Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Oct 03, 2024
§ 556.500 - Once qualified, how do I submit a bid?

(a) You must submit a separate sealed bid for each tract or bidding unit to the address provided and by the time specified in the final notice of sale. You may not bid on less than an entire tract or bidding unit.

(b) BOEM requires a deposit for each bid. The final notice of sale will specify the amount and method of payment.

(c) Unless otherwise specified in the final notice of sale, the bid deposit amount will be 20 percent of the amount of the bid for any given tract or bidding unit.

(d) You may not submit a bid on an OCS tract if, after notice and hearing under section 8(d) of OCSLA (43 U.S.C. 1337(d)), the Secretary finds that you are not meeting the diligence requirements on any OCS lease.

(e) If the authorized officer within BOEM rejects your high bid, the decision is final for the Department, subject only to reconsideration upon your written request as set out in § 556.517.

§ 556.501 - What information do I need to submit with my bid?

In accordance with OCSLA section 18(a)(4) (43 U.S.C. 1344(a)(4)), BOEM must evaluate every bid to ensure that the federal government receives fair market value for every lease. Section 26(a)(1)(A) of OCSLA (43 U.S.C. 1352(a)(1)(A)) provides that, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, any lessee or permittee conducting any exploration for, or development or production of, oil or gas must provide the Secretary access to all data and information (including processed, analyzed, and interpreted information) obtained from that activity and must provide copies of that data and information as the Secretary may request.

(a) As part of the lease sale process, every bidder submitting a bid on a tract, or participating as a joint bidder in such a bid, may at the time of bid be required to submit various information, including a Geophysical Data and Information Statement (GDIS) corresponding to that tract, as well as the bidder's exclusive/proprietary geophysical data in order for BOEM to properly evaluate the bid. If a GDIS required, each GDIS must include, as required by § 551.12(b) and (c) of this chapter:

(1) A list of geophysical surveys or other information used as part of the decision to bid or participate in a bid on the block.

(2) An accurate and complete record of each geophysical survey conducted, including digital navigational data and final location maps. The bidder and any joint bidder must include a map for each survey identified in the GDIS that illustrates the actual areal extent of the proprietary geophysical data.

(b) If a bidder is required to submit a GDIS, the GDIS must be submitted even if the bidder did not rely on proprietary geophysical data and information in deciding to bid or participate as a joint bidder in the bid for any particular block, and must include entries for all such blocks.

(c) The bidder must submit each GDIS in a separate and sealed envelope, or in an electronically readable spreadsheet format, with proprietary seismic data maps also available in an electronic format. Each bidder must submit the GDIS even if its joint bidder or bidders on a specific block also have submitted a GDIS.

(d) If BOEM requires additional information related to bidding, it will describe the additional information requirements in the final notice of sale.

(e) BOEM will reimburse bidders for the costs of complying with the requirements of this section, in accordance with § 550.196 (on lease) and/or § 551.13 (off lease) of this chapter.

(f) Bids that are not made in compliance with this section will be considered incomplete and invalid.

§ 556.511 - Are there restrictions on bidding with others and do those restrictions affect my ability to bid?

The Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, 42 U.S.C. 6213,prohibits. BOEM implements 42 U.S.C. 6213 as follows:

(a) BOEM publishes twice yearly in the Federal Register a restricted joint bidders list. A person appearing on this list is limited in its ability to submit a joint bid. The list:

(1) Consists of the persons chargeable with an average worldwide daily production in excess of 1.6 million barrels of crude oil and/or its equivalent in natural gas liquids and natural gas for the prior production period; and

(2) Is based upon the statement of production that filed as required by § 556.513.

(b) If BOEM places you on the restricted joint bidders list, BOEM will send you a copy of the order placing you on the list. You may appeal this order to the Interior Board of Land Appeals under 30 CFR part 590, subpart A.

(c) If you are listed in the Federal Register in any group of restricted bidders, you may not bid:

(1) Jointly with another person in any other group of restricted bidders for the applicable 6-month bidding period; or

(2) Separately during the 6-month bidding period if you have an agreement with another restricted bidder that will result in joint ownership in an OCS lease.

(d) If you are listed in the Federal Register in any group of restricted bidders, you may not make any pre-bidding agreement for the conveyance of any potential lease interest, whether by assignment, sale, transfer, or other means, to any person on the list of restricted joint bidders.

(e) Even if you are not listed in the Federal Register in any group of restricted bidders, you are prohibited from making any pre-bidding agreement for the assignment, sale, transfer, or other conveyance of any potential lease interest to two or more persons in different groups on the list of restricted joint bidders.

(f) As a bidder, you are prohibited from unlawful combination with, or intimidation of, bidders under 18 U.S.C. 1860.

§ 556.512 - What bids may be disqualified?

The following bids for any oil and gas lease will be disqualified and rejected in their entirety:

(a) A joint bid submitted by two or more persons who are on the effective List of Restricted Joint Bidders; or

(b) A joint bid submitted by two or more persons when:

(1) One or more of those persons is chargeable for the prior production period with an average daily production in excess of 1.6 million barrels of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids and has not filed a Statement of Production, as required by § 556.513 of this part for the applicable 6-month bidding period, or

(2) Any of those persons have failed or refused to file a detailed report of production when required to do so under § 556.513, or

(c) A single or joint bid submitted pursuant to an agreement (whether written or oral, formal or informal, entered into or arranged prior to or simultaneously with the submission of such single or joint bid, or prior to or simultaneously with the award of the bid upon the tract) that provides:

(1) For the assignment, transfer, sale, or other conveyance of less than a 100 percent interest in the entire tract on which the bid is submitted, by a person or persons on the List of Restricted Joint Bidders, effective on the date of submission of the bid, to another person or persons on the same List of Restricted Joint Bidders; or

(2) For the assignment, sale, transfer or other conveyance of less than a 100 percent interest in any fractional interest in the entire tract (which fractional interest was originally acquired by the person making the assignment, sale, transfer or other conveyance, under the provisions of the act) by a person or persons on the List of Restricted Joint Bidders, effective on the date of submission of the bid, to another person or persons on the same List of Restricted Joint Bidders; or

(3) For the assignment, sale, transfer, or other conveyance of any interest in a tract by a person or persons not on the List of Restricted Joint Bidders, effective on the date of submission of the bid, to two or more persons on the same List of Restricted Joint Bidders; or

(4) For any of the types of conveyances described in paragraphs (c)(1), (2), or (3) of this section where any party to the conveyance is chargeable for the prior production period with an average daily production in excess of 1.6 million barrels of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids and has not filed a Statement of Production pursuant to § 556.513 for the applicable six-month bidding period. Assignments expressly required by law, regulation, lease or lease stipulation will not disqualify an otherwise qualified bid; or

(d) A bid submitted by or in conjunction with a person who has filed a false, fraudulent or otherwise intentionally false or misleading detailed Report of Production.

§ 556.513 - When must I file a statement of production?

(a) You must file a statement of production if your average worldwide daily production exceeded 1.6 million barrels for the prior production period, as determined using the method set forth in § 556.514. Your statement of production must specify that you were chargeable with an average daily production in excess of 1.6 million barrels for the prior production period.

(b) The prior production periods are as follows:

For the bidding period of The prior production period is the
(1) May through OctoberJuly through December.
(2) November through AprilJanuary through June.

(c) You must file the statement of production by the following deadlines:

For the bidding period of You must file the statement by
(1) May through OctoberMarch 17.
(2) November through AprilSeptember 17.

(d) If you are required to file a statement of production, BOEM may require you to submit a detailed report of production.

(1) The detailed report of production must list crude oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas produced worldwide from reservoirs during the prior production period, and therefore chargeable to the prior production period.

(i) The amount of crude oil chargeable to the prior production period will be established by measurement of volumes delivered at the point of custody transfer (e.g., from storage tanks to pipelines, trucks, tankers, or other media for transport to refineries or terminals), with adjustments for net differences between opening and closing inventories, and basic sediment and water.

(ii) The amount of natural gas liquids chargeable to the prior production period must include gas liquefied at surface separators, field facilities, or gas processing plants.

(iii) The amount of natural gas chargeable to the prior production period must include adjustments, where applicable, to reflect the volume of gas returned to natural reservoirs, and the reduction of volume resulting from the removal of natural gas liquids and non-hydrocarbon gases.

(2) You must submit the detailed report of production within 30 days after receiving BOEM's request.

(3) BOEM may inspect and copy any document, record of production, analysis, and other material to verify the accuracy of any earlier statement of production.

(e) If you submit a statement of production that misrepresents your chargeable production, the Department may cancel any lease awarded in reliance upon the statement.

§ 556.514 - How do I determine my production for purposes of the restricted joint bidders list?

(a) To determine the amount of production chargeable to you, add together:

(1) Your average daily production in barrels of crude oil, natural gas liquids, and natural gas worldwide, all measured at 60 °F, using the equivalency or conversion factors for natural gas liquids and natural gas set out in 42 U.S.C. 6213(b)(2) and (3); and

(2) Your proportionate share of the average daily production owned by any person that has an interest in you and/or in which you have an interest.

(b) For the purpose of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, your production includes 100 percent of production owned by:

(1) You;

(2) Every subsidiary of yours;

(3) Every person of which you are a subsidiary; and

(4) Every subsidiary of any person of which you are a subsidiary.

(c) For purposes of paragraph (a)(2) of this section, interest means at least a five percent ownership or control of you or the reporting person and includes any interest:

(1) From ownership of securities or other evidence of ownership; or,

(2) By participation in any contract, agreement, or understanding regarding control of the person or their production of crude oil, natural gas liquids, or natural gas.

(d) For purposes of this section, subsidiary means a person, 50 percent or more of whose stock or other interest having power to vote for the election of a controlling body, such as directors or trustees, is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by another person.

(e) For purposes of this section, production chargeable to you includes, but is not limited to, production obtained as a result of a production payment or a working, net profit, royalty, overriding royalty, or carried interest.

(f) For purposes of this section, production must be measured with appropriate adjustments for:

(1) Basic sediment and water;

(2) Removal of natural gas liquids and non-hydrocarbon gases; and

(3) Volume of gas returned to natural reservoirs.

§ 556.515 - May a person be exempted from joint bidding restrictions?

BOEM may exempt you from some or all of the reporting requirements listed in § 556.513, and/or some or all of the joint bidding restrictions listed in §§ 556.511 and/or 556.512(a), (b), and/or (c), if, after opportunity for a hearing, BOEM determines that the extremely high costs in an area will preclude exploration and development without an exemption.

§ 556.516 - What does BOEM do with my bid?

(a) BOEM opens the sealed bids at the place, date, and hour specified in the final notice of sale for the sole purpose of publicly announcing and recording the bids. BOEM does not accept or reject any bids at that time.

(b) BOEM reserves the right to reject any and all bids received, regardless of the amount offered. BOEM accepts or rejects all bids within 90 days of opening. BOEM reserves the right to extend that time if necessary, and in that event, BOEM will notify bidder(s) in writing prior to the expiration of the initial 90-day period, or of any extension. Any bid not accepted within the prescribed 90-day period, or any extension thereof, will be deemed rejected. If your bid is rejected, BOEM will refund any money deposited with your bid, plus any interest accrued.

(c) If the highest bids are a tie, BOEM will notify the bidders who submitted the tie bids. Within 15 days after notification, those bidders, if qualified, and not otherwise prohibited from bidding together, may:

(1) Agree to accept the lease jointly. The bidders must notify BOEM of their decision and submit a copy of their agreement to accept the lease jointly.

(2) Agree between/among themselves which bidder will accept the lease. The bidders must notify BOEM of their decision.

(d) If no agreement is submitted pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section, BOEM will reject all the tie bids.

(e) The Attorney General, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, has 30 days to review the results of the lease sale before BOEM may accept the bid(s) and issue the lease(s).

§ 556.517 - What may I do if my high bid is rejected?

(a) The decision of the authorized officer on bids is the final action of the Department, subject only to reconsideration of the rejection of the high bid by the Director, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Within 15 days of bid rejection, you may file a written request for reconsideration with the Director, with a copy to the authorized officer. Such request must provide evidence as to why the Director should reconsider your bid. You will receive a written response either affirming or reversing the rejection of your bid.

(c) The Director's decision on the request for reconsideration is not subject to appeal to the Interior Board of Land Appeals in the Department's Office of Hearings and Appeals.

§ 556.520 - What happens if I am the successful high bidder and BOEM accepts my bid?

(a) If BOEM accepts your bid, BOEM will provide you with the appropriate number of copies of the lease for you to execute and return to BOEM. Within 11 business days after you receive the lease copies, you must:

(1) Execute all copies of the lease;

(2) Pay the first year's rental;

(3) Pay the balance of the bonus bid, unless deferred under paragraph (b) below;

(4) Comply with subpart I of this part; and,

(5) Return all copies of the executed lease, including any required bond or other form of security approved by the Regional Director, to BOEM.

(b) If provided for in the final notice of sale, BOEM may defer any part of the bonus and bid payment for up to five years after the sale according to a schedule included in the final notice of sale. You must provide a bond acceptable to BOEM to guarantee payment of a deferred bonus bid.

(c) If you do not make the required payments and execute and return all copies of the lease and any required bond within 11 business days after receipt, or if you otherwise fail to comply with applicable regulations, your deposit will be forfeited. However, BOEM will return any deposit with interest if the tract is withdrawn from leasing before you execute the lease.

(d) If you use an agent to execute the lease, you must include evidence with the executed copies of the lease that a person who is on the list of persons referenced in § 556.402(c)(3) authorized the agent to act for you.

(e) After you comply with all requirements in this section, and after BOEM has executed the lease, BOEM will send you a fully executed lease.

§ 556.521 - When is my lease effective?

Your lease is effective on the first day of the month following the date that BOEM executes the lease. You may request in writing, before BOEM executes the lease, that your lease be effective as of the first day of the month in which BOEM executes the lease. If BOEM agrees to make the lease effective as of the earlier date, BOEM will so indicate when it executes the lease.

§ 556.522 - What are the terms and conditions of the lease and when are they published?

The terms and conditions of the lease will be stated in the final notice of sale and contained in the lease instrument itself. Oil and gas leases and leases for sulfur will be issued on forms approved by the Director.

source: 81 FR 18152, Mar. 30, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 30 CFR 556.516