Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 46.101 - Special tax returns.

(a) Preparation of TTB Form 5630.5t. Every manufacturer of tobacco products, manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes, and export warehouse proprietor is required to pay special (occupational) tax and file a return on TTB Form 5630.5t, “Special Tax Registration and Return—Tobacco.” TTB Form 5630.5t must be completed in accordance with the instructions on the form, and all of the information called for on the form must be provided, including the following:

(1) Name of the taxpayer.

(2) Trade name(s) (if any) of the business(es) subject to special (occupational) tax.

(3) Employer identification number (see § 46.102).

(4) Exact location of the place of business, by name and number of building or street, or if these do not exist, by some specific description in addition to the post office address. In the case of one return for two or more locations, the address to be shown must be the taxpayer's principal place of business (or principal office, in the case of a corporate taxpayer).

(5) Class(es) of special tax to which the taxpayer is subject.

(6) Ownership and control information. This consists of the name, position, and residence address of every owner of the business and of every person having power to control its management and policies with respect to the activity subject to special tax. “Owner of the business” includes every partner, if the taxpayer is a partnership, and every person owning 10 percent or more of its stock, if the taxpayer is a corporation. However, the ownership and control information required by this paragraph need not be stated if the same information has been previously provided to TTB in connection with a permit application and that previously provided information is still current.

(b) Multiple locations and/or classes of tax. A taxpayer subject to special tax for the same period at more than one location or for more than one class of tax must—

(1) File one special tax return, TTB Form 5630.5t, with payment of tax, to cover all such locations and classes of tax; and

(2) Prepare, in duplicate, a list identified with the taxpayer's name, address (as shown on TTB Form 5630.5t), employer identification number, and period covered by the return. The list must show, by State, the name, address, and tax class of each location for which special tax is being paid. The original of the list must be filed with TTB as an attachment to TTB Form 5630.5t, and the copy must be retained at the taxpayer's principal place of business (or principal office, in the case of a corporate taxpayer) for a period of three years from the date of the return.

(c) Signing of TTB Form 5630.5t—(1) By principal. The return of an individual proprietor must be signed by the individual. The return of a partnership must be signed by a general partner. The return of a corporation must be signed by an officer. In each case, the person signing the return must designate his or her capacity as “individual owner,” “member of firm,” or, in the case of a corporation, the officer's title.

(2) By fiduciary. A receiver, trustee, assignee, executor, administrator, or other legal representative who continues the business of a bankrupt, insolvent, deceased, or otherwise incapacitated person must indicate the capacity in which the fiduciary acts.

(3) By agent or attorney in fact. If a return is signed by an agent or attorney in fact, the signature must be preceded by the name of the principal and followed by the title of the agent or attorney in fact. A return signed by a person as agent will not be accepted unless there is filed, with the TTB office with which the return is required to be filed, a power of attorney authorizing the agent to perform the act.

(d) Perjury statement. Each TTB Form 5630.5t must contain, or be verified by, a written declaration that the return has been executed under the penalties of perjury.

(26 U.S.C. 5732,6061,6065,6151,7011
§ 46.102 - Employer identification number.

(a) Requirement. The employer identification number (as defined in 26 CFR 301.7701-12) of the taxpayer who has been assigned such a number must be shown on each special tax return, including each amended return, filed under this subpart. Failure of the taxpayer to include the employer identification number may result in the imposition of the penalty specified in § 70.113 of this chapter.

(b) Application for employer identification number. Each taxpayer who files a special tax return and who has not already been assigned an employer identification number must file Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form SS-4 to apply for one. The taxpayer must apply for and be assigned only one employer identification number, regardless of the number of places of business for which the taxpayer is required to file a special tax return. The taxpayer must apply for the employer identification number no later than 7 days after the filing of the taxpayer's first special (occupational) tax return. IRS Form SS-4 may be obtained from the director of an IRS service center, from any IRS district director, or from

(26 U.S.C. 6109)
§ 46.103 - Time for filing return and paying tax.

The return, along with remittance of special tax, must be filed on or before the date of commencing business as a manufacturer of tobacco products, manufacturer of cigarette papers or tubes, or export warehouse proprietor, and thereafter every year on or before July 1. If the return and applicable tax are received in the mail and the U.S. postmark on the cover shows that it was deposited in the mail in the United States within the time prescribed for filing in an envelope or other appropriate wrapper which was properly addressed with postage prepaid, the return will be considered as timely filed. If the postmark is not legible, the sender has the burden of proving the date when the postmark was made. When registered mail is used, the date of registration will be accepted as the postmark date. When certified mail is used, the date of the postmark on the sender's receipt of certified mail is treated as the postmark date.

(26 U.S.C. 5732,6011,6071
§ 46.104 - Method of payment.

Payment of special tax must be made in cash, or by check or money order payable to Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. If a check or money order so tendered is not honored when presented for payment, the person who tendered the check or money order will remain liable for the payment of the special tax, and for all penalties and additions, to the same extent as if the check or money order had not been tendered. In addition, unless the person who tendered the check or money order can show that the check or money order was issued in good faith, and with reasonable cause to believe that it would be duly paid, there must be paid as penalty an amount equal to 1 percent of the amount of the check or money order, except that if the amount of the check or money order is less than $500, the penalty will be $5, or the amount of the check or money order, whichever is less.

(26 U.S.C. 6311,6657
§ 46.105 - Receipt for taxes.

Subject to § 46.106, the appropriate TTB officer will issue a receipt to a taxpayer if cash is received as a remittance in payment of special tax (including penalties and interest, if any), or for any type of remittance received if the taxpayer requests a receipt.

§ 46.106 - Receipt in lieu of stamp prohibited.

No receipt will be issued in lieu of issuance of a special tax stamp under § 46.116. A receipt may be given only pending the issuance of a stamp, or where the tax liability relates to a prior tax year.

(26 U.S.C. 6314)
§ 46.107 - Penalty for failure to file return or to pay tax.

(a) Failure to file return. Any person required by this subpart to file a return on TTB Form 5630.5t who fails to file the return on or before the date for filing prescribed in § 46.103 must pay, in addition to the tax, a delinquency penalty, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect (see § 46.109). The delinquency penalty for failure to file the return on or before the last date prescribed will be 5 percent of the amount required to be shown as tax on the return if the failure to file is for not more than one month; with an additional 5 percent for each additional month or fraction thereof during which the delinquency continues, but not more than 25 percent in the aggregate.

(b) Failure to pay tax. Any person who files a return on TTB Form 5630.5t under this subpart and who fails to pay the amount shown as tax on the return on or before the date prescribed in § 46.103 for payment of such tax, must pay a penalty, in addition to the tax, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect (see § 46.109). The penalty for failure to pay the tax on or before the date prescribed for payment is 0.5 percent of the amount shown as tax on the return if the failure to pay is not for more than one month; with an additional 0.5 percent for each additional month or fraction thereof during which the failure continues, but not more than 25 percent in the aggregate. Any person required to pay the special tax who willfully fails to pay the tax shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both, for each such offense.

(c) Limitations. With respect to any return on Form 5630.5t, the amount of the addition under paragraph (a) of this section will be reduced by the amount of the addition under paragraph (b) of this section for any month to which an addition to tax applies under both paragraph (a) and paragraph (b) of this section. If the amount of tax required to be shown as tax on the return is less than the amount shown as tax on such return, the penalties prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section will be applied by substituting that lower amount.

(26 U.S.C. 5731,6651
§ 46.108 - Interest on unpaid tax.

(a) General. Interest is due on unpaid special tax from the date the tax was required to be paid to the date paid. Interest will be charged for each day at the rate prescribed by law in effect on that day. Interest accruing after December 31, 1982, is compounded daily.

(b) Adjusted interest rates. Adjusted interest rates, determined in accordance with the procedure prescribed by 26 U.S.C. 6621(b), are announced quarterly by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The appropriate TTB officer will provide information, when requested, regarding interest rates applicable to specific time periods.

(26 U.S.C. 6601,6621
§ 46.109 - Waiver of penalties.

In every case where a special tax return is not filed, or the tax is not paid, at the time prescribed in § 46.103, the delinquency penalties specified in § 46.107 for failure to file a return or for failure to pay the amount shown as tax on the return will be asserted and collected unless a reasonable cause for delay in filing the return or payment of the tax is clearly established. A taxpayer who believes the circumstances that delayed such taxpayer's filing of the return or payment of the tax are reasonable, and who desires to have the penalties waived, must submit with the return a written statement under the penalty of perjury, affirmatively showing all of the circumstances alleged as reasonable causes for delay. If the appropriate TTB officer determines that the delinquency was due to a reasonable cause and not to willful neglect or gross negligence, the addition to the tax will be waived. If the taxpayer exercised ordinary business care and prudence and was nevertheless unable to file the return within the prescribed time, or if the taxpayer made a satisfactory showing that the taxpayer exercised ordinary business care and prudence in providing for payment of the tax liability and was nevertheless either unable to pay the tax or would have suffered an undue hardship if the taxpayer had paid on the due date, then the delay is due to reasonable cause. Mere ignorance of the law will not be considered a reasonable cause.

(26 U.S.C. 6651)
§ 46.91 - Scope of subpart.

This subpart contains rules relating to special (occupational) taxes that must be paid by manufacturers of tobacco products, manufacturers of cigarette papers and tubes, and export warehouse proprietors.

§ 46.92 - Meaning of terms.

As used in this subpart, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated unless either the context in which they are used requires a different meaning, or a different definition is prescribed for a particular section or portion of this subpart:

Appropriate TTB officer. An officer or employee of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) authorized to perform any functions relating to the administration or enforcement of this part by TTB Order 1135.46, Delegation of the Administrator's Authorities in 27 CFR Part 46, Miscellaneous Regulations Relating to Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes.

CFR. The Code of Federal Regulations.

Cigarette paper. Paper, or any other material except tobacco, prepared for use as a cigarette wrapper.

Cigarette tube. Cigarette paper made into a hollow cylinder for use in making cigarettes.

Export warehouse. A bonded internal revenue warehouse for the storage of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, upon which the internal revenue tax has not been paid, for subsequent shipment to a foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a possession of the United States, or for consumption beyond the jurisdiction of the internal revenue laws of the United States.

Export warehouse proprietor. Any person who operates an export warehouse.

Manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes. Any person who manufactures cigarette paper, or makes up cigarette paper into tubes, except for his own personal use or consumption.

Manufacturer of tobacco products. Any person who manufactures tobacco products.

Person. An individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association or other unincorporated organization, fiduciary, company, or corporation, or the District of Columbia, a State, or a political subdivision thereof (including a city, county, or other municipality).

Special tax. The special (occupational) tax on manufacturers of tobacco products, manufacturers of cigarette papers and tubes, and export warehouse proprietors, imposed by 26 U.S.C. 5731.

Tax year. The period from July 1 of one calendar year through June 30 of the following calendar year.

This chapter. Chapter I of title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Tobacco products. Cigars, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, pipe tobacco, and roll-your-own tobacco.

U.S.C. The United States Code.

§ 46.93 - Multiple businesses of same ownership and location.

(a) Where more than one type of taxable business is conducted by the same person at the same place, special tax for each business must be paid at the rates prescribed for each.

(b) Where the same type of taxable business is conducted by the same person in different areas of the same premises, only one special tax payment is required.

(26 U.S.C. 5733)
§ 46.94 - Relation to State and municipal law.

(a) General. The payment of special (occupational) tax does not exempt any person from any penalty or punishment provided by the laws of any State for carrying on any trade or business within that State, nor does it authorize the commencement or continuance of any trade or business contrary to State law or in places prohibited by county or municipal law. Payment of this tax does not prohibit any State from placing an additional duty or tax on the same trade or business, for State or other purposes.

(b) Special tax stamps. TTB officers are without authority to refuse to issue a special tax stamp to a person engaged in business in violation of State law. The stamp is not a Federal permit or license, but is merely a receipt for the tax. The stamp affords the holder no protection against prosecution for violation of State law.

(26 U.S.C. 5734)
§ 46.95 - Liability of partners.

Any number of persons carrying on one business in partnership at any one place during any tax year are required to pay only one special tax.

(26 U.S.C. 5733)
§ 46.116 - Issuance, distribution, and examination of special tax stamps.

(a) Issuance of special tax stamps. Upon filing a properly executed return on TTB Form 5630.5t together with the full tax remittance, the taxpayer will be issued an appropriately designated special tax stamp. If the return covers multiple locations, TTB will send to the taxpayer's principal place of business (or principal office in the case of a corporate taxpayer) one appropriately designated stamp for each location listed on the attachment to TTB Form 5630.5t required by § 46.101(b)(2).

(b) Distribution of special tax stamps for multiple locations. On receipt of the special tax stamps, the taxpayer must verify that there is one stamp for each location listed on the attachment to TTB Form 5630.5t and that the information on each stamp is correct. The taxpayer must then forward each stamp to the place of business designated on the stamp. Incorrect stamps must be returned to the appropriate TTB officer as provided in § 46.120.

(c) Examination of special tax stamps. Each stamp denoting payment of special tax must be kept available for inspection by an appropriate TTB officer during business hours at the location for which the stamp is designated.

(26 U.S.C. 5732)
§ 46.117 - Lost or destroyed stamps.

If a special tax stamp has been lost or destroyed, the taxpayer must immediately notify the TTB officer who issued the stamp. A “Certificate in Lieu of Lost or Destroyed Special Tax Stamp” will be issued to the taxpayer who submits an affidavit explaining to the satisfaction of the appropriate TTB officer that the stamp was lost or destroyed. The certificate must be kept available for inspection in the same manner as prescribed for a special tax stamp in § 46.116(c).

§ 46.118 - Certificate in lieu of lost or destroyed special tax stamp.

The provisions of this subpart relating to special tax stamps apply as well to certificates in lieu of lost or destroyed special tax stamps issued to taxpayers under § 46.117.

§ 46.119 - Errors disclosed by taxpayers.

On receipt of a special tax stamp, the taxpayer must examine it to ensure that the name and address are correctly stated; if not, the taxpayer must return the stamp to the TTB officer who issued it, with a statement showing the nature of the error and the correct name or address. The appropriate TTB officer, on receipt of such stamp and statement, will compare the data on the stamp with that of the Form 5630.5t in TTB files, correct the error if made in the TTB office, and return the stamp to the taxpayer. However, if the error was in the taxpayer's preparation of the Form 5630.5t, the appropriate TTB officer will require the taxpayer to file a new Form 5630.5t, designated “Amended Return,” setting forth the taxpayer's correct name and address, and a statement explaining the error on the original Form 5630.5t. On receipt of the amended Form 5630.5t and a satisfactory explanation of the error, the appropriate TTB officer will make the proper correction on the stamp and return it to the taxpayer.

§ 46.120 - Errors discovered on inspection.

When a TTB officer discovers on a special tax stamp a material error in the name, ownership, or address of the taxpayer, that officer will require the taxpayer to surrender the erroneous tax stamp and prepare a new Form 5630.5t, designated “Amended Return,” showing correctly all of the information required in § 46.101 and containing, in the body of the form or in an attachment thereto, a statement of the reason for requesting correction of the stamp. On receipt of the amended return and an acceptable explanation for the error, the officer will make the proper correction on the stamp and return it to the taxpayer. However, if the error found by the TTB officer is on a special tax stamp issued as a result of a return on Form 5630.5t filed under § 46.101(b), that officer will instruct the taxpayer to return the stamp, with a statement showing the nature of the error and the correct data, to the TTB officer who issued the stamp, for correction in accordance with § 46.119.

§ 46.126 - Change in name or address.

(a) Change in name. If there is a change in the corporate or firm name, or in the trade name, as shown on TTB Form 5630.5t, the taxpayer must file an amended special tax return as soon as practicable after the change, covering the new corporate or firm name, or trade name. No new special tax is required to be paid. The taxpayer must attach the special tax stamp for endorsement of the change in name.

(b) Change in location—(1) General. If there is a change in location of a taxable place of business, the taxpayer must, within 30 days after the change, file with TTB an amended special tax return covering the new location. The taxpayer must attach the special tax stamp or stamps for endorsement of the change in location. No new special tax is required to be paid. However, if the taxpayer does not file the amended return within 30 days, the taxpayer is required to pay a new special tax and obtain a new special tax stamp.

(2) Procedure. If the taxpayer's original return on TTB Form 5630.5t covered only one location, the taxpayer may deliver the amended return and the stamp at any TTB office, or to any TTB officer inspecting the business, in lieu of mailing them to TTB. If the taxpayer's original return covered multiple locations under the provisions of § 46.101(b), he or she must forward with the amended return an attachment showing both the old and new address of any place of business which has been relocated, and the special tax stamp covering the location from which the business was removed. The appropriate TTB officer receiving such return or stamp will, if the return is submitted within the 30-day period, enter the proper endorsement on the stamp and return it to the taxpayer.

(26 U.S.C. 5733,7011
§ 46.127 - Change in ownership.

(a) General. A special tax stamp is a receipt for tax, personal to the one to whom issued, and is not transferable from one manufacturer of tobacco products, manufacturer of cigarette papers and tubes, or export warehouse proprietor to another. If there is a change in the ownership of a special-tax payer, the successor must pay a new special (occupational) tax and obtain the required special tax stamp(s). Examples of changes in ownership that require payment of a new special tax include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Sale of business;

(2) Formation of a partnership by two persons who have paid special tax;

(3) Addition of a partner;

(4) Incorporation of the business;

(5) Creation of a new corporation to replace one or more corporations that have paid special tax; and

(6) Stockholder continuing the business of a corporation after its dissolution.

(b) Changes that do not require payment of a new special tax. The following changes do not require payment of a special tax:

(1) Increase in capital stock of a corporation.

(2) Change in ownership of any or all of the capital stock of a corporation.

(c) Exemption for certain successors. Persons identified in paragraph (d) of this section as having the right of succession may carry on the business for the remainder of the tax year for which the special tax was paid, without paying a new special tax, if within 30 days after the date on which the successor begins to carry on the business, the successor files with TTB a special tax return on TTB Form 5630.5t showing the basis of succession. A person who is a successor to a business for which special tax has been paid, and who fails to register the succession, is liable for special tax computed from the first day of the calendar month in which the successor began to carry on the business.

(d) Persons having right of succession. The right of succession referred to in paragraph (c) of this section will pass to the identified persons in the following circumstances:

(1) Death. The surviving spouse or child, or the executor, administrator, or other legal representative, of a deceased taxpayer;

(2) Succession of spouse. A husband or wife succeeding to the business of his or her living spouse;

(3) Insolvency. A receiver or trustee in bankruptcy, or an assignee for the benefit of creditors;

(4) Withdrawal from firm. The partner or partners remaining after the death or withdrawal of a member of a partnership.

(26 U.S.C. 5733)
§ 46.131 - General.

If a taxpayer through error has filed a return and paid special tax for an incorrect period of liability or for an incorrect class of business, the taxpayer must prepare a corrected TTB Form 5630.5t, designated “Amended Return,” for each tax year involved and must submit the amended return, or returns, with remittance for the total applicable tax and additions to the tax (delinquency penalties and interest), to TTB in accordance with the instructions on the Form 5630.5t or, if the error is discovered by a TTB officer inspecting the premises, to that officer. Subject to the limitations imposed by 26 U.S.C. 6511,the,as.132, on surrender of the incorrect stamp or stamps, with the amended return or returns noted to show that credit is requested. Any incorrectly paid tax (including additions thereto) that is not credited as provided in § 46.132, including any creditable tax and additions thereto in excess of the correct tax (including additions thereto), may be refunded pursuant to §§ 46.136 through 46.138 if the taxpayer files a corrected return on Form 5630.5t with remittance of the correct amount of tax (including any additions thereto). A new stamp will be issued only for a current period of liability.

(26 U.S.C. 6011)
§ 46.132 - Credit for incorrect stamp.

(a) General. The appropriate TTB officer may credit the tax (including additions thereto) paid for an incorrect stamp if the taxpayer has filed an amended return showing the correct tax on TTB Form 5630.5t and has, with the amended return, surrendered the incorrect stamp for credit.

(b) Underpayment. Where the correct tax (including any additions thereto) exceeds the incorrect tax paid, the appropriate TTB officer may credit the tax paid against the correct tax upon remittance of the difference between the tax paid and the correct tax plus any additions thereto.

(c) Overpayment. Where the tax (and additions thereto) paid for the surrendered incorrect stamp exceeds the amount due, the appropriate TTB officer will advise the taxpayer to file a claim for refund of that excess on TTB Form 5620.8. Sections 46.136 through 46.138 apply to all claims for refund.

(26 U.S.C. 6402,6511
§ 46.136 - Claims.

Claims for abatement of assessment of special tax (including penalties and interest), or for refund of an overpayment of special tax (including interest and penalties), must be filed on TTB Form 5620.8. The claim must be filed with the appropriate TTB officer. Each claim must set forth in detail each ground on which it is based and must contain facts sufficient to explain to the appropriate TTB officer the exact basis for the claim. If the claim is for refund of special tax for which a stamp was issued, either the stamp must be attached to and be made a part of the claim, or the claimant must include in the claim a satisfactory explanation of the reason why the stamp cannot be submitted.

§ 46.137 - Time limit on filing of claim for refund.

No claim for the refund of a special tax or penalty will be allowed unless presented within 3 years after the filing of the related tax return or within 2 years after the payment of such tax or penalty, whichever of these periods expires later.

(26 U.S.C. 6511)
§ 46.138 - Discontinuance of business.

A dealer who for any reason discontinues business is not entitled to a refund of special tax for the unexpired portion of the tax year for which the special tax stamp was issued.

(26 U.S.C. 5732)
authority: 18 U.S.C. 2341-2346,26.S.C. 5061, 5704, 5708, 5731-5734, 5751, 5754, 5761-5763, 6001, 6601, 6621, 6622, 7212, 7342, 7602, 7606, 7805; 44 U.S.C. 3504(h), 49 U.S.C. 782,unless
source: Redesignated by T.D. ATF-457, 66 FR 32220, June 14, 2001.
cite as: 27 CFR 46.93