Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 28 - Judicial Administration last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 524.20 - Purpose and scope.

This subpart establishes procedures for designation, classification, parole, and release of Youth Corrections Act (YCA) inmates. In keeping with court findings, and in accord with the repeal of 18 U.S.C. chapter 402, sections 5011 and 5015(b), all offenders sentenced under the provisions of the YCA presently in custody, those retaken into custody as parole violators, and those yet to be committed (probation violators, appeal bond cases, etc.) may be transferred to or placed in adult institutions under the provisions of this policy.

§ 524.21 - Definitions.

(a) YCA inmate: An inmate sentenced under provision of the Youth Corrections Act who has not received an in-person “no further benefit” finding by his or her sentencing judge, and whose YCA sentence has not been completely absorbed by an adult federal sentence.

(b) No further benefit: An in-person finding by the inmate's sentencing court that YCA treatment will not be of further benefit to the inmate. An inmate receiving such court finding is accordingly not considered to be a YCA inmate.

§ 524.22 - YCA program.

(a) Wardens are to ensure each committed youth offender is scheduled for a three-phase program plan which will include a classification phase, a treatment phase, and a pre-release phase. A program plan for each YCA inmate will be developed by the Unit Team as a part of the classification phase. The Warden may exempt a YCA inmate from program participation when individual circumstances warrant such exceptions. Such exceptions must be requested and acknowledged by the inmate, and the reason(s) for exemption must be documented in the inmate's central file.

(1) Classification phase: The classification phase begins upon the inmate's arrival at the designated institution. It consists of evaluation, orientation, unit assignment, and concludes when the inmate has attended the initial classification (or transfer classification) meeting with the Unit Team. YCA inmates are to participate in the classification process prior to the development of their individual program plans. The YCA inmate is to have received a psychological screening prior to attending the initial classification meeting. YCA program plans will include specific goals relative to:

(i) Behavior;

(ii) Treatment/self improvement;

(iii) Pre-release.

(2) Treatment phase: YCA inmates are to be exposed to unit-based and community-based (if otherwise eligible) programs. Each YCA inmate shall be periodically reviewed during this phase. The treatment phase begins when the inmate attends the programs and activities described in the program plan which were established at the culmination of the classification phase. Each YCA inmate shall be assigned programs in accordance with the inmate's needs and the established program plan. The “program day” shall consist of morning, afternoon, and evening time periods, during which the inmate shall be scheduled for treatment programs, work, and leisure-time activities. The inmate shall be expected to comply with the program plan. The inmate's participation in a treatment program is required, not optional. An inmate's failure to participate may result in disciplinary action.

(3) Pre-release phase: The YCA inmate shall enter the pre-release phase approximately 9 months prior to release. The pre-release phase is ordinarily divided into two segments: participation in the institution pre-release program and a stay at a Community Corrections Center (CCC), if otherwise eligible. Institution pre-release programs shall focus on the types of problems the inmate may face upon return to the community, such as re-establishing family relationships, managing a household, finding and keeping a job, and developing a successful life style. In addition, the pre-release phase may include visits from prospective employers.

(b) Staff shall establish incentives to motivate YCA inmates and to encourage program completion. Examples of such incentives which may be used are special recognition, awards, and “vacation days”.

(c) The program plan, and the YCA inmate's participation in fulfilling goals contained within the plan, are fundamental factors considered by the U.S. Parole Commission in determining when a YCA inmate should be paroled. Given the importance and joint use of the YCA programming process, the current program plan and a summary of the inmate's progress in meeting established treatment goals must be made available for review and discussion by the Commission at each parole hearing. In addition, a staff member familiar with the YCA inmate's case should be present at any parole hearing to clarify any questions concerning the plan or the inmate's progress in completing the plan.

(d) Upon full and satisfactory completion of the program plan, the Warden will notify the U.S. Parole Commission and make a specific recommendation for release.

§ 524.23 - Program reviews.

Staff shall conduct periodic reviews of the inmate's program plan and shall modify the plan in accordance with the level of progress shown. Each YCA inmate shall be afforded a review at least once each 90 days, and shall have a formal progress report prepared every year summarizing the inmate's level of achievement. If the inmate's program plan needs to be modified in light of the progress made, or the lack thereof, appropriate changes will be made and a revised program plan will be developed and documented. Staff shall ordinarily notify the inmate of the 90-day review at least 48 hours prior to the inmate's scheduled appearance before the Unit Team. An inmate may waive in writing the requirement of 48 hours notice.

§ 524.24 - Parole hearings.

All YCA inmates have been extended the parole procedures present in Watts vs. Hadden. YCA inmates shall be scheduled for interim hearings on the following schedules:

(a) For those inmates serving YCA sentences of less than 7 years, an in-person hearing will be scheduled every 9 months.

(b) For those inmates serving YCA sentences of 7 years or more, an in-person hearing will be scheduled every 12 months.

(c) Upon notification of a response to treatment/certified completion of a program plan by the Bureau of Prisons, the Parole Commission will schedule the inmate for an in-person hearing on the next available docket, unless the inmate is paroled on the record. If a hearing is held and the inmate is denied parole, the next hearing shall be scheduled in accordance with the schedule outlined in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

(d) The hearings mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are not required for inmates who have been continued to expiration or mandatory parole who have less than one year remaining to serve or to a CCC placement date.

§ 524.25 - U.S. Parole Commission.

The U.S. Parole Commission is the releasing authority for all YCA inmates except for full term and conditional releases. The Commission shall be provided a progress report:

(a) Upon request of the Commission,

(b) Prior to any interim hearing or pre-release record review, or

(c) Upon determination by the inmate's Unit Team, with concurrence by the Warden, that the inmate has completed his or her program plan.