Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms last revised: Oct 16, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 46.191 - Purpose of this subpart.

§ 46.192 - Definitions used in this subpart.

§ 46.193 - Persons liable for floor stocks tax.

§ 46.194 - Persons not liable for floor stocks tax.

§ 46.195 - Floor stocks requirements.


§ 46.201 - General.

§ 46.202 - Physical inventory requirements.

§ 46.203 - Record (book) inventory requirements.

§ 46.204 - Articles in transit.

§ 46.205 - Guidelines to determine title to articles in transit.

§ 46.206 - Articles in a foreign trade zone.

§ 46.207 - Articles held in bond.

§ 46.208 - Unmerchantable articles.

§ 46.209 - Articles in vending machines.

§ 46.210 - Articles marked “not for sale” or “complimentary”.


§ 46.221 - Floor stocks tax rates.

§ 46.222 - Determination of amount of tax due.

§ 46.223 - Tax credit.


§ 46.231 - Floor stocks tax return.

§ 46.232 - Preparation of floor stocks tax return.

§ 46.233 - Payment of floor stocks tax.

§ 46.234 - Tax payment deadline.

§ 46.235 - Filing requirements for multiple locations.

§ 46.236 - Articles in a warehouse.

§ 46.237 - Controlled group member.


§ 46.241 - Required records.

§ 46.242 - Period for maintaining records.

§ 46.243 - Articles at multiple locations.

§ 46.244 - Location of records.

§ 46.245 - Errors in records.


§ 46.251 - Payment of tax required.

§ 46.252 - Claim based on error on return.

§ 46.253 - Destruction of articles by a Presidentially-declared major disaster.

§ 46.254 - Additional reasons for filing a claim.


§ 46.261 - Purpose of an alternate method or procedure.

§ 46.262 - Application.

§ 46.263 - Conditions for approval.

§ 46.264 - Withdrawal of an approval.


§ 46.270 - [Reserved]

§ 46.271 - Entry, examination and testimony.

§ 46.272 - Issuance of summons.

§ 46.273 - Refusing entry or examination.

§ 46.274 - Penalties for failure to comply.

§ 46.191 - Purpose of this subpart.

The regulations in this subpart implement the floor stocks tax on certain tobacco products, cigarette papers, and cigarette tubes held for sale on April 1, 2009.

§ 46.192 - Definitions used in this subpart.

As used in this subpart, the following terms have the meanings indicated unless the context in which they are used requires a different meaning or a different definition is prescribed for a particular section or portion of this subpart.

(a) Appropriate TTB officer. An officer or employee of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) authorized to perform any functions relating to the administration or enforcement of this part by TTB Order 1135.46, Delegation of the Administrator's Authorities in 27 CFR 46, Miscellaneous Regulations Relating to Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes.

(b) Articles subject to floor stocks tax. All Federally taxpaid or tax determined tobacco products (other than large cigars described in 26 U.S.C. 5701(a)(2)), cigarette papers, and cigarette tubes that are held for sale on April 1, 2009.

(c) Cigarette paper. Paper, or any other material except tobacco, prepared for use as a cigarette wrapper.

(d) Cigarette tube. Cigarette paper made into a hollow cylinder for use in making cigarettes.

(e) Controlled group. A related group of dealers under common control. Controlled groups include:

(1) Controlled group of corporations. The term “controlled group of corporations” has the meaning given to that term by 26 U.S.C. 1563(a) and the implementing regulations in 26 CFR 1.1563-1 through 1.1563-4, except that the phrase “more than 50 percent” shall be substituted for the phrase “at least 80 percent” each time it appears. Controlled groups of corporations include, but are not limited to:

(i) Parent-subsidiary controlled groups as defined in 26 CFR 1.1563-1T(a)(2).

(ii) Brother-sister controlled groups as defined in 26 CFR 1.1563-1T(a)(3).

(iii) Combined groups as defined in 26 CFR 1.1563-1T(a)(4).

(2) Nonincorporated dealers under common control. A group of dealers is considered to be a controlled group when the group would qualify as a controlled group of corporations, except for the fact that one or more of the dealers is not incorporated.

(f) Dealer. A person or other entity holding articles subject to floor stocks tax for sale on April 1, 2009, including manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, and retailers.

(g) Floor stocks tax. A tax imposed on all Federally taxpaid or tax determined tobacco products (other than large cigars described in 26 U.S.C. 5701(a)(2)), cigarette papers, and cigarette tubes held for sale on April 1, 2009. The floor stocks tax is the difference between the previous excise tax rate and the new excise tax rate.

(h) Foreign trade zone. A foreign trade zone established and operated pursuant to the Act of June 18, 1934, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 81a.

(i) Person. An individual, trust, estate, partnership, association, company, or corporation, any State, including the District of Columbia, or political subdivision thereof, or any agency or instrumentality of a State or political subdivision thereof.

(j) Tobacco products. Cigars, cigarettes, snuff, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, and roll-your-own tobacco as described in 26 U.S.C. 5702(a), (b), (m)(2), (m)(3), (n) and (o), respectively.

§ 46.193 - Persons liable for floor stocks tax.

A dealer who holds for sale any articles subject to floor stocks tax on April 1, 2009, is liable for floor stocks tax. See §§ 46.204 and 46.205 regarding articles subject to floor stocks tax that are in transit on April 1, 2009 and § 46.206 regarding articles subject to floor stocks tax that are held in a foreign trade zone on April 1, 2009.

§ 46.194 - Persons not liable for floor stocks tax.

A person who does not meet the definition of a dealer is not liable for the floor stocks tax under this subpart.

§ 46.195 - Floor stocks requirements.

(a) Take inventory. The dealer must establish the quantity of articles subject to the floor stocks tax held for sale on April 1, 2009. The dealer may take a physical inventory or may use a record (book) inventory, as specified in § 46.202 or § 46.203.

(b) Compute tax. The dealer must compute the amount of tax for the articles held for sale on April 1, 2009. Refer to the table in § 46.222. The dealer may apply the tax credit as provided in § 46.223.

(c) File tax return and pay tax. After computing the floor stocks tax, the dealer must file a return even if no tax is due. See § 46.233 for payment methods if tax is due.

(d) Maintain records. The dealer must maintain all records used to determine the quantity of articles subject to floor stocks tax and the quantity of articles held for sale on April 1, 2009 that are not subject to floor stocks tax. The dealer must also maintain records of all computations used to determine the amount of tax owed. Refer to § 46.241.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.201 - General.

(a) Date. The dealer must take an inventory to establish the quantities of articles subject to the floor stocks tax held for sale on April 1, 2009. The dealer must take the physical inventory or record (book) inventory not earlier than March 26, 2009 and not later than April 10, 2009.

(b) Reconciliation. If the dealer takes a physical inventory on any day other than April 1, 2009, the resulting records must be reconciled to reflect the actual quantity of articles held at 12:01 a.m. on April 1, 2009. These records must include all supporting records of receipt and disposition.

(c) Method. The dealer may take a physical inventory in accordance with § 46.202 or a record (book) inventory in accordance with § 46.203. The following table lists the taxable articles and the method to use for each to determine quantities:

Article Inventory method
Small cigarettesCount the number of cigarettes.
Large cigarettes 6 1/2″ or less in lengthCount the number of large cigarettes.
Large cigarettes more than 6 1/2″ in lengthKeep a separate count for each size of large cigarette. Count each 2 3/4″, or fraction thereof, as one small cigarette.
Small CigarsCount the number of small cigars.
SnuffCount the number of packages at each weight, noting the weight in pounds and ounces. Convert the ounces to pounds.
Chewing tobaccoCount the number of packages at each weight, noting the weight in pounds and ounces. Convert the ounces to pounds.
Pipe tobaccoCount the number of packages at each weight, noting the weight in pounds and ounces. Convert the ounces to pounds.
Roll-your-own tobaccoCount the number of packages at each weight, noting the weight in pounds and ounces. Convert the ounces to pounds.
Cigarette papers 6 1/2″ or less in lengthCount the number of cigarette papers, divide by 50, and round up if there is any remainder.
Cigarette papers more than 6 1/2″ in lengthCount the number for each size of cigarette paper. Count each 2 3/4″, or fraction thereof, as new cigarette paper. Divide adjusted total by 50 and round up if there is any remainder.
Cigarette tubes 6 1/2″ or less in lengthCount the number of cigarette tubes, divide by 50, and round up if there is any remainder.
Cigarette tubes more than 6 1/2″ in lengthCount the number for each size of cigarette tube. Count each 2 3/4″, or fraction thereof, as one cigarette tube. Divide adjusted total by 50 and round up if there is any remainder.
§ 46.202 - Physical inventory requirements.

The dealer's physical inventory must result in a written record of:

(a) The quantity and type of each article subject to floor stocks tax recorded in sufficient detail to determine the tax rate as stated in § 46.222. See the table in § 46.201(c) for the information required for each type of article;

(b) The date and time the inventory was taken;

(c) The name of the individual(s) conducting the inventory and the name of the dealer for whom the inventory was taken; and

(d) The location where the inventory was taken (street address, city and State).

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.203 - Record (book) inventory requirements.

(a) The dealer may use a record (book) inventory if the dealer has source records that show:

(1) The quantities of receipts and dispositions of all articles subject to floor stocks tax;

(2) The types and quantities of articles actually on hand as if a physical inventory had taken place on April 1, 2009. See the table in § 46.201(c) for the information required for each type of article;

(3) The name and address of the consignor and consignee. For over the counter sales by retail dealers, the consignee name and address is not required;

(4) The date of receipt or disposition of the articles; and

(5) The brand name of each product.

(b) If the dealer does not take the inventory as of the close of business on the last business day before April 1, 2009, the records must be reconciled as provided in § 46.201(b).

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.204 - Articles in transit.

The dealer must include articles subject to floor stocks tax that are in transit in the inventory if the dealer holds title to those articles. If the dealer has transferred title to the article, the dealer must document the title transfer in writing. For example, the dealer may mark the bill of lading with a written statement that indicates the time and place of the title transfer.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.205 - Guidelines to determine title to articles in transit.

The dealer may use the following guidelines to establish who holds title to articles in transit.

(a) If State law mandates the change in title, then no agreement or contract between seller and buyer can alter it.

(b) In the absence of State law governing the change of title between seller and buyer, the Uniform Commercial Code allows the seller and buyer to agree when title passes.

(c) If there is no State law or agreement between the seller and buyer, the Uniform Commercial Code states that title transfer depends on how the seller ships the articles.

(1) If the shipment is free on board (F.O.B.) destination, the title transfer occurs when the seller completes the physical delivery of the articles.

(2) If the shipment is free on board (F.O.B.) shipping point, the title transfer occurs at the time and place of shipment, which is generally by common carrier.

§ 46.206 - Articles in a foreign trade zone.

If articles subject to floor stocks tax are stored in a foreign trade zone established under the Foreign Trade Zone Act (the Act of June 18, 1934, 48 Stat. 998, 19 U.S.C. 81a et seq.), the dealer is liable for the tax and must take an inventory in accordance with § 46.207 or when either of the following conditions apply:

(a) Internal revenue taxes have been determined or customs duties liquidated, with respect to the articles pursuant to the first proviso of section 3(a) of the Foreign Trade Zone Act; or

(b) Articles are held by a customs officer pursuant to the second proviso of section 3(a) of the Foreign Trade Zone Act.

§ 46.207 - Articles held in bond.

If the dealer is a manufacturer or an export warehouse proprietor and holds articles in TTB bond on April 1, 2009, the floor stocks tax does not apply to those articles. Likewise, if the dealer holds articles in a customs bonded warehouse on which tax has not been paid or determined, the floor stocks tax does not apply on those articles. However, if the dealer on April 1, 2009, holds articles in a customs bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone on which tax has been paid or determined pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 5703(b)(2)(B), the floor stocks tax applies to those articles.

§ 46.208 - Unmerchantable articles.

Articles that the dealer holds for return to a supplier because of some defect are not subject to the floor stocks tax. However, the dealer must segregate any such unmerchantable articles and include them in a separate section of the inventory record. The dealer cannot include as unmerchantable any items that may be held because of poor market demand or to reduce the dealer's inventory. If, for any reason, the tobacco products or cigarette papers or tubes that were determined to be unmerchantable are not subsequently returned or destroyed, the dealer must file an additional floor stocks tax return and pay tax on such products plus any applicable penalties and interest.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.209 - Articles in vending machines.

There is no exemption for articles in vending machines. They are subject to the floor stocks tax and must be included in the dealer's inventory record.

§ 46.210 - Articles marked “not for sale” or “complimentary”.

Articles marked “not for sale” or “complimentary” that are part of a sale (for example, buy two packs and get one pack free) are subject to the floor stocks tax and must be included in the physical or record (book) inventory as provided in §§ 46.202 or § 46.203.

§ 46.221 - Floor stocks tax rates.
Product Floor stocks tax rate
Small cigars$48.502 per thousand.
Small cigarettes30.83 per thousand.
Large cigarettes 6 1/2 inch or less in length64.74 per thousand.
Large cigarettes more than 6 1/2 inch in length30.83 per thousand units of length.
Snuff0.925 per pound.
Chewing tobacco0.3083 per pound.
Pipe tobacco1.7342 per pound.
Roll-your-own23.6831 per pound.
Cigarette papers0.0193 per 50 papers or fraction thereof
Cigarette tubes0.0386 per 50 tubes or fraction thereof.
§ 46.222 - Determination of amount of tax due.

After the dealer has taken the inventory, the dealer must convert the inventory quantities to taxable units using the table below. For tobacco products, round the quantities to two decimal places. The dealer must then apply the applicable tax rate for each type of taxable article using the table in § 46.221 to determine the amount of tax due.

Product Computation
Small cigars weighing not more than 3 pounds thousandDivide number of cigars by 1,000 and multiply by the small cigar tax rate.
Small cigarettes weighing not more than 3 pounds thousandDivide number of cigarettes by 1,000 and multiply by the small cigarette tax rate.
Large cigarettes weighing more than 3 pounds thousand, measuring 6 1/2″ or less in lengthDivide number of cigarettes by 1,000 and multiply by the large cigarette tax rate.
Large cigarettes weighing more than 3 pounds thousand, measuring more than 6 1/2″ in lengthMathematically adjust the number of large cigarettes using the instructions below.* Divide the adjusted number of large cigarettes by 1,000 and multiply by the small cigarette tax rate.
SnuffMultiply the total in pounds by the snuff tax rate.
Chewing tobaccoMultiply the total in pounds by the chewing tobacco tax rate.
Pipe tobaccoMultiply the total in pounds by the pipe tobacco tax rate.
Roll-your-ownMultiply the total in pounds by the roll-your-own tax rate.
Cigarette papers 6 1/2″ or less in lengthDivide the number of cigarette papers by 50, add 1 if there is a remainder, and multiply that number by the cigarette paper tax rate.
Cigarette papers more than 6 1/2″ in lengthMathematically adjust the number of cigarette papers using the instructions below.* Divide the adjusted number of cigarette papers by 50, add 1 if there is a remainder, and multiply that number by the cigarette paper tax rate.
Cigarette tubes 6 1/2″ or less in lengthDivide the number of cigarette tubes by 50, add 1 if there is a remainder, and multiply that number by the cigarette tube tax rate.
Cigarette tubes more than 6 1/2″ in lengthMathematically adjust the number of cigarette tubes using the instructions below.* Divide the adjusted number of cigarette tubes by 50, add 1 if there is a remainder, and multiply that number by the cigarette tube tax rate.

*Large cigarettes, cigarette papers, and cigarette tubes more than 6 1/2 inch in length are counted as multiple units. Each 2 3/4 inch or fraction of the length is counted as a separate taxable unit. For each different length of product in this category, divide the length by 2 3/4 inch and add 1 to the result if there is a remainder. Multiply the number of cigarettes, cigarette papers, or tubes of that length by the resulting number.

§ 46.223 - Tax credit.

The dealer is allowed a credit of up to $500 against the total floor stocks tax. However, controlled groups are eligible for only one credit for the entire group. The credit may be divided equally among the members or apportioned in any other manner agreeable to the members.

§ 46.231 - Floor stocks tax return.

Form 5000.28T09, 2009 Floor Stocks Tax Return—Tobacco Products and Cigarette Papers and Tubes, is available for printing through the TTB Web site ( or by mailing a request to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, National Revenue Center, 550 Main Street, Suite 8002, Cincinnati, OH 45202-5215.

§ 46.232 - Preparation of floor stocks tax return.

The dealer must complete and file the floor stocks tax return in accordance with the instructions for the form.

§ 46.233 - Payment of floor stocks tax.

(a) Electronic funds transfer. If the dealer pays any other excise taxes collected by TTB by electronic funds transfer, then the dealer must also send the payment for the floor stocks tax by an electronic funds transfer. Other dealers may voluntarily elect to pay the floor stocks tax by electronic funds transfer. Electronic funds transfers of floor stocks tax must be received on or before July 31, 2009.

(b) Check or money order. Dealers not paying floor stocks tax by electronic fund transfer must pay by a check or money order sent with Form 5000.28T09.

§ 46.234 - Tax payment deadline.

Section 701 of Public Law 111-3 specifies a tax payment deadline of August 1, 2009. However, section 5703(b)(2)(E) of the Internal Revenue Code requires that when a due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday, the preceding day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday will be the due date. Therefore, the floor stocks tax is due on July 31, 2009, since August 1, 2009, falls on a Saturday.

§ 46.235 - Filing requirements for multiple locations.

The dealer may file a consolidated return if all locations or places of business have the same employer identification number. The dealer also has the option of filing a separate return for each place of business or location.

§ 46.236 - Articles in a warehouse.

(a) Articles warehoused at one or more locations must be reported on the tax return representing the location where the articles will be offered for sale.

(b) Articles offered for sale at several locations must be reported on a tax return filed by one or more of the locations. The articles can be reported by a single location or apportioned among several locations.

§ 46.237 - Controlled group member.

If the dealer is a member of a controlled group, but has its own employer identification number, the dealer must file a separate floor stocks tax return. The dealer may take the tax credit referred to in § 46.223 if it is apportioned to the dealer as a member of the controlled group.

§ 46.241 - Required records.

The dealer must maintain:

(a) Inventory records;

(b) Tax computation records;

(c) Names, addresses and employer identification numbers of all controlled group members, if applicable;

(d) A copy of the tax return, if the dealer filed one;

(e) A list of locations covered by the tax return; and

(f) A copy of any alternate method or procedure approval issued under § 46.263.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.242 - Period for maintaining records.

The dealer must maintain the required records for a period of three years from the due date of the tax return or the date the return was filed, whichever is later. However, the appropriate TTB officer may require, in writing, that the dealer keep these records for an additional period of not more than 3 years.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.243 - Articles at multiple locations.

The dealer must maintain a list of all places where the dealer holds articles subject to the floor stocks tax. This list must include:

(a) Address;

(b) Name of the proprietor (if different);

(c) The employer identification number (if different); and

(d) Types and quantities of articles held at each location.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.244 - Location of records.

The dealer must keep the inventory records at the principal place of business. All records must be made available to an appropriate TTB officer upon demand.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.245 - Errors in records.

If the inventory records or tax computation records contain an error that resulted in an overpayment of tax, the dealer may file a claim for refund. If the inventory or tax computation records contain an error that resulted in an underpayment of tax, the dealer must file an additional tax return on which the dealer shows and pays the additional tax, interest and any applicable penalties.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)
§ 46.251 - Payment of tax required.

Before the dealer can file a claim for refund, the dealer must have paid the floor stocks tax and subsequently determined that there was an overpayment of the tax.

§ 46.252 - Claim based on error on return.

If the dealer overpaid tax due to an error on the return, the dealer may file a claim for refund. The claim must be filed within 3 years from the date the tax return was filed or 2 years from the time the tax was paid, whichever is later. The dealer's claim must be filed on TTB Form 2635 (5620.8). The claim must include detailed and sufficient evidence explaining why the dealer believes the tax was overpaid. The claim and supporting documentation must be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the form.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0030)
§ 46.253 - Destruction of articles by a Presidentially-declared major disaster.

After the dealer has paid the floor stocks tax, the dealer may file a claim for refund of tax on articles lost, rendered unmarketable, or condemned because of a Presidentially-declared major disaster. Subpart C of this part prescribes the time, evidence, and procedures for filing such a claim.

§ 46.254 - Additional reasons for filing a claim.

(a) Manufacturer. Subparts I and K of part 40 of this chapter prescribe the times, reasons and procedures for filing other claims for refunds.

(b) Export warehouse proprietor. Subpart G of part 44 of this chapter prescribes the time, evidence, and procedures for filing other claims for refunds.

(c) Exported taxpaid. If taxpaid articles are shipped from the United States, the dealer may file a claim for drawback of taxes under subpart K of part 44 of this chapter.

(d) Importer. An importer may follow the procedures for filing a claim as set forth in subpart I of part 41 of this chapter.

§ 46.261 - Purpose of an alternate method or procedure.

For purposes of this subpart, an alternate method or procedure is a different way of meeting a requirement imposed by this subpart. An alternate method or procedure must be approved in writing by TTB.

§ 46.262 - Application.

The dealer seeking approval of an alternate method or procedure under this subpart must apply in writing to the National Revenue Center, 550 Main Street, Room 8002, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-5215. The dealer must describe the alternate method or procedure and reasons the dealer wishes to use it. The dealer cannot use the alternate method until the dealer receives written approval from the appropriate TTB officer.

§ 46.263 - Conditions for approval.

The alternate method or procedure may be approved if it meets all of the following conditions:

(a) There is good cause for its use;

(b) It is consistent with the purpose and effect intended by the prescribed method or procedure;

(c) It affords equivalent security to the revenue;

(d) It is not contrary to any provision of law;

(e) It will not result in an increase in cost to the Government;

(f) It will not hinder the effective administration of this subpart such as delaying timely payment of taxes; and

(g) It is not a method or procedure that relates to the payment or collection of tax.

§ 46.264 - Withdrawal of an approval.

The approval will be withdrawn if revenue is jeopardized or administration of this subpart is hindered. The appropriate TTB officer will give the dealer a written notice of the withdrawal.

§ 46.270 - [Reserved]
§ 46.271 - Entry, examination and testimony.

Appropriate TTB officers, in performing official duties, may enter any premises to examine articles subject to floor stocks tax. They may enter the premises during the day or may also enter at night if the premises are open. Appropriate TTB officers may audit and examine all articles, inventory records, books, papers, or other resource data for the purpose of ascertaining, determining, or collecting floor stocks tax. They may take testimony, under oath, of any person when inquiring as to proper payment of floor stocks taxes.

§ 46.272 - Issuance of summons.

Appropriate TTB officers can issue summonses when there is no referral to the Justice Department under the authority stated in § 70.22 of this chapter. The summons will state a place and time for such items or person to appear. TTB will issue a summons to require:

(a) Any books of account or other data pertaining to liability for floor stocks tax;

(b) Any person liable for the floor stocks tax or having possession of books of account or other data; and

(c) Any other appropriate person in connection with the books or tax liability.

§ 46.273 - Refusing entry or examination.

If the dealer or another person in charge of the premises refuses to admit any appropriate TTB officer or prevents any appropriate TTB officer from examining the records or articles, the dealer may be liable for the penalties described in 26 U.S.C. 7342 or 7212.

§ 46.274 - Penalties for failure to comply.

If the dealer fails to follow the regulations set forth in this subpart, TTB may apply applicable civil and criminal penalties under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. For example, failure to file and failure to pay penalties may be assessed against the dealer if the dealer does not timely file the tax return or timely pay the taxes due. In addition, interest under 26 U.S.C. 6621 accrues for any underpayment of tax and on all assessed penalties until paid.

authority: 18 U.S.C. 2341-2346,26.S.C. 5061, 5704, 5708, 5731-5734, 5751, 5754, 5761-5763, 6001, 6601, 6621, 6622, 7212, 7342, 7602, 7606, 7805; 44 U.S.C. 3504(h), 49 U.S.C. 782,unless
source: Redesignated by T.D. ATF-457, 66 FR 32220, June 14, 2001.
cite as: 27 CFR 46.191