Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 900.1 - Scope.

This part sets forth the purpose and organization of parts 901-955 of this subchapter.

[51 FR 19461, May 29, 1986]
§ 900.2 - Objectives.

The objective of this part is to provide an introduction to the synopsis of the approved State programs, the Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation programs, the cross referencing provisions of Federal programs and the full texts of State and Federal cooperative agreements for regulation of mining on Federal lands. The introduction explains the content and authority of the permanent regulatory programs.

§ 900.4 - Responsibilities.

(a) Each State that has surface coal mining and reclamation operations or coal exploration activities on non-Federal, non-Indian lands must have either an approved State program or a promulgated Federal program as required by Title V of the Act and 30 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C. Approval of a State program and promulgation of a Federal program are described in the paragraphs below.

(b) Under section 503 of the Act and 30 CFR parts 730, 731 and 732 a State in which there are coal exploration activities or surface mining and reclamation operations must submit a State program to the Secretary for approval if it wishes to assume exclusive regulatory jurisdiction on non-Federal and non-Indian lands within its borders. The State programs must meet the requirements of the Act and 30 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C.

(c) Pursuant to section 504 of SMCRA and 30 CFR 736.11, OSM must promulgate and implement a Federal program in each State in which the Director reasonably expects coal exploration or surface coal mining and reclamation operations to exist on non-Federal and non-Indian lands at any time before June, 1985, and either: (1) The State does not submit a State program, (2) the Secretary of the Interior finally disapproves the program submitted by the State, or (3) the Secretary of the Interior withdraws approval of the State program.

(d) Under section 405 of SMCRA and 30 CFR part 884, each State having within its borders coal mined lands eligible for reclamation under Title IV of SMCRA, may submit to the Secretary a State Reclamation Plan, demonstrating its capability for administering an abandoned mine reclamation program. Title IV provides that the Secretary may approve the plan once the State has an approved regulatory program under Title V of SMCRA. If the Secretary determines that a State has developed and submitted a program for reclamation and has the necessary State legislation to implement the provisions of Title IV, the Secretary shall grant the State exclusive responsibility and authority to implement the provisions of the approved plan. Section 405 of SMCRA (30 U.S.C. 1235) contains the requirements for State reclamation plans.

(e) States with approved programs may enter into cooperative agreements with OSM in order to become the regulatory authority for coal mining on Federal lands, in accordance with 30 CFR chapter VII, subchapter D.

§ 900.11 - Organization of this subchapter.

Parts 901 through 950 are reserved for each State alphabetically. The program applicable within each State is codified in the part for that State. In addition, part 955 establishes rules pursuant to part 850 of this chapter for the training, examination and certification of blasters by OSM for surface coal mining operations in States with Federal programs and on Indian lands.

[51 FR 19461, May 29, 1986]
§ 900.12 - State regulatory programs.

(a) Upon approval of a State regulatory program the Secretary will publish a final rule to be codified under the applicable part number assigned to the State. The full text will not appear below. Notification of the approval of the program and the dates on which any amendments were submitted will appear. Also included below are the addresses of OSM Headquarters, field and State Regulatory Authority offices where copies of the State programs are available for inspection and copying.

(b) Provisions of approved State regulatory programs or permits issued pursuant to an approved State regulatory program may be enforced by the Secretary or his authorized agents pursuant to sections 504(b) and 521 of the Act and part 842 of this chapter.

§ 900.13 - Federal programs and Federal coal exploration programs.

The rules for each Federal program and Federal coal exploration program are codified below under the assigned part for the particular State. Rules governing the training, examination and certification of blasters for surface coal mining operations in States with Federal programs are codified in part 955, and referenced by each Federal program.

[51 FR 19461, May 29, 1986]
§ 900.14 - Abandoned mine land programs.

Programs for reclamation of abandoned mine lands are codified under the applicable part for the State. The date of submittal and approval and the addresses at which copies of the program are available appear below in the applicable part for each State.

§ 900.15 - Federal lands program cooperative agreements.

The full text of any State and Federal cooperative agreement for the regulation of coal exploration and mining on Federal lands is published below under the applicable part. In addition, those requirements of a State program which are applicable on Federal lands in the State shall be specified.

authority: Secs. 102, 201, 405, 503, 504, 505 and 523 of Pub. L. 95-87 (30 U.S.C. 1202,1211,1235,1253,1254,and
source: 48 FR 6334, Feb. 11, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 900.2