Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 27 - Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 22.41 - Application for industrial alcohol user permit.

(a) Users. Each person desiring to withdraw and use tax-free alcohol shall, before commencing business, file an application on Form 5150.22 for, and obtain a permit, Form 5150.9, except permittees who were previously qualified to withdraw and use tax-free alcohol on the effective date of this regulation.

(b) Filing. All applications and necessary supporting documents, as required by this subpart, shall be filed with the appropriate TTB officer. All data, written statements, affidavits, and other documents submitted in support of the application are considered a part of the application.

(1) Applications filed as provided in this section, shall be accompanied by evidence establishing the authority of the officer or other person to execute the application.

(2) A State, political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, may specify in the application that it desires a single permit authorizing the withdrawal and use of tax-free alcohol in a number of institutions under its control. In this instance, the application, Form 5150.22, or an attachment, shall clearly show the method of distributing and accounting for the tax-free alcohol to be withdrawn.

§ 22.42 - Data for application, Form 5150.22.

(a) Unless waived under § 22.43, each application on Form 5150.22 shall include as applicable, the following information:

(1) Serial number and purpose for which filed.

(2) Name and principal business address.

(3) Based on the bona fide requirements of the applicant, the estimated quantity of tax-free alcohol in proof gallons, which will be procured during a 12-month period (one calendar year).

(4) Location, or locations where tax-free alcohol is to be used, if different from the business address.

(5) Statement showing the specific manner in which, or purposes for which, tax-free alcohol will be withdrawn and used.

(6) Statement that tax-free alcohol will be stored in accordance with the requirements of this part.

(7) Statement as to the type of business organization and of the persons interested in the business, supported by the items of information listed in § 22.45.

(8) Listing of the principal equipment for the recovery and restoration of alcohol (including the serial number, kind, capacity, name and address of manufacturer, and name and address of owner if different from applicant).

(9) List of any trade name(s) under which the applicant will conduct operations, and the offices where these names are registered.

(10) Listing of the titles of offices, the incumbents of which are responsible for the tax-free alcohol activities of the business and are authorized by the articles of incorporation, the bylaws, or the board of directors to act and sign on behalf of the applicant.

(11) Other information and statements as the appropriate TTB officer may require to establish that the applicant is entitled to the permit. In the case of a corporation or other legal entity the appropriate TTB officer may require information which establishes that the officers, directors and principal stockholders whose names are required to be furnished under § 22.45 (a)(2) and (c) have not violated or conspired to violate any law of the United States relating to intoxicating liquor or have been convicted of any offense under Title 26, U.S.C., punishable as a felony or of any conspiracy to commit such offense.

(b) If any of the information required by paragraphs (a)(4) through (a)(10) of this section is on file with any appropriate TTB officer, the applicant may incorporate this information by reference by stating that the information is made a part of the application.

§ 22.43 - Exceptions to application requirements.

(a) The appropriate TTB officer may waive detailed application and supporting data requirements, other than the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(6) of § 22.42, and of paragraph (a)(8) of that section as it relates to recovery, in the case of—

(1) All applications, Form 5150.22 filed by States or political subdivisions thereof or the District of Columbia, and

(2) Applications, Form 5150.22, filed by applicants, where the appropriate TTB officer has determined that the waiver of such requirements does not pose any jeopardy to the revenue or a hindrance of the effective administration of this part.

(b) The waiver provided for in this section will terminate for a permittee, other than States or political subdivisions thereof or the District of Columbia, when the permittee files an application to amend the permit and the appropriate TTB officer determines that the conditions justifying the waiver no longer exist. In this case, the permittee will furnish the information in respect to the previously waived items, as provided in § 22.57(a)(2).

[T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-443, 66 FR 13015, Mar. 2, 2001]
§ 22.44 - Disapproval of application.

The appropriate TTB officer may, in accordance with part 71 of this chapter, disapprove an application for a permit to withdraw and use tax-free alcohol, if on examination of the application (or inquiry), the appropriate TTB officer has reason to believe that:

(a) The applicant is not authorized by law and regulations to withdraw and use alcohol free of tax;

(b) The applicant (including, in the case of a corporation, any officer, director, or principal stockholder, and, in the case of a partnership, a partner) is, by reason of their business experience, financial standing, or trade connections, not likely to maintain operations in compliance with 26 U.S.C. Chapter 51, or regulations issued under this part;

(c) The applicant has failed to disclose any material information required, or has made any false statement as to any material fact, in connection with their application; or

(d) The premises at which the applicant proposes to conduct the business are not adequate to protect the revenue.

§ 22.45 - Organizational documents.

The supporting information required by § 22.42(a)(7) includes, as applicable:

(a) Corporate documents. (1) Certified true copy of the certificate of incorporation, or certified true copy of certificate authorizing the corporation to operate in the State where the premises are located (if other than that in which incorporated).

(2) Certified list of names and addresses of officers and directors, along with a statement designating which corporate officers, if applicable, are directly responsible for the tax-free alcohol activities of the business.

(3) Statement showing the number of shares of each class of stock or other evidence of ownership, authorized and outstanding, the par value thereof, and the voting rights of the respective owners or holders.

(b) Articles of partnership. True copy of the articles of partnership or association, if any, or certificate of partnership or association where required to be filed by any State, county, or municipality.

(c) Statement of interest. (1) Names and addresses of persons owning 10% or more of each of the classes of stock in the corporation, or legal entity, and the nature and amount of the stockholding or other interest of each, whether such interest appears in the name of the interested party or in the name of another for him or her. If a corporation is wholly owned or controlled by another corporation, persons owning 10% or more of each of the classes of stock of the parent corporation are considered to be the persons interested in the business of the subsidiary, and the names and addresses of such persons must be submitted to the appropriate TTB officer if specifically requested.

(2) In the case of an individual owner or partnership, name and address of every person interested in the business, whether such interest appears in the name of the interested party or in the name of another for the interested person.

[T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-435, 66 FR 5476, Jan. 19, 2001]
§ 22.48 - Conditions of permits.

Permits to withdraw and use tax-free alcohol will designate the acts which are permitted, and include any limitations imposed on the performance of these acts. All of the provisions of this part relating to the use or recovery of tax-free alcohol are considered to be included in the provisions and conditions of the permit, the same as if set out in the permit.

§ 22.49 - Duration of permits.

Permits to withdraw and use tax-free alcohol are continuing unless automatically terminated by the terms thereof, suspended or revoked as provided in § 22.51, or voluntarily surrendered. The provisions of § 22.58 are considered part of the terms and conditions of all permits.

§ 22.50 - Correction of permits.

If an error on a permit is discovered, the permittee shall immediately return the permit to the appropriate TTB officer for correction.

§ 22.51 - Suspension or revocation of permits.

The appropriate TTB officer may institute proceedings under part 71 of this chapter to suspend or revoke a permit whenever there is reason to believe that the permittee—

(a) Has not in good faith complied with the provisions of 26 U.S.C. Chapter 51, or regulations issued under that chapter;

(b) Has violated the conditions of that permit;

(c) Has made any false statements as to any material fact in the application for the permit;

(d) Has failed to disclose any material information required to be furnished;

(e) Has violated or conspired to violate any law of the United States relating to intoxicating liquor or has been convicted of an offense under Title 26, U.S.C., punishable as a felony or of any conspiracy to commit such offense;

(f) Is, by reason of its operations, no longer warranted in procuring and using tax-free alcohol authorized by the permit; or

(g) Has not engaged in any of the operations authorized by the permit for a period exceeding two years.

§ 22.52 - Rules of practice in permit proceedings.

The regulations of part 71 of this chapter apply to the procedure and practice in connection with the disapproval of any application for a permit and in connection with suspension or revocation of a permit.

§ 22.53 - Powers of attorney.

An applicant or permittee shall execute and file a Form 1534, in accordance with the instructions on the form, for each person authorized to sign or to act in its behalf. Form 1534 is not required for persons whose authority is furnished in accordance with § 22.42(a)(10).

§ 22.54 - Photocopying of permits.

A permittee may make photocopies of its permit exclusively for the purpose of furnishing proof of authorization to withdraw tax-free alcohol from a distilled spirits plant.

§ 22.55 - Posting of permits.

Permits issued under this part will be kept posted and available for inspection on the permit premises.

§ 22.57 - Changes affecting applications and permits.

(a) General—(1) Changes affecting application. When there is a change relating to any of the information contained in, or considered a part of the application on Form 5150.22 for a permit, the permittee shall, within 30 days (except as otherwise provided in this subpart) file a written notice with the appropriate TTB officer to amend the application.

(2) Changes affecting waivers. When any waiver under § 22.43 is terminated by a change to the application, the permittee shall include the current information as to the item previously waived with the written notice required in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(3) Changes affecting permit. When the terms of a permit are affected by a change, the written notice required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section (except as otherwise provided in this subpart) will serve as an application to amend the permit.

(4) Form of notice. All written notices to amend an application on Form 5150.22 will—

(i) Identify the permittee;

(ii) Contain the permit identification number;

(iii) Explain the nature of the change and contain any required supporting documents;

(iv) Identify the serial number of the applicable application, Form 5150.22; and

(v) Be consecutively numbered and signed by the permittee or any person authorized to sign on behalf of the permittee.

(b) Amended application. The appropriate TTB officer may require a permittee to file an amended application on Form 5150.22 when the number of changes to the previous application are determined to be excessive, or when a permittee has not timely filed the written notice prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If items on the amended application remain unchanged, they will be marked “No change since Form 5150.22, Serial No. __________.”

(c) Changes in officers, directors and stockholders—(1) Officers. In the case of a change in the officers listed under the provisions of § 22.45(a)(2), the notice required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall only apply (unless otherwise required, in writing, by the appropriate TTB officer) to those offices, the incumbents of which are responsible for the operations covered by the permit.

(2) Directors. In the case of a change in the directors listed under the provisions of § 22.45(a)(2), the notice required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall reflect the changes.

(3) Stockholders. In lieu of reporting all changes, within 30 days, to the list of stockholders furnished under the provisions of § 22.45(c)(1), a permittee may, upon filing written notice to the appropriate TTB officer and establishing a reporting date, file an annual notice of changes. The notice of changes in stockholders does not apply if the sale or transfer of capital stock results in a change in ownership or control which is required to be reported under § 22.58.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0335) [T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985; 50 FR 20099, May 14, 1985]
§ 22.58 - Automatic termination of permits.

(a) Permit not transferable. Permits issued under this part are not transferable. In the event of the lease, sale, or other transfer of such a permit, or of the operations authorized by the permit, the permit shall, except as provided for in this section, automatically terminate.

(b) Corporations. (1) If actual or legal control of any corporation holding a permit issued under this part changes, directly or indirectly, whether by reason of a change in stock ownership or control (in the permittee corporation or any other corporation), by operation of law, or in any other manner, the permittee shall within 10 days of the change, give written notice to the appropriate TTB officer. The written notice shall be accompanied by (or within 30 days of the change) an application and supporting documents on Form 5150.22 for a new permit. If an application on Form 5150.22 for a new permit is not filed within 30 days of the change, the outstanding permit will automatically terminate.

(2) If an application on Form 5150.22 for a new permit is filed within the 30-day period prescribed in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the outstanding permit will remain in effect until final action is taken on the application. When final action is taken, the outstanding permit will automatically terminate and the permittee shall forward it to the appropriate TTB officer for cancellation.

(c) Proprietorships. In the event of a change in proprietorship of a business of a permittee (as for instance, by reason of incorporation, the withdrawal or taking in of additional partners, or succession by any person who is not a fiduciary), the successor shall file written notice and make application on Form 5150.22 for a new permit under the same conditions provided for in paragraph (b) of this section.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0335)
§ 22.59 - Adoption of documents by a fiduciary.

If the business covered by a permit issued under this part, is to be operated by a fiduciary, the fiduciary may, in lieu of qualifying as a new proprietor, file a written notice, and any necessary supporting documents, to amend the predecessor's permit. The effective date of the qualifying documents filed by a fiduciary shall coincide with the effective date of the court order or the date specified therein for the fiduciary to assume control. If the fiduciary was not appointed by the court, the date the fiduciary assumed control shall coincide with the effective date of the filing of the qualifying documents.

[T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-443, 66 FR 13015, Mar. 2, 2001]
§ 22.60 - Continuing partnerships.

(a) Continuing partnerships. If, under the laws of a particular State, a partnership is not terminated on death or insolvency of a partner, but continues until final settlement of the partnership affairs is completed, and the surviving partner has the exclusive right to the control and possession of the partnership assets for the purpose of liquidation and settlement, the surviving partner may continue to withdraw and use tax-free alcohol under the prior qualifications of the partnership.

(b) Requalification. If a surviving partner acquires the business on completion of the settlement of the partnership, that partner shall qualify as a new proprietor, from the date of acquisition, under the same conditions and limitations prescribed in § 22.58(b).

(c) More than one partner. The rule set forth in this section also applies if there is more than one surviving partner.

[T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-443, 66 FR 13015, Mar. 2, 2001]
§ 22.61 - Change in name of permittee.

When the only change is a change in the individual, firm, or corporation name, a permittee may not conduct operations under the new name until a written notice, accompanied by necessary supporting documents, to amend the application and permit has been filed and an amended permit has been issued by the appropriate TTB officer.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0335) [T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985; 50 FR 20099, May 14, 1985]
§ 22.62 - Change in trade name.

Where there is to be a change in, or addition of, a trade name, the permittee may not conduct operations under the new trade name until a written notice has been filed and an amended permit has been issued by the appropriate TTB officer.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0335) [T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-443, 66 FR 13015, Mar. 2, 2001]
§ 22.63 - Change in location.

When there is to be a change in location, a permittee may not conduct operations at the new location until a written notice, accompanied by necessary supporting information, to amend the application and permit has been filed and an amended permit has been issued by the appropriate TTB officer.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0335) [T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-435, 66 FR 5476, Jan. 19, 2001; T.D. ATF-443, 66 FR 13015, Mar. 2, 2001]
§ 22.64 - Return of permits.

Following the termination, surrender or revocation of a permit, or the issuance of a new or amended permit, caused by a change, the permittee shall

(a) Obtain and destroy all photocopies of the previous permit from its suppliers, and

(b) Return the original of the permit or obsolete permit to the appropriate TTB officer for cancellation.

§ 22.66 - Registry of stills.

The provisions of subpart C of part 29 of this chapter are applicable to stills on the premises of a permittee used for distilling. As provided in § 29.55, the listing of a still in the permit application (Form 5150.22), and approval of the application, constitutes registration of the still.

(Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1355, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5179)) [T.D. ATF-207, 50 FR 23682, June 5, 1985]
§ 22.68 - Notice of permanent discontinuance.

A permittee who permanently discontinues the use of tax-free alcohol shall file a written notice with the appropriate TTB officer to cover the discontinuance. The notice will be accompanied by the permit, and contain—

(1) A request to cancel the permit,

(2) A statement of the disposition made, as provided in § 22.154, of all tax-free and recovered alcohol, and

(3) The date of discontinuance.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0335) [T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-443, 66 FR 13015, Mar. 2, 2001]
source: T.D. ATF-199, 50 FR 9183, Mar. 6, 1985, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 27 CFR 22.48