Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 29 - Labor last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 1917.151 - Machine guarding.

(a) Definition. “Guarded” means shielded, fenced, or enclosed by covers, casings, shields, troughs, spillways or railings, or guarded by position or location. Examples of guarding methods are guarding by location (positioning hazards so they are inaccessible to employees) and point of operation guarding (using barrier guards, two-hand tripping devices, electronic safety devices, or other such devices).

(b) General. (1) Danger zones on machines and equipment used by employees shall be guarded.

(2) Where chips and dust produced by machine operation may result in a hazard to the operator, the machinery shall be equipped with an effective exhaust system at the point of origin, or other equally effective means shall be provided to protect the operator.

(3) Fixed machinery shall be secured to prevent shifting.

(4) A power cut-off device for machinery and equipment shall be provided at the operator's working position.

(5) Machines driven by belts and shafting shall be fitted with a belt-locking or equivalent protective device if the belt can be shifted.

(6) In operations where injury to the operator might result if motors were to restart after power failures, provisions shall be made to prevent machines from automatically restarting upon restoration of power.

(7) The power supply to machines shall be turned off, locked out, and tagged out during repair, adjustment, or servicing.

(8) Machines shall be maintained in a safe working condition.

(9) Only designated employees shall maintain or repair machinery and equipment.

(10) Machines with defects that affect the safety of operation shall not be used.

(c) Hand-fed circular ripsaws and hand-fed circular crosscut table saws. Unless fixed or manually adjustable enclosures or guarding provides equivalent protection, hand-fed circular ripsaws and hand-fed circular crosscut table saws shall be guarded as follows to keep employees clear of any danger zones:

(1) They shall be equipped with hoods completely enclosing those portions of the saw above the table and the material being cut;

(2) They shall have spreaders to prevent material from squeezing the saw. Spreaders shall be in true alignment with the saw. Spreaders may be removed only during grooving, dadoing, or rabbeting operations, and shall be replaced at the completion of such operations; and

(3) They shall have non-kickback fingers or dogs to oppose the tendency of the saw to pick up material or throw material toward the operator.

(d) Swing cutoff saws. (1) Swing cutoff saws shall have hoods completely enclosing the upper half of the saw, the arbor end and the point of operation at all saw positions to protect the operator from material thrown up by the saw. The hood shall automatically cover the lower portion of the blade, so that when the saw returns to the back of the table the hood rises on top of the fence, and when the saw is moved forward the hood drops on top, remaining in contact with the table or the material.

(2) Swing cutoff saws shall have a device to return the saw automatically to the back of the table without rebound. The device shall not be dependent upon rope, cord or springs.

(3) Devices shall be provided to prevent saws from swinging beyond the front or back edges of the table.

(4) Inverted swing cutoff saws shall have hoods covering the part of the saw protruding above the table top or the material being cut. Hoods shall automatically adjust to the thickness of, and remain in contact with, material being cut.

(e) Radial saws. Unless fixed or manually adjustable enclosures or guards provide equivalent protection, radial saws shall be guarded as follows:

(1) The upper hood of radial saws shall enclose the upper portion of the blade up to and including the end of the saw arbor and shall protect the operator from being struck by debris. The sides of the lower exposed portion of the blade shall be guarded to the blade diameter by a device automatically adjusting to the thickness of the stock and remaining in contact with the stock. The lower guard may be removed only when the saw is used for bevel cuts;

(2) Radial saws used for ripping shall have non-kickback fingers or dogs on both sides to oppose the thrust or tendency of the saw to pick up material or throw material toward the operator;

(3) Adjustable stop shall be provided to prevent travel of radial saw blades beyond the table's edge;

(4) Radial saws shall be installed so that the cutting head returns to the starting position without rebound when released; and

(5) The employer shall direct that employees perform ripping and ploughing against the saw turning direction. Rotation direction and an indication of the end of the saw to be used shall be conspicuously marked on the hood.

(f) Band saws and band resaws. (1) Saw blades and band saw wheels shall be enclosed or guarded, except for the working portion of the blade between the bottom of the guide rolls and the table, to protect employees from point-of-operation hazards and flying debris.

(2) Band saws shall be equipped with brakes to stop the band saw wheel if the blade breaks.

(3) Band saws shall be equipped with a tension control device to keep the blade taut.

(g) Abrasive wheels and machinery. (1) Abrasive wheels shall be used only on machines having enclosure guards to restrain pieces of grinding wheels and to protect employees if the wheel breaks, except as provided in paragraphs (g)(2) and (g)(3) of this section. Where the operator must stand in front of the safety guard opening, the safety guard shall be adjustable or have an adjustable tongue or piece at the top of the opening. The safety guard or the tongue shall be adjusted so that they are always close to the periphery of the wheel. Guards shall be aligned with the wheel and the strength of fastenings shall be greater than the strength of the guard.

(2) When the work provides equivalent protection, or when the machine is designed as a portable saw, guards may be constructed with the spindle end, nut and outer flange exposed. When the work entirely covers the side of the wheel, the side covers of the guard may be removed.

(3) Guarding is not required:

(i) For wheels used for internal work while the wheel is contained within the work being ground; or

(ii) For mounted wheels 2 inches (5 cm) and smaller in diameter used in portable operations.

(4) Work rests shall be used on fixed grinding machines. Work rests shall be rigidly constructed and adjustable for wheel wear. They shall be adjusted closely to the wheel with a maximum opening of 1/8-inch (3.18 mm) and shall be securely clamped. Adjustment shall not be made while the wheel is in motion.

(5) Grinding wheels shall fit freely on the spindle. The spindle nut shall be tightened only enough to hold the wheel in place.

(6) Grinding machine wheels shall turn at a speed that is compatible with the rated speed of the wheel.

(7) Flanges and blotters shall be used only with wheels designed for their use. Flanges shall be of a type ensuring retention of pieces of the wheel in case of breakage.

(8) Abrasive wheels with operational defects shall not be used.

(h) Rotating parts, drives and connections. (1) Rotating parts, such as gears and pulleys, that are located 7 feet (2.13 m) or less above working surfaces shall be guarded to prevent employee contact with moving parts.

(2) Belt, rope and chain drives shall be guarded to prevent employees from coming into contact with moving parts.

(3) Gears, sprockets and chains shall be guarded to prevent employees from coming into contact with moving parts. This requirement does not apply to manually operated sprockets.

[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 65 FR 40942, June 30, 2000]
§ 1917.152 - Welding, cutting and heating (hot work) 12 (See also definition of Hazardous cargo, materials, substance, or atmosphere).

12 The U.S. Coast Guard, at 33 CFR 126.15(c), requires prior permission of the Captain of the Port if welding or other hot work is to be carried out at a facility where dangerous cargoes as defined by 33 CFR 126.07 are located or being handled.

(a) Definition. “Hot work” means riveting, welding, flame cutting or other fire or spark-producing operation.

(b) Hot work in confined spaces. Hot work shall not be performed in a confined space until a designated person has tested the atmosphere and determined that it is not hazardous.

(c) Fire protection. (1) To the extent possible, hot work shall be performed in designated locations that are free of fire hazards.

(2) When hot work must be performed in a location that is not free of fire hazards, all necessary precautions shall be taken to confine heat, sparks, and slag so that they cannot contact flammable or combustible material.

(3) Fire extinguishing equipment suitable for the location shall be immediately available and shall be maintained in readiness for use at all times.

(4) When the hot work operation is such that normal fire prevention precautions are not sufficient, additional personnel shall be assigned to guard against fire during hot work and for a sufficient time after completion of the work to ensure that no fire hazard remains. The employer shall instruct all employees involved in hot work operations as to potential fire hazards and the use of firefighting equipment.

(5) Drums and containers which contain or have contained flammable or combustible liquids shall be kept closed. Empty containers shall be removed from the hot work area.

(6) When openings or cracks in flooring cannot be closed, precautions shall be taken to ensure that no employees or flammable or combustible materials on the floor below are exposed to sparks dropping through the floor. Similar precautions shall be taken regarding cracks or holes in walls, open doorways and open or broken windows.

(7) Hot work shall not be performed:

(i) In flammable or potentially flammable atmospheres:

(ii) On or in equipment or tanks that have contained flammable gas or liquid or combustible liquid or dust-producing material, until a designated person has tested the atmosphere inside the equipment or tanks and determined that it is not hazardous; or

(iii) Near any area in which exposed readily ignitable materials such as bulk sulphur, baled paper or cotton are stored. Bulk sulphur is excluded from this prohibition if suitable precautions are followed, the person in charge is knowledgeable and the person performing the work has been instructed in preventing and extinguishing sulphur fires.

(8)(i) Drums, containers or hollow structures that have contained flammable or combustible substances shall either be filled with water or cleaned, and shall then be ventilated. A designated person shall test the atmosphere and determine that it is not hazardous before hot work is performed on or in such structures.

(ii) Before heat is applied to a drum, container or hollow structure, an opening to release built-up pressure during heat application shall be provided.

(d) Gas welding and cutting. (1) Compressed gas cylinders:

(i) Shall have valve protection caps in place except when in use, hooked up or secured for movement. Oil shall not be used to lubricate caps;

(ii) Shall be hoisted only while secured, as on a cradle or pallet, and shall not be hoisted by magnet, choker sling or cylinder caps;

(iii) Shall be moved only by tilting or rolling on their bottom edges;

(iv) Shall be secured when moved by vehicle;

(v) Shall be secured while in use;

(vi) Shall have valves closed when cylinders are empty, being moved or stored;

(vii) Shall be secured upright except when hoisted or carried;

(viii) Shall not be freed when frozen by prying the valves or caps with bars or by hitting the valve with a tool;

(ix) Shall not be thawed by boiling water;

(x) Shall not be exposed to sparks, hot slag, or flame;

(xi) Shall not be permitted to become part of electrical circuits or have electrodes struck against them to strike arcs;

(xii) Shall not be used as rollers or supports;

(xiii) Shall not have contents used for purposes not authorized by the supplier;

(xiv) Shall not be used if damaged or defective;

(xv) Shall not have gases mixed within, except by gas suppliers;

(xvi) Shall be stored so that oxygen cylinders are separated from fuel gas cylinders and combustible materials by either a minimum distance of 20 feet (6.1 m) or a barrier having a fire-resistance rating of 30 minutes; and

(xvii) Shall not have objects that might either damage the safety device or obstruct the valve placed on top of the cylinder when in use.

(2) Use of fuel gas. Fuel gas shall be used only as follows:

(i) Before regulators are connected to cylinder valves, the valves shall be opened slightly (cracked) and closed immediately to clear away dust or dirt. Valves shall not be cracked if gas could reach possible sources of ignition;

(ii) Cylinder valves shall be opened slowly to prevent regulator damage and shall not be opened more than 1 1/2 turns. Any special wrench required for emergency closing shall be positioned on the valve stem during cylinder use. For manifolded or coupled cylinders, at least one wrench shall be immediately available. Nothing shall be placed on top of a cylinder or associated parts when the cylinder is in use.

(iii) Pressure-reducing regulators shall be attached to cylinder valves when cylinders are supplying torches or devices equipped with shut-off valves;

(iv) Cylinder valves shall be closed and gas released from the regulator or manifold before regulators are removed;

(v) Leaking fuel gas cylinder valves shall be closed and the gland nut tightened. If the leak continues, the cylinder shall be tagged, removed from service, and moved to a location where the leak will not be hazardous. If a regulator attached to a valve stops a leak, the cylinder need not be removed from the workplace but shall be tagged and may not be used again before it is repaired; and

(vi) If a plug or safety device leaks, the cylinder shall be tagged, removed from service, and moved to a location where the leak will not be hazardous.

(3) Hose. (i) Fuel gas and oxygen hoses shall be easily distinguishable from each other by color or sense of touch. Oxygen and fuel hoses shall not be interchangeable. Hoses having more than one gas passage shall not be used.

(ii) When oxygen and fuel gas hoses are taped together, not more than four (4) of each 12 inches (10.16 cm of each 30.48 cm) shall be taped.

(iii) Hose shall be inspected before use. Hose subjected to flashback or showing evidence of severe wear or damage shall be tested to twice the normal working pressure but not less than 200 p.s.i. (1378.96 kPa) before reuse. Defective hose shall not be used.

(iv) Hose couplings shall not unlock or disconnect without rotary motion.

(v) Hose connections shall be clamped or securely fastened to withstand twice the normal working pressure but not less than 300 p.s.i. (2068.44 kPa) without leaking.

(vi) Gas hose storage boxes shall be ventilated.

(4) Torches. (i) Torch tip openings shall only be cleaned with devices designed for that purpose.

(ii) Torches shall be inspected before each use for leaking shut-off valves, hose couplings and tip connections. Torches with such defects shall not be used.

(iii) Torches shall not be lighted from matches, cigarette lighters, other flames or hot work.

(5) Pressure regulators. Pressure regulators, including associated gauges, shall be maintained in safe working order.

(6) Operational precaution. Gas welding equipment shall be maintained free of oil and grease.

(e) Arc welding and cutting. (1) Manual electrode holders. (i) The employer shall ensure that only manual electrode holders intended for arc welding and cutting and capable of handling the maximum current required for such welding or cutting shall be used.

(ii) Current-carrying parts passing through those portions of the holder gripped by the user and through the outer surfaces of the jaws of the holder shall be insulated against the maximum voltage to ground.

(2) Welding cables and connectors. (i) Arc welding and cutting cables shall be insulated, flexible and capable of handling the maximum current required by the operations, taking into account the duty cycles.

(ii) Only cable free from repair or splice for 10 feet (3 m) from the electrode holder shall be used unless insulated connectors or splices with insulating quality equal to that of the cable are provided.

(iii) When a cable other than the lead mentioned in paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section wears and exposes bare conductors, the portion exposed shall not be used until it is protected by insulation equivalent in performance capacity to the original.

(iv) Insulated connectors of equivalent capacity shall be used for connecting or splicing cable. Cable lugs, where used as connectors, shall provide electrical contact. Exposed metal parts shall be insulated.

(3) Ground returns and machine grounding. (i) Ground return cables shall have current-carrying capacity equal to or exceeding the total maximum output capacities of the welding or cutting units served.

(ii) Structures or pipelines, other than those containing gases or flammable liquids or conduits containing electrical circuits, may be used in the ground return circuit if their current-carrying capacity equals or exceeds the total maximum output capacities of the welding or cutting units served.

(iii) Structures or pipelines forming a temporary ground return circuit shall have electrical contact at all joints. Arcs, sparks or heat at any point in the circuit shall cause rejection as a ground circuit.

(iv) Structures or pipelines acting continuously as ground return circuits shall have joints bonded and maintained to ensure that no electrolysis or fire hazard exists.

(v) Arc welding and cutting machine frames shall be grounded, either through a third wire in the cable containing the circuit conductor or through a separate wire at the source of the current. Grounding circuits shall have resistance low enough to permit sufficient current to flow to cause the fuse or circuit breaker to interrupt the current.

(vi) Ground connections shall be mechanically and electrically adequate to carry the current.

(4) When electrode holders are left unattended, electrodes shall be removed and holders placed to prevent employee injury.

(5) Hot electrode holders shall not be dipped in water.

(6) The employer shall ensure that when arc welders or cutters leave or stop work or when machines are moved, the power supply switch shall be kept in the off position.

(7) Arc welding or cutting equipment having a functional defect shall not be used.

(8)(i) Arc welding and cutting operations shall be separated from other operations by shields, screens, or curtains to protect employees in the vicinity from the direct rays and sparks of the arc.

(ii) Employees in areas not protected from the arc by screening shall be protected by appropriate filter lenses in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section. When welders are exposed to their own arc or to each other's arc, they shall wear filter lenses complying with the requirements of paragraph (h) of this section.

(9) The control apparatus of arc welding machines shall be enclosed, except for operating wheels, levers, and handles.

(10) Input power terminals, top change devices and live metal parts connected to imput circuits shall be enclosed and accessible only by means of insulated tools.

(11) When arc welding is performed in wet or high-humidity conditions, employees shall use additional protection, such as rubber pads or boots, against electric shock.

(f) Ventilation and employee protection in welding, cutting and heating—(1) Mechanical ventilation requirements. The employer shall ensure that general mechanical ventilation or local exhaust systems shall meet the following requirements:

(i) General mechanical ventilation shall maintain vapors, fumes and smoke below a hazardous level.

(ii) Local exhaust ventilation shall consist of movable hoods positioned close to the work and shall be of such capacity and arrangement as to keep breathing zone concentrations below hazardous levels.

(iii) Exhausts from working spaces shall be discharged into the open air, clear of intake air sources;

(iv) Replacement air shall be clean and respirable; and

(v) Oxygen shall not be used for ventilation, cooling or cleaning clothing or work areas.

(2) Hot work in confined spaces. Except as specified in paragraphs (f)(3)(ii) and (f)(3)(iii) of this section, when hot work is performed in a confined space the employer shall ensure that:

(i) General mechanical or local exhaust ventilations shall be provided; or

(ii) Employees in the space shall wear supplied air respirators in accordance with § 1910.134 and a standby on the outside shall maintain communication with employees inside the space and shall be equipped and prepared to provide emergency aid.

(3) Welding, cutting or heating of toxic metals. (i) In confined or enclosed spaces, hot work involving the following metals shall only be performed with general mechanical or local exhaust ventilation that ensures that employees are not exposed to hazardous levels of fumes:

(A) Lead base metals;

(B) Cadmium-bearing filler materials; and

(C) Chromium-bearing metals or metals coated with chromium-bearing materials.

(ii) In confined or enclosed spaces, hot work involving the following metals shall only be performed with local exhaust ventilation meeting the requirements of paragraph (f)(1) of this section or by employees wearing supplied air respirators in accordance with § 1910.134;

(A) Zinc-bearing base or filler metals or metals coated with zinc-bearing materials;

(B) Metals containing lead other than as an impurity, or coated with lead-bearing materials;

(C) Cadmium-bearing or cadmium-coated base metals; and

(D) Metals coated with mercury-bearing materials.

(iii) Employees performing hot work in confined or enclosed spaces involving beryllium-containing base or filler metals shall be protected by local exhaust ventilation and wear supplied air respirators or self-contained breathing apparatus, in accordance with the requirements of § 1910.134.

(iv) The employer shall ensure that employees performing hot work in the open air that involves any of the metals listed in paragraphs (f)(3)(i) and (f)(3)(ii) of this section shall be protected by respirators in accordance with the requirements of § 1910.134, and those working on beryllium-containing base or filler metals shall be protected by supplied air respirators, in accordance with the requirements of § 1910.134.

(v) Any employee exposed to the same atmosphere as the welder or burner shall be protected by the same type of respiratory and other protective equipment as that worn by the welder or burner.

(4) Inert-gas metal-arc welding. Employees shall not engage in and shall not be exposed to the inert-gas metal-arc welding process unless the following precautions are taken:

(i) Chlorinated solvents shall not be used within 200 feet (61 m) of the exposed arc. Surfaces prepared with chlorinated solvents shall be thoroughly dry before welding is performed on them.

(ii) Employees in areas not protected from the arc by screening shall be protected by appropriate filter lenses in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (h) of this section. When welders are exposed to their own arc or to each other's arc, filter lenses complying with the requirements of paragraph (h) of this section shall be worn to protect against flashes and radiant energy.

(iii) Employees exposed to radiation shall have their skin covered completely to prevent ultraviolet burns and damage. Helmets and hand shields shall not have leaks, openings or highly reflective surfaces.

(iv) Inert-gas metal-arc welding on stainless steel shall not be performed unless exposed employees are protected either by local exhaust ventilation or by wearing supplied air respirators.

(g) Welding, cutting and heating on preservative coatings. (1) Before hot work is commenced on surfaces covered by a preservative coating of unknown flammability, a test shall be made by a designated person to determine the coating's flammability. Preservative coatings shall be considered highly flammable when scrapings burn with extreme rapidity.

(2) Appropriate precaution shall be taken to prevent ignition of highly flammable hardened preservative coatings. Highly flammable coatings shall be stripped from the area to be heated. An uncoiled fire hose with fog nozzle, under pressure, shall be immediately available in the hot work area.

(3) Surfaces covered with preservative coatings shall be stripped for at least 4 inches (10.16 cm) from the area of heat application or employees shall be protected by supplied air respirators in accordance with the requirements of § 1910.134 of this chapter.

(h) Protection against radiant energy. (1) Employees shall be protected from radiant energy eye hazards by spectacles, cup goggles, helmets, hand shields or face shields with filter lenses complying with the requirements of this paragraph.

(2) Filter lenses shall have an appropriate shade number, as indicated in Table G-1, for the work performed. Variations of one or two shade numbers are permissible to suit individual preferences.

(3) If filter lenses are used in goggles worn under the helmet, the shade numbers of both lenses equals the value shown in Table G-1 for the operation.

Table G-1—Filter Lenses for Protection Against Radiant Energy

Operation Shade No.
Torch Brazing3 or 4.
Light cutting, up to 1 inch3 or 4.
Medium cutting, 1-6 inches4 or 5.
Heavy cutting, over 6 inches5 or 6.
Light gas welding, up to 1/8 inch4 or 5.
Medium gas welding, 1/8- 1/2 inch5 or 6.
Heavy gas welding, over 1/2 inch6 or 8.
Shielded Metal-Arc Welding 1/16 to 5/32-inch electrodes10
Inert-gas Metal-Arc Welding (Non-ferrous) 1/16- to 5/32-inch electrodes11.
Shielded Metal-Arc Welding:
3/16- to 1/4-inch electrodes12.
5/16- and 3/8-inch electrodes14.
[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62 FR 40202, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40942, June 30, 2000]
§ 1917.153 - Spray painting (See also definition of Hazardous cargo, materials, substance, or atmosphere).

(a) Scope. This section covers painting operations connected with maintenance of structures, equipment and gear at the marine terminal and of transient equipment serviced at the terminal. It does not apply to overall painting of terminal structures under construction, major repair or rebuilding of terminal structures, or portable spraying apparatus not used regularly in the same location.

(b) Definitions—(1) Spraying area means any area where flammable vapors, mists or combustible residues, dusts or deposits may be present due to paint spraying operations.

(2) Spray booth means an enclosure containing a flammable or combustible spraying operation and confining and limiting the escape of paint, vapor and residue by means of a powered exhaust system.

(3) Approved means, for the purpose of this section, that the equipment has been approved for the specified use by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.

(c) Spray painting requirements for indoor and outdoor spraying areas and booths. (1) Shut-off valves, containers or piping with attached hoses or flexible connections shall have shut-off valves closed at the connection when not in use.

(2) Pumps used to transfer paint supplies shall have automatic pressure-relieving devices.

(3) Hoses and couplings shall be inspected before use. Hoses showing deterioration, leakage or weakness in the carcass or at the couplings shall be removed from service.

(4)(i) No open flame or spark-producing equipment shall be within 20 feet (6.1 m) of a spraying area unless it is separated from the spraying area by a fire-retardant partition.

(ii) Hot surfaces shall not be located in spraying areas.

(iii) Whenever combustible residues may accumulate on electrical installations, wiring shall be in rigid conduit or in boxes containing no taps, splices or connections.

(iv) Portable electric lights shall not be used during spraying operations. Lights used during cleaning or repairing operations shall be approved for the location in which they are used.

(5) When flammable or combustible liquids are being transferred between containers, both containers shall be bonded and grounded.

(6)(i) Spraying shall be performed only in designated spray booths or spraying areas.

(ii) Spraying areas shall be kept as free from combustible residue accumulations as practicable.

(iii) Residue scrapings, debris, rags, and waste shall be removed from the spraying area as they accumulate.

(7) Spraying with organic peroxides and other dual-component coatings shall only be conducted in sprinkler-equipped spray booths.

(8) Only the quantity of flammable or combustible liquids required for the operation shall be allowed in the spraying area, and in no case shall the amount exceed a one-day supply.

(9) Smoking shall be prohibited and “No Smoking” signs shall be posted in spraying and paint storage areas.

(d) Additional requirements for spraying areas and spray booths. (1) Distribution or baffle plates shall be of noncombustible material and shall be removable or accessible for cleaning. They shall not be located in exhaust ducts.

(2) Any discarded filter shall be removed from the work area or placed in water.

(3) Filters shall not be used when the material being sprayed is highly susceptible to spontaneous heating and ignition.

(4) Filters shall be noncombustible or of an approved type. The same filter shall not be used when spraying with different coating materials if the combination of materials may spontaneously ignite.

(5) Spraying areas shall be mechanically ventilated for removal of flammable and combustible vapor and mist.

(6) Mechanical ventilation shall be in operation during spraying operations and long enough thereafter to exhaust hazardous vapor concentrations.

(7) Rotating fan elements shall be nonsparking or the casing shall consist of or be lined with nonsparking material.

(8) Piping systems conveying flammable or combustible liquids to the spraying booth or area shall be made of metal and be both bonded and grounded.

(9) Air exhausted from spray operations shall not contaminate makeup air or other ventilation intakes. Exhausted air shall not be recirculated unless it is first cleaned of any hazardous contaminants.

(10) Original closed containers, approved portable tanks, approved safety cans or a piping system shall be used to bring flammable or combustible liquids into spraying areas.

(11) If flammable or combustible liquids are supplied to spray nozzles by positive displacement pumps, the pump discharge line shall have a relief valve discharging either to a pump section or detached location, or the line shall be equipped with a device to stop the prime mover when discharge pressure exceeds the system's safe operating pressure.

(12) Wiring, motors and equipment in a spray booth shall be of approved explosion-proof type for Class I, Group D locations and conform to subpart S of Part 1910 of this chapter for Class I, Division 1, Hazardous Locations. Wiring, motors and equipment within 20 feet (6.1m) of any interior spraying area and not separated by vapor-tight partitions shall not produce sparks during operation and shall conform to the requirements of subpart S of Part 1910 of this chapter for Class I, Division 2, Hazardous Locations.

(13) Outside electrical lights within 10 feet (3.05m) of spraying areas and not separated from the areas by partitions shall be enclosed and protected from damage.

(e) Additional requirements for spray booths. (1) Spray booths shall be substantially constructed of noncombustible material and have smooth interior surfaces. Spray booth floors shall be covered with noncombustible material. As an aid to cleaning, paper may be used to cover the floor during painting operations if it is removed after the painting is completed.

(2) Spray booths shall be separated from other operations by at least 3 feet (0.91m) or by fire-retardant partitions or walls.

(3) A space of at least 3 feet (0.91m) on all sides of the spray booth shall be maintained free of storage or combustible materials.

(4) Metal parts of spray booths, exhaust ducts, piping and airless high-pressure spray guns and conductive objects being sprayed shall be grounded.

(5) Electric motors driving exhaust fans shall not be located inside booths or ducts.

(6) Belts shall not enter ducts or booths unless the belts are completely enclosed.

(7) Exhaust ducts shall be made of steel, shall have sufficient access doors to permit cleaning, and shall have a minimum clearance of 18 inches (0.46m) from combustible materials. Any installed dampers shall be fully opened when the ventilating system is operating.

(8) Spray booths shall not be alternately used to spray different types of coating materials if the combination of the materials may spontaneously ignite unless deposits of the first material are removed from the booth and from exhaust ducts before spraying of the second material begins.

[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 65 FR 40942, June 30, 2000]
§ 1917.154 - Compressed air.

Employees shall be protected by chip guarding and personal protective equipment complying with the provisions of subpart E of this part during cleaning with compressed air. Compressed air used for cleaning shall not exceed a pressure of 30 psi. Compressed air shall not be used to clean employees.

§ 1917.155 - Air receivers.

(a) Application. This section applies to compressed air receivers and equipment used for operations such as cleaning, drilling, hoisting and chipping. It does not apply to equipment used to convey materials or in such transportation applications as railways, vehicles or cranes.

(b) Gauges and valves. (1) Air receivers shall be equipped with indicating pressure gauges and spring-loaded safety valves. Safety valves shall prevent receiver pressure from exceeding 110 percent of the maximum allowable working pressure.

(2) No other valves shall be placed between air receivers and their safety valves.

§ 1917.156 - Fuel handling and storage.

(a) Liquid fuel. (1) Only designated persons shall conduct fueling operations.

(2) In case of spillage, filler caps shall be replaced and spillage disposed of before engines are started.

(3) Engines shall be stopped and operators shall not be on the equipment during refueling operations.

(4) Smoking and open flames shall be prohibited in areas used for fueling, fuel storage or enclosed storage of equipment containing fuel.

(5) Equipment shall be refueled only at designated locations.

(6) Liquid fuels not handled by pump shall be handled and transported only in portable containers or equivalent means designed for that purpose. Portable containers shall be metal, have tight closures with screw or spring covers and shall be equipped with spouts or other means to allow pouring without spilling. Leaking containers shall not be used.

(7) Flammable liquids may be dispensed in the open from a tank or from other vehicles equipped for delivering fuel to another vehicle only if:

(i) Dispensing hoses do not exceed 50 feet (15.24 m) in length; and

(ii) Any powered dispensing nozzles used are of the automatic-closing type.

(8) Liquid fuel dispensing devices shall be provided with an easily accessible and clearly identified shut-off device, such as a switch or circuit breaker, to shut off the power in an emergency.

(9) Liquid fuel dispensing devices, such as pumps, shall be mounted either on a concrete island or be otherwise protected against collision damage.

(b) Liquefied gas fuels—(1) Fueling locations. (i) Liquefied gas powered equipment shall be fueled only at designated locations.

(ii) Equipment with permanently mounted fuel containers shall be charged outdoors.

(iii) Equipment shall not be fueled or stored near underground entrances, elevator shafts or other places where gas or fumes might accumulate.

(2) Fuel containers. (i) When removable fuel containers are used, the escape of fuel when containers are exchanged shall be minimized by:

(A) Automatic quick-closing couplings (closing in both directions when uncoupled) in fuel lines; or

(B) Closing fuel container valves and allowing engines to run until residual fuel is exhausted.

(ii) Pressure-relief valve openings shall be in continuous contact with the vapor space (top) of the cylinder.

(iii) Fuel containers shall be secured to prevent their being jarred loose, slipping or rotating.

(iv) Containers shall be located to prevent damage to the container. If located within a compartment, that compartment shall be vented. Containers near the engine or exhaust system shall be shielded against direct heat radiation.

(v) Container installation shall provide the container with at least the vehicle's road clearance under maximum spring deflection, which shall be to the bottom of the container or to the lowest fitting on the container or housing, whichever is lower.

(vi) Valves and connections shall be protected from contact damage. Permanent protection shall be provided for fittings on removable containers.

(vii) Defective containers shall be removed from service.

(3) Fueling operations. (i) To the extent applicable, fueling operations for liquefied gas fuels shall also comply with paragraph (a) of this section.

(ii) Using matches or flames to check for leaks is prohibited.

(iii) Containers shall be examined before recharging and again before reuse for the following:

(A) Dents, scrapes and gouges of pressure vessels;

(B) Damage to valves and liquid level gauges;

(C) Debris in relief valves;

(D) Leakage at valves or connections; and

(E) Deterioration or loss of flexible seals in filling or servicing connections.

(4) Fuel storage. (i) Stored fuel containers shall be located to minimize exposure to excessive temperatures and physical damage.

(ii) Containers shall not be stored near exits, stairways or areas normally used or intended for egress.

(iii) Outlet valves of containers in storage or transport shall be closed. Relief valves shall connect with vapor spaces.

(5) Vehicle storage and servicing. (i) Liquefied gas fueled vehicles may be stored or serviced inside garages or shops only if there are no fuel system leaks.

(ii) Liquefied gas fueled vehicles under repair shall have container shut-off valves closed unless engine operation is necessary for repairs.

(iii) Liquefied gas fueled vehicles shall not be parked near open flames, sources of ignition or unventilated open pits.

[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62 FR 40202, July 25, 1997; 65 FR 40943, June 30, 2000]
§ 1917.157 - Battery charging and changing.

(a) Only designated persons shall change or charge batteries.

(b) Battery charging and changing shall be performed only in areas designated by the employer.

(c) Smoking and other ignition sources are prohibited in charging areas.

(d) Filler caps shall be in place when batteries are being moved.

(e) Parking brakes shall be applied before batteries are charged or changed.

(f) When a jumper battery is connected to a battery in a vehicle, the ground lead shall connect to ground away from the vehicle's battery. Ignition, lights and accessories on the vehicle shall be turned off before connections are made.

(g) Batteries shall be free of corrosion buildup and cap vent holes shall be open.

(h) Adequate ventilation shall be provided during charging.

(i) Facilities for flushing the eyes, body and work area with water shall be provided wherever electrolyte is handled, except that this requirement does not apply when employees are only checking battery electrolyte levels or adding water.

(j) Carboy tilters or siphons shall be used to handle electrolyte in large containers.

(k) Battery handling equipment which could contact battery terminals or cell connectors shall be insulated or otherwise protected.

(l) Metallic objects shall not be placed on uncovered batteries.

(m) When batteries are being charged, the vent caps shall be in place.

(n) Chargers shall be turned off when leads are being connected or disconnected.

(o) Installed batteries shall be secured to avoid physical or electrical contact with compartment walls or components.

[48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62 FR 40202, July 25, 1997]
§ 1917.158 - Prohibited operations.

(a) Spray painting and abrasive blasting operations shall not be conducted in the vicinity of cargo handling operations.

(b) Welding and burning operations shall not be conducted in the vicinity of cargo handling operations unless such hot work is part of the cargo operation.

Appendix Appendix I - Appendix I to Part 1917—Special Cargo Gear and Container Spreader Test Requirements (Mandatory) [see § 1917.50(c)(5)]
Type gearTest requirementTested byProof test
A. All Special Cargo Handling Gear Purchased or Manufactured on or After January 21, 1998
1. Safe Working Load—greater than 5 short tons (10,000 lbs./4.5 metric tons)Prior to initial useOSHA accredited agency onlyUp to 20 short tons125% SWL
Prior to reuse after structural damage repairFrom 20 to 50 short tons5 short tons in excess of SWL
Every four years after initial proof load testOSHA accredited agency or designated person (40)(1) 125% SWLOver 50 short tons110% SWL
2. Safe Working Load—5 short tons or lessPrior to initial use
Prior to reuse after structural damage repair
OSHA accredited agency or designated person125% SWL
3. Intermodal container spreaders not part of vessel's cargo handling gearPrior to initial use
Prior to reuse after structural damage repairOSHA accredited agency only
Every four years after initial proof load testOSHA accredited agency or designated person125% SWL
B. All Special Cargo Handling Gear in Use Prior to January 21, 1998
1. Any Safe Working LoadEvery four years starting on January 21, 1998OSHA accredited agency or designated personUp to 20 short tons
Prior to initial use or prior to reuse after structural damage repairOSHA accredited agencyFrom 20 to 50 short tons5 short tons in excess of SWL
Over 50 short tons110% SWL
2. Intermodal container spreaders not part of ship's gearEvery four years starting on January 21, 1998OSHA accredited agency or designated person
Prior to initial use or prior to reuse after structural damage repairOSHA accredited agency125% SWL
[65 FR 40943, June 30, 2000]
authority: 33 U.S.C. 941; 29 U.S.C. 653,655,657; Secretary of Labor's Order No. 12-71 (36 FR 8754), 8-76 (41 FR 25059), 9-83 (48 FR 35736), 1-90 (55 FR 9033), 6-96 (62 FR 111), 3-2000 (65 FR 50017), 5-2002 (67 FR 65008), 5-2007 (72 FR 31160), 4-2010 (75 FR 55355), 1-2012 (77 FR 3912), or 8-2020 (85 FR 58393), as applicable; and 29 CFR part 1911
source: 48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 29 CFR 1917.152