Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Oct 03, 2024
§ 556.300 - What reports may BOEM and other Federal agencies prepare before a lease sale?

For an oil and gas lease sale in a Five Year program, and as the need arises for other mineral leasing pursuant to part 581 of this chapter, BOEM will prepare a report describing the general geology and potential mineral resources of the area under consideration. The Director may request other interested Federal agencies to prepare reports describing, to the extent known, any other valuable resources contained within the general area and the potential effect of mineral operations upon the resources or upon the total environment or other uses of the area.

§ 556.301 - What is a Call for Information and Nominations?

BOEM issues a Call for Information and Nominations (“Call”) on an area proposed for leasing in the Five Year program through publication in the Federal Register and other publications. A Call may include more than one proposed sale. Comments are requested from industry and the public on:

(a) Industry interest in the area proposed for leasing, including nominations or indications of interest in specific blocks within the area;

(b) Geological conditions, including bottom hazards;

(c) Archaeological sites on the seabed or near shore;

(d) Potential multiple uses of the proposed leasing area, including navigation, recreation, and fisheries;

(e) Areas that should receive special concern and analysis; and

(f) Other socioeconomic, biological, and environmental information.

§ 556.302 - What does BOEM do with the information from the Call?

(a) Based upon information and nominations received in response to the Call, and in consultation with appropriate Federal agencies, the Director will develop a recommendation of areas proposed for leasing for the Secretary for further consideration for leasing and/or environmental analysis.

(1) In developing the recommendation, the Director will consider available information concerning the environment, conflicts with other uses, resource potential, industry interest, and other relevant information, including comments received from State and local governments and other interested parties in response to the Call.

(2) The Director, on his/her own motion, may include in the recommendation areas in which interest has not been indicated in response to a Call. In making a recommendation, the Director will consider all available environmental information.

(3) Upon approval by the Secretary, the Director will announce the area identified in the Federal Register.

(b) BOEM will evaluate the area(s) identified for further consideration for the potential effects of leasing on the human, marine, and coastal environments, and may develop measures to mitigate adverse impacts, including lease stipulations, for the options to be analyzed. The Director may hold public hearings on the environmental analysis after an appropriate notice.

(c) BOEM will seek to inform the public, as soon as possible, of changes from the area(s) proposed for leasing that occur after the Call process.

(d) Upon request, the Director will provide relative indications of interest in areas, as well as any comments filed in response to a Call for a proposed sale. However, no information transmitted will identify any particular area with the name of any particular party so as not to compromise the competitive position of any participants in the process of indicating interest.

(e) For supplemental sales provided for by § 556.308, the Director's recommendation will be replaced by a statement describing the results of the Director's consideration of the factors specified above in this section.

§ 556.303 - What does BOEM do if an area proposed for leasing is within three nautical miles of the seaward boundary of a coastal State?

For an area proposed for leasing that is within three nautical miles of the seaward boundary of a coastal State, as governed by section 8(g)(1) of OCSLA (43 U.S.C. 1337(g)(1)):

(a) BOEM provides the governor of the coastal State, subject to the confidentiality requirements in this chapter:

(1) A schedule for leasing; and

(2) An estimate of the potential oil and gas resources.

(b) At the request of the governor of a coastal State, BOEM will provide to that governor, subject to the confidentiality requirements in this chapter:

(1) Information concerning geographical, geological, and ecological characteristics; and

(2) An identification of any field, geological structure, or trap, or portion thereof, that lies within three nautical miles of the State's boundary.

§ 556.304 - How is a proposed notice of sale prepared?

(a) The Director will, in consultation with appropriate Federal agencies, develop measures, including lease stipulations and conditions, to mitigate adverse impacts on the environment, which will be contained, or referenced, in the proposed notice of sale.

(b) A proposed notice of sale will be submitted to the Secretary for approval. All comments and recommendations received and the Director's findings or actions thereon, will also be forwarded to the Secretary.

(c) Upon approval by the Secretary, BOEM will send a proposed notice of sale to the governors of affected States and publish the notice of its availability in the Federal Register. The proposed notice of sale references or provides a link to the lease form, and contains a description of the area proposed for leasing, the proposed lease terms and conditions of sale, and proposed stipulations to mitigate potential adverse impacts on the environment.

§ 556.305 - How does BOEM coordinate and consult with States regarding a proposed notice of sale?

(a) Within 60 days after receiving the proposed notice of sale, governors of affected States may submit comments and recommendations to BOEM regarding the size, timing, and location of the proposed sale. Local governments may comment to BOEM directly, but must also send their comments to the governor of their State.

(b) BOEM will provide a consistency determination under the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) (16 U.S.C. 1456) to each State with an approved coastal zone management program that will determine whether the proposed sale is consistent, to the maximum extent practicable, with the enforceable policies of the State's approved coastal zone management program.

§ 556.306 - What if a potentially oil- or gas-bearing area underlies both the OCS and lands subject to State jurisdiction?

(a) Whenever the Director or the governor of a coastal State determines that a common potentially hydrocarbon-bearing area may underlie the Federal OCS and State submerged lands, the Director or the governor will notify the other party in writing of the determination.

(b) Thereafter the Director will provide to the governor of the coastal State, subject to the confidentiality requirements in this chapter:

(1) An identification of the areas proposed for leasing and a schedule for, leasing; and

(2) An estimate of the oil and gas resources.

(c) At the request of the governor of the coastal State, the Director will provide to such governor, subject to the confidentiality requirements in this chapter:

(1) All geographical, geological, and ecological characteristics of the areas proposed for leasing; and

(2) An identification of any field, geological structure, or trap that lies within 3 miles of the State's seaward boundary.

(d) If BOEM intends to lease such blocks or tracts, the Director and the governor of the coastal State may enter into an agreement for the equitable disposition of the revenues from production of any common potentially hydrocarbon-bearing area, pursuant to OCSLA section 8(g)(3) (43 U.S.C. 1337(g)(3)). Any revenues received by the United States under such an agreement are subject to the requirements of OSCLA section 8(g)(2) (43 U.S.C. 1337(g)(2)).

(e) If the Director and the governor do not enter into an agreement under paragraph (d) of this section within 90 days, BOEM may nevertheless proceed with the leasing of the tracts, in which case all revenues will be deposited in a separate account in the Treasury of the United States, pending disposition of 27% (twenty-seven percent) of the revenues to the relevant coastal state(s), pursuant to the requirements of OCSLA section 8(g)(2). (43 U.S.C. 1337(g)(2)).

§ 556.307 - What does BOEM do with comments and recommendations received on the proposed notice of sale?

(a) BOEM will consider all comments and recommendations received in response to the proposed notice of sale.

(b) If the Secretary determines, after providing opportunity for consultation, that a governor's comments, and those of any affected local government, provide a reasonable balance between the national interest and the well-being of the citizens of the State, the Secretary will accept the recommendations of a State and/or local government(s). Any such determination of the national interest will be based on the findings, purposes and policies of the Act set forth in 43 U.S.C. 1332 and 43 U.S.C. 1801.

(c) BOEM will send to each governor written reasons for its determination to accept or reject each governor's recommendation, and/or to implement any alternative means to provide for a reasonable balance between the national interest and the interests of the citizens of the State.

§ 556.308 -

(a) BOEM publishes a final notice of sale in the Federal Register and in other publications, as appropriate, at least 30 days before the date of the sale. The final notice:

(1) States the place, time, and method for filing bids and the place, date, and hour for opening bids; and

(2) Contains or references a description of the areas offered for lease, the lease terms and conditions of sale, and stipulations to mitigate potential adverse impacts on the environment.

(b) Oil and gas tracts are offered for lease by competitive sealed bid in accordance with the terms and conditions in the final notice of sale and applicable laws and regulations.

(c) Unless BOEM finds that a larger area is necessary for reasonable economic production, no individual tract for oil and gas leasing will exceed 5,760 acres in area. If BOEM finds that an area larger than 5,760 acres is necessary in any particular area, the size of any such tract will be specified in the final notice of sale.

(d) The final notice of sale references, or provides a link to, the OCS lease form which will be issued to successful bidders.

§ 556.309 - Does BOEM offer blocks in a sale that is not on the Five Year program schedule (called a Supplemental Sale)?

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, BOEM may offer a block within a planning area included in the Five Year program in an otherwise unscheduled sale, if the block:

(1) Received a bid that was rejected in an earlier sale;

(2) Had a high bid that was forfeited in a scheduled sale; or

(3) Is a development block subject to drainage.

(b) For an unscheduled sale, BOEM may disclose the classification of the block as a development block.

(c) Blocks in the Central or Western Gulf of Mexico Planning Areas cannot be offered in a sale that is not on the schedule.

source: 81 FR 18152, Mar. 30, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 556.304