Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 29 - Labor last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 500.40 - Registration in general.

Any person who desires to engage in any activity as a farm labor contractor, as defined in the Act and these regulations, and is not exempt, is required first to obtain a Certificate of Registration authorizing each such activity. Any employee of a registered farm labor contractor who performs farm labor contracting activities solely on behalf of such contractor, and who is not an independent contractor, must obtain a Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration authorizing each such activity. The employee's certificate must show the name of the farm labor contractor for whom the activities are to be performed. The contractor whose name appears on the employee's certificate must hold a valid Certificate of Registration covering the entire period shown on the employee's certificate.

§ 500.41 - Farm labor contractor is responsible for actions of his farm labor contractor employee.

(a) A farm labor contractor is responsible for assuring that every employee who is performing farm labor contracting activities on behalf of such contractor has obtained either a Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration or a Certificate of Registration as an independent farm labor contractor, as required by the Act and these regulations, prior to such employee's engagement in any activity enumerated in section 3(6) of the Act. A farm labor contractor who utilizes the services of another farm labor contractor who is not his employee must also comply with the provisions of § 500.71. The farm labor contractor is responsible for any violations of the Act or these regulations committed by his employee, whether or not the employee has registered as required by the Act.

(b) Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration is valid only during the period in which the holder is an employee of the registered farm labor contractor named on the Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate. If prior to the expiration of the Employee Certificate, the holder through a change in employment, should become an employee of a different registered farm labor contractor, a replacements Employee Certificate which names the new employer may be obtained by submitting to the regional office that issued the original employee certificate or to any regional office of the Wage and Hour Division, a written statement that includes the date of the change in employment status and the name, the permanent place of residence and certificate registration number of the new employer. Any such change should be reported immediately.

[48 FR 36741, Aug. 12, 1983, as amended at 82 FR 2227, Jan. 9, 2017]
§ 500.42 - Certificate of Registration to be carried and exhibited.

Each registered farm labor contractor and registered farm labor contractor employee shall carry at all times while engaging in farm labor contracting activities, a Certificate of Registration or a Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate as appropriate and, upon request, shall exhibit that certificate to representatives of the U.S. Department of Labor and State Employment Service Agencies and to all persons with whom he intends to deal as a farm labor contractor or farm labor contractor employee.

§ 500.43 - Effect of failure to produce certificate.

The facilities and the services authorized by the Wagner-Peyser Act shall be denied to any farm labor contractor upon refusal or failure to produce, when asked, a Certificate of Registration. Services shall be provided upon presentation of a valid Certificate of Registration.

§ 500.44 - Form of application.

An application for issuance or renewal of a Farm Labor Contractor Certificate of Registration or Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate shall be made on forms designated by the Secretary.

§ 500.45 - Contents of application.

The application shall set forth the information required thereon which shall include the following:

(a) A declaration, subscribed and sworn to by the applicant, stating the applicant's permanent place of residence, the farm labor contracting activities for which the certificate is requested, and the address to which official documents should be mailed;

(b) A statement identifying each vehicle to be used to transport any migrant or seasonal agricultural worker and, if the vehicle is or will be owned or controlled by the applicant, documentation showing that the applicant for a Farm Labor Contractor Certificate of Registration is in compliance with the requirements of section 401 of the Act with respect to each such vehicle;

(c) A statement identifying each facility or real property to be used to house any migrant agricultural worker and, if the facility or real property is or will be owned or controlled by the applicant, documentation showing that the applicant for a Farm Labor Contractor Certificate of Registration is in compliance with section 203 of the Act with respect to each such facility or real property;

(d) A set of fingerprints of the applicant on Form FD 258 as prescribed by the U.S. Department of Justice;

(e) A declaration, subscribed and sworn to by the applicant, consenting to the designation by a court of the Secretary as an agent available to accept service of summons in any action against the applicant, if the applicant has left the jurisdiction in which the action is commenced or otherwise has become unavailable to accept service; and

(f) Such other relevant information as the Secretary may require.

§ 500.46 - Filing an application.

Registration under the Act is required whether or not licensing or registration is required under State law.

§ 500.47 - Place for filing application.

Application forms may be filed in any State Employment Service Office or in any office of the Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor.

§ 500.48 - Issuance of certificate.

The Administrator or authorized representative shall:

(a) Review each application received and determine whether such application is complete and properly executed;

(b) When appropriate, notify the applicant in writing of any incompleteness or error in the application and return the application for correction and completion;

(c) Determine, after appropriate investigation, whether the applicant has complied with the requirements of the Act and these regulations, and if appropriate, issue a Certificate of

Registration or a Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration authorizing the performance of one or more activities permitted under the Act;

(d) Authorize the activity of transporting a migrant or seasonal agricultural worker, subject to the maximum number of workers authorized to be transported under the vehicle liability policy and as indicated on the face of the Certificate of Registration, only upon receipt of:

(1) A statement in the manner prescribed by the Secretary identifying each vehicle to be used, or caused to be used, by the applicant for the transportation of any migrant or seasonal agricultural worker during the period for which registration is sought;

(2) Written proof that every such vehicle which is under the applicant's ownership or control, is in compliance with the vehicle safety requirements of the Act and these regulations; and

(3) Written proof that every such vehicle is in compliance with the insurance requirements of the Act and these regulations;

(e) Authorize the activity of driving a vehicle to transport a migrant or seasonal agricultural worker only upon receipt of (1) A doctor's certificate on the prescribed form, with an initial application for a Certificate of Registration or a Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate, and, when applying for a renewal, a new completed doctor's certificate if the previous doctor's certificate is more than three years old; and (2) evidence of a valid and appropriate license, as provided by State law, to operate the vehicle; and

(f) Authorize the activity of housing a migrant agricultural worker only upon receipt of (1) A statement identifying each facility or real property to be used for housing a migrant agricultural worker during the period for which registration is sought; and (2) if the facility or real property is or will be owned or controlled by the applicant, written proof that the facility or real property complies with the applicable Federal and State standards of health and safety. Such written proof may be either a certification issued by a State or local health authority or other appropriate agency, or a copy of a written request for the inspection of a facility or real property made to the appropriate State or local agency at least forty-five days prior to the date on which the facility or real property is to be occupied by migrant agricultural workers, dated and signed by the applicant or other person who owns or controls the facility or real property. If housing authorization is issued based on a written request for inspection and the housing facility or real property is subsequently inspected and does not meet the appropriate standards, the housing authorization is null and void. Should the required written proof for housing authorization be unavailable at the time of filing an application, the applicant must attest in writing that the applicant will not house any migrant agricultural worker in any facility or real property owned or controlled by the applicant, until such applicant shall have submitted all necessary written proof and obtained a Farm Labor Contractor Certificate of Registration showing that housing in the facility or real property is authorized by the Secretary of Labor. In such event, if otherwise eligible, the applicant will be issued a Certificate of Registration without a housing authorization. This certificate may be amended to include an authorization to house at such time as the required proof is forthcoming.

[48 FR 36741, Aug. 12, 1983, as amended at 61 FR 24865, May 16, 1996]
§ 500.50 - Duration of certificate.

(a) Initial certificates of farm labor contractors and farm labor contractor employees. (1) An initial certificate issued under the Act and these regulations shall expire twelve months from the date of issuance unless earlier suspended or revoked.

(2) Certificates applied for during the period beginning April 14, 1983, and ending November 30, 1983, may be issued for a period of up to twenty-four months for the purpose of an orderly transition to registration under the Act.

(3) Certificates issued to employees of farm labor contractors shall expire at the suspension, revocation or expiration of the farm labor contractor's Certificate of Registration under which such employee was authorized.

(b) Certificate renewal of farm labor contractors and farm labor contractor employees. (1) A certificate issued under the Act and these regulations may be temporarily extended by the filing of a properly completed and signed application with the Secretary at least thirty days prior to the expiration date. “Filing” may be accomplished by hand delivery, certified mail, or regular mail.

(i) If the application for renewal is filed by regular mail or if it is delivered in person by the applicant, it must be received by the Department of Labor or an authorized representative of the Department of Labor at least 30 days prior to the expiration date shown on the current certificate.

(ii) If the application for renewal is filed by certified mail, it must be mailed at least 30 days prior to the expiration date shown on the current certificate.

Where timely application for renewal has been filed, the authority to operate pursuant to a valid certificate under the Act and these regulations shall continue until the renewal application has been finally determined by the Secretary.

(2) A certificate issued under the Act and these regulations may be renewed by the Secretary for additional twelve-month periods or for periods in excess of twelve months but not in excess of twenty-four months.

(3) Eligibility for renewals of certificates for more than twelve months under the Act and these regulations shall be limited to those farm labor contractors and farm labor contractor employees who have not been cited during the preceding five years for a violation of the Act or any regulation under the Act, or the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act or any regulation under such Act.

(c) Continuation of certain FLCRA certificates. (1) Certificates issued under FLCRA, and in effect on April 14, 1983, that are valid for the services performed under FLCRA, will be continued in effect and be accepted as authorization to perform like services under the Act and these regulations for the remainder of calendar year 1983. Such certificates will be subject to the Act and these regulations with respect to determinations to suspend, revoke or refuse renewal.

(2) Actions pending related to the suspension, revocation, or refusal to issue or renew FLCRA certificates shall continue through to a final determination. Any such certificate which is considered to be in effect under title 29 CFR 40.21 pending a final determination, will be considered valid under MSPA, provided application for a certificate under MSPA is made no later than November 30, 1983.

[48 FR 36741, Aug. 12, 1983, as amended at 54 FR 13329, Mar. 31, 1989]
§ 500.51 - Refusal to issue or to renew, or suspension or revocation of certificate.

The Secretary may suspend or revoke or refuse to issue or to renew a Certificate of Registration (including a Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate) if the applicant or holder:

(a) Has knowingly made any misrepresentation in the application for such certificate;

(b) Is not the real party in interest in the application or Certificate of Registration and the real party in interest is a person who has been refused issuance or renewal of a certificate, has had a certificate suspended or revoked, or does not qualify under this section for a certificate;

(c) Has failed to comply with the Act or these regulations;

(d) Has failed to pay any court judgment obtained by the Secretary or any other person under the Act or these regulations or under the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963 or any regulation under such Act;

(e) Has failed to comply with any final order issued by the Secretary as a result of a violation of the Act or these regulations or a violation of the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963 or any regulation under such Act;

(f) Has been convicted within the preceding five years:

(1) Of any crime under State or Federal law relating to gambling, or to the sale, distribution or possession of alcoholic beverages, in connection with or incident to any farm labor contracting activities, or

(2) Of any felony under State or Federal law involving robbery, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, grand larceny, burglary, arson, violation of narcotics laws, murder, rape, assault with intent to kill, assault which inflicts grievous bodily injury, prostitution, peonage, or smuggling or harboring individuals who have entered the United States illegally.

(g) Has been found to have violated paragraph (1) or (2) of section 274A(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) by hiring, recruiting, or referring for a fee, for employment in the United States, (1) An alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien as defined in section 274A(h)(3) of INA with respect to such employment, or (2) an individual without complying with the requirements concerning verification of the person's identity and employment authorization as stated in section 274A(b) of INA.

[48 FR 36741, Aug. 12, 1983, as amended at 54 FR 13329, Mar. 31, 1989]
§ 500.52 - Right to hearing.

Any applicant or holder who desires an administrative hearing on the determination to refuse to issue or to renew, or to suspend or to revoke, a Certificate of Registration or a Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration, shall make a request in accordance with § 500.212, no later than thirty (30) days after service of the notice referred to in § 500.210.

§ 500.53 - Nontransfer of certificate.

A Certificate of Registration may not be transferred or assigned.

§ 500.54 - Change of address.

During the period for which the Certificate of Registration or Employee Certificate is in effect, each farm labor contractor or farm labor contractor employee shall provide to the Secretary, within thirty (30) days, a notice of each change of permanent place of residence in accordance with § 500.215.

§ 500.55 - Changes to or amendments of certificate authority.

(a) During the period for which the Certificate of Registration is in effect, a farm labor contractor must apply to the Secretary to amend the Certificate of Registration whenever he intends to:

(1) Engage in another farm labor contracting activity;

(2) Use, or cause to be used, another vehicle than that covered by the certificate to transport any migrant or seasonal agricultural worker; or

(3) Use, or cause to be used, another real property or facility to house any migrant agricultural worker than that covered by the certificate.

(b) Whenever another vehicle or housing facility or real property is or will be owned, operated, or controlled by the farm labor contractor, the farm labor contractor must submit the appropriate information to obtain transportation, driving or housing authorization, as applicable, as described in § 500.48, within 10 days after the contractor obtains or learns of the intended use of such vehicle or housing facility or real property.

(c) Notwithstanding submission of the appropriate information, the farm labor contractor must comply with all

applicable motor safety, insurance, and housing safety and health provisions of the Act and these regulations. With regard to housing, the farm labor contractor must submit the appropriate housing documentation as well as comply with the housing safety and health provisions of the Act and these regulations, prior to occupancy by a migrant agricultural worker.
§ 500.56 - Replacement of Certificate of Registration or Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate.

If a Certificate of Registration or a Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate is lost or destroyed, a duplicate certificate may be obtained by the submission to the regional office that issued it or to any regional office of the Wage and Hour Division, of a written statement explaining its loss or destruction, indicating where the original application was filed and requesting that a duplicate be issued.

[82 FR 2227, Jan. 9, 2017]
§ 500.60 - Farm labor contractors' recruitment, contractual and general obligations.

The Act imposes certain specific recruitment, contractual and general obligations on farm labor contractors and farm labor contractor employees. The contractor is responsible for any violations under the Act committed by his employee. Each of the following obligations applies to both farm labor contractors and farm labor contractor employees.

(a) Each farm labor contractor shall provide to any other farm labor contractor and to any agricultural employer and agricultural association to which such farm labor contractor has furnished any migrant or seasonal agricultural worker, copies of all records for that place of employment which such farm labor contractor is required to retain for each worker furnished or supplied. The recipient of these records shall keep them for a period of three years.

(b) Each farm labor contractor, without regard to any other provisions of this Act, shall obtain at each place of employment and make available for inspection to every worker he furnishes for employment, a written statement of the conditions of such employment as described in sections 201(b) and 301(b) of the Act and §§ 500.75 and 500.76 of these regulations. As with the written disclosure statements under §§ 500.76 and 500.77, these statements must be provided to the workers in English or, as necessary and reasonable, in Spanish or another language common to migrant or seasonal agricultural workers who are not fluent in English.

(c)(1) No farm labor contractor shall violate, without justification, the terms of any written agreements made with an agricultural employer or an agricultural association pertaining to any contracting activity or worker protection under the Act. Normally, “without justification” would not include situations in which failure to comply with the terms of any written agreements was directly attributable to Acts of God, due to conditions beyond the control of the person or to conditions which he could not reasonably foresee.

(2) Written agreements do not relieve a farm labor contractor of any responsibility that such contractor would otherwise have under the Act and these regulations.

(d) All payroll records made by the farm labor contractor must be retained by him for a period of three years.

§ 500.61 - Farm labor contractors must comply with all worker protections and all other statutory provisions.

Every farm labor contractor must comply with all of the provisions of titles I through V of the Act and all of the subparts of these regulations, unless subject to a specific statutory exemption. In addition to complying with all of the standards stated in subparts A and B of these regulations, every farm labor contractor must comply with each provision stated in subpart C and the motor vehicle safety and insurance and housing standards stated in subpart D.

§ 500.62 - Obligations of a person holding a valid Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration.

Any person holding a valid Farm Labor Contractor Employee Certificate of Registration in accordance with the Act and these regulations is required to comply with the Act and these regulations to the same extent as if said person had been required to obtain a Certificate of Registration in such person's own name as a farm labor contractor.

authority: Pub. L. 97-470, 96 Stat. 2583 (29 U.S.C. 1801-1872); Secretary's Order No. 01-2014 (Dec. 19, 2014), 79 FR 77527 (Dec. 24, 2014); 28 U.S.C. 2461 Note (Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990); and Pub. L. 114-74, 129 Stat 584
source: 48 FR 36741, Aug. 12, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 29 CFR 500.41