Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 70.601 - Meaning of terms.

When used in this subpart, terms are defined as follows in this section. Words in the plural shall include the singular, and vice versa, and words indicating the masculine gender shall include the feminine. The terms “includes” and “including” do not exclude other things not named which are in the same general class or are otherwise within the scope of the term defined.

Alcoholic liquors or liquors. Distilled spirits, wines, and beer lost, made unmarketable, or condemned, as provided in this subpart.

Beer. Beer, ale, porter, stout, and other similar fermented beverages (including sake, or other similar products) of any name or description containing one-half of 1 percent or more of alcohol by volume on which the internal revenue tax has been paid or determined, and if imported, on which duties have been paid.

Claimant. The person who held the liquors for sale at the time of the disaster or other specified cause of loss and who files a claim under this subpart.

Commissioner of Customs. The Commissioner of Customs, U.S. Customs Service, the Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC.

Distilled spirits, or spirits. Ethyl alcohol and other distillates such as whisky, brandy, rum, gin, vodka, in any form (including all dilutions and mixtures thereof, from whatever source or by whatever process produced), on which the internal revenue tax has been paid or determined and, if imported, on which duties have been paid.

Duly authorized official. Any Federal, State or local government official who is authorized to condemn liquors on which a claim is filed under this subpart.

Duty or duties. Any duty or duties paid under the customs laws of the United States.

Major Disaster. A flood, fire, hurricane, earthquake, storm, or other catastrophe defined as a “major disaster” under the Disaster Relief Act (42 U.S.C. 5122(2)), which occurs in any part of the United States and which the President has determined causes sufficient damage to warrant “major disaster” assistance under that Act.

Tax. (1) With respect to distilled spirits, “tax” means the internal revenue tax that is paid or determined on spirits.

(2) With respect to wines, “tax” means the internal revenue tax that is paid or determined on the wine.

(3) With respect to beer, “tax” means the internal revenue tax that is paid or determined on the beer.

United States. When used in a geographical sense includes only the States and the District of Columbia.

Wines. All still wines, effervescent wines, and flavored wines, on which internal revenue wine tax has been paid or determined, and if imported, on which duty has been paid.

[T.D. ATF-376, 61 FR 31033, June 19, 1996, as amended by T.D. ATF-450, 66 FR 29030, May 29, 2001]
§ 70.602 - Circumstances under which payment may be made.

(a) Major disasters. The appropriate TTB officer shall allow payment (without interest) of an amount equal to the tax paid or determined, and the Commissioner of Customs shall allow payment (without interest) of an amount equal to the duty paid, on distilled spirits, wines, and beer previously withdrawn, if the liquors are lost, made unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized official as the result of a major disaster (as defined in § 70.601).

(b) Other causes of loss—(1) Payment. The appropriate TTB officer shall allow payment (without interest) of an amount equal to the tax paid or determined, and the Commissioner of Customs shall allow payment (without interest) of an amount equal to the duty paid, on distilled spirits, wines, and beer previously withdrawn, if the liquors are lost, made unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized official as a result of:

(i) Fire, flood, casualty, or other disaster; or

(ii) Breakage, destruction, or other damage (excluding theft) resulting from vandalism or malicious mischief.

(2) Minimum claim. No claim of less than $250 will be allowed for losses resulting from any disaster or damage described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

(c) General. Payment under this section may be made only if:

(1) The disaster or other specified cause of loss occurred in the United States;

(2) At the time of the disaster or other specified cause of loss, the liquors were being held for sale by the claimant;

(3) Refund or credit of the amount claimed, or any part of the amount claimed, has not or will not be claimed for the same liquors under any other law or regulations; and

(4) The claimant was not indemnified by any valid claim of insurance or otherwise for the tax and/or duty on the liquors covered by the claim.

§ 70.603 - Execution and filing of claim.

(a) General. (1) Claims under this subpart must be filed on Form 2635 (5620.8).

(2) The claim shall include all the facts on which the claim is based, and be accompanied by a record of inventory of the liquors lost, made unmarketable, or condemned. (See § 70.604.)

(3) The claim shall contain a statement that no other claim for refund or credit of the amount claimed, or for any part of the amount claimed, has been or will be filed under any other law or regulations.

(b) Major disasters. Claims for refund of tax and/or duty on liquors which were lost, became unmarketable, or were condemned as a result of a major disaster must be filed not later than 6 months from the day on which the President determines that a major disaster has occurred.

(c) Other causes of loss. (1) Claims for amounts of $250 or more for refund of tax and/or duty on liquors which were lost, became unmarketable, or were condemned as the result of:

(i) Fire, flood, casualty, or other disaster; or

(ii) Damage (excluding theft) resulting from vandalism or malicious mischief, must be filed within 6 months after the date on which the disaster or damage occurred.

(2) Claims for amounts less than $250 will not be allowed.

[T.D. ATF-376, 61 FR 31033, June 19, 1996, as amended by T.D. ATF-450, 66 FR 29030, May 29, 2001]
§ 70.604 - Record of inventory to support claims.

(a) Claims relating to distilled spirits. The record of inventory of distilled spirits lost, made unmarketable, or condemned, which is required to support claims filed under § 70.603, shall show the following information:

(1) Name and business address of claimant (as shown on claim, Form 2635 (5620.8)).

(2) Address where the spirits were lost, became unmarketable, or were condemned, if different from the business address.

(3) Kind of spirits.

(4) Brand name.

(5) For full cases, show:

(i) Number of cases;

(ii) Serial numbers;

(iii) Bottles per case;

(iv) Size of bottles;

(v) Wine gallons per case;

(vi) Proof; and

(vii) Proof gallons.

(6) For bottles not in cases, show:

(i) Total number;

(ii) Size of bottles;

(iii) Wine gallons;

(iv) Proof; and

(v) Total proof gallons.

(7) Total proof gallons for all items.

(b) Claims relating to wines. The record of inventory of wines lost, made unmarketable, or condemned, which is required to support claims filed under § 70.603, shall show the following information:

(1) Name and business address of claimant (as shown on claim, Form 2635 (5620.8)).

(2) Address where the wines were lost, became unmarketable, or were condemned, if different from the business address.

(3) Kind of wine.

(4) Percent of alcohol by volume.

(5) Number of barrels or kegs.

(6) Kind and number of other bulk containers.

(7) Number of full cases and bottles per case.

(8) Size of bottles.

(9) Number of bottles not in cases and wine gallons.

(10) Total wine gallons.

(c) Claims relating to beer. The record of inventory of beer lost, made unmarketable, or condemned, which is required to support claims filed under § 70.603, shall show the following information:

(1) Name and business address of claimant (as shown on claim, Form 2635 (5620.8)).

(2) Address where the beer was lost, became unmarketable, or was condemned, if different from the business address.

(3) Number and size of barrels.

(4) For full cases, show:

(i) Number of cases;

(ii) Bottles or cans per case; and

(iii) Size (in ounces) of bottles or cans.

(5) Number and size of bottles and cans not in cases.

(6) Quantity in terms of 31-gallon barrels.

(7) Total quantity.

(d) Special instructions. (1) Inventories of domestic liquors, imported liquors, and liquors manufactured in the Virgin Islands shall be reported separately.

(2) Liquors manufactured in Puerto Rico may not be included in claims filed under this subpart. Claims for losses of Puerto Rican liquors shall be filed with the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico under the laws of Puerto Rico.

§ 70.605 - Claims relating to imported, domestic, and Virgin Islands liquors.

(a) Claims involving taxes on domestic liquors, imported liquors, and liquors manufactured in the Virgin Islands must show the quantities of each separately in the claim.

(b) A separate claim on Form 2635 (5620.8) must be filed for customs duties.

§ 70.606 - Claimant to furnish proof.

The claimant shall furnish proof to the satisfaction of the appropriate TTB officer regarding the following:

(a) That the tax on the liquors, or the tax and duty if imported, was fully paid; or the tax, if not paid, was fully determined.

(b) That the liquors were lost, made unmarketable, or condemned by a duly authorized official, by reason of damage sustained as a result of a disaster or other cause of loss specified in this subpart.

(c) The type and date of occurrence of the disaster or other specified cause of loss, and the location of the liquors at the time.

(d) That the claimant was not indemnified by a valid claim of insurance or otherwise for the tax, or tax and duty, on the liquors covered by the claim.

(e) That the claimant is entitled to payment under this subpart.

§ 70.607 - Supporting evidence.

(a) The claimant shall support the claim with any evidence (such as inventories, statements, invoices, bills, records, labels, formulas, stamps) that is available to submit, relating to the quantities and identities of the liquors, on which duty has been paid or tax has been paid or determined, that were on hand at the time of the disaster or other specified cause of loss and alleged to have been lost, made unmarketable, or condemned as a result of it.

(b) If the claim is for refund of duty, the claimant shall furnish, if possible:

(1) The customs number;

(2) The date of entry; and

(3) The name of the port of entry.

§ 70.608 - Action on claims.

The appropriate TTB officer shall date stamp and examine each claim filed under this subpart and will determine the validity of the claim. Claims and supporting data involving customs duties will be forwarded to the Commissioner of Customs with a summary statement by the appropriate TTB officer regarding his or her findings.

§ 70.609 - Supervision.

When allowance has been made under this subpart for the tax and/or duty on liquors condemned by a duly authorized official or made unmarketable, the liquors shall be destroyed by suitable means under supervision satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer, unless the liquors were previously destroyed under supervision satisfactory to the appropriate TTB officer. The Commissioner of Customs will notify the appropriate TTB officer as to allowance under this subpart of claims for duty on unmarketable or condemned liquors.

§ 70.610 - Penalties.

(a) Penalties are provided in 26 U.S.C. 7206 for making any false or fraudulent statement under the penalties of perjury in support of any claim.

(b) Penalties are provided in 26 U.S.C. 7207 for filing any false or fraudulent document under this subpart.

(c) All laws and regulations, including penalties, which apply to internal revenue taxes on liquors shall, when appropriate, apply to payments made under this subpart the same as if the payments were actual refunds of internal taxes on liquors.