Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 19.52 - Restrictions on location of plants.

A person who intends to establish a distilled spirits plant may not locate it in any of the following places:

(a) In any residence, shed, yard, or enclosure connected to a residence;

(b) On any vessel or boat;

(c) Where beer or wine is produced;

(d) Where liquors are sold at retail; or

(e) Where any other business is conducted except as provided in § 19.54.

(26 U.S.C. 5178)
§ 19.53 - Continuity of plant premises.

As a general rule, the premises of a distilled spirits plant must be continuous except for separations by public waterways, roads, or carrier rights-of-way. However, the appropriate TTB officer may approve the registration of the plant where there are separations of the plant premises and all parts of the plant are in the same general location if:

(a) There is no jeopardy to revenue caused by the separation of premises; and

(b) The separation of premises does not create administrative problems for TTB.

(26 U.S.C. 5178)
§ 19.54 - Use of distilled spirits plant premises.

(a) General. A person may not conduct any business or operation on the premises of a distilled spirits plant unless the business or operation is authorized by the notice of registration on file with TTB or authorized under § 19.55.

(b) Bonded premises. The proprietor must use the bonded premises of a distilled spirits plant exclusively for distilled spirits operations. The proprietor must store packaged spirits, cases of spirits, or portable containers of spirits in a room or building on bonded premises. TTB may approve another method of storage as an alternate method or procedure. However, the proprietor must apply for, and receive approval for another method of storage from the appropriate TTB officer in accordance with § 19.27 before using that method.

(c) General premises. General premises are any portion of the distilled spirits plant described in the notice of registration other than bonded premises. A person may not use the general premises of a distilled spirits plant for any operation required under the provisions of this part to be conducted on bonded premises.

(26 U.S.C. 5178)
§ 19.55 - Other businesses.

(a) The appropriate TTB officer may authorize the conduct of a business other than that of a distiller, warehouseman, or processor on the premises of a distilled spirits plant if:

(1) The business is not prohibited by 26 U.S.C. 5601(a)(6);

(2) The business will not jeopardize the revenue;

(3) The business will not hinder TTB's effective administration of this part; and

(4) The business will not be contrary to law.

(b) A person who wishes to conduct another business at a distilled spirits plant must apply for such authorization in accordance with § 19.73(b) or § 19.120(b) and receive approval from the appropriate TTB officer before operating the other business. The approval will specify whether the other business may be conducted on the bonded premises or on the general premises.

(26 U.S.C. 5178)
§ 19.56 - Bonded warehouses not on premises qualified for production of spirits.

(a) Criteria for establishment. As a general rule, if a person intends to establish a bonded warehouse, other than one established on the bonded premises of a distilled spirits plant qualified for the production of spirits or contiguous to such premises, the proposed warehouse must have a minimum capacity of 250,000 wine gallons of bulk spirits and the need for such a warehouse must be clearly shown. TTB may consider an application to establish a bonded warehouse with less capacity provided a need is clearly shown.

(b) Application. The applicant must submit a separate written request along with the application for registration explaining the need for the bonded warehouse. TTB may approve the application for registration if:

(1) The proposed location for the warehouse will not jeopardize the revenue; and

(2) The applicant provides evidence showing sufficient need for establishing such a warehouse.

(c) Special conditions. Based on the application and request, TTB may limit the type of operations that may be conducted at the bonded warehouse. The proprietor of a warehouse approved for a limited type of operation may not expand or change the operation to include any other type of operation without application to and approval of the appropriate TTB officer.

(26 U.S.C. 5171 and 5178)
§ 19.51 - Home production of distilled spirits prohibited.

A person may not produce distilled spirits at home for personal use. Except as otherwise provided by law, distilled spirits may only be produced by a distilled spirits plant registered with TTB under the provisions of 26 U.S.C. 5171. All distilled spirits produced in the United States are subject to the tax imposed by 26 U.S.C. 5001.

(26 U.S.C. 5001,5601,and
§ 19.58 - Taxpaid spirits or wines on bonded premises.

The proprietor may move tax paid or tax determined spirits or wines across bonded premises. However, tax paid or tax determined spirits or wines may not be stored or allowed to remain on the bonded premises. The proprietor must keep tax paid or tax determined spirits or wines separate from spirits or wines on which tax has not been paid or determined. Spirits returned to bonded premises under the provisions of 26 U.S.C. 5215 may remain on bonded premises.

(26 U.S.C. 5201 and 5612)
§ 19.59 - Conveyance of untaxpaid spirits or wines within a distilled spirits plant.

(a) The proprietor may move untaxpaid spirits or wines:

(1) Between different portions of the bonded premises at the same distilled spirits plant or across any other premises of that plant;

(2) Over any public thoroughfare by uninterrupted transportation; or

(3) Over a private roadway by uninterrupted transportation. The owner or lessee of the private roadway must agree in writing to allow TTB officers access to the roadway to perform their duties.

(b) The conveyance of untaxpaid spirits or wines under paragraph (a) of this section is subject to the following conditions. The proprietor:

(1) May not store or allow the untaxpaid spirits or wines to remain on any premises other than the bonded premises;

(2) Must keep the untaxpaid spirits or wines separate from spirits on which the tax has been paid or determined;

(3) Must submit to the appropriate TTB officer a description of the means, route of the conveyance, and the areas of the distilled spirits plant, public thoroughfare or roadways across which spirits or wines will be conveyed, and a copy of any agreement with the owner or lessee of a private roadway. The appropriate TTB officer must approve the proposed means and route of conveyance and any agreement; and

(4) Must provide a consent of surety on the operations or unit bond (TTB Form 5000.18) extending the terms of the bond to cover the conveyance of the spirits or wines.

(26 U.S.C. 5201 and 5601)
§ 19.60 - Spirits in customs custody.

A proprietor may move distilled spirits that are in customs custody across distilled spirits plant premises if the proprietor:

(a) Submits to the appropriate TTB officer a description of the means and route of the conveyance and the areas of the distilled spirits plant across which spirits will be conveyed and receives approval from the appropriate TTB officer for the method of movement;

(b) Does not store or allow the spirits to remain on the premises of the distilled spirits plant;

(c) Moves the spirits expeditiously, and keeps the spirits separate and apart from other spirits on the premises; and

(d) Provides a consent of surety on the operations or unit bond (TTB Form 5000.18) extending the terms of the bond to cover the conveyance of the spirits.

(26 U.S.C. 5201)