Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 44.221 - Application of drawback of tax.

Allowance of drawback of tax shall apply only to tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, on which tax has been paid, when such articles are shipped to a foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States. Such drawback shall be allowed only to the person who paid the tax on such articles and who files claim and otherwise complies with the provisions of this subpart.

(72 Stat. 1419, 68A Stat. 908; 26 U.S.C. 5706,7653.D. 6871, 31 FR 55, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]
§ 44.222 - Claim.

Claim for allowance of drawback of tax, under this subpart, must be filed on Form 5620.7. Such claim must be filed in sufficient time to permit the appropriate TTB officer to detail an appropriate TTB officer to inspect the articles and supervise the affixture of a label or notice bearing the legend “For Export With Drawback of Tax.” Upon receipt of a claim supported by satisfactory bond, as required by this subpart, an appropriate TTB officer will proceed to the place where the articles involved are held and there perform the functions required in § 44.224.

[T.D. ATF-480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]
§ 44.223 - Drawback bond.

Each claim for allowance of drawback of tax, under this subpart, shall be accompanied by a bond, Form 2148 (5200.17), satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer with whom the claim is filed. Such bond shall be in an amount not less than the amount of tax for which drawback is claimed, conditioned that the claimant shall furnish, within a reasonable time, evidence satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer that the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes have been landed at some port beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, or that after clearance from the United States, the articles were lost (otherwise than by theft) or destroyed, by fire, casualty, or act of God, and have not been relanded within the limits of the United States. The provisions of §§ 44.121 and 44.122 are applicable with respect to any drawback bond required under this section.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706) [T.D. 6871, 31 FR 55, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF-480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]
§ 44.224 - Inspection by an appropriate TTB officer.

(a) Examination. An appropriate TTB officer will examine the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes listed on TTB Form 5620.7. Such officer will verify the accuracy of the schedule of such articles on TTB Form 5620.7.

(b) Label or notice. If the tax on such articles has been paid by return, the appropriate TTB officer must be satisfied that the articles have in fact been taxpaid and each package bears the label or notice required by § 44.222.

(c) Shipping containers. The appropriate officer will supervise the packing of such articles in shipping containers. Each container must be numbered and have affixed to it the notice:

Drawback of tax claimed on contents.

Sale, consumption, or use in U.S. prohibited.

(d) Disposition of TTB Form 5620.7. After the appropriate TTB officer completes the report of inspection on TTB Form 5620.7, such officer will return two copies to the claimant and send a copy to the TTB office listed on the form.

(e) Release. After executing the report of inspection on TTB Form 5620.7, the appropriate TTB office will release the shipment to the claimant for delivery to the port of exportation.

[T.D. ATF-480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]
§ 44.225 - Delivery of tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes for export other than by parcel post.

The claimant, upon release of the tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes by the appropriate TTB officer for exportation with benefit of drawback of tax under this subpart, shall be responsible for delivery of such articles to the port of exportation for customs inspection, supervision of lading, and clearance of the articles. The claimant shall file with the district director of customs at the port of exportation the two copies of Form 5620.7 returned to the claimant by the appropriate TTB officer in accordance with § 44.224. Such copies shall be filed in sufficient time prior to lading to permit customs inspection and supervision of lading of the tobacco products, or cigarette papers or tubes.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706) [T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9493, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF-424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999]
§ 44.226 - Delivery of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes for export by parcel post.

Where the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes are to be shipped by parcel post to a destination in a foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, a waiver of his right to withdraw such articles from the mails shall be stamped or written on each shipping container and be signed by the claimant, after which the claimant shall present the shipment to the post office. The claimant shall request the postmaster or his agent to execute the certificate of mailing on the copy of the claim, Form 5620.7, returned to the claimant by the appropriate TTB officer in accordance with § 44.224. When so executed by the postal authorities, the Form 5620.7 shall be transmitted at once to the appropriate TTB officer with whom the form was previously filed.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706) [T.D. 6871, 31 FR 55, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF-424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999]
§ 44.227 - Customs procedure.

The customs officer shall satisfy himself that the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes described on the Form 5620.7 and those inspected by him are the same and shall note on the form any discrepancy. After having inspected the articles and supervised the lading thereof on the export carrier, the customs officer shall complete and sign the certificate of inspection and lading on both copies of Form 5620.7 and deliver or transmit such copies to the office of his district director of customs for further processing. After clearance from the port of the export carrier on which the articles are laden, the district director of customs shall execute the certificate of exportation on both copies of Form 5620.7. The district director of customs shall retain one copy of the form for his records and transmit the other copy to the appropriate TTB officer.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706) [T.D. 6961, 33 FR 9493, June 28, 1968. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF-424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999; T.D. ATF-480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]
§ 44.228 - Landing certificate.

Each claimant for drawback under this subpart agrees in the bond filed by him that he will furnish, within a reasonable time, evidence satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer that the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes covered by his claim have been landed at some port beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States, or that after shipment from the United States the articles were lost, and have not been relanded within the limits of the United States. The landing certificate shall accurately describe the articles involved, so as to readily identify the drawback claim to which it relates. The landing certificate shall be signed by a revenue officer at the place of destination, unless it is shown that no such officer can furnish such landing certificate, in which case the certificate of landing shall be signed by the consignee, or by the vessel's agent at the place of landing, and shall be sworn to before a notary public or other officer authorized to administer oaths and having an official seal. The landing certificate shall be filed with the appropriate TTB officer, with whom the drawback claim was filed, within 6 months from the date of clearance of the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes from the United States. A landing certificate prepared in a foreign language shall be accompanied by an accurate translation thereof in English.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706) [T.D. 6871, 31 FR 56, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]
§ 44.229 - Collateral evidence as to landing.

In case of inability to furnish the prescribed evidence of landing, application for relief shall be promptly made by the claimant to the appropriate TTB officer. Such application shall set forth the facts connected with the alleged exportation, and indicate the date of shipment, the kind, quantity, and value of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes shipped, the name of the consignee, the name of the vessel, the port or place of destination to which the shipment was made, and the date and amount of the bond covering such shipment. The application shall also state in what particular the provisions of this subpart, respecting the proofs of landing, have not been complied with, and the cause of failure to furnish such proofs; that such failure was not occasioned by any lack of diligence on the part of the claimant, or that of his agents; and that he is unable to furnish any other or better evidence than that furnished with his application. Each such application shall be supported by the best collateral evidence the claimant may be able to submit. The evidence may consist of the original or verified copies of letters from the consignee advising the claimant of the arrival or sale of the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, with such other statements respecting the failure to furnish the prescribed evidence of landing as may be obtained from the consignee or other persons having knowledge thereof. Such letters and other documents in a foreign language shall be accompanied by accurate translations thereof in English, and, when the letters fail to identify sufficiently the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, the original sales account must be produced.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706) [T.D. 6871, 31 FR 56, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986; T.D. ATF-480, 67 FR 30803, May 8, 2002]
§ 44.230 - Proof of loss.

When the claimant is unable to procure a certificate of landing, in accordance with the provisions of § 44.228, in consequence of loss of the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, his application for relief shall set forth the extent of the loss and, if possible, the location and manner of shipwreck or other casualty and the time of its occurrence. When obtainable, affidavits of the vessel's owners should be furnished detailing the manner and extent of the loss and the time and location of the disaster. If the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes were insured, the claimant shall furnish certificates by officers of the insurance companies that the insurance has been paid, and that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes were actually destroyed. The aforesaid proof shall be furnished to the appropriate TTB officer within 6 months from the date of clearance of the tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes from the United States.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706) [T.D. 6871, 31 FR 56, Jan. 4, 1966. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-232, 51 FR 28089, Aug. 5, 1986; T.D. ATF-243, 51 FR 43194, Dec. 1, 1986]
§ 44.231 - Extension of time.

In case the claimant, from causes beyond his control, is unable to furnish the landing certificate or proof of loss, within the time prescribed therefor, he may make an application to the appropriate TTB officer for an extension of time in which to do so. Such application must state specifically the cause of failure to furnish the evidence. Two extensions of three months each may be granted by the appropriate TTB officer, provided the surety on the drawback bond of the claimant assents in writing thereto.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706) [25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]
§ 44.232 - Allowance of claim.

On receipt of the executed Form 5620.7 from the district director of customs, the appropriate TTB officer will allow or disallow the claim in accordance with existing law and regulations. If the claim is not allowed in full the appropriate TTB officer will notify the claimant, in writing, of the reasons for any disallowance.

(72 Stat. 1419; 26 U.S.C. 5706) [25 FR 4725, May 28, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, as amended by T.D. ATF-424, 64 FR 71933, Dec. 22, 1999]
source: Redesignated by T.D. ATF-464, 66 FR 43480, Aug. 20, 2001.
cite as: 27 CFR 44.232