Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Oct 03, 2024
§ 800.1 - Scope and purpose.

This part sets forth the minimum requirements for filing and maintaining bonds and insurance for surface coal mining and reclamation operations under regulatory programs in accordance with the Act.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.4 - Regulatory authority responsibilities.

(a) The regulatory authority shall prescribe and furnish forms for filing performance bonds.

(b) The regulatory authority shall prescribe by regulation terms and conditions for performance bonds and insurance.

(c) The regulatory authority shall determine the amount of the bond for each area to be bonded, in accordance with § 800.14. The regulatory authority shall also adjust the amount as acreage in the permit area is revised, or when other relevant conditions change according to the requirements of § 800.15.

(d) The regulatory authority may accept a self-bond if the permittee meets the requirements of § 800.23 and any additional requirements in the State or Federal program.

(e) The regulatory authority shall release liability under a bond or bonds in accordance with § 800.40.

(f) If the conditions specified in § 800.50 occur, the regulatory authority shall take appropriate action to cause all or part of a bond to be forfeited in accordance with procedures of that section.

(g) The regulatory authority shall require in the permit that adequate bond coverage be in effect at all times. Except as provided in § 800.16(e)(2), operating without a bond is a violation of a condition upon which the permit is issued.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.5 - Definitions.

(a) Surety bond means an indemnity agreement in a sum certain payable to the regulatory authority, executed by the permittee as principal and which is supported by the performance guarantee of a corporation licensed to do business as a surety in the State where the operation is located.

(b) Collateral bond means an indemnity agreement in a sum certain executed by the permittee as principal which is supported by the deposit with the regulatory authority of one or more of the following:

(1) A cash account, which shall be the deposit of cash in one or more federally-insured or equivalently protected accounts, payable only to the regulatory authority upon demand, or the deposit of cash directly with the regulatory authority;

(2) Negotiable bonds of the United States, a State, or a municipality, endorsed to the order of, and placed in the possession of, the regulatory authority;

(3) Negotiable certificates of deposit, made payable or assigned to the regulatory authority and placed in its possession or held by a federally-insured bank;

(4) An irrevocable letter of credit of any bank organized or authorized to transact business in the United States, payable only to the regulatory authority upon presentation;

(5) A perfected, first-lien security interest in real property in favor of the regulatory authority; or

(6) Other investment-grade rated securities having a rating of AAA, AA, or A or an equivalent rating issued by a nationally recognized securities rating service, endorsed to the order of, and placed in the possession of, the regulatory authority.

(c) Self-bond means an indemnity agreement in a sum certain executed by the applicant or by the applicant and any corporate guarantor and made payable to the regulatory authority, with or without separate surety.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 997, Jan. 14, 1988; 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.10 - Information collection.

The collection of information contained in §§ 800.11, 800.21(c), 800.23(b)(2), 800.23(b)(3), 800.40(a), and 800.60(a) have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. and assigned clearance number 1029-0043. The information will be used to determine if reclamation bonds are sufficient to comply with the Act. Response is required to obtain a benefit in accordance with the requirements of 30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 28 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Information Collection Clearance Officer, 1951 Constitution Avenue NW., rm 5415 L, Washington, DC 20240 and the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (1029-0043), Washington, DC 20503.

[56 FR 59994, Nov. 26, 1991, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.11 - Requirement to file a bond.

(a) After a permit application under subchapter G of this chapter has been approved, but before a permit is issued, the applicant shall file with the regulatory authority, on a form prescribed and furnished by the regulatory authority, a bond or bonds for performance made payable to the regulatory authority and conditioned upon the faithful performance of all the requirements of the Act, the regulatory program, the permit, and the reclamation plan.

(b)(1) The bond or bonds shall cover the entire permit area, or an identified increment of land within the permit area upon which the operator will initiate and conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations during the initial term of the permit.

(2) As surface coal mining and reclamation operations on succeeding increments are initiated and conducted within the permit area, the permittee shall file with the regulatory authority an additional bond or bonds to cover such increments in accordance with this section.

(3) The operator shall identify the initial and successive areas or increments for bonding on the permit application map submitted for approval as provided in the application (under parts 780 and 784 of this chapter), and shall specify the bond amount to be provided for each area or increment.

(4) Independent increments shall be of sufficient size and configuration to provide for efficient reclamation operations should reclamation by the regulatory authority become necessary pursuant to § 800.50.

(c) An operator shall not disturb any surface areas, succeeding increments, or extend any underground shafts, tunnels or operations prior to acceptance by the regulatory authority of the required performance bond.

(d) The applicant shall file, with the approval of the regulatory authority, a bond or bonds under one of the following schemes to cover the bond amounts for the permit area as determined in accordance with § 800.14:

(1) A performance bond or bonds for the entire permit area;

(2) A cumulative bond schedule and the performance bond required for full reclamation of the initial area to be disturbed; or

(3) An incremental bond schedule and the performance bond required for the first increment in the schedule.

(e) OSM may approve, as part of a State or Federal program, an alternative bonding system, if it will achieve the following objectives and purposes of the bonding program:

(1) The alternative must assure that the regulatory authority will have available sufficient money to complete the reclamation plan for any areas which may be in default at any time; and

(2) The alternative must provide a substantial economic incentive for the permittee to comply with all reclamation provisions.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.12 - Form of the performance bond.

The regulatory authority shall prescribe the form of the performance bond. The regulatory authority may allow for:

(a) A surety bond;

(b) A collateral bond;

(c) A self-bond; or

(d) A combination of any of these bonding methods.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.13 - Period of liability.

(a)(1) Performance bond liability shall be for the duration of the surface coal mining and reclamation operation and for a period which is coincident with the operator's period of extended responsibility for successful revegetation provided in § 816.116 or § 817.116 of this chapter or until achievement of the reclamation requirements of the Act, regulatory programs, and permit, whichever is later.

(2) With the approval of regulatory authority, a bond may be posted and approved to guarantee specific phases of reclamation within the permit area provided the sum of phase bonds posted equals or exceeds the total amount required under §§ 800.14 and 800.15. The scope of work to be guaranteed and the liability assumed under each phase bond shall be specified in detail.

(b) Isolated and clearly defined portions of the permit area requiring extended liability may be separated from the original area and bonded separately with the approval of the regulatory authority. Such areas shall be limited in extent and not constitute a scattered, intermittent, or checkerboard pattern of failure. Access to the separated areas for remedial work may be included in the area under extended liability if deemed necessary by the regulatory authority.

(c) If the regulatory authority approves a long-term, intensive agricultural postmining land use, in accordance with § 816.133 or § 817.133 of this chapter, the applicable 5 or 10 year period of liability shall commence at the date of initial planting for such long-term agricultural use.

(d)(1) The bond liability of the permittee shall include only those actions which he or she is obligated to take under the permit, including completion of the reclamation plan, so that the land will be capable of supporting the postmining land use approved under § 816.133 or § 817.133 of this chapter.

(2) Implementation of an alternative postmining land use approved under §§ 816.133(c) and 817.133(c) which is beyond the control of the permittee, need not be covered by the bond. Bond liability for prime farmland shall be as specified in § 800.40(c)(2).

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.14 - Determination of bond amount.

(a) The amount of the bond required for each bonded area shall:

(1) Be determined by the regulatory authority;

(2) Depend upon the requirements of the approved permit and reclamation plan;

(3) Reflect the probable difficulty of reclamation, giving consideration to such factors as topography, geology, hydrology, and revegetation potential; and

(4) Be based on, but not limited to, the estimated cost submitted by the permit applicant.

(b) The amount of the bond shall be sufficient to assure the completion of the reclamation plan if the work has to be performed by the regulatory authority in the event of forfeiture, and in no case shall the total bond initially posted for the entire area under one permit be less than $10,000.

(c) An operator's financial responsibility under § 817.121(c) of this chapter for repairing material damage resulting from subsidence may be satisfied by the liability insurance policy required under § 800.60.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.15 - Adjustment of amount.

(a) The amount of the bond or deposit required and the terms of the acceptance of the applicant's bond shall be adjusted by the regulatory authority from time to time as the area requiring bond coverage is increased or decreased or where the cost of future reclamation changes. The regulatory authority may specify periodic times or set a schedule for reevaluating and adjusting the bond amount to fulfill this requirement.

(b) The regulatory authority shall—

(1) Notify the permittee, the surety, and any person with a property interest in collateral who has requested notification under § 800.21(f) of any proposed adjustment to the bond amount; and

(2) Provide the permittee an opportunity for an informal conference on the adjustment.

(c) A permittee may request reduction of the amount of the performance bond upon submission of evidence to the regulatory authority proving that the permittee's method of operation or other circumstances reduces the estimated cost for the regulatory authority to reclaim the bonded area. Bond adjustments which involve undisturbed land or revision of the cost estimate of reclamation are not considered bond release subject to procedures of § 800.40.

(d) In the event that an approved permit is revised in accordance with subchapter G of this chapter, the regulatory authority shall review the bond for adequacy and, if necessary, shall require adjustment of the bond to conform to the permit as revised.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.16 - General terms and conditions of bond.

(a) The performance bond shall be in an amount determined by the regulatory authority as provided in § 800.14.

(b) The performance bond shall be payable to the regulatory authority.

(c) The performance bond shall be conditioned upon faithful performance of all the requirements of the Act, this chapter, the regulatory program, and the approved permit, including completion of the reclamation plan.

(d) The duration of the bond shall be for the time period provided in § 800.13.

(e)(1) The bond shall provide a mechanism for a bank or surety company to give prompt notice to the regulatory authority and the permittee of any action filed alleging the insolvency or bankruptcy of the surety company, the bank, or the permittee, or alleging any violations which would result in suspension or revocation of the surety or bank charter or license to do business.

(2) Upon the incapacity of a bank or surety company by reason of bankruptcy, insolvency, or suspension or revocation of a charter or license, the permittee shall be deemed to be without bond coverage and shall promptly notify the regulatory authority. The regulatory authority, upon notification received through procedures of paragraph (e)(1) of this section or from the permittee, shall, in writing, notify the operator who is without bond coverage and specify a reasonable period, not to exceed 90 days, to replace bond coverage. If an adequate bond is not posted by the end of the period allowed, the operator shall cease coal extraction and shall comply with the provisions of § 816.132 or § 817.132 of this chapter and shall immediately begin to conduct reclamation operations in accordance with the reclamation plan. Mining operations shall not resume until the regulatory authority has determined that an acceptable bond has been posted.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.17 - Bonding requirements for underground coal mines and long-term coal-related surface facilities and structures.

(a) Responsibilities. The regulatory authority shall require bond coverage, in an amount determined under § 800.14, for long-term surface facilities and structures, and for areas disturbed by surface impacts incident to underground mines, for which a permit is required. Specific reclamation techniques required for underground mines and long-term facilities shall be considered in determining the amount of bond to complete the reclamation.

(b) Long-term period of liability. (1) The period of liability for every bond covering long-term surface disturbances shall commence with the issuance of a permit, except that to the extent that such disturbances will occur on a succeeding increment to be bonded, such liability will commence upon the posting of the bond for that increment before the initial surface disturbance of that increment. The liability period shall extend until all reclamation, restoration, and abatement work under the permit has been completed and the bond is released under the provisions of § 800.40, or until the bond has been replaced or extended in accordance with § 800.17(b)(3).

(2) Long-term surface disturbances shall include long-term coal-related surface facilities and structures, and surface impacts incident to underground coal mining, which disturb an area for a period that exceeds 5 years. Long-term surface disturbances include, but are not limited to: surface features of shafts and slope facilities, coal refuse areas, powerlines, bore-holes, ventilation shafts, preparation plants, machine shops, roads, and loading and treatment facilities.

(3) To achieve continuous bond coverage for long-term surface disturbances, the bond shall be conditioned upon extension, replacement, or payment in full, 30 days prior to the expiration of the bond term.

(4) Continuous bond coverage shall apply throughout the period of extended responsibility for successful revegetation and until the provisions of § 800.40 have been met.

(c) Bond forfeiture. The regulatory authority shall take action to forfeit a bond pursuant to this section, if 30 days prior to bond expiration, the operator has not filed: (1) A performance bond for a new term as required for continuous coverage, or (2) a performance bond providing coverage for the period of liability, including the period of extended responsibility for successful revegetation.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.20 - Surety bonds.

(a) A surety bond shall be executed by the operator and a corporate surety licensed to do business in the State where the operation is located.

(b) Surety bonds shall be noncancellable during their terms, except that surety bond coverage for lands not disturbed may be cancelled with the prior consent of the regulatory authority. The regulatory authority shall advise the surety, within 30 days after receipt of a notice to cancel bond, whether the bond may be cancelled on an undisturbed area.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.21 - Collateral bonds.

(a) Collateral bonds, except for letters of credit, cash accounts, and real property, shall be subject to the following conditions:

(1) The regulatory authority shall keep custody of collateral deposited by the applicant until authorized for release or replacement as provided in this subchapter.

(2) The regulatory authority shall value collateral at its current market value, not at face value.

(3) The regulatory authority shall require that certificates of deposit be made payable to or assigned to the regulatory authority, both in writing and upon the records of the bank issuing the certificates. If assigned, the regulatory authority shall require the banks issuing these certificates to waive all rights of setoff or liens against those certificates.

(4) The regulatory authority shall not accept an individual certificate of deposit in an amount in excess of $100,000 or the maximum insurable amount as determined by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation.

(b) Letters of credit shall be subject to the following conditions:

(1) The letter may be issued only by a bank organized or authorized to do business in the United States;

(2) Letters of credit shall be irrevocable during their terms. A letter of credit used as security in areas requiring continuous bond coverage shall be forfeited and shall be collected by the regulatory authority if not replaced by other suitable bond or letter of credit at least 30 days before its expiration date.

(3) The letter of credit shall be payable to the regulatory authority upon demand, in part or in full, upon receipt from the regulatory authority of a notice of forfeiture issued in accordance with § 800.50.

(c) Real property posted as a collateral bond shall meet the following conditions:

(1) The applicant shall grant the regulatory authority a first mortgage, first deed of trust, or perfected first-lien security interest in real property with a right to sell or otherwise dispose of the property in the event of forfeiture under § 800.50.

(2) In order for the regulatory authority to evaluate the adequacy of the real property offered to satisfy collateral requirements, the applicant shall submit a schedule of the real property which shall be mortgaged or pledged to secure the obligations under the indemnity agreement. The list shall include—

(i) A description of the property;

(ii) The fair market value as determined by an independent appraisal conducted by a certified appraiser; and

(iii) Proof of possession and title to the real property.

(3) The property may include land which is part of the permit area; however, land pledged as collateral for a bond under this section shall not be disturbed under any permit while it is serving as security under this section.

(d) Cash accounts shall be subject to the following conditions:

(1) The regulatory authority may authorize the operator to supplement the bond through the establishment of a cash account in one or more federally-insured or equivalently protected accounts made payable upon demand to, or deposited directly with, the regulatory authority. The total bond including the cash account shall not be less than the amount required under terms of performance bonds including any adjustments, less amounts released in accordance with § 800.40.

(2) Any interest paid on a cash account shall be retained in the account and applied to the bond value of the account unless the regulatory authority has approved the payment of interest to the operator.

(3) Certificates of deposit may be substituted for a cash account with the approval of the regulatory authority.

(4) The regulatory authority shall not accept an individual cash account in an amount in excess of $100,000 or the maximum insurable amount as determined by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation.

(e)(1) The estimated bond value of all collateral posted as assurance under this section shall be subject to a margin which is the ratio of bond value to market value, as determined by the regulatory authority. The margin shall reflect legal and liquidation fees, as well as value depreciation, marketability, and fluctuations which might affect the net cash available to the regulatory authority to complete reclamation.

(2) The bond value of collateral may be evaluated at any time but it shall be evaluated as part of permit renewal and, if necessary, the performance bond amount increased or decreased. In no case shall the bond value of collateral exceed the market value.

(f) Persons with an interest in collateral posted as a bond, and who desire notification of actions pursuant to the bond, shall request the notification in writing to the regulatory authority at the time collateral is offered.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.23 - Self-bonding.

(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this section only:

Current assets means cash or other assets or resources which are reasonably expected to be converted to cash or sold or consumed within one year or within the normal operating cycle of the business.

Current liabilities means obligations which are reasonably expected to be paid or liquidated within one year or within the normal operating cycle of the business.

Fixed assets means plants and equipment, but does not include land or coal in place.

Liabilities means obligations to transfer assets or provide services to other entities in the future as a result of past transactions.

Net worth means total assets minus total liabilities and is equivalent to owners' equity.

Parent corporation means a corporation which owns or controls the applicant.

Tangible net worth means net worth minus intangibles such as goodwill and rights to patents or royalties.

(b) The regulatory authority may accept a self-bond from an applicant for a permit if all of the following conditions are met by the applicant or its parent corporation guarantor:

(1) The applicant designates a suitable agent to receive service of process in the State where the proposed surface coal mining operation is to be conducted.

(2) The applicant has been in continuous operation as a business entity for a period of not less than 5 years. Continuous operation shall mean that business was conducted over a period of 5 years immediately preceding the time of application.

(i) The regulatory authority may allow a joint venture or syndicate with less than 5 years of continuous operation to qualify under this requirement, if each member of the joint venture or syndicate has been in continuous operation for at least 5 years immediately preceding the time of application.

(ii) When calculating the period of continuous operation, the regulatory authority may exclude past periods of interruption to the operation of the business entity that were beyond the applicant's control and that do not affect the applicant's likelihood of remaining in business during the proposed surface coal mining and reclamation operations.

(3) The applicant submits financial information in sufficient detail to show that the applicant meets one of the following criteria:

(i) The applicant has a current rating for its most recent bond issuance of “A” or higher as issued by either Moody's Investor Service or Standard and Poor's Corporation;

(ii) The applicant has a tangible net worth of at least $10 million, a ratio of total liabilities to net worth of 2.5 times or less, and a ratio of current assets to current liabilities of 1.2 times or greater; or

(iii) The applicant's fixed assets in the United States total at least $20 million, and the applicant has a ratio of total liabilities to net worth of 2.5 times or less, and a ratio of current assets to current liabilities of 1.2 times or greater.

(4) The applicant submits;

(i) Financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year accompanied by a report prepared by an independent certified public accountant in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and containing the accountant's audit opinion or review opinion of the financial statements with no adverse opinion;

(ii) Unaudited financial statements for completed quarters in the current fiscal year; and

(iii) Additional unaudited information as requested by the regulatory authority.

(c)(1) The regulatory authority may accept a written guarantee for an applicant's self-bond from a parent corporation guarantor, if the guarantor meets the conditions of paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(4) of this section as if it were the applicant. Such a written guarantee shall be referred to as a “corporate guarantee.” The terms of the corporate guarantee shall provide for the following:

(i) If the applicant fails to complete the reclamation plan, the guarantor shall do so or the guarantor shall be liable under the indemnity agreement to provide funds to the regulatory authority sufficient to complete the reclamation plan, but not to exceed the bond amount.

(ii) The corporate guarantee shall remain in force unless the guarantor sends notice of cancellation by certified mail to the applicant and to the regulatory authority at least 90 days in advance of the cancellation date, and the regulatory authority accepts the cancellation.

(iii) The cancellation may be accepted by the regulatory authority if the applicant obtains suitable replacement bond before the cancellation date or if the lands for which the self-bond, or portion thereof, was accepted have not been disturbed.

(2) The regulatory authority may accept a written guarantee for an applicant's self-bond from any corporate guarantor, whenever the applicant meets the conditions of paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2) and (b)(4) of this section, and the guarantor meets the conditions of paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(4) of this section. Such a written guarantee shall be referred to as a “non-parent corporate guarantee.” The terms of this guarantee shall provide for compliance with the conditions of paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (c)(1)(iii) of this section. The regulatory authority may require the applicant to submit any information specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section in order to determine the financial capabilities of the applicant.

(d) For the regulatory authority to accept an applicant's self-bond, the total amount of the outstanding and proposed self-bonds of the applicant for surface coal mining and reclamation operations shall not exceed 25 percent of the applicant's tangible net worth in the United States. For the regulatory authority to accept a corporate guarantee, the total amount of the parent corporation guarantor's present and proposed self-bonds and guaranteed self-bonds for surface coal mining and reclamation operations shall not exceed 25 percent of the guarantor's tangible net worth in the United States. For the regulatory authority to accept a non-parent corporate guarantee, the total amount of the non-parent corporate guarantor's present and proposed self-bonds and guaranteed self-bonds shall not exceed 25 percent of the guarantor's tangible net worth in the United States.

(e) If the regulatory authority accepts an applicant's self-bond, an indemnity agreement shall be submitted subject to the following requirements:

(1) The indemnity agreement shall be executed by all persons and parties who are to be bound by it, including the parent corporation guarantor, and shall bind each jointly and severally.

(2) Corporations applying for a self-bond, and parent and non-parent corporations guaranteeing an applicant's self-bond shall submit an indemnity agreement signed by two corporate officers who are authorized to bind their corporations. A copy of such authorization shall be provided to the regulatory authority along with an affidavit certifying that such an agreement is valid under all applicable Federal and State laws. In addition, the guarantor shall provide a copy of the corporate authorization demonstrating that the corporation may guarantee the self-bond and execute the indemnity agreement.

(3) If the applicant is a partnership, joint venture or syndicate, the agreement shall bind each partner or party who has a beneficial interest, directly or indirectly, in the applicant.

(4) Pursuant to § 800.50, the applicant, parent or non-parent corporate guarantor shall be required to complete the approved reclamation plan for the lands in default or to pay to the regulatory authority an amount necessary to complete the approved reclamation plan, not to exceed the bond amount. If permitted under State law, the indemnity agreement when under forfeiture shall operate as a judgment against those parties liable under the indemnity agreement.

(f) A regulatory authority may require self-bonded applicants, parent and non-parent corporate guarantors to submit an update of the information required under paragraphs (b)(3) and (b)(4) of this section within 90 days after the close of each fiscal year following the issuance of the self-bond or corporate guarantee.

(g) If at any time during the period when a self-bond is posted, the financial conditions of the applicant, parent or non-parent corporate guarantor change so that the criteria of paragraphs (b)(3) and (d) of this section are not satisfied, the permittee shall notify the regulatory authority immediately and shall within 90 days post an alternate form of bond in the same amount as the self-bond. Should the permittee fail to post an adequate substitute bond, the provisions of § 800.16(e) shall apply.

[48 FR 36429, Aug. 10, 1983, as amended at 53 FR 997, Jan. 14, 1988; 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.30 - Replacement of bonds.

(a) The regulatory authority may allow a permittee to replace existing bonds with other bonds that provide equivalent coverage.

(b) The regulatory authority shall not release existing performance bonds until the permittee has submitted, and the regulatory authority has approved, acceptable replacement performance bonds. Replacement of a performance bond pursuant to this section shall not constitute a release of bond under § 800.40.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.40 - Requirement to release performance bonds.

(a) Bond release application. (1) The permittee may file an application with the regulatory authority for the release of all or part of a performance bond. Applications may be filed only at times or during seasons authorized by the regulatory authority in order to properly evaluate the completed reclamation operations. The times or seasons appropriate for the evaluation of certain types of reclamation shall be established in the regulatory program or identified in the mining and reclamation plan required in subchapter G of this chapter and approved by the regulatory authority.

(2) Within 30 days after an application for bond release has been filed with the regulatory authority, the permittee shall submit a copy of an advertisement placed at least once a week for four successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the locality of the surface coal mining operation. The advertisement shall be considered part of any bond release application and shall contain the permittee's name, permit number and approval date, notification of the precise location of the land affected, the number of acres, the type and amount of the bond filed and the portion sought to be released, the type and appropriate dates of reclamation work performed, a description of the results achieved as they relate to the permittee's approved reclamation plan, and the name and address of the regulatory authority to which written comments, objections, or requests for public hearings and informal conferences on the specific bond release may be submitted pursuant to § 800.40 (f) and (h). In addition, as part of any bond release application, the permittee shall submit copies of letters which he or she has sent to adjoining property owners, local governmental bodies, planning agencies, sewage and water treatment authorities, and water companies in the locality in which the surface coal mining and reclamation operation took place, notifying them of the intention to seek release from the bond.

(3) The permittee shall include in the application for bond release a notarized statement which certifies that all applicable reclamation activities have been accomplished in accordance with the requirements of the Act, the regulatory program, and the approved reclamation plan. Such certification shall be submitted for each application or phase of bond release.

(b) Inspection by regulatory authority. (1) Upon receipt of the bond release application, the regulatory authority shall, within 30 days, or as soon thereafter as weather conditions permit, conduct an inspection and evaluation of the reclamation work involved. The evaluation shall consider, among other factors, the degree of difficulty to complete any remaining reclamation, whether pollution of surface and subsurface water is occurring, the probability of future occurrence of such pollution, and the estimated cost of abating such pollution. The surface owner, agent, or lessee shall be given notice of such inspection and may participate with the regulatory authority in making the bond release inspection. The regulatory authority may arrange with the permittee to allow access to the permit area, upon request by any person with an interest in bond release, for the purpose of gathering information relevant to the proceeding.

(2) Within 60 days from the filing of the bond release application, if no public hearing is held pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section, or, within 30 days after a public hearing has been held pursuant to paragraph (f) of this section, the regulatory authority shall notify in writing the permittee, the surety or other persons with an interest in bond collateral who have requested notification under § 800.21(f), and the persons who either filed objections in writing or objectors who were a party to the hearing proceedings, if any, of its decision to release or not to release all or part of the performance bond.

(c) The regulatory authority may release all or part of the bond for the entire permit area or incremental area if the regulatory authority is satisfied that all the reclamation or a phase of the reclamation covered by the bond or portion thereof has been accomplished in accordance with the following schedules for reclamation of Phases I, II, and III:

(1) At the completion of Phase I, after the operator completes the backfilling, regrading (which may include the replacement of topsoil) and drainage control of a bonded area in accordance with the approved reclamation plan, 60 percent of the bond or collateral for the applicable area.

(2) At the completion of Phase II, after revegetation has been established on the regraded mined lands in accordance with the approved reclamation plan, an additional amount of bond. When determining the amount of bond to be released after successful revegetation has been established, the regulatory authority shall retain that amount of bond for the revegetated area which would be sufficient to cover the cost of reestablishing revegetation if completed by a third party and for the period specified for operator responsibility in section 515 of the Act for reestablishing revegetation. No part of the bond or deposit shall be released under this paragraph so long as the lands to which the release would be applicable are contributing suspended solids to streamflow or runoff outside the permit area in excess of the requirements set by section 515(b)(10) of the Act and by subchapter K of this chapter or until soil productivity for prime farmlands has returned to the equivalent levels of yield as nonmined land of the same soil type in the surrounding area under equivalent management practices as determined from the soil survey performed pursuant to section 507(b)(16) of the Act and part 823 of this chapter. Where a silt dam is to be retained as a permanent impoundment pursuant to subchapter K of this chapter, the Phase II portion of the bond may be released under this paragraph so long as provisions for sound future maintenance by the operator or the landowner have been made with the regulatory authority.

(3) At the completion of Phase III, after the operator has completed successfully all surface coal mining and reclamation activities, the release of the remaining portion of the bond, but not before the expiration of the period specified for operator responsibility in § 816.116 or § 817.116 of this chapter. However, no bond shall be fully released under provisions of this section until reclamation requirements of the Act and the permit are fully met.

(d) If the regulatory authority disapproves the application for release of the bond or portion thereof, the regulatory authority shall notify the permittee, the surety, and any person with an interest in collateral as provided for in § 800.21(f), in writing, stating the reasons for disapproval and recommending corrective actions necessary to secure the release and allowing an opportunity for a public hearing.

(e) When any application for total or partial bond release is filed with the regulatory authority, the regulatory authority shall notify the municipality in which the surface coal mining operation is located by certified mail at least 30 days prior to the release of all or a portion of the bond.

(f) Any person with a valid legal interest which might be adversely affected by release of the bond, or the responsible officer or head of any Federal, State, or local governmental agency which has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental, social, or economic impact involved in the operation or which is authorized to develop and enforce environmental standards with respect to such operations, shall have the right to file written objections to the proposed release from bond with the regulatory authority within 30 days after the last publication of the notice required by § 800.40(a)(2). If written objections are filed and a hearing is requested, the regulatory authority shall inform all the interested parties of the time and place of the hearing, and shall hold a public hearing within 30 days after receipt of the request for the hearing. The date, time, and location of the public hearing shall be advertised by the regulatory authority in a newspaper of general circulation in the locality for two consecutive weeks. The public hearing shall be held in the locality of the surface coal mining operation from which bond release is sought, at the location of the regulatory authority office, or at the State capital, at the option of the objector.

(g) For the purpose of the hearing under paragraph (f) of this section, the regulatory authority shall have the authority to administer oaths, subpoena witnesses or written or printed material, compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of materials, and take evidence including, but not limited to, inspection of the land affected and other surface coal mining operations carried on by the applicant in the general vicinity. A verbatim record of each public hearing shall be made, and a transcript shall be made available on the motion of any party or by order of the regulatory authority.

(h) Without prejudice to the right of an objector or the applicant, the regulatory authority may hold an informal conference as provided in section 513(b) of the Act to resolve such written objections. The regulatory authority shall make a record of the informal conference unless waived by all parties, which shall be accessible to all parties. The regulatory authority shall also furnish all parties of the informal conference with a written finding of the regulatory authority based on the informal conference, and the reasons for said finding.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 48 FR 44780, Sept. 30, 1983; 53 FR 998, Jan. 14, 1988; 56 FR 59994, Nov. 26, 1991; 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.50 - Forfeiture of bonds.

(a) If an operator refuses or is unable to conduct reclamation of an unabated violation, if the terms of the permit are not met, or if the operator defaults on the conditions under which the bond was accepted, the regulatory authority shall take the following action to forfeit all or part of a bond or bonds for any permit area or an increment of a permit area:

(1) Send written notification by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the permittee and the surety on the bond, if any, informing them of the determination to forfeit all or part of the bond, including the reasons for the forfeiture and the amount to be forfeited. The amount shall be based on the estimated total cost of achieving the reclamation plan requirements.

(2) Advise the permittee and surety, if applicable, of the conditions under which forfeiture may be avoided. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to—

(i) Agreement by the permittee or another party to perform reclamation operations in accordance with a compliance schedule which meets the conditions of the permit, the reclamation plan, and the regulatory program and a demonstration that such party has the ability to satisfy the conditions; or

(ii) The regulatory authority may allow a surety to complete the reclamation plan, or the portion of the reclamation plan applicable to the bonded phase or increment, if the surety can demonstrate an ability to complete the reclamation in accordance with the approved reclamation plan. Except where the regulatory authority may approve partial release authorized under § 800.40, no surety liability shall be released until successful completion of all reclamation under the terms of the permit, including applicable liability periods of § 800.13.

(b) In the event forfeiture of the bond is required by this section, the regulatory authority shall—

(1) Proceed to collect the forfeited amount as provided by applicable laws for the collection of defaulted bonds or other debts if actions to avoid forfeiture have not been taken, or if rights of appeal, if any, have not been exercised within a time established by the regulatory authority, or if such appeal, if taken, is unsuccessful.

(2) Use funds collected from bond forfeiture to complete the reclamation plan, or portion thereof, on the permit area or increment, to which bond coverage applies.

(c) Upon default, the regulatory authority may cause the forfeiture of any and all bonds deposited to complete reclamation for which the bonds were posted. Unless specifically limited, as provided in § 800.11(b), bond liability shall extend to the entire permit area under conditions of forfeiture.

(d)(1) In the event the estimated amount forfeited is insufficient to pay for the full cost of reclamation, the operator shall be liable for remaining costs. The regulatory authority may complete, or authorize completion of, reclamation of the bonded area and may recover from the operator all costs of reclamation in excess of the amount forfeited.

(2) In the event the amount of performance bond forfeited was more than the amount necessary to complete reclamation, the unused funds shall be returned by the regulatory authority to the party from whom they were collected.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 48 FR 44780, Sept. 30, 1983; 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.60 - Terms and conditions for liability insurance.

(a) The regulatory authority shall require the applicant to submit as part of its permit application a certificate issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the United States certifying that the applicant has a public liability insurance policy in force for the surface coal mining and reclamation operations for which the permit is sought. Such policy shall provide for personal injury and property damage protection in an amount adequate to compensate any persons injured or property damaged as a result of the surface coal mining and reclamation operations, including the use of explosives, and who are entitled to compensation under the applicable provisions of State law. Minimum insurance coverage for bodily injury and property damage shall be $300,000 for each occurrence and $500,000 aggregate.

(b) The policy shall be maintained in full force during the life of the permit or any renewal thereof and the liability period necessary to complete all reclamation operations under this Chapter.

(c) The policy shall include a rider requiring that the insurer notify the regulatory authority whenever substantive changes are made in the policy including any termination or failure to renew.

(d) The regulatory authority may accept from the applicant, in lieu of a certificate for a public liability insurance policy, satisfactory evidence from the applicant that it satisfies applicable State self-insurance requirements approved as part of the regulatory program and the requirements of this section.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 54 FR 13823, Apr. 5, 1989; 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
§ 800.70 - Bonding for anthracite operations in Pennsylvania.

(a) All of the provisions of this subchapter shall apply to bonding and insuring anthracite surface coal mining and reclamation operations in Pennsylvania except that—

(1) Specified bond limits shall be determined by the regulatory authority in accordance with applicable provisions of Pennsylvania statutes, rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and implementing policies of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.

(2) The period of liability for responsibility under each bond shall be established for those operations in accordance with applicable laws of the State of Pennsylvania, rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and implementing policies of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.

(b) Upon amendment of the Pennsylvania permanent regulatory program with respect to specified bond limits and period of revegetation responsibility for anthracite surface coal mining and reclamation operations, any person engaging in or seeking to engage in those operations shall comply with additional regulations the Secretary may issue as are necessary to meet the purposes of the Act.

[48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 93381, Dec. 20, 2016; 82 FR 54972, Nov. 17, 2017]
authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201
source: 48 FR 32959, July 19, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 800.4