Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 44.1 - Scope and construction.
(a) The procedures and rules of practice set forth in this part shall govern petitions for modification of mandatory safety standards filed under section 101(c) of the Act.
(b) These rules shall be liberally construed to carry out the purpose of the Act by assuring adequate protection of miners and to secure just and prompt determination of all proceedings consistent with adequate consideration of the issues involved.
[43 FR 29518, July 7, 1978, as amended at 55 FR 53440, Dec. 28, 1990]
§ 44.2 - Definitions.
As used in this part, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the term—
(a) Act means the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, Pub. L. 91-173, as amended by Pub. L. 95-164.
(b) Secretary, operator, agent, person, miner, and coal or other mine, have the meanings set forth in section 3 of the act.
(c) Assistant Secretary means the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health.
(d) Administrative law judge means an administrative law judge of the Department of Labor appointed under section 3105 of title 5 of the United States Code.
(e) Representative of miners means a person or organization designated by two or more miners to act as their representative for purposes of the act and who is in compliance with 30 CFR part 40.
[43 FR 29518, July 7, 1978, as amended at 55 FR 53440, Dec. 28, 1990]
§ 44.3 - Parties.
Parties to proceedings under this part shall include the Mine Safety and Health Administration, the operator of the mine, and any representative of the miners in the affected mine. Any other person claiming a right of participation as an interested party in a proceeding may become a party upon application to the Assistant Secretary and the granting of such application. After referral of a petition to the Chief Administrative Law Judge, all applications for status as a party shall be made to the Chief Administrative Law Judge for his disposition.
§ 44.4 - Standard of evaluation of petitions; effect of petitions granted.
(a) A petition for modification of application of a mandatory safety standard may be granted upon a determination that—
(1) An alternative method of achieving the result of the standard exists that will at all times guarantee no less than the same measure of protection afforded by the standard, or
(2) Application of the standard will result in a diminution of safety to the miners.
(b) Except as may be provided in § 44.16 for relief to give effect to a proposed decision and order, a decision of an Administrator or an administrative law judge granting or denying a petition for modification shall not be effective until time for appeal has expired under § 44.14 or § 44.33, as appropriate.
(c) All petitions for modification granted pursuant to this part shall have only future effect: Provided, That the granting of the modification under this part shall be considered as a factor in the resolution of any enforcement action previously initiated for claimed violation of the subsequently modified mandatory safety standard. Orders granting petitions for modification may contain special terms and conditions to assure adequate protection to miners. The modification, together with any conditions, shall have the same effect as a mandatory safety standard.
[43 FR 29518, July 7, 1978, as amended at 55 FR 53440, Dec. 28, 1990]
§ 44.5 - Notice of a granted petition for modification.
(a) Every final action granting a petition for modification under this part shall be published in the Federal Register. Every such final action published shall specify the statutory grounds upon which the modification is based and a summary of the facts which warranted the modification.
(b) Every final action or a summary thereof granting a petition for modification under this part shall be posted by the operator on the mine bulletin board at the affected mine and shall remain posted as long as the modification is effective. If a summary of the final action is posted on the mine bulletin board, a copy of the full decision shall be kept at the affected mine office and made available to the miners.
§ 44.6 - Service.
(a) Copies of all documents filed in any proceeding described in this part and copies of all notices pertinent to such proceeding shall be served by the filing party on all other persons made parties to the proceeding under § 44.3. If a request for hearing has been filed by any party, a copy of all subsequent documents filed shall be served upon the Mine Safety and Health Administration through its representative, the Office of the Solicitor, Department of Labor.
(b) All documents filed subsequent to a petition for modification may be served personally or by first class mail to the last known address of the party. Service may also be completed by telecopier or other electronic means.
(c) Whenever a party is represented by an attorney who has signed any document filed on behalf of such party or otherwise entered an appearance on behalf of such party, service thereafter shall be made upon the attorney.
(d) Any party filing a petition for modification under these rules shall file proof of service in the form of a return receipt where service is by registered or certified mail or an acknowledgment by the party served or a verified return where service is made personally. A certificate of service shall accompany all other documents filed by a party under these rules.
(e) Service by mail shall be complete upon mailing. Service by telecopier or other electronic means shall be complete upon receipt.
(f) Whenever a party has the right to do some act within a prescribed period after the service of a document or other material upon the party and the document or other material is served upon the party by mail, 5 days shall be added to the prescribed period: Provided, that specific provisions may, for good cause, be made otherwise by an order of an administrative law judge or the Assistant Secretary in a particular proceeding pending before that person.
[43 FR 29518, July 7, 1978, as amended at 55 FR 53440, Dec. 28, 1990]
§ 44.7 - Filing.
For purposes of this part, a petition, request for hearing, notice of appeal, or other document shall be considered to be filed when received, or when mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested. Such documents may be filed by telecopier or other electronic means.
[55 FR 53440, Dec. 28, 1990]
§ 44.8 - Ex parte communication.
There shall be no ex parte communication with respect to the merits of any case not concluded between the Assistant Secretary or the administrative law judge, including any employee or agent of the Assistant Secretary or of the administrative law judge, and any of the parties, intervenors, representatives, or other interested parties.
[55 FR 53440, Dec. 28, 1990]
§ 44.9 - Posting of petition.
An operator of a mine for which there is no representative of miners shall post a copy of each petition concerning the mine on the mine bulletin board and shall maintain the posting until a ruling on the petition becomes final.