Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms last revised: Sep 30, 2024
§ 479.111 - Procedure.

(a) No firearm shall be imported or brought into the United States or any territory under its control or jurisdiction unless the person importing or bringing in the firearm establishes to the satisfaction of the Director that the firearm to be imported or brought in is being imported or brought in for:

(1) The use of the United States or any department, independent establishment, or agency thereof or any State or possession or any political subdivision thereof; or

(2) Scientific or research purposes; or

(3) Testing or use as a model by a registered manufacturer or solely for use as a sample by a registered importer or registered dealer.

The burden of proof is affirmatively on any person importing or bringing the firearm into the United States or any territory under its control or jurisdiction to show that the firearm is being imported or brought in under one of the above paragraphs. Any person desiring to import or bring a firearm into the United States under this paragraph shall file with the Director an application on Form 6 (Firearms), Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War, in triplicate, executed under the penalties of perjury. The application shall show the information required by subpart G of Part 478 of this chapter. A detailed explanation of why the importation of the firearm falls within the standards set out in this paragraph shall be attached to the application. The person seeking to import or bring in the firearm will be notified of the approval or disapproval of his application. If the application is approved, the original Form 6 (Firearms) will be returned to the applicant showing such approval and he will present the approved application, Form 6 (Firearms), to the Customs officer at the port of importation. The approval of an application to import a firearm shall be automatically terminated at the expiration of two years from the date of approval unless, upon request, it is further extended by the Director. If the firearm described in the approved application is not imported prior to the expiration of the approval, the Director shall be so notified. Customs officers will not permit release of a firearm from Customs custody, except for exportation, unless covered by an application which has been approved by the Director and which is currently effective. The importation or bringing in of a firearm not covered by an approved application may subject the person responsible to civil and criminal liabilities. (26 U.S.C. 5861,5871,and.)

(b) Part 478 of this chapter also contains requirements and procedures for the importation of firearms into the United States. A firearm may not be imported into the United States under this part unless those requirements and procedures are also complied with by the person importing the firearm.

(c) The provisions of this subpart shall not be construed as prohibiting the return to the United States or any territory under its control or jurisdiction of a firearm by a person who can establish to the satisfaction of Customs that (1) the firearm was taken out of the United States or any territory under its control or jurisdiction by such person, (2) the firearm is registered to that person, and (3) if appropriate, the authorization required by Part 478 of this chapter for the transportation of such a firearm in interstate or foreign commerce has been obtained by such person.

[36 FR 14256, Aug. 3, 1971. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-48, 44 FR 55843, Sept. 28, 1979; ATF-325, 57 FR 29787, July 7, 1992; ATF-26F, 79 FR 7396, Feb. 7, 2014]
§ 479.112 - Registration of imported firearms.

(a) Each importer shall file with the Director an accurate notice on Form 2 (Firearms), Notice of Firearms Manufactured or Imported, executed under the penalties of perjury, showing the importation of a firearm. The notice shall set forth the name and address of the importer, identify the importer's special (occupational) tax stamp and Federal firearms license, and show the import permit number, the date of release from Customs custody, the type, model, length of barrel, overall length, caliber, gauge or size, serial number, and other marks of identification of the firearm imported, and the place where the imported firearm will be kept. The Form 2 (Firearms) covering an imported firearm shall be filed by the importer no later than fifteen (15) days from the date the firearm was released from Customs custody. The importer shall prepare the notice, Form 2 (Firearms), in duplicate, file the original return as prescribed herein, and keep the copy with the records required by subpart I of this part at the premises covered by the special (occupational) tax stamp. The timely receipt by the Director of the notice, Form 2 (Firearms), and the timely receipt by the Director of the copy of Form 6A (Firearms), Release and Receipt of Imported Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War, required by § 478.112 of this chapter, covering the weapon reported on the Form 2 (Firearms) by the qualified importer, shall effectuate the registration of the firearm to the importer.

(b) The requirements of this part relating to the transfer of a firearm are applicable to the transfer of imported firearms by a qualified importer or any other person.

(c) Subject to compliance with the provisions of this part, an application, Form 6 (Firearms), to import a firearm by an importer or dealer qualified under this part, for use as a sample in connection with sales of such firearms to Federal, State or local governmental entities, will be approved if it is established by specific information attached to the application that the firearm is suitable or potentially suitable for use by such entities. Such information must show why a sales sample of a particular firearm is suitable for such use and the expected governmental customers who would require a demonstration of the firearm. Information as to the availability of the firearm to fill subsequent orders and letters from governmental entities expressing a need for a particular model or interest in seeing a demonstration of a particular firearm would establish suitability for governmental use. Applications to import more than one firearm of a particular model for use as a sample by an importer or dealer must also establish the importer's or dealer's need for the quantity of samples sought to be imported.

(d) Subject to compliance with the provisions of this part, an application, Form 6 (Firearms), to import a firearm by an importer or dealer qualified under this part, for use as a sample in connection with sales of such firearms to Federal, State or local governmental entities, will be approved if it is established by specific information attached to the application that the firearm is particularly suitable for use by such entities. Such information must show why a sales sample of a particular firearm is suitable for such use and the expected governmental customers who would require a demonstration of the firearm. Information as to the availability of the firearm to fill subsequent orders and letters from governmental entities expressing a need for a particular model or interest in seeing a demonstration of a particular firearm would establish suitability for governmental use. Applications to import more than one firearm of a particular model for use as a sample by an importer or dealer must also establish the importer's or dealer's need for the quantity of samples sought to be imported.

[36 FR 14256, Aug. 3, 1971. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-241, 51 FR 39633, Oct. 29, 1986; T.D. ATF-270, 53 FR 10511, Mar. 31, 1988]
§ 479.113 - Conditional importation.

The Director shall permit the conditional importation or bringing into the United States of any firearm for the purpose of examining and testing the firearm in connection with making a determination as to whether the importation or bringing in of such firearm will be authorized under this subpart. An application under this section shall be filed on Form 6 (Firearms), in triplicate, with the Director. The Director may impose conditions upon any importation under this section including a requirement that the firearm be shipped directly from Customs custody to the Director and that the person importing or bringing in the firearm must agree to either export the weapon or destroy it if a final determination is made that it may not be imported or brought in under this subpart. A firearm so imported or brought into the United States may be released from Customs custody in the manner prescribed by the conditional authorization of the Director.

[T.D. ATF-270, 53 FR 10511, Mar. 31, 1988]
§ 479.114 - Application and permit for exportation of firearms.

Any person desiring to export a firearm without payment of the transfer tax must file with the Director an application on Form 9 (Firearms), Application and Permit for Exportation of Firearms, in quadruplicate, for a permit providing for deferment of tax liability. Part 1 of the application shall show the name and address of the foreign consignee, number of firearms covered by the application, the intended port of exportation, a complete description of each firearm to be exported, the name, address, State Department license number (or date of application if not issued), and identification of the special (occupational) tax stamp of the transferor. Part 1 of the application shall be executed under the penalties of perjury by the transferor and shall be supported by a certified copy of a written order or contract of sale or other evidence showing that the firearm is to be shipped to a foreign designation. Where it is desired to make a transfer free of tax to another person who in turn will export the firearm, the transferor shall likewise file an application supported by evidence that the transfer will start the firearm in course of exportation, except, however, that where such transferor and exporter are registered special-taxpayers the transferor will not be required to file an application on Form 9 (Firearms).

§ 479.115 - Action by Director.

If the application is acceptable, the Director will execute the permit, Part 2 of Form 9 (Firearms), to export the firearm described on the form and return three copies thereof to the applicant. Issuance of the permit by the Director will suspend assertion of tax liability for a period of six (6) months from the date of issuance. If the application is disapproved, the Director will indicate thereon the reason for such action and return the forms to the applicant.

§ 479.116 - Procedure by exporter.

Shipment may not be made until the permit, Form 9 (Firearms), is received from the Director. If exportation is to be made by means other than by parcel post, two copies of the form must be addressed to the District Director of Customs at the port of exportation, and must precede or accompany the shipment in order to permit appropriate inspection prior to lading. If exportation is to be made by parcel post, one copy of the form must be presented to the postmaster at the office receiving the parcel who will execute Part 4 of such form and return the form to the exporter for transmittal to the Director. In the event exportation is not effected, all copies of the form must be immediately returned to the Director for cancellation.

§ 479.117 - Action by Customs.

Upon receipt of a permit, Form 9 (Firearms), in duplicate, authorizing the exportation of firearms, the District Director of Customs may order such inspection as deemed necessary prior to lading of the merchandise. If satisfied that the shipment is proper and the information contained in the permit to export is in agreement with information shown in the shipper's export declaration, the District Director of Customs will, after the merchandise has been duly exported, execute the certificate of exportation (Part 3 of Form 9 (Firearms)). One copy of the form will be retained with the shipper's export declaration and the remaining copy thereof will be transmitted to the Director.

§ 479.118 - Proof of exportation.

Within a six-month's period from date of issuance of the permit to export firearms, the exporter shall furnish or cause to be furnished to the Director (a) the certificate of exportation (Part 3 of Form 9 (Firearms)) executed by the District Director of Customs as provided in § 479.117, or (b) the certificate of mailing by parcel post (Part 4 of Form 9 (Firearms)) executed by the postmaster of the post office receiving the parcel containing the firearm, or (c) a certificate of landing executed by a Customs officer of the foreign country to which the firearm is exported, or (d) a sworn statement of the foreign consignee covering the receipt of the firearm, or (e) the return receipt, or a reproduced copy thereof, signed by the addressee or his agent, where the shipment of a firearm was made by insured or registered parcel post. Issuance of a permit to export a firearm and furnishing of evidence establishing such exportation under this section will relieve the actual exporter and the person selling to the exporter for exportation from transfer tax liability. Where satisfactory evidence of exportation of a firearm is not furnished within the stated period, the transfer tax will be assessed.

§ 479.119 - Transportation of firearms to effect exportation.

Notwithstanding any provision of § 478.28 of this chapter, it shall not be required that authorization be obtained from the Director for the transportation in interstate or foreign commerce of a firearm in order to effect the exportation of a firearm authorized under the provisions of this subpart.

[T.D. ATF-270, 53 FR 10511, Mar. 31, 1988]
§ 479.120 - Refunds.

Where, after payment of tax by the manufacturer, a firearm is exported, and satisfactory proof of exportation (see § 479.118) is furnished, a claim for refund may be submitted on Form 843 (see § 479.172). If the manufacturer waives all claim for the amount to be refunded, the refund shall be made to the exporter. A claim for refund by an exporter of tax paid by a manufacturer should be accompanied by waiver of the manufacturer and proof of tax payment by the latter.

§ 479.121 - Insular possessions.

Transfers of firearms to persons in the insular possessions of the United States are exempt from transfer tax, provided title in cases involving change of title (and custody or control, in cases not involving change of title), does not pass to the transferee or his agent in the United States. However, such exempt transactions must be covered by approved permits and supporting documents corresponding to those required in the case of firearms exported to foreign countries (see §§ 479.114 and 479.115), except that the Director may vary the requirements herein set forth in accordance with the requirements of the governing authority of the insular possession. Shipments to the insular possessions will not be authorized without compliance with the requirements of the governing authorities thereof. In the case of a nontaxable transfer to a person in such insular possession, the exemption extends only to such transfer and not to prior transfers.

§ 479.122 - Requirements.

(a) Persons engaged in the business of importing firearms are required by the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2778) to register with the Director. (See Part 447 of this chapter.)

(b) Persons engaged in the business of exporting firearms caliber .22 or larger are subject to the requirements of a license issued by the Secretary of State. Application for such license should be made to the Office of Munitions Control, Department of State, Washington, DC 20502, prior to exporting firearms.

[36 FR 14256, Aug. 3, 1971. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and amended by T.D. ATF-241, 51 FR 39634, Oct. 29, 1986; T.D. ATF-270, 53 FR 10511, Mar. 31, 1988]
source: 36 FR 14256, Aug. 3, 1971, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975, and further redesignated by T.D. ATF-487, 68 FR 3752, Jan. 24, 2003.
cite as: 27 CFR 479.113