Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 29 - Labor last revised: Oct 09, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 780.700 - Scope and significance of interpretative bulletin.

§ 780.701 - Statutory provision.

§ 780.702 - What determines application of the exemption.

§ 780.703 - Basic requirements for exemption.


§ 780.704 - Dependence of exemption on nature of employing establishment.

§ 780.705 - Meaning of “establishment.”

§ 780.706 - Recognition of character of establishment.

§ 780.707 - Establishments “commonly recognized” as country elevators.

§ 780.708 - A country elevator is located near and serves farmers.

§ 780.709 - Size and equipment of a country elevator.

§ 780.710 - A country elevator may sell products and services to farmers.

§ 780.711 - Exemption of mixed business applies only to country elevators.


§ 780.712 - Limitation of exemption to establishments with five or fewer employees.

§ 780.713 - Determining the number of employees generally.

§ 780.714 - Employees employed “in such operations” to be counted.

§ 780.715 - Counting employees “employed in the establishment.”


§ 780.716 - Exemption of employees “employed * * * by” the establishment.

§ 780.717 - Determining whether there is employment “by” the establishment.

§ 780.718 - Employees who may be exempt.

§ 780.719 - Employees not employed “by” the elevator establishment.


§ 780.720 - “Area of production” requirement of exemption.


§ 780.721 - Employment in the particular workweek as test of exemption.

§ 780.722 - Exempt workweeks.

§ 780.723 - Exempt and nonexempt employment.

§ 780.724 - Work exempt under another section of the Act.

§ 780.700 - Scope and significance of interpretative bulletin.

Subpart A of this part 780 and this subpart together constitute the official interpretative bulletin of the Department of Labor with respect to the meaning and application of section 13(b)(14) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended. This section provides an exemption from the overtime pay provisions of the Act for employees employed by certain country elevators “within the area of production,” as defined by the Secretary of Labor in part 536 of this chapter.

§ 780.701 - Statutory provision.

Section 13(b)(14) of the Fair Labor Standards Act exempts from the overtime provisions of section 7:

Any employee employed within the area of production (as defined by the Secretary) by an establishment commonly recognized as a country elevator, including such an establishment which sells products and services used in the operation of a farm: Provided, That no more than five employees are employed in the establishment in such operations * * *.

§ 780.702 - What determines application of the exemption.

The application of the section 13(b)(14) exemption depends on te employment of the employee by an establishment of the kind described in the section, and on such employment “within the area of production” as defined by regulation. In any workweek when an employee is employed in country elevator activities by such an establishment within the area of production, the overtime pay requirements of the Act will not apply to him.

§ 780.703 - Basic requirements for exemption.

The basic requirements for exemption of country elevator employees under section 13(b)(14) of the Act are as follows:

(a) The employing establishment must:

(1) Be an establishment “commonly recognized as a country elevator,” and

(2) Have not more than five employees employed in its operations as such; and

(b) The employee must:

(1) Be “employed by” such establishment, and

(2) Be employed “within the area of production,” as defined by the Secretary of Labor.

All the requirements must be met in order for the exemption to apply to an employee in any workweek. The requirements in section 13(b)(14) are “explicit prerequisites to exemption” and the burden of showing that they are satisfied rests upon the employer who asserts that the exemption applies (Arnold v. Kanowsky, 361 U.S. 388). In accordance with the general rules stated in § 780.2 of subpart A of this part, this exemption is to be narrowly construed and applied only to those establishments plainly and unmistakably within its terms and spirit. The requirements for its application will be separately discussed below.
§ 780.704 - Dependence of exemption on nature of employing establishment.

If an employee is to be exempt under section 13(b)(14), he must be employed by an “establishment” which is “commonly recognized as a country elevator.” If he is employed by such an establishment, the fact that it may be part of a larger enterprise which also engages in activities that are not recognized as those of country elevators (see Tobin v. Flour Mills, 185 F. 2d 596) would not make the exemption inapplicable.

§ 780.705 - Meaning of “establishment.”

The word “establishment” has long been interpreted by the Department of Labor and the courts to mean a distinct physical place of business and not to include all the places of business which may be operated by an organization (Phillips v. Walling, 334 U.S. 490; Mitchell v. Bekins Van and Storage Co., 352 U.S. 1027). Thus, in the case of a business organization which operates a number of country elevators (see Tobin v. Flour Mills, 185 F. 2d 596), each individual elevator or other place of business would constitute an establishment, within the meaning of the Act. Country elevators are usually one-unit places of business with, in some cases, an adjoining flat warehouse. No problem exists of determining what is the establishment in such cases. However, where separate facilities are used by a country elevator, a determination must be made, based on their proximity to the elevator and their relationship to its operations, on whether the facilities and the elevator are one or more than one establishment. If there are more than one, it must be determined by which establishment the employee is employed and whether that establishment meets the requirements of section 13(b)(14) before the application of the exemption to the employee can be ascertained (compare Mitchell v. Cammill, 245 F. 2d 207; Remington v. Shaw (W.D. Mich.), 2 WH Cases 262).

§ 780.706 - Recognition of character of establishment.

A further requirement for exemption is that the establishment must be “commonly recognized” as a country elevator. The word “commonly” means ordinarily or generally and the term “recognized” means known. An elevator should be generally known by the public as a country elevator. This requirement imposes, on the establishment for whose employees exemption is sought, the obligation to demonstrate that it engages in the type of work and has the attributes which will cause the general public to know it as a country elevator. The recognition which the statute requires must be shown to exist if the employer seeks to take the benefit of the exemption (see Arnold v. Kanowsky, 361 U.S. 388, 395).

§ 780.707 - Establishments “commonly recognized” as country elevators.

In determining whether a particular establishment is one that is “commonly recognized” as a country elevator—and this must be true of the particular establishment if the exemption is to apply—it should be kept in mind that the intent of section 13(b)(14) is to “exempt country elevators that market farm products, mostly grain, for farmers” (107 Cong. Rec. (daily ed.) p. 5883). It is also appropriate to consider the characteristics and functions which the courts and government agencies have recognized as those of “country elevators” and the distinctions which have been recognized between country elevators and other types of establishments. For example, in proceedings to determine industries of a seasonal nature under part 526 of the regulations in this chapter, “country” grain elevators, public terminal and subterminal grain elevators, wheat flour mill elevators, non-elevator-type bulk grain storing establishments, and “flat warehouses” in which grain is stored in sacks, have been recognized as distinct types of establishments engaged in grain storage. (See 24 FR 2584; 3581.) As the legislative history of the exemption cited above makes clear, country elevators handle “mostly grain.” The courts have recognized that the terms “country elevator” and “country grain elevator” are interchangeable (the term “country house” has also been recognized as synonymous), and that there are significant differences between country elevators and other types of establishments engaged in grain storage (see Tobin v. Flour Mils, 185 F. 2d 596; Mitchell v. Sampson Const. Co. (D. Kan.) 14 WH Cases 269).

§ 780.708 - A country elevator is located near and serves farmers.

Country elevators, as commonly recognized, are typically located along railroads in small towns or rural areas near grain farmers, and have facilities especially designed for receiving bulk grain by wagon or truck from farms, elevating it to storage bins, and direct loading of the grain in its natural state into railroad boxcars. The principal function of such elevators is to provide a point of initial concentration for grain grown in their local area and to handle, store for limited periods, and load out such grain for movement in carload lots by rail from the producing area to its ultimate destination. They also perform a transport function in facilitating the even and orderly movement of grain over the interstate network of railroads from the producing areas to terminal elevators, markets, mills, processors, consumers, and to seaboard ports for export. The country elevator is typically the farmer's market for his grain or the point at which his grain is delivered to carriers for transportation to market. The elevator may purchase the grain from the farmer or store and handle it for him, and it may also store and handle substantial quantities of grain owned by or pledged to the Government under a price-support program. Country elevators customarily receive, weigh, test, grade, clean, mix, dry, fumigate, store, and load out grain in its natural state, and provide certain incidental services and supplies to farmers in the locality. The foregoing attributes of country elevators have been recognized by the courts. See, for example, Mitchell v. Sampson Const. Co. (D. Kan.) 14 WH Cases 269; Tobin v. Flour Mills, 185 F. 2d 596; Holt v. Barnesville Elevator Co., 145 F. 2d 250; Remington v. Shaw (W.D. Mich.), 2 WH Cases 262.

§ 780.709 - Size and equipment of a country elevator.

Typically, the establishments commonly recognized as country elevators are small. Most of the establishments intended to come within the exemption have only one or two employees (107 Cong. Rec. (daily ed.) p. 5883), although some country elevators have a larger number. (See Holt v. Barnesville Elevator Co., 145 F. 2d 250.) Establishments with more than five employees are not within the exemption. (See § 780.712.) The storage capacity of a country elevator may be as small as 6,000 bushels (see Tobin v. Flour Mills, 185 F. 2d 596) and will generally range from 15,000 to 50,000 bushels. As indicated in § 780.708, country elevators are equipped to receive grain in wagons or trucks from farmers and to load it in railroad boxcars. The facilities typically include scales for weighing the farm vehicles loaded with grain, grain bins, cleaning and mixing machinery, driers for prestorage drying of grain and endless conveyor belts or chain scoops to carry grain from the ground to the top of the elevator. The facilities for receiving grain in truckloads or wagonloads from farmers and the limited storage capacity, together with location of the elevator in or near the grain-producing area, serve to distinguish country elevators from terminal or subterminal elevators, to which the exemption is not applicable. The latter are located at terminal or interior market points, receive grain in carload lots, and receive the bulk of their grain from country elevators. Although some may receive grain from farms in the immediate areas, they are not typically equipped to receive grain except by rail. (See Tobin v. Flour Mills, supra; Mitchell v. Sampson Const. Co. (D. Kan.) 14 WH Cases 269.) It is the facilities of a country elevator for the elevation of bulk grain and the discharge of such grain into rail cars that make it an “elevator” and distinguish it from warehouses that perform similar functions in the flat warehousing, storage, and marketing for farmers of grain in sacks. Such warehouses are not “elevators” and therefore do not come within the section 13(b)(14) exemption.

§ 780.710 - A country elevator may sell products and services to farmers.

Section 13(b)(14) expressly provides that an establishment commonly recognized as a country elevator, within the meaning of the exemption, includes “such an establishment which sells products and services used in the operation of a farm.” This language makes it plain that if the establishment is “such an establishment,” that is, if its functions and attributes are such that it is “commonly recognized as a country elevator” but not otherwise, exemption of its employees under this section will not be lost solely by reason of the fact that it sells products and services used in the operation of a farm. Establishments commonly recognized as country elevators, especially the smaller ones, not only engage in the storing of grain but also conduct various merchandising or “sideline” operations as well. They may distribute feed grains to feeders and other farmers, sell fuels for farm use, sell and treat seeds, and sell other farm supplies such as fertilizers, farm chemicals, mixed concentrates, twine, lumber, and farm hardware supplies and machinery. (See Tobin v. Flour Mills, 185 F. 2d 596; Holt v. Barnesville Elevator Co., 145 F. 2d 250). Services performed for farmers by country elevators may include grinding of feeds, cleaning and fumigating seeds, supplying bottled gas, and gasoline station services. As conducted by establishments commonly recognized as country elevators, the selling of goods and services used in the operation of a farm is a minor and incidental secondary activity and not a main business of the elevator (see Tobin v. Flour Mills, supra; Holt v. Barnesville Elevator Co., supra).

§ 780.711 - Exemption of mixed business applies only to country elevators.

The language of section 13(b)(14) permitting application of the exemption to country elevators selling products and services used in the operation of a farm does not extend the exemption to an establishment selling products and services to farmers merely because of the fact that it is also equipped to provide elevator services to its customers. The exemption will not apply if the extent of its business of making sales to farmers is such that the establishment is not commonly known as a “country elevator” or is commonly recognized as an establishment of a different kind. As the legislative history of the exemption indicates, its purpose is limited to exempting country elevators that market farm products, mostly grain, for farmers who are working long workweeks and need to have the elevator facilities open and available for disposal of their crops during the same hours that are worked by the farmers. (See 107 Cong. Rec. (daily ed.) p.5883.) The reason for the exemption does not justify its application to employees selling products and services to farmers otherwise than as an incidental and subordinate part of the business of a country elevator as commonly recognized. An establishment making such sales must be “such an establishment” to come within this exemption. An employer may, however, be engaged in the business of making sales of goods and services to farmers in an establishment separate from the one in which he provides the recognized country elevator services. In such event, the exemption of employees who work in both establishments may depend on whether the work in the sales establishment comes within another exemption provided by the Act. (See Remington v. Shaw (W.D. Mich.), 2 WH Cases 262, and infra, § 780.724.)

§ 780.712 - Limitation of exemption to establishments with five or fewer employees.

If the operations of an establishment are such that it is commonly recognized as a country elevator, its employees may come within the section 13(b)(14) exemption provided that “no more than five employees are employed in the establishment in such operations”. The exemption is intended, as explained by its sponsor, to “affect only institutions that have five employees or less” (107 Cong. Rec. (daily ed.) p. 5883). Since the Act is applied on a workweek basis, a country elevator is not an exempt place of work in any workweek in which more than five employees are employed in its operations.

§ 780.713 - Determining the number of employees generally.

The number of employees referred to in section 13(b)(14) is the number “employed in the establishment in such operations”. The determination of the number of employees so employed involves a consideration of the meaning of employment “in the establishment” and “in such operations” in relation to each other. If, in any workweek, an employee is “employed in the establishment in such operations” for more than a negligible period of time, he should be counted in determining whether, in that workweek, more than five employees were so employed. An employee so employed must be counted for this purpose regardless of whether he would, apart from this exemption, be within the coverage of the Act. Also, as noted in the following discussion, the employees to be counted are not necessarily limited to employees directly employed by the country elevator but may include employees directly employed by others who are engaged in performing operations of the elevator establishment.

§ 780.714 - Employees employed “in such operations” to be counted.

(a) The five-employee limitation on the exemption for country elevators relates to the number of employees employed in the establishment “in such operations.” This means that the employees to be counted include those employed in, and do not include any who are not employed in, the operations of the establishment commonly recognized as a country elevator, including the operations of such an establishment in selling products and services used in the operation of a farm, as previously explained.

(b) In some circumstances, an employee employed in an establishment commonly recognized as a country elevator may, during his workweek, be employed in work which is not part of the operations of the elevator establishment. This would be true, for example, in the case of an employee who spends his entire workweek in the construction of an overflow warehouse for the elevator. Such an employee would not be counted in that workweek because constructing a warehouse is not part of the operations of the country elevator but is an entirely distinct activity.

(c) Employees employed by the same employer in a separate establishment in which he is engaged in a different business, and not employed in the operations of the elevator establishment, would not be counted.

(d) Employees not employed by the elevator establishment who come there sporadically, occasionally, or casually in the course of their duties for other employers are not employed in the operations of the establishment commonly recognized as a country elevator and would not be counted in determining whether the five-employee limitation is exceeded in any workweek. Examples of such employees are employees of a restaurant who bring food and beverages to the elevator employees, and employees of other employers who make deliveries to the establishment.

§ 780.715 - Counting employees “employed in the establishment.”

(a) Employees employed “in the establishment,” if employed “in such operations” as previously explained, are to be counted in determining whether the five-employee limitation on the exemption is exceeded.

(b) Employees employed “in” the establishment clearly include all employees engaged, other than casually or sporadically, in performing any duties of their employment there, regardless of whether they are direct employees of the country elevator establishment or are employees of a farmer, independent contractor, or other person who are suffered or permitted to work (see Act, section 3(g)) in the establishment. However, tradesmen, such as dealers and their salesmen, for example, are not employed in the elevator simply because they visit the establishment to do business there. Neither are workers who deliver, on behalf of their employers, goods used in the sideline business of the establishment to be considered employed in the elevator.

(c) The use of the language “employed in” rather than “engaged in” makes it plain also that the employees to be counted include all those employed by the establishment in its operations without regard to whether they are engaged in the establishment or away from it in performing their duties. This has been the consistent interpretation of similar language in other sections of the Act.

§ 780.716 - Exemption of employees “employed * * * by” the establishment.

If the establishment is a country elevator establishment qualified for exemption as previously explained, and if the “area of production” requirement is met (see § 780.720), any employee “employed * * * by” such establishment will come within the section 13(b)(14) exemption. This will bring within the exemption employees who are engaged in duties performed away from the establishment as well as those whose duties are performed in the establishment itself, so long as such employees are “employed * * * by” the country elevator establishment within the meaning of the Act. The employees employed “by” the establishment, who may come within the exemption if the other requirements are met, are not necessarily identical with the employees employed “in the establishment in such operations” who must be counted for purposes of the five-employee limitation since some of the latter employees may be employed by another employer. (See §§ 780.712 through 780.715.)

§ 780.717 - Determining whether there is employment “by” the establishment.

(a) No single test will determine whether a worker is in fact employed “by” a country elevator establishment. This question must be decided on the basis of the total situation (Rutherford Food Corp. v. McComb, 331 U.S. 722; U.S. v. Silk, 331 U.S. 704). Clearly, an employee is so employed where he is hired by the elevator, engages in its work, is paid by the elevator and is under its supervision and control.

(b) “Employed by” requires that there be an employer-employee relationship between the worker and the employer engaged in operating the elevator. The fact, however, that the employer carries an employee on the payroll of the country elevator establishment which qualifies for exemption does not automatically extend the exemption to that employee. In order to be exempt an employee must actually be “employed by” the exempt establishment. This means that whether the employee is performing his duties inside or outside the establishment, he must be employed in the work of the exempt establishment itself in activities within the scope of its exempt business in order to meet the requirement of actual employment “by” the establishment (see Walling v. Connecticut Co., 154 F. 2d 552).

(c) In the case of employers who operate multiunit enterprises and conduct business operations in more than one establishment (see Tobin v. Flour Mills, 185 F. 2d 596; Remington v. Shaw (W.D. Mich.) 2 WH Cases 262), there will be employees of the employer who perform central office or central warehousing activities for the enterprise or for more than one establishment, and there may be other employees who spend time in the various establishments of the enterprise performing duties for the enterprise rather than for the particular establishment in which they are working at the time. Such employees are employed by the enterprise and not by any particular establishment of the employer (Mitchell v. Miller Drugs, 255 F. 2d 574; Mitchell v. Kroger Co., 248 F. 2d 935). Accordingly, so long as they perform such functions for the enterprise they would not be exempt as employees employed by a country elevator establishment operated as part of such an enterprise, even while stationed in it or placed on its payroll.

§ 780.718 - Employees who may be exempt.

Employees employed “by” a country elevator establishment which qualifies for exemption will be exempt, if the “area of production” requirement is met, while they are engaged in any of the customary operations of the establishment which is commonly recognized as a country elevator. Included among such employees are those who are engaged in selling the elevator's goods or services, keeping its books, receiving, handling, and loading out grain, grinding and mixing feed or treating seed for farmers, performing ordinary maintenance and repair of the premises and equipment or engaging in any other work of the establishment which is commonly recognized as part of its operations as a country elevator. An employee employed by such an elevator is not restricted to performing his work inside the establishment. He may also engage in his exempt duties away from the elevator. For example, a salesman who visits farmers on their farms to discuss the storage of their grain in the elevator is performing exempt work while on such visits. It is sufficient that an employee employed by an elevator is, while working away from the establishment, doing the exempt work of the elevator. If the establishment is engaged only in activities commonly recognized as those of a country elevator and none of its employees engaged in any other activities, all the employees employed by the country elevator will come within the exemption if no more than five employees are employed in the establishment in such operations and if the “area of production” requirement is met.

§ 780.719 - Employees not employed “by” the elevator establishment.

Since the exemption depends on employment “by” an establishment qualified for exemption rather than simply the work of the employee, employees who are not employed by the country elevator are not exempt. This is so even though they work in the establishment and engage in duties which are part of the services which are commonly recognized as those of a country elevator. Since they are not employed by the elevator, employees of independent contractors, farmers and others who work in or for the elevator are not exempt under section 13(b)(14) simply because they work in or for the elevator (see Walling v. Friend, 156 F. 2d 429; Mitchell v. Kroger, 248 F. 2d 935; Durkin v. Joyce Agency, 110 F. Supp. 918, affirmed sub. nom. Mitchell v. Joyce Agency, 348 U.S. 945). Thus an employee of an independent contractor who works inside the elevator in drying grain for the elevator is not exempt under this section.

§ 780.720 - “Area of production” requirement of exemption.

(a) In addition to the requirements for exemption previously discussed, section 13(b)(14) requires that the employee employed by an establishment commonly recognized as a country elevator be “employed within the area of production (as defined by the Secretary).” Regulations defining employment within the “area of production” for purposes of section 13(b)(14) are contained in part 536 of this chapter. All the requirements of the applicable regulations must be met in order for the exemption to apply.

(b) Under the regulations, an employee is considered to be employed within “the area of production” within the meaning of section 13(b)(14) if the country elevator establishment by which he is employed is located in the “open country or a rural community,” as defined in the regulations, and receives 95 percent or more of the agricultural commodities handled through its elevator services from normal rural sources of supply within specified distances from the country elevator. A definition of “area of production” in terms of such criteria has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in Mitchell v. Budd, 350 U.S. 473. Reference should be made to part 536 of this chapter for the precise requirements of the definition.

(c) However, it is appropriate to point out here that nothing in the definition places limits on the distance from which commodities come to the elevator for purposes other than the storage of marketing of farm products. The commodities, 95 percent of which are required by definition to come from specified distances, are those agriculural commodities received by the elevator with respect to which it performs the primary concentration, storage, and marketing functions of a country elevator as previously explained (see § 780.708). This is consistent with the emphasis given, in the legislative history, to the country elevator's function of marketing farm products, mostly grain, for farmers (see 107 Cong. Rec. (daily ed.) p. 5883). Commodities brought or shipped to a country elevator establishment not for storage or for market but in connection with its secondary, incidental, or side-line functions of selling products and services used in the operation of a farm (see § 780.610) are not required to be counted in determining whether 95 percent of the agricultural commodities handled come from rural sources of supply within the specified distances.

§ 780.721 - Employment in the particular workweek as test of exemption.

The period for determining whether the “area of production” requirement of section 13(b)(14) is met is prescribed in the regulations in part 536 of this chapter. Whether or not an establishment is one commonly recognized as a country elevator must be tested by general functions and attributes over a representative period of time, as previously explained, and requires reexamination for exemption purposes only if these change. But insofar as the exemption depends for its application on the employment of employees, it applies on a workweek basis. An employee employed by the establishment is not exempt in any workweek when more than five employees “are employed in the establishment in such operations,” as previously explained (see §§ 780.712 through 780.715). Nor is any employee within the exemption in a workweek when he is not employed “by” the establishment within the meaning of section 13(b)(14) (see §§ 780.716 through 780.719). This is in accordance with the general rule that the unit of time to be used in determining the application of the Act and its exemptions to an employee is the workweek. (See Overnight Motor Transportation Co. v. Missel, 316 U.S. Mitchell v. Hunt, 263 F. 2d 913; McComb v. Puerto Rico Tobacco Marketing Co-op. Ass'n, 80 F. Supp. 953, affirmed 181 F. 2d 697.) A workweek is a fixed and regularly recurring interval of seven consecutive 24-hour periods. It may begin at any hour of any day set by the employer and need not coincide with the calendar week. Once the workweek has been set it commences each succeeding week on the same day and at the same hour. Changing the workweek for the purpose of escaping the requirements of the Act is not permitted.

§ 780.722 - Exempt workweeks.

An employee performing work for an establishment commonly recognized as a country elevator is exempt under section 13(b)(14) in any workweek when he is, for the entire workweek, employed “by” such establishment, if no more than five employees are “employed in the establishment in such operations”, and if the “area of production” requirement is met.

§ 780.723 - Exempt and nonexempt employment.

Under section 13(b)(14), where an employee, for part of his workweek, is employed “by” an “exempt” establishment (one commonly recognized as a country elevator which has five employees or less employed in the establishment in such operations in that workweek) and the employee is, in his employment by the establishment, employed “within the area of production” as defined by the regulations, but in the remainder of the workweek is employed by his employer in an establishment or in activities not within this or another exemption provided by the Act, in the course of which he performs any work to which the Act applies, the employee is, not exempt for any part of that workweek (see Mitchell v. Hunt, 263 F. 2d 913; Waialua v. Maneja, 77 F. Supp. 480; Walling v. Peacock Corp., 58 F. Supp. 880; McComb v. Puerto Rico Tobacco Marketing Co-op. Ass'n, 181 F. 2d 697).

§ 780.724 - Work exempt under another section of the Act.

Where an employee's employment during part of his workweek would qualify for exemption under section 13(b)(14) if it continued throughout the workweek, and the remainder of his workweek is spent in employment which, if it continued throughout the workweek, would qualify for exemption under another section or sections of the Act, the exemptions may be combined (see Remington v. Shaw (W.D. Mich.) 2 WH Cases 262). The employee, however, qualifies for exemption only to the extent of the exemption which is more limited in scope (see Mitchell v. Hunt, 263 F. 2d 913). For example, if part of the work is exempt from both minimum wage and overtime compensation under one section of the Act and the rest is exempt only from the overtime pay provisions under another section, the employee is exempt that week from the overtime provisions, but not from the minimum wage requirements. In this connection, attention is directed to another exemption in the Act which relates to work in grain elevators, which may apply in appropriate circumstances, either in combination with section 13(b)(14) or to employees for whom the requirements of section 13(b)(14) cannot be met. This other exemption is that provided by section 7(c). Section 7(c), which is discussed in part 526 of this chapter, provides a limited overtime exemption for employees employed in the seasonal industry of storing grain in country grain elevators, public terminal and sub-terminal elevators, wheat flour mills, nonelevator bulk storing establishments and flat warehouses, § 526.10(b)(14) of this chapter.

authority: Secs. 1-19, 52 Stat. 1060, as amended; 75 Stat. 65; 29 U.S.C. 201-219. Pub. L. 105-78, 111 Stat. 1467
source: 37 FR 12084, June 17, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 29 CFR 780.721