Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 29 - Labor last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 409.1 - Definitions.

As used in this part, the term:

(a) Fiscal year means the calendar year, or other period of 12 consecutive calendar months. Once reported on one basis, a change in the reporting year shall be effected only upon prior approval by the Office of Labor-Management Standards.

(b) Corresponding principal officers shall include any person or persons performing or authorized to perform principal executive functions corresponding to those of president and treasurer of any surety underwriting a bond for which reports are required under section 211 of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959.

§ 409.2 - Annual report.

Each surety company having in force any bond required by section 502 of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 or section 412 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act during the fiscal year, shall file with the Office of Labor-Management Standards a report, on U.S. Department of Labor Form S-1 entitled “Surety Company Annual Report” 1 signed by the president and treasurer or corresponding principal officers, in the detail required by the instructions accompanying such form and constituting a part thereof.

1 Filed as part of the original document.

[42 FR 59070, Nov. 15, 1977, as amended at 50 FR 31309, Aug. 1, 1985; 50 FR 31310, Aug. 1, 1985]
§ 409.3 - Time for filing annual report.

Each surety company required to file an annual report by section 211 of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 and § 409.2 shall file such report within 150 days after the end of the fiscal year. The period of 150 days within which reports must be filed is stipulated in lieu of the statutory period of 90 days (sec. 207(b), 73 Stat. 529, 29 U.S.C. 437(b) as amended by 79 Stat. 888) pursuant to a finding under section 211 (79 Stat. 888) of the Act that information required to be reported cannot be practicably ascertained within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year.

[31 FR 11177, Aug. 24, 1966, as amended at 50 FR 31310, Aug. 1, 1985]
§ 409.4 - Personal responsibility for filing of reports.

Each individual required to file a report under section 211 of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, shall be personally responsible for the filing of such reports and for the accuracy of the information contained therein.

§ 409.5 - Maintenance and retention of records.

Each surety required to file any report under this part shall maintain records on the matters required to be reported which will provide in sufficient detail the necessary basic information and data from which the reports filed with the Office of Labor-Management Standards may be verified, explained or clarified and checked for accuracy and completeness, and shall keep such records available for examination for a period of not less than 5 years after the filing of the reports based on the information which they contain.

§ 409.6 - Publication of reports required by this part.

Part 70 of this title shall govern inspection and examination of any report or other document filed as required by this part, and the furnishing by the Office of Labor-Management Standards of copies thereof to any person requesting them.

[35 FR 2990, Feb. 13, 1970]
§ 409.7 - OMB control number.

The collecting of information requirements in this part have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned OMB control number 1245-0003.

[59 FR 15116, Mar. 31, 1994, as amended at 63 FR 33779, June 19, 1998; 78 FR 8025, Feb. 5, 2013]
authority: Secs. 207, 208, 211; 79 Stat. 888; 88 Stat. 852 (29 U.S.C. 437,438,441; Secretary's Order No. 03-2012, 77 FR 69376, November 16, 2012
source: 31 FR 11177, Aug. 24, 1966, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 29 CFR 409.7