Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 29 - Labor last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 15.300 - How are claims involving the Job Corps initiated?
(a) Claims involving the Job Corps, including claims against Job Corps Centers run by other Federal agencies, claims by third parties involving the acts or omissions of students of Job Corps, and claims involving the loss of personal property of students of Job Corps should be submitted to the appropriate Job Corps Regional Office. Claims under the MPCECA for non-Department Federal employees should be sent to and must be handled by their respective Federal employer, subject to that employer's procedures. FTCA claims over $25,000 should be sent to and must be handled by the Counsel for Claims and Compensation under subpart B of this part.
(b) The Job Corps Regional Office shall investigate all facts of the claim, including accident and medical reports, interview witnesses, and, where necessary, prepare the appropriate administrative reports.
(c) Following the investigation, the Job Corps Regional Office will determine the appropriate reviewing official and if necessary forward the claim to the appropriate office immediately with all currently available documentation, as described in § 15.301.
§ 15.301 - What office is responsible for determining liability in claims arising out of the Job Corps?
(a) The Director of the appropriate Job Corps Regional Office is responsible for claims not cognizable under the FTCA pursuant to the WIA arising out of the operation of the Job Corps involving loss or damage to persons or personal property of students of Job Corps Centers that do not exceed $300.
(b) The Regional Solicitor is responsible for claims not cognizable under the FTCA pursuant to the WIA arising out of the operation of the Job Corps involving loss or damage to persons or personal property of students of Job Corps Centers for claims exceeding $300.
(c) The Regional Solicitor is responsible for all FTCA claims involving damage to persons or property arising out of an act or omission of a Job Corps student or Federal employee that do not exceed $25,000 and do not involve a new point of law or a question of policy.
(d) All remaining claims with aggregate damages of $25,000 or more are the responsibility of the Counsel for Claims and Compensation.
(e) The Job Corps Regional Office Director, the Regional Solicitors and the Associate Regional Solicitors are authorized to consider, determine and settle claims filed under this subpart that arose within their respective jurisdictions.
§ 15.302 - What procedures apply to these claims?
(a) Claims involving the negligent acts or omissions of Job Corps students or Federal employees are claims under the FTCA and are determined under the procedures in subpart B of this part. FTCA claims must be forwarded to and decided by the responsible Solicitor's Office.
(b) Claims involving loss or damage to persons or the personal property of Job Corps students are covered by the WIA, 29 U.S.C. 2897(b), which provides that the Secretary of Labor may adjust or settle claims for damages to a person or property of up to $1,500 if those claims are found to be a proper charge against the United States and are not cognizable under the FTCA.
§ 15.303 - How does a Job Corps student file a claim for loss of or damages to personal property under the WIA?
(a) A WIA claim under this subpart must be in writing and signed by the claimant or by an authorized representative. In order to be a proper claim, a WIA claim must fully describe the property and the circumstances that gave rise to the loss or damage.
(b) All WIA claims under this subpart must be filed with the appropriate Job Corps Regional Office within 2 years of the date upon which the claim accrued. The Job Corps Regional Office may consult with the Regional Solicitor and/or Counsel for Claims and Compensation as necessary.
(c) The determination upon the claim shall be provided to the claimant in writing by the appropriate deciding official.
(d) Reconsideration of a determination under this subpart shall be available upon written request received within 60 days by the appropriate deciding official. The deciding official will provide a written response to the claimant within 60 days of such request. No further review of the matter will be permitted.
§ 15.304 - Are there limits to claims for loss of or damages to personal property under the WIA?
(a) Only claims involving damage or loss to personal property that occurred while at the Job Corps Center or while on authorized travel, training or other authorized activities may be considered under the WIA.
(b) The Job Corps will only reimburse up to $300.00 per item for claims for loss or damage of personal property under the WIA, up to a maximum of $1,500 per occurrence.
(c) If the property in question is not of a type that the student is authorized to bring to the Job Corps Center, no compensation will be made under this subpart. For example, if the Job Corps Center has explicit written rules imposing limitations on the type of electronic equipment or other personal items such as jewelry that may be brought to the center, no compensation will be awarded for the loss or damage of such property.
source: 77 FR 22207, Apr. 13, 2012, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 29 CFR 15.302