Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 915.1 - Scope.

This part contains all rules applicable only within Iowa which have been adopted under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.

[46 FR 5891, Jan. 21, 1981]
§ 915.10 - State regulatory program approval.

The Secretary approved the Iowa regulatory program, as submitted February 28, 1980, and amended and clarified on June 11, 1980, and December 15, 1980, effective April 10, 1981. Copies of the approved program are available at:

(a) Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Division of Soil Conservation, Henry A. Wallace Building, E. 9th and Grand Streets, Des Moines, IA 50319.

(b) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Mid-Continent Regional Coordinating Center, Alton Federal Building, 501 Belle Street, Alton, IL 62002.

[64 FR 20166, Apr. 26, 1999]
§ 915.15 - Approval of Iowa regulatory program amendments.

The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.

Original amendment submission date Date of final publication Citation/description
October 1, 1981May 26, 1982IAC 780-4.6(8), 4.35(13).
June 3, 1982September 8, 1982IC 83-14.2, .7(a).
September 28, 1982January 4, 1983IAC 4.311(2); 4.322(13); 4.522(11); 4.523(15), (38), (60); 4.55(1), (5).
May 9, 1984December 7, 1984IAC 4.523(63), 4.322(14).
January 31, 1985May 24, 1985IAC 780-4.6(83), .42(1)(83).
July 25 and 26, 1985May 9, 1986IAC 780-4.6(1), (4), .35(1), (6), .37(2), .321(8), .361(9); and 780-Chapter 26.
June 16, 1986October 7, 1986Iowa Senate File 2175: State Government Reorganization Bill.
August 12, 1986December 11, 1986IAC 4.522(15)c, g.
April 28, 1987October 7, 1987I.C. 83.7.
June 9, 1988.December 9, 1988I.C. 83.26.
December 26, 1990November 6, 1991IAC 27-40.1 through .7, .11, .12, .13, .21, .22, .23, .30 through .39, .41, .51, .61 through .68, .71 through .74, .81, .82, .91 through .99.
November 23, 1992February 8, 1994IAC 27-40.1, .3 through .7, .11, .12, .13, .21, .22, .23, .30 through .39, .41, .51, .61 through .68, .71, .73, .74, .75, .81, .82, .92.
April 13, 1994April 6, 1995IAC 27-40.3(207), .4(9), .31(14), .32(207), .51(7), .63(20), .74(3), .75(2).
December 4, 1996April 7, 1997IAC 40.4(10); .38 (2) and (3); 64 (6) through (9).
September 28, 1998November 26, 1999Revegetation Success Guidelines dated April 1999 (partial approval).
August 17, 2001December 27, 2001Sections III.H, IV.E, and V.A.2(l) of Iowa's April 1999 Revegetation Success Standards and Statistically Valid Sampling Techniques.
June 14, 2002November 6, 2002IAC 27-40.71(207).
February 24, 2004June 1, 2004IAC 27—40.1(1), 40.1(4); 40.3(207); 40.4(207), 40.4(2), 40.4(3), 40.4(9), 40.4(11); 40.5(207); 40.6(207), 40.6(2); 40.7(207); 40.11(207); 40.12(207); 40.13(207); 40.21(207), 40.21(4) through 40.21(6); 40.22(207), 40.22(2); 40.23(207); 40.30(207), 40.30(1), 40.30(4); 40.31(207), 40.31(1) through 40.31(9), 40.31(12) through 40.31(15); 40.32(207), 40.32(1), 40.32(2), 40.32(4); 40.33(207); 40.34(207), 40.34(2), 40.34(3); 40.35(207), 40.35(3); 40.36(207); 40.37(207), 40.37(4); 40.38(207), 40.38(2), 40.38(3); 40.39(207); 40.41(207); 40.51(207); 40.61(207), 40.61(4); 40.62(207); 40.63(207), 40.63(6), 40.63(9); 40.64(207), 40.64(4), 40.64(6); 49.65(207); 40.66(207); 40.67(207); 40.71(207); 40.73(2)g, 40.73(4)d; 40.74(207), 40.74(9); 40.75(207), 40.75(2); 40.81(207); 40.82(207); 40.92(8).
December 27, 2004May 3, 2005Section III.F and Section IV.A and G of Iowa's April 1999 Revegetation Success Standards and Statistically Valid Sampling Techniques.
August 19, 2005January 31, 2006IAC 27C40.41(3) and 40.41(4).
August 25, 2011May 2, 2012Sections: IAC 27-40.1(17A, 207)(1); 40.3(207); 40.4(207); 40.5(207); 40.6(207); 40.7(207); 40.11(207); 40.12(207); 40.13(207); 40.21(207)(3) and (7); 40.22(207)(1); 40.23(207); 40.30(207); 40.31(207) (9), (10), and (11); 40.32(207)(7); 40.33(207); 40.34(207); 40.35(207); 40.36(207)(2); 40.37(207); 40.38(207)(6); 40.39(207)(2) and (3); 40.41(207); 40.51(207); 40.61(207); 40.62(207); 40.63(207); 40.64(207); 40.65(207); 40.66(207); 40.67(207); 40.71(207); 40.74(207); 40.75(207); 40.81(207); 40.82(207); 40.91(17A, 207); 40.92(17A, 207)(8); 40.93(17A, 207); 40.94(17A, 207); 40.95(17A, 207); 40.96(17A, 207); 40.97(17A, 207); 40.98(17A, 207); and 40.99(17A, 207).
[62 FR 9940, Mar. 5, 1997, as amended at 62 FR 16492, Apr. 7, 1997; 64 FR 66390, Nov. 26, 1999; 66 FR 66747, Dec. 27, 2001; 67 FR 67524, Nov. 6, 2002; 69 FR 30825, June 1, 2004; 70 FR 22794, May 3, 2005; 71 FR 5007, Jan. 31, 2006; 77 FR 25871, May 2, 2012]
§ 915.16 - Required program amendments. [Reserved]
§ 915.20 - Approval of Iowa abandoned mine land reclamation plan.

The Secretary approved the Iowa abandoned mine land reclamation plan, as submitted on December 17, 1982, effective March 28, 1983. Copies of the approved plan are available at:

(a) Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Division of Soil Conservation, Henry A. Wallace Building, E. 9th and Grand Streets, Des Moines, IA 50319.

(b) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Mid-Continent Regional Coordinating Center, Alton Federal Building, 501 Belle Street, Alton, IL 62002.

[64 FR 20167, Apr. 26, 1999]
§ 915.25 - Approval of Iowa abandoned mine land reclamation plan amendments.

The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all or portions of these amendments were published in the Federal Register, and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in the order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.

Original amendment submission date Date of final publication Citation/description
June 14, 2002December 5, 2002Emergency response reclamation program; AMLR Plan sections I. through IV., V.B. and C.; Iowa Code (IC) 207.21 subsection 2.a.(2) through 2.b. and subsection 3.d.; 207.23; and 207.29.
[67 FR 72379, Dec. 5, 2002]
authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201
cite as: 30 CFR 915.25