Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 946.1 - Scope.

This part contains all rules applicable only within Virginia that have been adopted under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.

[46 FR 61114, Dec. 15, 1981]
§ 946.10 - State regulatory program approval.

The Virginia regulatory program, as submitted on March 3, 1980, as amended and clarified on June 16, 1980, as resubmitted on August 13, 1981, and as clarified in a meeting with OSMRE on September 21 and 22, 1981, and in a letter to the director of the Office of Surface Mining on October 15, 1981, is conditionally approved, effective December 15, 1981. Effective January 1, 1985, the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy replaces the Department of Conservation and Economic Development as the regulatory authority in Virginia for all surface coal mining and reclamation operations and all exploration operations on non-Federal and non-Indian lands. Copies of the approved program as amended are available for review at the following locations:

(a) Virginia Division of Mined Land Reclamation, P.O. Drawer 900, Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219.

(b) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Big Stone Gap Field Office, P.O. Drawer 1216, Powell Valley Square Shopping Center, room 220, Route 23, Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219.

[51 FR 42554, Nov. 25, 1986, as amended at 59 FR 17930, Apr. 15, 1994]
§ 946.11 - Conditions of State regulatory program approval.

The approval of the Virginia State program is subject to the State revising its program to correct the deficiencies listed in this section. The program revisions may be made, as appropriate, to the statute, the regulations, the program narrative, or the Attorney General's opinion. This section indicates, for the general guidance of the State, the component of the program to which the Secretary recommends the change be made.

[46 FR 61114, Dec. 15, 1981, as amended at 47 FR 31550, July 21, 1982; 47 FR 55678, Dec. 13, 1982; 48 FR 25186, June 6, 1983; 48 FR 46031, Nov. 11, 1983; 49 FR 19478, May 8, 1984]
§ 946.12 - State program provisions and amendments not approved.

(a) The following provisions are disapproved effective April 22, 1983: Paragraphs 3.01(a)(1), 3.01(a)(4) and 3.01 (a)(5) of the Virginia Coal Surface Mining and Reclamation Regulations for Operations Disturbing Two Surface Acres or Less.

(b) The following provisions of the coal surface mining reclamation regulations promulgated pursuant to Chapter 19, Title 45.1 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as submitted on November 8, 1985, as hereby disapproved:

(1) The definition of “affected area” in section 480-03-19.700.5 to the extent that it could be interpreted as excluding all public roads with more than incidental public use;

(2) Section 480-03-19.761.11(h), which prohibits mining on certain Federal lands, in its entirety; and

(c)(1) We are not approving the words, “or the UCP revision current at the time of issuance of the letter of credit,” in the definition of “Collateral bond,” paragraph (d), at 4 VAC 25-130-700.5; and

(2) We are not approving the words, “or revision current at the time of issuance of the letter of credit” at 4 VAC 25-130-800.21(c)(1).

(d) We are not approving the following portions of provisions of the proposed program amendment that Virginia submitted on June 12, 2015:

(1) We are deferring our decision on the removal of 4 VAC 25-130-801.13(d) of the self-bonding regulations until all previously approved self-bonds have either been lawfully released based on an accurate determination that the permittee has satisfactorily completed all reclamation obligations or replaced with an adequate substitute financial assurance under the approved Virginia regulatory program.

(2) We are deferring our decision on the provisions of 45.1-270.4.B and C of the Virginia Code that address reclamation tax revenue to the extent that they impose a cap of $20 million. We are approving the continuing collection of the tax beyond $2 million but deferring our decision on the cessation of the tax collection when the Fund reaches $20 million until such time as Virginia either takes legislative action to remove the cap from this statute or demonstrates that $20 million is a sufficient amount of money to complete the reclamation, including water treatment, on any site covered by the Fund.

[50 FR 32851, Aug. 15, 1985, as amended at 51 FR 42554, Nov. 25, 1986; 52 FR 26973, July 17, 1987; 66 FR 43483, Aug. 20, 2001; 88 FR 85850, Dec. 11, 2023]
§ 946.13 - State program provisions set aside.

(a) Paragraphs 3.01(a)(1), 3.01(a)(4) and 3.01(a)(5) of the Virginia Coal Surface Mining and Reclamation Regulations for Operations Disturbing Two Surface Acres or Less are inconsistent with and less effective than the Federal provisions for the two-acre exemption and are set aside in their entirety under the provisions of section 505(b) of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.

(b) [Reserved]

[50 FR 32851, Aug. 15, 1985]
§ 946.15 - Approval of Virginia regulatory program amendments.

The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.

Original amendment submission date Date of final publication Citation/description
January 28, 1982July 21, 1982Virginia's revised policy statement granting authority to field inspectors to issue cessation orders for imminent danger or harm.
July 9, 1982August 19, 1982VA Code § 33.1-246.1; V816.150, V817.150.
July 8, 1982September 21, 1982VA Code §§ 45.1-270.1 through .7; V808.15, V809, reference changes to remainder of Subchapter VJ.
August 13, 1982December 13, 1982VA Code § 45.1-235(C); conditions (a) through (j), (l) through (p), (s).
September 30, 1982January 18, 1983§ V809.
December 20, 1982February 28, 1983§ V809.11.
March 22, 1983April 21, 1983, June 6 and 20, 1983VA Code §§ 45.1-234, 240 , 249, 251.
July 9, 1982April 22, 1983Chapter 23 of Title 45.
May 20, 1983December 27, 1983VA Code §§ 45.1-270.2 through .4; Part V809.
July 27, 1983March 16, 1984Coal haul road policy.
February 10, 1984May 8, 1984§ V786.19(o).
April 11, 1984August 2, 1984Subchapter VM Part V850—Blaster certification program; §§ V816/817.61(c); Chapter 230 of the 1984 Acts of Assembly; and all other items.
June 13, 1984August 31, 1984Chapter 590 of the 1984 Acts of Assembly to revise various Sections of Title 45.
February 20, 1985May 8, 1985VA Code §§ 45.1-244, 369.1.
May 1985August 15, 1985VA Code §§ 45.1-364, 364.1.
September 4, 1985November 18, 1985V700.5—definitions of “coal preparation or coal processing,” “coal preparation plant”.
November 8, 1985November 25, 1986VR 480-03-19: 700 through 850; techniques for measuring revegetation success; applications for a permit revision.
March 20, 1987July 17, 1987VR 480-03-19: 784.20(f)(2); 817.121(c)(2).
January 16, 1987August 17, 1987VR 480-03-19.801.13(a)(2), .17(a).
June 15, 1987, July 2, 1987December 31, 1987VA Code §§ 45.1-270.3:1, .4, .5:1, .6B; VR 480-03-19.801.12(a).
September 1, 1987March 7, 1988VR 480-13-19.789.1(e); measurement techniques for determining ground cover on small areas; sampling techniques for measuring productivity of grazing land, pasture land, and crop land; VR 480-03-19: .843.15, .845.17(b), .18(b)(1).
September 10, 1987June 16, 1988VR 480-03-19: 700.5 defining “abatement plan,” “actual improvement,” “baseline pollution load,” “best professional judgment,” “best technology,” “pollution abatement area;” 785.19; 825.
June 30, 1989December 1, 1989VR 480-03-19: 700.11; 764.15, 773.15; 779.19, .20; 780.14, .16; 783.19, .20; 784.20, .21; 785.14; 801.17; 816.97; 817.97; 840.11; 846, .2, .12; 846.14, .17, .18.
July 5, 1989February 2, 1990VA Code §§ 45.1-270.2, .3.
April 6, 1988February 5, 1990VR 480-03-19: 700.5; 772.12(b)(8)(iv); 773.12, .15(c)(11), (12); 779.12(b), .24(j); .780.31; 783.12(b), .24(j); 784.17; 785.13(b)(2), .14(c)(1), .16(a)(1); 800.52; 816/817.116(b)(3)(v)(C); 842.15(d); 843.12(j), .13(f); revegetation success standard.
August 31, 1990December 7, 1990VA Code § 45.1-270.4:1.
September 12, 1990December 26, 1990VR 480-03-19: 784.20; 817.121.
June 29, 1990January 4, 1991VR 480-03-19: 700.5; 773.15, .17, .20, .21; 778.13, .14; 843.11, .13.
April 5, 1991, May 1, 1991August 5, 1991VR 480-03-19: 801.11(a), .12(a), (b), (g), .14(a) through (d), .15(a); VA Code §§ 45.1-261.1, 270.3, .3:1, .4, .4:1.
October 1, 1990July 7, 1992VR 480-03-19: 700.5 definitions—“Road,” “Support Facilities,” .11(a), (4), (d); 701.11(a) through (c); 702.5 defining Exemption for Coal Extraction Incidental to the Extraction of Other Minerals, .11 through .18; 772.11(a), (b)(3), .12(a), (b)(3), (d), .14(a), (b); 773.11(a); 780.25(c), .37(a) through (e), .38; 784.16(c), .24(a) through (e), .30; 785.17(e)(5), .21(a); 800.60(b); 815.2, .15(b); 816.46(c)(2), .49(a)(1), (3)(i), (5), (8), (9), (b)(7), (c)(2), .84(b)(2), (f), .116(b)(3)(i), (ii), (iv)(C), (c)(2), .150(a) through .150(e), (f)(1), .151(a)(1), (2), (c), (d)(1), (2), (4), (5), (6); 817.46(c)(2), .49(a)(1), (3)(i), (5), (8), (9), (b)(7), (c)(2), .84(b)(2), (f), .116(b)(3)(i), (ii), (iv)(C), (v)(C), (c)(2), .150(a) through (e), (f)(1), .151(a), (c), (d)(1), (2), (4), (5), (6); 823.11(b), .12(c)(2), .14(d); 827.1; 843.11(a)(2).
May 6, 1993September 24, 1993VA Code §§ 45.1-243, -258.
October 22, 1993September 27, 1994VR 480-03-19.816/817: .49(a)(3)(ii), .116(b)(3)(v)(A), (c)(3), .151(b), .152.
October 31, 1994August 8, 1995VR 480-03-19.816/817.102(e)(1), (2).
October 13, 1995May 29, 1996VR 480-03-19.816.102(e), .817.102(e).
April 17, 1996August 19, 1996VA Code § 45.1-243B; VR 480-03-19.784.14(g); 817.41(i)(3), (i)(3)(i), (ii).
May 28, 1996September 4, 1996VA 480-03-19.700.5 concerning definitions of “Lands eligible for remining,” “Unanticipated event or condition;” 773.15(b)(4), (c)(14); 785.25; 816/817.116(c)(2)(i), (ii).
May 21, 1996September 17, 1997, and November 12, 1997VA Code §§ 480-03-19.700.5; 784.14, 20; 817.41, 121.
December 1, 1997June 24, 1998VA Code Sections 701.5; 779.22 [deletion], .25(k) [deletion]; 780.23, .25(a), (a)(2)(a)(3), (b), (c)(3), (f), 35(b); 783.25(k) [deletion]; 784.15, .16(a), (a)(2), (a)(3), (b), (c)(3), (f), .23(c); 800.40(a)(3); 816.46(a)(2), (b)(3), (b)(5), (c)(2), .49(a)(1), (a)(4)(i) & (ii), (5), (6), (9), (11), (c)(2), .74(a) through (g), .81(a), (c)(3) [deletion], .89(d) [deletion], .104, .105; 817.46(a)(2), (b)(3), (b)(5), (c)(2) .49(a)(1), (a)(4)(i) & (ii), (5), (6), (9), (11), (c)(2), .74(a) through (g), .81(a), (c)(3) [deletion], .89(d) [deletion]; 840.11(f)(2) & (g)(4), (h); 843.14(a)(2); 845.17(b) through (b)(2)(ii), .18(a), (b) through (b)(3)(ii), (d)(1) & (2), .19(a) and 846.17(b)(3) [deletion] and (c).
July 31, 1997May 3, 1999Code of Virginia at § 45.1-241(C) concerning letter of credit.
November 17, 1998December 13, 1999Policy clarification for implementing 4 VAC 25-130-774.13(d).
August 2, 1999December 27, 1999Statute: 45.1-235 C of the Code of Virginia. Regulations: 4 VAC 25-130-700.5; 795.1; 795.6(a)(2); 795.7(e)(2) [deleted], and (e)(5) [deleted]; 795.8(a) and (b); 795.9(a), (b)(1) through (b)(6); 795.10(a)(5), (b), (c) [deleted] and (d) [deleted]; 795.11(b); 795.12(a), (a)(2), (a)(3), (b) [deleted], and (c) [deleted].
November 24, 1998February 7, 2000Policy clarification for implementing 4 VAC 25-130-816/817.76.
June 27, 2000November 2, 20004 VAC 25-130-784.20(a)(3) amended and suspended in part; 817.121(c)(4)(i) through (iv) suspended and deleted.
September 22, 2000August 20, 20014 VAC 25-130-700.5 (partial approval); 800.21(a), (c)(1) (partial approval), (2) and (3), and (d).
May 16, 2003September 10, 20034 VAC 25-130-777.17.
July 20, 2004April 14, 20054 VAC 25-130-801.17 and 801.18.
May 9, 2005, and as amended on November 14, 2005, and December 1, 2005January 10, 20064 VAC 25-130-700.12(e); 773.21(c); 775.11(b)(1) and (d); 775.13(c); 784.20(a)(3); 800.51(c)(1); 800.51(e); 816.11(a)(4) and (a)(5); 816.64(a)(4); 816.105(a) and (b); 817.11(a)(4); 817.64(d); 817.121(c)(4); 842.15(d); 843.12(j); 843.13(b); 843.13(e); 843.15(c); 843.16(e); 845.13(c)(1), (d), (e)(1), and (f); 845.15(a); 845.18(b)(1); 845.19(c); 845.19(d); and 846.14(b).
February 13, 2007July 5, 20074 VAC 25-130-785.25(c)(deleted); 4 VAC 25-130-816.116 and 817.116(c)(2)(ii).
February 13, 2007April 23, 20084 VAC 25-130-816.22(d)(1) and 817.22(d)(1), 4 VAC 25-130-816.43(a) and 817.43(a), 4 VAC 25-130-816.116(b) and 817.116(b).
March 12, 2007October 18, 20074 VAC 25-130-842.15(d), Review of decision not to inspect or enforce.
July 17, 2008May 29, 20124VAC 25-130-700.5, 4VAC25-130-761.11, 4VAC25-130-761.13, 4VAC25-130-761.16, 4VAC25-130-772.12, 4VAC 25-130-773.13, 4VAC 25-130-773.15, 4VAC 25-130-773.20(c)(3), 4VAC 25-130-773.21, 4VAC 25-130-774.12, 4VAC 25-130-774.17(a), 4VAC 25-130-778.13, 4VAC 25-130-778.14(c), 4VAC 25-130-800.52(a) and (a)(5), 4VAC 25-130-801.12(c) and (d), 4VAC 25-130-801.13, 4VAC 25-130-840.14(c)(2), 4VAC 25-130-846.2.
April 29, 2016October 23, 2019Amend the following sections of the Virginia Administrative Code: Section 4 VAC 25-130-773.15(a)(3). Review of Permit Applications, General; Section 4 VAC 25-130-773.15(e). Review of Permit Applications, Final compliance review.
June 12, 2015December 11, 202345.1-241.C (Performance Bonds), 45.1-270.3 (Initial Payments into Fund; Renewal Payments; Bonds); and 45.1-270.4 (Assessment of Reclamation Tax Revenue for Fund) (partial).
4 VAC 25-130-700.5 (Definitions) “indemnity agreement” and “self-bond” (deleted); 772.12 (Permit Requirements for Exploration Removing more than 250 Tons of Coal or Occurring on Lands Designated as Unsuitable for Surface Coal Mining Operations); 778.21 (Proof of Publication); 800.12(f) (Form of the Performance Bond); 800.40© and (d) (Requirements to Release Performance Bonds); 801.11 (Participation in the Pool Bond Fund) (deleted); 801.12 (Entrance Fee and Bond); 801.13 (Self-bonding) (deleted); 801.14 (Reclamation Tax) (deleted); 801.15 (Collection of the Reclamation Tax and Penalties for Non-Payment); 801.16 (Reinstatement to the Pool Bond Fund) (deleted).
[62 FR 9956, Mar. 5, 1997, as amended at 62 FR 60660, Nov. 12, 1997; 63 FR 34286, June 24, 1998; 64 FR 23544, May 3, 1999; 64 FR 69402, Dec. 13, 1999; 64 FR 72280, Dec. 27, 1999; 65 FR 5784, Feb. 7, 2000; 65 FR 65782, Nov. 2, 2000; 66 FR 43483, Aug. 20, 2001; 68 FR 53294, Sept. 10, 2003; 70 FR 19702, Apr. 14, 2005; 71 FR 1494, Jan. 10, 2006; 72 FR 36598, July 5, 2007; 72 FR 59012, Oct. 18, 2007; 73 FR 21823, Apr. 23, 2008; 77 FR 31492, May 29, 2012; 84 FR 56698, Oct. 23, 2019; 88 FR 85850, Dec. 11, 2023]
§ 946.20 - Abandoned mine land reclamation plan approval.

Virginia Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Plan as submitted on September 22, 1980, is approved effective December 15, 1981. Copies of the approved plan are available for review at the following locations:

(a) Virginia Division of Mined Land Reclamation, P.O. Drawer 900, Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219.

(b) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Big Stone Gap Field Office, P.O. Drawer 1216, Powell Valley Square Shopping Center, room 220, Route 23, Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219.

[51 FR 42555, Nov. 25, 1986, as amended at 59 FR 17930, Apr. 15, 1994]
§ 946.25 - Approval of Virginia abandoned mine land reclamation plan amendments.

(a) The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.

Original amendment submission date Date of final publication Citation/description
November 8, 1985November 25, 1986VR 480-03-19.874 through 882.
February 3, 1987November 13, 1987VR 480-03-19.884.13(c) (2), (5), (6), (7), (d)(1), (2); Establish emergency program.
Feb. 29, 1996July 3, 1997Revisions to the Virginia State Reclamation Plan corresponding to 30 CFR 884.13(a), (b), (c)(1), (c)(2), (c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(5), (c)(6), (c)(7), (d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(4), (e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), (f)(1), (f)(2), and (f)(3).
September 19, 1997February 5, 1998Revisions to the Virginia State Reclamation Plan corresponding to 30 CFR 884.13(c)(2)—Ranking and Selection: Set Aside Funds; and the AML Water Project Evaluation form.
September 10, 1999January 7, 2000Revisions to the Virginia State Reclamation Plan corresponding to 30 CFR 884.13(c)(2)—Ranking and Selection: Reclamation Projects Receiving Less Than 50% Government Funding.

(b) You may receive a copy from:

(1) Virginia Division of Mined Land Reclamation, P.O. Drawer 900, Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219, or

(2) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Big Stone Gap Field Office, Powell Valley Square Shopping Center, 1941 Neeley Road, Suite 201, Compartment 116, Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219.

[62 FR 9957, Mar. 5, 1997, as amended at 62 FR 35968, July 3, 1997; 63 FR 5891, Feb. 5, 1998; 65 FR 1065, Jan. 7, 2000]
§ 946.30 - State-Federal Cooperative Agreement.

This is a Cooperative Agreement (Agreement) between the Commonwealth of Virginia (State) acting by and through the Governor, and the United States Department of the Interior (Department), acting by and through the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary).

Article I: Introduction, Purpose, and Responsible Administrative Agency

A. Authority: This Agreement is authorized by section 523(c) of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA or the Act), 30 U.S.C. 1273(c), which provides that any State with a permanent regulatory program approved under 30 U.S.C. 1253 may enter into an agreement with the Secretary to assume the responsibilities of regulating surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Federal lands within that State. This Agreement provides for such regulation within the Commonwealth of Virginia (State) consistent with SMCRA, the Virginia State Program, and the Federal Lands Program (30 CFR Chapter VII, Subchapter D).

B. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to (1) foster State-Federal cooperation in the regulation of coal mining including coal exploration on Federal lands containing non-Federal coal; (2) minimize intergovernmental overlap and duplication; and (3) provide uniform and effective application of the Virginia State Program (State Program) on all Federal lands except those containing leased Federal coal. This agreement does not apply on Indian lands.

C. Responsible Administrative Agencies: The Division of Mined Land Reclamation (DMLR) of the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy is responsible for administering the Agreement on behalf of the Governor. The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is responsible for administering this Agreement on behalf of the Secretary. The Federal lands in Virginia covered by this Agreement are predominantly administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and include in part the Jefferson National Forest and the George Washington National Forest. It is understood by all parties that the Forest Service or the applicable Federal agency will continue to regulate mining operations on lands under its jurisdiction pursuant to the laws, regulations, agreements, and restrictions governing those lands. These requirements are in addition to the requirements discussed in this Agreement.

Article II: Effective Date

The Agreement shall take effect May 7, 1987. This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated as provided in Article XI.

Article III: Definitions

The terms and phrases used in this Agreement which are defined in the Act, 30 CFR Chapter VII, and the approved State Program shall be given the meanings set forth in said definitions. Where there is a conflict among the above referenced State and Federal definitions, the definitions used in the approved State Program will apply unless prohibited by Federal law.

The term “Federal lands covered by the agreement” means all Federal lands in Virginia except those lands containing leased Federal coal or those consisting of Federal surface over unleased Federal coal.

Article IV: Applicability

The laws, rules, terms, and conditions of the State Program are applicable to all Federal lands in Virginia. The State is authorized to conduct regulatory activities on all Federal lands with cooperative agreement.

Article V: Requirements for Cooperative Agreement

The Governor and the Secretary affirm that they will comply with all of the provisions of this Agreement and will continue to meet all the conditions and requirements specified in the Agreement.

A. Authority of State Agency: DMLR has and shall continue to have authority under State law to carry out this Agreement.

B. Funds: Upon application by the DMLR and subject to the availability of appropriations, the Department shall provide the State with the funds to defray the costs associated with carrying out responsibilities under this Agreement as provided by section 705(c) of the SMORA and 30 CFR part 735. If sufficient funds have not been appropriated to OSMRE, OSMRE and DMLR shall meet promptly to decide on measures that will insure that mining operations are regulated in accordance with the State Program. If agreement cannot be reached, then either party may terminate the Agreement in accordance with Article XI.

Funds provided to the State shall be adjusted in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-102, Attachment E.

C. Reports and Records: DMLR shall make annual reports to OSMRE pursuant to 30 CFR 745.12(d) on the results of the State's implementation and administration of this cooperative agreement. DMLR and OSMRE shall exchange, upon request, information developed under this Agreement except where prohibited by Federal law. OSMRE shall provide DMLR with a copy of any final evaluation report concerning State administration and enforcement of this Agreement.

D. Personnel: DMLR shall provide the necessary personnel to fully implement this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Federal and State Acts and the State Program.

E. Equipment and Laboratories: DMLR shall have access to equipment, laboratories, and facilities necessary to carry out inspections, investigations, studies, tests, and analyses necessary to implement this Agreement.

F. Permit Application Fees: The amount of the fee accompanying an application for a permit shall be determined in accordance with the Virginia Coal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1979 and 19 CV 45.1-235.(E). All permit fees, including fees for permits, permit revisions, renewals, transfers, sales or assignments, application fees, and civil penalties collected from operations on Federal lands covered by this agreement shall be retained by the State and deposited with the State Treasurer. The financial status report submitted pursuant to 30 CFR 735.26 shall include a report of the amount of the permit application and other fees collected and attributable to Federal lands during the prior Federal fiscal year. This amount shall be disposed of in accordance with Federal regulations and OMB Circular No. A-102 Attachment E.

Article VI: Review of Permit Application Package(s)

A. Permit Application Package: DMLR shall require an operator proposing to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Federal lands covered by this Agreement to submit the appropriate permit application package (PAP) for a permit, permit revision, or permit renewal in an appropriate number of copies to DMLR. DMLR will furnish OSMRE a copy if OSMRE so requests. The permit application package shall be in the form required by DMLR and include any supplemental information required by the Federal land management agency. The PAP shall include the information required by, or necessary for, DMLR to make a determination of compliance with the State program and, under 30 CFR 740.4(c)(2), with any conditions or special requirements imposed by the Federal land management agency.

As requested, OSMRE will assist DMLR in identifying Federal agencies which may be affected by the proposed mining operation.

B. Review Procedures: 1. DMLR shall assume primary responsibility for the analysis, review, and approval or disapproval of PAPs for a permit, permit revision, or permit renewal for operations on Federal lands covered by this agreement. DMLR shall also assume primary responsibility for the review and analysis of applications for transfer, assignment or sale of permit rights required by 30 CFR 740.13 for surface coal mining operations on Federal lands covered by this agreement. DMLR shall be the primary point of contact for operators regarding PAPs and applications for the transfer, sale, or assignment of permit rights and will be responsible for informing the applicant of all joint State-Federal or Federal determinations.

2. Upon receipt of PAP that involves surface coal mining and reclamation operations on lands covered by this Agreement, DMLR shall (a) transmit a copy of the complete PAP to the Federal land management agency with a request for review pursuant to 30 CFR 740.13(c)(4); (b) provide OSMRE with information necessary to allow OSMRE to determine whether or not a proposed surface coal mining and reclamation operation is prohibited or limited by the requirements of Section 522(e) of SMORA (30 U.S.C. 1272(e)) and 30 CFR part 761 and part 762; (c) determine whether leased Federal coal or Federal surface over unleased Federal coal is involved and immediately inform OSMRE in these situations; and (d) obtain, in a timely manner, the views and determinations of any other Federal agencies with jurisdiction or responsibility over Federal lands affected by a PAP in Virginia. These consultation comments shall be forwarded to OSMRE to be considered in any compatibility or valid existing rights determination;

3. OSMRE will provide technical assistance when requested, if available resources allow, and will process requests for determinations of compatibility and valid existing rights under 30 CFR part 761 and part 762. OSMRE will be responsible for ensuring that any information OSMRE receives from an applicant is promptly sent to DMLR. OSMRE shall have access to DMLR files concerning mines on Federal lands. The Secretary reserves the right to act independently of DMLR to carry out his responsibilities under laws other than SMORA. A copy of all correspondence with the applicant that may have a bearing on decisions regarding the PAP shall be sent to the State.

4. DMLR shall prepare the required technical analysis and written findings on the PAP. If requested by the Federal land management agency, a draft of these documents shall be sent to it for review and comment.

5. Any permit including permit revisions, renewals, transfers, sales, or assignments approved or issued by DMLR shall incorporate any terms or conditions imposed by OSMRE or the Federal land management agency, including conditions relating to post mining land use. After DMLR reaches a decision on a PAP, it shall send a notice to the applicant, the Federal land management agency, and OSMRE with a statement of all findings and conclusions on which the decision is based.

Article VII: Inspections

A. DMLR Authority: DMLR shall be the point of contact and primary inspection authority in dealing with the operator concerning operations on lands covered by this Agreement, except as described in this Agreement and the Secretary's regulations. DMLR must conduct inspections on Federal lands covered by this agreement and shall, within 30 days of conducting an inspection on Federal lands, prepare and file with OSMRE a legible copy of the State's completed inspection report. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent inspections by authorized Federal or State agencies.

B. DOI Authority: The Secretary reserves the right to conduct inspections without prior notice of DMLR to carry out his responsibilities under SMORA. For the purposes of evaluating the manner in which this Agreement is being carried out and to insure that performance and reclamation standards are being met, OSMRE may periodically conduct inspections of surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Federal lands. OSMRE will attempt to give DMLR notice of its intent to conduct inspections and encourage joint inspections. However, pursuant to 30 CFR part 842 or 30 CFR part 877, OSMRE may conduct an inspection without the State when responding to information that there exists any condition, practice, or violation which creates an imminent danger to the health or safety of the public or is causing or could reasonably be expected to cause a significant, imminent environmental harm to land, air, or water resources. If an inspection is make without DMLR inspectors, OSMRE shall provide DMLR with a copy of the inspection report within 15 days after inspection.

Article VIII: Enforcement

A. DMLR Enforcement: DMLR shall have primary enforcement authority on Federal lands covered by this Agreement in accordance with the State Program and this Agreement, and DMLR shall take appropriate enforcement action whenever necessary, including issuance of orders of cessation and notices of violation.

DMLR shall promptly notify the Federal land management agency of all violations of applicable laws, regulations, orders, and approved permits subject to this Agreement and of all actions taken with respect to such violations.

B. Secretary's Authority: (1) This Agreement does not affect or limit the Secretary's authority to enforce provisions of laws other than the SMORA. (2) During an inspection made solely by OSMRE or any joint inspection where DMLR and OSMRE fail to agree regarding the propriety of any particular enforcement action, OSMRE may take any enforcement action necessary to comply with 30 CFR parts 843 and 845 or with SMORA. Such enforcement action shall be based on the substantive standards included in the approved State Program and shall be taken using the procedures and penalty system contained in 30 CFR parts 843 and 845. (3) Nothing in this agreement shall preclude the Secretary from performing his responsibilities in Save Our Cumberland Mountains v. Hodel, No. 81-2238 (D.D.C.).

C. Witness Availability: Personnel of the State and Interior shall be mutually available to serve as witnesses in enforcement actions taken by either party.

Article IX: Bonds

A. DMLR shall require all operators on Federal lands covered by this Agreement to submit a performance bond, payable to both the United States and Virginia. The performance bond shall be of sufficient amount to comply with the bonding requirements of both SMORA and the State Program. Such bond shall provide that if this Cooperative Agreement is terminated, (1) the bond will revert to being payable only to the United States to the extent that Federal lands are involved, and (2) the bond will be delivered by DMLR to OSMRE if only Federal lands are covered by the bond. The DMLR shall also advise OSMRE of adjustment to the performance bond, pursuant to the Program.

B. Release of the performance bond shall be conditioned upon compliance with all applicable requirements. Prior to releasing the operator from any obligation under such bond, the DMLR shall obtain the concurrence of the Federal land management agency. Such bond shall be subject to forfeiture, with the concurrence of OSMRE, in accordance with the procedures and requirements of the State Program

Article X: Filing of Appeals

Orders and decisions issued by DMLR in accordance with the State Program that are appealable shall be appealed to the Commonwealth of Virginia in accordance with the State Program. Orders and decisions issued by the Department that are appealable shall be appealed to the Department of the Interior's Office of Hearings and Appeals.

Article XI: Termination of Cooperative Agreement

This Agreement may be terminated by the Governor or the Secretary under the provisions of 30 CFR 745.15.

Article XII: Reinstatement of Cooperative Agreement

If this Agreement has been terminated in whole or part, it may be reinstated under the provisions of 30 CFR 745.16.

Article XIII: Amendment of Cooperative Agreement

This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the Governor and the Secretary in accordance with 30 CFR 745.14.

Article XIV: Changes in State or Federal Standards

A. Notification of Changes: The Secretary or the State may from time to time promulgate new Federal or State regulations, including new or revised permitting or performance standards, or administrative and enforcement procedures. OSMRE and DMLR shall immediately inform each other of any final changes in their respective laws or regulations as provided in 30 CFR part 732. Each party shall, if it is determined to be necessary to keep this Agreement in force, change or revise its regulations and request necessary legislative action. Such changes shall be made under the procedures of 30 CFR part 732 for changes to the State Program and section 501 of the SMORA for changes to the Federal lands program.

B. Copies of Changes: The State and OSMRE shall provide each other with copies of any changes to their respective laws, rules, regulations, and standards pertaining to the administration and enforcement of this Agreement.

Article XV: Changes in Personnel and Organization

DMLR and the Secretary shall, consistent with 30 CFR part 745, advise each other of changes in the organization, structure, functions, duties, and funds of the offices, departments, divisions, and persons within their organizations which could affect administration and enforcement of this Agreement. Each shall promptly advise the other in writing of changes in key personnel, including the head of department or division, or changes in the functions or duties of persons occupying the principal offices within the structure of the program. DMLR and OSMRE shall advise each other in writing of changes in the location of offices, addresses, telephone numbers, and changes in the names, location, and telephone numbers of their respective mine inspectors and the area within the State for which such inspectors are responsible. This provision does not apply to Department of the Interior personnel performing activities under Save Our Cumberland Mountains v. Hodel referenced in Article VIII of this Agreement.

Article XVI: Reservation of Rights

In accordance with 30 CFR 745.13, this Agreement shall not be construed as waiving or preventing the assertion of any rights that have not been expressly addressed in this Agreement that the State or the Secretary may have under other laws or regulations, including but not limited to those listed in appendix A.


Dated: March 18, 1987.


Jerold L. Baliles, Governor of Virginia.

Dated: January 29, 1987.


Donald Paul Hodel, Secretary of the Interior.
(Reporting and recordkeeping requirements approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 1029-0013, 1029-0026, and 1029-0051) Appendix A

1. The Federal Land Policy and Management Act, 43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq., and implementing regulations.

2. The Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, 30 U.S.C. 181 et seq., and implementing regulations including 43 CFR parts 3480-3487.

3. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., and implementing regulations, including 40 CFR part 1500.

4. The Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., and implementing regulations, including 50 CFR part 402.

5. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq., and implementing regulations, including 36 CFR part 800.

6. The Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq., and implementing regulations.

7. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., and implementing regulations.

8. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq., and implementing regulations.

9. The Reservoir Salvage Act of 1960, amended by the Preservation of Historical and Archaeological Data Act of 1974, 16 U.S.C. 469 et seq.

10. Executive Order 1593 (May 13, 1971), Cultural Resources Inventories on Federal Lands.

11. Executive Order 11988 (May 24, 1977), for flood plain protection. Executive Order 11990 (May 24, 1977), for wetlands protection.

12. The Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands, 30 U.S.C. 351 et seq., and implementing regulations.

13. The Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, 16 U.S.C. 470aa et seq.

14. The Constitution of the United States.

15. The Constitution of the State and State Law.

[52 FR 11049, Apr. 7, 1987]
authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201
cite as: 30 CFR 946.25