is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. On July 1, 1970, without actual notice or knowledge of the tax lien, the X company makes a “policy loan” to A. Under subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph, the loan, including interest (in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(e)-1), will have priority over the tax lien because X company did not have actual notice or knowledge of the tax lien at the time the policy loan was made. Example 2.On May 1, 1964, B enters into a life insurance contract with the Y insurance company. Under one of the provisions of the contract, in the event a premium is not paid, Y is to advance out of the cash loan value of the policy the amount of an unpaid premium in order to maintain the contract in force. The contract also provides for interest on any advances so made. On June 1, 1971, a tax assessment is made against B, and on June 2, 1971, in accordance with section 6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed. On July 1, 1971, B fails to pay the premium due on that date, and Y makes an automatic premium loan to keep the policy in force. At the time the automatic premium loan is made, Y had actual knowledge of the tax lien. Under subparagraph (1)(ii) of this paragraph, the lien is not valid against Y with respect to the advance (and the contractual interest thereon), because the advance was required to be made automatically under an agreement entered into before Y had actual notice or knowledge of the tax lien. Example 3.On May 1, 1964, C enters into a life insurance contract with the Z insurance company. On January 4, 1971, an assessment is made against C for $5,000 unpaid income taxes, and on January 11, 1971, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed. On January 29, 1971, a notice of levy with respect to C's delinquent tax is served on Z company. The amount which C could have had advanced to him from Z company under the contract on the 90th day after service of the notice of levy on Z company is $2,000. The Z company pays $2,000 pursuant to the notice of levy, thereby satisfying the levy upon the contract in accordance with § 6332(b). On February 1, 1973, Z company advances $500 to C, which is the increment in policy loan value since satisfaction of the levy of January 29, 1971. On February 5, 1973, a new notice of levy for the unpaid balance of the delinquent taxes, executed after the first levy was satisfied, is served upon Z company. Because the new notification was not received by Z company until after the policy loan was made, under paragraph (1)(iii) of this paragraph, the tax lien is not valid against Z company with respect to the policy loan (including interest thereon in accordance with paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(e)-1). Example 4.On June 1, 1973, a tax assessment is made against D and on June 2, 1973, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien with respect to the assessment is filed. On July 2, 1973, D executes an assignment of his rights, as the insured, under an insurance contract to M bank as security for a loan. M bank holds its security interest subject to the lien because it is not an insurer entitled to protection under section 6323(b)(9) and did not become a holder of the security interest prior to the filing of the notice of lien for purposes of section 6323(a). It is immaterial that a notice of levy had not been served upon the insurer before the assignment to M bank was made.

(j) Effective/applicability date. This section applies to any notice of Federal tax lien filed on or after April 4, 2011.

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35501, Aug. 23, 1976, as amended by T.D. 9520, 76 FR 18385, Apr. 4, 2011; 76 FR 24813, May 3, 2011]
§ 301.6323(c)-1 - Protection for commercial transactions financing agreements.

(a) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid with respect to a security interest which:

(1) Comes into existence after the tax lien filing,

(2) Is in qualified property covered by the terms of a commercial transactions financing agreement entered into before the tax lien filing, and

(3) Is protected under local law against a judgment lien arising, as of the time of the tax lien filing, out of an unsecured obligation.

See paragraphs (a) and (e) of § 301.6323(h)-1 for definitions of the terms “security interest” and “tax lien filing,” respectively. For purposes of this section, a judgment lien is a lien held by a judgment lien creditor as defined in paragraph (g) of § 301.6323(h)-1.

(b) Commercial transactions financing agreement. For purposes of this section, the term “commercial transactions financing agreement” means a written agreement entered into by a person in the course of his trade or business—

(1) To make loans to the taxpayer (whether or not at the option of the person agreeing to make such loans) to be secured by commercial financing security acquired by the taxpayer in the ordinary course of his trade or business, or

(2) To purchase commercial financing security, other than inventory, acquired by the taxpayer in the ordinary course of his trade or business.

Such an agreement qualifies as a commercial transactions financing agreement only with respect to loans or purchases made under the agreement before (i) the 46th day after the date of tax lien filing or, (ii) the time when the lender or purchaser has actual notice or knowledge (as defined in paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(i)-1) of the tax lien filing, if earlier. For purposes of this paragraph, a loan or purchase is considered to have been made in the course of the lender's or purchaser's trade or business if such person is in the business of financing commercial transactions (such as a bank or commercial factor) of if the agreement is incidental to the conduct of such person's trade or business. For example, if a manufacturer finances the accounts receivable of one of his customers, he is considered to engage in such financing in the course of his trade or business. The extent of the priority of the lender or purchaser over the tax lien is the amount of his disbursements made before the 46th day after the date the notice of tax lien is filed, or made before the day (before such 46th day) on which the lender or purchaser has actual notice or knowledge of the filing of the notice of the tax lien.

(c) Commercial financing security—(1) In general. The term “commercial financing security” means—

(i) Paper of a kind ordinarily arising in commercial transactions.

(ii) Accounts receivable (as defined in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (c)),

(iii) Mortgages on real property, and

(iv) Inventory.

For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “paper of a kind ordinarily arising in commercial transactions” in general includes any written document customarily used in commercial transactions. For example, such written documents include paper giving contract rights (as defined in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (c)), chattel paper, documents of title to personal property, and negotiable instruments or securities. The term “commercial financing security” does not include general intangibles such as patents or copyrights. A mortgage on real estate (including a deed of trust, contract for sale, and similar instrument) may be commercial financing security if the taxpayer has an interest in the mortgage as a mortgagee or assignee. The term “commercial financing security” does not include a mortgage where the taxpayer is the mortgagor or realty owned by him. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “inventory” includes raw materials and goods in process as well as property held by the taxpayer primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of his trade or business.

(2) Definitions. For purposes of §§ 301.6323(d)-1, 301.6323(h)-1 and this section—

(i) A contract right is any right to payment under a contract not yet earned by performance and not evidenced by an instrument or chattel paper, and

(ii) An account receivable is any right to payment for goods sold or leased or for services rendered which is not evidenced by an instrument or chattel paper.

(d) Qualified property. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, qualified property consists solely of commercial financing security acquired by the taxpayer-debtor before the 46th day after the date of tax lien filing: Commercial financing security acquired before such day may be qualified property even though it is acquired by the taxpayer after the lender received actual notice or knowledge of the filing of the tax lien. For example, although the receipt of actual notice or knowledge of the filing of the notice of the tax lien has the effect of ending the period within which protected disbursements may be made to the taxpayer, property which is acquired by the taxpayer after the lender receives actual notice or knowledge of such filing and before such 46th day, which otherwise qualifies as commercial financing security, becomes commercial financing security to which the priority of the lender extends for loans made before he received the actual notice or knowledge. An account receivable (as defined in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section) is acquired by a taxpayer at the time, and to the extent, a right to payment is earned by performance. Chattel paper, documents of title, negotiable instruments, securities, and mortgages on real estate are acquired by a taxpayer when he obtains rights in the paper or mortgage. Inventory is acquired by the taxpayer when title passes to him. A contract right (as defined in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section) is acquired by a taxpayer when the contract is made. Identifiable proceeds, which arise from the collection or disposition of qualified property by the taxpayer, are considered to be acquired at the time such qualified property is acquired if the secured party has a continuously perfected security interest in the proceeds under local law. The term “proceeds” includes whatever is received when collateral is sold, exchanged, or collected. For purposes of this paragraph, the term “identifiable proceeds” does not include money, checks and the like which have been commingled with other cash proceeds. Property acquired by the taxpayer after the 45th day following tax lien filing, by the expenditure of proceeds, is not qualified property.

(e) Purchaser treated as acquiring security interest. A person who purchases commercial financing security, other than inventory, pursuant to a commercial transactions financing agreement is treated, for purposes of this section, as having acquired a security interest in the commercial financing security. In the case of a bona fide purchase at a discount, a purchaser of commercial financing security who satisfies the requirements of this section has priority over the tax lien to the full extent of the security.

(f) Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.(i) On June 1, 1970, a tax is assessed against M, a tool manufacturer, with respect to his delinquent tax liability. On June 15, 1970, M enters into a written financing agreement with X, a bank. The agreement provides that, in consideration of such sums as X may advance to M, X is to have a security interest in all of M's presently owned and subsequently acquired commercial paper, accounts receivable, and inventory (including inventory in the manufacturing stages and raw materials). On July 6, 1970, notice of the tax lien is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. On August 3, 1970, without actual notice or knowledge of the tax lien filing, X advances $10,000 to M. On August 5, 1970, M acquires additional inventory through the purchase of raw materials. On August 20, 1970, M has accounts receivable, arising from the sale of tools, amounting to $5,000. Under local law, X's security interest arising by reason of the $10,000 advance on August 3, 1970, has priority, with respect to the raw materials and accounts receivable, over a judgment lien against M arising July 6, 1970 (the date of tax lien filing) out of an unsecured obligation.

(ii) Because the $10,000 advance was made before the 46th day after the tax lien filing, and the accounts receivable in the amount of $5,000 and the raw materials were acquired by M before such 46th day, X's $10,000 security interest in the accounts receivable and the inventory has priority over the tax lien. The priority of X's security interest also extends to the proceeds, received on or after the 46th day after the tax lien filing, from the liquidation of the accounts receivable and inventory held by M on August 20, 1970, if X has a continuously perfected security interest in identifiable proceeds under local law. However, the priority of X's security interest will not extend to other property acquired with such proceeds.

Example 2.Assume the same facts as in example 1 except that on July 15, 1970, X has actual knowledge of the tax lien filing. Because an agreement does not qualify as a commercial transactions financing agreement when a disbursement is made after tax lien filing with actual knowledge of the filing, X's security interest will not have priority over the tax lien with respect to the $10,000 advance made on August 3, 1970. Example 3.Assume the same facts as in example 1 except that, instead of additional inventory, on August 5, 1970, M acquires an account receivable as the result of the sale of machinery which M no longer needs in his business. Even though the account receivable was acquired by taxpayer M before the 46th day after tax lien filing, the tax lien will have priority over X's security interest arising in the account receivable pursuant to the earlier written agreement because the account receivable was not acquired by the taxpayer in the ordinary course of his trade or business. Example 4.Pursuant to a written agreement with the N Manufacturing Company entered into on January 4, 1971, Y a commercial factor, purchases the accounts receivable arising out of N's regular sales to its customers. On November 1, 1971, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed with respect to N's delinquent tax liability. On December 6, 1971, Y, without actual notice or knowledge of the tax lien filing, purchases all of the accounts receivable resulting from N's November 1971 sales. Y has taken appropriate steps under local law so that the December 6, 1971, purchase is protected against a judgment lien arising November 1, 1971 (the date of tax lien filing) out of an unsecured obligation. Because the purchaser of commercial financing security, other than inventory, is treated as having acquired a security interest in commercial financing security, and because Y otherwise meets the requirements of this section, the tax lien is not valid with respect to Y's December 6, 1971, purchase of N's accounts receivable. [T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35503, Aug. 23, 1976]
§ 301.6323(c)-2 - Protection for real property construction or improvement financing agreements.

(a) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid with respect to a security interest which:

(1) Comes into existence after the tax lien filing,

(2) Is in qualified property covered by the terms of a real property construction or improvement financing agreement entered into before the tax lien filing, and

(3) Is protected under local law against a judgment lien arising, as of the time of tax lien filing, out of an unsecured obligation.

For purposes of this section, it is immaterial that the holder of the security interest had actual notice or knowledge of the lien at the time disbursements are made pursuant to such an agreement. See paragraphs (a) and (e) of § 301.6323(h)-1 for general definitions of the terms “security interest” and “tax lien filing.” For purposes of this section, a judgment lien is a lien held by a judgment lien creditor as defined in paragraph (g) of § 301.6323(h)-1.

(b) Real property construction or improvement financing agreement. For purposes of this section, the term “real property construction or improvement financing agreement” means any written agreement to make cash disbursements (whether or not at the option of the party agreeing to make such disbursements):

(1) To finance the construction, improvement, or demolition of real property if the agreement provides for a security interest in the real property with respect to which the construction, improvement, or demolition has been or is to be made;

(2) To finance a contract to construct or improve, or demolish real property if the agreement provides for a security interest in the proceeds of the contract; or

(3) To finance the raising or harvesting of a farm crop or the raising of livestock or other animals if the agreement provides for a security interest in any property subject to the lien imposed by section 6321 at the time of tax lien filing, in the crop raised or harvested, or in the livestock or other animals raised.

For purposes of subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph (b), construction or improvement may include demolition. For purposes of any agreement described in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph (b), the furnishing of goods and services is treated as the disbursement of cash.

(c) Qualified property. For purposes of this section, the term “qualified property” includes only—

(1) In the case of an agreement described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the real property with respect to which the construction or improvement has been or is to be made;

(2) In the case of an agreement described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the proceeds of the contract to construct or improve real property; or

(3) In the case of an agreement described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, property subject to the lien imposed by section 6321 at the time of tax lien filing, the farm crop raised or harvested, or the livestock or other animals raised.

(d) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.A, in order to finance the construction of a dwelling on a lot owned by him, mortgages the property to B. The mortgage, executed January 4, 2006, includes an agreement that B will make cash disbursements to A as the construction progresses. On February 1, 2006, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed and recorded in the public index with respect to A's delinquent tax liability. A continues the construction, and B makes cash disbursements on June 15, 2006, and December 15, 2006. Under local law B's security interest arising by virtue of the disbursements is protected against a judgment lien arising February 1, 2006 (the date of tax lien filing) out of an unsecured obligation. Because B is the holder of a security interest coming into existence by reason of cash disbursements made pursuant to a written agreement, entered into before tax lien filing, to make cash disbursements to finance the construction of real property, and because B's security interest is protected, under local law, against a judgment lien arising as of the time of tax lien filing out of an unsecured obligation, B's security interest has priority over the tax lien. Example 2.(i) C is awarded a contract for the demolition of several buildings. On March 3, 2004, C enters into a written agreement with D which provides that D will make cash disbursements to finance the demolition and also provides that repayment of the disbursements is secured by any sums due C under the contract. On April 1, 2004, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed with respect to C's delinquent tax liability. With actual notice of the tax lien, D makes cash disbursements to C on August 13, September 13, and October 13, 2004. Under local law D's security interest in the proceeds of the contract with respect to the disbursements is entitled to priority over a judgment lien arising on April 1, 2004 (the date of tax lien filing) out of an unsecured obligation.

(ii) Because D's security interest arose by reason of disbursements made pursuant to a written agreement, entered into before tax lien filing, to make cash disbursements to finance a contract to demolish real property, and because D's security interest is valid under local law against a judgment lien arising as of the time of tax lien filed out of an unsecured obligation, the tax lien is not valid with respect to D's security interest in the proceeds of the demolition contract.

Example 3.Assume the same facts as in Example 2 and, in addition, assume that, as further security for the cash disbursements, the March 3, 2004, agreement also provides for a security interest in all of C's demolition equipment. Because the protection of the security interest arising from the disbursements made after tax lien filing under the agreement is limited under section 6323(c)(3) to the proceeds of the demolition contract and because, under the circumstances, the security interest in the equipment is not otherwise protected under section 6323, the tax lien will have priority over D's security interest in the equipment. Example 4.(i) On January 3, 2006, F and G enter into a written agreement, whereby F agrees to provide G with cash disbursements, seed, fertilizer, and insecticides as needed by G, in order to finance the raising and harvesting of a crop on a farm owned by G. Under the terms of the agreement F is to have a security interest in the crop, the farm, and all other property then owned or thereafter acquired by G. In accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, on January 10, 2006, a notice of lien is filed and recorded in the public index with respect to G's delinquent tax liability. On March 3, 2006, with actual notice of the tax lien, F makes a cash disbursement of $5,000 to G and furnishes him seed, fertilizer, and insecticides having a value of $10,000. Under local law F's security interest, coming into existence by reason of the cash disbursement and the furnishing of goods, has priority over a judgment lien arising January 10, 2006 (the date of tax lien filing and recording in the public index) out of an unsecured obligation.

(ii) Because F's security interest arose by reason of a disbursement (including the furnishing of goods) made under a written agreement which was entered into before tax lien filing and which constitutes an agreement to finance the raising or harvesting of a farm crop, and because F's security interest is valid under local law against a judgment lien arising as of the time of tax lien filing out of an unsecured obligation, the tax lien is not valid with respect to F's security interest in the crop even though a notice of lien was filed before the security interest arose. Furthermore, because the farm is property subject to the tax lien at the time of tax lien filing, F's security interest with respect to the farm also has priority over the tax lien.

Example 5.Assume the same facts as in Example 4 and in addition that on October 2, 2006, G acquires several tractors to which F's security interest attaches under the terms of the agreement. Because the tractors are not property subject to the tax lien at the time of tax lien filing, the tax lien has priority over F's security interest in the tractors.

(e) Effective/applicability date. This section applies with respect to any notice of Federal tax lien filed on or after April 4, 2011.

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35503, Aug. 23, 1976, as amended by T.D. 9520, 76 FR 18386, Apr. 4, 2011]
§ 301.6323(c)-3 - Protection for obligatory disbursement agreements.

(a) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid with respect to a security interest which:

(1) Comes into existence after the tax lien filing,

(2) Is in qualified property covered by the terms of an obligatory disbursement agreement entered into before the tax lien filing, and

(3) Is protected under local law against a judgment lien arising, as of the time of tax lien filing, out of an unsecured obligation.

See paragraphs (a) and (e) of § 301.6323(h)-1 for definitions of the terms “security interest” and “tax lien filing.” For purposes of this section, a judgment lien is a lien held by a judgment lien creditor as defined in paragraph (g) of § 301.6323(h)-1.

(b) Obligatory disbursement agreement. For purposes of this section the term “obligatory disbursement agreement” means a written agreement, entered into by a person in the course of his trade or business, to make disbursements. An agreement is treated as an obligatory disbursement agreement only with respect to disbursements which are required to be made by reason of the intervention of the rights of a person other than the taxpayer. The obligation to pay must be conditioned upon an event beyond the control of the obligor. For example, the provisions of this section are applicable where an issuing bank obligates itself to honor drafts or other demands for payment on a letter of credit and a bank, in good faith, relies upon that letter of credit in making advances. The provisions of this section are also applicable, for example, where a bonding company obligates itself to make payments to indemnify against loss or liability and, under the terms of the bond, makes a payment with respect to a loss. The priority described in this section is not applicable, for example, in the case of an accommodation endorsement by an endorser who assumes his obligation other than in the course of his trade or business.

(c) Qualified property. Except as provided under paragraph (d) of this section, the term “qualified property,” for purposes of this section, means property subject to the lien imposed by section 6321 at the time of tax lien filing and, to the extent that the acquisition is directly traceable to the obligatory disbursement, property acquired by the taxpayer after tax lien filing.

(d) Special rule for surety agreements. Where the obligatory disbursement agreement is an agreement insuring the performance of a contract of the taxpayer and another person, the term “qualified property” shall be treated as also including—

(1) The proceeds of the contract the performance of which was insured, and

(2) If the contract the performance of which was insured is a contract to construct or improve real property, to produce goods, or to furnish services, any tangible personal property used by the taxpayer in the performance of the insured contract.

For example, a surety company which holds a security interest, arising from cash disbursements made after tax lien filing under a payment or performance bond on a real estate construction project, has priority over the tax lien with respect to the proceeds of the construction contract and, in addition, with respect to any tangible personal property used by the taxpayer in the construction project if its security interest in the tangible personal property is protected under local law against a judgment lien arising, as of the time the tax lien was filed, out of an unsecured obligation.

(3) Examples. This section may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.(i) On January 2, 1969, H, an appliance dealer, in order to finance the acquisition from O of a large inventory of appliances, enters into a written agreement with Z, a bank. Under the terms of the agreement, in return for a security interest in all of H's inventory, presently owned and subsequently acquired, Z issues an irrevocable letter of credit to allow H to make the purchase. On December 31, 1968 and January 10, 1969, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, separate notices of lien are filed with respect to H's delinquent tax liabilities. On March 31, 1969, Z honors the letter of credit. Under local law, Z's security interest in both existing and after-acquired inventory is protected against a judgment lien arising on or after January 10, 1969, out of an unsecured obligation. Under local law, Z's security interest in the inventory purchased under the letter of credit qualifies as a purchase money security interest and is valid against persons acquiring security interests in or liens upon such inventory at any time.

(ii) Because Z's security interest in H's inventory did not arise under a written agreement entered into before the filing of notice of the first tax lien on December 31, 1968, that lien is superior to Z's security interest except to the extent of Z's purchase money security interest. Because Z's interest qualifies as a purchase money security interest with respect to the inventory purchased under the letter of credit, the tax liens attach under section 6321 only to the equity acquired by H, and the rights of Z in the inventory so purchased as superior even to the lien filed on December 31, 1968, without regard to this section.

(iii) Because Z's security interest arose by reason of disbursements made under a written agreement which was entered into before the filing of notice of the second tax lien on January 10, 1969, and which constitutes an agreement to make disbursements required to be made by reason of the intervention of the rights of O, a person other than the taxpayer, and because Z's security interest is valid under local law against a judgment lien arising as of the time of such tax lien filing on January 10, 1969, out of an unsecured obligation, the second tax lien is, under this section, not valid with respect to Z's security interest in inventory owned by H on January 10, 1969, as well as any after-acquired inventory directly traceable to Z's disbursements (apart from such greater protection as Z enjoys, with respect to the latter, under its purchase money security interest). No protection against the second tax lien is provided under this section with respect to a security interest in any other inventory acquired by H after January 10, 1969, because such other inventory is neither subject to the tax lien at the time of tax lien filing nor directly traceable to Z's disbursements.

Example 2.On June 1, 1971, K is awarded a contract to construct an office building. At the same time, S, a surety company, agrees in writing to insure the performance of the contract. The agreement provides that in the event S must complete the job as the result of a default by K, S will be entitled to the proceeds of the contract. In addition, the agreement provides that S is to have a security interest in all property belonging to K. On December 1, 1971, prior to the completion of the building, K defaults. On the same date, under § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed with respect to K's delinquent tax liability. S completes the building on June 1, 1972. Under local law S's security interest in the proceeds of the contract and S's security interest in the property of K are entitled to priority over a judgment lien arising December 1, 1971 (the date of tax lien filing) out of an unsecured obligation. Because, for purposes of an obligatory disbursement agreement which is a surety agreement, the security interest may be in the proceeds of the insured contract, S's security interest in the proceeds of the contract has priority over the tax lien even though a notice of lien was filed before S's security interest arose. Furthermore, because the insured contract was a contract to construct real property, S's security interest in any of K's tangible personal property used in the performance of the contract also has priority over the tax lien. Example 3.(i) On February 2, 1970, L enters into an agreement with M, a contractor, to construct an apartment building on land owned by L. Under a separate agreement, N bank agrees to furnish funds on a short-term basis to L for the payment of amounts due to M during the course of construction. Simultaneously, X, a financial institution, makes a binding commitment to N bank and L to provide long-term financing for the project after its completion. Under its commitment, X is obligated to pay off the balance of the construction loan held by N bank upon the execution by L of a new promissory note secured by a mortgage deed of trust upon the improved property. On September 4, 1970, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, notice of lien is properly filed with respect to L's delinquent tax liability. On September 8, 1970. X obtains actual notice of the tax lien filing. On September 14, 1970, the documents creating X's security interest are executed and recorded, N bank's lien for its construction loan is released, and X makes the required disbursements to N bank. Under local law, X's security interest is protected against a judgment lien arising on September 4, 1970 (the time of tax lien filing) out of an unsecured obligation.

(ii) Because X's security interest arose by reason of a disbursement made under a written agreement entered into before tax lien filing, which constitutes an agreement to make disbursements required to be made by reason of the intervention of the rights of N bank, a person other than the taxpayer, and because X's security interest is valid under local law against a judgment lien arising as of the time of the tax lien filing out of an unsecured obligation, the tax lien is not valid with respect to X's security interest to the extent of the disbursement to N bank. The obligatory disbursement is protected under section 6323(c)(4) even if X is not subrogated to N bank's rights or X's agreement is not itself a real property construction financing agreement.

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35504, Aug. 23, 1976]
§ 301.6323(d)-1 - 45-day period for making disbursements.

(a) In general. Even though a notice of a lien imposed by section 6321 is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the lien is not valid with respect to a security interest which comes into existence, after tax lien filing, by reason of disbursements made before the 46th day after the date of tax lien filing, or if earlier, before the person making the disbursements has actual notice or knowledge of the tax lien filing, but only if the security interest is—

(1) In property which is subject, at the time of tax lien filing, to the lien imposed by section 6321 and which is covered by the terms of a written agreement entered into before tax lien filing, and

(2) Protected under local law against a judgment lien arising, as of the time of tax lien filing, out of an unsecured obligation.

For purposes of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph (a), a contract right (as defined in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of § 301.6323(c)-1) is subject, at the time of tax lien filing, to the lien imposed by section 6321 if the contract has been made by such time. An account receivable (as defined in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of § 301.6323(c)-1) is subject, at the time of tax lien filing, to the lien imposed by section 6321 if, and to the extent, a right to payment has been earned by performance at such time. For purposes of subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (a), a judgment lien is a lien held by a judgment lien creditor as defined in paragraph (g) of § 301.6323(h)-1. For purposes of this section, it is immaterial that the written agreement provides that the disbursements are to be made at the option of the person making the disbursements. See paragraphs (a) and (e) of § 301.6323(h)-1 for definitions of the terms “security interest” and “tax lien filing,” respectively. See paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(i)-1 for certain circumstances under which a person is deemed to have actual notice or knowledge of a fact.

(b) Examples. The application of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.On December 1, 1967, an assessment is made against A with respect to his delinquent tax liability. On January 2, 1968, A enters into a written agreement with B whereby B agrees to lend A $10,000 in return for a security interest in certain property owned by A. On January 10, 1968, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1 notice of the tax lien affecting the property is filed. On February 1, 1968, B, without actual notice or knowledge of the tax lien filing, disburses the loan to A. Under local law, the security interest arising by reason of the disbursement is entitled to priority over a judgment lien arising January 10, 1968 (the date of tax lien filing) out of an unsecured obligation. Because the disbursement was made before the 46th day after tax lien filing, because the disbursement was made pursuant to a written agreement entered into before tax lien filing, and because the resulting security interest is protected under local law against a judgment lien arising as of the date of tax lien filing out of an unsecured obligation, B's $10,000 security interest has priority over the tax lien. Example 2.Assume the same facts as in example 1 except that when B disburses the $10,000 to A on February 10, 1968, B has actual knowledge of the tax lien filing. Because the disbursement was made with actual knowledge of tax lien filing, B's security interest does not have priority over the tax lien even though the disbursement was made before the 46th day after the tax lien filing. Furthermore, B is not protected under § 301.6323(a)-1(a) as a holder of a security interest because he had not parted with money or money's worth prior to the time the notice of tax lien was filed (January 10, 1968) even though he had made a firm commitment to A before that time. [T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35505, Aug. 23, 1976]
§ 301.6323(e)-1 - Priority of interest and expenses.

(a) In general. If the lien imposed by section 6321 is not valid as against another lien or security interest, the priority of the other lien or security interest also extends to each of the following items to the extent that under local law the item has the same priority as the lien or security interest to which it relates:

(1) Any interest or carrying charges (including finance, service, and similar charges) upon the obligation secured,

(2) The reasonable charges and expenses of an indenture trustee (including, for example, the trustee under a deed of trust) or agent holding the security interest for the benefit of the holder of the security interest,

(3) The reasonable expenses, including reasonable compensation for attorneys, actually incurred in collecting or enforcing the obligation secured,

(4) The reasonable costs of insuring, preserving, or repairing the property to which the lien or security interest relates,

(5) The reasonable costs of insuring payment of the obligation secured (including amounts paid by the holder of the security interest for mortgage insurance, such as that issued by the Federal Housing Administration), and

(6) Amounts paid to satisfy any lien on the property to which the lien or security interest relates, but only if the lien so satisfied is entitled to priority over the lien imposed by section 6321.

(b) Collection expenses. The reasonable expenses described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section include expenditures incurred by the protected holder of the lien or security interest to establish the priority of his interest or to collect, by foreclosure or otherwise, the amount due him from the property subject to his lien. Accordingly, the amount of the encumbrance which is protected is increased by the amounts so expended by the holder of the security interest.

(c) Costs of insuring, preserving, etc. The reasonable costs of insuring, preserving, or repairing described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section include expenditures by the holder of a security interest for fire and casualty insurance on the property subject to the security interest and amounts paid by the holder of the lien or security interest to repair the property. Such reasonable costs also include the amounts paid by the holder of the lien or security interest in a leasehold to the lessor of the leasehold to preseve the leasehold subject to the lien or security interest. Accordingly, the amount of the lien or security interest which is protected is increased by the amounts so expended by the holder of the lien or security interest.

(d) Satisfaction of liens. The amounts described in paragraph (a)(6) of this section include expenditures incurred by the protected holder of a lien or security interest to discharge a statutory lien for State sales taxes on the property subject to his lien or security interest if both his lien or security interest and the sales tax lien have priority over a Federal tax lien. Accordingly, the amount of the lien or security interest is increased by the amounts so expended by the holder of the lien or security interest even though under local law the holder of the lien or security interest is not subrogated to the rights of the holder of the State sales tax lien. However, if the holder of the lien or security interest is subrogated, within the meaning of paragraph (b) of § 301.6323(i)-1, to the rights of the holder of the sales tax lien, he will also be entitled to any additional protection afforded by section 6323(i)(2).

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35506, Aug. 23, 1976]
§ 301.6323(f)-1 - Place for filing notice; form.

(a) Place for filing. The notice of lien referred to in § 301.6323(a)-1 shall be filed as follows:

(1) Under State laws—(i) Real property. In the case of real property, notice shall be filed in one office within the State (or the county or other governmental subdivision), as designated by the laws of the State, in which the property subject to the lien is deemed situated under the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

(ii) Personal property. In the case of personal property, whether tangible or intangible, the notice shall be filed in one office within the State (or the county or other governmental subdivision), as designated by the laws of the State, in which the property subject to the lien is deemed situated under the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(2) With the clerk of the United States district court. Whenever a State has not by law designated one office which meets the requirements of subparagraph (1)(i) or (1)(ii) of this paragraph (a), the notice shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the U.S. district court for the judicial district in which the property subject to the lien is deemed situated under the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section. For example, a State has not by law designated one office meeting the requirements of subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph (a), if more than one office is designated within the State, county, or other governmental subdivision for filing notices with respect to all real property located in such State, county, or other governmental subdivision. A State has not by law designated one office meeting the requirements of subparagraph (1)(ii) of this paragraph (a), if more than one office is designated in the State, county, or other governmental subdivision for filing notices with respect to all of the personal property of a particular taxpayer. A state law that conforms to or reenacts a federal law establishing a national filing system does not constitute a designation by state law of an office for filing liens against personal property. Thus, if state law provides that a notice of lien affecting personal property must be filed in the office of the county clerk for the county in which the taxpayer resides and also adopts a federal law that requires a notice of lien to be filed in another location in order to attach to a specific type of property, the state is considered to have designated only one office for the filing of the notice of lien, and to protect its lien the Internal Revenue Service need only file its notice in the office of the county clerk for the county in which the taxpayer resides.

(3) With the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia. If the property subject to the lien imposed by section 5321 is deemed situated, under the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, in the District of Columbia, the notice shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia.

(b) Situs of property subject to lien. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, property is deemed situated as follows:

(1) Real property. Real property is deemed situated at its physical location.

(2) Personal property. Personal property, whether tangible or intangible, is deemed situated at the residence of the taxpayer at the time the notice of lien is filed.

For purposes of subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (b), the residence of a corporation or partnership is deemed to be the place at which the principal executive office of the business is located, and the residence of a taxpayer whose residence is not within the United States is deemed to be in the District of Columbia.

(c) National filing system. The filing of federal tax liens is to be governed solely by the Internal Revenue Code and is not subject to any other federal law that may establish a national system for filing liens and encumbrances against a particular type of personal property. Thus, for example, the Service is not subject to the requirements established by the Federal Aviation Agency for filing liens against civil aircraft in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

(d) Form—(1) In general. The notice referred to in § 301.6323(a)-1 shall be filed on Form 668, “Notice of Federal Tax Lien Under Internal Revenue Laws”. Such notice is valid notwithstanding any other provision of law regarding the form or content of a notice of lien. For example, omission from the notice of lien of a description of the property subject to the lien does not affect the validity thereof even though State law may require that the notice contain a description of the property subject to the lien.

(2) Form 668 defined. The term Form 668 means either a paper form or a form transmitted electronically, including a form transmitted by facsimile (fax) or electronic mail (e-mail). A Form 668 must identify the taxpayer, the tax liability giving rise to the lien, and the date the assessment arose regardless of the method used to file the notice of Federal tax lien.

(e) Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.The law of State X provides that notices of Federal tax lien affecting personal property are to be filed in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of the county where the taxpayer resides. The laws of State X also provide that notices of lien affecting real property are to be filed with the recorder of deeds of the county where the real property is located. On June 1, 1970, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed in county M with respect to the delinquent tax liability of A. At the time the notice is filed, A is a resident of county M and owns real property in that county. One year later A moves to county N and one year after that A moves to county O. Because the situs of personal property is deemed to be at the residence of the taxpayer at the time the notice of lien is filed, the notice continues to be effectively filed with respect to A's personal property even though A no longer resides in county M. Furthermore, because the situs of real property is deemed to be at its physical location, the notice of lien also continues to be effectively filed with respect to A's real property. Example 2.B is a resident of Canada but owns personal property in the United States. On January 4, 1971, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed with the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia. On January 2, 1973, B changes his residence to State Y in the United States. Because the residence of a taxpayer who is not a resident of the United States is deemed to be in the District of Columbia and the situs of personal property is deemed to be at the residence of the taxpayer at the time of filing, the lien continues to be effectively filed with respect to the personal property of B located in the United States even though B has returned to the United States and taken up residence in State Y and even though B has at no time been in the District of Columbia. Example 3.The law of State Z in effect before July 1, 1967, provides that notices of lien affecting real property are to be filed in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county in which the real property is located, but that if the real property is registered under the Torrens system of title registration the notice is to be filed with the registrar of titles rather than the recorder of deeds. The law of State Z in effect after June 30, 1967, provides that all notices of lien affecting real property are to be filed with the recorder of deeds of the county in which the real property is located. Accordingly, where the Torrens system is adopted by a county in State Z, there were before July 1, 1967, two offices designated for filing notices of Federal tax lien affecting real property in the county because one office was designated for Torrens real property and another office was designated for non-Torrens real property. Because State Z had not designated one office within the State, county, or other governmental subdivision for filing notices before July 1, 1967, with respect to all real property located in the State, county, or governmental subdivision, before July 1, 1967, the place for filing notices of lien under this section, affecting property located in counties adopting the Torrens system, was with the clerk of the U.S. district court for the judicial district in which the real property is located. However, after June 30, 1967, the place for filing notices of lien under this section, affecting both Torrens and non-Torrens real property in counties adopting the Torrens system is with the recorder of deeds for each such county. Notices of lien filed under this section with the clerk of the U.S. district court before July 1, 1967, remain validly filed whether or not refiled with the recorder of deeds after the change in State law or upon refiling during the required refiling period. Example 4.The law of State W provides that notices of lien affecting personal property of corporations and partnerships are to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Notices of lien affecting personal property of any other person are to be filed in the office of the clerk of court for the county where the person resides. Because the State law designates only one filing office within State W with respect to personal property of any particular taxpayer, notices of lien filed under this section, affecting personal property, shall be filed in the office designated under State law. Example 5.The law of State F provides that notices of lien affecting personal property are to be filed with the clerk of the circuit court in the county in which the personal property is located. State F has conformed state law to federal law to provide that all instruments affecting title to an interest in any civil aircraft of the United States must be recorded in the Office of the Federal Aviation Administrator (FAA) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. On July 1, 1990, a tax lien arises against ABC airline, which owns aircraft situated in State F. The Internal Revenue Service files a Notice of Federal Tax Lien with the clerk of the circuit court in the county in which the aircraft is located but does not file the notice with the FAA in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Because the FAA system adopted by State F does not constitute a second place of filing pursuant to section 6323(f), the federal tax lien is validly filed. Example 6.Assume the same facts as Example 5 except that State F did not reenact or conform state law to the FAA requirements. The result is the same because the filing of federal tax liens is governed solely by the Internal Revenue Code, and is not subject to any other national filing system.

(f) Effective/applicability date. This section applies with respect to any notice of Federal tax lien filed on or after April 4, 2011.

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35507, Aug. 23, 1976; 41 FR 41690, Sept. 23, 1976, as amended by T.D. 8234, 53 FR 47676, Nov. 25, 1988; T.D. 8557, 59 FR 38120, July 27, 1994; T.D. 9520, 76 FR 18386, Apr. 4, 2011]
§ 301.6323(g)-1 - Refiling of notice of tax lien.

(a) In general—(1) Requirement to refile. In order to continue the effect of a notice of lien, the notice must be refiled in the place described in paragraph (b) of this section during the required refiling period (described in paragraph (c) of this section). If two or more notices of lien are filed with respect to a particular tax assessment, and each notice of lien contains a certificate of release that releases the lien when the required refiling period ends, the failure to comply with the provisions of paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (c) of this section in respect to one of the notices of lien releases the lien and renders ineffective the refiling of any other notice of lien.

(2) Effect of refiling. A timely refiled notice of lien is effective as of the date on which the notice of lien to which it relates was effective.

(3) Effect of failure to refile—If the Internal Revenue Service fails to refile a notice of lien in the manner described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the notice is not effective, after the expiration of the required refiling period, as against any person described in section 6323(a), without regard to when the interest of the person in the property subject to the lien was acquired. If a notice of lien contains a certificate of release that provides that the lien is released at the end of the required refiling period unless the notice of lien is refiled, and the notice of lien is not refiled, then the lien is extinguished and the notice of lien is ineffective.

(i) However, neither the failure to refile before the expiration of the refiling period, nor the release of the lien, shall alter or impair any right of the United States to property or its proceeds that is the subject of a levy or judicial proceeding commenced prior to the end of the refiling period or the release of the lien, except to the extent that a person acquires an interest in the property for adequate consideration after the commencement of the proceeding and does not have notice of, and is not bound by, the outcome of the proceeding.

(ii) If a suit or levy referred to in the preceding sentence is dismissed or released and the property is subject to the lien at such time, a notice of lien with respect to the property is not effective after the suit or levy is dismissed or released unless refiled during the required refiling period.

(4) Filing of new notice. If a notice of lien is not refiled, and the notice of lien contains a certificate of release that automatically releases the lien when the required refiling period ends, the lien is released as of that date and is no longer in existence. The Internal Revenue Service must revoke the release before it can file a new notice of lien. This new filing must meet the requirements of section 6323(f) and § 301.6323(f)-1 and is effective from the date on which such filing is made.

(b) Place for refiling notice of lien—(1) In general. A notice of lien refiled during the required refiling period (described in paragraph (c) of this section) shall be effective only—

(i) If the notice of lien is refiled in the office in which the prior notice of lien (including a refiled notice) was filed under the provisions of section 6323; and

(ii) In any case in which 90 days or more prior to the date the refiling of the notice of lien under subdivision (i) is completed, the Internal Revenue Service receives written information (in the manner described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (b)) concerning a change in the taxpayer's residence, if a notice of such lien is also filed in accordance with section 6323(f)(1)(A)(ii) in the State in which such new residence is located (or, if such new residence is located without the United States, in the District of Columbia).

A notice of lien is considered as refiled in the office in which the prior notice or refiled notice was filed under the provisions of section 6323 if it is refiled in the office which, pursuant to a change in the applicable local law, assumed the functions of the office in which the prior notice or refiled notice was filed. If on or before the 90th day referred to in subdivision (ii) more than one written notice is received concerning a change in the taxpayer's residence, a notice of lien is required by this subdivision to be filed only with respect to the residence shown on the written notice received on the most recent date. Subdivision (ii) is applicable regardless of whether the taxpayer resides at the new residence on the date the refiling of notice of lien under subdivision (i) of this subparagraph is completed.

(2) Notice of change of taxpayer's residence—(i) In general. Except as provided in subdivision (ii) or (iii) of this subparagraph, for purposes of this section, a notice of change of a taxpayer's residence will be effective only if it (A) is received, in writing, from the taxpayer or his representative by the district director or the service center director having jurisdiction where the original notice of lien was filed, (B) relates to an unpaid tax liability of the taxpayer, and (C) states the taxpayer's name and the address of his new residence. Although it is not necessary that a written notice contain the taxpayer's identifying number authorized by section 6109, it is preferable that it include such number. For purposes of this subdivision, a notice of change of a taxpayer's residence shown on a return or an amended return (including a return of the same tax) will not be effective to notify the Internal Revenue Service.

(ii) Notice received before August 23, 1976. For purposes of this section, a notice of a change of a taxpayer's residence will also be effective if it (A) is received, in writing, by any office of the Internal Revenue Service before August 23, 1976, from the taxpayer or his representative, (B) relates to an unpaid tax liability of the taxpayer, and (C) states the taxpayer's name and the address of his new residence.

(iii) By return or amended return. For purposes of this section, in the case of a notice of lien which relates to an assessment of tax made after December 31, 1966, a notice of change of a taxpayer's residence will also be effective if it is contained in a return or amended return of the same type of tax filed with the Internal Revenue Service by the taxpayer or his representative which on its face indicates that there is a change in the taxpayer's address and correctly states the taxpayer's name, the address of his new residence, and his identifying number required by section 6109.

(iv) Other rules applicable. Except as provided in subdivisions (i), (ii), and (iii) of this subparagraph, no communication (either written or oral) to the Internal Revenue Service will be considered effective as notice of a change of a taxpayer's residence under this section, whether or not the Service has actual notice or knowledge of the taxpayer's new residence. For the purpose of determining the date on which a notice of change of a taxpayer's residence is received under this section, the notice shall be treated as received on the date it is actually received by the Internal Revenue Service without reference to the provisions of section 7502.

(3) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of this section:

Example 1.A, a delinquent taxpayer, is a resident of State M and owns real property in State N. In accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, notices of lien are filed in States M and N. The notices of lien contain certificates of release that release the lien at the end of the required refiling period. In order to continue the effect of the notice of lien filed in either M or N, the Internal Revenue Service must refile, during the required refiling period, the notice of lien with the appropriate office in M as well as with the appropriate office in N. Example 2.B, a delinquent taxpayer, is a resident of State M. In accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, notice of lien is properly filed in that State. One year before the beginning of the required refiling period, B establishes his residence in State N, and B immediately notifies the Internal Revenue Service of his change in residence in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section. In order to continue the effect of the notice of lien filed in M, the Internal Revenue Service must refile, during the required refiling period, notices of lien with (i) the appropriate office in M, and (ii) the appropriate office in N, because B properly notified the Internal Revenue Service of his change in residence to N more than 89 days prior to the date refiling of the notice of lien in M is completed. Even if the Internal Revenue Service had acquired actual notice or knowledge of B's change in residence by other means, if B had not properly notified the Internal Revenue Service of his change in residence, the effect of the notice of lien in State M could have been continued without any refiling in State N. Example 3.C, a delinquent taxpayer, is a resident of State O. In accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, notice of lien is properly filed in that State. Four years before the required refiling period, C establishes his residence in State P, and C immediately notifies the Internal Revenue Service of his change in residence in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section. Three years before the required refiling period, C establishes his residence in State R, and again C immediately notifies the Internal Revenue Service of his change in residence in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2) of this section. In order to continue the effect of the notice of lien filed in O, the Internal Revenue Service must refile, during the required refiling period, notices of lien with (i) the appropriate office in O, and (ii) the appropriate office in R. Refiling in R is required because the notice received by the Service of C's change in residence to R was the most recent notice received more than 89 days prior to the date refiling in O is completed. The notice of lien is not required to be filed in P, even though C properly notified the Internal Revenue Service of his change in residence to P, because such notice is not the most recent one received. Example 4.Assume the same facts as in example 3, except that C does not notify the Internal Revenue Service of his change in residence to R in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section. In order to continue the effect of the notice of lien filed in O, the Internal Revenue Service must refile, during the required refiling period, the notice of lien with (i) the appropriate office in O, and (ii) the appropriate office in P. Refiling in P is required because C properly notified the Internal Revenue Service of his change in residence to P, even though C is not a resident of P on the date refiling of the notice of lien in O is completed. The Internal Revenue Service is not required to file a notice of lien in R because C did not properly notify the Service of his change in residence to R. Example 5.D, a delinquent taxpayer, is a resident of State M and owns real property in States N and O. In accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, the Internal Revenue Service files notices of lien in M, N, and O States. Nine years and 6 months after the date of the assessment shown on the notice of lien, D establishes his residence in P, and at that time the Internal Revenue Service receives from D a notification of his change in residence in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section. On a date which is 9 years and 7 months after the date of the assessment shown on the notice of lien, the Internal Revenue Service properly refiles notices of lien in M, N, and O which refilings are sufficient to continue the effect of each of the notices of lien. The Internal Revenue Service is not required to file a notice of lien in P because D did not notify the Internal Revenue Service of his change of residence to P more than 89 days prior to the date each of the refilings in M, N, and O was completed. Example 6.Assume the same facts as in example 5 except that the refiling of the notice of lien in O occurs 100 days after D notifies the Internal Revenue Service of hischange in residence to P in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section. In order to continue the effect of the notice of lien filed in O, in addition to refiling the notice of lien in O, the Internal Revenue Service must also refile, during the required refiling period, a notice of lien in P because D properly notified the Internal Revenue Service of his change of residence to P more than 89 days prior to the date the refiling in O was completed. However, the Internal Revenue Service is not required to refile the notice of lien in P to maintain the effect of the notices of lien in M and N because D did not notify the Internal Revenue Service of his change in residence to P more than 89 days prior to the date the refilings in M and N were completed. Example 7.E, a delinquent taxpayer, is a resident of State T. Because T has not designated one office in the case of personal property for filing notices of lien in accordance with the provisions of section 6323(f)(1)(A)(ii), the Internal Revenue Service properly files a notice of lien with the clerk of the appropriate United States district court. However, solely as a matter of convenience for those who may have occasion to search for notices of lien, and not as a matter of legal effectiveness, the Internal Revenue Service also files notice of lien with the recorder of deeds of the county in T where E resides. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service sends a copy of the notice of lien to the X life insurance company to give the company actual notice of the notice of lien. In order to continue the effect of the notice of lien, the Internal Revenue Service must refile the notice of lien with the clerk of the appropriate United States district court during the required refiling period. In order to continue the effect of the notice of the lien, it is not necessary to refile the notice of lien with the Recorder of Deeds of the county where E resides, because the refiling of the notice of lien with the recorder of deeds does not constitute a proper filing for the purposes of section 6323(f). In addition, to continue the effect of the notice of lien under this section it is not necessary to send a copy of the notice of lien to the X life insurance company, because the sending of a notice of lien to an insurance company does not constitute a proper filing for the purposes of section 6323(f).

(c) Required refiling period—(1) In general. For the purpose of this section, except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the term required refiling period means—

(i) The 1-year period ending 30 days after the expiration of 10 years after the date of the assessment of the tax; and

(ii) The 1-year period ending with the expiration of 10 years after the close of the preceding required refiling period for such notice of lien.

(2) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of this paragraph:

Example 1.On March 10, 1998, an assessment of tax is made against B, a delinquent taxpayer, and a lien for the amount of the assessment arises on that date. On July 10, 1998, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is filed. The notice of lien filed on July 10, 1998, is effective through April 9, 2008. The first required refiling period for the notice of lien begins on April 10, 2007, and ends on April 9, 2008. A refiling of the notice of lien during that period will extend the effectiveness of the notice of lien filed on July 10, 1998, through April 9, 2018. The second required refiling period for the notice of lien begins on April 10, 2017, and ends on April 9, 2018. Example 2.Assume the same facts as in Example 1, except that the Internal Revenue Service fails to refile a notice of lien during the first required refiling period (April 10, 2007, through April 9, 2008). A notice of lien is filed on June 9, 2009, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. This notice is ineffective if the original notice contained a certificate of release, as the certificate of release would have had the effect of extinguishing the lien as of April 10, 2008. The Internal Revenue Service could revoke the release and file a new notice of lien, which would be effective as of the date it was filed.

(d) Effective/applicability date. This section applies with respect to any notice of Federal tax lien filed on or after April 4, 2011.

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35509, Aug. 23, 1976, as amended by T.D. 9520, 76 FR 18386, Apr. 4, 2011]
§ 301.6323(h)-0 - Scope of definitions.

Except as otherwise provided by § 301.6323(h)-1 the definitions provided by § 301.6323(h)-1 apply for purposes of §§ 301.6323(a)-1 through 301.6324-1.

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35509, Aug. 23, 1976]
§ 301.6323(h)-1 - Definitions.

(a) Security interest—(1) In general. The term “security interest” means any interest in property acquired by contract for the purpose of securing payment or performance of an obligation or indemnifying against loss or liability. A security interest exists at any time—

(i) If, at such time, the property is in existence and the interest has become protected under local law against a subsequent judgment lien (as provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph (a)) arising out of an unsecured obligation; and

(ii) To the extent that, at such time, the holder has parted with money or money's worth (as defined in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph (a)).

For purposes of this subparagraph, a contract right (as defined in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of § 301.6323(c)-1) is in existence when the contract is made. An account receivable (as defined in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of § 301.6323(c)-1) is in existence when, and to the extent, a right to payment is earned by performance. A security interest must be in existence, within the meaning of this paragraph, at the time as of which its priority against a tax lien is determined. For example, to be afforded priority under the provisions of paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(a)-1 a security interest must be in existence within the meaning of this paragraph before a notice of lien is filed.

(2) Protection against a subsequent judgment lien. (i) For purposes of this paragraph, a security interest is deemed to be protected against a subsequent judgment lien on—

(A) The date on which all actions required under local law to establish the priority of a security interest against a judgment lien have been taken, or

(B) If later, the date on which all required actions are deemed effective, under local law, to establish the priority of the security interest against a judgment lien.

For purposes of this subdivision, the dates described in (A) and (B) of this subdivision (i) shall be determined without regard to any rule or principle of local law which permits the relation back of any requisite action to a date earlier than the date on which the action is actually performed. For purposes of this paragraph, a judgment lien is a lien held by a judgment lien creditor as defined in paragraph (g) of this section.

(ii) The following example illustrates the application of paragraph (a)(2):

Example.(i) Under the law of State X, a security interest in certificated securities, negotiable documents, or instruments may be perfected, and hence protected against a judgment lien, by filing or by the secured party taking possession of the collateral. However, a security interest in such intangible personal property is considered to be temporarily perfected for a period of 20 days from the time the security interest attaches, to the extent that it arises for new value given under an authenticated security agreement. Under the law of X, a security interest attaches to such collateral when there is an agreement between the creditor and debtor that the interest attaches, the debtor has rights in the property, and consideration is given by the creditor. Under the law of X, in the case of temporary perfection, the security interest in such property is protected during the 20-day period against a judgment lien arising, after the security interest attaches, out of an unsecured obligation. Upon expiration of the 20-day period, the holder of the security interest must perfect its security interest under local law.

(ii) Because the security interest is perfected during the 20-day period against a subsequent judgment lien arising out of an unsecured obligation, and because filing or the taking of possession before the conclusion of the period of temporary perfection is not considered, for purposes of paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, to be a requisite action which relates back to the beginning of such period, the requirements of this paragraph are satisfied. Because filing or taking possession is a condition precedent to continued perfection, filing or taking possession of the collateral is a requisite action to establish such priority after expiration of the period of temporary perfection. If there is a lapse of perfection for failure to file or take possession, the determination of when the security interest exists (for purposes of protection against the tax lien) is made without regard to the period of temporary perfection.

(3) Money or money's worth. For purposes of this paragraph, the term money or money's worth includes money, a security (as defined in paragraph (d) of this section), tangible or intangible property, services, and other consideration reducible to a money value. Money or money's worth also includes any consideration which otherwise would constitute money or money's worth under the preceding sentence which was parted with before the security interest would otherwise exist if, under local law, past consideration is sufficient to support an agreement giving rise to a security interest, and provided that the grant of the security interest is not a fraudulent transfer under local law or 28 U.S.C. § 3304(a)(2). A firm commitment to part with money, a security, tangible or intangible property, services, or other consideration reducible to a money value does not, in itself, constitute a consideration in money or money's worth. A relinquishing or promised relinquishment of dower, curtesy, or of a statutory estate created in lieu of dower or curtesy, or of other marital rights is not a consideration in money or money's worth. Nor is love and affection, promise of marriage, or any other consideration not reducible to a money value a consideration in money or money's worth.

(4) Holder of a security interest. For purposes of this paragraph, the holder of a security interest is the person in whose favor there is a security interest. For provisions relating to the treatment of a purchaser of commercial financing security as a holder of a security interest, see § 301.6323(c)-1(e).

(b) Mechanic's lienor—(1) In general. The term “mechanic's lienor” means any person who under local law has a lien on real property (or on the proceeds of a contract relating to real property) for services, labor, or materials furnished in connection with the construction or improvement (including demolition) of the property. A mechanic's lienor is treated as having a lien on the later of—

(i) The date on which the mechanic's lien first becomes valid under local law against subsequent purchasers of the real property without actual notice, or

(ii) The date on which the mechanic's lienor begins to furnish the services, labor, or materials.

(2) Example. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:

Example.On February 1, 1968, A lets a contract for the construction of an office building on property owned by him. On March 1, 1968, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien for delinquent Federal taxes owed by A is filed. On April 1, 1968, B, a lumber dealer, delivers lumber to A's property. On May 1, 1968, B records a mechanic's lien against the property to secure payment of the price of the lumber. Under local law, B's mechanic's lien is valid against subsequent purchasers of real property without notice from February 1, 1968, which is the date the construction contract was entered into. Because the date on which B's mechanic's lien is valid under local law against subsequent purchasers is February 1, and the date on which B begins to furnish the materials is April 1, the date on which B becomes a mechanic's lienor within the meaning of this paragraph is April 1, the later of these two dates. Under paragraph (a) of § 301.6323(a)-1, B's mechanic's lien will not have priority over the Federal tax lien, even though under local law the mechanic's lien relates back to the date of the contract.

(c) Motor vehicle. (1) The term “motor vehicle” means a self-propelled vehicle which is registered for highway use under the laws of any State, the District of Columbia, or a foreign country.

(2) A motor vehicle is “registered for highway use” at the time of a sale if immediately prior to the sale it is so registered under the laws of any State, the District of Columbia, or a foreign country. Where immediately prior to the sale of a motor vehicle by a dealer, the dealer is permitted under local law to operate it under a dealer's tag, license, or permit issued to him, the motor vehicle is considered to be registered for highway use in the name of the dealer at the time of the sale.

(d) Security. The term “security” means any bond, debenture, note, or certificate or other evidence of indebtedness, issued by a corporation or a government or political subdivision thereof, with interest coupons or in registered form, share of stock, voting trust certificate, or any certificate of interest or participation in, certificate of deposit or receipt for, temporary or interim certificate for, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase, any of the foregoing; negotiable instrument; or money.

(e) Tax lien filing. The term “tax lien filing” means the filing of notice of the lien imposed by section 6321 in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1.

(f) Purchaser—(1) In general. The term “purchaser” means a person who, for adequate and full consideration in money or money's worth (as defined in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph (f)), acquires an interest (other than a lien or security interest) in property which is valid under local law against subsequent purchasers without actual notice.

(2) Interest in property. For purposes of this paragraph, each of the following interest is treated as an interest in property, if it is not a lien or security interest:

(i) A lease of property,

(ii) A written executory contract to purchase or lease property,

(iii) An option to purchase or lease property and any interest therein, or

(iv) An option to renew or extend a lease of property.

(3) Adequate and full consideration in money or money's worth. For purposes of this paragraph, the term “adequate and full consideration in money or money's worth” means a consideration in money or money's worth having a reasonable relationship to the true value of the interest in property acquired. See paragraph (a)(3) of this section for definition of the term “money or money's worth.” Adequate and full consideration in money or money's worth may include the consideration in a bona fide bargain purchase. The term also includes the consideration in a transaction in which the purchaser has not completed performance of his obligation, such as the consideration in an installment purchase contract, even though the purchaser has not completed the installment payments.

(4) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.A enters into a contract for the purchase of a house and lot from B. Under the terms of the contract A makes a down payment and is to pay the balance of the purchase price in 120 monthly installments. After payment of the last installment, A is to receive a deed to the property. A enters into possession, which under local law protects his interest in the property against subsequent purchasers without actual notice. After A has paid five monthly installments, a notice of lien for Federal taxes is filed against B in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. Because the contract is an executory contract to purchase property and is valid under local law against subsequent purchasers without actual notice, A qualifies as a purchaser under this paragraph. Example 2.C owns a residence which he leases to his son-in-law, D, for a period of 5 years commencing January 1, 1968. The lease provides for payment of $100 a year, although the fair rental value of the residence is $2,500 a year. The lease is recorded on December 31, 1967. On March 1, 1968, a notice of tax lien for unpaid Federal taxes of C is filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1. Under local law, D's interest is protected against subsequent purchasers without actual notice. However, because the rental paid by D has no reasonable relationship to the value of the interest in property acquired, D does not qualify as a purchaser under this paragraph.

(g) Judgment lien creditor. The term “judgment lien creditor” means a person who has obtained a valid judgment, in a court of record and of competent jurisdiction, for the recovery of specifically designated property or for a certain sum of money. In the case of a judgment for the recovery of a certain sum of money, a judgment lien creditor is a person who has perfected a lien under the judgment on the property involved. A judgment lien is not perfected until the identity of the lienor, the property subject to the lien, and the amount of the lien are established. Accordingly, a judgment lien does not include an attachment or garnishment lien until the lien has ripened into judgment, even though under local law the lien of the judgment relates back to an earlier date. If recording or docketing is necessary under local law before a judgment becomes effective against third parties acquiring liens on real property, a judgment lien under such local law is not perfected with respect to real property until the time of such recordation or docketing. If under local law levy or seizure is necessary before a judgment lien becomes effective against third parties acquiring liens on personal property, then a judgment lien under such local law is not perfected until levy or seizure of the personal property involved. The term “judgment” does not include the determination of a quasi-judicial body or of an individual acting in a quasi-judicial capacity such as the action of State taxing authorities.

(h) Effective/applicability date. This section applies as of April 4, 2011.

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35511, Aug. 23, 1976, as amended by T.D. 9520, 76 FR 18387, Apr. 4, 2011]
§ 301.6323(i)-1 - Special rules.

(a) Actual notice or knowledge. For purposes of subchapter C (section 6321 and following), chapter 64 of the Code, an organization is deemed, in any transaction, to have actual notice or knowledge of any fact from the time the fact is brought to the attention of the individual conducting the transaction, and in any event from the time the fact would have been brought to the individual's attention if the organization had exercised due diligence. An organization exercises due diligence if it maintains reasonable routines for communicating significant information to the person conducting the transaction and there is reasonable compliance with the routines. Due diligence does not require an individual acting for the organization to communicate information unless such communication is part of his regular duties or unless he has reason to know of the transaction and that the transaction would be materially affected by the information.

(b) Subrogation—(1) In general. Where, under local law, one person is subrogated to the rights of another with respect to a lien or interest, such person shall be subrogated to such rights for purposes of any lien imposed by section 6321 or 6324. Thus, if a tax lien imposed by section 6321 or 6324 is not valid with respect to a particular interest as against the holder of that interest, then the tax lien also is not valid with respect to that interest as against any person who, under local law, is a successor in interest to the holder of that interest.

(2) Example. The application of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:

Example.On February 1, 1968, an assessment is made and a tax lien arises with respect to A's delinquent tax liability. On February 25, 1968, in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1, a notice of lien is properly filed. On March 1, 1968, A negotiates a loan from B, the security for which is a second mortgage on property owned by A. The first mortgage on the property is held by C and has priority over the tax lien. Upon default by A, C begins proceedings to foreclose upon the first mortgage. On September 1, 1968, B pays the amount of principal and interest in default to C in order to protect the second mortgage against the pending foreclosure of C's senior mortgage. Under local law, B is subrogated to C's rights to the extent of the payment to C. Therefore, the tax lien is invalid against B to the extent he became subrogated to C's rights even though the tax lien is valid against B's second mortgage on the property.

(c) Disclosure of amount of outstanding lien. If a notice of lien has been filed (see § 301.6323(f)-1), the amount of the outstanding obligation secured by the lien is authorized to be disclosed as a matter of public record on Form 668 “Notice of Federal Tax Lien Under Internal Revenue Laws.” The amount of the outstanding obligation secured by the lien remaining unpaid at the time of an inquiry is authorized to be disclosed to any person who has a proper interest in determining this amount. Any person who has a right in the property or intends to obtain a right in the property by purchase or otherwise will, upon presentation by him of satisfactory evidence be considered to have a proper interest. Any person desiring this information may make his request to the office of the Internal Revenue Service named on the notice of lien with respect to which the request is made. The request should clearly describe the property subject to the lien, identify the applicable lien, and give the reasons for requesting the information.

[T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35511, Aug. 23, 1976]
§ 301.6323(j)-1 - Withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien in certain circumstances.

(a) In general. The Commissioner or his delegate (Commissioner) may withdraw a notice of federal tax lien filed under this section, if the Commissioner determines that any of the conditions in paragraph (b) of this section exist. A notice of federal tax lien is withdrawn by the filing by the Commissioner of a notice of withdrawal in the office in which the notice of federal tax lien is filed. If a notice of withdrawal is filed, chapter 64 of subtitle F, relating to collection, will be applied as if the withdrawn notice had never been filed. A copy of the notice of withdrawal will be provided to the taxpayer. Upon written request by a taxpayer with respect to whom a notice of federal tax lien has been or will be withdrawn, the Commissioner will promptly make reasonable efforts to notify any credit reporting agency and any financial institution or creditor identified by the taxpayer of the withdrawal of such notice. The withdrawal of a notice of federal tax lien will not affect the underlying federal tax lien.

(b) Conditions authorizing withdrawal. The Commissioner may authorize the withdrawal of a notice of federal tax lien upon determining that one of the following conditions exists:

(1) Premature or not in accordance with administrative procedures. The filing of the notice of federal tax lien was premature or otherwise not in accordance with the administrative procedures of the Secretary.

(2) Installment agreement. The taxpayer has entered into an agreement under section 6159 to satisfy the liability for which the lien was imposed by means of installment payments. Entry into an installment agreement may not, however, be the basis for withdrawal of a notice of lien if the installment agreement specifically provides that a notice of federal tax lien will not be withdrawn.

(3) Facilitate collection. The withdrawal of the notice of federal tax lien will facilitate the collection of the tax liability for which the lien was imposed.

(4) Best interests of the United States and the taxpayer—(i) In general. The taxpayer or the National Taxpayer Advocate (or his delegate) has consented to the withdrawal of the notice of federal tax lien, and withdrawal of the notice would be in the best interest of the taxpayer, as determined by the taxpayer or the National Taxpayer Advocate (or his delegate), and in the best interest of the United States, as determined by the Commissioner.

(ii) Best interest of the taxpayer. When a taxpayer requests the withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien based on the best interests of the United States and the taxpayer, the National Taxpayer Advocate (or his delegate) generally will determine whether the withdrawal of the notice of federal tax lien is in the best interest of the taxpayer. If, however, a taxpayer requests the Commissioner to withdraw a notice and has not specifically requested the National Taxpayer Advocate (or his delegate) to determine the taxpayer's best interest, a finding by the Commissioner that the withdrawal of notice is in the best interest of the taxpayer will be sufficient to support withdrawal. If the Commissioner decides independently of a request by the taxpayer to withdraw a notice of federal tax lien, the taxpayer or the National Taxpayer Advocate (or his delegate) must consent to the withdrawal.

(5) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of this paragraph (b):

Example 1.A owes $1,000 in Federal income taxes. The IRS files a notice of federal tax lien to secure A's tax liability. However, the IRS failed to follow procedure provided by the Internal Revenue Manual (but not required by statute) with regard to managerial approval prior to the filing of a notice of federal tax lien. The Commissioner may withdraw the notice of federal tax lien because the filing of the notice was not in accordance with the Secretary's administrative procedures. Example 2.A owes $1,000 in federal income taxes. A enters into an agreement to pay the outstanding federal income tax liability in installments. The agreement provides that a notice of federal tax lien may be filed if the taxpayer defaults. A timely pays the installments each month and has not defaulted in any way. Eleven months after entering into the installment agreement, the Internal Revenue Service files a notice of federal tax lien. Noting that there has been no default, the taxpayer asks the Internal Revenue Service to withdraw the notice of federal tax lien. In this situation, the Commissioner may withdraw the notice of federal tax lien because the taxpayer has entered into an installment agreement. Example 3.A is an employee of X Corporation. A notice of federal tax lien has been filed to secure an outstanding tax liability against A. A, who has no assets and no other secured creditors, has agreed to pay the balance of tax due through payroll deductions at a rate higher than the Internal Revenue Service could obtain through a wage levy in order to get the notice of federal tax lien withdrawn. X Corporation has agreed to allow A to enter into a payroll deduction agreement. In this situation, the Commissioner may withdraw the notice of federal tax lien to facilitate collection. Example 4.A is owner of a farm machinery dealership against whom a notice of federal tax lien has been filed to secure an outstanding tax liability. A currently is paying the tax liability by an installment agreement. X Corporation has agreed to provide A with 100 tractors to increase A's inventory if the notice of federal tax lien is withdrawn. A asks the Internal Revenue Service to withdraw the notice of federal tax lien. The Commissioner determines that the larger inventory would enable A to generate additional tractor sales. Increased sales would enable A to increase the amount of installment payments and, consequently, reduce the amount of time needed to satisfy the liability. A, who has no other assets or secured creditors, has agreed to modify the installment agreement. The Commissioner may withdraw the notice of federal tax lien because the withdrawal is in the best interest of the taxpayer and the United States.

(c) Determinations by the Commissioner. The Commissioner must determine whether any of the conditions authorizing the withdrawal of a notice of federal tax lien exist if a taxpayer submits a request for withdrawal in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. The Commissioner may also make this determination independent of a request from the taxpayer based on information received from a source other than the taxpayer. If the Commissioner determines that conditions authorizing the withdrawal are not present, the Commissioner may not authorize the withdrawal. If the Commissioner determines conditions for withdrawal are present, the Commissioner may (but is not required to) authorize the withdrawal.

(d) Procedures for request for withdrawal—(1) Manner. A request for the withdrawal of a notice of federal tax lien must be made in writing in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Commissioner.

(2) Form. The written request will include the following information and documents—

(i) Name, current address, and taxpayer identification number of the person requesting the withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien;

(ii) A copy of the notice of federal tax lien affecting the taxpayer's property, if available;

(iii) The grounds upon which the withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien is being requested;

(iv) A list of the names and addresses of any credit reporting agency and any financial institution or creditor that the taxpayer wishes the Commissioner to notify of the withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien; and

(v) A request to disclose the withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien to the persons listed in paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section.

(e) Supplemental list of credit agencies, financial institutions, and creditors—(1) In general. If the Commissioner grants a withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien, the taxpayer may supplement the list in paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section. If no list was provided in the request to withdraw the notice of federal tax lien, the list in paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section and the request for notification in paragraph (d)(2)(v) of this section may be submitted after the notice is withdrawn.

(2) Manner. A request to supplement the list of any credit agencies and any financial institutions or creditors that the taxpayer wishes the Commissioner to notify of the withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien must be made in writing in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Commissioner.

(3) Form. The request must include the following information and documents—

(i) Name, current address, and taxpayer identification number of the taxpayer requesting the notification of any credit agency or any financial institution or creditor of the withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien;

(ii) A copy of the notice of withdrawal, if available;

(iii) A supplemental list, identified as such, of the names and addresses of any credit reporting agency and any financial institution or creditor that the taxpayer wishes the Commissioner to notify of the withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien; and

(iv) A request to disclose the withdrawal of notice of federal tax lien to the persons listed in paragraph (e)(3)(iii) of this section.

(f) Effective date. This section applies on or after June 22, 2001, with respect to a withdrawal of any notice of federal tax lien.

[T.D. 8951, 66 FR 33465, June 22, 2001]
§ 301.6324-1 - Special liens for estate and gift taxes; personal liability of transferees and others.

(a) Estate tax. (1) A lien for estate tax attaches at the date of the decedent's death to every part of the gross estate, whether or not the property comes into possession of the duly qualified executor or administrator. The lien attaches to the extent of the tax shown to be due by the return and of any deficiency in tax found to be due upon review and audit. If the estate tax is not paid when due, then the spouse, transferee, trustee (except the trustee of an employee's trust which meets the requirements of section 401(a)), surviving tenant, person in possession of the property by reason of the exercise, nonexercise, or release of a power of appointment, or beneficiary, who receives, or has on the date of the decedent's death, property included in the gross estate under sections 2034 to 2042, inclusive, shall be personally liable for the tax to the extent of the value, at the time of the decedent's death, of the property.

(2) Unless the tax is paid in full or becomes unenforceable by reason of lapse of time, and except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c) of this section, the lien upon the entire property constituting the gross estate continues for a period of 10 years after the decedent's death, except that the lien shall be divested with respect to—

(i) The portion of the gross estate used for the payment of charges against the estate and expenses of its administration allowed by any court having jurisdiction thereof;

(ii) Property included in the gross estate under sections 2034 to 2042, inclusive, which is transferred by (or transferred by the transferee of) the spouse, transferee, trustee, surviving tenant, person in possession of the property by reason of the exercise, nonexercise, or release of a power of appointment, or beneficiary to a purchaser or holder of a security interest. In such case a like lien attaches to all the property of the spouse, transferee, trustee, surviving tenant, person in possession, beneficiary, or transferee of any such person, except the part which is transferred to a purchaser or a holder of a security interest. See section 6323(h) (1) and (6) and the regulations thereunder, respectively, for the definitions of “security interest” and “purchaser”;

(iii) The portion of the gross estate (or any interest therein) which has been transferred to a purchaser or holder of a security interest if payment is made of the full amount of tax determined by the district director pursuant to a request of the fiduciary (executor, in the case of the estate of a decedent dying before January 1, 1971) for discharge from personal liability as authorized by section 2204 (relating to discharge of fiduciary from personal liability) but there is substituted a like lien upon the consideration received from the purchaser or holder of a security interest; and

(iv) Property as to which the district director has issued a certificate releasing a lien under section 6325(a) and the regulations thereunder.

(b) Lien for gift tax. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, a lien attaches upon all gifts made during the period for which the return was filed (see § 25.6019-1 of this chapter) for the amount of tax imposed upon the gifts made during such period. The lien extends for a period of 10 years from the time the gifts are made, unless the tax is sooner paid in full or becomes unenforceable by reason of lapse of time. If the tax is not paid when due, the donee of any gift becomes personally liable for the tax to the extent of the value of his gift. Any part of the property comprised in the gift transferred by the donee (or by a transferee of the donee) to a purchaser or holder of a security interest is divested of the lien, but a like lien, to the extent of the value of the gift, attaches to all the property (including after-acquired property) of the donee (or the transferee) except any part transferred to a purchaser or holder of a security interest. See section 6323(h) (1) and (6) and the regulations thereunder, respectively, for the definitions of “security interest” and “purchaser.”

(c) Exceptions. (1) A lien described in either paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this section is not valid against a mechanic's lienor (as defined in section 6323(h) (2) and the regulations thereunder) and, subject to the conditions set forth under section 6323(b) (relating to protection for certain interests even though notice filed), is not valid with respect to any lien or interest described in section 6323(b) and the regulations thereunder.

(2) If a lien described in either paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of this section is not valid against a lien or security interest (as defined in section 6323(h) (1) and the regulations thereunder), the priority of the lien or security interest extends to any item described in section 6323(e) (relating to priority of interest and expenses) to the extent that, under local law, the item has the same priority as the lien or security interest to which it relates.

(d) Application of lien imposed by section 6321. The general lien under section 6321 and the special lien under subsection (a) or (b) of section 6324 for the estate or gift tax are not exclusive of each other, but are cumulative. Each lien will arise when the conditions precedent to the creation of such lien are met and will continue in accordance with the provisions applicable to the particular lien. Thus, the special lien may exist without the general lien being in force, or the general lien may exist without the special lien being in force, or the general lien and the special lien may exist simultaneously, depending upon the facts and pertinent statutory provisions applicable to the respective liens.

[T.D. 7238, 37 FR 28740, Dec. 29, 1972]
§ 301.6324A-1 - Election of and agreement to special lien for estate tax deferred under section 6166 or 6166A.

(a) Election of lien. If payment of a portion of the estate tax is deferred under section 6166 or 6166A (as in effect prior to its repeal by Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981), an executor of a decedent's estate who seeks to be discharged from personal liability may elect a lien in favor of the United States in lieu of the bonds required by sections 2204 and 6165. This election is made by applying to the Internal Revenue Service office where the estate tax return is filed at any time prior to payment of the full amount of estate tax and interest due. The application is to be a notice of election requesting the special lien provided by section 6324A and is to be accompanied by the agreement described in paragraph (b) (1) of this section.

(b) Agreement to lien—(1) In general. A lien under this section will not arise unless all parties having any interest in all property designated in the notice of election as property to which the lien is to attach sign an agreement in which they consent to the creation of the lien. (Property so designated need not be property included in the decedent's estate.) The agreement is to be attached to the notice in which the lien under section 6324A is elected. It must be in a form that is binding on all parties having any interest on the property and must contain the following:

(i) The decedent's name and taxpayer identification number as they appear on the estate tax return;

(ii) The amount of the lien;

(iii) The fair market value of the property to be subject to the lien as of the date of the decedent's death and the date of the election under this section;

(iv) The amount, as of the date of the decedent's death and the date of the election, of all encumbrances on the property, including mortgages and any lien under section 6324B;

(v) A clear description of the property which is to be subject to the lien, and in the case of property other than land, a statement of its estimated remaining useful life; and

(vi) Designation of an agent (including the agent's address) for the beneficiaries of the estate and the consenting parties to the lien for all dealings with the Internal Revenue Service on matters arising under section 6166 or 6166A (as in effect prior to its repeal by Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981), or under section 6324A.

(2) Persons having an interest in designated property. An interest in property is any interest which as of the date of the election can be asserted under applicable local law so as to affect the disposition of any property designated in the agreement required under this section. Any person in being at the date of the election who has any such interest in the property, whether present or future, or vested or contingent, must enter into the agreement. Included among such persons are owners of remainder and executory interests, the holders of general or special powers of appointment, beneficiaries of a gift over in default of exercise of any such power, co-tenants, joint tenants, and holders of other undivided interests when the decedent held a joint or undivided interest in the property, and trustees of trusts holding any interest in the property. An heir who has the power under local law to caveat (challenge) a will and thereby affect disposition of the property is not, however, considered to be a person with an interest in property under section 6324A solely by reason of that right. Likewise, creditors of an estate are not such persons solely by reason of their status as creditors.

(3) Consent on behalf of interested party. If any person required to enter into the agreement provided for by this paragraph either desires that an agent act for him or her or cannot legally bind himself or herself due to infancy or other incompetency, a representative authorized under local law to bind the interested party in an agreement of this nature is permitted to sign the agreement on his or her behalf.

(4) Duties of agent designated in agreement. The Internal Revenue Service will contact the agent designated in the agreement under paragraph (b)(1) on all matters relating to continued qualification of the estate under section 6166 or 6166A (as in effect prior to its repeal by Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981) and on all matters relating to the special lien arising under section 6324A. It is the duty of the agent as attorney-in-fact for the parties with interests in the property subject to the lien under section 6324A to furnish the Service with any requested information and to notify the Service of any event giving rise to acceleration of the deferred amount of tax.

(c) Partial substitution of bond for lien. If the amount of unpaid estate tax plus interest exceeds the value (determined for purposes of section 6324A(b)(2)) of property listed in the agreement under paragraph (b) of this section, the Internal Revenue Service may condition the release from personal liability upon the executor's submitting an agreement listing additional property or furnishing an acceptable bond in the amount of such excess.

(d) Relation of sections 6324A and 2204. The lien under section 6324A is deemed to be a bond under section 2204 for purposes of determining an executor's release from personal liability. If an election has been made under section 6324A, the executor may not substitute a bond pursuant to section 2204 in lieu of that lien. If a bond has been supplied under section 2204, however, the executor may, by filing a proper notice of election and agreement, substitute a lien under section 6324A for any part or all of such bond.

(e) Relation of sections 6324A and 6324. If there is a lien under this section on any property with respect to an estate, that lien is in lieu of the lien provided by section 6324 on such property with respect to the same estate.

(f) Section 6324A lien to be in lieu of bond under section 6165. The lien under section 6324A is in lieu of any bond otherwise required under section 6165 with respect to tax to be paid in installments under section 6166 or section 6166A (as in effect prior to its repeal by Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981).

(g) Special rule for estates for which elections under section 6324A are made on or before August 30, 1980. If a lien is elected under section 6324A on or before August 30, 1980, the original election may be revoked. To revoke an election, the executor must file a notice of revocation containing the decedent's name, date of death, and taxpayer identification number with the Internal Revenue Service office where the original estate tax return for the decedent was filed. The notice must be filed on or before January 31, 1981 (or if earlier, the date on which the period of limitation for assessment expires).

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1545-0754) (Secs. 2032A and 7805 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (90 Stat. 1856, 68A Stat. 917; 26 U.S.C. 2032A,7805; secs. 6324A(a) and 7805 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (90 Stat. 1808, 68A Stat. 917; 26 U.S.C. 6324A(a), 7805)) [T.D. 7710, 45 FR 50747, July 31, 1980, as amended by T.D. 7941, 49 FR 4469, Feb. 7, 1984]
§ 301.6325-1 - Release of lien or discharge of property.

(a) Release of lien—(1) Liability satisfied or unenforceable. The appropriate official shall issue a certificate of release for a filed notice of Federal tax lien, no later than 30 days after the date on which he finds that the entire tax liability listed in such notice of Federal tax lien either has been fully satisfied (as defined in paragraph (a)(4) of this section) or has become legally unenforceable. In all cases, the liability for the payment of the tax continues until satisfaction of the tax in full or until the expiration of the statutory period for collection, including such extension of the period for collection as is agreed to.

(2) Bond accepted. The appropriate official shall issue a certificate of release of any tax lien if he is furnished and accepts a bond that is conditioned upon the payment of the amount assessed (together with all interest in respect thereof), within the time agreed upon in the bond, but not later than 6 months before the expiration of the statutory period for collection, including any agreed upon extensions. For provisions relating to bonds, see sections 7101 and 7102 and §§ 301.7101-1 and 301.7102-1.

(3) Certificate of release for a lien which has become legally unenforceable. The appropriate official shall have the authority to file a notice of Federal tax lien which also contains a certificate of release pertaining to those liens which become legally unenforceable. Such release will become effective as a release as of a date prescribed in the document containing the notice of Federal tax lien and certificate of release.

(4) Satisfaction of tax liability. For purposes of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, satisfaction of the tax liability occurs when—

(i) The appropriate official determines that the entire tax liability listed in a notice of Federal tax lien has been fully satisfied. Such determination will be made as soon as practicable after tender of payment; or

(ii) The taxpayer provides the appropriate official with proof of full payment (as defined in paragraph (a)(5) of this section) with respect to the entire tax liability listed in a notice of Federal tax lien together with the information and documents set forth in paragraph (a)(7) of this section. See paragraph (a)(6) of this section if more than one tax liability is listed in a notice of Federal tax lien.

(5) Proof of full payment. As used in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section, the term proof of full payment means—

(i) An internal revenue cashier's receipt reflecting full payment of the tax liability in question;

(ii) A canceled check in an amount sufficient to satisfy the tax liability for which the release is being sought;

(iii) A record, made in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Commissioner, of proper payment of the tax liability by credit or debit card or by electronic funds transfer; or

(iv) Any other manner of proof acceptable to the appropriate official.

(6) Notice of a Federal tax lien which lists multiple liabilities. When a notice of Federal tax lien lists multiple tax liabilities, the appropriate official shall issue a certificate of release when all of the tax liabilities listed in the notice of Federal tax lien have been fully satisfied or have become legally unenforceable. In addition, if the taxpayer requests that a certificate of release be issued with respect to one or more tax liabilities listed in the notice of Federal tax lien and such liability has been fully satisfied or has become legally unenforceable, the appropriate official shall issue a certificate of release. For example, if a notice of Federal tax lien lists two separate liabilities and one of the liabilities is satisfied, the taxpayer may request the issuance of a certificate of release with respect to the satisfied tax liability and the appropriate official shall issue a release.

(7) Taxpayer requests. A request for a certificate of release with respect to a notice of Federal tax lien shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate official. The request shall contain the information required in the appropriate IRS Publication.

(b) Discharge of specific property from the lien—(1) Property double the amount of the liability. (i) The appropriate official may, in his discretion, issue a certificate of discharge of any part of the property subject to a Federal tax lien imposed under chapter 64 of the Internal Revenue Code if he determines that the fair market value of that part of the property remaining subject to the Federal tax lien is at least double the sum of the amount of the unsatisfied liability secured by the Federal tax lien and of the amount of all other liens upon the property which have priority over the Federal tax lien. In general, fair market value is that amount which one ready and willing but not compelled to buy would pay to another ready and willing but not compelled to sell the property.

(ii) The following example illustrates a case in which a certificate of discharge may not be given under this subparagraph:

Example.The Federal tax liability secured by a lien is $1,000. The fair market value of all property which after the discharge will continue to be subject to the Federal tax lien is $10,000. There is a prior mortgage on the property of $5,000, including interest, and the property is subject to a prior lien of $100 for real estate taxes. Accordingly, the taxpayer's equity in the property over and above the amount of the mortgage and real estate taxes is $4,900, or nearly five times the amount required to pay the assessed tax on which the Federal tax lien is based. Nevertheless, a discharge under this subparagraph is not permissible. In the illustration, the sum of the amount of the Federal tax liability ($1,000) and of the amount of the prior mortgage and the lien for real estate taxes ($5,000 + $100 = $5,100) is $6,100. Double this sum is $12,200, but the fair market value of the remaining property is only $10,000. Hence, a discharge of the property is not permissible under this subparagraph, since the Code requires that the fair market value of the remaining property be at least double the sum of two amounts, one amount being the outstanding Federal tax liability and the other amount being all prior liens upon such property. In order that the discharge may be issued, it would be necessary that the remaining property be worth not less than $12,200.

(2) Part payment; interest of United States valueless—(i) Part payment. The appropriate official may, in his discretion, issue a certificate of discharge of any part of the property subject to a Federal tax lien imposed under chapter 64 of the Internal Revenue Code if there is paid over to him in partial satisfaction of the liability secured by the Federal tax lien an amount determined by him to be not less than the value of the interest of the United States in the property to be so discharged. In determining the amount to be paid, the appropriate official will take into consideration all the facts and circumstances of the case, including the expenses to which the government has been put in the matter. In no case shall the amount to be paid be less than the value of the interest of the United States in the property with respect to which the certificate of discharge is to be issued.

(ii) Interest of the United States valueless. The appropriate official may, in his discretion, issue a certificate of discharge of any part of the property subject to the Federal tax lien if he determines that the interest of the United States in the property to be so discharged has no value.

(3) Discharge of property by substitution of proceeds of sale. The appropriate official may, in his discretion, issue a certificate of discharge of any part of the property subject to a Federal tax lien imposed under chapter 64 of the Internal Revenue Code if such part of the property is sold and, pursuant to a written agreement with the appropriate official, the proceeds of the sale are held, as a fund subject to the Federal tax liens and claims of the United States, in the same manner and with the same priority as the Federal tax liens or claims had with respect to the discharged property. This paragraph does not apply unless the sale divests the taxpayer of all right, title, and interest in the property sought to be discharged. Any reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the sale of the property and the administration of the sale proceeds shall be paid by the applicant or from the proceeds of the sale before satisfaction of any Federal tax liens or claims of the United States.

(4) Right of substitution of value—(i) Issuance of certificate of discharge to property owner who is not the taxpayer. If an owner of property subject to a Federal tax lien imposed under chapter 64 of the Internal Revenue Code submits an application for a certificate of discharge pursuant to paragraph (b)(5) of this section, the appropriate official shall issue a certificate of discharge of such property after the owner either deposits with the appropriate official an amount equal to the value of the interest of the United States in the property, as determined by the appropriate official pursuant to paragraph (b)(6) of this section, or furnishes an acceptable bond in a like amount. This paragraph does not apply if the person seeking the discharge is the person whose unsatisfied liability gave rise to the Federal tax lien. Thus, if the property is owned by both the taxpayer and another person, the other person may obtain a certificate of discharge of the property under this paragraph, but the taxpayer may not.

(ii) Refund of deposit and release of bond. The appropriate official may, in his discretion, determine that either the entire unsatisfied tax liability listed on the notice of Federal tax lien can be satisfied from a source other than the property sought to be discharged, or the value of the interest of the United States is less than the prior determination of such value. The appropriate official shall refund the amount deposited with interest at the overpayment rate determined under section 6621 or release the bond furnished to the extent that he makes this determination.

(iii) Refund request. If a property owner desires an administrative refund of his deposit or release of the bond, the owner shall file a request in writing with the appropriate official. The request shall contain such information as the appropriate IRS Publication may require. The request must be filed within 120 days after the date the certificate of discharge is issued. A refund request made under this paragraph neither is required nor is effective to extend the period for filing an action in court under section 7426(a)(4).

(iv) Internal Revenue Service's use of deposit if court action not filed. If no action is filed under section 7426(a)(4) for refund of the deposit or release of the bond within the 120-day period specified therein, the appropriate official shall, within 60 days after the expiration of the 120-day period, apply the amount deposited or collect on such bond to the extent necessary to satisfy the liability listed on the notice of Federal tax lien, and shall refund, with interest at the overpayment rate determined under section 6621, any portion of the amount deposited that is not used to satisfy the liability. If the appropriate official has not completed the application of the deposit to the unsatisfied liability before the end of the 60-day period, the deposit will be deemed to have been applied to the unsatisfied liability as of the 60th day.

(5) Application for certificate of discharge. Any person desiring a certificate of discharge under this paragraph (b) shall submit an application in writing to the appropriate official. The application shall contain the information required by the appropriate IRS Publication. For purposes of this paragraph (b), any application for certificate of discharge made by a property owner who is not the taxpayer, and any amount submitted pursuant to the application, will be treated as an application for discharge and a deposit under section 6325(b)(4) unless the owner of the property submits a statement, in writing, that the application is being submitted under another paragraph of section 6325 and not under section 6325(b)(4), and the owner in writing waives the rights afforded under paragraph (b)(4), including the right to seek judicial review.

(6) Valuation of interest of United States. For purposes of paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(4) of this section, in determining the value of the interest of the United States in the property, or any part thereof, with respect to which the certificate of discharge is to be issued, the appropriate official shall give consideration to the value of the property and the amount of all liens and encumbrances thereon having priority over the Federal tax lien. In determining the value of the property, the appropriate official may, in his discretion, give consideration to the forced sale value of the property in appropriate cases.

(c) Estate or gift tax liability fully satisfied or provided for—(1) Certificate of discharge. If the appropriate official determines that the tax liability for estate or gift tax has been fully satisfied, he may issue a certificate of discharge of any or all property from the lien imposed thereon. If the appropriate official determines that the tax liability for estate or gift tax has been adequately provided for, he may issue a certificate discharging particular items of property from the lien. If a lien has arisen under section 6324B (relating to special lien for additional estate tax attributable to farm, etc., valuation) and the appropriate official determines that the liability for additional estate tax has been fully secured in accordance with § 20.6324B-1(c) of this chapter, the appropriate official may issue a certificate of discharge of the real property from the section 6324B lien. The issuance of such a certificate is a matter resting within the discretion of the appropriate official, and a certificate will be issued only in case there is actual need therefor. The primary purpose of such discharge is not to evidence payment or satisfaction of the tax, but to permit the transfer of property free from the lien in case it is necessary to clear title. The tax will be considered fully satisfied only when investigation has been completed and payment of the tax, including any deficiency determined, has been made.

(2) Application for certificate of discharge. An application for a certificate of discharge of property from the lien for estate or gift tax should be filed with the appropriate official responsible for the collection of the tax. It should be made in writing under penalties of perjury and should explain the circumstances that require the discharge, and should fully describe the particular items for which the discharge is desired. Where realty is involved each parcel sought to be discharged from the lien should be described on a separate page and each such description submitted in duplicate. In the case of an estate tax lien, the application should show the applicant's relationship to the estate, such as executor, heir, devisee, legatee, beneficiary, transferee, or purchaser. If the estate or gift tax return has not been filed, a statement under penalties of perjury may be required showing (i) the value of the property to be discharged, (ii) the basis for such valuation, (iii) in the case of the estate tax, the approximate value of the gross estate and the approximate value of the total real property included in the gross estate, (iv) in the case of the gift tax, the total amount of gifts made during the calendar year and the prior calendar years subsequent to the enactment of the Revenue Act of 1932 and the approximate value of all real estate subject to the gift tax lien, and (v) if the property is to be sold or otherwise transferred, the name and address of the purchaser or transferee and the consideration, if any, paid or to be paid by him.

(3) For provisions relating to transfer certificates in the case of nonresident estates, see § 20.6325-1 of this chapter (Estate Tax Regulations).

(d) Subordination of lien—(1) By payment of the amount subordinated. The appropriate official may, in his discretion, issue a certificate of subordination of a lien imposed under chapter 64 of the Internal Revenue Code upon any part of the property subject to the lien if there is paid over to the appropriate officialr an amount equal to the amount of the lien or interest to which the certificate subordinates the lien of the United States. For this purpose, the tax lien may be subordinated to another lien or interest on a dollar-for-dollar basis. For example, if a notice of a Federal tax lien is filed and a delinquent taxpayer secures a mortgage loan on a part of the property subject to the tax lien and pays over the proceeds of the loan to a appropriate official after an application for a certificate of subordination is approved, the appropriate official will issue a certificate of subordination. This certificate will have the effect of subordinating the tax lien to the mortgage.

(2) To facilitate tax collection—(i) In general. The appropriate official may, in his discretion, issue a certificate of subordination of a lien imposed under chapter 64 of the Internal Revenue Code upon any part of the property subject to the lien if the appropriate official believes that the subordination of the lien will ultimately result in an increase in the amount realized by the United States from the property subject to the lien and will facilitate the ultimate collection of the tax liability.

(ii) Examples. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1.A, a farmer needs money in order to harvest his crop. A Federal tax lien, notice of which has been filed, is outstanding with respect to A's property. B, a lending institution is willing to make the necessary loan if the loan is secured by a first mortgage on the farm which is prior to the Federal tax lien. Upon examination, the appropriate official believes that ultimately the amount realizable from A's property will be increased and the collection of the tax liability will be facilitated by the availability of cash when the crop is harvested and sold. In this case, the appropriate official may, in his discretion, subordinate the tax lien on the farm to the mortgage securing the crop harvesting loan. Example 2.C owns a commercial building which is deteriorating and in unsalable condition. Because of outstanding Federal tax liens, notices of which have been filed, C is unable to finance the repair and rehabilitation of the building. D, a contractor, is willing to do the work if his mechanic's lien on the property is superior to the Federal tax liens. Upon examination, the appropriate official believes that ultimately the amount realizable from C's property will be increased and the collection of the tax liability will be facilitated by arresting deterioration of the property and restoring it to salable condition. In this case, the appropriate official may, in his discretion, subordinate the tax lien on the building to the mechanic's lien. Example 3.E, a manufacturer of electronic equipment, obtains financing from F, a lending institution, pursuant to a security agreement, with respect to which a financing statement was duly filed under the Uniform Commercial Code on June 1, 1970. On April 15, 1971, F gains actual notice or knowledge that notice of a Federal tax lien had been filed against E on March 31, 1971, and F refuses to make further advances unless its security interest is assured of priority over the Federal tax lien. Upon examination, the appropriate official believes that ultimately the amount realizable from E's property will be increased and the collection of the tax liability will be facilitated if the work in process can be completed and the equipment sold. In this case, the appropriate official may, in his discretion, subordinate the tax lien to F's security interest for the further advances required to complete the work. Example 4.Suit is brought against G by H, who claims ownership of property the legal title to which is held by G. A Federal tax lien against G, notice of which has previously been filed, will be enforceable against the property if G's title is confirmed. Because section 6323(b)(8) is inapplicable, J, an attorney, is unwilling to defend the case for G unless he is granted a contractual lien on the property, superior to the Federal tax lien. Upon examination, the appropriate official believes that the successful defense of the case by G will increase the amount ultimately realizable from G's property and will facilitate collection of the tax liability. In this case, the appropriate official may, in his discretion, subordinate the tax lien to J's contractual lien on the disputed property to secure J's reasonable fees and expenses.

(3) Subordination of section 6324B lien. The appropriate official may issue a certificate of subordination with respect to a lien imposed by section 6324B if the appropriate official determines that the interests of the United States will be adequately secured after such subordination. For example, A, a qualified heir of qualified real property, needs to borrow money for farming purposes. If the current fair market value of the real property is $150,000, the amount of the claim to which the special lien is to be subordinated is $40,000, the potential liability for additional tax (as defined in section 2032A(c)) is less than $55,000, and there are no other facts to indicate that the interest of the United States will not be adequately secured, the appropriate official may issue a certificate of subordination. The result would be the same if the loan were for bona fide purposes other than farming.

(4) Application for certificate of subordination. Any person desiring a certificate of subordination under this paragraph shall submit an application therefor in writing to the appropriate official responsible for the collection of the tax. The application shall contain such information as the appropriate official may require.

(e) Nonattachment of lien. If the appropriate official determines that, because of confusion of names or otherwise, any person (other than the person against whom the tax was assessed) is or may be injured by the appearance that a notice of lien filed in accordance with § 301.6323(f)-1 refers to such person, the appropriate official may issue a certificate of nonattachment. Such certificate shall state that the lien, notice of which has been filed, does not attach to the property of such person. Any person desiring a certificate of nonattachment under this paragraph shall submit an application therefor in writing to the appropriate official responsible for the collection of the tax. The application shall contain such information as the appropriate official may require.

(f) Effect of certificate—(1) Conclusiveness. Except as provided in subparagraphs (2) and (3) of this paragraph, if a certificate is issued under section 6325 by the appropriate official and the certificate is filed in the same office as the notice of lien to which it relates (if the notice of lien has been filed), the certificate shall have the following effect—

(i) In the case of a certificate of release issued under paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate shall be conclusive that the tax lien referred to in the certificate is extinguished;

(ii) In the case of a certificate of discharge issued under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, the certificate shall be conclusive that the property covered by the certificate is discharged from the tax lien;

(iii) In the case of a certificate of subordination issued under paragraph (d) of this section, the certificate shall be conclusive that the lien or interest to which the Federal tax lien is subordinated is superior to the tax lien; and

(iv) In the case of a certificate of nonattachment issued under paragraph (e) of this section, the certificate shall be conclusive that the lien of the United States does not attach to the property of the person referred to in the certificate.

(2) Revocation of certificate of release or nonattachment—(i) In general. If the appropriate official determines that either—

(a) A certificate of release or a certificate of nonattachment of the general tax lien imposed by section 6321 was issued erroneously or improvidently, or

(b) A certificate of release of such lien was issued in connection with a compromise agreement under section 7122 which has been breached,

and if the period of limitation on collection after assessment of the tax liability has not expired, the appropriate official may revoke the certificate and reinstate the tax lien. The provisions of this subparagraph do not apply in the case of the lien imposed by section 6324 relating to estate and gift taxes.

(ii) Method of revocation and reinstatement. The revocation and reinstatement described in subdivision (i) of this subparagraph is accompanied by—

(a) Mailing notice of the revocation to the taxpayer at his last known address (see § 301.6212-2 for further guidance regarding the definition of last known address); and

(b) Filing notice of the revocation of the certificate in the same office in which the notice of lien to which it relates was filed (if the notice of lien has been filed).

(iii) Effect of reinstatement—(a) Effective date. A tax lien reinstated in accordance with the provisions of this subparagraph is effective on and after the date the notice of revocation is mailed to the taxpayer in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (ii)(a) of this subparagraph, but the reinstated lien is not effective before the filing of notice of revocation, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (ii)(b) of this subparagraph, if the filing is required by reason of the fact that a notice of the lien had been filed.

(b) Treatment of reinstated lien. As of the effective date of reinstatement, a reinstated lien has the same force and effect as a general tax lien imposed by section 6321 which arises upon assessment of a tax liability. The reinstated lien continues in existence until the expiration of the period of limitation on collection after assessment of the tax liability to which it relates. The reinstatement of the lien does not retroactively reinstate a previously filed notice of lien. The reinstated lien is not valid against any holder of a lien or interest described in § 301.6323(a)-1 until notice of the reinstated lien has been filed in accordance with the provisions of § 301.6323(f)-1 subsequent to or concurrent with the time the reinstated lien became effective.

(iv) Example. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following example:

Example.On March 1, 1967, an assessment of an unpaid Federal tax liability is made against A. On March 1, 1968, notice of the Federal tax lien, which arose at the time of assessment, is filed. On April 1, 1968, A executes a bona fide mortgage on property belonging to him to B. On May 1, 1968, a certificate of release of the tax lien is erroneously issued and is filed by A in the same office in which the notice of lien was filed. On June 3, 1968, the lien is reinstated in accordance with the provisions of this subparagraph. On July 1, 1968, A executes a bona fide mortgage on property belonging to him to C. On August 1, 1968, a notice of the lien which was reinstated is properly filed in accordance with the provisions of § 301.6323(f)-1. The mortgages of both B and C will have priority over the rights of the United States with respect to the tax liability in question. Because a reinstated lien continues in existence only until the expiration of the period of limitation on collection after assessment of the tax liability to which the lien relates, in the absence of any extension or suspension of the period of limitation on collection after assessment, the reinstated lien will become unenforceable by reason of lapse of time after February 28, 1973.

(3) Certificates void under certain conditions. Notwithstanding any other provisions of subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code, any lien for Federal taxes attaches to any property with respect to which a certificate of discharge has been issued if the person liable for the tax reacquires the property after the certificate has been issued. Thus, if property subject to a Federal tax lien is discharged therefrom and is later reacquired by the delinquent taxpayer at a time when the lien is still in existence, the tax lien attaches to the reacquired property and is enforceable against it as in the case of after-acquired property generally.

(g) Filing of certificates and notices. If a certificate or notice described in this section may not be filed in the office designated by State law in which the notice of lien imposed by section 6321 (to which the certificate or notice relates) is filed, the certificate or notice is effective if filed in the office of the clerk of the United States district court for the judicial district in which the State office where the notice of lien is filed is situated.

(h) As used in this section, the term appropriate official means either the official or office identified in the relevant IRS Publication or, if such official or office is not so identified, the Secretary or his delegate.

(i) Effective/applicability date. This section applies to any release of lien or discharge of property that is requested after January 31, 2008.

(Secs. 6324B (90 Stat. 1861, 26 U.S.C. 6324B) and 7805 (68A Stat. 917, 26 U.S.C. 7805)) [32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, as amended by T.D. 7429, 41 FR 35512, Aug. 23, 1976; T.D. 7847, 47 FR 50857, Nov. 10, 1982; T.D. 8939, 66 FR 2821, Jan. 12, 2001; 73 FR 5742, T.D. 9378, Jan. 31, 2008; T.D. 9378, 73 FR 9672, Feb. 22, 2008]
§ 301.6326-1 - Administrative appeal of the erroneous filing of notice of federal tax lien.

(a) In general. Any person may appeal to the district director of the district in which a notice of federal tax lien was filed on the property or rights to property of such person for a release of lien alleging an error in the filing of notice of lien. Such appeal may be used only for the purpose of correcting the erroneous filing of a notice of lien, not to challenge the underlying deficiency that led to the imposition of a lien. If the district director determines that the Internal Revenue Service has erroneously filed the notice of any federal tax lien, the district director shall expeditiously, and, to the extent practicable, within 14 days after such determination, issue a certificate of release of lien. The certificate of release of such lien shall include a statement that the filing of notice of lien was erroneous.

(b) Appeal alleging an error in the filing of notice of lien. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, an appeal of the filing of notice of federal tax lien must be based on any one of the following allegations:

(1) The tax liability that gave rise to the lien, plus any interest and additions to tax associated with said liability, was satisfied prior to the filing of notice of lien;

(2) The tax liability that gave rise to the lien was assessed in violation of the deficiency procedures set forth in section 6213 of the Internal Revenue Code;

(3) The tax liability that gave rise to the lien was assessed in violation of title 11 of the United States Code (the Bankruptcy Code); or

(4) The statutory period for collection of the tax liability that gave rise to the lien expired prior to the filing of notice of federal tax lien.

(c) Notice of federal tax lien that lists multiple liabilities. When a notice of federal tax lien lists multiple liabilities, a person may appeal the filing of notice of lien with respect to one or more of the liabilities listed in the notice, if the notice was erroneously filed with respect to such liabilities. If a notice of federal tax lien was erroneously filed with respect to one or more liabilities listed in the notice, the district director shall issue a certificate of release with respect to such liabilities. For example, if a notice of federal tax lien lists tax liabilities for years 1980, 1981 and 1982, and the entire liabilities for 1981 and 1982 were paid prior to the filing of notice of lien, the taxpayer may appeal the filing of notice of lien with respect to the 1981 and 1982 liabilities and the district director must issue a certificate of release with respect to the 1981 and 1982 liabilities.

(d) Procedures for appeal—(1) Manner. An appeal of the filing of notice of federal tax lien shall be made in writing to the district director (marked for the attention of the Chief, Special Procedures Function) of the district in which the notice of federal tax lien was filed.

(2) Form. The appeal shall include the following information and documents:

(i) Name, current address, and taxpayer identification number of the person appealing the filing of notice of federal tax lien;

(ii) A copy of the notice of federal tax lien affecting the property, if available; and

(iii) The grounds upon which the filing of notice of federal tax lien is being appealed.

(A) If the ground upon which the filing of notice is being appealed is that the tax liability in question was satisfied prior to the filing, proof of full payment as defined in paragraph (e) of this section must be provided.

(B) If the ground upon which the filing of notice is being appealed is that the tax liability that gave rise to lien was assessed in violation of the deficiency procedures set forth in section 6213 of the Internal Revenue Code, the appealing party must explain how the assessment was erroneous.

(C) If the ground upon which the filing of notice is being appealed is that the tax liability that gave rise to the lien was assessed in violation of title 11 of the United States Code (the Bankruptcy Code), the appealing party must provide the following:

(1) The identity of the court and the district in which the bankruptcy petition was filed; and

(2) The docket number and the date of filing of the bankruptcy petition.

(3) Time. An administrative appeal of the erroneous filing of notice of federal tax lien shall be made within 1 year after the taxpayer becomes aware of the erroneously filed tax lien.

(e) Proof of full payment. As used in paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this section, the term “proof of full payment” means:

(1) An internal revenue cashier's receipt reflecting full payment of the tax liability in question prior to the date the federal tax lien issue was filed;

(2) A canceled check to the Internal Revenue Service in an amount which was sufficient to satisfy the tax liability for which release is being sought; or

(3) Any other manner of proof acceptable to the district director.

(f) Exclusive remedy. The appeal established by section 6326 of the Internal Revenue Code and by this section shall be the exclusive administrative remedy with respect to the erroneous filing of a notice of federal tax lien.

(g) Effective date. The provisions of this section are effective July 7, 1989.

[T.D. 8250, 54 FR 19569, May 8, 1989. Redesignated at 56 FR 19948, May 1, 1991]
authority: Section 301.1474-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 1474(f)
source: 32 FR 15241, Nov. 3, 1967, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 26 CFR 301.6316-9