Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 942.20 - Approval of Tennessee reclamation plan for lands and waters affected by past coal mining.
The Tennessee Reclamation Plan, as submitted on March 24, 1982, is approved. Copies of the approved program are available at:
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 530 Gay Street, Suite 500, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
State of Tennessee Department of Conservation, Division of Surface Mining and Reclamation, 305 West Springvale, Knoxville, Tennessee 37917
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Administrative Record, Room 5315, 1100 'L' Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240.
§ 942.25 - Approval of Tennessee abandoned mine land reclamation plan amendments.
The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.
Original amendment submission date
| Date of publication of final rule
| Citation/Description of approved provisions
April 6, 2011 | February 12, 2013 | Revised AML Plan.
TCA Section 59-8-324(m). |
[78 FR 9807, Feb. 12, 2013]
§ 942.700 - Tennessee Federal program.
(a) This part contains all rules that are applicable to surface coal mining operations in Tennessee which have been adopted under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.
(b) Certain of the rules in this part cross-reference pertinent parts of the permanent program regulations in this chapter. The full text of a cross-referenced rule is in the permanent program rule cited under the relevant section of this part.
(c) This part applies to all surface coal mining operations in Tennessee conducted on non-Federal and non-Indian lands. To the extent required by part 740 of this chapter, this part also applies to operations on Federal lands in Tennessee.
(d) The information collection requirements contained in this part have been approved by the office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned the following clearance numbers: 1029-0007, 1029-0009, 1029-0032, 1029-0033, 1029-0034, 1029-0035, 1029-0036, 1029-0038, 1029-0039, 1029-0040, 1029-0041, 1029-0043, 1029-0047, 1029-0048, 1029-0049, 1029-0080.
§ 942.701 - General.
(a)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section, §§ 700.5, 700.11, 700.12, 700.13, 700.14, 700.15 and part 701 of this chapter shall apply to coal exploration and surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
(2) The definition of support facilities in § 701.5 of this chapter shall not apply to surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
(3) The definitions of surface coal mining operations in § 700.5, and coal preparation or coal processing and coal preparation plant in § 701.5 of this chapter shall include facilities which leach, chemically process, or physically process coal.
(b) Surface coal mining and reclamation operations in Tennessee which do not have a permanent program permit issued by the State of Tennessee prior to the effective date of this program, but which filed a permit application on a timely basis and were allowed to operate under the Tennessee State program, may continue to operate until the Office issues or denies a permit if they: (1) Comply with Subchapter B of this chapter until issuance or denial of a permit under this program; (2) authorize transfer to OSM of any permit application pending with the State regulatory authority; and (3) provide to the Office on a timely basis any requested additional information necessary to make a complete permit application.
(c) Persons engaged in underground mining activities which do not have and did not apply for a permanent program permit from the State of Tennessee prior to the effective date of this program, but which were allowed to operate under the Tennessee State program, may continue to operate beyond eight months after the effective date of this program if they: (1) Within two months of the effective date of this program apply to OSM for a permit; (2) comply with Subchapter B of this chapter until issuance or denial of a permit under this program; and (3) provide to the Office on a timely basis any requested additional information necessary to make a complete permit application.
(d) Persons operating facilities which leach, chemically process, or physically process coal which do not have a permanent program permit from the State of Tennessee prior to the effective date of this program, may continue to operate beyond eight months after the effective date of this program if they: (1) Within two months of the effective date of this program apply to OSM for a permit; (2) comply with Subchapter B of this chapter until issuance or denial of a permit under this program; and (3) provide to the Office on a timely basis any requested additional information necessary to make a complete permit application.
(e) Records required by § 700.14 of this chapter to be made available locally to the public shall be retained at OSM's Knoxville Field Office.
§ 942.702 - Exemption for coal extraction incidental to the extraction of other minerals.
Part 702 of this chapter, Exemption for Coal Extraction Incidental to the Extraction of Other Minerals, shall apply to any person who conducts coal extraction incidental to the extraction of other minerals for purposes of commercial use or sale.
[54 FR 52123, Dec. 20, 1989]
§ 942.707 - Exemption for coal extraction incident to government-financed highway or other construction.
Part 707 of this chapter, Exemption for Coal Extraction Incident to Government-Financed Highway or Other Construction, shall apply to surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
§ 942.761 - Areas designated unsuitable for surface coal mining by act of Congress.
Part 761 of this chapter, Areas Designated by Act of Congress, shall apply to surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
§ 942.762 - Criteria for designating areas as unsuitable for surface coal mining operations.
(a) Part 762 of this chapter, Criteria for Designating Areas as Unsuitable for Surface Coal Mining Operations, shall apply to surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
(b) In addition to the lands defined as fragile lands in § 762.5 of this chapter, the Office in evaluating any petition to designate lands as unsuitable or to terminate such designation will consider lands included on the Tennessee Natural Areas Registry under Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA) section 11-14-112, Natural Areas designated by the Tennessee General Assembly under TCA 11-14-108, areas adjoining Tennessee Scenic Rivers designated under TCA 11-13-101, and Scenic Trails designated under TCA 11-11-101.
§ 942.764 - Process for designating areas unsuitable for surface coal mining operations.
(a) Part 764 of this chapter, State Process for Designating Areas Unsuitable for Surface Coal Mining Operations, shall apply to surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
(b) The Secretary shall notify the Tennessee Department of Health and Environment of any area designated unsuitable or for which such designation has been requested or terminated.
(c) Unsuitability designations made under the Tennessee State program shall remain valid unless and until terminated.
§ 942.772 - Requirements for coal exploration.
(a) Part 772 of this chapter, Requirements for Coal Exploration, shall apply to any person who conducts or seeks to conduct coal exploration operations.
(b) The Office shall make every effort to act on an exploration application within 60 days of receipt or such longer time as may be reasonable under the circumstances. If additional time is needed, the Office shall notify the applicant that the application is being reviewed, but that more time is necessary to complete such reviews, setting forth the reasons and the additional time that is needed.
[53 FR 52950, Dec. 29, 1988]
§ 942.773 - Requirements for permits and permit processing.
(a) Part 773 of this chapter, Requirements for Permits and Permit Processing, shall apply to any person who applies for a permit for surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
(b) In addition to the requirements of part 773, the following permit application review procedures shall apply:
(1) Any person applying for a permit shall submit five copies of the application to the Office.
(2) The Office shall review an application for administrative completeness and acceptability for further review and shall notify the applicant in writing of the findings. The Office may:
(i) Reject a flagrantly deficient application, notifying the applicant of the findings;
(ii) Request additional information required for completeness stating specifically what information must be supplied and the date by which the information must be submitted; or
(iii) Judge the application administratively complete and acceptable for further review.
(3) Should the applicant not submit the information as required by § 942.773(b)(2)(ii) by the specified date, the Office may reject the application. When the applicant submits the required information by the specified date, the Office shall review it and advise the applicant concerning its acceptability.
(4) When the application is judged administratively complete, the applicant shall be advised by the Office to file the public notice required by § 773.6 of this chapter.
(5) A representative of the Office shall visit the proposed permit area to determine whether the operation and reclamation plans are consistent with actual site conditions. The applicant will be notified in advance of the time of the visit. At the time of the visit, the applicant shall have the locations of the proposed permit boundaries, topsoil storage areas, sediment control structures, roads, and other significant features contained in the application marked by flags.
(6) Adequacy of information to allow the Office to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 4322,shall. The Office may require specific additional information from the applicant as any environmental review progresses when such specific information is needed. Failure to submit the additional information by the date(s) requested could result in disapproval of the application.
(c) In addition to the information required by subchapter G of this chapter, the Office may require an applicant to submit supplementary information to ensure compliance with applicable Federal laws and regulations other than the Act.
(d) Review of Tennessee State program permits. In lieu of the provisions of § 773.5(d)(2) of this chapter, the following shall apply:
(1) Beginning on the effective date of this program, the Office will review all permanent program permits issued by the State of Tennessee.
(2) If the Office determines that any State permit was granted contrary to the provisions of the Act, the Office will: (i) Notify the permittee in writing and state the reasons for its determination; (ii) provide the permittee a reasonable time within which to resubmit the permit application in whole or in part, as appropriate; (iii) provide the permittee a reasonable time within which to conform ongoing surface coal mining and reclamation operations to the requirements of this part; and (iv) provide the permittee with the opportunity for a non-adjudicatory hearing to contest the determination by the Office.
(3) If the permittee fails to resubmit the permit application or conform the ongoing surface coal mining and reclamation operations to the requirements of this part within the time specified, the Office may suspend or revoke the permit.
(4) The Office's suspension or revocation of a permit under paragraph (d)(3) of this section shall be subject to administrative and judicial review in accordance with the provisions of part 775 of this chapter.
[49 FR 38892, Oct. 1, 1984, as amended at 65 FR 79672, Dec. 19, 2000]
§ 942.774 - Revision; renewal; and transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights.
(a) Part 774 of this chapter, Revision; Renewal; and Transfer, Assignment, or Sale of Permit Rights, shall apply to any such actions involving surface coal mining and reclamation operations permits.
(b) Any revision to the approved mining or reclamation plan will be subject to review and approval by the Office.
(c) A significant revision to the mining or reclamation plan will be subject to the permit application information requirements and procedures of Subchapter G, including notice, public participation, and notice of decision requirements of § 773.6, 773.19(b)(1) and (3), and 778.21, prior to approval and implementation. The Office will consider any proposed revision to be significant if it:
(1) Will result in adverse impacts beyond those previously considered, affecting cultural resources listed on, or eligible to be listed on, the National Register of Historic Places;
(2) Involves changes to the blasting plan that will be likely to cause adverse impacts beyond those previously considered, to persons or property outside of the permit area;
(3) Will result in adverse impacts beyond those previously considered, affecting a water supply to which the requirements of 30 CFR 816.41(h) apply;
(4) Will cause a new or updated probable hydrologic consequences determination or cumulative hydrologic impact analysis to be required under 30 CFR 780.21(f)(4) or 780.21(g)(2) as a result of an increase in impacts;
(5) Requires a change in the identification, disturbance, or handling of toxic- or acid-forming materials different from those previously considered, where the changes have the potential for causing additional impacts not previously considered;
(6) Will result in adverse impacts on fish, wildlife and related environmental values beyond those previously considered;
(7) Includes the proposed addition of a coal processing facility, or any permanent support facility, where the addition of the facility will cause impacts not previously considered, except that the addition of a temporary coal processing facility used exclusively for crushing and screening need not be considered a significant revision; or
(8) Involves a change in the postmining land use to a residential, industrial/commercial, recreation or developed water resources land use, as defined in 30 CFR 701.5; except that a change to a developed water resource not meeting the size criteria of § 77.216(a) of this title need not be considered a significant revision.
(d) In addition to the requirements of part 774 of this chapter, any person having an interest which is or may be adversely affected by a decision on the transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights, including an official of any Federal, State, or local government agency, may submit written comments on the application to the Office within thirty days of either the publication of the newspaper advertisement required by § 774.17(b)(2) of this chapter or receipt of an administratively complete application, whichever is later.
[49 FR 38892, Oct. 1, 1984, as amended at 53 FR 49106, Dec. 5, 1988; 65 FR 79672, Dec. 19, 2000]
§ 942.775 - Administrative and judicial review of decisions.
Part 775 of this chapter, Administrative and Judicial Review of Decisions, shall apply to all decisions on permits.
§ 942.777 - General content requirements for permit applications.
Part 777 of this chapter, General Content Requirements for Permit Applications, shall apply to any person who makes application for a permit to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
§ 942.778 - Permit applications—Minimum requirements for legal, financial, compliance, and related information.
Part 778 of this chapter, Permit Applications—Minimum Requirements for Legal, Financial, Compliance, and Related Information, shall apply to any person who makes application for a permit to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
§ 942.779 - Surface mining permit applications—Minimum requirements for information on environmental resources.
Part 779 of this chapter, Surface Mining Permit Applications—Minimum Requirements for Information on Environmental Resources, shall apply to any person who makes application to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
§ 942.780 - Surface mining permit applications—Minimum requirements for reclamation and operation plan.
Part 780 of this chapter, Surface Mining Permit Applications—Minimum Requirements for Reclamation and Operation Plan, shall apply to any person who makes application to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
§ 942.783 - Underground mining permit applications—Minimum requirements for information on environmental resources.
Part 783 of this chapter, Underground Mining Permit Applications—Minimum Requirements for Information on Environmental Resources, shall apply to any person who makes application to conduct underground coal mining operations.
§ 942.784 - Underground mining permit applications—Minimum requirements for reclamation and operation plan.
Part 784 of this chapter, Underground Mining Permit Applications—Minimum Requirements for Reclamation and Operation Plan, shall apply to any person who makes application for a permit to conduct underground coal mining operations.
§ 942.785 - Requirements for permits for special categories of mining.
Part 785 of this chapter, Requirements for Permits for Special Categories of Mining, shall apply to each person who makes application for a permit to conduct certain categories of surface coal mining and reclamation operations as specified therein.
§ 942.795 - Small operator assistance program.
Part 795 of this chapter, Small Operator Assistance Program, shall apply to any person making application for assistance under the small operator assistance program.
§ 942.800 - Bond and insurance requirements for surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, part 800 of this chapter, Bond and Insurance Requirements for Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations Under Regulatory Programs, shall apply to any person conducting surface mining and reclamation operations.
(b)(1) The Office shall review the adequacy of the bonds for those operators who posted reclamation bonds with the State of Tennessee under its permanent regulatory program prior to the effective date of this program, who gave the State collateral to guarantee reclamation, or who was required to take either of these actions.
(2) Where the Office determines that a bond amount is inadequate it shall notify the operator that additional bond is required. The operator shall post the required bond or collateral in the amount and within the time required by the Office. All bonds shall be made payable to “The United States or the State of Tennessee.”
(3) Not later than 30 days after the effective date of this program each permanent program permittee shall either:
(i) Post an acceptable new bond in the required amount made payable to “The United States or The State of Tennessee” or
(ii) Provide an executed assignment of the required acceptable bond made payable to “The United States or The State of Tennessee.”
(c) Special consideration for sites with long-term postmining pollutional discharges. With the approval of the Office, the permittee may establish a trust fund, annuity or both to guarantee treatment of long-term postmining pollutional discharges in lieu of posting one of the bond forms listed in § 800.12 of this chapter for that purpose. The trust fund or annuity will be subject to the following conditions:
(1) The Office will determine the amount of the trust fund or annuity, which must be adequate to meet all anticipated treatment needs, including both capital and operational expenses.
(2) The trust fund or annuity must be in a form approved by the Office and contain all terms and conditions required by the Office.
(3) The trust fund or annuity must provide that the United States or the State of Tennessee is irrevocably established as the beneficiary of the trust fund or of the proceeds from the annuity.
(4) The Office will specify the investment objectives of the trust fund or annuity.
(5) Termination of the trust fund or annuity may occur only as specified by the Office upon a determination that no further treatment or other reclamation measures are necessary, that a replacement bond or another financial instrument has been posted, or that the administration of the trust fund or annuity in accordance with its purpose requires termination.
(6) Release of money from the trust fund or annuity may be made only upon written authorization of the Office or according to a schedule established in the agreement accompanying the trust fund or annuity.
(7) A financial institution or company serving as a trustee or issuing an annuity must be one of the following:
(i) A bank or trust company chartered by the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions;
(ii) A national bank chartered by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;
(iii) An operating subsidiary of a national bank chartered by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;
(iv) An insurance company licensed or authorized to do business in Tennessee by the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance or designated by the Commissioner of that Department as an eligible surplus lines insurer; or
(v) Any other financial institution or company with trust powers and with offices located in Tennessee, provided that the institution's or company's activities are examined or regulated by a State or Federal agency.
(8) Trust funds and annuities, as described in this paragraph, must be established in a manner that guarantees that sufficient moneys will be available to pay for treatment of postmining pollutional discharges (including maintenance, renovation, and replacement of treatment and support facilities as needed), the reclamation of the sites upon which treatment facilities are located and areas used in support of those facilities.
(9) When a trust fund or annuity is in place and fully funded, the Office may approve release under § 800.40(c)(3) of this chapter of conventional bonds posted for a permit or permit increment, provided that, apart from the pollutional discharge and associated treatment facilities, the area fully meets all applicable reclamation requirements and the trust fund or annuity is sufficient for treatment of pollutional discharges and reclamation of all areas involved in such treatment. The portion of the permit required for postmining water treatment must remain bonded. However, the trust fund or annuity may serve as that bond.
[49 FR 38892, Oct. 1, 1984, as amended at 72 FR 9636, Mar. 2, 2007]
§ 942.815 - Performance standards—Coal exploration.
Part 815 of this chapter, Permanent Program Performance Standards—Coal Exploration, shall apply to any person who conducts coal exploration.
§ 942.816 - Performance standards—Surface mining activities.
(a) Except as modified by paragraphs (b) through (h) of this section, part 816 of this chapter, Permanent Program Performance Standards—Surface Mining Activities, shall apply to any person who conducts surface mining activities in the State of Tennessee.
(b) The permittee shall comply with the site-specific terms of the permit except that references to provisions of the Tennessee State program shall be read to require compliance with the relevant provisions of this part. Where the permit does not specify site-specific standards with which compliance is required, the permittee shall comply with the standards of this part.
(c) Diversions. In lieu of the requirements of § 816.43(a)(4) of this chapter, diversion design shall incorporate the following requirements:
(1) Channel lining shall be designed using standard engineering practices to pass safely the design velocities. Riprap shall comply with the requirement of § 816.71(f)(3) of this chapter, except for sand and gravel.
(2) Freeboard shall be no less than 0.3 feet. Protection shall be provided for transition of flows and for critical areas such as swales and curves. Where the area protected is a critical area as determined by the Office, the design freeboard may be increased.
(3) Energy dissipators shall be installed when necessary at discharge points, where diversions intersect with natural streams and exit velocity of the diversion ditch flow is greater than that of the receiving stream.
(4) Excess excavated material not utilized in diversion channel geometry or regrading of the channel shall be disposed of in accordance with §§ 816.71 through 816.74 of this chapter.
(d) Hydrologic Balance: Siltation Structures. In lieu of the requirements of § 816.46(c)(1)(iii)(A) of this chapter, sedimentation ponds shall provide a storage volume of no less than 0.2 acre feet per disturbed acre draining into the basin. The Office may approve lesser sediment storage volumes equal to the sediment calculated to enter the pond between planned cleanout intervals upon submission and approval of a plan for removing sedimentation from the pond which includes a description of the equipment to be used. The minimum sediment storage volume shall be equal to 0.1 acre feet per disturbed acre.
(e) Backfilling and grading: General requirements. In addition to the requirements of § 816.102 of this chapter, backfilling and grading shall proceed in accordance with the following timing requirements:
(1) Contour mining. Rough backfilling and grading shall follow coal removal by not more than 60 days or 1,500 linear feet.
(2) Area mining. Rough backfilling and grading shall be completed within 180 days following coal removal and shall not be more than four spoil ridges behind the pit being worked, the spoil from the active pit being considered the first ridge.
(3) The Office may grant additional time for rough backfilling and grading if the permittee can demonstrate, through the detailed written analysis under § 780.18(b)(3) of this chapter, that additional time is necessary.
(f) In lieu of the requirements of § 816.116 (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this chapter, the following revegetation success standards and sampling techniques shall be used by this Office.
(1) For areas developed for use as pasture or hay production, the ground cover shall be at least ninety percent (90%) and crop production shall be equal to or greater than the average county yield as stated by the Tennessee Crop Reporting Service for the county in which the permit area is located.
(2) For areas developed for use as cropland, crop production shall be equal to or greater than the average county yield as stated by the Tennessee Crop Reporting Service for the county in which the permit area is located. Adjustment for local yield variation within the county may be made for disease, pests, weather-induced variations, and differences in crop management practices.
(3) For areas developed for wildlife habitat, undeveloped land, recreation, or forestry, the stocking of woody plants must be at least equal to the rates specified in the approved reclamation plan. To minimize competition with woody plants, herbaceous ground cover should be limited to that necessary to control erosion and support the postmining land use. Seed mixes and seeding rates will be specified in the permit.
(i) Minimum stocking levels and planting arrangements shall be specified by the Office on the basis of local and regional conditions and after consultation with the State agencies responsible for the administration of forestry and wildlife programs.
(ii) Trees and shrubs that will be used in determining the success of stocking and the adequacy of plant arrangement shall have utility for the approved postmining land use. At the time of bond release, such trees and shrubs shall be healthy, and at least eighty percent (80%) shall have been in place for at least three growing seasons. No trees and shrubs in place for less than two growing seasons shall be counted in determining stocking adequacy.
(iii) Vegetative ground cover shall not be less than that required to achieve the approved postmining land use.
(4) Bare areas shall not exceed one-sixteenth (1/16) acre in size and total not more than ten percent (10%) of the area seeded, except for areas developed for wildlife habitat, undeveloped land, recreation, or forestry.
(5) Distribution of woody plants within the permit area shall be consistent with the post-mining land use.
(6) Sampling techniques for measuring woody plant stocking and ground cover shall be in accordance with techniques approved by the Office. Actual crop yields shall be used to determine production.
(g) Roads. In lieu of the requirements of section 816.150(c) of this chapter, roads shall be designed and constructed or reconstructed in compliance with the following standards in order to control subsequent erosion and disturbance of the hydrologic balance.
(1) Primary Roads. (i) Except for existing roads and where lesser grades are necessary to control site-specific conditions, the overall grades shall not exceed lv:10h (10 percent); the maximum pitch grade shall not exceed lv:6.5h (15 percent); and there shall be not more than three hundred (300) feet of pitch grade exceeding ten (10) percent within any consecutive one thousand (1,000) feet of primary roads. In no case shall there by any pitch grade over fifteen (15) percent.
(ii) Culvert spacing shall not exceed one thousand (1,000) feet on grades of zero (0) to three (3) percent, eight hundred (800) feet on grades of three (3) to six (6) percent, five hundred (500) feet on grades of six (6) to ten (10) percent, and three hundred (300) feet on grades of ten (10) percent or greater. Culverts shall be installed at closer intervals than the maximum in this part if required by the Office as appropriate for the erosive properties of the soil or to accommodate flow from small intersecting drainages. Culverts may be constructed at greater intervals than the maximum indicated in this part if approved by the Office upon a finding that greater spacing will not increase erosion.
(iii) Culverts shall be covered by compacted fill to a minimum depth of one foot.
(2) Ancillary Roads. (i) Field design methods may be utilized for ancillary roads.
(ii) Where lesser grades are necessary to control site-specific conditions overall grade shall not exceed lv:10h (10 percent). Pitch grade shall not exceed lv:5h (20 percent). There shall not be more than one thousand (1,000) consecutive feet of maximum pitch grade.
(iii) Ancillary roads may meander so as to avoid large growths of vegetation and other natural obstructions.
(iv) Compaction on road embankments shall be only to the extent necessary to control erosion and maintain the road.
(v) Temporary culverts and bridges shall be sized to safely pass the one (1) year, six (6) hour precipitation event.
(h) Use of Explosives. In lieu of the requirements of § 816.64(a)(2) of this chapter, all blasting shall be conducted between sunrise and sunset. Blasting may not be conducted at times different from those announced in the blasting schedule except in emergency situations where rain, lightning, or other atmospheric conditions, or operator or public safety requires unscheduled blasts. The Office may specify more restrictive time periods for blasting.
[49 FR 38892, Oct. 1, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 47717, Dec. 16, 1987; 55 FR 20600, May 18, 1990; 72 FR 9637, Mar. 2, 2007]
§ 942.817 - Performance standards—Underground mining activities.
(a) Part 817 of this chapter, Permanent Program Performance Standards—Underground Mining Activities, as modified by paragraphs (b)-(f) of this section, shall apply to any person who conducts underground mining activities in the State of Tennessee.
(b) The permittee shall comply with the site-specific terms of the permit except that references to provisions of the Tennessee State program shall be read to require compliance with the relevant provisions of this part. Where the permit does not specify site-specific standards with which compliance is required, the permittee shall comply with the standards of this part.
(c) Diversions. In lieu of the requirements of § 817.43(a)(4) of this chapter diversion design shall incorporate the following requirements:
(1) Channel lining shall be designed using standards engineering practices to pass safely the design velocities. Riprap shall comply with the requirements of § 817.71(f)(3) of this chapter, except for sand and gravel.
(2) Freeboard shall be no less than 0.3 feet. Protection shall be provided for transition of flows and for critical areas such as swales and curves. Where the area protected is a critical area as determined by the Office, the design freeboard may be increased.
(3) Energy dissipators shall be installed when necessary at discharge points, where diversions intersect with natural streams and exit velocity of the diversion ditch flow is greater than that of the receiving stream.
(4) Excess excavated material not utilized in diversion channel geometry or regrading of the channel shall be disposed of in accordance with §§ 817.71 through 817.74 of this chapter.
(d) Hydrologic balance: Siltation structures. In lieu of the requirements of § 817.46(c)(1)(ii)(A) of this chapter, sedimentation ponds shall provide a storage volume of no less than 0.2 acre feet per distributed acre draining into the basin. The Office may approve less sediment storage volumes equal to the sediment calculated to enter the pond between planned cleanout intervals upon submission and approval of a plan for removing sediment from the pond which includes a description of the equipment to be used. The minimum sediment storage volume shall be equal to 0.1 acre feet per disturbed acre.
(e) In lieu of the requirements of § 817.116 (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this chapter, the following revegetation success standards and sampling techniques shall be used by this Office.
(1) For areas developed for use as pasture or hay production, the ground cover shall be at least ninety percent (90%) and crop production shall be equal to or greater than the average county yield as stated by the Tennessee Crop Reporting Service for the county in which the permit area is located.
(2) For areas developed for use as cropland, crop production shall be equal to or greater than the average county yield as stated by the Tennessee Crop Reporting Service for the county in which the permit area is located. Adjustment for local yield variation within the county may be made for disease, pests, weather-induced variations, and differences in crop management practices.
(3) For areas developed for wildlife habitat, undeveloped land, recreation, or forestry, the stocking of woody plants must be at least equal to the rates specified in the approved reclamation plan. To minimize competition with woody plants, herbaceous ground cover should be limited to that necessary to control erosion and support the postmining land use. Seed mixes and seeding rates will be specified in the permit.
(i) Minimum stocking levels and planting arrangements shall be specified by the Office on the basis of local and regional conditions and after consultation with the State agencies responsible for the administration of forestry and wildlife programs.
(ii) Trees and shrubs that will be used in determining the success of stocking and the adequacy of plant arrangement shall have utility for the approved postmining land use. At the time of bond release, such trees and shrubs shall be healthy, and at least eighty percent (80%) shall have been in place for at least three growing seasons. No trees and shrubs in place for less than two growing seasons shall be counted in determining stocking adequacy.
(iii) Vegetative ground cover shall not be less than that required to achieve the approved postmining land use.
(4) Bare areas shall not exceed one-sixteenth (1/16) acre in size and total not more than ten percent (10%) of the area seeded, except for areas developed for wildlife habitat, undeveloped land, recreation, or forestry.
(5) Distribution of woody plants within the permit area shall be consistent with the post-mining land use.
(6) Sampling techniques for measuring woody plant stocking and ground cover shall be in accordance with techniques approved by the Office. Actual crop yields shall be used to determine production.
(f) Roads. In lieu of the requirements of § 817.150(c) of this chapter, roads shall be designed and constructed or reconstructed in compliance with the following standards in order to control subsequent erosion and disturbance of the hydrologic balance.
(1) Primary roads. (i) Except for existing roads and where lesser grades are necessary to control site-specific conditions, the overall grade shall not exceed lv:10h (10 percent), the maximum pitch grade shall not exceed lv:6.5h (15 percent), and there shall be not more than three hundred (300) feet of pitch grade exceeding ten (10) percent within any consecutive one thousand (1,000) feet of primary roads. In no case shall there be any pitch grade over fifteen (15) percent.
(ii) Culvert spacing shall not exceed one thousand (1,000) feet on grades of zero (0) to three (3) percent, eight hundred (800) feet on grades of three (3) to six (6) percent, and five hundred (500) feet on grades of six (6) to ten (10) percent, and three hundred (300) feet on grades of ten (10) percent or greater. Culverts shall be installed at closer intervals than the maximum in this part if required by the Office as appropriate for the erosive properties of the soil or to accommodate flow from small intersecting drainages. Culverts may be constructed at greater intervals than the maximum indicated in this part if approved by the Office upon a finding that greater spacing will not increase erosion.
(iii) Culverts shall be covered by compacted fill to a minimum depth of one foot.
(2) Ancillary roads. (i) Field design methods may be utilized for ancillary roads.
(ii) Where lesser grades are necessary to control site-specific condition, overall grade shall not exceed lv:10h (10 percent). Pitch grade shall not exceed 1v:5h (20 percent). There shall not be more than one thousand (1,000) consecutive feet of maximum pitch grade.
(iii) Ancillary roads may meander so as to avoid large growths of vegetation and other natural obstructions.
(iv) Compaction on road embankments shall be only to the extent necessary to control erosion and maintain the road.
(v) Temporary culverts and bridges shall be sized to safely pass the one (1) year, six (6) hour precipitation event.
[49 FR 38892, Oct. 1, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 47717, Dec. 16, 1987; 72 FR 9637, Mar. 2, 2007]
§ 942.819 - Special performance standards—Auger mining.
Part 819 of this chapter, Special Permanent Program Performance Standards—Auger Mining, shall apply to any person who conducts surface coal mining operations which include auger mining.
§ 942.823 - Special performance standards—Operations on prime farmland.
Part 823 of this chapter, Special Permanent Program Performance Standards—Operations on Prime Farmland, shall apply to any person who conducts surface coal mining operations on prime farmland.
§ 942.824 - Special performance standards—Mountaintop removal.
Part 824 of this chapter, Special Permanent Program Performance Standards—Mountaintop Removal, shall apply to any person who conducts surface coal mining and reclamation operations constituting mountaintop removal.
§ 942.827 - Special performance standards—Coal preparation plants not located within the permit area of a mine.
Part 827 of this chapter, Permanent Program Performance Standards—Coal Preparation Plants Not Located Within the Permit Area of a Mine, shall apply to any person who conducts surface coal mining and reclamation operations which include the operation of a coal preparation plant not located within the permit area of a mine.
§ 942.828 - Special performance standards—In situ processing.
Part 828 of this chapter, Special Permanent Program Performance Standards—In Situ Processing, shall apply to any person who conducts surface coal mining and reclamation operations which include the in situ processing of coal.
§ 942.842 - Federal inspections.
Part 842 of this chapter, Federal Inspections, shall apply to all exploration and surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
§ 942.843 - Federal enforcement.
Part 843 of this chapter, Federal Enforcement, shall apply regarding enforcement action on coal exploration and surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
§ 942.845 - Civil penalties.
Part 845 of this chapter, Civil Penalties, shall apply to the assessment of civil penalties for violations on coal exploration and surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
§ 942.846 - Individual civil penalties.
Part 846 of this chapter, Individual Civil Penalties, shall apply to the assessment of individual civil penalties under section 518(f) of the Act.
[53 FR 3676, Feb. 8, 1988]
§ 942.955 - Certification of blasters.
Part 955 of this chapter, Certification of Blasters in Federal Program States and on Indian Lands, shall apply to the training, examination and certification of blasters for surface coal mining and reclamation operations.
[51 FR 19462, May 29, 1986]
source: 49 FR 38892, Oct. 1, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 942.701