Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 29 - Labor last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 38.50 - Subpart application to State Programs.

This subpart applies to State Programs as defined in § 38.4. However, the provisions of § 38.52(b) do not apply to State Workforce Agencies (SWA), because the Governor's liability for any noncompliance on the part of a SWA cannot be waived.

§ 38.51 - Governor's oversight and monitoring responsibilities for State Programs.

The Governor is responsible for oversight and monitoring of all WIOA Title I-financially assisted State Programs. This responsibility includes:

(a) Ensuring compliance with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA and this part, and negotiating, where appropriate, with a recipient to secure voluntary compliance when noncompliance is found under § 38.91(b).

(b) Annually monitoring the compliance of recipients with WIOA section 188 and this part, including a determination as to whether each recipient is conducting its WIOA Title I-financially assisted program or activity in a nondiscriminatory way. At a minimum, each annual monitoring review required by this paragraph must include:

(1) A statistical or other quantifiable analysis of records and data kept by the recipient under § 38.41, including analyses by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, preferred language, age, and disability status;

(2) An investigation of any significant differences identified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section in participation in the programs, activities, or employment provided by the recipient, to determine whether these differences appear to be caused by discrimination. This investigation must be conducted through review of the recipient's records and any other appropriate means; and

(3) An assessment to determine whether the recipient has fulfilled its administrative obligations under Section 188 of WIOA or this part (for example, recordkeeping, notice and communication) and any duties assigned to it under the Nondiscrimination Plan.

§ 38.52 - Governor's liability for actions of recipients the Governor has financially assisted under Title I of WIOA.

(a) The Governor and the recipient are jointly and severally liable for all violations of the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA and this part by the recipient, unless the Governor has:

(1) Established and implemented a Nondiscrimination Plan, under § 38.54, designed to give a reasonable guarantee of the recipient's compliance with such provisions;

(2) Entered into a written contract with the recipient that clearly establishes the recipient's obligations regarding nondiscrimination and equal opportunity;

(3) Acted with due diligence to monitor the recipient's compliance with these provisions; and

(4) Taken prompt and appropriate corrective action to effect compliance.

(b) If the Director determines that the Governor has demonstrated substantial compliance with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the Director may recommend to the Secretary that the imposition of sanctions against the Governor be waived and that sanctions be imposed only against the noncomplying recipient.

§ 38.53 - Governor's oversight responsibilities regarding recipients' recordkeeping.

The Governor must ensure that recipients collect and maintain records in a manner consistent with the provisions of § 38.41 and any procedures prescribed by the Director under § 38.41(a). The Governor must further ensure that recipients are able to provide data and reports in the manner prescribed by the Director.

§ 38.54 - Governor's obligations to develop and implement a Nondiscrimination Plan.

(a)(1) Each Governor must establish and implement a Nondiscrimination Plan for State Programs as defined in § 38.4(kkk). In those States in which one agency contains both SWA or unemployment insurance and WIOA Title I-financially assisted programs, the Governor must develop a combined Nondiscrimination Plan.

(2) Each Nondiscrimination Plan must be designed to give a reasonable guarantee that all recipients will comply, and are complying, with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA and this part.

(b) The Nondiscrimination Plan must be:

(1) In writing, addressing each requirement of paragraph (c) of this section with narrative and documentation;

(2) Reviewed and updated as required in § 38.55; and

(3) Signed by the Governor.

(c) At a minimum, each Nondiscrimination Plan must:

(1) Describe how the State Programs and recipients have satisfied the requirements of the following regulations:

(i) Sections 38.25 through 38.27 (Assurances);

(ii) Sections 38.28 through 38.33 (Equal Opportunity Officers);

(iii) Sections 38.34 through 38.39 (Notice and Communication);

(iv) Sections 38.41 through 38.45 (Data and Information Collection and Maintenance);

(v) Section 38.40 (Affirmative Outreach);

(vi) Section 38.53 (Governor's Oversight Responsibility Regarding Recipients' Recordkeeping);

(vii) Sections 38.72 and 38.73 (Complaint Processing Procedures); and

(viii) Sections 38.51 and 38.53 (Governor's Oversight and Monitoring Responsibilities for State Programs).

(2) Include the following additional elements:

(i) A system for determining whether a grant applicant, if financially assisted, and/or a training provider, if selected as eligible under Section 122 of WIOA, is likely to conduct its WIOA Title I-financially assisted programs or activities in a nondiscriminatory way, and to comply with the regulations in this part;

(ii) A review of recipient policy issuances to ensure they are nondiscriminatory;

(iii) A system for reviewing recipients' job training plans, contracts, assurances, and other similar agreements to ensure that they are both nondiscriminatory and contain the required language regarding nondiscrimination and equal opportunity;

(iv) Procedures for ensuring that recipients comply with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements of § 38.5 regarding race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions, transgender status, and gender identity), national origin (including limited English proficiency), age, political affiliation or belief, citizenship, or participation in any WIOA Title I-financially assisted program or activity;

(v) Procedures for ensuring that recipients comply with the requirements of applicable Federal disability nondiscrimination law, including Section 504; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, if applicable; WIOA Section 188, and this part with regard to individuals with disabilities;

(vi) A system of policy communication and training to ensure that EO Officers and members of the recipients' staffs who have been assigned responsibilities under the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA or this part are aware of and can effectively carry out these responsibilities;

(vii) Procedures for obtaining prompt corrective action or, as necessary, applying sanctions when noncompliance is found; and

(viii) Supporting documentation to show that the commitments made in the Nondiscrimination Plan have been and/or are being carried out. This supporting documentation includes, but is not limited to:

(A) Policy and procedural issuances concerning required elements of the Nondiscrimination Plan;

(B) Copies of monitoring instruments and instructions;

(C) Evidence of the extent to which nondiscrimination and equal opportunity policies have been developed and communicated as required by this part;

(D) Information reflecting the extent to which equal opportunity training, including training called for by §§ 38.29(f) and 38.31(f), is planned and/or has been carried out;

(E) Reports of monitoring reviews and reports of follow-up actions taken under those reviews where violations have been found, including, where appropriate, sanctions; and

(F) Copies of any notices made under §§ 38.34 through 38.40.

§ 38.55 - Schedule of the Governor's obligations regarding the Nondiscrimination Plan.

(a) Within 180 days of either January 3, 2017, or the date on which the Governor is required to review and update their Methods of Administration as determined by the schedule in § 37.55, whichever is later, a Governor must:

(1) Develop and implement a Nondiscrimination Plan consistent with the requirements of this part; and

(2) Submit a copy of the Nondiscrimination Plan to the Director.

(b) The Governor must promptly update the Nondiscrimination Plan whenever necessary, and submit the changes made to the Director in writing at the time that any such updates are made.

(c) Every two years from the date on which the initial Nondiscrimination Plan is submitted to the Director under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the Governor must review the Nondiscrimination Plan and the manner in which it has been implemented, and determine whether any changes are necessary in order for the State to comply fully and effectively with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA and this part.

(1) If any such changes are necessary, the Governor must make the appropriate changes and submit them, in writing, to the Director.

(2) If the Governor determines that no such changes are necessary, the Governor must certify, in writing, to the Director that the Nondiscrimination Plan previously submitted continues in effect.

(3) Submit a copy of all reports of any monitoring reviews conducted by the Governor pursuant to § 38.51(b) since the last Nondiscrimination Plan update.

authority: 29 U.S.C. 3101
source: 81 FR 87211, Dec. 2, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 29 CFR 38.54