Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 28 - Judicial Administration last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 10.1 - Form of registration statement.

Every organization required to submit a registration statement 1 to the Attorney General for filing in compliance with the terms of section 2 of the act approved October 17, 1940, entitled, “An act to require the registration of certain organizations carrying on activities within the United States, and for other purposes” (Pub. L. 772, 80th Cong.; 18 U.S.C. 2386), and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto, shall submit such statement on such forms as are prescribed by the Attorney General. Every statement required to be filed with the Attorney General shall be subscribed under oath by all of the officers of the organization registering.

1 Filed as a part of the original document. Copies may be obtained from the Department of Justice.

§ 10.2 - Language of registration statement.

Registration statements must be in English if possible. If in a foreign language they must be accompanied by an English translation certified under oath by the translator, before a notary public or other person authorized by law to administer oaths for general purposes as a true and adequate translation. The statements, with the exception of signature, must be typewritten if practicable but will be accepted if written legibly in ink.

§ 10.3 - Effect of acceptance of registration statement.

Acceptance by the Attorney General of a registration statement submitted for filing shall not necessarily signify a full compliance with the said act on the part of the registrant, and such acceptance shall not preclude the Attorney General from seeking such additional information as he deems necessary under the requirements of the said act, and shall not preclude prosecution as provided for in the said act for a false statement of a material fact, or the willful omission of a material fact required to be stated therein, or necessary to make the statements made not misleading.

§ 10.4 - Date of filing.

The date on which a registration statement properly executed is accepted by the Attorney General for filing shall be considered the date of the filing of such registration statement pursuant to the said act. All statements must be filed not later than thirty days after January 15, 1941.

§ 10.5 - Incorporation of papers previously filed.

Papers and documents already filed with the Attorney General pursuant to the said act and regulations issued pursuant thereto may be incorporated by reference in any registration statement subsequently submitted to the Attorney General for filing, provided such papers and documents are adequately identified in the registration statement in which they are incorporated by reference.

§ 10.6 - Necessity for further registration.

The filing of a registration statement with the Attorney General as required by the act shall not operate to remove the necessity for filing a registration statement with the Attorney General as required by the act of June 8, 1938, as amended, entitled “An act to require the registration of certain persons employed by agencies to disseminate propaganda in the United States and for other purposes” (52 Stat. 631, 56 Stat. 248; 22 U.S.C. 611), or for filing a notification statement with the Secretary of State as required by the act of June 15, 1917 (40 Stat. 226).

[13 FR 8292, Dec. 24, 1948]
§ 10.7 - Cessation of activity.

The chief officer or other officer of the registrant organization must notify the Attorney General promptly upon the cessation of the activity of the organization, its branches, chapters, or affiliates by virtue of which registration has been required pursuant to the act.

§ 10.8 - Information to be kept current.

A supplemental statement must be filed with the Attorney General within thirty days after the expiration of each period of six months succeeding the original filing of a registration statement. Each supplemental statement must contain information and documents as may be necessary to make information and documents previously filed accurate and current with respect to the preceding six months' period.

§ 10.9 - Requirements for supplemental registration statement.

The rules and regulations in this part with respect to registration statements submitted to the Attorney General under section 2 of the said act shall apply with equal force and effect to supplemental registration statements required thereunder to be filed with the Attorney General.

§ 10.10 - Public inspection.

Registration statements filed with the Attorney General pursuant to the said act shall be available for public inspection in the Department of Justice, Washington, DC, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on each official business day.

[13 FR 8292, Dec. 24, 1948]
authority: Pub. L. 772, 80th Cong.; 18 U.S.C. 2386.
source: 6 FR 369, Jan. 15, 1941, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 28 CFR 10.4