Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 880.1 - Scope.
Projects for the control or extinguishment of outcrop or underground fires in coal formations under the authority of the Act of August 31, 1954 (30 U.S.C. 551-558); section 205(a)(2) of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 (Pub. L. 89-4, 79 Stat. 5), and the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-486).
[59 FR 52377, Oct. 17, 1994]
§ 880.5 - Definitions.
As used in the regulations in this part and in cooperative agreements, entered into pursuant to the regulations in this part:
(a) Government means the United States of America;
(b) Commission means the Appalachian Regional Development Commission established by section 101 of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965;
(c) Local authorities means the State or local governmental bodies organized and existing under the authority of State laws, including, but not limited to, a county, city, township, town, or borough;
(d) Approved abandoned mine reclamation program means a program meeting the requirements defined in section 405 of PL 95-87, as amended;
(e) Operating coal mine means a coal mine for which the regulatory authority has not terminated its jurisdiction as set out under 30 CFR 700.11(d)(1);
(f) Inactive coal mine means a coal mine for which the regulatory authority has terminated its jurisdiction as set out under 30 CFR 700.11(d)(1);
(g) Project means a project whose purpose is to control or extinguish fires in coal formations.
(h) Reclamation plan or State reclamation plan means a plan that a State or Indian tribe submitted and that we approved under section 405 of SMCRA and part 884 of this chapter.
[48 FR 37378, Aug. 18, 1983. Redesignated and amended at 59 FR 52377, Oct. 17, 1994; 73 FR 67642, Nov. 14, 2008]
§ 880.11 - Qualifications of projects.
The purpose of all projects is to prevent injury and loss of life, protect public health, conserve natural resources, or protect public and private property. Federal funds cannot be used to fund projects in privately owned operating coal mines. Further, any such cooperative agreement that is entered into under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 with an AML State eligible to receive funds from the Appalachian Regional Development Commission is not subject to review by that Commission.
[59 FR 52377, Oct. 17, 1994]
§ 880.12 - Cooperative agreements.
(a) OSM shall, upon application by a State or Indian tribe with an approved abandoned mine reclamation program, enter into a cooperative agreement with the State or Indian tribe to control or extinguish fires in coal formations.
(b) OSM may conduct coal formation fire control projects in States not having an approved abandoned mine reclamation program or on Indian lands if the tribe does not have an approved abandoned mine reclamation program. However, upon application by such a State or Indian tribe, OSM may enter into a cooperative agreement with the State or Indian tribe and the local authorities to control or extinguish fires in coal formations. OSM shall require in connection with any project for the control or extinguishment of fires in any inactive coal mine on lands not owned or controlled by the United States or any of its agencies, except where such project is necessary for the protection of lands or other property owned or controlled by the United States or any of its agencies in such a State that: (1) the State or the person owning or controlling such lands contribute on a matching basis 50 percent of the cost of planning and executing such project, or (2) if such State or person furnishes evidence satisfactory to the Secretary of an inability to make the immediately matching contribution herein provided for, that such State or person pay the Government, within such time as the Secretary shall determine, an amount equal to 50 percent of the cost of planning and executing such project. If the project is funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Federal share shall not exceed 75 percent of the cost of the project.
(c) OSM is authorized to conduct fire control projects on lands owned or controlled by the United States. However, upon application by another Federal agency having jurisdiction for lands owned or controlled by the United States, or a State or Indian tribe having an approved abandoned mine reclamation program and agreements with Federal agencies to conduct such projects on Federal lands within its boundaries, OSM may enter into an agreement with either the other Federal agency or State or Indian tribe to control or extinguish fires in coal formations. There are no cost sharing requirements for this type of project.
[59 FR 52378, Oct. 17, 1994]
§ 880.13 - Project implementation.
(a) Under cooperative agreements with States or Indian tribes having an approved AML reclamation plan:
(1) States or Indian tribes will design, plan, and engineer a method of operation for control or extinguishment of the outcrop or underground mine fire, and will execute the project through a project contract, or, if the work is to be done in phases, a series of project contracts.
(2) If OSM assistance is required, OSM will be reimbursed by the State or Indian tribe for all costs incurred, including OSM employees' time.
(b) In States and on Indian lands under the jurisdiction of tribes not having approved AML reclamation plans and on Federal lands, OSM has the authority to design, plan, and engineer a method of operation for control or extinguishment of the outcrop or underground mine fire, and will execute the project through a project contract, or, if the work is to be done in phases, a series of project contracts. OSM, may, at its discretion, delegate authority to perform this work to States or Indian tribes or other Federal agencies.
[59 FR 52378, Oct. 17, 1994]
§ 880.14 - Administration of contributions.
Financial contributions made by a State or Indian tribe, local authorities, or another Federal agency will be deposited in a trust fund in the Treasury of the United States. These contributions can be withdrawn by OSM and expended by the organization executing the project (OSM, a State, Indian tribe, or another Federal agency) pursuant to the cooperative agreement as necessary in performance of the project work. Withdrawals and expenditures from the trust fund will be made only for costs connected with the project. Any part of the money contributed by a State, Indian tribe, local authority, or another Federal agency for an individual project that remains unexpended upon the completion or termination of project will be returned to the State, Indian tribe, local authority, or other Federal agency.
[59 FR 52378, Oct. 17, 1994]
§ 880.15 - Assistance by States or Indian tribes, local authorities, and private parties.
States Indian tribes, local authorities, or private parties, as may be appropriate in each particular project, and without cost or charge to project costs may:
(a) Provide assistance in planning and engineering the project, as requested by the organization executing the project;
(b) Furnish best available information, data, and maps on the location of the project and the location of water, sewer, and power lines within the project area, and maps or plats showing properties and lands on which releases, consents, or rights or interests in lands have been obtained;
(c) Obtain and deliver to OSM releases, proper consent or the necessary rights or interests in lands, and other documents required by OSM for approval of the project, and in form and substance satisfactory to OSM;
(d) Furnish a certification in form and substance satisfactory to OSM that the releases, consents, or the necessary rights or interests in lands, are from all the legal property owners within the project area;
(e) Agree to indemnify and hold the Government harmless should any property owner within the project area make any claim for damage resulting from the work within the project area if releases, consents or rights or interests were not obtained from such property owner by the State or local authorities;
(f) Grant to the Government the right to enter upon streets, roads, and other land owned or controlled by the State or the local authorities overlying or adjacent to the project fire area, and to conduct thereon the operations referred to in the cooperative agreement and project contract, and agree to hold the Government harmless from any claim for damage arising out of the project operations to property owned, possessed or controlled by the State or local authorities in the vicinity of the project area;
(g) Furnish noncombustible materials suitable for implementing the planned fire control work. This material may be waste or borrow material obtained at the site or brought in from off-site.
(h) Maintain and perform maintenance work on the project as may be provided in the cooperative agreement;
(i) Agree not to mine or permit mining of coal or other minerals on property owned or controlled by the State or local authorities, if required by OSM, to assure the success of, or protection to, the project work and the control or extinguishment of the fire, and for such period of time as may be required by OSM; and
(j) If necessary, procure the enactment of State or local laws providing for the control and extinguishment of outcrop and underground fires in coal formations on State or privately owned lands and the cooperation of the State or local authorities in the work and the requisite authority to permit the States or local authorities to meet the obligations imposed by the regulations in this part of a cooperative agreement.
[51 FR 5493, Feb. 13, 1986. Redesignated at 59 FR 52377, Oct. 17, 1994, and amended at 59 FR 52378, Oct. 17, 1994]
§ 880.16 - Civil rights.
State and local authorities shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L. 88-352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the Department of the Interior entitled “Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted Programs of the Department of the Interior-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964” (43 CFR part 17) and shall give assurances of compliance in such form as may be required by the Director.
[48 FR 37378, Aug. 18, 1983. Redesignated at 59 FR 52378, Oct. 17, 1994]
source: 48 FR 37378, Aug. 18, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 880.13