Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 29 - Labor last revised: Feb 18, 2025
§ 8.10 - Filing and service.
(a) Filing. All papers submitted to the Board under this part shall be filed with the Clerk of the Appellate Boards, U.S. Department of Labor.
(b) Manner of service. Service under this part shall be in accordance with 29 CFR part 26. Service by mail is complete on mailing. For purposes of this part, filing is accomplished upon the day of service, by mail or otherwise.
(c) Proof of service. Papers filed with the Board shall contain an acknowledgement of service by the person served or proof of service in the form of a statement of the date and the manner of service and the names of the person or persons served, certified by the person who made service.
(d) Service upon the Department of Labor and other interested parties. A copy of all documents filed with the Board shall be served upon the Associate Solicitor, Division of Fair Labor Standards, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210; the Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210; the Federal contracting agency involved; and all other interested parties.
[49 FR 10637, Mar. 21, 1984, as amended at 86 FR 1780, Jan. 11, 2021]
§ 8.11 - Presentations of other interested persons.
(a) Where a petition has been filed for review of a wage determination or other final decision of the Administrator or authorized representative, the Board shall notify the parties known or believed to be interested in the case. The Associate Solicitor and any other parties interested in presenting their views shall file a statement within 30 days of the filing of the petition (or such other time as is specified by the Board, with consideration of procurement deadlines, as appropriate).
(b) Where a petition has been filed for review of a decision issued pursuant to subparts B, D or E of part 6 of this title, any other parties to the proceeding interested in presenting their views shall file a statement within 30 days of the filing of the petition (or such other time as is specified by the Board, with consideration of procurement deadlines, as appropriate).
§ 8.12 - Intervention; other participation.
For good cause shown, the Board may permit any interested party to intervene or otherwise participate in any proceeding held by the Board.Except when requested orally before the Board, a petition to intervene or otherwise participate shall be in writing and shall state with precision and particularity:
(a) The petitioner's relationship to the matters involved in the proceedings, and
(b) The nature of the presentation which the peititioner would make.
[49 FR 10637, Mar. 21, 1984, as amended at 86 FR 1780, Jan. 11, 2021]
§ 8.13 - Right to counsel.
Each interested party shall have the right to appear in person or by counsel or other representative in any proceeding before the Board.
§ 8.14 - Consolidations.
Upon its own initative or upon motion of any interested party, the Board may consolidate any proceeding or concurrently consider two or more appeals which involve substantially the same parties, or issues which are the same or closely related, if it finds that such consolidation or concurrent review will contribute to a proper dispatch of its business and to the ends of justice, and it will not unduly delay consideration of any such appeals.
§ 8.15 - Motions; extensions of time.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this part, any application for an order or other relief shall be made by motion. Except when made orally before the Board, motions shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by proof of service on all other parties. If a motion is supported by briefs, affidavits, or other papers, they shall be served and filed with the motion. Any party may respond to the motion within such time as may be provided by the Board.
(b) Requests for extension of time as to the filing of papers or oral presentation shall be in the form of a motion under paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 8.16 - Oral proceedings.
(a) With respect to any proceedings before it, the Board may upon its own initative or upon request of any interested party direct the interested parties to appear before the Board or its designee at a specified time and place in order to simplify the issues persented or to take up any other matters which may tend to expedite or facilitate the disposition of the proceeding.
(b) In its discretion, the Board or a single presiding member may permit oral argument in any proceeding. The Board or the presiding member shall prescribe the time and place for argument and the time allocated for argument. A petitioner wishing to make oral argument should make the request therefore in the petition.
§ 8.17 - Decision of the Board.
(a) Unless the petitioner consents to disposition by a single member, decisions of the Board shall be by majority vote.
(b) Where petitioner consents to disposition by a single member, other interested parties shall have an opportunity to oppose such disposition, and such opposition shall be taken into consideration by the Board in determining whether the decision shall be by a single member or majority vote.
§ 8.18 - Public information.
Subject to the provisions of part 70 of this title, all papers and documents made a part of the official record in the proceedings of the Board and decisions of the Board shall be made available for public inspection during usual business hours at the Office of the Administrative Review Board, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210.
§ 8.19 - Equal Access to Justice Act.
Proceedings under the Service Contract Act and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act are not subject to the Equal Access to Justice Act (Pub. L. 96-481). Accordingly, in any proceeding conducted pursuant to the provisions of this part 8, the Board shall have no power or authority to award attorney fees and/or other litigation expenses pursuant to the Equal Access to Justice Act.
authority: Secs. 4 and 5, 79 Stat. 1034, 1035, as amended by 86 Stat. 789, 790,
41 U.S.C. 353,
5 U.S.C. 301; Reorg. Plan No. 14 of 1950, 64 Stat. 1267,
5 U.S.C. Appendix; 76 Stat. 357-359,
40 U.S.C. 327-332; Secretary's Order No. 01-2020, 85 FR 13186 (March 6, 2020)
source: 49 FR 10637, Mar. 21, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 29 CFR 8.11