Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 17.181 - Exportation of medicinal preparations and flavoring extracts.

Medicinal preparations and flavoring extracts, approved for drawback under the provisions of this part, may be exported subject to 19 U.S.C. 1313(d), which authorizes export drawback equal to the entire amount of internal revenue tax found to have been paid on the domestic alcohol used in the manufacture of such products. (Note: Export drawback is not allowed for imported alcohol under this provision of customs law.) Claims for such export drawback shall be filed in accordance with the applicable regulations of the U.S. Customs Service. Such claims may cover either the full rate of tax which has been paid on the alcohol, if no nonbeverage drawback has been claimed thereon, or else the remainder of the tax if nonbeverage drawback under 26 U.S.C. 5114 has been or will be claimed.

[T.D. ATF-379, 61 FR 31412, June 20, 1996, as amended by T.D. TTB-79, 74 FR 37402, July 28, 2009]
§ 17.182 - Drawback claims by druggists.

Drawback of tax under 26 U.S.C. 5114 is allowable on taxpaid distilled spirits used by druggists in compounding prescriptions. The prescriptions so compounded shall be shown in the supporting data by listing the first and last serial numbers thereof. The amount of taxpaid spirits used in each prescription need not be shown, but such prescriptions shall be made available for examination by appropriate TTB officers. If refills have been made of prescriptions received in a previous claim period, their serial numbers shall be recorded separately. Druggists claiming drawback as authorized by this section are subject to all the applicable requirements of this part, except those requiring the filing of quantitative formulas.

[T.D. ATF-379, 61 FR 31412, June 20, 1996, as amended by T.D. TTB-79, 74 FR 37402, July 28, 2009]
§ 17.183 - Disposition of recovered alcohol and material from which alcohol can be recovered.

(a) Recovered alcohol. Manufacturers of nonbeverage products shall not sell or transfer recovered spirits to any other premises without TTB authorization under § 17.3. If recovered spirits are stored pending reuse, storage facilities shall be adequate to protect the revenue. If recovered spirits are destroyed, the record required by § 17.168(c) must be kept. Spirits recovered from intermediate products may be destroyed without notice to TTB. Spirits recovered from nonbeverage products may be destroyed pursuant to a notice filed with the appropriate TTB officer at least 12 days prior to the date of destruction. The notice shall state the reason for the destruction, the intended date of destruction, and the approximate quantity involved. The appropriate TTB officer may impose specific conditions, including requiring that the destruction be witnessed by an appropriate TTB. Unless the manufacturer is otherwise advised by the appropriate TTB officer before the date specified in the notice, the destruction may proceed as planned.

(b) By-product material (general). By-product material from which alcohol can be recovered shall not be sold or transferred unless the alcohol has been removed or an approved substance has been added to prevent recovery of residual alcohol. Material from which alcohol can be recovered may also be destroyed on the manufacturer's premises by a suitable method. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, prior written approval shall be obtained from the appropriate TTB officer as to the adequacy, under this section, of any substance proposed to be added to prevent recovery of alcohol, or of any proposed method of destruction.

(c) Spent vanilla beans. Specific approval from the appropriate TTB officer is not required when spent vanilla beans containing residual alcohol are destroyed on the manufacturer's premises by burning, or when they are removed from those premises after treatment with sufficient kerosene, mineral spirits, rubber hydrocarbon solvent, or gasoline to prevent recovery of residual alcohol.

§ 17.184 - Distilled spirits container marks.

All marks required by part 19 of this chapter shall remain on containers of taxpaid distilled spirits until the contents are emptied. Whenever such a container is emptied, such marks shall be completely obliterated.

(Sec. 454, Pub. L. 98-369, 98 Stat. 820 (26 U.S.C. 5206(d)))
§ 17.185 - Requirements for intermediate products and unfinished nonbeverage products.

(a) General. Self-manufactured ingredients made with taxpaid spirits may be accounted for either as intermediate products or as unfinished nonbeverage products. The manufacturer may choose either method of accounting for such self-manufactured ingredients (see § 17.127). However, the method selected determines the requirements that will apply to those ingredients, as prescribed in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) Intermediate products. Intermediate products shall be used exclusively in the manufacture of nonbeverage products. Intermediate products may be accumulated and stored indefinitely and may be used in any nonbeverage product whose formula calls for such use. Intermediate products shall be manufactured by the same entity that manufactures the finished nonbeverage products. Intermediate products shall not be sold or transferred between separate and distinct entities. However, they may be transferred to another branch or plant of the same manufacturer, for use there in the manufacture of approved nonbeverage products. (See § 17.169 for recordkeeping requirement.) For the purposes of this section, the phrase “separate and distinct entities” includes parent and subsidiary corporations, regardless of any corporate (or other) relationship, and even if the stock of both the manufacturing firm and the receiving firm is owned by the same persons.

(c) Unfinished nonbeverage products. An unfinished nonbeverage product shall only be used in the particular nonbeverage product for which it was manufactured, and shall be entirely so used within the time limit stated in the approved TTB Form 5154.1. Spirits dissipated or recovered in the manufacture of unfinished nonbeverage products shall be regarded as having been dissipated or recovered in the manufacture of nonbeverage products. Spirits contained in such unfinished products shall be accounted for in the supporting data under § 17.147 and inventoried under § 17.167 as “in process” in nonbeverage products. Production of unfinished nonbeverage products shall be recorded as an integral part of the production records for the related nonbeverage products. Unfinished nonbeverage products shall not be transferred to other premises.

§ 17.186 - Transfer of distilled spirits to other containers.

A manufacturer may transfer taxpaid distilled spirits from the original package to other containers at any time for the purpose of facilitating the manufacture of products unfit for beverage use. Containers into which distilled spirits have been transferred under this section shall bear a label identifying their contents as taxpaid distilled spirits, and shall be marked with the serial number of the original package from which the spirits were withdrawn.

§ 17.187 - Discontinuance of business.

The manufacturer shall notify TTB when business is to be discontinued. Upon discontinuance of business, a manufacturer's entire stock of taxpaid distilled spirits on hand may be sold in a single sale without the necessity of qualifying as a wholesaler under part 1 of this chapter or registering and keeping records as a liquor dealer under part 31 of this chapter.The spirits likewise may be returned to the person from whom purchased, or they may be destroyed or given away.

[T.D. ATF-379, 61 FR 31412, June 20, 1996, as amended by T.D. TTB-25, 70 FR 19882, Apr. 15, 2005; T.D. TTB-79, 74 FR 37402, July 28, 2009]
source: T.D. ATF-379, 61 FR 31412, June 20, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 27 CFR 17.183