Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 28 - Judicial Administration last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 0.75 - Policy functions.

The Assistant Attorney General for Administration shall head the Justice Management Division and shall provide advice relating to basic Department policy for budget and financial management, program evaluation, auditing, personnel management and training, procurement, information processing and telecommunications, security and for all matters pertaining to organization, management, and administration. The following matters are assigned to, and shall be conducted, handled, or supervised by, the Assistant Attorney General for Administration:

(a) Conduct, direct, review, and evaluate management studies and surveys of the Department's organizational structure, functions, and programs, operating procedures and supporting systems, and management practices throughout the Department; and make recommendations to reduce costs and increase productivity.

(b) Supervise, direct, and review the preparation, justification and execution of the Department of Justice budget, including the coordination and control of the programming and reprogramming of funds.

(c) Review, analyze, and coordinate the Department's programs and activities to ensure that the Department's use of resources and estimates of future requirements are consistent with the policies, plans, and mission priorities of the Attorney General.

(d) Plan, direct, and coordinate Department-wide personnel management programs, and develop and issue Department-wide policy in all personnel program areas, including training, position classification and pay administration, staffing, employee performance evaluation, employee development, employee relations and services, employee recognition and incentives, equal employment opportunity programs, including the equal opportunity recruitment program (5 U.S.C. 7201), personnel program evaluation, labor management relations, adverse action hearings and appeals, employee grievances, and employee health programs.

(e) Develop and direct Department-wide financial management policies, programs, procedures, and systems including financial accounting, planning, analysis, and reporting.

(f) Supervise and direct the operation of the Department's central payroll system, automated information services, publication services, library services and any other Department-wide central services which are established by or assigned to the Justice Management Division.

(g) Formulate and administer the General Administration Appropriation of the Department's budget.

(h) Formulate Department-wide audit policies, standards and procedures; develop, direct and supervise independent and comprehensive internal audits, including examinations authorized by 28 U.S.C. 526,of,programs,and,and,regulations; economy and efficiency in operation; and that desired results are being achieved.

(i) Develop and direct a Department-wide directives management program and administer the directives management system.

(j) Plan, direct, administer, and monitor compliance with Department-wide policies, procedures, and regulations concerning records, reports, procurement, printing, graphics, audiovisual activities (including the approval or disapproval of production and equipment requests), forms management, supply management, motor vehicles, real and personal property, space assignment and utilization, and all other administrative services functions.

(k) Formulate Department policies, standards, and procedures for information systems and the management and use of automatic data processing equipment; review the use and performance of information systems with respect to Department objectives, plans, policies, and procedures; provide technical leadership and support to new Department-wide information systems; review and approve all contracts for information processing let by the Department, and provide the final review and approval of systems and procedures and standards for use of data elements and codes.

(l) Formulate policies, standards, and procedures for Department telecommunications systems and equipment and review their implementation.

(m) Provide computer and digital telecommunications services on an equitable resource-sharing basis to all organizational units within the Department.

(n) Formulate Department policies for the use of consultants and non-personal service contracts, review, and approve all nonpersonal service contracts, and review the implementation of Department policies.

(o) Serve as liaison with state and local governments on management affairs, and coordinate the Department's participation in Federal regional interagency bodies.

(p) Direct all Department security programs including personnel, physical, document, information processing and telecommunications, special intelligence, and employee health and safety programs and formulate and implement Department defense mobilization and contingency planning.

(q) Review legislation for potential impact on the Department's resources.

(r) Develop and implement a legal information coordination system for the use of the Department of Justice and, as appropriate, the Federal Government as a whole.

[Order No. 543-73, 38 FR 29585, Oct. 26, 1973, as amended by Order No. 565-74, 39 FR 15875, May 6, 1974; Order No. 699-77, 42 FR 15315, Mar. 21, 1977; Order No. 722-77, 42 FR 25499, May 18, 1977; Order No. 960-81, 46 FR 52346, Oct. 27, 1981]
§ 0.76 - Specific functions.

The functions delegated to the Assistant Attorney General for Administration by this subpart O shall also include the following specific policy functions:

(a) Directing the Department's financial management operations, including control of the accounting for appropriations and expenditures, employment limitations, voucher examination and audit, overtime pay, establishing per diem rates, promulgation of policies for travel, transportation, and relocation expenses, and issuance of necessary regulations pertaining thereto.

(b) Submission of requests to the Office of Management and Budget for apportionment or reapportionment of appropriations, including the determination, whenever required, that such apportionment or reapportionment indicates the necessity for the submission of a request for a deficiency or supplemental estimate, and to make allotments to organizational units of the Department of funds made available to the Department within the limits of such apportionments or reapportionments (31 U.S.C. 665).

(c) Approving per diem allowances for travel by airplane, train or boat outside the continental United States in accordance with paragraph 1-7.2 of the Federal Travel Regulations (FPMR 101-7).

(d) Exercising the claims settlement authority under the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966 (31 U.S.C. 952).

(e) Authorizing payment of actual expense of subsistence (5 U.S.C. 5702(c)).

(f) Prescribing regulations providing for premium pay pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5541-5550a.

(g) Settling and authorizing payment of employee claims under the Military and Civilian Employees' Claims Act of 1964, as amended (31 U.S.C. 240-243).

(h) Submitting requests to the Comptroller General for decisions (31 U.S.C. 74,82d. Gen. B-161457, July 14, 1976).

(i) Making determinations with respect to employment and wages under section 3122 of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (26 U.S.C. 3122).

(j) Excluding the Office of Justice Assistance, Research and Statistics, supervising and directing the Department's procurement and contracting functions and assuring that equal employment opportunity is practiced by the Department's contractors and subcontractors and in federally assisted programs under the Department's control.

(k) Designating Contracts Compliance Officers pursuant to Executive Order 11246, as amended.

(l) Making the certificate required with respect to the necessity for including illustrations in printing (44 U.S.C. 1104).

(m) Making the certificates with respect to the necessity of long distance telephone calls (31 U.S.C. 680a).

(n) Making certificates of need for space (68 Stat. 518, 519).

(o) Exercising, except for the authority conferred in §§ 0.15(b)(1), 0.19(a)(1), 0.137, and 0.138 of this part, the power and authority vested in the Attorney General to take final action on matters pertaining to the employment, separation, and general administration of personnel in General Schedule grade GS-1 through GS-15, and in wage board positions; classify positions in the Department under the General Schedule and wage board systems regardless of grade; postaudit and correct any personnel action within the Department; and inspect at any time any personnel operations of the various organizational units of the Department.

(p) Selecting and assigning employees for training by, in, or through non-Government facilities, paying the expenses of such training or reimbursing employees therefor, and preparing and submitting the required annual report to the Office of Personnel Management (5 U.S.C. 4103-4118).

(q) Exercising authority for the temporary employment of experts or consultants of organizations thereof, including stenographic reporting services (5 U.S.C. 3109(b)).

(r) Providing assistance in furnishing information to the public under the Public Information Section of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 552).

(s) Representing the Department in its contacts on matters relating to administration and management with the Congressional Appropriations Committees, Office of Management and Budget, the General Accounting Office, the Office of Personnel Management, the General Services Administration, the Joint Committee on Printing, the Government Printing Office and all other Federal departments and agencies.

(t) Taking final action, including making all required determinations and findings, in connection with the acquisition of real property for use by the Department of Justice.

(u) Perform functions with respect to the operation, maintenance, repair, preservation, alteration, furnishing, equipment and custody of buildings occupied by the Department of Justice as delegated by the Administrator of the General Services Administration.

(v) Implementing Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-76, “Performance of Commercial Activities”.

[Order No. 543-73, 38 FR 29585, Oct. 26, 1973] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 0.76, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 0.77 - Operational functions.

The Assistant Attorney General for Administration shall provide all direct administrative support services to the Offices, Boards and Divisions of the Department and to the U.S. Marshals Service, except where independent administrative authority has been conferred. These services shall include the following:

(a) Planning, directing and coordinating the personnel management program; providing personnel services including employment and staffing, employee relations, and classification, and including the employment, separation and general administration of employees, except attorneys, in General Schedule grades GS-15 and below, or equivalent pay levels.

(b) Formulating policies and plans for efficient administrative management and organization and developing and coordinating all management studies and reports on the operations of the Offices, Divisions and Boards.

(c) Planning, justifying, and compiling the annual and supplemental budget estimates of the Offices, Divisions and Boards.

(d) Planning, directing and executing accounting operations for the Offices, Divisions and Boards.

(e) Providing information systems analysis, design, computer programming, and systems implementation services consistent with Departmental information systems plans, policies and procedures.

(f) Implementing and administering management programs for the creation, organization, maintenance, use, and disposition of Federal records, and providing mail and messenger service.

(g) Implementing and administering programs for procurement, personal property, supply, motor vehicle, space management, and operations and management of buildings as delegated by the Administrator of the General Services Administration.

(h) Operating and maintaining the Department Library.

(i) Routing and controlling correspondence, maintaining indices of legal cases and matters, replying to correspondence not assignable to a division, safeguarding confidential information, attesting to the correctness of records, and related matters.

(j) Accepting service of summonses, complaints, or other papers, including, without limitation, subpoenas, directed to the Attorney General in his official capacity, as a representative of the Attorney General, under the Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure or in any suit within the purview of subsection (a) of section 208 of the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1953 (66 Stat. 560 (43 U.S.C. 666(a))).

(k) Making the certificates required in connection with the payment of expenses of collecting evidence: Provided, That each such certificate shall be approved by the Attorney General.

(l) Taking final action, including making all required determinations and findings, in connection with negotiated purchases and contracts as provided in 41 U.S.C. 252(c) (1) through (11), (14), (15) except that the authority provided in 41 U.S.C. 252(c)(11) shall be limited not to exceed an expenditure of $25,000 per contract and shall not be further delegated.

(m) Serving as Contracting Officer for the Offices, Boards and Divisions, with authority of redelegation to the Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Personnel and Administration, Justice Management Division. The authority so delegated includes the authority of redelegation to subordinates and to officials within the Offices, Boards and Divisions.

(n) Authorizing payment of extraordinary expenses incurred by ministerial officers of the United States in executing acts of Congress (28 U.S.C. 1929).

(o) Representing the Attorney General with the Secretary of State in arranging for reimbursement by foreign governments of expenses incurred in extradition cases, and certifying to the Secretary the amounts to be paid to the United States as reimbursement (18 U.S.C. 3195).

[Order No. 565-74, 39 FR 15876, May 6, 1974, as amended by Order No. 699-77, 42 FR 15315, Mar. 21, 1977; Order No. 722-77, 42 FR 25499, May 18, 1977; Order No. 960-81, 46 FR 52347, Oct. 27, 1981; Order No. 996-83, 48 FR 7171, Feb. 18, 1983; Order No. 1001-83, 48 FR 9524, Mar. 7, 1983; Order No. 1977-95, 60 FR 36711, July 18, 1995]
§ 0.78 - Implementation of financial disclosure requirements.

The Assistant Attorney General for Administration shall serve as the designated agency ethics official under title II of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, 92 Stat. 1836, for purposes of administering the public and confidential financial disclosure programs applicable to officers and employees of the Department of Justice. His duties shall include the following:

(a) Providing necessary report forms and other information to officers and employees of the Department;

(b) Developing and maintaining a list of positions covered by the public and confidential financial reporting requirements;

(c) Monitoring compliance by department officers and employees with applicable requirements for filing and review of financial disclosure reports;

(d) Providing for retention of reports and transmittal, where necessary, of copies of reports to the Director of the Office of Government Ethics;

(e) Establishing procedures for public access to reports filed under title II of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978;

(f) Performing such other functions as may be necessary for the effective implementation of title II of the Ethics in Government Act.

[Order No. 832-79, 44 FR 29891, May 23, 1979, as amended by Order No. 960-81, 46 FR 52347, Oct. 27, 1981]
§ 0.79 - Redelegation of authority.

The Assistant Attorney General for Administration is authorized to redelegate to any Department official any of the power or authority vested in him by this subpart O. Existing redelegations by the Assistant Attorney General for Administration shall continue in force and effect until modified or revoked.

[Order No. 543-73, 38 FR 29585, Oct. 26, 1973. Redesignated by Order No. 565-74, 39 FR 15876, May 6, 1974, and further redesignated by Order No. 832-79, 44 FR 29891, May 23, 1979]
source: Order No. 423-69, 34 FR 20388, Dec. 31, 1969, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 28 CFR 0.75