Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 924.1 - Scope.

This part contains all rules applicable only within the State of Mississippi which have been adopted under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.

[45 FR 58525, Sept. 4, 1980]
§ 924.10 - State program approval.

(a) The Mississippi State program, as submitted on August 2, 1979, and resubmitted on May 27, 1980, is approved, effective September 4, 1980. Copies of the approved program are available at:

(1) Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Geology, Southport Center, 2380 Highway 80 West, Jackson, Mississippi 39289-1307. Telephone (601) 961-5530.

(2) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Birmingham Field Office, 135 Gemini Circle, Birmingham, Alabama 34209. Telephone (205) 290-7282.

(b) [Reserved]

[45 FR 58525, Sept. 4, 1980, as amended at 59 FR 17930, Apr. 15, 1994; 63 FR 43320, Aug. 13, 1998]
§ 924.15 - Approval of Mississippi regulatory program amendments.

The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.

Original amendment submission date Date of final publication Citation/description
May 6, 1997January 9, 1998MSCMRL 53-9-3; 5; 7; 9; 11; 13; 15; 17; 19; 21; 23; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29; 31; 32; 33; 35; 37; 39; 41; 43; 45; 47; 49; 51; 53; 55; 57; 59; 61; 63; 65; 67; 69; 71; 73; 75; 77; 79; 81; 83; 85; 87; 89; 91.
March 26, 1998June 25, 1998MSCMRL 53-9-26; 45(4)(b); 69(1)(c)(i) and (4); 77(5).
March 26, 1998August 13, 1998Subpart I, Chapters 1 through 7; subpartII, Chapters 9 through 15; subpartIII, Chapters 17 through 37; subpartIV, Chapters 39 through 47; subpartV, Chapters 49 through 71; Policy Statement No. PS-1.
July 1, 1999October 26, 1999Sections 105; 407; 413; 1105 (c)-(d); 2103; 2105; 2313; 3113; 3119; 3121; 3301(b); 3509; 3713; 4301; 4303(g)(6); 4501(c); 4701(a); 5333(b)(3)(A); 5349; 5359; 5377; 5391; 5393; 53111; 5703; 5903; 6501(c)(4); 6511 (a), (l)(1), & (n)(9).
September 28, 2001December 3, 2002Sections 105; 1103; 1105; 1106; 1107(a), (b), (f), and (h); 2103(b)(14), (c), (d), (e), and (f); 3114; 53103(a) and (b); 53111(a)(4) and (5); 6511(c); and appendix A: Revegetation Success Guidelines
April 5, 2006December 10, 2008MSCMR 53-9-71(4) Sections: 105, 1101, and 1105.
July 26, 2012October 29, 2013MSCMR Sections: 105; 1106; 2305; 2902; 3102; 3112; 3113; 3115(m), (n) and (o); 3127; 3128; 3129; 3130; 3131; 3133; 3135; 3136; 3137; 3138; 3139; 5396; 7301; 7303; 7305; and 7307.
[63 FR 1361, Jan. 9, 1998, as amended at 63 FR 34599, June 25, 1998; 63 FR 43320, Aug. 13, 1998; 64 FR 57570, Oct. 26, 1999; 67 FR 71831, Dec. 3, 2002; 73 FR 74945, Dec. 10, 2008; 78 FR 64401, Oct. 29, 2013]
§ 924.16 - Required program amendments.

Pursuant to 30 CFR 732.17(f)(1), Mississippi is required to submit to OSM by the specified date the following written, proposed program amendments, or a description of the amendments to be proposed, that meet the requirements of SMCRA and 30 CFR chapter VII and a timetable for enactment that is consistent with Mississippi's established administrative or legislative procedures.

(a)-(n) [Reserved]

[63 FR 1362, Jan. 9, 1998, as amended at 63 FR 34599, June 25, 1998; 63 FR 43321, Aug. 13, 1998; 64 FR 57571, Oct. 26, 1999; 67 FR 71832, Dec. 3, 2002]
§ 924.17 - State regulatory program provisions and amendments not approved.

The proposed language in section 53-9-55(3), as submitted by Mississippi on May 6, 1997, that allows the commission to promulgate regulations regarding a waiver from the requirement to post a penalty payment bond upon a showing by the operator of an inability to post the bond is disapproved.

[63 FR 1362, Jan. 9, 1998]
§ 924.20 - Approval of Mississippi abandoned mine land reclamation plans.

The Mississippi abandoned mine land reclamation plan as submitted on April 5, 2006, and June 11, 2007, and as revised is approved. Copies of the approved plan are available at:

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Birmingham Field Office, 135 Gemini Circle, Suite 215, Homewood, Alabama 35209 Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Geology, 2380 Highway 80 West, Jackson, Mississippi 39289-1307 [72 FR 54832, Sept. 27, 2007]
§ 924.25 - Approval of Mississippi abandoned mine land reclamation plan amendments.

The following is a list of the dates on which the State of Mississippi submitted amendments to OSMRE, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register, and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.

Original amendment submission date Date of final publication Citation/description
August 11, 2014March 30, 2015Certification that the State has reclaimed all lands adversely impacted by past coal mining.
[80 FR 16563, Mar. 30, 2015]
authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201
cite as: 30 CFR 924.16