Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 925.1 - Scope.

This part contains all rules applicable only within Missouri that have been adopted under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.

[45 FR 77027, Nov. 21, 1980]
§ 925.10 - State regulatory program approval.

The Secretary approved the Missouri regulatory program, as submitted on February 1, 1980, and amended and clarified on May 14, 1980, effective November 21, 1980. He fully approved the Missouri program, as amended on September 7, 1982, and October 13, 1982, effective January 17, 1983. Copies of the approved program are available at:

(a) Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Land Reclamation Program, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102.

(b) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Mid-Continent Regional Coordinating Center, Alton Federal Building, 501 Belle Street, Alton, IL 62002.

[64 FR 20167, Apr. 26, 1999]
§ 925.12 - State program provisions and amendments disapproved.

(a) The amendment at 10 CSR 40-4.030(4)(A), submitted on December 14 and 18, 1987, is disapproved insofar as it would exempt from prime farmland performance standards coal preparation plants, support facilities, and roads associated with surface coal mining activities.

(b) The amendment at 10 CSR 40-4.030(4)(B), submitted on December 14 and 18, 1987, is disapproved insofar as it would exempt from prime farmland performance standards water bodies as a postmining land use.

(c) The definitions of “coal processing plant” and “coal preparation plant” at 10 CSR 40-8.010(1)(A)18, submitted on December 14 and 18, 1987, are disapproved insofar as they exempt from regulation certain facilities where coal is subjected to chemical or physical processing or cleaning, concentrating, or other processing or preparation, if they do not separate coal from its impurities.

(d) The amendments at 10 CSR 40-3.040(10)(O)3.C and 40-3.200(10)(O)3.C, submitted on October 5, 2000, concerning temporary impoundment design are disapproved effective May 9, 2001.

(e) The amendment at 10 CSR 40-3.240, submitted on October 5, 2000, concerning air resource protection is disapproved effective May 9, 2001, to the extent that it is missing pertinent requirements relating to control of erosion and air pollution.

(f) The amendment at 10 CSR 40-8.070(2)(C)1.A(II)(a), submitted on October 5, 2000, concerning the definition of cumulative measurement period is disapproved effective May 9, 2001, to the extent that it uses October 1, 1990, for determining the end of the period for which cumulative production and revenue is reported.

[53 FR 43869, Oct. 31, 1988, as amended at 66 FR 23604, May 9, 2001]
§ 925.15 - Approval of Missouri regulatory program amendments.

The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.

Original amendment submission date Date of final publication Citation/description
December 3, 1980, March 12, 1981July 23, 198210 CSR 40-2.080; 40-3.050; 40-3.100(4)(B); 40-6.010(6), .070, .090(3), (4)(C); 40-7.030(1)(E), .040(2)(C); 40-8.030(5) through (13)(A).
September 7, 1982, October 13, 1982January 17, 198310 CSR 40-8.030(6)(B)1, (C), (7)(A), (D), (8)(A)1, (E), (9)(A)2, (B), (10)(A), (13)(B), .050(8), .060.
April 13, 1983May 8, 1984RSMo 444: .805, .830, .950, .955, .960, .965, .970; 10 CSR 40-3.120, .270; 40-4.030; 40-7.010, .011, .020, .021, .030, .031, .040, .041, .050; 40-8.030.
March 13, 1986January 7, 198710 CSR 40-2.090(6); 40-7.031(3)(B); 40-8.030(1), (6), (7), (17), .040(3), (7), (8).
February 4, 1987February 26, 198810 CSR 40-2.090(5); 40-3.040(2), (6), (17), .110(1), .120(7), .200(2), (16), .270(7); 40-7.011(2), (3), .021(2), .031, .041(1), (2), (3); 40-8.030(6), (18); RSMo 444: .950, .960, .965.
June 22, 1987June 16, 198810 CSR 40-3.010(6), .050, .110(6), .120(8)(A), (D), .170, .210; 40-6.010(3)(C), (5)(C), .030(2)(C), .050(4), .070(2)(C), (6), (7), (8), .090(4), (6), (9), (10), (11), .100(2)(C); 40-8.040(3).
December 14 and 18, 1987October 31, 198810 CSR 40-2.090(6)(B); 40-3.050(1)(E), .210(1)(E); 40-4.010, .030(4)(C), (5), (6), (7)(A), (B)(1) through (8); 40-6.010(6)(A), .020, .040(16), .060(1)(E), (G), (J), (K), (4)(B), (C), (D), .110(16); 40-7.021(4)(B); 40-8.010(1)(A)5, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 25, 47, 48, 92, .030(3)(B), .050, .070(2); RSMo 444.730, .800, .805, .950.
August 3, 1988December 11, 198910 CSR 40-3.050(1)(C), (D), (2)(F), (3)(B), (5)(B), (D), .210(1)(C), (D), (2)(F), (5)(B), (D), .160; 40-4.030(4), (7)(B)6; 40-6.070(8)(J), (K), (L), (N), (O).
July 8, 1988January 8, 199010 CSR 40-3.200(2)(B); RSMo 444.535.7(2), .815.6(2).
March 18, 1988June 5, 199010 CSR 40-3.100(2), .120(1), (6)(A), (6)(B)3, (7)(C)2, .250(1)(B), .270(1), (6)(A), (B)3, (7)(C)2; 40-6.040(3)(B), (11)(B), (C), (D), .050(7)(B), (C), (14)(B), .070(8)(E), .110(3)(B), (11)(B), (C), (D), .120(8)(B), (12)(B), (C), .040(8)(B), (C).
June 5, 1989July 6, 199010 CSR 40-6.040(5)(A), (B)1, .050(5)(C), (9)(A) through (E); .060(4)(A), .070(12)(D), .110(11)(B), .120(2)(B)3, (5)(A), (C), (D), (E), (11)(A), (14)(C); 40-8.040(8)(K).
July 21, 1989October 30, 199010 CSR 40-4.080(1), (2); 40-6.040(11)(E)2, 3, .050(5)(C), .060(2)(B), (C), .070(7)(A)3, 8(M), .120(11); 40-8.010(1)(A)5, 18, .045; 40-060(8)(B).
January 12, 1989January 3, 199110 CSR 40-3.040(1)(B), (3)(G), (4)(B)3, (6)(B), (H), (7)(A), (B), (10)(A), (E), (G), (J), (13)(A)1, (B)1.C, .060(1)(B), (F), (H), (K), .080(1)(C), (2)(A), (4)(A), (D)3, (10)(B), (11)(D), .100(2), .110(6), .120(6)(A), (B)2.A through F, (8)(D), .200(1)(B), (3)(H), (4)(B)3, (6)(B), (H), (7)(A), (B), (10)(A), (E), (G), (J), (12)(A)1, (B)1.C, .220(1)(B), (F), (H), (K), .230(1)(C), (2)(A), (4)(A), (D)3, (10)(B), (11)(D), .270(6)(A), (B)2.A through F, .280(1)(C); 40-5.010(2)(C), (E), (3)(B)2, .020(4)(B)1, 2, 4, 5, 6, (C)1, 3, 4, 5; 40-6.060(4)(A)3; 40-8.010(1)(A)59, 79.
July 8, 1988, January 12, 1988May 8, 1991RSMo 444.805(8), (16), .950.1, .2, .3, .4, .960.1, .965.2, .4; 10 CSR 40-7.011(1) (E), (F), (G), (2)(C), (4)(E), (F), (5)(A)4, (B)2, 4, (D), .021(2)(B)4, (D)(3), (3), .031, .041(1)(B), 1, (D), (4)(A)2.
November 8, 1991September 24, 1992RSMo 444.870.1 through .5, .873.1, .3, .4.
October 10, 1990September 29, 199210 CSR 40-3.010(5), .030(1)(C), .040(2)(A)1, (4)(B)(3), (6)(B), (C), (D), (H), (Q), (T), (10)(G), (I), .050(6)(C), .060(1)(A), (H), .080(3)(A), (8)(B), (D), .090, .110(3)(A), .120(1)(D), (E), (5), (6)(B)1, 2, A, D, G, I, (7)(C)2, (C)3.A, C, (8)(A)4 through 8, 10, .130(2)(A), (3)(C), (I), .140(1)(A), (D)(1), (3)(D)9, (6)(D), (8)(A), (D)(1), (10)(D)9, (13)(C), (D), (15)(A), (20)(C), (D), .170(5), .190(1)(C), .200(2)(A)1, (4)(B)3, (6)(B), (C), (D), (H), (Q), (T), (10)(G), (I), .210(6)(C), .220(1)(A), (H), .230(3)(A), (8)(D), .240, .250(1)(B), .260(3)(A)1, .270(1)(D), (E), (5), (6)(B)1, 2, A, B, D, G, I, (7)(C)2, 3.A, C, (8)(A)4 through 8, 10, .290(1)(A), (D)1, (3)(D)9, (6)(D), (8)(A), (D)1, (10)(D)9, (13)(C), (D), (15)(A), (20)(C), (D), .300(2)(A), (3)(C), (I); 40-4.030(4)(A), (7)(B)6; 40-5.010(1)(A), (J), (2)(C), (3)(F)1; 40-6.010(2)(E), .020(2)(B)3, (3)(B)3, (5), .030(1)(A), (C), (D), (H), (2)(D), .040(5)(A), (11)(A), (E), (F), .050(7)(A), (B)1, (B)2, (C)1, (C)3, (9)(C)5, (11)(C), (17)(A)1 through 9, (B), (18), .060(4)(A), (E)5, .070(1)(B), (7)(C), (C)2, (F), (G), (8)(I), (L), (10)(B)1.A, (E)2, (11)(A), (B), (13)(E), .100(1)(A), (C), (D), (H), (2)(D), .110(5)(A), (B), (11)(A), (E), (F), .120(5)(C)4, (7)(C), (12)(A), (B)1, (C)1, (C)3, (16), (17)(A)1 through 9, (B); 40-7.011(3)(C), (4)(E), (5)(D)2.C.(II), (III), (D)2.(I), 5. A, B, C, 8, .021(2)(A), (B)1, 5, 6, .031(3)(B); 40-8.010(1)(A)4, 53, 51.B, C, D, I, J, 54, .030(6)(G), (7)(A), .040(5)(B)3, (8)(A), (K), .070(2)(C).
October 19, 1992December 6, 199310 CSR 40-3.010, .040, .080, .100, .110, .120, .130, .140, .200, .230, .250, .260, .270; 40-4.010; 40-5.010; 40-6.030, .040, .050, .070, .100, .120; 40-7.011, .021, .031, .041; 40-8.010, .030, .040.
September 24, 1993April 22, 1994RSMo 444.870.3, .5 through .8.
February 10, 1995July 13, 199510 CSR 40-3.030(4)(B)2, .040(10)(B)5, .060(1)(L)1, (0), .080(8)(B), .100(5)2, (6), (7), .110(3)1, (3)3, (6)(B), .140(1)(A); 40-6.010(2)(H), .020(2)(A), (3)(A), .030(1)(C), (5)(B), .050(7)(C), (D), .060(4)(D)(4), .070(8)(M), (9)(A)1, 2.A, .B, .120(7)(C), (12)(D); 40-8.010(1)(A)72, 84, .030(7)(A), .040(9), .050(2)(B).
March 7 and 28, 1995, December 14, 1995May 28, 1996RSMo 444.805, 830.1, .3, 950.1, .3, .4, 960.1, .5, 965.1, .3, .4, .5; 10 CSR 40-3.120, .270(6)(B); 7.011(1) through (5), .021(2), (5), .041(1), (4).
March 20, 1996July 24, 1996RSMo 444.800, .810, .950.
April 16, 1997August 4, 1997Section I of Phase III Revegetation Success Standards for Pasture, Wildlife Habitat, Woodland, Industrial/Commercial, Residential, and Recreation.
June 4, 1999October 28, 199910 CSR 40-7.021(1)(B)2
October 5, 2000May 9, 200110 CSR 40-3.010(6); 3.020(1); 3.020(3); 3.040(2)(A)1, 2, 3.B, 4, 5, 6; 3.040(4)(A)1 and (B)3; 3.040(6)(A), (B), (C), (E), (F), (G), (H), (Q), (T), (U); 3.040(8); 3.040(10)(A), (B)5, (L), (M), (N), (O), (O)1, (O)2.A and B, (O)2.C, (O)3, (O)3.A and B; 3.040(10)(O)3.C [not approved]; 3.040(13)(A)1.A and (B)1; 3.040(14)(B)3; 3.040(17); 3.050 Purpose; 3.050(1)(D)1.A; 3.050(2)(A); 3.050(3)(C)1; 3.080(1)(A); 3.080(3)(D); 3.080(8)(A); 3.090; 3.110(4)(A); 3.110(5)(A); 3.110(6)(B); 3.120(5); 3.120(8)(A)4, (B), (D)2 and 8; 3.140(1)(A); 3.200(2)(A)1, 2, 3.A, 4, 5, 6; 3.200(4)(B)3; 3.200(6)(A), (B), (C), (E), (F), (G), (Q), (T), (U); 3.200(8), 3.200(10)(A), (B)5, (K), (L), (M), (N), (O), (O)1, (O)2.A, B, and C, (O)3, (O)3.A and B; 3.200(10)(O)3.C [not approved]; 3.200(12) (A)1.A and (B)1; 3.200(13)(B)3; 3.200(16); 3.240 [partial approval]; 3.270(5); 3.270(8)(A)4 and (B); 4.010 Purpose; 4.010 (3)(J); 4.020(2)(B); 4.030 Purpose; 4.030 (3)(A); 4.030(4)(A), (B), (C); 4.030(6)(A), 4.030(7)(B)2 and 7; 4.050(11), (12); 5.010(1)(B); 5.010(2)(E); 6.010(4)(B)2; 6.010(6)(A); 6.020 Purpose; 6.020(5); 6.020(7)(A); 6.030(1)(C), (D), (I); 6.030(2)(C); 6.040(5)(B)1.E; 6.040(16)(C)1 and 3; 6.050(1); 6.050(5)(B)11, (C), and (C)1; 6.050(7)(D)1; 6.050(9)(C)3 and 4, (D)3, (E); 6.050(11)(A), (A)1.A, 2 and 3, (B), (C), (F); 6.050(17)(B); 6.060(4)(C)1 and 5, (D)1, (E)5; 6.070(3) and (3)(B); 6.070(4)(A); 6.070(5)(B)4; 6.070(8)(C), (D)3; 6.070(10) (D); 6.090(4)(B)2; 6.090(6)(A); 6.090(7); 6.100(1)(I); 6.100(2)(C); 6.120(5)(E); 6.120(7)(A), (A)2 and 3, (B)1, (C), (F); 6.120(12)(D)1; 6.120(14)(B)10, (C)1; 6.120(15)(B); 7.011(6)(A)8, (D)2.C(II), 5.A and C, 8; 7.021(1)(C) and (D); 7.021(2)(A), (B)5 and 6; 7.021(3)(C) and (D); 8.010(1) (A)9, 12, 52.C, 59, 73, 82, 87, 89, and 97B; 8.030(1)(F)4.A and (G); 8.030(6)(A)3 and (B)1; 8.030(10)(A); 8.030(12)(C); 8.050 Purpose; 8.050(1); 8.050(2)(B); 8.050(5)(A) and (B); 8.050(9)(A); 8.070(2)(C)1.A(II)(a) [partial approval] and 10.F, (F), (G).
October 31, 2005June 8, 200610 CSR 40-7.011(1)(C) and (D), (2)(A) and (B), (3)(C), (4) and (5), (6)(A)6., 8., & 9., (6)(B)1., 2., & 4. through 7., (6)(C)1. through 4., 8. & 9., (6)(D)1.F., 2., 2.B., 2.D.(I) through (III), 3., 5.C., 6., 8., and (7)(A); 10 CSR 40-7.021(1)(A), (2), (2)(A), (2)(B)3. through 6., (2)(C)2., (2)(D) and (E); 10 CSR 40-7.031(2)(E)1. and 2., (2)(E)2.C. & D., (3)(C), and (4) through (4)(B)2.; and 10 CSR 40-7.041.
October 11, 2006March 12, 200710 CSR 40-7.011(1)(C) and (D), (2)(A) and (B), (3)(C), (4) and (5), (6)(A)6., 8. and 9., (6)(B)1., 2., and 4. through 7., (6)(C)1. through 4., 8. and 9., (6)(D)1.F., 2., 2.B., 2.D.(I) through (III), 3., 5.C., 6., 8., and (7)(A); 10 CSR 40-7.021(1)(A), (2), (2)(A), (2)(B)3. through 6., (2)(C)2., (2)(D) and (E); 10 CSR 40-7.031(2)(E)1. and 2., (2)(E)2.C. & D., (3)(C), and (4) through (4)(B)2.; and 10 CSR 40-7.041.
August 12, 2013December 17, 201510 CSR 40-3.040(6)(A)1., (6)(R), (6)(U), (10)(B)5., and (10)(O)3.C.; 10 CSR 40-3.060(1)(K)2.; 10 CSR 40-3.180(3); 10 CSR 40-3.200(6)(A)1., (6)(R), (6)(U), (6)(T), (10)(B)5., (10)(O)3.C., (12)(A)1.(A), and (17)(B); 10 CSR 40-3.220(1)(K) and (L);10 CSR 40-3.230(1)(A) and (3)(D); 10 CSR 40-3.240(1); 10 CSR 40-3.260(4); 10 CSR 40-3.300; 10 CSR 40-5.010(1)(A), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8); 10 CSR 40-5.020(3) and (4); 10 CSR 40-6.020(3)(B)14., and (3)(D); 10 CSR 40-6.030(4)(C); 10 CSR 40-6.050(14)(B) and (15); 10 CSR 40-6.060; 10 CSR 40-6.070(2)(A)5.; 10 CSR 40-6.100(1)(C) and (D); 10 CSR 40-6.120(5)(C), (7)(A)1.A., and (9)(A); 10 CSR 40-8.010; 10 CSR 40 8.020(2)(C); 10 CSR 40-8.070(2)(C)1.A.(II) and (2)(C)8.B.
April 18, 2014May 17, 201810 CSR 40-6.030(1)(B)1., 3., (2)(A), and (4)(C); 6.070(7)(C), (8)(M), (N), (11)(A)4., and (B); 6.100(1)(B) and (2)(A); 8.030(6)(G) and (H); and 8.040(5)(B).
February 8, 2019January 28, 202210 CSR 40-3.060; 40-3.170; 40-3.180; 40-3.190; 40-3.200; 40-3.210; 40-3.220; 40-3.230; 40-3.240; 40-3.250; 40-3.260; 40-3.270; 40-3.280; 40-3.290; 40-3.300; 40-3.310; 40-4.020; 40-4.040; 40-4.060; 40-4.070; 40-6.100; 40-6.110; 40-6.120.
[62 FR 9945, Mar. 5, 1997, as amended at 62 FR 41844, Aug. 4, 1997; 64 FR 57981, Oct. 28, 1999; 66 FR 23605, May 9, 2001; 71 FR 33249, June 8, 2006; 72 FR 10933, Mar. 12, 2007; 80 FR 78664, Dec. 17, 2015; 83 FR 22852, May 17, 2018; 87 FR 4501, Jan. 28, 2022]
§ 925.16 - Required program amendments.

Pursuant to 30 CFR 732.17, Missouri is required to make the following program amendments:

(a)-(o) [Reserved]

(p) By May 10, 2002, Missouri shall amend its program as follows:

(1)-(21) [Reserved]

(q)-(u) [Reserved]

(v) By November 19, 2018, Missouri shall submit a proposed amendment, or a description of an amendment to be proposed, along with a timetable for enactment, that will add a counterpart to 30 CFR 778.11(b)(4), pertaining to the requirement for applicant and operator information provided in the permit application, at 10 CSR 40-6.030 and 10 CSR 40-6.100.

(w) By November 19, 2018, Missouri shall submit a proposed amendment, or a description of an amendment to be proposed, along with a timetable for enactment, that will add a counterpart to 30 CFR 778.11(d)(1), pertaining to the requirement to include telephone numbers for certain individuals in the permit application, at 10 CSR 40-6.030(1)(B)-(C) and 10 CSR 40-6.100(1)(B)-(C).

[49 FR 19476, May 8, 1984] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 925.16, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 925.20 - Approval of the Missouri abandoned mine land reclamation plan.

The Secretary approved the Missouri abandoned mine land reclamation plan, as submitted on September 11, 1981, effective January 29, 1982. Copies of the approved plan are available at:

(a) Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Land Reclamation Program, 205 Jefferson Street, Jefferson City, MO 65102.

(b) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Mid-Continent Regional Coordinating Center, Alton Federal Building, 501 Belle Street, Alton, IL 62002.

[64 FR 20167, Apr. 26, 1999]
§ 925.25 - Approval of Missouri abandoned mine land reclamation plan amendments.

The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.

Original amendment submission date Date of final publication Citation/description
June 22, 1987June 16, 198810 CSR 40-9.060(2), (3), (4).
August 22, 1988March 15, 1989Organization; project selection; rights of entry; coordination of reclamation activities; land acquisition, management and disposal; database.
November 29, 1994August 24, 1995RSMo 444.810.2 through .8; 444.915.3; 10 CSR 40-9.020(1)(D), (E), (3)(A); AML Plan § 884.13(C)(2), (D)(3), (4).
March 31, 1998June 24, 1998AMLR plan sections 884.13(c)(6) and (d)(3); Emergency response reclamation program.
October 5, 2000May 9, 200110 CSR 40-9.020(1)(D)4 and (F).
March 6, 2019September 20, 202310 CSR 40-9.010 through 40-9.060.
[62 FR 9946, Mar. 5, 1997, as amended at 63 FR 34280, June 24, 1998; 64 FR 20167, Apr. 26, 1999; 66 FR 23605, May 9, 2001; 88 FR 64806, Sept. 20, 2023]
authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201
cite as: 30 CFR 925.16